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Anatoly Borisovich Chubais biography. Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is proud of his nationality and origin. What does Chubais do?

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich Chubais Anatoly Borisovich

(b. 1955), statesman and politician. In 1977-82 at scientific work at the Leningrad Engineering and Economics Institute. In 1990-91, deputy chairman, 1st deputy chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee. Since June 1992, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, at the same time, in November 1991 - November 1994, Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. 1st Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in November 1994 - January 1996 and 1997-98. In 1996-97, head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. Since 1998, Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia.

CHUBAIS Anatoly Borisovich

CHUBAIS Anatoly Borisovich (b. June 16, 1955, Borisov (cm. BORISOV (city)), Minsk Region (cm. MINSK REGION)) - Russian statesman and political figure, economist, one of the ideologists and leaders of liberal reforms in Russia in the early 1990s, first deputy chairman of the Russian government (1992-1996, 1997-1998), head of the Russian presidential administration (1996-1997), Deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation (1993-1995), Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia (1998-2008), General Director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation (since 2008).
Anatoly Chubais was born in a Jewish (cm. JEWS) family. His father Boris Matveyevich Chubais (1918-2000) was a military serviceman, retired with the rank of colonel, and later taught scientific communism at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Mother - Raisa Khaimovna Sagal (b. 1918). Anatoly's brother - Igor Borisovich Chubais - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. After graduating from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute (LIEI) in 1977, Anatoly Chubais worked as an engineer and assistant at the department at the same institute; in 1980 he joined the CPSU, and from 1982 he taught at LIEI. In 1983, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”
In 1984-1987, Anatoly Chubais was one of the leaders of the circle of young economists - LIEI graduates. Over time, the circle united graduates of many universities, including Moscow. P.O. took part in its activities at different times. Aven, S.Yu. Glazyev, A.V. Ulyukaev. In 1987 A.B. Chubais took part in the founding of the Leningrad club “Perestroika”. In 1990, he was appointed deputy and then first deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. After the election of A.A. Sobchak (cm. SOBCHAK Anatoly Alexandrovich) mayor of Leningrad (cm. LENINGRAD) Anatoly Chubais became his economic adviser.
November 15, 1991 A.B. Chubais was appointed chairman of the State Committee for State Property Management with the rank of Minister of the RSFSR. In this position, he led the development of the privatization program (cm. PRIVATIZATION), carried out the preparation and implementation of a system of personalized privatization checks (vouchers). On June 1, 1992, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation for economic and financial policy. The main methods of privatization of state property were: corporatization of enterprises, auction sales of them at the first stage for vouchers, and at the next stage for money. At the voucher stage, significant benefits were provided to employees of privatized enterprises. After in December 1992 E.T. Gaidar was forced to resign as head of government, Chubais retained his post in the cabinet of V.S. Chernomyrdin.
In June 1993, A.B. Chubais took part in the creation of the “Choice of Russia” electoral bloc. On December 12, 1993, he was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation (cm. STATE DUMA of the first convocation) from the electoral association “Choice of Russia”. The State Duma of the first convocation was of a transitional nature, so Anatoly Chubais could combine deputy activity with a post in the government. On July 1, 1994, the voucher stage of privatization ended, and its next stage began - the sale of state property for money. The privatization program was criticized by the Supreme Council of Russia, and regional leaders (especially Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov) sought to change the rules of privatization in favor of local administrations. In the summer of 1994, B.N. Yeltsin intervened in the dispute between Chubais and Luzhkov, supporting the Moscow mayor and instructing Chubais not to deal with Moscow. The principles and methods of privatization were also criticized by liberal economists (L.I. Piyasheva, A.I. Strelyany) for the fact that it did not provide conditions for the creation of small and medium-sized owners. However, the main goal of the privatization program - denationalization of property while maintaining relative social peace - was achieved.
In November 1994, after the reorganization of the government of A.B. Chubais, retaining the post of First Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Policy, left the leadership of the State Property Committee. At the same time, he headed the government's Federal Securities and Stock Market Commission. A.B. At the end of 1994, Chubais supported the Minister of Economy E.Ya. Yasina (cm. YASIN Evgeniy Grigorievich), who advocated the abolition of quotas and licenses for the export of oil and the introduction instead of a single export duty for all. In 1995, Chubais managed to defend the loans-for-shares auction scheme, which seemed to him the only possible way to replenish the budget, give a real start to cash privatization and continue the policy of financial stabilization. After the loans-for-shares auction, the bank had to provide the government with a loan secured by state shares of a particular enterprise. Later, if the government did not repay the loan, the pledged shares could be sold at a competition or become the property of creditors. As a result of the loans-for-shares auctions, the privatization task for 1995 was completed, the budget received a billion dollars, which contributed to financial stabilization. Loans-for-shares auctions became the launching pad for the formation of the Russian oligarchy. From April 1995 to February 1996, Anatoly Chubais was a manager for Russia in international financial organizations: the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
In January 1996, A.B. Chubais was relieved of government positions. By that time, he was already a rather odious figure, with whom a significant part of the population associated the deterioration of their position during economic reforms. The presidential elections were approaching, and B.N. Yeltsin (cm. YELTSIN Boris Nikolaevich) believed that Chubais’s resignation would give him more votes. The election campaign that has begun has shown a catastrophically low level of public confidence in the president. Victory of communist leader G.A. Zyuganov's race for the presidency of Russia seemed a foregone conclusion. Head of Yeltsin's election headquarters O.N. Soskovets together with the head of the presidential security A.V. Korzhakov and FSB Director M.I. Barsukov developed a plan to introduce a state of emergency in Russia and cancel the presidential elections. However, such a development of events threatened to lead the country to a social explosion, destroying the foundations of democracy and the supremacy of the constitutional rights of citizens.
