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Business plan for a pancake house: description and recommendations from professionals. How to open a pancake shop from scratch in a small town Equipment for a pancake shop on wheels

Pancake business- one of the most profitable areas in the fast food industry. Pancakes, being a traditionally favorite delicacy, are in consistently high demand. Both from children and from adults. A good jump in revenue is also brought by the introduction of a “pancake” assortment to the menu of already operating cafes, restaurants and canteens. However, there is a small nuance: in order for pancakes to be actively and consistently sold and to enjoy deserved attention from customers, they must be tasty, nutritious and not very expensive.

Small amounts will help ensure compliance with these criteria. trade secrets:

  1. Pancake equipment - professional pancake maker for business and necessary accessories;
  2. Technology - rules for baking delicious pancakes;
  3. Recipes - nuances of preparatory work and requirements for the products used.

Having mastered all the “three pillars” of high-quality pancakes - having bought pancake equipment for business and mastered the recipe, it is easy to achieve success in the business of producing and selling them.

How to choose pancake equipment and accessories for professional baking

Which professional pancake maker is better?

Performance is the first factor to pay attention to. For catering outlets with low traffic, where the sale of pancakes is not on stream, the ideal solution would be pancake makers with one or more frying surfaces.

The approximate productivity of the first ones is 60 pancakes per hour. As for two-burner professional pancake equipment, if the models have independent control of frying surfaces, you can bake 60 pancakes per hour or twice as much. Professional pancake makers with two burners without autonomous control have a stable productivity of 100-120 pancakes.

The second selection factor is need for mobility. Based on this criterion, it is better to choose gas pancake equipment. Powered by a portable cylinder, it can easily provide a place for selling pancakes, even in a park or in a shopping center. Electrical solutions are “tied” to a current source, but are more compact.

Easy to use. Everyone knows the image of a kitchen worker baking pancakes. His main tools are a spatula and a roller, and his task is to ensure the distribution of pancakes with the desired flavors or prepare them “to order.” A simpler version of the equipment is a pancake machine. It works with minimal human intervention, but you need to take care of the dough and think through the recipe for pancakes to increase their sales.

How to bake delicious pancakes: technological recipes and secrets

It’s not enough to buy a pancake maker for business, you also need to cook delicious pancakes on it. Will help with this knowledge of technology and important nuances. Among them:

  1. The dough is not prepared ahead of time, but 20 minutes before baking the pancakes. Otherwise, the composition may separate, and you won’t get delicious pancakes “from a professional.”
  2. Flour for the dough is selected first or highest grade. It is especially important not to exclude the sifting stage, which will give the flour airiness and remove all lumps and inhomogeneities. It is best to use professional flour sifters for this.
  3. The homogeneity of the dough is not ensured manually, since all products must be mixed perfectly, providing the baking composition with optimal organoleptic and technological characteristics. Dough mixers - professional equipment for creating dough of a given thickness and consistency - will help you achieve the desired result. Small cafes and locally operating enterprises can replace dough mixers with professional hand or planetary mixers.
  4. Eggs. Must be checked for freshness and have a natural ratio of white to yolk of 61% to 39%. To evaluate eggs, it is optimal to use an ovoscope rather than rely on organoleptic or visual analysis. The second important point is to use chilled eggs.
  5. Products for the dough (except eggs) should be at room temperature. 6. The finished dough temperature is approximately 20 degrees.

To ensure perfect pancakes using professional pancake equipment, there must be dough for them:

  • liquid;
  • homogeneous;
  • plastic;
  • without delamination;
  • white-cream color.

Then the baking of pancakes will take place at a professional level, and the finished product will be:

  • uniformly porous;
  • no cracks or damage;
  • with a golden surface;
  • soft and elastic.

It is convenient to prepare a variety of desserts and dishes based on such pancakes.

