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Business ideas on your site. What business to open on your own plot Business on your own plot in the city

Each business idea is a specific activity, “tailored” to making money. But you can always combine business with pleasure - do what you love at your dacha and have additional income. Even if this does not become your main income, there is always an opportunity to minimize standard dacha expenses due to the fact that the dacha itself will now pay for its own development!

the site offers a look at some businesses that have become excellent financial help for many. Some of them will be familiar to you, since sometimes, in our articles, we mention the opportunity to make money from summer cottage products, but the rest of them will give you reason for new thoughts and calculations.

Cottage for rent

It often happens that for certain reasons our activities at the dacha are temporarily stopped.

There can be a lot of reasons, for example, the birth of a child and lack of time or even a long business trip. And, in this case, the dacha sits idle and accumulates expenses, because you still have to pay for the land, as well as some utilities and security. Therefore, our first proposal is no longer even a business idea, but an option to save money.

A summer cottage for rent is an excellent option to reduce expenses and, if the issue is resolved correctly, to earn a little money. You can rent out your cottage to neighbors who plan to grow more vegetables or fruits this season, or to friends who enjoy spending time outdoors. Of course, for this you need to find people who will not only cover stable dacha expenses, but also maintain order on the territory. A mandatory condition of the lease should be garden care, weed removal, fertilization and other aspects that will prevent the summer cottage from becoming unusable during your absence.

Earnings remain a very important point. If you are the owner of a large dacha with a residential building, as well as a swimming pool and a bathhouse, you can generally make good money, because every weekend, as well as some weekdays, the dacha can receive guests who will pay not only for electricity and water, but also for the rent you set .

In this case, it is advisable not to chase big money, but to rent out the house, bathhouse and surrounding area only to stable companies of people who will not cause damage to your property.

Bathhouse for rent

We decided to talk in a little more detail about how you can make money from a country bathhouse. At one time, you invested a lot of money, but you only use it a few times a week at most.

You can change your approach and make good money from a bathhouse, especially if you have a modern version of it.

The most important thing for a bathhouse that can be rented out is a short distance from the city limits, a natural area, and good quality workmanship. Next is just marketing and your personal desire to earn money. Today, there are a lot of people who want to “hide” away from people and relax to the fullest, especially with a bathhouse, near which there is a green garden, a cool pool, a barbecue, and a place to relax.

Such a bathhouse can be profitable at any time of the year, you just need to correctly target it to the client. But the most important thing is not to forget about providing a bathhouse. It must be clean here, the bathhouse must be heated at the exact time and to the required temperature, the supply of firewood must not run out, the client must be satisfied, because only then will he pay money.

Many people today immediately build bathhouses with an eye to making money, and this is a very profitable enterprise, because all expenses are covered literally in a year. Another plus is that the bathhouse that brings you money is yours personally, where you yourself can have a great steam bath at any time!

In addition to earning money, you can sell everything you need for a bathhouse - brooms, tubs, hats, beer, water, shish kebab, dishes for a more serious feast, etc.

Growing fruits, vegetables and herbs for sale

We touched on this topic several times; we even talked in detail about growing greenery in the country. But if you approach the dacha and in general from the point of view of making money on everything that is grown, then the approach needs to be changed somewhat.

It just so happens that you can’t make a lot of money in a medium-sized dacha. Yes, you can bargain for something to provide for yourself and reduce dacha expenses, but it is too difficult to replace your main income with the funds received. At the very least, it will be necessary not only to hope for a harvest of apples or early strawberries, but to invest in development, cultivation of industrial varieties, equipment, and fertilizers.

You can make money in a greenhouse! For example, here you can grow early tomatoes and cucumbers, herbs and other crops. But in view of the fact that enough people are engaged in such activities, it will be possible to find a sales market, but it will not be possible to win with the price.

You can grow something unique in a greenhouse, for example, expensive spices, but this is also not an option to quickly make good money.

A greenhouse for flowers is an excellent solution. But even before providing conditions for the flowers that you decide to grow, you need to decide where and how much the flowers can be sold. Only at first glance it seems that flowers are needed everywhere and always, and that they will be sold out very well. But check for yourself; every point selling fragrant and beautiful plants has long had its own suppliers.