In this situation, diverse political forces, including those associated with oligarchic clans, were vitally interested in Yeltsin’s victory in the presidential elections through democratic means, winning a majority of votes. In the spring of 1996, A.B. Chubais actually headed Yeltsin's election headquarters. Relying on the financial support of the oligarchs, he managed to launch an unprecedented campaign campaign under the slogan “Vote or lose.” One of the main tasks was to attract young people, who were generally critical of the communist past, to the polls. The main means of influencing minds were television and traveling show performances with the participation of pop stars. Yeltsin himself actively participated in the election campaign; despite serious heart problems, he made several trips around the country and personally met with voters.
In the first round of elections held on June 16, 1996, the majority of votes were cast for B. Yeltsin, G. Zyuganov and A. Lebed. Despite the fact that Yeltsin collected the most votes, it is likely that the communist candidate G.A. will win in the second round. Zyuganov (cm. ZYUGANOV Gennady Andreevich) was very big. To prevent this, Chubais organized negotiations with Alexander Lebed, who did not make it to the second round of voting, in order to win him over to the side of the president. Having received the posts of Secretary of the Security Council and Assistant to the President for National Security, A.I. Lebed agreed to encourage his supporters, and he achieved the support of about 15% of voters, to vote for B.N. in the second round. Yeltsin. After this, Yeltsin's election to a second presidential term was virtually guaranteed.
The growth of Chubais's authority and political weight worried the presidential favorite A.V. Korzhakova (cm. KORZHAKOV Alexander Vasilievich). On the evening of June 19, 1996, on his initiative, members of Yeltsin’s election headquarters Arkady Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky were detained while trying to take a box with 500 thousand dollars in cash from the Government House. A.B. Chubais immediately met with B.N. Yeltsin and convinced him that this arrest was a Korzhakov provocation aimed at discrediting Chubais and his team and disrupting the second round of elections. As a result, the head of the Presidential Security Service A.V. Korzhakov, Director of the Federal Security Service M.I. Barsukov and First Deputy Prime Minister O.N. Soskovets were dismissed. In the second round of elections held on July 3, B.N. won. Yeltsin, for whom 53.8% of voters voted, or about 37% of the total list of eligible Russians to vote.
After the victory of B.N. Yeltsin in the elections of July 3, 1996 A.B. Chubais took the post of head of the presidential administration (July 15); in October 1996, he was approved as first deputy chairman of the Temporary Emergency Commission under the President to strengthen tax and budget discipline. In 1996, Chubais was awarded the rank of Actual State Advisor, First Class. His appointment to the post of head of the presidential administration was due to the poor health of B.N. Yeltsin, who practically could not engage in government affairs. The President was preparing for a serious heart operation, the outcome of which could have been tragic. In this situation, Chubais had to ensure the transfer of presidential power to the Chairman of the Government V.S. Chernomyrdin (cm. CHERNOMYRDIN Viktor Stepanovich) and prevent the interception of power by A.I. Swan. October 15 A.I. Lebed was removed from all government posts, and on November 5 B.N. Yeltsin successfully underwent heart surgery.
At the request of V.S. Chernomyrdin in March 1997, Anatoly Chubais was returned to work in the government, where he again took up the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government and at the same time Minister of Finance. During this period, Chubais's influence on the course of government affairs reached its apogee. However, the conflict with the oligarchic group of Berezovsky-Gusinsky led to a new round of struggle in the highest echelons of power. In the summer-autumn of 1997, a scandal erupted regarding the receipt of A.B. Chubais and his co-authors for an unreasonably high fee for the manuscript of a book devoted to privatization issues. November 20, 1997 A.B. Chubais was relieved of his post as Minister of Finance, but continued to remain First Deputy Chairman of the Government until March 1998, when he was dismissed along with the entire cabinet of V.S. Chernomyrdin.
In April 1998, A.B. Chubais was elected to the board of directors of the Russian joint-stock company "Unified Energy System" (RAO UES) and became chairman of the board of RAO UES. In June-August 1998, he served as special representative of the President of the Russian Federation (cm. President of Russian Federation) for relations with international financial organizations with the rank of Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government. He managed to obtain an urgent loan from the International Monetary Fund to maintain the exchange rate of the Russian ruble, but failed to avoid default in August 1998. Subsequently, the activities of A.B. Chubais developed in two directions: as the head of the Russian energy sector and the leader of the right-wing liberal political forces in Russia.
A.B. Chubais initiated and developed the concept of restructuring RAO UES. The reform provided for the withdrawal from the holding structure (cm. HOLDING) power plants, transmission lines, electricity sales organizations and the sale of most of their shares to private investors. These measures made it possible to obtain funds for the modernization of the Russian electricity sector. In May 2000, A.B. Chubais was elected co-chairman of the coordination council of the organizing committee of the Union of Right Forces (SPS), and in June 2001, at the founding congress of the SPS party, he was elected co-chairman of the party and a member of its federal political council.
Occupying the post of head of RAO UES, A.B. Chubais consistently acted in the interests of the company and contributed to the commissioning of new energy capacities. In 2003, he managed to defend the results of the privatization of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station in a dispute with the leadership of Khakassia (cm. KHAKASIA), in November of the same year the second hydraulic unit of the Bureyskaya hydroelectric station was put into operation, and in December 2004 the construction of the Sochi CHPP was completed. After the unsuccessful elections to the State Duma of the fourth convocation in December 2003 for the Union of Right Forces, A.B. Chubais resigned from his post as co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces, but joined its political council.
The assassination attempt on A.B. received great public attention. Chubais in March 2005. On the route of the motorcade of the head of RAO UES, an explosive device went off and the motorcade's vehicles were fired upon. A group of former special forces paratroopers led by Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov was accused of the attack. In 2008, the court found this charge unproven, but the case was sent for a new trial. By July 1, 2008, the reform of the Russian energy sector was completed. RAO UES ceased to exist, its subsidiaries began to function independently. Private investors began to manage generating assets. In September 2008, A.B. Chubais was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation.

