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Lumber business from scratch. Starting a forestry business

Have you decided to start a forestry business and are at a crossroads where to start? You can familiarize yourself with the experiences of other people that are available on the Internet, or you can try at your own peril and risk.
Let me give you some recommendations on the procedure, because... I went through all this myself.
1. Analyze the situation in your domestic market. Do not particularly trust the opinions of resellers who buy lumber in the “northern” regions, and then
they'll bring it to you. Believe me, their goal is to earn as much as possible. Sometimes their price is 2 times higher than the purchase price.
2. Call as many as possible
the number of wholesale bases located close to you in order to determine the average wholesale price prevailing in your market.
3. Go through message boards on the Internet.
Do not pay attention to the fact that lumber is cheaper in some places and more expensive in others. Usually, on average in Russia, the price is the same. The price difference simply reflects shipping costs. And the distance to you does not matter here. Even in the regions closest to you, there are areas where not a single passing truck will ever go to pick up cargo, but about the railway. We haven't even heard of transport there. It is in such areas that locally available lumber is the cheapest. If you have your own vehicle, then this is the best option. If you want it delivered to you, then you need to look for areas where transport infrastructure is developed, because... the board is usually delivered by passing transport, or by train. wagons. This turns out to be much cheaper than hiring or driving your own cars.
4. Do not rush to the cheapest price offers, this may be a tempting trick. “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap,” don’t forget this.
5. Get ready to go to sign the contract. Not for the sake of the excursion, but so that
see with your own eyes the production capacity of the person to whom you give
prepayment. Maybe he doesn’t want to deceive you, but reality simply doesn’t allow you to file as much as you need.
5. If you decide to leave to sign an agreement, then play it safe and don’t lock yourself into one partner. The easiest way is to find a person or office in the area where you are traveling that is engaged in intermediary or representative activities. Let them meet you and take you to your intended partner. First of all, you are from
They will give you enough information about the person you are going to see, and, secondly, if negotiations fail, they will show you the entire forest market of the region, and at the same time they will give the necessary recommendations, which only you will decide whether to follow or not. . Believe me, they know much more about each other locally than anyone else.
6. For the first shipment of lumber, send a receptionist or go yourself, no need
believe the words. You can just get firewood, it's better to be safe.

How to buy a board without getting scammed

How to buy lumber and at the same time reduce the risk of fraud and dishonesty on the part of partners. 1.

The forestry business, or the business of buying and selling lumber, at first glance, is no different from any other business. But this is only an appearance. In fact, this is a very complex type of entrepreneurship associated with large financial
investments, long terms of transactions, high risks and labor investments. The terms of investing money can stretch for years, and there may be no profit; moreover, you can even lose your money. And this is not connected with criminality, since this business is no more criminalized than others. There is an element of fraud everywhere and you can’t escape it, but this is business..
Despite all the apparent ease of earning excess profits in this area, in fact,
No one can do this. And this is due, first of all, to the high dependence of the forestry sector on external factors. This includes weather conditions, government actions, and the human factor cannot be avoided. Only among timber merchants, unlike businessmen in other sectors of the economy, does this take on exaggerated proportions. For example, you found a seller through an ad; his board, somewhere in the Kirov region, costs 4,000 rubles per cubic meter on site. In your city it costs 5,500 rubles per cubic meter. You contact the transport company and find out that delivery from the Kirov region to you will cost
400 rubles per cubic meter. In total, you think, the profit from the sale of a cubic meter will be 1,100 rubles. Since the truck will take at least 30 cubic meters, then if you invest 120,000 rubles, you should make a profit of 33,000 rubles. It seems that this is a good financial investment, since in the end you will receive a 30% return on investment in a month. And this is 360%
per annum. Where is this profitability? And so the newly minted businessman from the forest concludes an agreement, transfers the advance payment and waits for his board. But, unfortunately, in 80% of cases the deal either falls through or is delayed. And he will receive his car not in a month, but in the best case, in two, and even then, having come personally to pick up his
Not knowing the specifics of this business, he then begins to attribute his failure to scammers, dishonesty of partners, and the like. Actually this is not true.
Yes, there is a chance to run into a fraudster who, having received an advance payment, will simply disappear, but this is present in all sectors of business, and we are not considering it here, since there are basic precautions that must still be observed in any business. We will look at the above example from the manufacturer's side and the impact of external factors on a specific transaction.
The example is the same, the manufacturer posted an advertisement that he was selling a board for four thousand rubles per place. The only real thing about this ad is that if it has
Today this board will be available, then he will sell it today for 4000 rubles. Everything else is the action he desires. Lumber, as is known, is cut from round wood. Just like that, for the future, not a single manufacturer will purchase round timber, saw it and store the finished board. At the same time, re-sorting it by variety. This will never happen
it happens, this is a utopia! An inexperienced buyer, after reading the ad, assumes that this is exactly the case. This is the first real risk factor in the forestry business.
So what is really going on with the person who posted the ad for sale? Yes, everything is very simple. When he advertises for sale, he simply knows where to buy round timber and where to cut it. And it makes no difference who you enter into a supply agreement with - the manufacturer or the intermediary. It’s just that one will do everything himself, and the other will strain others. Having signed the contract and received an advance payment, the supplier begins to buy round timber and cut it to size. Prepayment is required specifically for the purchase of round timber. Usually this is in
within 30-50% of the total contract amount. This is where the elements of risk come into play. The roundwood supplier did not take any money from you and does not care about your contract. He personally doesn’t owe you anything and is not obligated to do anything. He can simply refuse your manufacturer, sell the round timber to another, raise the price, etc. That's it, the deal is starting to drag on. Your partner is looking for another supplier of round timber. This may take significant time. Then the round timber is delivered to the sawmill and the money has already been paid for it, this means that your prepayment has already been invested and you can’t just get it back. And the quality of round timber can only be checked by sawing it! Outwardly, of course, he will be
look good, but inside... It's a complete lottery! Naturally, the manufacturer disbands everything and tries to sell the general pile of boards without sorting them. Where should he go? The round timber was bought, the money was paid, there are simply no others. We need to throw everything away! Otherwise it's a loss. So he disguises the substandard board by pushing it into the middle of the packs or carriage. But this
only one of the risks, but there are others. Let's continue - the round timber was purchased, delivered, and supplied to the sawmill. They started sawing, and the frame broke. It just broke, because it’s iron, and it has its own durability. And it’s good if the damage is minor, for example, the slider flew off. This will stop the frame for a couple of days. What if the engine burns out? That's it, a month of downtime, like
minimum. And there’s nothing you can do about it - neither file it, nor return the money. So far, only a few new frames have been produced by manufacturers, mostly using Soviet-era scrap metal, which is already on its way out.
What is the result? The buyer, having waited the time specified in the contract, begins
be nervous. He starts calling the manufacturer and is very surprised that he hasn’t received a file yet. In the end, if the framer’s problem is serious and the time frame for solving it is delayed, the manufacturer gets fed up with these calls, and he, tired of explaining that he is not a camel, stops answering these calls, sincerely hoping to get in touch when he fixes the problem.
your problems. Here the buyer begins to become hysterical and, leaving everything behind, goes to the seller himself. Everything happens differently there. In some cases, the buyer simply settles in a foreign city and, after waiting for his board, leaves, in others he gives up on everything, in others he starts running around the authorities, accusing him of fraud, etc. In any case, it's big
loss of time, nerves and money.
So is it possible to avoid these risks in this business? The answer is unequivocal - NO! They cannot be avoided. You will still have to pay in advance, because... the majority of the financial situation is such that without it they are simply not able to produce anything. It’s also not realistic to meet the deadlines; too many external factors influence this process.
But they can be minimized. And for this you don’t need to put in a lot of effort and finances. You just need to approach this matter wisely.
If you are planning to buy lumber from a manufacturer you are not familiar with, then
Before giving him an advance payment, contact a company or person who is located in the same region so that they can analyze this transaction.
For example, our company has been supplying lumber for 12 years. We know everyone
manufacturers, intermediaries and suppliers of round timber in the area. Having agreed with us, you can order an audit of this transaction. It is not at all necessary to inform the manufacturer about this. We will anonymously, on our own behalf, approach him, as if by chance, find out his real financial situation, inspect his production, talk with the master
and workers. This will give a very real vision of the reality of its production. Next, simulating a desire to place an order with him, we will find out from him where and from whom he purchases round timber.
Let's talk about that too. We will also understand his capabilities and desire to sell round timber, his prices, delivery conditions, etc. By comparing all the data, it will be possible to get a real picture of the transaction. You, having received all these materials, will decide for yourself whether it is worth the risk or not. Agree, it’s better to lose a small part by paying us than to take a risk without looking,
quite a large amount.
Also, of course, if you are a novice reseller, and when buying a board, you plan to sell it with a markup, then when concluding your contract with your buyer, take into account time risk factors and try to include as long a deadline as possible in the contract. This will save you from unnecessary fines and penalties.