This is also not bad, because mushrooms grow quite quickly, giving the summer resident a serious harvest. But they also require special care, so you will need to prepare for such a summer cottage business, and be sure to provide the mushrooms with all the necessary requirements.

We can talk about making money in a greenhouse for a long time, but we want to briefly summarize. Earnings are real, but only under certain conditions:

  • The greenhouse should operate year-round so that you receive a harvest not only in spring and summer. This will have a positive impact on demand, because you will always have the goods, as well as on profits. You can earn a little from one harvest, but if the harvest is constant, the profit will increase significantly;
  • In addition to year-round cultivation, quality provision is necessary. Equipment, high quality seedlings and seeds, fertilizers, special substrates, constant watering, lighting and compliance with other requirements for each individual crop;
  • But the most important thing is the amount of harvest. It is necessary not only to correctly calculate the future harvest, which is almost impossible to do accurately, but also to initially work with large areas. You won’t make money with 10-12 square meters of even the most modern greenhouse. Approaching industrial volumes, everything becomes much more real.

You can also make money on fruits and berries, which you collect just a few buckets a season, but this will be one-time money, and it simply cannot be attributed to the profit of a business idea. You need to seriously grow crops for sale, and then any business idea will bring you closer to a positive result.

How to grow fresh herbs (video)

How to make money from a smokehouse in the country

Here everything is much simpler, of course, if you work with high quality and only with fresh products!

The smoked meat business is an interesting job if you have learned the art of marinades and smoking. There are many smokehouses in dachas, but almost everywhere the work is done at the level of amateurs. Summer residents smoke meat and fish only for themselves, without even trying to go to market. In view of this, there is an opportunity to settle down a little and try to prepare products for sale.

Another problem is further from the competition; it lies in complex documentation. Such activity is entrepreneurial and must be registered, but the main enemy of entering the market is Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision or Rospotrebnadzor.

We think that here you need to decide the issue yourself, we are simply presenting an idea and even guarantee that in any region of the country you can find a buyer for high-quality smoked meats.

Shops, market outlets, restaurants and cafes, private consumers, neighbors and acquaintances, relatives - they are all willing to pay for something tasty and fresh.

Moreover, the business idea is also good because the price tag for the products is quite high, and often more than 100% is added on top of the cost, which is quite a lot. And only the product for a good marinade and high-quality firewood will need to be written off as expenses. Naturally, there are also initial costs for building a smokehouse and equipping storage facilities, delivery and wages for your assistants, but such expenses are present in almost any business.

Quail farm in the country - a business for risky people

You can make great money on quails and quail eggs, but there are certain “buts” that make this venture risky.

  • Firstly, it is not so easy to sell eggs and quail meat, although everyone around says that such a useful product is sold out very well.
  • Secondly, caring for quails is not an easy and very expensive matter, and therefore the issue should be approached only if you have studied the business and take it seriously.
  • And thirdly, quails are quite vulnerable and demanding birds. Any serious epidemic can wipe out most of a farm in just a couple of days, and this is simply a huge expense!

But if everything is done correctly, the income can be significant. The first money will appear in one and a half to two months, when the hens begin to lay eggs, and the young quails are ready to “migrate” to restaurants or to your customer’s home table. But the same rule applies here as with growing crops in a greenhouse. It is difficult to make money from a small number of quails and quails; for serious profits you need hundreds and thousands of small birds, and this is already a large poultry farm in the country.

Growing and selling mushrooms

Before you perceive this business idea positively or negatively, we recommend that you read our articles on growing mushrooms, which describe in detail the methods and requirements for the same oyster mushrooms and champignons. You can also work with more exotic, rather than industrial varieties, but this is much more difficult, even technically.

Selling grown mushrooms can even become your main income if you have space at your dacha to build special greenhouses, or ready-made greenhouses. Remember that different varieties of mushrooms have different requirements, and they are often complex. This includes temperature conditions, ventilation, humidity, and lighting. In addition, there are a lot of fertilizers, supplements, and special substrates for planting mycelium.

But if you are ready to begin such a difficult task, please find a market and become an entrepreneur. It's not that difficult. Mushrooms grow well, no one has ever had any problems with selling them, the main thing is to set a price that is favorable to everyone.