What kind of pancakes do clients like, or how to make money on professional pancakes

A small pancake maker for a dining room begins to pay for itself quickly enough, which is not always the case with professional pancake equipment. To eliminate the possibility of downtime and provide catering companies with a stable and high income, it is worth thinking through a menu based on pancakes in advance.

A fast food pancake maker allows you to prepare plain pancakes and with fillings. Moreover, the latter may be folded in a variety of ways:

  • Rectangles. After placing the filling into the pancake, fold the sides so that they intersect in the center. Next, the upper edge is folded again, and the lower edge is directed upward. Afterwards, the pancake is folded three times in the transverse direction and fried on both sides.
  • Triangles. With the filling placed in the center of the pancake, the baked circle is folded in half. And then cut it in half again until you get a nice triangle.
  • Envelopes. When the filling is placed in the middle of the pancake, the opposite sides of the baked delicacy are folded overlapping towards the middle. The resulting “candy” is folded over one more side until an “envelope” is obtained, after which the pancake is turned over to the other side and fried.
  • Tubes. After placing the filling on the pancake, the dessert is wrapped in a tube and fried on both sides.
  • Funtiki. After frying, the pancake is folded in half and a cone is made from the resulting half, which is filled with filling.

What's interesting is that the shape of the pancake affects the taste. However, each entrepreneur can decide for himself which filling goes with which appearance. Traditionally, menu items are divided into pancakes:

  • “Slavic” - with savory, filling fillings;
  • “Russians” are sweet dessert options.

A pancake maker for a restaurant can be purchased “square” or “round”, allowing the shape of the frying surface to plan the aesthetics of the baked delicacy.

What else should you remember when choosing professional pancake equipment?

A pancake machine of any level of complexity should be chosen taking into account a number of significant factors. This:

  1. Price. Cost is an important criterion, but a large selection of manufacturers cooperating with Petrokhladotekhnika companies makes it easy to navigate and arrange delivery of the most suitable fast food equipment. In our online store, the price for pancake equipment does not scare you, but stimulates high sales and increased profitability.
  2. Service. The design of pancake makers a priori implies simple care and maintenance, increasing the demand for equipment for pancakes from catering companies in St. Petersburg.
  3. Functions. Pancake makers are convenient due to the uniform heating of cast-iron frying surfaces, the presence of a thermostat responsible for the accuracy of heating and an indicator indicating the readiness of the pancake.

The Petrokhladotekhnika company recommends considering the pancake equipment presented in the assortment of the online store and purchasing models that are suitable for performance and functions. The presence of a professional pancake maker at a catering enterprise will guarantee profit growth and increase the attractiveness of the establishment in the eyes of customers.

Pancake recipes

Pancakes "SIKOM"

Wheat flour 1 grade “Kudesnitsa” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs;
sugar - 190 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; kefir 2.5% - 550 g; vanillin - 1 g;
milk 2.5% - 1100 g; sunflower oil - 110 g; baking soda - 6 g;
acetic acid 9% - 5 g

Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Add milk and kefir to the resulting mass, add flour and vanillin and continue mixing until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. After this, add sunflower oil and, at the end of the kneading, soda slaked with vinegar. The dough is mixed and then beaten for 1-2 minutes at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 53%) is filtered. Flow time through the funnel is 30-35 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 45 round pancakes, 28 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Homemade”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs; sugar - 80 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; kefir 2.5% - 1000 g; milk 2.5% - 1000 g; sunflower oil - 100g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Add milk and kefir to the resulting mass, add flour and continue mixing until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil and beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 56%) is filtered. Flow time through the funnel is 19-21 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3.1 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 62 round pancakes, 44 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Classic”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 4 pcs; sugar - 116 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; milk 2.5% - 1600 g;
sunflower oil - 120g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Milk is added to the resulting mass, then flour is added and mixing continues until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil and beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 56%) is filtered. The flow time through the funnel is 25-30 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.
This recipe makes 3 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 36 round pancakes, 26 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Lace”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs; sugar - 50 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; milk 2.5% - 2000 g;
sunflower oil - 76g; butter - 136 g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Milk is added to the resulting mass, then flour is added and mixing continues until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil, mix the dough, then increase the speed and add hot butter. Beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 60%) is filtered. The flow time through the funnel is 12-15 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3.1 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 77 round pancakes, 51 square pancakes.