Ten mistakes that novice entrepreneurs make when producing and selling lumber

How to behave if you encounter a collection agency

Life is a striped thing, and even more so for people in business. Bumps, potholes and troubles are found at every step. It would seem like the most ordinary transaction, nothing supernatural, but suddenly, because of some little thing or annoying accident, everything goes to waste, and instead of earning money, you find yourself owing a very impressive amount. And as you know, trouble does not come alone, then, most often, you are not in
able to repay the debt in the near future.
The creditor first demands debts from you, calls, enters into correspondence, tries
will meet in person. Then, if your situation does not improve and you still do not return it to him, then he begins to take more active actions. Some run to the police and write a statement about fraud, others go to court, where this issue is considered in a civil manner. Still others, mainly those who either do not have the necessary documents to file a case in court, and there is no reason to contact the police, find professional
debt collectors, so-called “collectors”. And they are already starting to shake you.
In this article, I will not describe legal tricks that will help you relieve tension and solve this problem. I will also not indicate articles of the Criminal and Civil Code that collection agencies violate in the process of collecting debts. This is a matter for lawyers, advocates and investigators. In the end, you can find these articles yourself on the Internet or in reference books. I will simply give advice on how to act in a situation that has arisen from the position of an ordinary person who finds himself in an unpleasant situation and is trying to resolve it in a peaceful and legal way.
Let's consider an ordinary, standard situation. You took an advance payment, but were unable to deliver the goods on time. For the collector, it does not matter who is to blame. Either you screwed up somewhere, or the client set you up. He doesn’t care at all, and you can understand him, because he makes money from this. Therefore, telling him that you have problems, pressuring him for pity, and so on, makes no sense. He’s not interested in this, he’s only interested in getting money out of you by any means necessary. This is his bread!
Therefore, on the contrary, try to be frank with collectors as little as possible, complain about your difficult life, give the addresses and names of those who set you up and what you intend to do next. Don't boast about your plans for the future. None of the above will help you, but it can complicate your life! Do not forget that the core of a collection agency is a former police officer or prosecutor, and they
They will treat your words quite professionally, based on their previous work experience. All your words will be recorded and verified, because they need to collect incriminating evidence on you, which they will use to put pressure on you. Therefore, never give them unnecessary information!
Now to the point. The fact that you owe someone something does not give you any rights.
has changed! Debt is not a crime! This is not criminally punishable! Criminal liability can only arise under the article of fraud, but this article can only be imputed to you if, when you took the money, you did not plan to pay off the creditor. That is, you simply needed finances for personal needs and you took them from someone else by deception. But, if you simply, due to current circumstances, do not
it worked out, and you planned to complete the transaction honestly, then this cannot be considered fraud. And it doesn’t matter whether it happened once or several times. You’re just not a successful businessman, you don’t know how to run a business, but you realized this too late. And all debts that arose due to the fact that you were unable to meet your obligations are subject to
consideration only in civil court!
It follows that you are under the protection of the criminal and civil codes and no one has the right to violate your rights, invade your privacy and, even more so, threaten, use violence, or confiscate any property.
Now let's look at your actions that you should take when bouncers from a collection agency approach you:
1. Do not let them into the apartment and premises belonging to you for negotiations. This will help protect against the installation of unauthorized listening devices and, in general, from assessing your financial situation.
2. Go to them for negotiations yourself, but not at the time they set for you, but when it is convenient for you. This will show them that you are not dependent on them and are not particularly afraid of them. But there is no need to hide, this can aggravate the problem, because... they have a trump card in their hands, which is that you are hiding from negotiations.
3. The collection agency must have a power of attorney from the creditor to negotiate with you on his behalf. It must be notarized. If it’s not there, then you don’t see any conversations or negotiations with these people. If it exists, then, of course, they must provide you with a copy of it. Take it and let it be kept in your home, or better yet, somewhere with friends or relatives.
4. Reduce all conversations about this debt and them only to this topic. They don't need it at all
know what you are doing at this time, in addition to the transaction for which they have power of attorney. And again, by proxy, they simply represent the buyer or partner, nothing more. But you won’t tell your partner about your financial affairs, what transactions you are planning, where your current accounts are open, etc.
5. If the collectors took active action and began by posting defamatory information about you in the media, on the Internet, etc., then feel free to sue them in court demanding compensation for moral and material damage. Those. if any agency or person has published information that you are a fraudster, then this is a reason to contact both the police and the civil court. Even the fact that you owe does not mean that you are a fraudster! Only the court can say this!
6. If they threaten you with something, threaten you, or scare you, then try to record everything that happens with a voice recorder and video camera. But even if this was not possible, then at the first incident, immediately write a statement to the police. Describe everything there honestly, attach copies of the agreement, receipts, power of attorney, if available, photos,
audio and video recordings. The police must take care of this matter! If you suspect that the police in your area are not dealing with this problem, then immediately write a complaint against the police to the prosecutor's office. If there is a lot of talk there, then contact the Prosecutor General’s Office. Finally, write to the president’s website. There, in the case management, they will forward your complaint to the prosecutor’s office, they will only put it under control and then no one will let it go. Understand that the more people are aware
your problem, you are much safer.
7. Do not write any receipts beyond those written at the beginning of the transaction. There and so
everything is already in place to conduct civil proceedings. Do not give any property to collectors; they have no rights to seize it. Only bailiffs can do this, and even then only by court decision! If they arbitrarily took something from your property, then immediately write a statement to the police about theft or robbery.
Well, in principle, here are the basic safety measures and standards of conduct when confronted with
collection agencies. Compliance with them will allow you to avoid many troubles, in addition to the existing ones.
By the way, precedents have already been created when the prosecutor's office stood up to protecting debtors from collection agencies.
But debts still need to be repaid, but only legally!