In order to fully learn about the personality of the outstanding Russian politician Anatoly Chubais, you need to look into the past. Anatoly was born in Belarus, in a military family, and was raised under conditions of strict discipline from childhood.

The biography of any person begins with his family and his parents. Father Boris Matveevich was a colonel and also a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Already in retirement, he worked as a philosophy teacher at the institute. Mom Raisa Khamovna devoted herself entirely to raising her children and creating comfort in the family, despite the fact that she had an excellent education and could become an outstanding economist. Anatoly is half-Jewish by nationality, since his mother, Raisa Khamovna, is Jewish. Anatoly Chubais has an older brother, he is a scientist - Doctor of Philosophy. In the family of the future, the politician was often discussed, including on political topics. This played a big role in determining the choice of future profession, but in general the politician always said that he was proud of both his origin and his nationality.

At the Odessa school, Anatoly’s priority was the exact sciences; they were not only easy for him, he was even often able to contribute something new. At one time the family moved and settled in Lvov, but by the end of the fifth grade, young Anatoly settled in Leningrad. It is not surprising that the school the guy attended was military-political, with strict discipline and an impeccable educational process.

In one of the interviews, the politician admitted that he did not like school.

After graduating from school, young Chubais entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and graduated with honors. Painstaking educational and political activity began within the walls of the institution. Soon he successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation.

His career began at the beginning of 1984, when, together with graduates of economic universities, the young Chubais created a circle of “young economists.” Three years later, on the initiative of Anatoly Chubais, the Perestroika club was created. The main idea of ​​the club is to promote democracy.

Already in 1991, Anatoly Chubais became the chief adviser on economic development in the mayor's office of the city of Leningrad. Possessing a brilliant analytical mind, he moves upward with lightning speed. And already in November of the same year he was offered the post of chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management.

Soon, on June 1, 1992, Chubais was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government.

From November 1994 to January 1996, Chubais served as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Policy in the Russian government. Thanks to liberalizing reforms introduced in 1995, the Russian government finally achieved financial stability. By the end of 1995, the average annual inflation rate had dropped from 18% to 3%.

From April 1995 to February 1996, Chubais also represented Russia in two international financial institutions - the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

After resigning as deputy prime minister in January 1996, Chubais agreed to manage Boris Yeltsin's presidential re-election campaign. By this time, according to opinion polls, Yeltsin's approval rating had fallen to about 3%. Chubais established the Civil Society Foundation, as well as the Yeltsin Campaign analytical group, which became part of the Foundation. The group helped Yeltsin regain popularity and win re-election in the second round of polls on July 3, 1994, capturing 53.82% of the popular vote.

Anatoly Chubais is a Russian politician and businessman who was responsible for privatization in Russia as an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration in the early 1990s. During this period he was a key figure in the introduction of a market economy and the principles of private property in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

As for his personal life, Anatoly Chubais is married and has a son and daughter from his first marriage.

Anatoly Chubais is a well-known political figure, general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Having managed to gain during his stay at the heights of power, he was able to acquire a rather controversial reputation. Many people want to know the real name and nationality of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. This and other aspects of his biography can be found in this article.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Chubais was born on June 16, 1955, in the city of Borisov, which was then located in the Belarusian USSR. His parents were far from politics - his father was a candidate of philosophical sciences, and was previously a colonel. The second son followed the beaten path and became a philosopher. Anatoly Borisovich Chubais’s mother, Raisa, real name Segal, worked as an economist and was Jewish by nationality. His mother’s passion for economics and the heated debates between his father and brother about politics had a great influence on Anatoly Chubais’s worldview and his professional orientation.

In Odessa, he went to primary school, and then, due to the nature of his father’s work, he studied in Lvov. In 1967, Anatoly and his family moved to Leningrad. There he studied in a class with a military-patriotic direction.

After graduating from school, Chubais is faced with the question of where to go to study. He decided on his profession in elementary school, so he didn’t have much thought. Anatoly enters the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute at the Faculty of Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering Production. His studies at the university were quite easy, because he did what he liked. In 1983, Anatoly successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic of improving planning and management methods in industrial technical and scientific organizations.

A. B. Chubais in his youth and now


From 1977 to 1982, Anatoly worked alternately in such professions as engineer, assistant and associate professor at his university. In the first months of 1977, he joined the CPSU party. Further, he founded a circle of economists among democrats based on their political worldview. Chubais spoke there and conducted seminars. The goal he set for himself with these speeches was to popularize democratic principles.

One day, while conducting another seminar, Anatoly meets Yegor Gaidar - in the future known as the head of the Russian Government.

At the end of the 1980s, Chubais became the founder of a club of economists called “Perestroika”. The activities of this club attracted the attention of the leaders of the political elite of St. Petersburg, and above all, Anatoly Sobchak. After he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Leningrad Soviet, he chooses Chubais as his deputy.

A. Chubais and A. Sobchak

In the fateful 1991, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was elected chief adviser on economic issues to the mayor's office of Leningrad. There, an economist assembles a special group for a strategy for the development of the Russian economy. In the fall, Chubais becomes head of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. A real breakthrough in his career was his election as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation during the reign of Boris Yeltsin.

