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Business idea for selling sausages and smoked meats. How to open a sausage production shop: business plan

Food trade has been and remains a popular segment of goods among buyers, even in times of crisis. Specialized, highly specialized food stores have recently become especially popular, in particular, today we will talk about one of these, namely how to open a store selling sausages and what to focus on when promoting it in your city.

Business Features

As with any food product, selling it has its pros and cons. In particular, the high demand for sausage products among the population makes this business very attractive. But at the same time, the goods perish quickly, and accordingly there are some risks of receiving unsold products that will need to be written off. These points can be applied to almost any type of product.

What about competition? She's really tall. In almost every grocery store you can see a display case with sausage products, but at the same time, branded sausage stores from a specific manufacturer are now becoming very popular on the market. Often they also work very successfully in the market and develop a base of regular customers due to the quality of their products and the range of meat products. Alternatively, you can occupy this niche and become a representative of some sausage factory in your city.

The second option is to work with many manufacturers, and focus on the wide range and freshness of all products.

The third option is selling sausage at the market. A kiosk with refrigeration equipment is available for rent. True, there is usually high competition in this format of activity, but if the range allows it, and you know how to improve the service or win on price, then you can safely start.

Sausage trading rules

As with any product, you will need to obtain a number of permits to sell sausage. Let's look at them in more detail.

What documents are needed to trade sausages:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur and indicate all the necessary OKVED
  • you must have all the permits regarding the retail space you will rent. These are permits from the SES and the fire service.
  • all goods must be confirmed by quality certificates
  • a buyer's corner should be organized

Selection of premises and equipment for trade

The best places to sell sausages are retail outlets in crowded places, such as near food markets or adjacent grocery stores. The size of the retail space should be around 30 sq.m. and more. This is the size of the room that will allow you to properly arrange all the display cases with products.

For commercial equipment you will need:

  • refrigerated display cases for displaying sausages
  • counters and bedside tables
  • organizing a workplace for a salesperson
  • sausage cutting machine. A must have equipment in this business.
  • cleaning products
  • cash machine

Perhaps, if the assortment is large, additional freezers will be needed to store sausages and meat products.


The sausage business is not limited to just these products; there is a whole list of products that complement the assortment of such a retail outlet.

Here is a list of product groups:

  • boiled sausages
  • sausages, sardels
  • smoked or fried sausages
  • delicacies
  • meat snacks
  • grill menu
  • kebabs
  • smoked and baked meat and lard and more.

The assortment may be wider, and all these products may be from different manufacturers, which allows you to offer your customer a wide selection of sausages in your store.


To promote such a retail outlet, you will first need to use local advertising, namely:

  • handing out leaflets near the store
  • banners with promotions and discounts
  • a bright sign or the design of the store itself.

For the best promotion of a sausage store, you need to very carefully select an area for trading in a crowded place, this will be your main advertising.

Business on homemade sausage and smoked meats

A separate area of ​​business can be identified when you yourself organize the production of homemade sausage, or, more precisely, launch a small workshop. In fact, the price in the end, if you do everything with high quality, turns out to be higher than products from large manufacturers and your competitive advantage is the quality and naturalness of sausages.

Please note an important point: to open a trade in homemade sausage on the market, you will need product certificates. You can find out how to obtain them by consulting a lawyer.

As a business, this is a good direction, but it is very specific and most likely will not be suitable for a beginner in this area. To sell such products in the future, it will be necessary to establish cooperation with other grocery stores.

How much starting capital is needed?

Depending on the format of work, the initial investment in a sausage trading business can vary significantly. We will provide only a basic list of costs for starting this business.

  • Room rental – $300 – $350
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $5000 – $7000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$2500 – $3000
  • Advertising – $200

How much income can you expect?

In fact, everything will depend on competition, assortment, service, quality of sausage and freshness of the goods.

The average markup on sausages is 20% - 40%.

Conclusions. Opening a specialized store selling sausage is quite realistic and quite profitable, but at the same time, due to great competition, you will need to look for ways to improve your outlet relative to your competitors, perhaps it will be a range or a lower price.