The best city has more than 100 thousand students. As a sociological survey showed, the majority of them (71%) eat fast food. So my business idea - to make money on a healthy student appetite - looks quite logical.

But today we will not talk about shawarma, but about our Russian product - pancakes. I will describe a brief business plan for a pancake house on wheels. Renting a trailer will not be difficult, I myself saw an advertisement for 1 month of rent asking for 1400-2000 rubles, in my opinion not expensive. In the future, you can buy such a trailer.

What does profit depend on?

From the number of points. The more there are, the better. This will reduce the costs “per pancake” associated with garbage removal, paying for electricity and processing documents for the right to trade.

From the quality of the product. The gains from purchasing cheap flour and other ingredients for dough and filling will be short-lived. After 2 - 3 months, sales volume will decrease significantly. After this time, revenue will inevitably fall due to the deterioration of the quality of pancakes. The same consequences await those who save on inviting highly professional chefs and training staff.

From the choice of location. The more people pass by your kiosk, the more potential buyers.

From an accurate assessment of the market. At what price should I sell a pancake with butter – 14 rubles or 20? It all depends on customer demand. These numbers will be different at different kiosks. Determining them correctly is the task of the network owner.

Pros and cons of the pancake industry:

1. Simple technology.
2. Minimum space.
3. There is no need for highly qualified personnel.
4. The product is known to everyone as “Russian national”.
5. Pancake shops are still not very popular.
6. Cheap raw materials.

1. Pancakes cannot be sold to take away - they get cold and lose their taste.
2. There are powerful networks of pancake shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg; if they come to the provinces, it will not be easy to compete with them.
An auto buffet is a fairly profitable option. But you will have to live in constant fear of trade, fire, sanitary and other inspections. Many of the requirements that are specified in the regulations are almost impossible to comply with at a kiosk. In fact, the same sanitary control turns a blind eye to many inconsistencies, but this still means that you can be “covered up” at any moment. At the same time, kiosks and auto buffets are more profitable for chain operators when they open many outlets in the city at once.

In order to put your kiosk in the place that you like, you need to solve a lot of problems related to the design of the site and obtaining permits from various inspections. In total it will cost you between 5-7 thousand dollars. Another 5 thousand - for the kiosk itself and equipment. In total, the initial contribution to the business will be 15–17 thousand dollars.

Required documents:
permission from the district government to install a temporary structure;
permission from the SES certifying compliance with sanitary standards;
permit certifying compliance with fire safety standards.

There are two trends in the choice of technology. Some buy cheap equipment: it quickly exhausts its resource, while paying for itself. They throw it away and buy a new one. This is what most fast food vendors do. There is another option - to buy more reliable and, accordingly, expensive equipment. It doesn't pay for itself quickly, but it will last you much longer.

In conditions of competition between different companies offering fast food, it is better to make a profit not by the price of one product, but by the number of purchases. By the way, the buyer may be attracted not only by the low price, but also by the comparative quality of the product. For example, if a pie or the same pancake has more filling than competitors do, the consumer will notice it quickly enough.

And if, on the contrary, you achieve the enormous size of the sandwich only at the expense of the bun, this will irritate the buyer, as it will leave him feeling as if he was deceived. You can improve the quality of a product and reduce its cost by concluding agreements with supplier companies.

For example, coffee producers often offer coffee machines for rent on preferential terms. And you will be able to offer your visitors not packaged instant coffee, but real ground coffee. And if you enter into an agreement with ice cream suppliers, you will not need to think about where to store it, because these companies offer their refrigerators at discounted prices.

