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Automatic snack bar on wheels. Profitable business: cafe on wheels

Cafes on wheels are no longer uncommon in large, densely populated cities. Most entrepreneurs involved in the catering industry have already, in one way or another, considered the possibility of implementing this business idea. In this publication, we decided to consider this project in detail.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.7-2.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 300 thousand
Industry situation:low level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1.2-2 years

The owners of many public catering outlets have probably complained more than once that their establishment is “tied” to one place. It seems that the location was chosen according to all the rules: the first line of houses, busy traffic, the presence of the necessary communications. But it was not there! The tastes and demands of the consumer are changeable, like the sea in inclement weather, and all subtle calculations go in vain. And how many times does this thought arise: “Take and move your point to another place”?

And this is precisely not a problem! Take it and carry it, or rather, transport it. Today here, tomorrow there, and next week in a completely different area. A cafe on wheels is a solution to this problem. And not only for owners of existing catering establishments, but also for those who do not have sufficient start-up capital to open a full-fledged stationary cafe.

Can you imagine an inexpensive, cozy mobile cafe on wheels that moves around the city in search of the busiest crowded spots? Everything can be seen clearly in the photo in the article. Meanwhile, such a business on wheels is no longer new in the cities of our country. It should be noted that the “mobile” business is generally “gaining momentum” - now mobile coffee shops are not uncommon, where you can buy a glass of a hot, invigorating drink, and for this you do not need to go anywhere specially.

Did your car break down on the road? Mobile car service will come to the rescue! In the mobile planetarium, schoolchildren will gain a lot of new knowledge and enjoy viewing, and a disco on wheels will give you the opportunity to have great fun exactly where you want!

Can you imagine what kind of profit a mobile cafe on wheels will bring on holidays or weekends? After all, such a stall on wheels can be placed anywhere: in a square, in a park, on weekdays - near educational institutions, a train station or other place.

And the costs of starting such an enterprise are tens of times less than opening a stationary food outlet. One of the most pleasant “bonuses” is the absence of rent for premises, which in many business projects is one of the most significant expense items.

This is interesting: in the USA, business on wheels has been operating for several decades, so no one is surprised when they encounter fast food on wheels. Therefore, a 20-year-old girl, Shadi Farsi, decided to bring her own “zest” to this business by organizing fast food on wheels, where visitors are served by girls in bikinis (we talked about something similar in the material “Topless Cleaning.” It must be said that from there is no end to visitors, and after a year of work, Shadi is already thinking about opening a whole network of such kitchens on wheels.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide on the target audience of your future visitors (read how to do this). It is this knowledge that will determine the assortment of your establishment on wheels, the routes you will take around the city, the advertising campaign strategy, and much more. In general, the best option is to have a competent business plan at hand, which will allow you not only to see the entire “picture” of your future business, but will also allow you to foresee most of the difficulties that await a novice entrepreneur.

What you need to open a business

The most important thing, of course, is the means of transportation. It’s not for nothing that your establishment will be called a mobile “cafe on wheels.” These can be converted buses, vans, or trailers like caravans. In Moscow, we visited one such cafe on wheels, for which they adapted a double decker - a double-decker English bus. It should be noted that it turned out simply gorgeous! A stall on wheels differs from, for example, a mobile coffee shop in that in the former, visitors have the opportunity to sit and quietly eat, drink coffee, watch TV, listen to music, etc.

There is also the option of a mini-cafe on wheels, in which several folding tables and chairs are placed in the place where the mobile kitchen on wheels stops, and, if necessary, awnings are laid out near the car. In this case, the vehicle itself is completely dedicated to the kitchen.

Your mobile premises must meet the following requirements:

  • sanitary and epidemiological service - have certificates of conformity for the equipment used, a number of contracts for the provision of imported water, waste disposal, solid waste disposal and cleaning of the surrounding area;
  • fire safety standards - this is the serviceability of electrical equipment, the availability of fire extinguishing means;
  • technical rules. To do this, you need to provide a copy of the trailer (van) registration certificate, its photograph, and a certificate of conformity. In addition to this package of documents, you must also have an agreement with the company that supplies the products, and a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the transport on which the products are delivered.
  • And one more thing: according to the rules, bringing in food and taking out waste must be done through different doors. The number of required documents is impressive, but opening an ordinary cafe requires even more. And then - you can always come to an agreement with everyone.

