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Business plan and income from 500 turkeys. Business for breeding turkeys and turkeys at home for sale - a detailed business plan

Turkey farms have gained immense popularity among businessmen. This is a profitable, quickly payback business with a wide range of advantages, low investments and high profitability. To organize it, you need a competent approach that takes into account all the nuances of this matter.

There are three main varieties of turkeys, each with its own characteristics. For convenience, they were divided by the weight of the birds:

  • heavy;
  • average;
  • lungs.

The first type is large birds with high growth rates. By 4 months, the weight of females will vary from 8 to 11 kg, and for males from 19 to 23 kg. To raise these turkeys, you must also maintain them. If they are followed, they grow healthy and strong. This type of bird is best suited for large industrial complexes that use intensive rearing technologies.

Females of the average type weigh about 5–7 kg by 4 months, and males 13–17 kg. This variety is not so capricious in care and feeding and shows better performance. This option is best suited for farms.

The light type has the best indicators of early maturity, but the smallest weight. The bird carcass weighs only about 3 kg by 4 months. These days this is the most unpopular variety, they are bred very rarely.

Main varieties of turkeys and their hybrids

There are just over 40 breeds of turkeys in the world. They are divided not only by body type, but also by color and breeding productivity. They can be divided into two subgroups of breeds:

  1. egg-bearing;
  2. meat.

The former have less weight but produce more eggs, while the latter do the opposite. In addition, turkeys differ in specialized characteristics, which can be divided into paternal and maternal groups.

The paternal ones are characterized by high growth rates, and the maternal ones have a better level of egg production and egg hatchability. When they are crossed, hybrids are obtained; breeders call this a cross. It can consist of 2, 3 and 4 lines, depending on the number of birds crossed.

In our country, a two-line cross was developed, which is called “Universal”. These turkey hybrids have the best endurance characteristics, regardless of what is ideal for our difficult climatic conditions. In addition, their maintenance does not require large investments. By breeding “Universal” hybrid turkeys, you can raise birds weighing from 4.5 to 11 kg and producing from 70 to 80 eggs, suitable for subsequent incubation.

Foreign breeders relied on the weight of the bird and obtained the following popular hybrids:

  • "Big 6";
  • "Highbird";
  • "Caddy."

These birds are more demanding. However, by growing them you can get carcasses weighing from 10 to 25 kg, but in terms of egg production and egg hatchability, the laying hens of these hybrids are inferior to our “Universal”.

Based on the taste of meat, these hybrids are suitable for making various delicacies, but before choosing one of them, you should evaluate the real possibilities of providing them with decent living conditions. Otherwise, most chicks are just .

Birds for eggs

Let's consider the most popular breeds of birds that produce the maximum number of eggs and are suitable for growing in our country:

White broad-breasted

The most common in the world is the white broad-breasted turkey. These birds have the best egg-laying properties. They grow well in almost any weather, with the exception of the far north. Oviposition begins at 9 months and lasts for six months. During this period, you can collect from 90 to 120 eggs with an average weight of about 85 g. When slaughtering this breed, a white carcass with high meat yield is obtained.

Moscow white and bronze

These are two subgroups of the same breed, which differ in the color of plumage and carcasses at slaughter. Due to their strong constitution, these birds are best suited for breeding in the non-chernozem regions of our country. They have good egg production and egg hatchability. Oviposition begins at 9 months under normal conditions and 3 months earlier under controlled light conditions. On average, one turkey will produce from 80 to 100 eggs, weighing 85 g. When slaughtering adult birds, carcasses from 7.5 to 14 kg of white or pinkish color are obtained, depending on the color of the skin and plumage.

North Caucasian white

These turkeys were bred quite recently, but quickly gained popularity. This is a breed with one of the highest egg production rates. The live weight of a turkey varies from 6 to 7 kg, and that of a turkey from 12 to 13 kg. At slaughter, white carcasses with high meat yield are obtained. Oviposition begins at 9 months and lasts about six months. On average, one laying hen will produce 100–120 eggs, with an average weight of 85 to 100 g. It is not uncommon for this breed to have record-breaking turkeys that produce up to 180 eggs.