How to increase sawmill equipment sales

Do you want to increase your sawmill equipment sales? Then especially for you For those who produce and sell sawmill equipment, we have a special offer that will significantly increase your sales

We promote ourselves, our name and our company quickly and cheaply

New publication about forest business problems

Investments are needed in the forestry business.

To organize a constant and uninterrupted, year-round supply of furniture manufacturers, moldings, high-grade finishing lumber, we have developed a business idea that in a short period of time will allow us to organize and establish such a raw material base that the problem with purchasing linden, aspen or birch boards by grade " extra" and grade 0, which is a very pressing issue for consumers, will disappear. At the same time, the price, even with a gradual return on investment, will remain relatively low compared to the price set by resellers.
Moreover, this is also relevant for entrepreneurs who produce pallets. After all, when working according to the scheme that we propose, they will be able to receive up to 1000 cubic meters from our production. m. per month of procurement for pallets.
The investment amount is relatively small, comparable to the price of 1 machine of a batch of linden or aspen boards (blanks for lining and canopy). It is produced throughout the year, while providing you with raw materials.
The idea is roughly described, in more detail, if there is real interest, I will describe it or answer by phone. Our coordinates

How to buy sawmill equipment

Lately my email has been flooded with all sorts of price lists about
sale of ribbons, saws, angle saws, etc., in short, everything related to sawmilling. It would be nice to just send your prices, I could simply erase them, and there would be no problems. But no, they find a phone number and let’s call...
Of course, I understand managers of various equipment manufacturers; they need to sell their products, but this is already starting to tire.
Well, I decided to give some advice and observations about how small and medium-sized sawmills change their equipment, and what they focus on when purchasing new machines. Maybe this will help someone!

I don’t know whether I’ll tell you a secret or not, but all your price lists, fanned out by email, which you found on message boards on the Internet, in fact, cannot lead to anything positive, much less influence a small sawmill. In the forest everything is simpler, people use the old, folk “radio”.
And he is guided by the advice of someone who already has such equipment, or is qualified enough and has weight in the “forest world” to give such advice.
After all, all your equipment, which seems to be intended for sawmilling and processing, is in fact strikingly different from each other, and not only in price.

Think for yourself, if a person is sawing pine needles, just sawing, with a view to summer residents, and he absolutely does not need the geometry of the board, millimeters of tolerance, etc., then why does he need to cut it? An ordinary, simple tape, at a very reasonable price, will be enough for him.
Further, some are focused on export, some on birch, some sawing linden and aspen... So they all need completely different equipment, completely different saws, different
cutting speed... And they build technological chains differently.
One simply installs a tape and a simple edge-edging machine, another installs an angle saw and no longer needs an edge-edge, the third installs a disk frame, and he can cut. for example, birch, you need a multi-saw.
But your price lists do not contain this decoding. There are simply passport data for the equipment, which indicates power, productivity, cutting height, etc.
Well, a person who decided to switch, for example, from pine needles to a linden tree, goes to a neighbor who is sawing a linden tree, or calls me, because... I know how to cut linden, and asks what I need to repurpose or buy in addition to get the maximum yield of finished, high-quality lumber. And now we, and not your prices, based on our experience, recommend him what and where to buy

So, here’s my advice - expand your price lists, write what kind of wood your products are best used for sawing, or order an article from us
We know your equipment well in reality, because... We ourselves have repeatedly launched production facilities for the guys aimed at cutting specific products. And even now we help interested framers in the most pragmatic way to move from sawing pine needles to cutting, very profitable, hardwood.

We sell lining, blanks for lining, timber, boards for pallets, etc. from linden and aspen

In light of this note and in response to numerous requests from interested buyers, I will try to clearly explain the scheme of our work.

So, we ourselves are personally processors of these products. We produce moldings at our enterprises in Perm and the Sverdlovsk region and, naturally, are interested in ensuring that our capacities are never idle.

Taking advantage of the fact that we have extensive experience in the field of repurchases and established contacts with local manufacturers, we organized large-scale purchases of these lumber from small and medium-sized enterprises in the forestry industry of the Perm Territory, Udmurtia, Sverdlovsk Region, Kirov Region and the Republic of Bashkiria. This is due, firstly turn, with the fact that not a single sawmill, we know from our own experience, is able to provide regular supplies of hardwood raw materials. This is due to many factors, in particular, problems with round timber, the inability to cut linden and aspen, mentality, well, etc.. In short, sometimes they will supply it, sometimes they won’t.

So, in order to avoid downtime, we pick up on all frames, within a radius of 800 km, everything that they saw from linden, aspen and birch. We choose Grade A for ourselves, and we help them sell everything else (as a result, under our name, there are advertisements like “We sell linden timber,” or “I will sell construction boards or blanks for pallets.” And where to go? Simple
frames, having sold only the Grade A board, and not selling everything else, will stop and will no longer be able to work with anyone.

As a result, we are always provided with high-quality raw materials, but, as a result of such a large-scale action, we have a surplus of it. and quite impressive. But we need to take it away, otherwise the frames will quickly turn to pine needles and stop sawing for us. So we are forced to sell it externally, in addition, we also have to deal with the sale of Grade C, core timber, shorts, etc.

Now to the topic.

1.We sell blanks for lining "Extra",
Grade A\B and grade B. Dimensions 20x105x2000-3000mm and 22x115x2000-3000mm. Step 10cm. Tolerance --0.+2mm.
Material: Linden or Aspen (Ash and oak are also possible). Sorting occurs on three sides - two sides and the front.

2. We sell blanks for polos g. Size 34x110x2000-3000mm..

3. We sell linden and aspen timber. Size 100x100x3000mm, 100x80x3000mm, etc.

4. We sell pallet boards (construction boards). Grade c (or grade 2-3)
deciduous trees. Dimensions 20x105, 22x110, 22x100 length 2000 and 3000mm

5. We sell (only upon order) linden edged lumber, birch, oak, ash and aspen according to your sizes.

Price on request. We warn you right away - Grade A is very expensive, no bargaining. (We ourselves pick up the frames at an expensive price, plus we have to give them advance payments, send our pickers there, and so on)

Shipment mainly: Lipa - Perm region, Osina - Udmurtia and Kirov region, Dub - Bashkiria

We work without advance payment, but, as a result, without payment on our site, we do not ship. Those. loaded into your car, you pay 100% and we release it. It is advisable for your receiver to be present at the shipment!

We don't bargain. We only ship what we agreed on. If, on the part of the buyer, there is a desire to arrange a re-grading, we will terminate the transaction without continuation.