By the way, a little advice: make sure that the appearance of your drive-thru cafe on wheels is exclusively in bright, rainbow colors, and is equipped with an attractive sign - the influx of customers will increase exponentially. In addition, vehicles must be completely soundproofed so that as little sound as possible penetrates outside. I think it is unnecessary to say that the room on wheels should be warm and have air conditioning; none of the visitors will sit in the cold and stuffiness.

Menu selection in a cafe on wheels

A cafe, especially a mobile one, is still not a restaurant. Therefore, the main focus of the menu should be on dishes that do not require long cooking times. These can be light snacks, salads, baked goods, fast food, sandwiches, and confectionery. Drinks include hot drinks (tea, coffee, chocolate), juices, soda. Sale of any alcoholic products in mobile retail outlets smaller than the area established by law is prohibited.

Although the organization of the kitchen is often provided for in such projects directly in vehicles, many owners of such establishments are trying to get rid of the unnecessary hassle associated with preparing food right on the spot. That’s why they keep ready-made meals in refrigerators, which can be heated in the microwave if necessary. In general, whether or not to have a kitchen in your café on wheels is up to you to decide; no definite advice can be given here.

Necessary equipment

In principle, you will need most of the equipment from the “arsenal” of a regular stationary cafe, these are:

  • a couple of refrigerators;
  • microwave;
  • oven for cooking;
  • coffee machine;
  • water heater;
  • the required amount of disposable tableware (using others would be impractical), napkins, and hygiene items.

Place a container inside for used disposable tableware. If the furniture is located inside, then it should be attached to the floor so that during movement nothing “moves away” along with the table.

From “non-standard” equipment you will need:

  • TV;
  • voltage converter to 220 volts;
  • audio system with speakers located throughout the vehicle interior.

Driving routes

A few words need to be said about what routes you need to choose to move around the city streets. If the establishment is rented for several hours by one company, then the route, of course, is chosen by the one who pays. In other situations, you should choose streets with smooth road surfaces so that, if possible, visitors do not experience all the inconveniences inherent in Russian roads.

As an option, you can take a walk around the sights of your city (for tourists), focusing on the audience present, take a ride to romantic places (for couples), or take married couples with children to amusement parks. Of course, you need to have several driving options in your navigator in advance (which will help you avoid traffic jams).


There should be no problems with recruiting employees. It won’t be difficult to find people with experience working in fast food establishments. The main thing is that they have medical books available. It will be enough to have two cooks-waiters and a driver-loader in one shift.

Another point is obtaining permission from municipal authorities to conduct trade . Usually, administrations of localities go towards such initiatives - after all, taxes from income go to the local budget.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in implementing this business idea. Constant expansion of the assortment, organizing food delivery to order (read how to organize delivery here -) will only have a positive effect on your business, and will promote advertising in every possible way. With a little effort and creativity, your stall on wheels will become the most famous fast food outlet in the area and in the city.

By the way, the opinions of business experts regarding this business idea are contradictory. This is what opponents of the mobile cafe refer to (taken from the materials of the magazine “Your Business”):

  • Most likely, the cost of maintaining and operating this bus will be comparable (or even more) with the costs of maintaining a stationary cafe of comparable area: gasoline costs, staff salaries, technical maintenance. At the same time, income will obviously be less - in-house production is always more profitable, but in this case you will have to purchase finished products externally.
  • Secondly, this idea will not be approved by the city’s sanitary services. If we were to take on this project, it might make sense to reorient it towards corporate services (birthdays, parties, graduations) and focus on entertainment and drinks.
  • The project is not viable. Firstly, Rospotrebnadzor will never release such a bus on the route (any catering establishment must be connected to a stationary water supply and sewerage system). Secondly, according to fire safety rules, there must be at least two entrances. There is only one input in the project.