Breeds for meat

In the subgroup of meat turkeys in our country, the following breeds are most popular.

North Caucasian bronze

This breed was bred in the middle of the last century by our breeders. They were obtained by crossing with bronze Dutch turkeys. The live weight of birds varies from 5 to 7 kg for females and from 15 to 17 kg for males. Oviposition begins at 9 months and lasts about six months. During this time, you can get 80–90 eggs, weighing from 85 to 100 g.

North Caucasian bronze turkeys grow best in grazing conditions, so in our country they are best bred in black earth regions. The breed, but has one small drawback. During slaughter, dark-colored burn marks are visible on the carcass, which does not contribute to imparting a marketable appearance. However, its taste is very good, so it is best to sell it for the production of meat delicacies.

Bronze broad-breasted

An American breed bred in the middle of the last century on the basis of the North Caucasian bronze turkey. These birds are distinguished by their high live weight. On average, the weight of a female varies from 7 to 8 kg, and that of a male from 13 to 15 kg. Oviposition begins at the age of 10 months and lasts about six months. Laying hens produce 70–80 eggs, weighing about 95 g. They are unpretentious in feeding. Suitable for breeding in central Russia.

North Caucasian white

This breed holds the record for height. By 40 weeks the bird reaches its maximum weight. The live weight of turkeys is about 5–7 kg, and that of turkeys is 12–15 kg. Egg laying begins at 9 months. During this cycle, the hen will produce from 40 to 75 eggs, with an average weight of about 80 g. Despite the low egg laying rate, this breed has a high fertilization rate. On average, 75–80% of eggs produce turkey poults. At slaughter, a white carcass with good meat yield is obtained.

Nuances of breeding

To breed turkeys, you will need to equip nests for laying hens and perches. It should be warm, clean, dry and quite spacious. Its size should be calculated based on the number of turkeys. On average, you will need about 40–50 sq. see for each bird.


Let's consider an approximate diet with the calculation of products in grams for each bird with an average weight of about 4 kg.

Diseases of turkey poults

Here are examples of the most common types and methods of treating them:

  • Histomonosis. Age from 20 to 90 days. Signs are lack of appetite and diarrhea 2-4 days after the disease, in some cases the head and paws of the chick turn black. He is being treated. The drug should be given 10 mg for every 1 kg of live weight three times a day for 10 days.
  • Paratyphoid. Age from 3 to 30 days. Signs: lack of appetite, tearing, unsteadiness while walking, lack of appetite. It is treated with trimerazine at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of live weight once a day and mepatar, added to drinking water at the rate of 10 g per 5 liters.

Turkey diseases

  • . This is a contagious runny nose that manifests itself in the autumn-winter period. He talks about a lack of vitamins A and B. The food should be varied.
  • . It is no longer possible to cure a sick bird, but you can prevent the spread of tuberculosis bacillus with the help of daylight.
  • . In turkeys, this disease is very difficult to treat and only under the supervision of a veterinarian. The spread can be prevented by regular disinfection of the premises.
  • . This disease cannot be treated. It indicates the accumulation of solid food in the crop. The diet of birds should be reconsidered.
  • . With this disease, the bird eats everything that catches its eye: bedding, upholstery, etc. For treatment you need to diversify your diet.
  • . Birds become infected through water. This disease cannot be treated. After slaughter, the carcass must be burned and the room disinfected. For prevention, you need to use a vaccine.

Financial investments

If we consider turkey breeding as a business, then the following expense items should be taken into account:

  • Equipment or construction of a poultry house. In the first case, from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, in the second from 100 to 900 thousand rubles, depending on the size and availability of additional premises (for example, a slaughterhouse).
  • Purchase of chicks. The cost of 1 chick varies from 100 to 300 rubles.
  • . This expense item must be calculated based on the size of the herd and the region of residence. In central Russia, it costs from 8 to 12 thousand rubles to feed 20 heads from spring to late summer.