Is there anything to complement this business idea? We are waiting for your comments.

The sausage department is the most delicious and necessary in the store, always in demand but also very difficult. The shelf life of sausages is short, so they are perishable. It is important in the trade of such products to have a well-designed display case and reasonable prices for sausages, the most optimal markup is 12-15%, it costs take into account that there will be trimming since the sausage will weather if you don’t trim, and this happens in many stores, the products will not have a marketable appearance and trade will be weak; most likely you will lose more than gain. Trimming should be done on all cut products before lunch in the first hour peak. Usually in grocery stores the rush hour is during the lunchtime and in the evening when people return from work. I don’t recommend wrapping cut products in film; they become slippery, suffocating and the edge will have to be made much thicker than when unfolded. The display window should look rich and arouse the appetite of customers Taking a lot of sausages is also fraught, you can end up with expired sausages, and their prices are not low, so I advise you to take an amount that will immediately be loaded onto the display case. Do not allow products to lie at the bottom of the refrigerator's spare storage. If the display is made in one row, i.e., one piece of each type, trade will also be weak.
Choose a refrigerator for sausage products wisely; preferably, it should be deep with a spare cabinet underneath or with slats on top (refrigerated display cases). It describes how this can be done.
Let me give you an example of a display case with 100% sales Sheet 2
Cut sausages: Leave boiled sausages at least 300g. Semi-smoked in half, although
p 37, you must cut products according to the buyer’s wishes, with the exception of goods with a set weight and sold individually. Therefore, if you have a piece of 400g left, and you are asked to cut 200g, cut it from a new loaf, because the rest may fall over and they won’t buy it, and if you trim a piece of 200g, you will be left with a stub and most likely it will fall into the category of sawn-offs, this will be a loss. Teach sellers not to cut such pieces, let them offer customers to buy an already cut piece, even if it does not have the weight that the buyer asks for, plus or minus 100g is large does not play a role and the buyer willingly agrees if he sees that the product is fresh, if the cut sausage product has lain from morning to evening and has become a little weathered, make a thin cut right before selling and let the buyer smell it, thereby proving its freshness. At the end of the working day, do a weighing of scraps collected during the day, write it down, this will be your natural loss () they can be converted into the product “Animal food”, frozen and sold at a low price, so you can cover part of the natural loss. Do not under any circumstances accumulate mountains of such scraps as then you will have to throw them away and the natural loss will be 100% instead of the possible 70-60%.
-Wash the refrigerator every morning.
-Before loading fresh goods, empty the display case completely, wipe and load fresh goods first, and place leftovers on top.
- Wipe the packaging of sausage products well; on semi-smoked sausage, a white coating (salt appears) very often appears. By wiping with a clean rag soaked in sunflower oil, you will get rid of this problem and create an appetizing presentation.
- Rinse cutting boards and knives used during work during the day in a vinegar solution. (A solution of 4 liters of water + 1 teaspoon of acetic acid) Soak the cloth (gauze) used during the day in white overnight, and periodically renew it, it should always be clean .
- Keep the assortment depending on customer demand.
Good luck in your endeavors!

Trade keeps its secrets in this Box.

This is how it happened in my life, I became a trader, I won’t say that I dreamed of this since childhood, but by the will of fate, I devoted half my life to trade. I worked as a simple salesman, a senior salesman, a manager. I went through, to say in Russian, fire and water and copper pipes .