This business plan, like all others in the section , contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we have compiled a detailed business plan for a food truck with calculations.

State and development of the market

The street trading market has been under constant stress since 2011. By the beginning of 2016, the number of street food operators decreased threefold. There are several reasons for this:

  • Increasing demand for stationary cafes - shopping centers played a major role in this, where people spend more time than on the street
  • The policy of local authorities - the recent demolition of stalls confirmed the fact that the authorities are aimed at clearing cities of street food outlets and are completely reluctant to approve new facilities
  • Low quality of food - street food has acquired stereotypes and in the minds of the majority exists as an extreme (and unsafe) measure to satisfy hunger

With all this, interest in mobile cafes is growing. A coffee shop, pizzeria or burger joint on wheels is a new format that has yet to compete with classic fast food for first place in the HoReCa destination rating.

The food truck, as the embodiment of street food, stands apart from the already boring formats. This fresh trend, coming from the West, is promising both for beginning entrepreneurs and for those who have decided to go beyond a stationary business and “go among the people.” A food truck is a cafe based on a truck. The car is re-equipped, a kitchen is made inside, restaurant equipment is installed, the outside is branded and placed in places with high traffic.

Features of a food truck as a business

Yellow food truck selling fast food

— Mobility. The food truck does not wait for the client to come, but goes to him himself. Knowing that the target audience is concentrated in a certain place, a cafe on wheels comes there and offers its product.

— Savings on construction and rent. There is no investment in finding premises, repairs, redevelopment or design projects. Taking into account the increased prices for rental real estate, this is a serious help.

— Fast payback. When serving 100 people a day, a food truck will pay for itself in an average of 4-6 months.

— Quick entry to the market. When purchasing a ready-made food truck project, which includes a car, a set of equipment and inventory, branding and design, it is possible to enter the market in just 45 days. This is enough to install the equipment, develop a menu, decorate the car and choose a location.

Where to begin? Format selection

You can watch a video on how to open a food truck:

The food truck is interesting not only for its unusual form of sales organization, but also for its approach to the quality of dishes. There is nothing here from the street food of the past, which guaranteed the consumer gastritis. The food truck offers delicious, fresh and high-quality food and drinks.

Popular food truck formats

- Coffee house. The menu includes at least 20 items of coffee, coffee drinks, cocktails, and smoothies. From food - desserts, sandwiches, pastries. The main thing is an expensive and powerful coffee machine that brews real coffee, superior to the drink from vending machines.

- Pizzeria. Pizza is prepared in the kitchen of a food truck; the menu includes at least 10 items + salads, drinks and ice cream.

- Burger shop. Burgers are trendy today, but to differentiate yourself from the giants of this segment, you need original recipes.

- Steaks. The main thing for this format is good meat. A good quality grill and frying surface will do the rest.

A food truck with professional equipment is suitable for preparing sushi, noodles, pasta, pastries, pies, Ossetian pies, etc.

For an approximate calculation of investments, let’s take the “Burgernaya” food truck project from the company “ MAPLE" Recommended area - 8 m², made on the basis of a BAW vehicle.


This is a step-by-step guide to starting a business. In the case of a food truck, the concept necessarily addresses the following issues:

Where to be located?

Today, Russian legislation does not regulate the activities of food trucks in any way. Although a bill on the status of mobile cafes has been prepared and is being considered by the Federation Council. While this is a white spot, food trucks are still subject to requirements similar to stationary food establishments.

First of all, you need to decide where the food truck will be located. There are several options:

— Take part in the auction for the provision of a plot of municipal land. But, as practice shows, lots in the form of plots go mainly to large retail chains for seasonal or permanent activities. And in Moscow, placing a food truck on municipal land is completely prohibited.

— Rent of private territory. This option is real and profitable. You rent a plot of land at a shopping center, entertainment complex, business center and get a place to visit, as well as access to utilities, bathrooms, etc.