Profit and payback

The most significant expense item is the poultry house. If it is not there, then the payback period for this business is 3 years. If you have space and purchase at least 20 heads of turkeys, you can already breed in the first year.

Let's look at an example:

  • 10 turkeys and 10 turkey hens were purchased for 200 rubles. for the chick. Expense 4000 rub.
  • It took 10 thousand rubles to re-equip the premises.
  • The purchase of feed cost 12 thousand rubles.

At the end of the season, if they decide to slaughter all the birds, then about 24 thousand rubles will be earned for males, and 14 thousand rubles for females. In this case, the profit will be 12 thousand rubles.

Another source of income could be the sale of eggs or one-day-old chicks. The cost of eggs for incubation is 100 rubles. a piece. One-day-old chicks 100-300 rub. a piece. Let's say each hen gave 80 eggs. In total, you can earn from 80 thousand rubles by selling eggs.

After each year, half of the profits must be left to cover expenses for the next season. However, even under such conditions, the net profit will be more than 50 thousand rubles.

Please note that the example considered the case where all acquired chicks survived. This is quite difficult to achieve. On average, the mortality rate of one-day chicks with proper care is about 2% for females and 6% for males. Even taking into account mortality, the turkey breeding business remains profitable and quickly pays off.

Business staff

The need for personnel depends on the number of animals in the herd. If the population is large, you will need a poultry house for feeding the turkeys and cleaning the premises. Slaughterer, if a slaughterhouse is provided. A visiting veterinarian, and in case of large livestock, a permanent veterinarian. Temporary accountant for preparing reports, declarations and other documentation. A courier driver who will simplify the delivery of meat and eggs to sales points.

Sales market

Farmers need to find markets in advance where they will supply finished products. It can be:

  • Markets.
  • The shops.
  • Factories for the production of deli meats and sausages.
  • Restaurants.
  • Companies producing semi-finished meat products.

Pros and cons of doing business

Any business has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at what can be considered the pros and cons of raising turkeys.


  • Fresh dietary meat.
  • Fast payback.
  • Diet eggs.
  • Large sales market.
  • High cost of purchasing meat and eggs.
  • Unpretentiousness of birds, with the right choice of breed.
  • Possibility to save due to pasture maintenance.


  • High mortality rate of one-day-old chicks.
  • The need for additional costs for the treatment of livestock.
  • Low level of egg production.

Despite the shortcomings, the profitability of this business is about 100%. With the right approach, you can make a good profit from the first year at relatively low costs.

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Turkey breeding as a business is a popular and quite profitable activity. Since the time people noticed the benefits of dietary turkey meat, the demand and interest in these products has increased sharply. This means that the benefits from keeping this bird have also increased. Turkeys themselves are not very expensive to maintain, so such a business is considered to pay off quickly. If you want to try this type of poultry farming, then this article will be useful.

Definitely yes, but answering this question, we should immediately say that turkey meat is a valuable dietary product. It contains a lot of protein and iron, but little fat. This makes it simply irreplaceable for people involved in sports and for people with a special diet. That is why there is and will always be a demand for such products. And, as practice shows, it only increases every year.

In addition, do not forget that turkey is the largest meat poultry, the breeding of which does not require much skill or special labor. The weight of an adult reaches 10 kilograms. Knowing the price of products, you can easily calculate how profitable this activity is. Moreover, the idea of ​​​​raising turkeys is especially promising for residents of rural areas. All you need to keep a bird is space and the necessary feed.

If you start a business with a large farm, then, as a rule, production pays off within 2-4 years. Of course, the initial costs depend on the region, and on the availability of space, premises, the chosen breed of poultry, and the method of cultivation. But the profitability of the farm is always about 98%.

Where to start and how to create a successful business?