So, for example, the cost of renting a SOLIS Master 5000 coffee machine will be about 2,000 rubles per month, if you buy Specialty coffee from a distributor in the amount of 4,000 rubles (this will be 3-5 kg). The cost of one serving of good quality coffee will be about 9 rubles.

The pancake production technology is simple: we purchase ready-made yeast-free dough, deliver it to the point in vacuum packaging or gastronorm containers, and store it in the refrigerator. We bake pancakes on an electric pancake maker, then wrap the filling in them and serve them to the buyer. The cost of one serving is about 3 rubles.

You can add ice cream, tea, coffee, and soft drinks to the pancake assortment. In order not to complicate the process, you can use ready-made fillings: butter, orange and cherry jams, honey, boiled condensed milk, smoked fish, sour cream and curd mass with raisins and dried apricots. All purchases can be made at wholesale stores in the best city.

Equipment we will need: a pancake maker, a microwave oven, a kettle, a refrigerator, a cash register,

Opening a pancake shop is the dream of, if not everyone, then many aspiring entrepreneurs. Pancakes, as a traditional dish, invariably attract visitors. This is a great snack and even a full lunch. They are affordable, and there are no problems with their preparation. Another advantage of the pancake shop is the opportunity to organize a business on wheels. For such a mobile pancake house you will need a three-meter trailer and a minimum of equipment. And the initial investment will be approximately 140,000 rubles.

For the proper functioning of the establishment, it is necessary to initially determine all the technical characteristics of the equipment on the market and its variety.

Pancake shop equipment


To properly organize the technological process, a minimum of 5 types of basic equipment are required:

  1. The pancake shop is the heart of the establishment. This equipment will help you quickly bake high-quality and tasty pancakes.
  2. The table is a convenient workspace that makes life easier for the chef. No kitchen can do without it. We also need a table for the pancake shop.
  3. A dough mixer (one or several, depending on the needs of the establishment) is another assistant to kitchen workers, allowing them to be freed from manual, rather hard work. The dough in this simple machine turns out well beaten and of the desired consistency.
  4. The universal one (also called deaf) is necessary for storing fillings, sausages and meat. Without it, the SES will not allow you to open a pancake shop. After all, the health of customers is one of the main concerns of catering enterprises.
  5. The washstand is another indispensable attribute of the kitchen. It also needs to be installed in accordance with sanitary standards.


  • A refrigerator with glass doors is installed to store soft drinks and beer. This equipment is optional, as the pancake shop can only serve tea or coffee. However, the presence of cold drinks will have a beneficial effect on the establishment - it will additionally attract visitors (not everyone likes to drink tea, for example).
  • A stove will be needed if the pancake maker does not have power and is heated on a gas or electric stove. It is also needed for preparing hot fillings, if any will be used.
  • or coffee makers are not the main equipment, but their presence in the establishment will make the chef’s work easier and will add variety to the menu.
  • Hall furniture, including tables and chairs, is necessary for establishments with a large area. But it is not needed if the pancake shop is located on wheels or in a kiosk.
  • A counter for storing prepared dishes and (or) a heated cabinet for konopizza. Equipment of this type improves sales, as it allows visitors to advantageously demonstrate certain menu items.
  • Air conditioning is only necessary for large establishments. Its presence in the dining room increases attendance (the estimate for the owners will increase by another 30-40 thousand rubles required to purchase an air conditioner).
  • Konopizza is another popular item that expands the pancake menu. This dish is a traditional pizza wrapped in a cone. Eggs, various salads, desserts, cheese and meat are used as fillings. The dish is in great demand in Europe as an instant food. This is a new product for us, which may well become a feature of the establishment. To obtain the main piece of dough - a cone, you will need a press, and for baking you will need one. In the oven, the cones, with the filling already placed in them, are finished baking. Such a starter kit of equipment costs about 60,000 rubles.

Differences in equipment configuration

Different types of establishments will require different sets of equipment. This is primarily due to the available space and the behavior of visitors.