— Participation in events. A rental agreement is concluded with the organizers of festivals, fairs, food fests, concerts, and picnics. The rental amount depends on the size and status of the event. Price range - from 3,000 to 30,000 rubles. in a day. But the traffic is also different - the first provincial food market will be visited by only 200-300 people, and a large rock festival - more than 20 thousand.

It is important to calculate the throughput of a food truck, that is, the maximum number of dishes per unit of time. To avoid queues and long waits for orders, you can rent a corner and additional equipment from the organizers, as well as hire temporary staff to speed up the operation of the facility.

— Unauthorized trade. At your own peril and risk, you can park a food truck in any crowded place, but this is fraught with administrative liability and loss of permission to operate.

Which car to choose?

Red food truck selling burgers

The brand and capabilities of the car depend on the business goals.

BAW optimal for working within megacities - parks, city streets and squares, recreation areas, beaches. Convenient, maneuverable and compact machine.

— Gazelle Suitable for covering medium distances and working in rural areas, sanatoriums, boarding houses, holiday homes, and small towns. You can use Gazelle to travel to events in other areas. A wide dealer network throughout Russia guarantees quick car repairs in force majeure circumstances.

— MAZ has a large, multifunctional and productive kitchen based on a powerful but economical tractor. In this car, large volumes of dishes are prepared per unit of time. A MAZ food truck is ideal for operation in mountainous areas, in any climatic zones, at a considerable distance from the main base.

What target audience is it intended for?

  • Client characteristics
  • Audience needs
  • Channels of communication with the audience
  • Purposes of visiting a food truck

What is the project environment?

  • Infrastructure of the territory where the food truck is located
  • Competitive environment
  • Availability of nearby entertainment or sports areas, educational institutions, pedestrian streets


  • Number of staff and powers
  • Working with semi-finished products or own production
  • Recruitment and training of personnel


Equipped food truck, ready to prepare food.

  • Re-equipping a car or purchasing a ready-made food truck
  • Design
  • Equipment selection
  • Branding

Development prospects

  • Seasonal or permanent business
  • Extension to the network
  • Creating your own brand


For a food truck, light truck classes are chosen, where there is enough space for installing equipment and working staff.

Approximate prices for common food truck vehicles:

  • BAW - 1,625,000 rub.
  • Gazelle - RUB 1,835,000.
  • Mercedes - RUB 2,305,000.
  • Volkswagen - RUB 3,248,000.


Designing a food truck is a significant expense item. There is difficulty in connecting machines and equipment to utility networks. Let's take electricity supply as an example.

If a food truck operates autonomously, that is, semi-legally, without paying rent to anyone, it is equipped with either a generator or a converter. Both are expensive and have their own shortcomings. The generator must meet the power requirements of the equipment in the kitchen and at maximum load it will only last for 5 hours.

Model of a car equipped for a food truck

The converter runs on batteries, and in order to have enough power for a working day, the car is often started, and this inevitably leads to engine wear and gas consumption. The most reasonable solution is to connect to the network.

Another problematic issue is ventilation and air conditioning. The kitchen of a food truck is a small room. The concentration of equipment and people per m² is almost extreme. Heat in the room and air pollution by combustion products are unacceptable.

A food truck project with equipment placement and connection to utility networks costs an average of 100,000 rubles. When comprehensively equipping a food truck in the company " MAPLE» this service is free.


The set of equipment is designed for the production and sale of burgers, sandwiches, rolls, panini, French fries, tea and freshly brewed coffee beans. Capacity - 40-60 people per hour.

Equipment (prices in rubles)

  • Freezing table HICOLD - 69 490
  • Refrigerated pizza table HICOLD - 68 590
  • Island working table - 12 327
  • Boiler "Convito" - 5 280
  • Frying surface AMITEK - 39 242
  • Deep fryer AMITEK - 9 357
  • Scales CAS - 10 692
  • Filling station for French fries - 155 760
  • Coffee machine Saeco Odea Go Black - 35 100
  • Seat-drawn container - 9 325
  • Solid wall shelf - 2 263
  • Industrial wall table - 10 675
  • Wardrobe - 3,050

Inventory (prices in rubles)