In order for turkey breeding and your business to bring maximum profit, you must first properly organize the farm. To do this, it is important to choose the right breed of bird, create all the necessary conditions for raising young animals and adults, plan your work, draw up a feeding schedule and diet. As practice shows, the main costs fall on the construction of a poultry house and the purchase of land, the acquisition of the necessary equipment, as well as feed. But if you already have your own plot and poultry premises, then the initial costs are reduced by another half.

Growing method

Before you begin planning the construction or arrangement of a poultry house, you should decide on the method of keeping turkeys. For example, today there is a floor, cellular, extensive and semi-intensive method. Depending on the region and climatic conditions, these types can be combined. Each farmer must take into account the climate, which will affect the productive qualities of the poultry. The most important factors are light, temperature, humidity, feed, space, range and grazing.

For example, in the southern regions it is very convenient to use the extensive method of poultry breeding. During the warm season, young animals are kept indoors and then transferred to pasture or a pen for free range. This method makes it possible to successfully maintain a large number of turkeys, but requires large areas.

In the cold regions of the country it is impossible to do without a heated capital room. It will need to be built with a system for supplying feed, water, waste removal, ventilation and heating. Of course, this type will require a lot of financial costs. As for cellular maintenance, it is beneficial if it is not possible to have a large territory. In this case, more time and labor will be required to maintain the poultry, but less feed will be required.

Bird breed

The right breed, taking into account climatic and food resources, is the key to business success. Breeding different breeds gives different yields, as there are meat and egg breeds. Some birds gain weight quickly, others grow faster and are more productive. After studying all the breeds, you can choose the most suitable cross for yourself. For example, in Russia they are very popular for industrial breeding.

The weight of these birds ranges from 10 to 15 kilograms and they adapt well to cage conditions. You can find out more about the different breeds of turkeys in our “Turkeys” section.

Walking area

A turkey is a large bird that requires a lot of space for its development and growth. That is why successful breeding and business are very closely related to the place of walking. For example, this could be a separate paddock or even a regular meadow or grassy field. It is very good if the bird has access to greenery while walking. This increases the development and weight gain of young animals and allows you to save on feed.

Compliance with the regime

Balanced diet

A balanced diet is the key to successful poultry farming and business benefits. Since turkeys are heavy birds, they need a lot of minerals to maintain healthy and strong bones. To do this, it is best to buy special premixes and feed, as well as correctly prepare the diet. In addition to food, you will also need special medications to prevent poultry diseases.

Buying or breeding poultry?

So, we have room, feed and all the necessary conditions for raising poultry. Now all that remains is to purchase turkeys and the question arises - should you take eggs, young animals or already adults? Let's say right away that it is better not to start a business by raising chicks from eggs. This will require additional costs for an incubator and brooder and may not always result in a successful hatch. It is best to buy one male and four females, as well as young animals to raise for meat.

We will give you some approximate calculations. For example, one adult will cost approximately 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. That is, a full-fledged family of five birds will cost approximately from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles. It is better to buy birds in winter, so that by the time they lay eggs, the females have already adapted well to the new place. This will improve breeding.

As for eggs, turkey hatching eggs cost about 100 rubles each. The entire ripening period is 28 days, and the incubator will cost at least 25,000 rubles. One-day old young animals can be bought for 150-200 rubles each. With each day of age, the price increases, as the degree of survival and stability of the bird increases.

Important! The best option for constant production of meat and brood would be to have approximately 4 age groups of birds. The planting interval can vary within 6 weeks. Thanks to this, you will always have birds for slaughter, thereby supporting your business.

Business plan

  • Adult bird - from 1500 to 2000 rubles.
  • A car for farming and marketing products - about 500,000 rubles.
  • Feeding - from 15,000 to 25,000 per 50 individuals. This includes the consumption of feed, vitamins, premixes, and medications.
  • Compound feed - a 20 kilogram package costs about 600 rubles. During oviposition, one adult will require a little more than 40 kilograms. Young animals - 52 kilograms for 33 weeks, females for 8 weeks of fattening - 4 kg, from 9 to 16 weeks - 10 kg, for males - 4 and 27 kg, respectively.