Started working with I traded and did well, I was told more than once that I was a born salesman. Counter-counter stores were replaced by supermarkets. I had to quickly adapt, learn to work on a computer and master the 1C program. I quickly got the hang of it, within a year I got an A grade. could tell Over time, I came to conclusions that they have their pros and cons, just like counter stores. And everyone is free to decide where to do .With the advent of a new round in trade, people, out of curiosity, rushed to visit them, but many quickly realized the disadvantages of such stores, giving preference to the usual counter stores. Someone has mastered the technique of visiting such stores and goes with pleasure. What is the disadvantage? Having visited such stores more than once, we This spoils the mood for some, others indifferently kick boxes, there is little pleasant from such a situation. Another important problem, on the shelves of large stores. There are many ways to combat this phenomenon; managers must be willing to fight it. The advantages are that there is a large assortment and a person can look and touch the product himself, leaving the choice to himself. And now many may have a question: what about the counter? Will they really go down in history as an echo of the past. I think that these stores don’t have their own customers who like to communicate with a nice saleswoman and rely on her opinion. I’ll be honest, I like them too. But bureaucracy in our country, in my opinion, is not eradicable. Therefore, if you are thinking about this, carefully weigh the pros and cons. The situation is even more complicated with personnel selection, . Your mood, the amount remaining in your wallet and the benefits of the purchases you make depend on them.

Time passed and trade moved even further, the World Wide Web appeared and many moved there. There are also many disputes on this topic. Is this real? People's opinions are divided on this issue. Some categorically say no, others say yes. It is more difficult to track conscientious stores and companies. Looking at the cover of the site and email address. Many people have a question Where to start your small business? What can you trade here? There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to separate the flies from the cutlets and in front. First, I would advise you to at least read articles on similar topics, visit forums to learn about the experiences of others. Break the ground and don’t rush to invest your money. Check the site you are going to work with by checking

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Sausage is a food product that belongs to sausage products and is minced meat from one or more types of meat, fat and offal with the addition of salt and spices, heat-treated until ready for consumption and packaged in an oblong casing. Sausage is one of the most common types of meat delicacies in our country.

Types of sausages

There are several main types of sausages, which are produced by most modern domestic producers - both small and large. The most common and inexpensive types of sausages include boiled sausages, made from salted minced meat. The most popular variety of this type of sausage in our country is “doctor’s sausage.” As the name implies, cooked sausages are cooked at a temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius. Cheap types of sausages contain, in addition to the meat itself, a large amount of soy. Due to the high water content in boiled sausage, it has a short shelf life.

Cooked-smoked sausages They are first boiled and then smoked. If boiled sausages have a uniform consistency and do not contain a large amount of spices, then boiled-smoked sausages have a more spicy taste and may consist of small pieces of meat. Milk, cream, lard, flour and starch are often used as additives in the preparation of these types of sausages.

Semi-smoked sausages, according to the recipe, they are first fried, then boiled and finally smoked. Semi-smoked sausages are not inferior in taste to boiled-smoked ones. The only difference is that when they are heat treated, the weight loss will be significantly less.

Raw smoked sausages, unlike other sausages, are not subjected to high-temperature heat treatment and contain the largest amount of spices. During the process of cold smoking at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, the meat is fermented and dehydrated. It takes about a month (up to 40 days) for raw smoked sausages to mature. This period can be reduced by adding an acid that affects the pH level and starting cultures (usually yeast microorganisms).

Dry-cured sausages(for example, salami) are made from minced marinated meat, which is smoked in cold smoke for 3-4 days and then dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius.

Finally, there are also liver sausages, which are made from meat by-products and are the cheapest types of sausages on the Russian market.

Prospects for the sausage business in Russia

The Russian sausage market, according to research data, has been actively developing over the past ten years. The annual growth rate is about 7.5-8.0%. First of all, thanks to the stable and constantly increasing demand for meat products. In general, this segment, which has one of the highest turnover rates in the Russian food industry, is assessed by entrepreneurs and investors as promising, which explains the high level of competition in it. The domestic market is dominated by domestically produced products (its share is estimated at 99%). However, after Russia joined the WTO, the share of imports of sausage products increases every year.

The largest domestic sausage production enterprises are mostly located in the following regions: Central Federal District - 38%, Volga Federal District - 19%, Northwestern Federal District - 12%. In terms of production volumes, enterprises in Moscow, the Moscow and Saratov regions are leaders. At the same time, most of them use the capacities at their disposal by an average of 62%.