For a large pancake

People will spend a lot of time in a large pancake house with a dining room.

Pancake shops on wheels and stalls serve only as points for purchasing pancakes, coffee and tea.

For pancake shops located in shopping, entertainment, office centers or individual buildings (with a total area of ​​at least 150 square meters) you will need:

  • pancake makers;
  • refrigerated display case (counter);
  • coffee makers;
  • freezers and refrigerators for food storage;
  • coffee machine or coffee maker;
  • kitchen furniture (shelves, tables,);
  • kitchen tools;
  • furniture for the dining room.

On average, such a kit costs 980,000 rubles. The establishment employs 10-12 people. The menu includes desserts, ice cream, soups, cereals, salads, juices, kvass, other dishes and drinks.

For a pancake stall

For the stall you will need:

  • a pancake maker or pancake machine (the latter is more expensive - up to 1.5 thousand dollars);
  • fridge;
  • coffee machine;
  • Electric kettle;
  • water dispenser;
  • wardrobe.

Paper dishes are used to take out pancakes. Particular attention is paid to the quality of service. First of all, people look, of course, at the assortment and taste of the finished product, but a friendly salesperson is also an important component of business.

With proper organization, the monthly income of this type of pancake business is up to 2 thousand dollars.

For a pancake house on wheels

A pancake maker on wheels requires:

  • dough mixer (or planetary mixer);
  • refrigerator;
  • a pancake maker (preferably a two-stage one - for baking two pancakes at the same time);
  • and hood;
  • electric boiler for making tea (10 liters);
  • sink with water tank;
  • table top;
  • wardrobe for staff.

In the establishment you can prepare pancakes with different fillings, coffee, tea, broth.

How to choose equipment

Pancake makers differ in the number of pancakes (posts) they bake. Models can have one or two posts. Diameter 35 or 40 centimeters. Electricity or a gas stove is used to heat the working panels. Maximum heating temperature 300 degrees. Power from 1.9 to 5 kW.

Tables must be made of stainless steel. Models with an enamel frame cost cheaper, but they are less resistant to corrosion. For stalls, two tables are usually purchased: one 90 by 50 centimeters, the second, installed under the near wall, 180 by 60 centimeters. Non-standard sizes are ordered from the manufacturer on an individual basis.

The main parameters of the dough mixer include the size of the working bowl (bowl). For a small establishment, a volume of 8-10 liters is sufficient.

When choosing a refrigerator with glass doors, first of all you need to pay attention to its capacity (volumes). The energy saving class is also important. Energy-saving models are more expensive, but they pay for themselves in the future due to energy savings. The climate class of the equipment can be from +12 to +40 degrees. A cabinet with a low climate class, if installed near a stall on the street, requires being in the shade.

Universal refrigerated cabinets are selected by volume. Usually the volume is taken with a reserve so that it can accommodate food for two to three days.

Washstands come in wall-mounted and floor-mounted types. The water connection is carried out through a water supply system or autonomously, through a tank.

Washstands are made of stainless steel for a longer service life.

Popular brands

The flagship of the crepe maker market is the French brand Rollel Grill. Pancake makers have cast iron working panels covered with enamel and are characterized by fast, uniform heating. Cooking virtually eliminates the use of oil. Using such equipment you can bake not only pancakes, but also pies.

The Russian company Atesy produces a whole range of pancake makers called “Maslenitsa”. The devices are designed primarily for small establishments - they have a low price and at the same time good workmanship. The working panels are made of polished cast iron. On such a device you can bake up to 120 bli new at one o'clock. The same Russian company is a domestic leader in the production of kitchen furniture and other technological equipment.

The Turkish brand Ozti produces budget models of pancake makers, most of which are designed for baking one pancake (single station models).

The Ukrainian company Kuhart sells various equipment for pancake shops. Specializes in ready-made kits. For example, for the production of hemp pizza (convection oven and press). We sell pancake vans on wheels, equipped with all the necessary equipment.