If you decide to move us and enter into a contract directly with the frame, please
but we, in turn, will stop the sale of all the departures that appear on that frame, and we will also increase our purchase price for them.. We don’t wait for you to solve your problems, i.e., anything can happen - “They ordered, but there is an overlay with the back, or the transport was not found" So, in this case, without warning on our part, we will sell your order to another buyer, or send it to our dryer, and then to you, if
excess volumes will appear.

  • Product Description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters of finished products per month

Step-by-step plan for organizing sawmill activities

The main feature of this business is its attachment to sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of a future sawmill should begin with studying the proposals of potential timber suppliers. Only after this can you expand the areas of marketing research and begin to analyze the situation on the market for wooden boards and beams, meet representatives of the target audience, etc.

The following stages of organizing the activities of the future sawmill include:

  • preparing a business plan and analyzing your capabilities;
  • registration and execution of necessary documents;
  • search for a production site;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • formation of staff;
  • concluding agreements with suppliers and other contractors;
  • resolving administrative issues.

While solving the above problems, do not forget that many potential buyers of wooden products are reluctant to change their suppliers, therefore, check very carefully how the market will react to the emergence of a new participant.

How much money do you need to open a sawmill?

According to our calculations, opening a sawmill on a rented plot will require investments of 1.75 million rubles. The main investments are the purchase of equipment, wood processing machines:

  • Circular saw "Moloma-1200" - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Band saw machine "Altai-900A-prof" with ICE "Honda" 20 hp. — 205 thousand rubles.
  • Single-saw edge trimming machine “Altai-007A” with ICE “Honda” 13 hp. — 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc saw "Taiga SMD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Slab-rib machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Planing machine CORVET-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Sharpening and adjusting machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product Description

Our organization plans to produce and sell the following range of products:

  • Timber - from 5000 rub.\m3
  • Edged boards - from 5000 rub.\m3
  • Unedged board - from 3500 RUR/m3

The company will operate five days a day with one eight-hour shift. The estimated production volume is 330 cubic meters of finished products per month. This corresponds to 15 m3 of edged boards per shift (8 hours). Main sales channels for boards and timber:

  • Private individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale resellers
  • Construction markets

It is planned to purchase raw materials (round timber) from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. meter.

Production plan

To organize a sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of ​​500 square meters. meters, storage space - 300 sq. meters and land plot - 500 sq. meters. The total rentable area will be 1300 sq. m. meters, with a monthly rent of 150 thousand rubles. The enterprise will be located 40 km from a large city with a million population. The significant distance allows for cheaper rental rates and availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential customer base is close enough, which will facilitate the sale of finished products.

The production premises will meet all the requirements necessary for organizing production: sufficient space, availability of water supply and electricity (power over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

To operate the machines (circular saw, band saw, etc.) you will need to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. Workers' wages are piecework, 200 rubles/m3 of finished products. In addition, auxiliary workers (2 people), loaders (4 people), a sales manager (1 person), and a workshop manager (1 person) will be hired. It is planned to outsource accountant services.

Which tax system to choose

An LLC (limited liability company) will be registered as the legal form of the enterprise. The number of founders is 2 people. The taxation system is simplified, 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meters of finished products per month.

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - 150 thousand rubles. (454 RUR/m3)
  • Utility payments (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 RUR/m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 RUR\m3)
  • Salary (workshop manager, loaders, manager, general workers) + insurance contributions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 RUR/m3)
  • Outsourcing (accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rub./m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 RUR/m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 RUR/m3)

Variable costs (depending on production volume)

  • Raw materials (round timber, pine) with delivery - 2000 rub./m3
  • Salary (operators) - 200 rub./m3

Hence the cost of production of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles/m3.

How much can you earn from selling finished products?

The average selling price of edged boards and timber is 5,000 rubles/m3. Profit from the sale of 1 m3 = 5000 - 3665 = 1335 rubles. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the sale of 330 m3 of finished products per month will allow you to receive a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for business promotion, the return on the initial investment will occur after 12 - 15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy recommend registering an LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with individual entrepreneurs).

In addition to documents confirming the fact of registration and payment of taxes, you must have:

  • permits from the fire inspectorate, labor protection authorities and Rospotrebnazor;
  • documents confirming product quality;
  • agreements with suppliers and customers;
  • staff contracts;
  • occupational safety magazines.

In the application for registration of an LLC, reports and many other documents, it is necessary to indicate the codes of your activity (according to the all-Russian classifier). For the operation of a sawmill, this is OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden lumber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade of wooden boards, beams, etc.).

The forestry industry has always been considered a profitable sector. Extraction, sale and processing of wood can bring in very serious money. However, for beginners, entering this market promises many problems. Sad statistics show that up to 90% of entrepreneurs who open one or another “forestry” business close in the first year of operation...

Business Basics

The best option with limited capital is wholesale trade in lumber (timber). Still, the costs of starting a business, compared to opening a production facility, are much lower here and you won’t have to risk much. In some cases, you can do without starting capital at all, if you do not take into account the costs of registering an LLC and opening a current account. The scheme of work looks classic: 1. you find a client who needs lumber 2. take a 100% advance payment from him 3. from the money received you pay for the order from the manufacturer 4. you keep the markup for yourself. But there are also some nuances here.

The most popular lumber: edged boards (spruce/pine of the first and second grade), timber, lining and slab. The cost of the board depends on the type of wood and the volume of delivery. These are the main indicators. But the price depends on several factors. Thus, the timber can be planed or unplaned, solid, profiled solid or glued. Solid timber is considered the most expensive, and laminated timber is considered the cheapest.

In the case of edged boards, the type of wood plays a big role. Different breeds have different characteristics in terms of moisture resistance, strength, resistance to drying, and so on. The most common species are conifers (pine, spruce, larch). Very cheap lumber is obtained from pine and spruce. The most valuable boards are made of oak, cedar and larch.

The best clients are industrial production and construction companies. Construction companies often take boards, timber, and slabs for the construction of wooden houses, bathhouses and summer cottages. Our clients include many furniture and pallet manufacturers. Small industries buy edged boards for the manufacture of windows, floors, stairs, and pallets.

How much can you earn

Minimum prices for first-grade edged boards start from 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. At the same time, if you carefully search the Internet, you can see that the price for the same product (for example, grade 1 edged board) can vary significantly. In places rich in forests, prices will be lower due to high competition. But in the capital region and closer to the south, they ask for 6,000 rubles per cubic meter of first-grade boards. and more. The difference of 20 - 30% is the wholesaler’s income. From 100 cubic meters it turns out to be about 100,000 rubles.

A separate issue is the delivery of lumber. Often, in order to make good money, you have to look for suppliers thousands of kilometers away. And this is where logistics plays a big role.

The best option is delivery by wagons. A gondola car contains up to 70 cubic meters of birch timber. The transportation service costs from 100 rubles. from the cube (depending on the delivery distance). Prices can be obtained from the company that provides the rolling stock.

Transportation by heavy-duty vehicles becomes relevant for small volumes and transportation over short distances, when delivery times begin to be decided. But there is one problem: the board, especially when wet, is quite heavy. So, 1 cubic meter. raw pine weighs at least 0.75 tons. Therefore, a standard truck will hold no more than 27 cubic meters, although the truck will accommodate up to 80 cubic meters. Solution: carry only dry boards.