In this position, Anatoly implemented his long-standing economic program, which made him famous. We are talking about privatization, when more than a hundred thousand enterprises were transferred to the private sector. The privatization campaign is still assessed ambiguously by politicians and economists, and the population has an extremely negative attitude towards it. However, if you take a closer look, despite all the failure of privatization, Russia had no other choice then.

In 1993, Chubais successfully ran for the State Duma from Russia's Choice, a center-right party. In November, he takes up a high position - becoming the first prime minister. The Federal Securities and Exchange Commission appoints him as its head.

Since then, the name of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais began to sound everywhere, many began to be interested in his nationality and biography, since he achieved real success. However, society is increasingly beginning to view him with a negative attitude.

During the presidential elections, Chubais becomes the head of Yeltsin's election campaign. He creates the “Civil Society Foundation” with the aim of increasing Boris Yeltsin’s rating among the population. The Foundation successfully completed its tasks, therefore, after winning the elections, the President gave Chubais the post of head of the Presidential Administration.

In the photo A.B. Chubais in the 90s.

In 1997, Anatoly became Prime Minister of Russia for the second time and also held the post of Minister of Finance. In 1998, Chubais left his position. However, he does not remain idle - Anatoly Borisovich manages the Russian joint-stock company “Unified Energy System of Russia”. In this company, Chubais is also involved in transferring shares into private hands. However, his colleagues did not approve of this, noting some of the failure of his reforms.

The company was liquidated 11 years later, Anatoly Borisovich becomes the director of a state-owned corporation called the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Chubais began to re-register the corporation into an open joint-stock company. Under his leadership, it quickly reached the top and became the main innovative company in Russia.

In the photo: A. B. Chubais

Personal life

Many people ask Anatoly Borisovich Chubais what his nationality is, since his last name is not Russian. Answering the question, the economist says that he is a real Jew.

The personal life of a politician is intense. Chubais married while still studying at the university, to a beautiful girl named Lyudmila. From this marriage he had two children - Alexey and Olga. They decided, like their father, to become economists, which they did.

However, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais divorced Lyudmila. In the 1990s, Maria became the second wife, whose last name is Vishnevskaya, a real Pole by nationality. However, after 21 years of marriage, they broke up.

A. Chubais and M. Vishnevskaya

Now Anatoly Chubais lives with Avdotya Smirnova, a TV presenter and director, whom he married in 2012. Many condemn their relationship, since his wife is 14 years younger than him. However, they withstand the pressure of society and live in happiness.

Anatoly Borisovich is involved in charity work. He owns the Vera hospice support fund.

In his economic preferences, Anatoly supports capitalism and believes that economics teachers at universities should have their own business. In 2010, he became the head of the board of trustees of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation.

Yegor Gaidar Foundation

Attitude to Chubais's policies

Anatoly Borisovich is one of the most negative politicians in the eyes of Russians. More than 70% of people assess his policies as causing great harm to the Russian Federation. The negative attitude towards him and the unpopularity of his reforms became the reason for the attempt on his life.

In 2005, a bomb was detonated in the path of a car in which Chubais was driving. Miraculously, the explosion did not kill the economist. The assassination attempt was organized by Vladimir Kvachkov, who later ran for the State Duma. However, his guilt was not proven.
Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly himself takes criticism well, because, according to him, this way you can truly find out the results of your activities. Chubais, knowing the essence of the claims against him from society, admits his mistakes that he made in the 1990s.





Area of ​​interest

Personal life


Parents: Father, Boris Matveevich Chubais (b. 1918), is a retired colonel, teacher of Marxist-Leninist philosophy at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Mother - Raisa Khaimovna Sagal (b. 1918), housewife. She is an economist by profession, but she has never worked - she traveled with her husband to garrisons.

By the way: the Chubais came from the Baltic states and were invited to Russia by Peter I.

Initially the surname sounded like Chubaites. “There are so few of us that all people with the last name Chubais are relatives” (from an interview with Igor Chubais, Anatoly Chubais’s older brother, to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, January 27, 1997).

In 1977 Anatoly Chubais graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute (LIEI) named after. Palmiro Tolyatti.

In 1983 defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 1977-1982 worked at LIEI as an engineer and assistant.

From 1982 to 1990 - Associate Professor at LIEI.

In 1984-1987 Anatoly Chubais was the informal leader of a circle of young economists created by a group of LIEI graduates. The “circle” also included: elder brother Igor Chubais, current Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, Chubais’s employees - Pyotr Mostovoy, Alexander Kazakov, current president of the St. Petersburg Banking House Vladimir Kogan and some others. Close to this group were Kudrin’s classmates: the current Minister of Antimonopoly Policy Ilya Yuzhanov and the Chairman of the Board of OJSC MDM Bank St. Petersburg Olga Kazanskaya, as well as the murdered in 1997. Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich.

In 1990 Anatoly Chubais became deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council in 1990-1991. - First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Since July 1991 - Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak.

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management (GKI) - Minister of Russia.

June 2, 1992 Chubais was appointed deputy chairman of the government - Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

For 1992 The GKI, under the leadership of Anatoly Chubais, developed a privatization program and carried out its technical preparation.

In the period from 1992 to 1997. The privatization of Russian enterprises was almost completely carried out. 150 million privatization checks (vouchers) were issued.

By the beginning of 1997 127 thousand enterprises were privatized. In parallel with the privatization process, there was also an intensive formation of new private enterprises. As a result, by the beginning of 1997, according to the State Statistics Committee, state enterprises accounted for 16% of the total number of registered legal entities, including about 200 thousand enterprises and organizations in federal ownership (8 .4% of all legal entities). At the end of 1997 131 thousand enterprises remained in federal ownership (5% of the total number of legal entities), including 13 thousand unitary enterprises. In addition, there were about 5 thousand blocks of shares in federal ownership, assigned to the ownership of the federal government for various periods, as well as a little more than 1 thousand “golden shares”. Critics reproach Chubais for the fact that privatization in Russia took place under the slogan “Loans for shares,” and most of the enterprises were given away for next to nothing.