High-quality dough mixers are produced by the Turkish company SGS. A device with a capacity of 10 liters will cost approximately 44,000 rubles.

The Snaige brand from Lithuania sells affordable refrigerators and freezers. The company has been exporting equipment since 1983. The brand has service centers in different countries, which makes servicing equipment much easier.

The Russian manufacturer Ariada produces both freezers, refrigeration cabinets, and refrigerated display cases. The equipment is assembled exclusively from imported components from Italian and German companies. The operating temperature of refrigerated cabinets is from -5 to +5 degrees.

Choosing a pancake maker is the most important moment when opening, you won’t be able to save money on this, because the process of preparing pancakes takes place in front of visitors, and it is important that the pancakes turn out the first time and do not tear or burn. And the question with the cooling panel remains open, where to prepare the filling? For example, in relation to a pancake house on wheels, this should happen according to the rules in a separate room, or it should be brought in advance, which is also not entirely productive.

Delicious and appetizing pancakes have always been in consumer demand in catering establishments of various types. Thanks to such popularity among the population, Russian pancakes have become an excellent alternative to Western fast food. And today, despite the large number of outlets offering pancakes to customers, even a beginner in this business has every chance to start implementing his own project and achieve entrepreneurial success with it.

We will tell you how to open your own pancake shop in this review.

How can you make money making pancakes?

Business selling ready-made meals is one of the oldest ways to make money. Delicious food is a product that is always in demand. It can be sold from trays, in small shops (kiosks), as well as in catering establishments.

For prepared foods to sell well, they must be fresh, tasty, appetizing and safe.

If from this point of view we consider the question of what is needed to open a pancake shop, then the answer is obvious:

  • equipment that will make it possible to prepare fresh products in front of customers;
  • thoughtful recipe and menu;
  • reliable suppliers of products and semi-finished products;
  • competent marketing designed for the average consumer;
  • qualified personnel.

And it's all. There are no special requirements for the format of a potentially successful pancake shop. This can be either a mini-kiosk, where one or another dish based on pancakes is prepared in the presence of the buyer, or a full-fledged cafe with a special pancake menu.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in how to open a pancake shop from scratch, having a small budget at their disposal, can first try out the “pancake business” on small orders and without purchasing expensive equipment.

The mini format can be implemented as follows:

  • set up the production of a small number of pancakes with different fillings (can be prepared at home);
  • package several pieces and distribute ready-made meals in crowded places (near office centers, train stations, markets, etc.).

Having made a minimal investment, an entrepreneur can, within a few months of active work, raise money to purchase equipment for a pancake shop. In addition, practical experience in this field will give an understanding of what product is in demand. This experience can be used as the basis for marketing promotion of your own product on the market.

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Material and technical base for a pancake shop

When you have the funds to open a pancake shop and you just have to decide where to start, we suggest you immediately start looking for a location and suppliers. The success of the future enterprise will largely depend on the successful location of the pancake house, as well as on how high-quality products are used for preparing dishes.

Suitable conditions for installing a mini pancake pan on wheels:

  • away from the roadway;
  • near crowded places in the morning and lunchtime;
  • the presence of a nearby park or alleys with benches.

Favorable places to locate a pancake house - cafe:

  • near active business centers or modern large playgrounds;
  • near educational institutions, state and municipal institutions;
  • close to public transport stations.

Room area - from 40 to 60 sq.m.

Important! Pancake shops located in residential areas are not popular with customers, since during evening hours the main visitors to catering establishments choose a completely different menu.

Equipment for mini-pancake house:

  • pancake maker (electric oven with two burners);
  • planetary mixer;
  • Desktop;
  • washing;
  • cooling counter;
  • chest freezer;
  • meat grinder
  • electric kettle and coffee machine;
  • cookware.

This is a basic set of equipment.

After receiving the status of an entrepreneur and taxpayer, you can purchase equipment, enter into rental agreements for premises and hire staff.