Arrival and benefit

Today, the approximate price for meat in various regions of the country is 250-300 rubles per kilogram. It is most profitable to sell products to specialized meat stores or regular customers. But it is most profitable to sell products to restaurants, cafes, and retail chains. In addition to the meat itself, you can sell turkey eggs, which are also in demand. You can sell young birds and even droppings as fertilizer.

As practice shows, in different regions the return on investment is 60-80% in the first year of business. If we are talking about a family farm, then the figure ranges from 55 to 85%, depending on the size of the farm and initial costs. It is also worth considering employee salaries here. To run your home business, you can get by with your own labor.

Video "B" raising turkeys on a small farm»

In this video you can hear personally from a poultry breeder how profitable it is to keep turkeys. A farmer has a small farm, find out what he faces in poultry farming right now.

Ducks are really appropriate now, and turkeys are especially promising. Today we will look at turkey breeding as a business: is it profitable or not, reviews from experienced entrepreneurs in this area, financial calculations of the profitability of the project and various tips on running a turkey farm.

What is this business?

At the moment, raising turkeys as a business can be perceived as an extremely promising business idea. What distinguishes this direction from others is that it does not yet have high competition in the Russian market, although it is quite popular in other countries, especially in the USA.

What is noteworthy is that this business can be much more profitable than raising chickens, due to the rapid growth of the turkey and how quickly it gains a lot of weight. Therefore, it is really important to create demand among people for these products, and this is not difficult to do.

Turkey can be served as an excellent substitute for chicken also because it is a dietary product and contains many useful elements such as protein and iron. In addition, like any meat, turkey is relevant at absolutely any time of the year, week, day.

Of course, this business project will require some investments at the start, but a competent strategy will allow you to earn really big money, and besides, our costs are much lower than in America.

Which format should you choose?

A novice entrepreneur should first decide on the format of his project. The turkey business has several options for raising poultry. What they depend on and what they imply is worth considering in detail:

  1. Extensive - ideal for breeding in the southern regions of the country. It is an area with a poultry house and pasture, with a separate area from rain and sun. With this option, the bird is outdoors two months before it is directly slaughtered for meat, eating exclusively grass and insects, which allows you to avoid spending money on feed. In this case, the livestock develops immunity to diseases. The downside is that this method is seasonal (during the warm season).
  2. Cage - in this case, turkeys are raised specifically in cages, built in several tiers. Only light and medium crosses can be kept in such conditions. The cage method is perfect for raising females for slaughter, and raising young animals for sale in this way is quite simple. Many farmers also try to combine this option with artificial insemination, which allows them to get much more eggs. It is worth noting that it is not worth keeping individuals in cages for a long time, this will ruin the entire livestock. This method is needed for quick slaughter or sale.
  3. Floor - as opposed to extensive, this method is used most often in cold regions as the most profitable. In this case, heavy cross-breed turkeys are kept, although other breeds can also be bred in this way. The floor method assumes the presence of a sufficiently spacious room insulated with sawdust with communications and heating installed. Typically, farmers are hesitant to keep young animals on the floor to avoid being trampled by the adults. In addition, all poultry will need to be separated into sections by breed, age and family.

Great advice for beginners from experienced farmers: each of the methods described above should be used in breeding, albeit skillfully. This will help promote your business as effectively as possible.

Which breed should I choose?

When writing a business plan, decide what is most important to you. Breeding turkeys requires purchasing three types of crosses: light, medium and heavy. Heavy turkeys eat more and take more effort to care for, but they can also get a lot more meat from them.

Beginners are advised to stick to light and medium breeds because they are easy to care for and are less susceptible to disease. A budding entrepreneur should consider the following turkey breeds:

  • bronze or white broad-chested;
  • North Caucasian;
  • station wagon;
  • big 6.