Despite the high level of competition in the sausage market, it does not lose its attractiveness for new manufacturing companies operating at the regional level. However, in order for a mini-workshop to become successful, several basic rules must be followed. First, you first need to select the segment (product and price) in which you will work. Today, the market for smoked sausages is the most promising, with a share of almost 30%. Secondly, experts advise investing in the development of your own recipes and strict quality control of manufactured products. Thirdly, you should start by searching for distribution channels and establishing relationships with grocery stores and retail chains (including super and hypermarkets).

Opening of a sausage shop

The production of sausages is a highly profitable and fast-paying business, which, however, has certain nuances and difficulties (like any other food production). Most of the difficulties in organizing it are associated with finding suitable premises for a workshop that would comply with all sanitary rules, and obtaining the necessary permits. So, for example, the building of a former kindergarten, residential premises and public institutions (rest homes, bathhouses, etc.) will not be suitable for a sausage shop. Its minimum area should be 50 square meters. meters. However, even for a small production of sausages, producing less than one ton of finished products per day, you will need a premises with an area of ​​at least twice as large - from 100 to 250 square meters. meters. If your production volumes amount to one ton of sausage per day, then the workshop area will be no less than 300 square meters. meters.

The workshop should have a low-temperature chamber for storing raw materials, one refrigeration chamber for ripening minced meat, and a second for finished products. The total area of ​​the workshop is divided into several separate zones: a department for the preparation and processing of raw materials, a raw materials workshop, a workshop for grinding, salting and preparing minced meat, a thermal department, a warehouse for dry bulk products, a room for storing equipment and other materials, a washing room for returnable containers, storage room for sodium nitrate solution, expedition. In addition, it is necessary to provide space for a locker room, shower, kitchen and bathroom, storage space for sanitary clothing and equipment. The main requirement is that during the production of sausages, the finished product should not come into contact with raw materials that have not yet been processed.

If you have not had experience in this area, it is better when choosing a premises for a workshop to seek help from an experienced specialist who can assess it for compliance with all requirements and prepare a plan for production, warehouse and office premises.

With an extremely limited budget, you can purchase a monoblock, which is a turnkey mini-workshop. To install a monoblock, you will need a plot of land with all communications connected. This option is more suitable for rural areas and small production on a functioning farm (for processing your own raw materials). However, as an independent option for a sausage production workshop, it is unprofitable.

At the next stage, when the premises have been found, you need to choose a legal form for your enterprise. This can be either an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or an LLC (limited liability company). In addition, you will need to register with the funds (Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund) and obtain permits to carry out your activities from various services - SES, ROSTEST, Veterinary and Fire Inspectorate. According to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, products that go on sale must have a certificate of conformity and consumer labeling, by which the manufacturer can be identified. Mandatory certification of food products is carried out in one of two forms: according to the documents of the GOST R Certification System and according to the rules for product certification using a declaration statement.

Now, as a rule, large production facilities, which have a fully established production and quality control system and whose workers have the necessary qualifications, undergo GOST R certification. The difficulty lies in the fact that GOST R requires that the enterprise have a production certificate or a quality certificate issued by ROSTEST. Obviously, it is almost impossible or very difficult for a small workshop to fulfill all these requirements.

For the GOST R certification system, it is necessary to submit a number of documents: a production or quality system certificate, a product test report in an accredited laboratory, a hygiene certificate, a veterinary certificate.

Most small businesses prefer to certify their products through a declaration application. To do this, you need to contact the same ROSTEST with a statement guaranteeing that the workshop will produce safe products that comply with regulatory and technical documentation. The following list of documents is attached to the application: copies of constituent documents, lease of production space, a copy of a certificate from the SES on production permission, a list of produced food products indicating regulatory and technical documents, copies of regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) for new types of products agreed with Trade, SES and registered at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Standard, a hygienic certificate as a form of approval of technical documentation with the SES, a document on the enterprise’s ability to monitor physical and chemical quality indicators or an agreement with an existing laboratory, certificate documents confirming the safety of raw materials and packaging materials, samples of test products, an agreement on product certification, veterinary certificate.