Organizational aspects

It is better to look for suppliers in regions rich in forests. For example, in the Kirov region. There are a lot of manufacturers there, and the price level is much lower. “Be sure to study GOSTs and standards,” absolutely all industry professionals say. This will avoid many unpleasant situations with customers. A classic example: a client ordered a board of the first grade, but received a second or third (a product with completely different board quality indicators). As a result, the client is not satisfied and demands a price reduction or a refund. And these are losses, first of all, for the supplier. If you are purchasing a board from an unfamiliar manufacturer, you should be personally present when the first batch of goods is shipped. In this case, you will see with your own eyes what is being loaded into the truck.

“There is almost no money in sawing. It is most profitable to transport dried edged and raw unedged boards,” say members of the professional forum In general, it is best to start a business with sales. This is a more correct and reliable way to start. If you have found a client, it won’t take long to calculate logistics and approximate profits.

You can study the market for demand in different ways, even without having the status of a registered businessman. You can advertise on Avito by adding your own markup to the average market wholesale price. If there are calls, then you simply write down the client’s contacts and in the same way begin to look for a supplier with the most reasonable prices and terms of cooperation. And only after a sufficient number of pre-orders have been received, planning, business registration, extensive advertising, etc. begin.

“For the future, it is good to have a storage base and a small office at the warehouse on hand,” say market participants. This significantly expands business opportunities. Lumber can be sold by pick-up, and clients can be invited to the office to conclude contracts. Here the client can inspect the samples, and also make sure that you are not a fly-by-night company, but have your own stock of products.

"Myths of the Lumber Dealer"

1. Products only after 100% prepayment. No one will deliver lumber to you with a delay. Sawmills are small-scale industries, and they will not take risks by shipping goods on credit, nor will they look for transport for you. Therefore, you find a car yourself, come to pick up the board, pay for loading and leave. Everyone is happy.
2. Price – quality. You should not try to buy a first-class board very cheaply. Understand that a high-quality board of the 1st grade cannot cost less than 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. If you are offered over the phone to buy a high-quality board for next to nothing, then this is another reason to doubt the honesty of the manufacturer. No one will work at a loss. It’s just that you can get not the first grade, but a board from the first to the third grade. Yes, anything can be shipped to you, even ordinary firewood.
3. Production time. As a rule, they are always underestimated. Don’t think that if a manufacturer promises to produce 35 cubic meters of boards or timber for you in a week, that’s exactly what will happen. According to the passport, a conventional belt frame has a capacity of 5 cubic meters of lumber per shift. In reality, workers produce no more than 4 cubes. And this is not 1st grade, but from 1st to 3rd grade. In fact, in a week, if you work seven days a week (which is unlikely in our villages), you will get no more than 28 cubic meters.
4. Roads. When sending transport to a remote village, prepare for the fact that it can literally get stuck there. Roads in villages exist only as guides, and no one will lay asphalt for you there.
5. Documents. Almost all sawmill owners are ordinary individual entrepreneurs and almost all of them work under the simplified tax system (USN). So you don’t even have to try to look for a manufacturer that works with VAT. Many of them don't even do accounting. The only paper they will issue you will be a receipt for the removal of lumber.

Good afternoon, dear forum users!! A large, excellent forum, but there is zero information on this type of business, and there is little information in the entire RuNet. So, is retail (wholesale) trade in edged lumber of natural moisture content of coniferous trees as the main product in an open area profitable? Pilmat is brought to the region at least 1000 km away. Selling price 5000-5500 per cubic meter, delivery 1200-1400. Retail is around 7000, wholesalers receive corresponding discounts. The low profitability is confusing.


rodnikoff25 Oct 2012


hatasha9020 Nov 2012

Have you already found a place where you will take the wood? Write the address.


Dimassgt02 Dec 2012

I have been dealing with timber for a long time, we ship both within Russia and abroad. I will say that it’s not that simple, but you can do it very profitably, the main thing is to find a good buyer with whom it will be a pleasure to work.


vallak02 Dec 2012

It’s cost-effective if you transport timber in your own vehicles. A friend of mine is in this business. owns two Volvo FH13 trucks, each runs 4 times a month from Samara to Kirov behind the forest, carrying 35 cubic meters. in Kirov it takes passing cargo, i.e. fuel and drivers' wages are already being cut off. after selling this forest, he nets about 65,000 rubles from one machine. per month this is at least 500,000 from two machines. The business is of course seasonal, but you can make very good money during the season. By the way, he actually started from scratch, one might say, with an old Kamaz 8-ton truck and a great desire to earn money.

We have our own American truck. I found a place for trading, a little expensive of course, but a specialized market in a good location, quite lively, it will work for a start. I'll bring a test batch in the spring. And your friend has developed well, pushing 280 cubic meters of sawmata per month is worthy of respect. 8)


rodnikoff03 Dec 2012

He was lucky with the place at one time. About 7 years ago I bought a plot of land in the suburbs of Samara.

Business in the forest

There are a lot of villages and cottage settlements nearby. In the summer, timber is bought there instantly. With the purchase of Volvo, profitability has increased greatly; before that, Kamaz trucks were a pain in the ass. Large sums were spent on fuel and minor repairs. This topic has been haunting me for a long time. Last week I went with a friend to Nemu, Kirov region. I wanted to see with my own eyes where he buys timber, charges 5000 -5200 per cubic meter. If everything goes well, I might bother with this topic myself in the spring.


Business ideas -> Manufacturing, construction, agriculture

How to open a sawmill

From one cubic meter of finished lumber you can easily earn from 750 to 1,000 rubles. What your net profit from the sawmill will actually be depends on many different additional factors.

The simplest "budget" sawmill Typically produces the following range of products:

1. “Raw” board.
2. “Tare” board.
3. Bar.
4. Beam.
5. Various pallets.
6. Cable reels.

For sawmill opening a production site will be required. This usually includes:

1) hangar (with an area of ​​at least 600 square meters),
2) canopy,
3) overpass,
4) log warehouse,
5) warehouse for finished products,
6) a yard for loading and unloading operations.

Of course, you will need dedicated energy capacity - at least 400 kW.

The cost of rental rates today ranges from 75-80 thousand rubles per month.

What you need to know when opening your own sawmill

The number of workers you will have to hire on a piece-rate basis (approximately 300-400 rubles per cubic meter of lumber) is usually 10-15 people.

The starting minimum set of sawmill equipment that you will have to purchase:

1) Circular saw (800 thousand rubles)
2) Multi-saw machine (150 thousand rubles)
3) Band sawmill (100 thousand rubles).

(all prices are for Russian-made products).

Thus, the starting investment in a simple sawmill is quite serious, amounting to about 3 million rubles. This figure includes equipment and the cost of the initial purchase of timber to fill the warehouse.

The expected annual capacity of such production (according to the project) is approximately 4.5 thousand cubic meters of finished lumber.

The annual turnover of the enterprise is about 11.2 million rubles.

Such a sawmill reaches the break-even point in a year and a half, or in the best case scenario, in a year.