Organization of a seedling nursery at the dacha

In this section we want to include not only seedlings, but also spring garden seedlings, which can also be transformed into cash.

If your dacha has several greenhouses that are equipped with everything necessary for growing seedlings, this is a huge plus. Such greenhouses will give you the opportunity to grow seedlings not only for your own garden, but also for sale. In a small area you can grow several thousand bushes of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other crops, which you can sell at the right time even to your neighboring summer residents. If the area allows, the volume can be significantly increased.

What about seedlings? But you can also switch to more serious and larger vegetation, for example, seedlings for ornamental and berry bushes, fruit trees. This will require a lot more space, and therefore more work, but each seedling will be able to bring more profit. Current varieties that can produce a harvest within a few years are in great demand, and finding a market for young shrubs and trees is quite easy!

An apiary in the country is a great business

It is very difficult to become a beekeeper simply by choice, because you will need to undergo special training, practical and theoretical, re-read a lot of literature and communicate with experienced people. But such a business idea is worth it, because bees in the country are useful and financially beneficial. We will not talk about all the advantages of installing several bee hives in the country, but we will outline the serious profit that is possible already in the first season.

It is clear that to open a business you will need to prepare a place, buy families, special equipment and feed, but if you approach the issue of an apiary at your dacha thoroughly, then in the first year you can recoup your costs 2-3 times. Yes, it is very difficult, and there are many pitfalls that will not allow you to develop in such a business so easily, but if you set goals for yourself, they are quite achievable.

It’s easy to find a sales market, because honey is bought by the population just fine. You can sell honey to relatives and neighbors, offer it to market sellers at a slightly reduced price, or certify your own production and sell honey under your own brand. But this is much more difficult and more expensive in terms of initial deposits. However, you will always have healthy honey for yourself and for sale, and for this it is enough to start with just 5-7 hives in the country.

There are a lot of ideas for dacha business, and we have already indicated the main ones. Next, we will talk about less popular, but also quite profitable. True, we will do this quite briefly.

What else can bring profit in the country?

In fact, there are hundreds of such business ideas. Everyone earns as much as they can, because in addition to dacha expenses, we also have our own needs that must somehow be covered. What will help us do this?

  • Breeding worms in the country. Quite interesting, especially since the initial costs are not that high. You will not need special buildings or expensive tools, only the creation of a place for families to live, the purchase of “starting material”, as well as special feed and additives;
  • Breeding rabbits in the country. A very simple and interesting thing! The only negative is the animals’ low resistance to diseases, and therefore you will have to spend money on vaccinations. In terms of feed and growth rate, you can get quite serious money from rabbits. They eat a lot, but food is inexpensive and they grow quite quickly;
  • Earnings from poultry. At the moment, this is not a good business idea, since large poultry farms have long been meeting the demand of the population. But if we take into account the fact that among us there are many lovers of natural poultry, and not the vitamin ones from supermarket shelves, then you can try the business. The only problem is the high price of feed and the sales market. Otherwise, everything is quite simple, especially considering the fact that there are many special breeds of poultry that are aimed at eggs or meat, and grow and develop very quickly. The same can be said about ducks and geese, although here the specifics of cultivation and marketing are slightly different;
  • A little from living creatures to production. We will immediately offer building materials - stone, brick, decorative blocks. All this is not so difficult using special equipment. Yes, these are considerable costs, but the cost of each unit of finished product is approximately 2 times lower than the market price. You can save for your own construction, and also sell ready-made materials even in a dacha cooperative, because all dacha residents are constantly building something;
  • Sawmill. An excellent solution for a summer house if you can afford to invest in woodworking equipment. The demand for lumber today is simply off the charts, but to break into the market, you need to maintain standards and show high quality;
  • Pressing fuel briquettes. There are separate topics on the production of fuel briquettes, but here we simply remind you that you can earn a little money from such activities.

Paving slabs, decorative concrete products, production of wood concrete and SIP panels, creation of country furniture, production of homemade wine from grapes and apples, production of cages, pens, and other outbuildings - this is still a small percentage of the ideas that are generally available. Therefore, you just have to think about what you are more predisposed to, write a business plan and move on to active action.