When the production base is ready and the staff is fully staffed, you should apply to state inspections for permits to conduct business activities in the catering industry. Requests for issuing permits must be submitted to the SES, Rospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities at the stage of opening a pancake shop, it is necessary to request advice on the requirements for such facilities even at the stage of creating a catering facility.

Also, in each municipality there is a service to support small and medium-sized businesses, where you can get detailed information about what documents are needed to open a pancake shop.

How quickly will the costs be recouped?

The initial costs for a mini-pancake shop in the format of a cafe on wheels or a kiosk will be about 600 thousand rubles. To open a pancake cafe, at least 1.2 million rubles must be included in the implementation of the business plan.

Monthly costs for a mini-cafe are:

  • 120 thousand rubles. – staff salaries;
  • 80 thousand rubles. – equipment maintenance and mandatory payments (including taxes);
  • 80 thousand rubles. – purchase of products;
  • 10 thousand rubles. – advertising.

In total, about 290 thousand rubles will be needed per month to maintain a pancake shop.

With an average bill of 250 rubles, a pancake shop can earn up to 15 thousand rubles for an 8-hour shift. With a good turnover of goods and money, the cafe will pay for itself in 1-1.5 years.

The relatively quick payback and at the same time the constant relevance of opening a pancake shop deserve to consider this business idea when choosing a type of activity for an entrepreneur. In addition, successful cafes have a good prospect of developing into a franchise network, and this is a completely different level of income.

The history of the development of the “pancake business” using the example of one of the largest Russian fast food brands in the following video:

Always remains one of the most effective areas for business. This is especially true for fast food establishments. The pancake house is just such an establishment. In our country, the demand for such products will always be at a level, since pancakes seem much more “native” than Western hamburgers or French fries. How to open such an establishment and succeed? A detailed business plan for a pancake shop will help.


As an establishment format, we will choose the one that is more suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who do not have significant capital - a pancake kiosk. The business plan for a pancake stall does not involve significant expenses, therefore such entrepreneurial activity is characterized by a low threshold for entering the market.

The pancake house can be presented in another form - a full-fledged cafe with tables, waiters, where, in addition to pancakes, other desserts are served. But this format is closer to experienced entrepreneurs familiar with the restaurant business.


Like any other type of business activity, a business plan for a pancake kiosk begins with the preparation of the necessary documentation. Such an enterprise allows the registration of both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. An individual entrepreneur allows you to choose a simpler form of tax reporting, and this will ultimately save on costs. You can choose the simplified taxation system as your tax system.

In addition to registering a business, opening a pancake house will require permits from the fire safety service and sanitary control authorities. To save your own time and nerves, an entrepreneur can turn to specialists who will resolve all issues on their own in the shortest possible time. If you approach this moment without due responsibility, there is a risk of mistakes, which will then result in serious penalties from inspection authorities.

Selecting a room

Renting premises is a necessary item that should include a cafe business plan. A pancake house on wheels, unlike a cafe, does not require permanent premises, and therefore you do not have to spend money on rent every month. But the entrepreneur will have to independently manufacture or order a mobile structure.

It is better to place a mobile kiosk in a public place near universities, schools, bus stops, and a train station. Before installing the premises, you should obtain permission from the administration, as well as from the architecture department and the urban planning department.


The internal equipment of the kiosk is controlled by the SES and State Fire Supervision services. In addition, the business plan for a pancake house on wheels should be designed for the purchase of high-quality equipment, since the appearance and taste of the dishes themselves may depend on this in the future.

To equip the kiosk internally, you will need standard kitchen equipment:

  • fridge;
  • washing;
  • blender/combine and mixer;
  • pancake makers;
  • dishes;
  • kettle and/or coffee machine;
  • kitchenware;
  • small consumables - price tags, packaging.

Exhibition racks and a window for distribution are usually provided complete with the kiosk itself, if it is custom-made by a specialized company. This also applies to the necessary ventilation equipment.