After checking all the submitted documents, Gosnadzor carries out an inspection of the production with the execution of an act and, if the inspection is successful, issues a certificate of conformity. The latter can be issued for a period of one or three years. For a new small production it is more profitable to obtain a certificate of conformity valid for a year. This time will be enough to finally formulate your assortment and fine-tune all processes. The received certificate, by the way, does not at all exempt you from quarterly inspection control by ROSTEST, SES and Veterinary Inspectorate, which involves a thorough inspection of the premises and analysis of samples of manufactured products, checking their packaging and labeling. If the condition of the selected samples does not comply with established regulatory documents, the products are subject to confiscation, and for the workshop itself this is fraught with serious losses and troubles, including closure.

To make sausages you will need special equipment. The main equipment and inventory include boning tables, knives for cutting carcasses, deboning (separating meat from bones), grinding ingredients, a minced meat mixer, an electric meat grinder (grinder), refrigeration chambers, a cutter for preparing minced meat for boiled sausages and pates, a syringe for stuffing sausages. shells with minced meat, an oven with a smoke generator (it is better to give preference to a universal model, which can be used for drying, cooking, frying and smoking). You should not skimp on equipment, since it is this that determines the productivity of your enterprise. The domestic market offers equipment from both Russian and foreign manufacturers.

When choosing, experts recommend focusing, first of all, on technological indicators, and not on production. Imported cars are much cheaper than domestic ones with similar characteristics, but the latter are almost as reliable as them. An additional advantage of domestic equipment is the lower cost of spare parts and repairs, if necessary. When choosing equipment, pay attention to the material from which it is made. It should be either stainless steel or food grade aluminum.

For comparison, we give approximate prices for basic equipment. Thus, the minimum cost of a refrigeration chamber (a total of 2-3 units will be needed) is from 100 thousand rubles, a grinder - from 60 thousand rubles, a minced meat mixer for 150 liters - from 35 thousand rubles, a cutter - from 100 thousand rubles, a vacuum syringe - from 35 thousand rubles, pneumatic clipper - from 20 thousand rubles, hair cutter - from 68 thousand rubles, band saw - from 20 thousand rubles, heat chamber - from 87 thousand rubles.

It is best to purchase raw materials from domestic suppliers - wholesale companies and farms. Please note: all products you purchase and components of the finished product (even sausage casings and sausage dressing threads) must have certificates confirming their origin and quality. To check the authenticity of the documentation and the quality of the raw materials, you can contact the services of a commodity doctor or a sanitary doctor who understands all the nuances. When purchasing small quantities of meat from farms, medical examination can be carried out during production by concluding an agreement with the veterinary and sanitary laboratory of the regional food market. Specialists from the local laboratory will carry out all the necessary tests and stamp it.

Many manufacturers prefer to purchase raw materials abroad, which entails additional costs for obtaining a special permit to import them into Russia. To obtain such permission, you must submit a written application to the veterinary service of your region (region or republic) at least thirty days before importation, indicating the characteristics of the imported products, the place of their storage, quarantine, processing, purpose of import, and country. It goes without saying that this raw material must have all the necessary documents: a general certificate or a certificate agreed upon with the veterinary service of the exporting country, agreements (treaties, protocols, conventions) between the veterinary services of our country and the exporting state.

To work in production you will need employees. First of all, you cannot do without the help of a technologist who will control the quality of products and prepare recipes for sausages, butchers for deboning meat and cutting carcasses, if you do not plan to purchase already prepared meat, a forwarder, a mechanic, general workers, and an accountant. The functions of managers for the purchase of raw materials and sales of finished products can be taken over for the first time. Modern automated equipment allows significant savings on labor costs. No more than five people will be required to operate one production line. But you shouldn’t skimp on the specialists themselves. Give preference to qualified and experienced workers. Then you will not have to worry about the quality of the products you produce.