As a result, in 2001, according to analysts, only 8 oligarchic clans controlled 85% of the value of the 64 richest Russian private companies. The total turnover of just the first 12 companies was equivalent to the revenue side of the government budget. Chubais speaks of privatization as follows: “Privatization has a lot of disadvantages: economic, political, and social. But it has one advantage: it succeeded. This dignity is worth a lot. At least it is better than the sound, effective in all respects and error-free model of privatization, which remains a model.”

"At the end of 1991 There was no state as a system of institutions that set norms and ensure their implementation in Russia. There was a massive theft of state property. Stopping it was unthinkable. Hence the simple dilemma: either this process will be introduced into some legal framework - say, these will be those damned three options for privatization, or in a couple of years it will turn out that there is nothing left to privatize. Probably, the chosen framework was not always the most successful; the system of penalties for violations was extremely weak. And yet, only this way was it possible to avoid gigantic theft.”

December 24, 1994 By government decree, Anatoly Chubais was appointed chairman of the Federal Energy Commission.

From 1995 to December 7, 1996 - Member of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of JSC "Public Russian Television".

From February to July 1996 - President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

In April-June 1996 Chubais actively participated in Boris Yeltsin's election campaign. He was the head of the analytical group of Yeltsin's election headquarters. According to unofficial information, at the headquarters Chubais oversaw issues of financing the election campaign.

July 15, 1996 Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree appointing Anatoly Chubais as head of the Russian Presidential Administration. After his appointment, Chubais stated that he did not intend to deal with economic policy issues, but would focus his activities on state building.

March 7, 1997 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for operational management.

March 11, 1997 Chubais was appointed head of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for cooperation with international financial and economic organizations and the G7. On the same day, Chubais was appointed manager of the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Since May 1997 - Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

November 12, 1997 Journalist Alexander Minkin, in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station, announced Chubais’s intention with a group of co-authors to write a book about privatization in Russia. Minkin said that he has documents according to which all five authors should receive $90 thousand in royalties. According to Chubais, under an agreement with the publishers, the authors agreed to return 95% of the royalties to a certain Middle Class Support Fund, and he himself has already done this.

November 20, 1997 Anatoly Chubais was relieved of his post as Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, while retaining the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government.

March 23, 1998 simultaneously with the decree on the resignation of the government of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin signed a separate decree on the resignation of Chubais.

From June 17 to August 28, 1998 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations with the rank of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

June 19, 1998 by the meeting of shareholders he was elected chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia. By the way: before Chubais, the government appointed eight of its representatives to the board of directors of the company. The remaining seven directors were elected by shareholders. The chairman of the board was also appointed by the government from among state representatives. Thus, the state, which owns a controlling stake in RAO, protected its interests. When Chubais appeared in the company, this order was disrupted.

In mid-1998 (contrary to the law and presidential decrees), the list of state representatives was submitted to a general vote of shareholders along with other candidates. Largely thanks to the votes of the company's foreign shareholders, Anatoly Chubais headed RAO.

Since May 20, 2000 to May 27, 2001 - Chairman of the Union of Right Forces movement. Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. He was awarded the medal “For Outstanding New Excellence” by the private American Institute for East-West Studies (July 1994), and the honorary badge “I Paid My Taxes”, 3rd degree (established by the magazine “Faces” in January 1997). Based on the results of 1997 The English economic magazine Euromoney recognized him as the best finance minister in the world.


Anatoly Chubais has the right to vote on behalf of about 35% of RAO shares owned by foreign companies. These shares exist in the form of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). The nominee holder of the ADR is The Bank of New York. And according to the agreement between RAO UES of Russia and the Bank of New York, the right to vote on behalf of the owners of ADRs belongs solely to the chairman of RAO. The total volume of controlled funds is $3.25 billion (according to the Kommersant newspaper). According to Anatoly Chubais in the State Duma , his monthly salary is approved by the board of RAO UES of Russia and is about 120 thousand rubles, but this amount does not take into account bonuses, bonuses and dividends. According to media estimates, this amount is about $30 thousand per month.

Anatoly Chubais maintains relations with many of those in the highest echelons of Russian power who are commonly called “Moscow St. Petersburgers.” As for political sympathies, unlike most major Russian businessmen, Chubais actively demonstrates his belonging to the camp of right-wing liberals. In the early 1990s. he was part of the “Russia’s Choice” bloc, then a member of the “Democratic Choice of Russia” (DVR) party from the first to the last day of its existence, and is currently one of the co-chairs of the Union of Right Forces. According to the media, Chubais was the main organizer of the creation of the Union of Right Forces as a coalition of all right-wing liberal political parties and movements. According to numerous evidence, it was Chubais who “built” the top three of the SPS electoral list that was optimal for a dynamic and market-oriented electorate: Kiriyenko-Nemtsov-Khakamada. And he convinced Yegor Gaidar to take a back seat in the campaign, remembering the sad experience of the 1995 elections for the Far Eastern Republic, when Gaidar headed the party list. According to analysts, RAO UES of Russia has a powerful lobby, both in the State Duma and in the Council Federation of the Russian Federation.