Many of them have an increased level of egg production (80-120 eggs), as well as a large body weight. Pay attention to the seller’s recommendations: which breed is suitable for cage keeping and which is suitable for floor keeping.

How to buy livestock correctly?

In order to breed turkeys, you should first learn how to choose them correctly. As in other poultry farming areas, here the farmer buys eggs, young animals or an adult laying hen, and the older the individual, the more it costs. For beginners, it is best to start by purchasing one-month-old young animals.

Such a turkey chick is already hardy and healthy enough to change its habitat, and can already consume standard feed. Eggs are unprofitable because they require additional purchase of incubators, and also spend a really long time on hatching and money on special food.

With eggs it is more difficult to decide which of them will be able to give birth and will produce a healthy individual, but young animals allow you to evaluate at least the external characteristics of turkey poults. By the way, it is worth purchasing young animals for business in early February, so that they have time to grow by the time natural food appears on the street.

Be sure to read reviews about the supplier before purchasing, and also find out more information about the parents and vaccinations of the purchased livestock.

How are care and feeding carried out?

To properly organize your business with turkeys, you will have to learn how to care for them. Some write that caring for this bird is quite labor-intensive, but learning how to do it is actually not that difficult.

First of all, you need to deal with the feed. If you are able to additionally plant oats, wheat and various legumes at home, then the cost of purchasing feed will be significantly reduced. You only need to buy additional chalk and vitamins.

It is extremely important to follow a certain diet for the bird, including all the necessary products in the diet. This will have a positive effect on breeding: turkeys will produce more healthy eggs, individuals will gain the required weight faster, and the meat will become much tastier.

Do not forget that good nutrition strengthens immunity and resistance to diseases. To do this, it is worth giving more vitamin E to young animals and poultry preparing for slaughter. It is also worth remembering the following rules for keeping poultry:

  1. Protect the livestock from humidity and drafts.
  2. Try to change the bedding on the floor regularly.
  3. Make sure that feeders and drinkers are filled and in good condition.
  4. Do not allow droppings to get into drinking bowls and feeders.
  5. Try to completely eliminate poor quality feed from the poultry diet.
  6. Separate young animals and adults in sections.
  7. Create fences to prevent birds from coming into contact with wild animals.
  8. If possible, eliminate all stress for the bird.

The importance of clear planning for running a farm cannot be excluded here; if you change the places of walking, feeding and unoccupied areas in the pasture area in time, you can reduce the cost of feeding and increase the yield of products.

What personnel will be required for the project?

When writing a business plan for breeding, do not forget about having your own staff. Naturally, you will not need so many people, but you cannot do without additional hands and specialists. Specifically, a turkey farm requires the following list of employees:

  • two workers caring for the livestock;
  • driver transporting carcasses or young animals;
  • avian veterinarian;
  • marketer, also known as customer search manager.

Of course, even for vacancies of poultry watchers, it is better to hire already experienced people who do not have to be taught the basics. In medical terms, the project absolutely needs a qualified specialist who has the ability to give official papers on the health of the bird. It is worth entering into an agreement with the clinic and calling a specialist one-time in order to pay him for each examination and vaccination separately.

You can download it here for free to use as an example for your own.

What is the profitability of the project?

Considering turkey breeding as a business, all that remains is to calculate whether it is profitable or not. To do this, let’s take as an example a 100-head turkey farm built from scratch by a beginner:

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Initial rent for two months 20
2 Poultry house construction and repairs 100
3 Purchase of the first livestock 50
4 Public utilities 10
5 Paperwork 5
6 Salary of all staff 35
7 Purchase of additional feed 15
8 Purchase of additional inventory 10
9 Marketing campaign and market search 2
10 Transport costs 35
11 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 292

A fairly small amount of start-up capital is covered by the fact that farmers do not receive profits on a monthly basis. The cost of a raised young turkey for sale is approximately 300-500 rubles, while one egg on the market can be sold for 40 rubles.