  • Gastronorm container Luxstahl stainless steel GN 1/3 (12 pcs.) - 7,488
  • Gastronorm container Luxstahl stainless steel GN 1/1 (10 pcs.) - 7,760
  • Chef's knife - 624
  • Utility knife - 395
  • Chef's spatula - 427
  • Cutting board - 617
  • Gastronorm container made of polycarbonate - 2800
  • Polycarbonate cover - 1,544
  • Pepper mill - 1,656


Vehicle selling meals on wheels

The appearance of a food truck is the basis of success. A food truck should attract attention, stand out in the area, be different from competitors, and inform the consumer about the product.

Branding includes:

  1. Development of corporate identity (logo, color, font, character)
  2. Production and installation of signs, awnings, roof structures, etc.
  3. Car wrap

The basic cost of the service is 25,000 rubles.

Menu development

An author's approach to the food truck menu will allow you to differentiate yourself from competitors. This is especially true if the food truck is located near a shopping center, where there are many similar operators in the food court. The guest chef will develop a menu based on business requirements and equipment capabilities. The average cost of menu development is from 40,000 rubles.

Approximate basic menu for a "Burger"

  • Double burger with egg and pork cutlet
  • Chicken burger
  • Roll with omelette and bacon
  • Pork burger
  • Roll with omelette and pork cutlet


For a food truck, the optimal form of ownership is individual entrepreneur. Its advantages:

  • , including via the Internet
  • State duty - 800 rubles.
  • No charter, authorized capital, seal or current account required
  • Registers for one person only
  • The maximum fine for administrative liability is 50,000 rubles.
  • Fixed payment to the Pension Fund for income of no more than 300,000 rubles, in 2016 – 19,356.48 rubles. Over 300,000 rub. + 1% of the excess amount, but not more than 8 minimum wages + contribution to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of 3,796.85 rubles.
  • There is no report for equipment used as part of business activities
  • You can freely manage funds in your current account
  • Business decisions are not recorded
  • (closes)
  • Optional

To register an individual entrepreneur you need

  1. A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Documents for obtaining permission to operate in Rospotrebnadzor

  • Garbage removal agreement
  • Water supply contract
  • Staff health records
  • Certificates for food products
  • Legal information about individual entrepreneurs
  • Information for the consumer protection corner

Profitability and payback

The maximum payback period for a food truck when starting a season is 4-6 months. If there is no payback after six months, it means:

  • Wrong place chosen
  • No individual style and USP
  • Low quality food
  • Bad menu

The markup on burgers, French fries, and sandwiches is 200-250%. This is not the highest figure for HoReCa, because profits in fast food are driven by traffic.

Average check - 350 rubles.

Do you want to master a new promising format? Thinking about where to invest your money? Company " MAPLE» will help you open a food truck and become a leader in the still free segment.

Consumers are known to be greedy for new ways to satisfy their needs. One of them was a cafe on wheels - this is a cheap and relatively quickly paid off way to create a profitable business. Such cafes have appeared in almost every city, but the niche is still ready for new establishments. It’s not difficult to open one - the main thing is that you have a competent business plan for a cafe on wheels at hand.


Why are cafes on wheels so popular among budding entrepreneurs? The relevance of this business lies in its mobility. You will not be aware of such problems as unfavorable location and low traffic, which becomes a reason for concern for the owners of stationary cafes. On weekdays you can be near business and student centers, at intersections and in parks, on weekends you can move to entertainment areas, on holidays you can be close to the crowd.

True, these advantages of business can only be used in cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more. In cities, opening less is simply pointless. But even in large cities with a large number of tasty places, do not rush to visit everywhere. Your buyer audience needs to form, so choose one or three areas and settle there, and if the flow of buyers decreases, try feeding people in other places. And don’t forget about the seasonality of this business - in this regard, it is worth developing separate menus for warm and cold weather, but in winter there will be fewer buyers in any case.

Cafe services on wheels: preparation, serving and delivery of food, catering for private and municipal events.