Dmitry Vasiliev in 1991 became Chubais's deputy at the State Property Committee in 1994-2000. headed the Federal Commission for the Securities Market (FCSM), now the first deputy general director of Mosenergo OJSC for corporate governance and property management. Alfred Koch, formerly deputy chairman of the State Property Management Committee (Kugi) of St. Petersburg, then was Chubais’ successor as head of the State Property Committee, is still among the personal friends of the head of RAO UES. Petr Mostovoy worked for a long time as the first deputy chairman of the State Property Committee, and then headed the Federal Department for Insolvency (Bankruptcy), currently Mostovoy is the chairman of the Round Table business in Russia. In 2001 he became a member of the political council of the Union of Right Forces. Alexander Kazakov was deputy head of the department at the State Committee for Science and Technology. Under the leadership of Chubais, he made a brilliant career, going from the head of the main department at the State Property Committee to the deputy prime minister and head of this department, and then the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration (when Anatoly Chubais headed the presidential administration).

Maxim Boyko - in 1992 As a scientific expert, he is part of the working group of consultants of the State Property Committee, where he becomes close to Anatoly Chubais. After Chubais was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister, Boyko became his deputy in the commission on economic reform and its executive secretary. In 1994 - Head of the Russian Privatization Center (RCP), then - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Boris Mints headed the Department for the Development of Local Self-Government of the Presidential Administration, in 2001. On the initiative of Chubais, he headed the executive committee of the SPS party. Having left this post due to disagreements with Boris Nemtsov, Mints currently runs the Ren-TV television company, controlled by Chubais.

Leonid Gozman began working with Chubais as his adviser in the government, is currently on the board of RAO UES of Russia and at the same time is a member of the political council of the Union of Right Forces. Andrey Rappoport during the first half of the 1990s. was the chairman of the board of Alfa Bank, then worked for about a year and a half in the YUKOS system as the first vice president of the company. At RAO UES, Rappoport took the post of deputy chairman of the board responsible for investments in 2002. Rappoport headed the board of the newly created Federal Grid Company. Valentin Zavadnikov began his business career in the Nakhodka free economic zone, then was engaged in managerial activities in Moscow, and for some time headed the apparatus of the “Forward, Russia!” movement. Boris Fedorov, but had not previously worked with Chubais himself. At RAO Zavadnikov headed the property department, and soon became deputy chairman of the board. Zavadnikov is considered the main developer of the energy holding reform project, but his ideas were not fully implemented. In 2001 he was elected a member of the Federation Council, where he heads the industrial policy committee and actively acts as a lobbyist for energy reform.

Sergei Dubinin (formerly Acting Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) is currently Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia. Yakov Urinson (former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy) currently holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia .


Chubais' strong opponents are the heads of metropolitan cities - Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and St. Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, who created municipal electric grid companies and want to control the transit and sales of electricity themselves.

Chubais also has tense relations with the presidents of Tatarstan and Bashkiria, Mintimer Shaimiev and Murtaza Rakhimov, who also control their own energy sector.

Chubais has a difficult relationship with the president of the Rosenergoatom concern, Oleg Saraev, as well as with the SUEK company (fuel supplier for power plants) owned by the MDM group.

From Chubais’ interview with the weekly Kommersant. Money”: “For example, it is known that I do not have a very simple relationship with the current owners - the team of Abramovich and Deripaska, but compared to the previous owners - this is simply a qualitatively different level in terms of basic ethical values, and in terms of methods doing business, and, just in case, from the point of view of the general level of culture. And the reason for these qualitative changes, in my opinion, is simple: the style that the Chernys had no longer fits into Russian realities.”

Both Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska pose a truly tangible threat, since they actively oppose the restructuring of RAO UES of Russia and are buying up its shares. They would like to control a significant share in Russia's energy sector.

In 1999-2000 Deripaska was a partner of Chubais, together with him they were going to create the Sayany Energy and Metallurgical Company OJSC on the basis of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station and Siberian Aluminum. However, Deripaska merged aluminum assets with Abramovich, which put him at odds with Chubais - he did not want to deal with the then abstract entity called Rusal. After this, Deripaska and Chubais have been in almost constant conflict. All of Chubais’s former rivals in the government have been removed from power: the head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Viktor Kalyuzhny, the head of the Ministry of Atomic Energy Evgeny Adamov, the Deputy Minister of Energy Viktor Kudryavy was dismissed, the governor of Primorye Evgeny Nazdratenko was defeated. 80% of the heads of regional energy systems have been replaced, and personnel loyal to Chubais have been placed everywhere.

Regional governors are afraid of the dependence of the regional economies on RAO - all territories are in debt to power engineers, and a crisis may occur at any moment.

Area of ​​interest

The greatest interest for Anatoly Chubais now is: - restructuring of RAO UES of Russia; - attracting strategic investors in the energy sector; - exporting electricity. Chubais himself made it clear to the media that after the completion of the restructuring he would leave the energy sector and engage in large financial business.

Personal life

According to his colleagues, “Chubais, on the one hand, is pragmatic, and on the other, a very principled person. He never gave up his own under any circumstances. This is his absolutely rigid principle - not a single person can say that he worked with Chubais, and he set him up.” He is in his second marriage. Wife: Maria Davydovna Vishnevskaya. There is a son and daughter from his first marriage: Alexey (born in 1980) and Olga (born in 1983). He is interested in water tourism and loves the nature of Karelia and Kamchatka with its geysers and volcanoes. Chubais does not like to talk about his personal life. He has few close friends. The closest one is Yegor Gaidar, whom Chubais greatly respects and whose friendship he especially values. He is friends with Mstislav Rostropovich, although due to Chubais’s busy schedule and Rostropovich’s constant travels, they do not meet often. It is worth mentioning separately about Bulat Okudzhava - despite the age difference, Chubais and Okudzhava were very close. By the way, there is an opinion that the last poem that Okudzhava wrote before his death was dedicated to Chubais.


Anatoly Borisovich Chubais - Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia", Actual State Advisor, 1st Class.