But remember, before you start a business, be sure to study its direction, write a business plan, and find a market. In general, only a correct and serious attitude will lead to profit and pleasure.

And again we return to the spring-summer topics of seasonal earnings - business in the country, especially relevant in today's crisis, general job cuts, and the rise in prices of almost all goods. Whatever you say, political and, as a consequence, economic turmoil has affected absolutely all areas of business in the country. What can we say about ordinary citizens who were left with two choices: “tighten their belts,” or try to show their entrepreneurial qualities, which had previously been “dormant” somewhere deep inside, and try to organize a source of additional income.

Surely many entrepreneurs will agree with us that finding suitable premises is one of the priority stages when organizing your own business. Of course, if you are planning to open a large-scale production, or a large service providing any services, you cannot do without purchasing or renting space. But representatives of small and even medium-sized businesses in Russia can easily get by with the premises that many of them already have.

Examples include organizing a tire service in a garage, growing parsley or onions on shelves in an apartment, or breeding worms for fishing in the basement of a house.

In addition, there is one more room that every fifth family has, and which can be successfully used to organize your own small business. This is a dacha. What kind of business in the country can you open if you have the desire?

As a rule, the size of a summer cottage varies from 4 to 20 acres. The standard area of ​​6 acres has long been reduced due to buildings located on the site, or expanded through the acquisition of neighboring lands. How to properly use the available space in order to receive additional income from it, while, if possible, without infringing on your interests?

Plantation of seedlings

With the onset of spring, active sales of a wide variety of seedlings begin at garden markets. By the way, you can read about how you can make money in the spring in this source. The share of sales of seedlings grown on an “industrial” scale in agronomic farms in such markets is only about 40%. The rest of the plants were grown in the dacha plots. The following are in great demand among gardeners:

  • Berry bushes - raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn.
  • Fruit trees - apple, plum, cherry.

When deciding on future plantings, you need to take into account the climate zone in which you live. Will help you get ahead of your competitors competent advertising, attentive attitude towards customers, and some “tricks” that will distinguish your product from dozens of the same ones. Use discounts when purchasing several seedlings, offer delivery, make gifts, give advice on caring for seedlings, etc. Of course, this idea requires some knowledge of gardening and some experience. But, having studied the matter, you will provide yourself with a stable annual seasonal income.


We have already told readers about how to open a flower business in the city. By the way, florist shops quite often have suppliers of their goods among summer residents. Why don't you become one of them if you want?

The most popular varieties of flowers can be grown on the site:

  • Roses
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Tulips
  • Lilies
  • Carnations, etc.

And in the very premises of the country house - place indoor types of flowers:

  • Calla lilies
  • Primrose
  • cacti
  • Ficus, etc.

Study the demand market and offers in your city, grow the most popular plants, and those that are not at all represented in stores. Usually, something new always attracts, and an “exotic” product should be sold out with a bang.

You can sell flowers, as we have already said, through flower shops, open your own small shop where you can cut fresh flowers to customers to order directly from the flowerbed. Or arrange delivery of bouquets. As with the idea with seedlings, look for a creative way to present the product to your customers, and things will work out for you.

"Dachny" store

The proliferation of low-quality food products on store shelves has led to consumers becoming more interested in environmentally friendly products, including those made by hand. As we all know, many people make various jams, pickles, marinades, smoked meats, and other various “delicacies” at their dachas. If you don’t have enough of your own harvest to prepare supplies, you can purchase it from neighbors on your property or holiday village.

The essence of the idea is to sell such preparations directly at the dacha. It will be kind of "country" store. All you need is to learn how to properly preserve vegetables and fruits, smoke meat and fish, and give competent advertising. However, the latter may only be needed once, since buyers of such products usually become regulars.

A little advice: try to experiment with technologies for preparing your products, look for new tastes, read new recipes, in general - develop in this regard.

Rent a summer cottage daily

The business of renting out dachas has been going on since Soviet times. But renting it out for a season is not as profitable as using a daily rental. Such offers will be of interest to companies planning a corporate vacation, couples in love dreaming of spending a weekend in a picturesque forest corner away from the bustle of the city, and simply wanting to relax in the lap of nature.