However, producing a high-quality and tasty product is only half the battle. It is also necessary to establish its sales. The main sales channels for sausage products are grocery stores, kiosks and stalls, super- and hypermarkets, as well as catering establishments. The most difficult thing is to get on the shelves of super- and hyper-markets, although, for obvious reasons, every manufacturer dreams of this. To do this, you will need to ensure large volumes of supplies, pay for placing your goods on the network, and also agree with an authorized person who is responsible for the assortment of the retail network.

Renting shelf space, for which an agreement is concluded with the network, will cost a decent amount - from 3 to 10 thousand rubles per square meter of display, depending on the type of product. In the case of a new product that is still unknown to the consumer, paying monthly or annually for a shelf may not be profitable. Ideally, it is better to display your product in networks where there is a single fee for joining the network. However, keep in mind that with the latter option, a change in management is possible (which happens quite often in large chains), and proving to the new person in charge that you have already made your single contribution may be problematic and you will have to pay again.

A high entry threshold, the requirement for large volumes and stable supplies, deferred payment (minimum 60 days) - all this makes it much more difficult for small industries to enter the network. In addition, most hyper- and supermarkets, as well as regular retail chains in the “convenience store” format, produce goods under their own brand for the most popular food items. If there is no other option, you can try to offer them to sell your products under their own brand. Keep in mind that if your product does end up on the supermarket shelves, but turns out to be unmarketable, the chain will simply terminate the contract with you.

So, let's calculate our expenses and possible profits. Let's take as an example a mini-workshop with an area of ​​50 square meters. meters (minimum area) with a capacity of 200 kg of sausages per eight-hour shift. Renting such premises will cost from 120-130 thousand rubles per year, depending on the location. To open such a small workshop for the production of sausages, you will need from 550 thousand rubles. This amount includes registration and registration of the enterprise, rental of premises (conditionally ready for operation as a workshop), purchase of equipment, raw materials and wages to employees for the first time. Ideally, the reserve for the first months should, of course, be larger. Experts advise having enough funds for at least six months of uninterrupted operation of the workshop when reaching zero.

Monthly costs include the cost of purchasing raw materials, utilities, rent and wages. However, most likely, you will not need this supply. A sausage shop has a very high profitability, which can reach 30% (however, in fact this figure is rather closer to 25%). The payback period is, under favorable conditions, three months.

I would like to offer the “rejection” option, this is a tough way of selling. It can be used provided:
1. The need for the product has been identified 100%. The product is needed and needed now, the offer is profitable.
2. The seller knows exactly the reason for the refusal.
3. A potential client needs to be squeezed.
4. The seller has experience in sales.

A very good friend of mine, young in age and experience in sales, recently got a job at a sausage company.
During the first week of work, she had to find at least three clients, conclude an agreement and make shipment.
She started working on Monday. She turned to me for help on Thursday in a snotty mood because she could not agree on shipment with any client.

I had to leave the city, and I could devote no more than three hours to her.
1. I gave her 30 minutes to tell me about the pros and cons of the product, price segment, competitors and working conditions, etc.
2. We went to 2 stores at once, near my house. Luckily for us, the directors were there. I am a sociable person and I am known and loved by all the janitors, children, their mothers, store clerks, directors, as well as cats and dogs in our yard...

They placed an order with us after smiling and saying: Hi, we have meat sausage at a reasonable price, you need to place your order today. At first there was a pause, then laughter, the sellers, directors, buyers and we laughed.
Then the question was: do we need this?
My answer: Yes, it is very beneficial for you!!!
Again laughter and a question: Tanya, how do you know what is beneficial for us?
My answer: The stars told me!!!
Again laughter and the question: Can we do it tomorrow?
My answer is no!!!
Question: Why?
My answer: Tomorrow the chip will not fall!!!
again laughter and: Come on, get your sausage. Faya replace Lena, she makes an order. Lena is surprised: I’m not doing anything yet! Again loud laughter from all those present and the director: You’re doing it, Lena, you’re already doing it!!!