If an entrepreneur plans to organize a small dining area in front of the kiosk, then in addition he will need:

  • a pair of plastic tables with chairs and umbrellas;
  • refrigerator with drinks;
  • trash can.


Before including food costs in a pancake business plan, the business owner should consider the menu of his establishment. The standard assortment of the pancake shop includes regular pancakes, but creative pancakes with all kinds of fillings are in great demand. The menu should include:

  • The pancakes are hearty, filled with meat or fish, combined with additional products - cheese, vegetables, herbs, sauces.
  • Sweet pancakes - with jam, cottage cheese, condensed milk, fruit.
  • Tea, coffee, soft drinks.

In addition, you can think about seasonal products - kvass and ice cream in the summer, hot chocolate in the winter.


To open a pancake house you will need 2 employees working in shifts. Even a person without experience as a cook can cope with preparing pancakes on pancake machines, so the main condition is the presence of a health certificate, the absence of skin diseases and other visible external defects. A neat and pleasant appearance is a must.

In addition, employees must be responsible and honest, because they will have to work with cash and independently maintain basic daily income records.

The responsibilities of the staff include preparing pancakes, drinks, caring for kitchen utensils and appliances, and accepting cash. They also need to monitor the quantity of dough products and fillings to ensure timely replenishment of supplies. If there is an area with tables in front of the kiosk, staff will be responsible for cleaning. The business plan for a pancake shop includes the cost of wages for staff.


Advertising costs are a mandatory item that must be included in any business plan. A pancake shop is an example of a business activity that does not require small promotion costs if located in the right place. The main marketing costs are decorating the van in accordance with the chosen style. It would be good if a corporate logo was created that would be present both on the sign and on the staff’s clothing.

In the future, you can use free ones aimed at stirring up the interest of regular and new customers. All kinds of promotions, sweepstakes and discounts work great, and customers are notified about this through social networks. Therefore, an entrepreneur should definitely take care of having his own pages on the popular Instagram and VKontakte.

Don’t forget that the food business is well supported by such moves as “dish of the day”, “combo” and other modern marketing techniques.

Payback calculation

In order for a novice entrepreneur to assess his own strengths and capital, we present a business plan for a pancake shop with calculations. So, opening a kiosk on wheels includes the following capital costs:

  • Business registration - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Manufacturing a van - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur expects monthly expenses:

  • Salary to employees is 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products and consumables - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for accounting services and utility bills - 10 thousand rubles.

To calculate profitability, let’s take the average cost of a pancake equal to 100 rubles. When selling at least 70 pieces per day, revenue from the main products will be at least 210 thousand rubles monthly. This does not include the sale of drinks and additional products.

Based on this amount, taking into account expenses, the monthly net profit will be no more than 40 thousand rubles. Under such conditions, the business promises to pay off within a year. Taking into account external factors and other circumstances, the average payback is about one and a half years - if we take into account specific examples.

Experts note that the modern passion for franchising business provides aspiring entrepreneurs who plan to open their own business with fairly tough competition. The large number of fast food chains throughout the city can make it so difficult to enter the fast food business that some choose to become a part of one of these chains.

If the future business owner is ready to put up with the shortcomings of a franchise and the need for monthly payments, he can join one of them. As advantages, we can note the original and fresh ideas of most franchises. In addition, by paying a fee of several hundred thousand rubles (on average about 500,000 rubles), the entrepreneur will receive a ready-made turnkey business.


The pancake business plan given in this article is just an example. The final calculations depend on the specific region, the local level of catering market capacity, the cost of food and other conditions.

A pancake shop as a business is a rather complex type of entrepreneurial activity due to the high level of competition. The owner of a pancake shop requires both creativity and flexibility. You should be able to react sensitively to changes in demand, the emergence of new competitors nearby and other conditions that may hinder or contribute to the profitability of the pancake shop.