Stages of preparation for the operation of a cafe on wheels:

  • Developing the concept of an establishment, writing a plan (you can use our example of a business plan), analyzing the market, determining the relevance of the establishment, choosing the main points for trade.
  • Selection and equipment of transport.
  • Selection of equipment suppliers and its purchase.
  • Registration of a cafe on wheels and obtaining the necessary permits.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.
  • Hiring and training of workers.

The target audience

The audience of cafes on wheels includes the core of the middle class and its least affluent part. He wants delicious ready-made food from a cafe, but in a stationary establishment the markup on dishes is high or he simply doesn’t want to sit there. It is also worth focusing on young people, especially students and schoolchildren. The demand for cafes on wheels appears among that part of the population that is constantly on the move and in business. She has to snack on the go - there is no time for a full meal in a stationary establishment. And lunch there is more expensive.

A food delivery service of this level does not have analogues in every city. Even in comparison with budget canteens and supermarkets with ready meals, cafes on wheels win. It's closer, and the small line moves quickly in the open air. Often the visitors to cafés on wheels are random passers-by or those who went out for a smoke break, so the design of the van should be attractive.

Opening instructions

Before dealing with the practical issues of opening, a businessman will have to deal with paperwork. Cafes on wheels have a special relationship with legislation. On the one hand, no one can say that the point of sale is in the wrong place, because it is not stationary. On the other hand, any catering establishment must be connected to sewerage and water supply, so in some cities the administration simply will not allow a cafe on wheels to open. But, if there are other such establishments in your city, then there is a way to open your own cafe. If not, check this point with the administration.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Select the legal form and taxation system. An individual entrepreneur using the simplified tax system is best suited.
  • Your OKVED code is 10/56/22.
  • Obtain the appropriate permit for your activities.
  • Get permission from the SES. To do this, you need certificates of conformity for equipment, contracts for disposal and cleaning.
  • Get permission from the fire department. You will need a copy of the van's registration certificate.
  • Enter into an agreement with the supplier.

You need to be prepared for problems with the ground. Somewhere, like in Moscow, entrepreneurs buy permission to use land for several months. But there are no guarantees that you will renew it later. This leads to the problem of obtaining a loan.

Menu development

First of all, you need to decide whether your establishment will buy ready-to-heat dishes from a stationary cafe or restaurant or prepare simpler food on site. In the first case, there will be more choice and fewer competitors. But the finished menu comes to you with a markup, so it will be possible to increase your income only through a network of cafes on wheels. And the buyer does not expect intricate options from the van.

Let your menu include snacks and drinks, and, if possible, main courses. You can specialize in one type of food - shawarma, hot dogs, pizza - or offer a wide range of treats up to 6 dishes, as well as their variations. A tiny van kitchen may not be able to handle more than that. And the chef must be highly qualified to know and skillfully prepare a dozen different dishes. As snacks, you can offer sandwiches and sandwiches, pastries and sweets, fast food and dishes of national cuisines.

Choose drinks according to the season: hot and spicy in winter, cool in summer. But always leave the popular ones on the menu, excluding alcohol (your cafe will not have the size of its retail space to sell it). If you want to serve foods such as pancakes, grilling and barbecue dishes, purchase equipment of the appropriate capacity. In general, focus on similar points to understand how to reach your audience.

Technical base

The most important equipment for a café on wheels is the wheels themselves. This could be a trailer, a van or a camper. It's best to buy the latest options. The problem is that after six years they will require expenses for repairs. “Kupava” and “Tonar” make these, but you can also purchase an already furnished establishment. If you decide to equip the cafe yourself, match the size of the equipment to the size of the room. And most importantly, do not forget to screw all the furniture to the floor. The amount you spend on equipment is the cost of opening a cafe on wheels from scratch.