Where do the firewood come from?

A novice entrepreneur should take into account the fact that in some areas (for example, in the Moscow region) logging has long been completely prohibited. It is much more profitable to work in the wilderness. There, both renting and connecting to capacities is cheaper and easier.

Today, sawmills buy timber at a price of 1,250 rubles per 1 cubic meter of dead wood, and at a price of up to 1,850 rubles for raw wood.

Buying your plot at auction in the forestry enterprise (at a price of 700–900 rubles per cubic meter) results in very unprofitable savings - two hundred to three hundred rubles per cubic meter, and this is the most optimistic figure. And if you are unlucky (which happens more often in this case), then you won’t get any savings at all. Only having your own specialized equipment will allow you to really benefit from purchasing your own plot in the forestry enterprise. But it pays off only with super-scale projects - a small private sawmill does not reach this scale.


Prices for finished lumber and other sawmill products:

Today, a cubic meter of lumber with delivery costs the buyer, on average, about five thousand rubles.

Waste and trimmings of lumber go to related production, where cable reels and pallets are made. During a shift, one worker is able to produce up to 30 pallets (for each pallet he receives 25 rubles). These pallets are sold for 150 rubles apiece.

The main expenses of the sawmill:

  • rent - $3,000 per month,
  • electricity,
  • taxes,
  • salary to staff: mechanic (saw-righter), manager (sawmill manager).


The export of timber from our country abroad has fallen, the state is raising duties and is going to increase them even more, so it is worth starting a small production, focusing on domestic, unpretentious needs, on products of “non-European” quality. This can feed you and give you a predictable, albeit low, but stable income.

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How to open a sawmill?

Business in the field of logging and woodworking: features

Having decided to open their own business, many entrepreneurs are lost in the variety of profitable offers. Today, business consultants are increasingly recommending organizing a logging and woodworking business. Since wood is one of the most popular materials on the market, it should be noted that this business is actually profitable.


Any production, especially the area of ​​woodworking, is associated with many technological features, without knowing which, the chances of taking a stable position in the market are zero. To obtain high-quality and competitive products, it is necessary not only to study the market, but also to have a good understanding of the technological processes of this production.

A distinctive feature of logging as an economic industry is the supply of a huge amount of products for export.

How to start your own business from scratch - TOP-28 business ideas without investment and working schemes

Wood is widely used as a building material for various types of finishing work, construction of houses, production of furniture, doors and windows. Wood is also used in the light and pharmaceutical industries, in the national economy, etc.

Logging companies use different parts of the tree trunk during production. For example, in industry, the top of a tree is used, bars are obtained from the top oak, boards are made from the middle cut, the bottom cut is intended for high-quality bars and boards, and the stump is used for firewood.

All products must be sorted by breed. Accounting for workpieces made from valuable species is carried out piece by piece. The valuable output of any sawmill is sawdust. This is a very popular product. Sawdust is used as an additive to raw materials; cardboard, paper, etc. are made from it.

Where to begin?

At the initial stage, it is recommended to conduct marketing research, the result of which will be the fundamental basis for all subsequent decisions. Further, in the organizational process you cannot do without developing a business plan that includes all expenses, reflects the expected profit and sets out the overall development strategy.

The next step will be the selection of premises for production and the administrative part of the workshop, where the manager’s office, accounting, and other non-production premises will be located. The profitability of an enterprise is significantly affected by the performance of personnel, so special attention should be paid to recruiting employees.

Financial calculation

List of initial investments:

  • Investments for the purchase of an industrial complex - $100,000;
  • Purchase of equipment - $50,000;
  • Costs for registering a business - $2,000;
  • Working capital - $20,000.

In total, the total amount of initial investment will be $172,000.

List of variable expenses:

  • Fixed expenses (utilities, wages to employees, purchase of goods) - $80,000;
  • Variable expenses - $400;

In total, the total amount of variable and fixed expenses will be $80,400.

The expected taxable income will be $250,000 for 1 month.

Based on the presented calculation, we can conclude that the payback period for such a business will be 12 months.

Woodworking production always remains a business with high profitability, since wood products are in great demand due to their excellent characteristics and performance. In parallel with wood processing, you can engage in secondary operations, for example, furniture production, which will provide additional profit.

See also detailed business plans with calculations in the following industries:

Forum about Internet marketing > Communication between professionals > Business questions > Is it profitable to trade timber and lumber via the Internet?

View full version: Is it profitable to trade timber and lumber over the Internet?

02.08.2005, 13:31

Bulka, I’ll try to answer your question, but first I want to clarify: do you have an offline trade in timber and lumber?

New business ideas

Office, raw materials and financial resources, personnel in the subject, etc.?

funnybunny, yes. In outskirts of Moscow. A sawmill and a couple of warehouses.
P.S. Personally, I don’t. It’s just that I have quickly grown firmly into one business (my personal office has turned from a subcontractor “on the spot” to not even just the main intermediary...)

02.08.2005, 13:39

Bunny, it’s difficult and I personally don’t see how you can enter a business without having an offline infrastructure.

funnybunny, I didn’t understand a little... I think I wrote that there is already an operating business. The question is to what extent such topics can be raised via the Internet.

02.08.2005, 13:56

Bulka, it’s good if this business exists, I think it’s realistic to organize sales.

I'll answer a little later

02.08.2005, 14:22

Timber is sold very well via the Internet + telephone.
I was engaged in forestry 3 years ago, and letters regarding deliveries are still coming, albeit rarely, even now
private traders do not buy
small wholesale - practically does not buy
average - buys
large wholesale - buys

p.s. don't work with the Balts :)

02.08.2005, 15:17

yes medium and large wholesale. people are still trading (they started at the beginning of last year).. and quite in a non-widespread, narrow topic in the forest... and their large clients find nothing...

02.08.2005, 16:50

wayfarer, practically answered.

Regarding PS, I agree 😉

You can sell anything, the timber will sell 100%, the main thing is to hire a competent webmaster who can promote the topic, if the business takes off, then all the invested costs will pay off 10 years in advance. My office is far from the forest, but I pulled it out a year ago from 0 calls to 15-20, for some this may not seem enough, but we don’t sell refrigerators.

However, the trustfulness of wholesale customers is simply at the highest level. Everyone has an idea of ​​what forestry business is in Russia. As soon as we talk about constant supplies, there is immediately a requirement to show YOUR OWN sawmills and warehouses.

We created a website for clients to sell timber, etc.
Moreover, they sold throughout Russia and neighboring countries.
Thanks to competent development and optimization of the site (:-)) they were found and orders came in, which they were happy about.

It’s a shame that they are not doing this now and the site is “idle” (I really feel sorry for my work, especially effective), and requests for the supply of timber are constantly coming in by mail.

What should I do with this site to get any return?
(especially since the clients did not pay for the site in full)

Rolls, timber and lumber are selling well. We made a website for clients, worked on it a little, and now the clients are very happy.
Orders are approximately distributed as follows:
1. Private owners - no
2. Small wholesale - not enough
3. Average - there are orders
4. Large - also available.
So go for it. Good luck to you! 🙂

12.08.2005, 09:49

If you create a good website, intended for both advanced and inexperienced users, and order competent optimization for it, then I think that you will simply receive orders via the Internet. :0)

And we have such a site :)
Nobody needs?

kravru, look in PM

In this article:

Wood, as a building material, will never lose popularity. And even more so in the light of today’s trends, when all over the world they are fighting for the naturalness and environmental friendliness of their own environment.