Born on June 16, 1955 in the city of Borisov, Minsk region. Graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. P. Tolyatti (LIEI) in 1977, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Worked as an engineer, assistant, in 1982-1990. - Associate Professor LIEI. In 1990-1991 - Deputy, First Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee.

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management with the rank of Minister of the Russian Federation.

Since June 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, since November 1994 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government, Head of the Federal Commission for Securities and the Stock Market under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Released from his duties as First Deputy Prime Minister in January 1996.

From February to July 1996 - President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

On July 15, 1996, he was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. On March 7, 1997, he was relieved of his post and reappointed as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and also took up the post of Minister of Finance.

He was relieved of his post as Minister of Finance in the fall of 1997, remaining Deputy Prime Minister.

He was a member of the Defense Council and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation on the list of the “Choice of Russia” bloc, and was a member of the Committee on Property, Privatization and Economic Activities.

In 1994, a conflict between Anatoly Chubais and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov began. Disagreements arose due to different approaches by the mayor of Moscow and the first deputy prime minister to the problem of privatization. Anatoly Chubais believed that it was necessary to privatize all state property. Yuri Luzhkov believed that part of the property should remain under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities, and the other part should be sold gradually on an individual basis.

The conflict between Chubais and Luzhkov also developed over the problem of providing Moscow with food. On May 27, 1995, Anatoly Chubais, speaking at an extended meeting of the Presidential Public Chamber, said that due to the “close connection of the Moscow authorities with those involved in importing products,” the Moscow market is closed to agricultural producers in the central and northwestern regions of Russia. “The connection between food importers and the Moscow authorities is too close,” Chubais emphasized. In this regard, Chubais spoke in favor of increasing import tariffs on food. In turn, the Moscow mayor's office accused Chubais of either deliberate misinformation or ignorance of fundamental information about the state of the Russian economy. The mayor stated that the possibilities for wholesale food supplies from the regions of Central Russia are extremely limited, since almost all food is produced for domestic consumption.

On December 24, 1994, by government decree, Anatoly Chubais was appointed chairman of the Federal Energy Commission.

In March 1995, Chubais prepared a draft and initiated the adoption of a decree abolishing benefits and privileges for 59 regions, industries and enterprises. In the fall of 1995, Anatoly Chubais publicly refused to participate in the election campaign, saying that his work in the government did not leave him free time to prepare for election to the State Duma of the 6th convocation.

On January 5, 1995, Chubais was appointed chairman of the federal organizing committee of the Nizhny Novgorod All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition.

On January 10, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the interdepartmental commission on socio-economic problems of coal regions. As part of the work of this commission, on January 15, 1996, Chubais met with the head of the administration of the Kemerovo region, Mikhail Kislyuk, representatives of trade unions and directors of coal mining enterprises in the region. At the meeting, issues of social support for miners who are laid off as a result of enterprise closures were discussed. Instead of the 400 billion rubles previously promised to Kuzbass, Anatoly Chubais promised to allocate 100 billion with transfers in January (25%) and February (75%).

Not satisfied with this decision, Governor Mikhail Kislyuk announced that he intended to picket the White House together with the miners.

On April 22, 1995, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Anatoly Chubais as Russia's governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

In the Russian government, Anatoly Chubais headed the commission on non-payments. The secretary of the commission, Mstislav Afanasyev, formulated the commission’s position on the issue of repaying debts to the government of the Russian Federation as follows: “Tightening monetary policy actually leads to a reduction in non-payments.” According to the economic observer of the Segodnya newspaper, Alexander Bekker, Chubais “shaked out” trillions of debts from the Ministry of Railways, but “saved” before the head of the oil company LUKoil, Vagit Alekperov, who returned 1 trillion rubles to the budget. arrears by selling, with the consent of the First Deputy Prime Minister, a block of shares owned by the state.

In the spring of 1995, in connection with the problem of providing Moscow with food, the conflict between Chubais and Moscow Mayor Luzhkov developed again. On May 27, 1995, Anatoly Chubais, speaking at an extended meeting of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation, stated that due to the “close connection of the Moscow authorities with those who import products,” the Moscow market is closed to agricultural producers in the central and northwestern regions of Russia . “The connection between food importers and the Moscow authorities is too close,” Chubais emphasized. In this regard, he spoke in favor of increasing import tariffs on food. In turn, the Moscow mayor's office accused Chubais of either deliberate misinformation or ignorance of fundamental information about the state of the Russian economy. The mayor stated that the possibilities for wholesale supplies of agricultural products from the regions of the Center of Russia are extremely limited, since almost all food is produced in the regions for domestic consumption.

On October 18, 1995, at a meeting of the commission on non-payments, Chubais demanded that the general director of the Nizhnevartovskneftegaz association, Viktor Paliy, either half repay the enterprise's debts to the federal budget by January 1, or resign. The First Deputy Prime Minister said then that Nizhnevartovskneftegaz JSC was the first of the largest budget debtors to undergo a detailed analysis. Enterprises of the Ministry of Railways are next in line. “The conversation will be extremely tough. Otherwise, we will achieve nothing with prices, non-payments, or the authority of the executive branch,” said Anatoly Chubais.

Since January 1996 - President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

On January 16, 1996, Boris Yeltsin removed Anatoly Chubais from his duties as first deputy prime minister of the government. At the same time, the president noted “the low demands of Anatoly Chubais on subordinate federal departments and the failure to fulfill a number of instructions from the President of the Russian Federation.” Some observers linked Chubais's resignation with the defeat in the elections of the Democratic Choice of Russia, of which Chubais had traditionally been a supporter. Others believed that Chubais’s resignation was connected with Boris Yeltsin’s decision to run for a second term, and winning the presidential election with the “father of privatization” in the government, which was not loved by the people, seemed problematic.