To organize such a business, you need to carry out a small “cosmetic” repair of your country house and clean up the area, and prepare everything you need for a “cultural” vacation:

  • Required grill for kebabs
  • In sunny summer weather it would be a good idea to put sun loungers for sunbathing
  • It’s not bad if your site has its own bathhouse with the obligatory steam room

It’s very good if your dacha is located in a beautiful place, not far from a forest and a lake or pond. And the presence of a fireplace at the dacha can make it available for rent almost all year round.

In the footsteps of past publications

You can also organize a business in your dacha by implementing any ideas previously published on our blog:

In conclusion, I would like to recall one well-known folk saying: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.” Try to start your own business, even the smallest one for now. If it works, you will have a source of additional income. No - you will gain invaluable experience. In any case, you won't lose anything. I wish you success!

Every second Russian has a dacha plot, every fourth wonders whether a dacha business is profitable, and what commercial initiatives will make money on their own piece of land. The dacha business is possible, and it has its own secrets. At the same time, it should be understood that such commerce is risky. The weather factor, the lack of civilized sales markets, access to cheap loans and vehicles make life difficult for those who want to make money from their own dacha. But it doesn't stop them. For a Russian person there are no barriers that cannot be circumvented.

Before organizing your own business at your summer cottage, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  1. find out which products are in demand in the region in which you live, since long-distance transportation increases the cost of what is produced - sometimes several times;
  2. determine (or organize independently) sales channels - where and how to transport (sell) the received products;
  3. understand production (growing) technology;
  4. draw up a business plan that details expected expenses and income.

Important! Large-scale business on a summer cottage is prohibited by law. You cannot build a supermarket or a brick factory on land intended for subsidiary farming. However, if the site is located near the highway and there is a desire to build a store or open an auto repair shop on it, you can change the purpose of the land.

Little secrets of income from a summer cottage

Combining business ideas and dacha farming has its secrets. What grows in everyone’s yard cannot be sold at a high price, and transportation immediately increases overhead costs - the business becomes unprofitable. Growing seedlings and early varieties requires heat, light, and frequent watering - at the same time, there are plots of land without water or electricity. The construction of a greenhouse will have a beneficial effect on plant growth and increase the yield, but will require additional financial investments. In addition, in order to implement a business idea on a summer cottage, you need to live there around the clock or visit often.

Important! Any business that involves making money on minimal financial investments is built on significant labor costs. In addition, the work itself on the land requires labor - it is difficult for one person to independently carry out the entire cycle of work. Automated tools make the process easier, but they cost money - in this case there is no need to talk about business from scratch.

10 ideas for making money at your dacha for the brave and hardworking

The first thing that comes to mind is to use the dacha plot for its intended purpose: to grow edible and ornamental plants. Vegetables that require minimal investment of labor and time include green onions, parsley and dill. Also at the dacha they raise chickens and raise fur-bearing animals (rabbits, nutria), and this is double income - from the sale of meat and fur. There are unusual ways to earn income. Let's take a closer look at how much you can earn.

Important information! In crop farming, profitable options for earning money are from seed and planting material, flowers, early vegetables and berries. In livestock farming - fur-bearing animals, raising quails and ostriches, rabbit breeding.

1. Income from edible greens

Dill, lettuce, parsley, and radishes are in demand and it’s easy to make money from them. Dill is the most popular type of greenery, and it begins to grow at 2-3 degrees Celsius. To ensure a higher harvest, the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground, but not germinated. It is better to purchase varietal dill seeds, or even better - to save them yourself. Your own greenhouse will help you get a harvest at any time of the year.

Own land is a good opportunity to create your own personal business. What type of business can you organize on your site?

1.Growing greens

Using a greenhouse, you can harvest five or six times in one year. The cost of an ordinary greenhouse and seeds is approximately fifty thousand rubles. By selling only greens, you can provide an income of approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.

2. Growing mushrooms

This is a profitable business. Mushrooms are in very high demand. Champignons and oyster mushrooms are the most popular mushrooms that are grown on your own plot. They do not require any maintenance at all. Growing can be done in a barn.