Expenditure Price (in rubles)
Van or auto shop (used) 580 000
Inverter 2 000
Generator 40 000
Noise insulation 26 000
Heated steps 5 000
Design creation and cosmetic repairs 100 000
Air conditioner 70 000
Convector 2 000
Refrigerator (2) 60 000
Microwave 3 000
Cooking equipment 150 000
Coffee machine 300 000
Production table (2) 14 000
Audio system 17 000
Disposable tableware, napkins and packaging materials (1000) 500
Bin 1 000
Total 1 370 500


A cafe on wheels does not require a large staff. A driver (he can also be assigned various technical responsibilities), a cook and a cashier are enough. Be serious about hiring a driver: he must be experienced and know the city well. If the driver is careless or makes the wrong parking location, the business will suffer losses or get into trouble with the law.

Don’t forget about an outsourced accountant who will manage your affairs. This will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles per month. Below is a table of personnel costs.

Marketing plan

In fact, a cafe on wheels is an advertisement in itself. It travels around the city, showing off in the most crowded places. But some of the services of such an establishment are worth special advertising: catering for private events, food delivery directly from the van to be cooked in front of the client. Use media and advertising catalogs as an advertising platform. In addition, leaflets will be effective.

As a way of promotion, you can use participation in city festivals. Typically, the administration agrees in advance on catering for such events. Don't forget about special promotions: discounts on your birthday, your sixth coffee for free, and so on. Maintain a public page on social networks. Since there are many young people among your audience, affiliate programs will go off with a bang.

Financial plan

It is also worth considering the periodic costs of repairs and maintenance of vehicles. You need to budget about 40 thousand rubles a year for the maintenance of a used car. Our business plan for a cafe on wheels with calculations shows that the weighted average income will be 270 thousand rubles per month, if we count on 30 people per day and an average bill of 300 rubles. There are more visitors in summer, fewer in winter. This gives 3,240 thousand rubles per year. Well, the profit of a cafe on wheels for a month is approximately 40-50 thousand rubles.

And finally, the profitability of a cafe on wheels. If we divide profit by revenue and multiply by 100%, we get:

(50,000 / 270,000) x 100% = 18%.

The relatively low profitability is explained by high operating costs and a low markup compared to a regular cafe. To increase profitability, it is proposed to sell related consumer goods to increase the average bill, develop the brand and recognition of your company in order to increase the margin without the risk of losing clientele.

Prospects and risks

There are enough growth opportunities: stable conditions for development, audience interest in new types of cafes. The owner of such an establishment has the prospect of opening his own network. The main audience of cafes on wheels - the lower middle class - is constantly growing, so the popularity will increase.

But business also has many risks:

  • Increased competition.
  • Tightening legal standards for public catering establishments.
  • Insufficient population of the city.
  • The reluctance of the city administration to allow the café-on-wheels format to develop.
  • Unfavorable weather.
  • Lack of capital due to banks' refusal to cooperate.

It is especially important to study the situation with similar establishments in your city and region in order to understand whether this market is suitable for your city. If there are few young people in it, as well as student centers and city holidays, if the city administration does not welcome cafes on wheels, you should not count on easy money.


The cafe on wheels project does not require large start-up costs: 1,370 thousand rubles is a relatively small investment. You don’t need to rent premises for a café on wheels and purchase a large batch of equipment - you are limited to a small van and a modest set of equipment. Monthly costs of 213 thousand rubles are fully covered by the profitability of the business - 270 thousand rubles per month.

We calculated that the net profit of a cafe on wheels will be about 50 thousand rubles per month in the first two years of operation if you serve 900 customers every month. The profitability of a café on wheels is not that great, but by quickly gaining the necessary experience, an entrepreneur has every chance of growing his business. All that remains is to manage profits wisely in order to soon feed the city with the help of a network of cafes on wheels.

Today, the so-called fast food on wheels is very common. Now there are many franchises that will allow you to carry out this type of activity on very favorable terms.

In order to start this business, you will not need relatively much money and effort by the standards of modern business. As for the initial investment, it is about 1.9 million rubles.

This amount includes the lump sum payment, as well as all fixtures, car, components and much more. You don’t have to spend much on employees.

One worker is enough. There is no monthly rent here. In this situation, the payback period will be 4-5 months, which is very good.

Franchise Features

Of course, if you want to make money, then with this franchise you will succeed.