Lumber is in demand in many areas - from the production of wooden houses and building elements (doors, windows, floor coverings) to the manufacture of furniture, accessories and tableware. Therefore, the timber logging business is very promising.

Proper organization is the foundation of a successful business

Despite high profitability indicators, according to statistics, about 70% of newly opened sawmills close without operating for even a year. The main reason– bureaucratic delays (registration of permits, coordination with firefighters, local administration, forestry, compliance with environmental supervision requirements) and ill-conceived business policies.

What often happens is this: copying someone else’s successful project, an entrepreneur obtains a logging permit “where it’s easier” or has the appropriate connections, purchases equipment and begins logging. And then it turns out that the delivery of timber from this area “eats up” most of the profit.

That is why at the planning stage it is important not only to find a suitable forest plot, but also to evaluate the number of competitors, their pricing policy, and the structure of consumer demand:

  • presence of wood processing enterprises;
  • demanded raw materials (raw boards, round timber, timber);
  • types of wood.

It is also necessary consider the delivery of raw materials from the plot(if the sawmill is not located directly on the site), removal of finished products for further sale, etc. Our forests do not have many roads, so it is quite possible that you will have to build routes to the site on your own.

Particular attention should be paid to the peculiarities of processing and wood harvesting. The most popular varieties today: pine (mainly northern species), oak, ash, larch.

But, for example, oak wood is very hard and requires special sharpening for saws; larch – impregnated with viscous resins that quickly damage equipment; pine - unsuitable for processing in summer, since the wood quickly turns blue.

Legal aspects of opening a sawmill

If the sale of finished products is planned to the population or wood production is used for the own needs of the main enterprise, it makes sense to register it as an individual entrepreneur (less taxes). But keep in mind that OKVED 20.1 “Sawing and planing of wood” does not fall under UTII.

Tax options:

  • USN-patent(you need to check with the tax office whether patents for wood processing are issued in this region);
  • simplified tax system 6% from the total profit or 15% of the difference between income and confirmed costs.

In the first case, you can do the accounting yourself, in the second, it is better to hire an accountant or an outsourcing company, since not all costs arising from business activities can be included in expenses.

But if the main buyer is wood processing plants and large enterprises, you cannot do without registering a legal entity (preferably an LLC).

OKVED documents that will be needed during registration:

  • 02.01.1 Logging;
  • 02.02.2 Provision of services in the field of logging;
  • 20.1 Sawing and planing of wood;
  • 51.53.1 Wholesale trade in timber.

Harvesting and sawing of timber is no longer a licensed activity ( in 2008, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 595 of August 14, 2002 was officially canceled).

Logging: buy raw materials or extract them yourself?

Before looking for premises and placing equipment, it is necessary to decide on the technological chain of the production process. If you do not plan to get involved with independent logging, it is enough to look for a site suitable for installing a sawmill, with a convenient transport interchange for the delivery of imported raw materials. If production is based on your own logging, it is necessary to arrange a lease of a forest plot for felling in the forestry department.

According to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forests cannot be sold into private ownership, so we can only talk about leasing a forest plot. That is, even if you bought a plot with green spaces, cutting them down is impossible without the appropriate document - in any case, you must obtain a permit. The procedure for obtaining this document and its price vary depending on the region.

First thing to do– find out from the local forestry department which plots are rented out and whether deforestation is allowed in this region. A ban on timber extraction may be imposed if the plants are listed in the Red Book, or the forest plantation has a certain recreational, agricultural or road value.

The felling of forest plantations and obtaining permits for its implementation is regulated in each region by a special resolution “On the procedure for issuing permits for the felling of trees and shrubs.” Cost calculation– is also established individually according to a certain formula, which must be specified in this document.

After information “reconnaissance”, you need to arm yourself with patience and plunge into the world of bureaucratic delays:

1. Auction for felling

1. It is necessary to find out the time of the next auction for the provision of plots for logging, which is carried out by management bodies in agreement with the forestry department. Study the conditions (usually this is a set rental price plus compensation transfers for landscaping). Submit an application, pay the entrance fee and participate in the tender.

2. Application for felling

If no auctions are expected in the near future, you can write an application to the local administration to issue a permit for logging (indicating the cadastral number of the site or the conditional number of the land survey; area; type of trees growing on it, purposes of logging and other parameters as required ).

3. Additional list of documents

Additionally, the following documents may be needed:

  • document on the legal ownership of this site (in the case of a lease - permission to cut down from the owner);
  • coordination with the forestry/forestry department;
  • plant inspection report;
  • site plan and other documentation upon request.

4. Necessary conditions for issuing a permit

The issuance of a permit is possible only if the costs of compensatory landscaping are reimbursed, the cost of which should be transferred to the local budget immediately after a positive decision by the administration.

As a matter of fact, it is possible to bypass the process of obtaining permits and approvals if we consider opening only a sawmill by agreeing on the supply of timber. But, as you yourself understand, the reliability of such a supply channel is very doubtful (what if tomorrow the procurement closes or is suspended for repairs, competitors buy the raw materials, or the supplier sharply raises the price?).

In addition, the difference in cost is significant (purchase of saw logs - from 1800 rubles / m 3, the cost of material for independent procurement - from 200 m 3 / cubic meter), therefore, despite the huge number of bureaucratic obstacles, most large sawmills operate only if they have their own sites logging. But for running a small business, you can also consider the option of purchasing raw materials.

Requirements for the premises for opening a sawmill

Ideally, the sawmill should be located directly on the site or in close proximity to it - this way you can significantly save on delivery. A large-scale production facility is not required for this business. You can equip a small room for receiving orders, meeting with clients and technical needs, measuring about 20 m2.

The best option for opening a sawmill is a plot of at least 30 acres that has:

  1. A canopy to protect equipment from adverse weather conditions (in enclosed spaces it is recommended to use only sawmills with a special system for collecting production waste). Based on the dimensions of the band sawmill (8*2*2.4 m), the square of the canopy should be at least 10*20 m, and the height – 5 m (if a crane beam is planned). One of the walls along the length of the equipment should be made solid - it’s more convenient to collect sawdust.
  2. Access roads (and, preferably, not only for special vehicles).
  3. Possibility of connecting to the electrical network (which is the biggest problem for installing a sawmill directly on the site).
  4. A warehouse for storing raw materials (must accommodate 50% of the monthly demand for materials) and be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-05-2003 “Warehouses of forest materials”.
  5. Closed warehouse for storing finished products.

Many private entrepreneurs make the mistake of starting work on their own plot of land (for example, a country house or the territory of a private house). The sawmill is an industrial equipment, so its operation requires the alienation of land into the fund for industrial work.