3. Let's go to the third store. This is where the technique of harsh rejection was used.
I rarely go to this store, there is a very small assortment, the only advantage is the presence of a household chemicals department. I don't know the director.

We go in, smile, find out from the seller who is in charge of the sausage, she calls the director.
A 120 kg woman comes out with an expression on her face: What's up? Well?
Ignoring her expression, smiling for 1 minute, I say who we are and why we came. Information: On a large display case they had 10 lonely sausages.

The headmistress (Irina Aleksandrovna) listened (with a sour expression):
Leave your price list and brochure. I'll take a look and if I'm interested, I'll call you.

I understand: Our client!!! And we can’t avoid tough communication and we won’t leave without an order!!!
I say without a smile, but kindly: How can you call us if you don’t know our phone number?
Irina Aleksandrovna after a pause and with surprise: Why won’t you leave it for me, and why isn’t it in the price list?
Me, without a smile with a harsh note in my voice: No, it’s not in the price list, and we won’t leave it for you, you don’t need it. And without waiting for her answer: Irina Aleksandrovna You also don’t need a booklet with a price list, except if you want to use the booklet in the form of wallpaper and the price list as paper will be useful to you for business purposes. I fall silent and watch her eyes fill with blood, waiting for an explosion:
Irina Aleksandrovna explodes: Someone called you here??? Who told you that I need your phone number? Etc. within 2 minutes. threatening statements...

I listen calmly, look into her eyes. After her first explosion there is a pause.
I told her in a calm voice: Irina Alexandrovna, you are absolutely right, they didn’t invite us and you don’t need our phone number.
I put a harsh note in my voice, without waiting for her answer: I know what you need!!!
I look you in the eye and say firmly: There are 6 multi-storey buildings on this heel. There are 3 grocery stores for 6 houses. The department with household chemicals is only yours. People come to you not for groceries, but for powders! Do you know that in one of them they removed one of the utility rooms and are making a department? Do you know what department this is? Right! Household chemicals! How many display windows are dedicated to sausages in these stores? 2 showcases! Minimum 30 kg of sausage each! Now look at your storefront and the lonely riders on it.
You need to lose your customers within the next month! Here's what you need!

I quickly take my price list, write my cell phone number and say: Irina Alexandrovna, if I’m wrong and this is not what you need, I’ll be glad to hear from you. Together we will attract new clients and increase your profits!!! They eat sausage well here! You can see this tomorrow. All the best!!!
I smile and we leave.

My friend, moving away from the store, says: Her face looked like a bucket!!! That's it, have we lost her? Don't go see her anymore?
Me: Let's go in 10 minutes!
My friend, with surprise: Why???
Me: To order, let her still imagine how everyone left her+++

After ten minutes we come in and ask to call her.
Irina Alexandrovna comes out, weariness and devastation on her face...

Me with a smile: Irina Alexandrovna, you will be surprised, but we already miss you!!!
She with a slight smile: Why did you come to drink the rest of the blood???

We laugh and she starts laughing.
Me: Don’t be offended by me, I couldn’t restrain myself. But there is a plus. You will get good sales of sausage yourself, then you will say that maybe it was not in vain that we quarreled so much.
She laughs: I don’t know what about the profit, but I’ll definitely get a heart attack with you!
I laugh: Irina Alexandrovna, could you give us the booklet? He's the last one left for us today. You are still thinking. And we would still work with him today.
After a pause, she leaves to get the booklet. He comes back and says with slight resentment:
It’s inconvenient to place an order without a booklet, I’ve already started looking.
Without pause: I see, you need a little bit of everything for the first time?
Without waiting for her answer and without looking at her, I take out the order form and start filling it out.
She said with alarm in her voice: I still don’t have money today.
Me: No need today, give it back tomorrow after receiving it.
There is no way we can bring you sausage today. In the shipping department, every sausage from your order will be wrapped in a festive ribbon all night long!!!

Me: 3 or 5 kg milk sausages?

Irina Aleksandrovna: For the first time, give 3kg+