If you want to make the most money, you need to follow some tips:

  • choose the right place. Fortunately, you are not limited in your movements;
  • follow all advice that company representatives give you;
  • monitor the service, select the right personnel;
  • maintain cleanliness;
  • create your own customer database.

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

Of course, company representatives will explain everything to you down to every detail. It all depends on your choice.


If you want to more fully imagine what this business is like, be sure to read the reviews:

“Not long ago I started tracking interesting fast food franchises. It would seem that you employ one employee and receive almost passive income, making management decisions from time to time. In this regard, I really liked the Food Truck offer. You can sell food directly from your vehicle. Moreover, the initial fee is not that high compared to its competitors. In 6 months I have already recouped the costs and have already remained in a small plus. I understand that in winter there will be fewer buyers, since people will not be able to walk, but I hope for the best.”

“I have been working in the catering industry for quite a long time. I had several cafes, but, to be honest, I was not able to create a rapidly growing business. That is why the decision was made to collaborate with those who already have experience in this field. I immediately liked the same Food Truck company. First of all, with its innovative approach to doing business and its enormous experience. Fast food on wheels itself is very common in the USA; in our country this niche is relatively free. Therefore, people perceive my business as some kind of exotic. In general, for this reason I manage to stay afloat quite well, gradually paying off debts for past failures. If it continues like this, then I can break even and move on.”

Show phone

The foot fight is completely new. ON GUARANTEE. Used for only 7 days on NG. Bought for New Year 2019. for catering for RUB 3,600,000. Complete stuffing!!! The price of this in "EdaOnWheels" starts from 2,000,000 but it is empty as a DRUM!!! Currently, our catering enterprise has been liquidated, but we have the relevant documents. Registered with the traffic police. The futruck itself is located in Moscow.
Food truck - red;
The body is made of fiberglass designed to operate in an environment from -50 to +100 degrees Celsius. Fiberglass thickness 4 mm;
German axles with drum inertial overrun brake, manual parking
The inside walls and ceiling are lined with food grade stainless steel sheets;
The floors are covered with corrugated aluminum sheets (backing is 20mm laminated plywood);
Insulation of walls and floors with insulation no less than 40 mm thick;
One utility room of 2.5 m2, equipped with shelves and hangers for clothes (wardrobe);
Along the sides along the entire length there are countertops made of food grade stainless steel with built-in sockets (14 pcs. - 220V and 2 pcs. - 380V) and a built-in sink;
Double sink with cold and hot water mixer with pump;
The sink has a sewer with the ability to drain into its own containers;
Flow-through heater 1.5 kW;
Tanks for clean and sewage water;
Possibility of connecting to external power supply networks 220/380 volts or an external generator through a special panel with a connector block. Power up to 45 kW;
Electrical panel with meter and circuit breakers separately for all consumer groups;
LED lighting around the entire trailer – 2 pcs;
Exterior lighting is built into opening windows;
The mechanism for opening window sashes is gas lift. The size of the window sashes is 2000mm by 1000mm, which can serve as good protection from rain.
Internal LED lighting (double if necessary with programmable backlight);
Enlarged window openings (2000 mm by 1350 mm), low counter;
Folding shelf by the window, 35 cm long, which can support a weight of up to 70 kg. Opening mechanism - gas lift;
The window openings have plastic double glazing (double glazing), the closure is hermetically sealed, which allows you to work safely at low temperatures;
Additional lighting inside above the work surfaces;
Chrome wheel caps;
Exhaust hood (2 pieces) with grease traps with imported engine, 1300 m3/hour.
A fungus with a cap painted in the color of the food truck is installed on the roof.
Shelves with edges made of food grade stainless steel above the countertops along the entire perimeter.
External water supply connection
Stainless steel wall to cover the barbecue area. Additional lighting above the work surface
2 refrigerators that can operate like 2 freezers.
Gasoline electric generator PG14 (14.0 kW) with electric start in a vertical noise-proof casing with a temperature protection system (special design for mobile retail outlets with separate ventilation).
Air conditioner. All additional equipment is in the specification.