Purchasing equipment for a sawmill

After completing all the necessary documents and having a room/area for production, you can start purchasing the sawmill itself. There are several types of machines for sawing downed logs, and it is recommended to choose them based on the volume of planned production:

1. Mini circular saws

Such equipment can be considered for industrial purposes only for small production volumes (for example, for your own small enterprise). These units are compact and consume minimal energy, but the nozzles require frequent replacement, and the performance leaves much to be desired.

2. Band sawmill

The band sawmill is considered the optimal equipment for small and medium-sized businesses.

On average, it processes 5-10 m3 per shift (depending on the manufacturer).

Main advantages:

  • minimal amount of waste (about 20%);
  • low energy consumption (average 50 W);
  • reasonable price (about $3.5 thousand).

Main disadvantage– the need to frequently change the sawing band, on average every 3 hours.

3. Frame sawmill

Frame sawmill– a machine with high productivity, capable of ensuring continuous operation of an enterprise with large production volumes. But it will require mandatory installation on a foundation and a large amount of energy. Another disadvantage is the high percentage of waste.

Features of raw material procurement

The sawn raw materials for the sawmill are logs/ridges of various tree species (the so-called “round timber”).

You get it like this:

1. Forest felling

There are two ways to fell trees: uprooting or rootless felling. The most common is the second one. This type of logging work is carried out using portable motor saws or felling machines. The trunks are cut down at ground level, at the root, or leaving stumps (the permitted method of cutting is discussed with the forestry department).

The forest is uprooted with the help of bulldozers, but this method is used only if the cleared land is intended for agricultural land, road construction or housing.

2. Technological process of logging

The main requirement for a tree feller is to fell the tree in a given direction:

  • according to the technological scheme developed for a given cutting area (all trees fall in the same direction);
  • in a direction that is calculated individually in difficult cases.

Such calculations are necessary because it is quite difficult to predict the direction of a tree’s natural fall - the influence of natural factors is great (the direction and strength of the wind, the tilt of the trunk, the shape of the crown, etc.). Incorrect technology or inexperience of the feller can lead to industrial injuries, damage to equipment, destruction of other plantings and forest undergrowth (which is punishable by serious fines).

Afterwards, the fallen trees are cleared of branches and twigs (the waste must be removed and disposed of). The logs are sawn into logs (standard length: 5.5 - 6.5 m for coniferous and 4 - 4.5 m for hardwood), sorted by diameter, species, quality, tied, placed on timber trucks or special trailers with fences and transported to the sawmill shop.

Description of the technological process of the sawmill

The operating principle of the sawmill itself is quite simple:

1. Fixing the log

The log is securely fixed with special clamps and stops. The maximum diameter of the workpiece is indicated in the characteristics of the equipment; usually it is 80-110 cm. The standard length of the sawing table (and, accordingly, the log) is about 7 m, but it is possible to extend it upon request. If the logs are not large, you can install two pieces at the same time.

2. Control of saw tension force

The tension force of the saw is controlled by a pressure gauge, set manually or automatically on the sawmill control panel.

3. Setting cutting parameters

The cutting parameters (length, width, thickness of the board) are set according to the dimensions of the scale bar. The top layer of bark is removed. A horizontal saw cuts a log into boards, moving strictly horizontally with the help of special rollers;

4. Flipping the log

When the cut reaches the middle of the log, the equipment stops. The log is turned over manually or using an electromechanical lift, bark up.

5. Again the stage of fixing the log

The workpiece is fixed again, the cutting process is completed depending on the lumber being produced.

At the output you can get the following products:

  • unedged board;
  • edged board;
  • timber and other lumber.

To make edged boards, one of the cutting options is to fix unedged blanks on a table to remove bark from each side.

High-quality timber is cut only from the core part. To obtain segment beams, heartwood is cut crosswise. When producing half timber - along the longitudinal axis.

When operating a sawmill, a large amount of wood waste is generated, which can be used for the needs of the enterprise (for example, for heating the premises) or as raw material for the additional production of fuel capsules.

Logging and lumber obtained from them must comply with the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 8486-86 “Softwood lumber. Technical specifications"
  • GOST 2695-83 “Hardwood lumber. Technical specifications"
  • GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions"
  • GOST 18288-87 “Sawmill production. Terms and Definitions"
  • GOST 6782.2-75 “Lumber products from deciduous wood. Shrinkage amount"
  • GOST 7319-80 “Lumber and hardwood blanks. Atmospheric drying and storage"
  • GOST 26002-83 “Northern graded softwood lumber”

Business plan for opening a sawmill

Let's consider the economic justification for opening a small production of unedged boards with the main equipment - a band sawmill. For example, the indicators of the woodworking machine PT-03U Krona were used.

1. Initial data:

The organizational form of doing business is individual entrepreneur using the simplified tax system (6%);

Number of employees – 2 people. Payment is piecework, depending on output, at a rate of 250 rubles/m 3 (sawyer) and 100 rubles/m 3 (sawyer's assistant);

Duration of work shift – 8 hours/day;

Number of shifts per month – 22.

2. Capital investments

It is planned to purchase a band sawmill with a minimum configuration:

  • PT-03U Krona – 170,000 rubles;
  • sharpening device – 23,500 rubles;
  • band saws – 10 pieces * 720 rubles = 7200 rubles;
  • adjustable device - 15,000 rubles.

Total 215,700 rub.

To accommodate the equipment, it is planned to rent a plot of 30 acres with space for a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. Arrangement of a utility room and a shed for a sawmill will cost 55,000 rubles.

Total capital investments - 270,700 rubles.

3. Raw materials and material costs

Purchased round logs will be used as input raw materials. The cost of raw materials is 2100 rubles/m3.

The cost of electricity is 5 rubles/kW.

4. Productivity and profit

Productivity per shift - 7 m 3 (cutting material yield - 60%), Productivity per month - 7 m 3 * 22 shifts - 154 m 3.

The selling price of the finished board is 5,760 rubles/m3

Planned profit per month – 154 m3 * 5,760 rubles/m3 = 887,040 rubles.

5. Salary and social contributions

Payroll – 154 m 3 * 350 rubles = 53,900 rubles/month;

Payroll taxes (37.5%) – 20,212.50 rubles/month.

6. Planning monthly expenses and cost of 1 m 3 of products

Rent of a plot – 30,000 rubles/month;

Loader rental – RUB 9,500/month;

Cost of raw materials at the input: 258 m3 * 2,100 rubles/m3 = 541,800 rubles/month;

Electricity consumption – 8 hours * 12 kW/h * 5 rubles * 22 workers/shifts = 10,560 rubles/month;

Transport costs – 20,500 rubles;

Income tax (USN) – 887,040 rubles * 6% = 53,222.40 rubles/month;

Salary expenses – 53,900 rubles + 20,212.50 rubles = 74,112.50 rubles/month.

Unforeseen expenses - RUB 30,000/month

Total: RUB 769,649.90/month

Cost of 1 m 3 of unedged boards: 769,649.90 rubles: 154 m 3 /month = 4998.02 rubles.

7. Profit and payback

Net profit: 887,040 rubles – 769,649.90 rubles = 117,390.10 rubles/month.

Return on capital investment – ​​2.3 months (RUB 270,700: RUB 117,390.10)