After his resignation, in an interview with Obshchaya Gazeta (February 22, 1996), Anatoly Chubais said: “I want to take the plant and pull it out. With a full analysis of the entire financial situation, cash flows, sales markets, technological links, marketing, sources in and the scale of theft, and so on. Shake all this up and turn the plant into a workable structure." But according to Chubais, he cannot afford to do this because Gennady Zyuganov is the number one candidate in the June 16 elections: “In my opinion, there is no more important task in Russia today than the fight against the communist threat. Personally, I will try to do "I can do everything I can for this. Build a structure that can mobilize and consolidate to the maximum extent the serious resources that I have behind me. Collect the largest non-state resources available in the country for these purposes. This is what I will do now."

In February 1996, in Davos, bankers Vladimir Gusinsky, Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Potanin met with Anatoly Chubais on the issue of financing Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign.

In April - June 1996, he actively participated in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. He was the head of the analytical group of Yeltsin's election headquarters. According to unofficial information, at the headquarters Chubais oversaw issues of financing the election campaign.

In June 1996, he actively participated in the story related to the detention of activists of the presidential election headquarters Sergei Lisovsky and Arkady Evstafiev by the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. On the morning of June 19, Anatoly Chubais met with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and told him about what had happened. After the meeting with Chubais, the president signed a decree on the resignations of the head of his security service, Alexander Korzhakov, the director of the Federal Security Service, Mikhail Barsukov, and Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets.

In June 1996, Anatoly Chubais announced that he was going to go to “big business.” According to Chubais, he was going to organize a company for consulting and managing privatized enterprises.

On July 15, 1996, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, while on vacation at the Barvikha sanatorium, signed a decree appointing Anatoly Chubais as head of the Russian Presidential Administration. After his appointment, Chubais stated that he did not intend to deal with economic policy issues, but would focus his activities on state building.

In January 1997, Chubais paid the state a tax on personal income - 515 million rubles. In his declaration, he indicated that from April to July 1996 he earned $278 thousand from “lectures and consultations.” Journalists from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper (January 25, 1997) calculated: in order to earn such a sum, Chubais “had to speak without interruption throughout the entire election campaign” (for a fee of $500 per hour).

On March 7, 1997, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for operational management.

March 11, 1997 - appointed head of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for cooperation with international financial and economic organizations and the Group of Seven. On the same day, Chubais was appointed manager of the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Since May 22, 1997 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. At the beginning of the summer of 1997, he headed the commission for financial and economic support of military reform under the Defense Council of the Russian Federation.

On November 20, 1997, he was relieved of his position as Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. (This is due to Yeltsin’s decision to split the post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Chubais retained the post of First Deputy Prime Minister)

On March 12, 1998, he was appointed chairman of the Russian Government Commission for ensuring federal budget revenues.

In April 1998, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia.

In June 1998, he was appointed special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations. (According to Yeltsin, the appointment is temporary, then Chubais will work at his job).

He was the head of the election headquarters of the Union of Right Forces.

Co-chairman of the ATP Coordination Council.

On April 2, 1999, the State Duma addressed to Seleznev received a letter from Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov in response to the chamber’s resolution “On violations of the laws of the Russian Federation during the elections of the Board of Directors and the replacement of the position of chairman of the board of RAO ES “Russia”. The essence of the letter is that the current chairman of the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais was “wrongfully appointed to this position without the approval and issuance of an order of the Government of the Russian Federation on the appointment.” (RIA Novosti, 1999)

In accordance with the current legislation and the Charter of RAO UES of Russia, the chairman of the board of RAO UES is appointed to the position by the Board of Directors of RAO, and not by the government of the Russian Federation, said Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES Yulia Mozharenko. The appointment of the chairman of the board of RAO by the government does not comply with the norms of the Civil Code and the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies.” In addition, the appointment of the head of RAO by the government will violate the rights of 400 thousand shareholders of RAO UES. (RBC, 1999)

In the summer of 2000, Chubais was one of those who signed an open letter to Putin protesting against the use of such a preventive measure as arrest against Vladimir Gusinsky.

On January 24, 2001, Chubais announced a program to expand the powers of the company's shareholders. At the same time, he made a statement that the energy reform in Russia was entering the “implementation” stage, and on April 15 of this year the start of the holding’s restructuring would be officially announced.

In September 2000, the Accounts Chamber discovered a lot of violations during the privatization of RAO UES of Russia. The Accounts Chamber believes that in 1992, during the privatization of RAO UES, 15% of its shares were illegally bought by foreigners. Anatoly Chubais himself immediately after the meeting of the board of the Accounts Chamber stated that the Prosecutor General's Office will not accept the claims of the Accounts Chamber regarding the privatization of the energy company.

In February 2001, he issued an order to create an anti-crisis headquarters for fuel supply to power plants in Siberia and the Far East.

In October 2002, he was re-elected president of the Energy Council of the CIS countries. Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1983 he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 2004, after Mikhail Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, Anatoly Chubais formulated the slogan of a “liberal empire” - a formula for Russian business expansion in the CIS and “cutting a window from Russia to America.”

In June 2003, on the eve of the elections to the Duma of the current convocation, Chubais took a risky step: he included himself in the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party was defeated, and without breaking the 5% barrier, it remained outside parliament.

Chubais’s latest political project: he proposed that the current leaders of the right resign, and ex-Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov become their successor.

Military rank - reserve private. Award for Outstanding New Excellence from the private American Institute for Oriental and Western Studies (July 1994). Honorary badge "I paid taxes" III degree (established by the magazine "Persons" in January 1997). Based on the results of 1997, he was recognized as the best finance minister in the world by the English economic magazine Euromoney.