There you can create ideal conditions for mushrooms. To organize the cultivation of mushrooms you will need approximately 20 to 30 thousand rubles. With their help you can earn approximately 15–20 thousand rubles in a month.

3. Cheese production

Cheese produced at home is in great demand and highly valued. Therefore, the idea associated with its preparation can be very profitable.

To organize production, you need a room with a minimum area of ​​fifty square meters. In addition, you will have to purchase equipment. The initial investment is quite significant and amounts to about 200 thousand rubles. Having formed a regular client base for several months, you can regularly earn from 40 thousand rubles.

4. Breeding rabbits

There are not many competitors in this segment. For a small farm breeding up to one thousand rabbits per year, a land plot of 600 to 800 square meters is required. In addition, you need to buy special equipment and the animals themselves.

This will require from 140 to 160 thousand rubles. By organizing a trade in rabbit carcasses, you can get from 50 thousand rubles in one month.

5. Quail farm

Quail farming does not require much space. Income can be obtained from the sale of meat and eggs. To purchase one hundred heads and organize a farm, you will need approximately one hundred thousand rubles. The minimum monthly income is thirty thousand rubles.

6. Flower business

Flowers are equally in demand all year round. The maximum demand for them is observed on holidays. To grow flowers, you need to install a greenhouse with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters. The total investment amount is approximately five hundred thousand rubles.

The most popular flowers are roses. You can recoup your investment after six months of hard work. The minimum amount of monthly net profit is one hundred ten thousand rubles.

7. Small own smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats are in great demand. Purchasing a mini-smokehouse will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. It is better to install it in a separate room.

To purchase equipment you will need to spend another 16 to 20 thousand rubles. The initial investment pays off in about two months of work. Every month, your own mini-smokehouse can generate income from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

8. Beekeeping

This business allows you to earn income not only from the sale of honey, but additional beekeeping products - propolis, wax, etc. It is advisable that there is a garden with fruit trees next to the apiary. However, bees do not like pigs and dogs. The hives do not need to be placed very close.

There must be sufficient distance between them. Approximately twenty or thirty square meters should be allocated per hive. To create an apiary consisting of approximately 25 hives, approximately 250 thousand rubles will be required. The minimum net monthly profit of an apiary is fifty-five thousand rubles.

Having chosen a suitable occupation for yourself on your own plot of land and having carefully studied the market, you can start your own business.

After all, what is a dacha? A dacha is, first of all, a plot of land. Where you can relax and work, build residential buildings and grow crops. Just think: according to VTsIOM, the majority of Russian residents spend their summer vacations at their dachas and only 14% choose to vacation at local or foreign resorts. That is, more than 80% of dacha owners spend all their free time at these same dachas. Imagine so many people and unspent energy in one place. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a phenomenon as "dacha business"- quickly developed into an independent direction.

At the dacha, you can engage in cultivation and construction, you can build these same dachas, bathhouses, fences and septic tanks, buy and resell. The dacha can finally be rented out. More complex types of dacha business involve the transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction plots, however, the notorious transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction lands is already a business for realtors, lawyers and savvy people. You can also develop side business areas - drilling wells for water, gas supply, etc. .

Let's consider some types of business in the country separately.


The simplest and most accessible type of dacha business is helping these same dacha residents, saving their time - digging, excavating, adjusting, repairing, harvesting, and so on.


Installation of solar panels and collectors. For electricity and heating. An excellent business in dachas where energy is needed, but there are no opportunities. It is very easy to learn how to install and configure the equipment. Demand is stable, due to the fact that sites appear faster than they are equipped with electricity.

According to statistics, in Russia 60% of the population have dachas and summer cottages.


The article, by the way, is very useful. He talks about how to legally and without extra taxes organize some types of business on your summer cottages.


Tulips for March 8th are a very profitable business niche. Demand exceeds not only supply, but also knowledge of how to quickly and profitably cut tulips for this holiday. Growing flowers in cold conditions makes this a great summer cottage business. No special devices or anything else is needed.


Coniferous plants are very popular for their year-round beauty and unpretentiousness. People are willing to pay several thousand rubles for beautiful low seedlings, but for large ones the prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. Although, to engage in this business you just need patience. Nature does the rest.