If you sell meat, then a kilogram of turkey has a fairly wide range from 200 to 400 rubles, depending on the characteristics of the turkey. Thus, the income for the year is approximately 400 thousand rubles, which makes the net profit 100 thousand rubles.

Video: turkey breeding as a business in the village.

Raising turkeys is a profitable business. It gained its popularity due to low start-up costs and high demand for the final product. Raising turkeys does not take much time, and dietary meat is now quite in demand. It is rich in iron and protein with little fat. Turkey meat is great for active people and nursing women.

Proper organization of this business will increase income. It is important to select the largest breeds of birds, as well as to correctly plan the entire growing process. The highest costs for the organization will be the acquisition or rental of land, the purchase of turkeys and feed for them, as well as the installation of a poultry complex.

If the business is run correctly, all initial investments will be recouped within 2-5 years. The efficiency of raising turkeys reaches 98%. The amount of starting capital will depend on the initial conditions: local climate, method of breeding birds, and so on.

With proper rearing, a healthy turkey should gain 90 grams in weight per week, and a turkey should gain 145 grams. A sign of successful bird breeding is also their immunity to disease. There is also a parameter of the ratio of live and slaughter weight of an individual. In turkeys it should aim for 80%, in broilers 70%, and in cattle it is usually 60%. Turkey farming becomes profitable when the cost of producing one kilogram of meat is low and its sale price is high.

As your business develops, it will become possible to increase its efficiency. To do this, you will need to install a slaughterhouse, as well as learn the basics of deep processing. Along with these actions, it will be possible to expand the list of products for sale. You will be able to sell not only turkey carcasses or cut meat, but also semi-finished products, for example, sausages or sausages.

The profitability of the business is directly affected by the selection of bird breeds. Some have higher rates of weekly weight gain, while others grow faster. And here the livestock breeder faces an important task: to choose a cross that is best suited for his farm.

In our country, we usually raise birds that are the result of chaotic mating. They are less dependent on environmental conditions, but their fertility suffers, as well as the quality of the meat. The weight of males reaches eight kilograms, females - five.

Turkey breeds suitable for breeding as a business

The Bronze Broadbreasted Turkey is one of the best bird breeds to raise for processing and sale. Females of this species grow up to nine kilograms, and some males reach fifteen kilograms in weight. This breed was first crossed in America, and only after that it became popular for breeding in Russia.

The main disadvantage of the bronze broad-breasted turkey is that it can only be kept in cages; it is not intended for pasture. The breed's egg production can reach 120 eggs per year. Usually 75% of them hatch. Birds reach their nominal weight already at 20-23 weeks of life, and even then they can be slaughtered for meat.

A good turkey option for pasture rearing is the North Caucasian Bronze breed. Males of this species weigh up to 14 kg, while females weigh 7 kg. They begin laying eggs in the ninth month of life and can last up to six months. During this time, the female can produce approximately 80 eggs.

The White Broad-breasted breed is distinguished by high growth rates. Turkeys of this species easily adapt to environmental conditions. The beginning and duration of egg production coincide with the North Caucasian bronze, but females produce more eggs, up to 120 per period. Birds of this species are distinguished by their high mass, males weigh up to 25 kg, and females - 10 kg.

The BIG-6 breed is characterized by rapid growth. It is specially designed for growing for slaughter. Its males weigh up to 25 kg, females up to 11 kg. BIG-6 has the highest ratio of normal to slaughter weight, reaching 85%. No other animal can compare to this.

But this breed has one significant drawback. The BIG-6 male is so much larger than the female that natural insemination becomes impossible without injuring the latter. Therefore, artificial insemination is used to breed this species. This makes it difficult for BIG-6 turkeys to breed.

A poultry farm can have two directions of operation: independent breeding of turkeys or purchasing chicks with subsequent rearing. One egg will cost from hundreds of rubles, depending on the breed. To hatch them you will need an incubator. For a thousand eggs it costs approximately 25 thousand rubles.

The price for one day-old chick starts at 150 rubles. Every day it increases. Almost all poultry farms have a defined egg hatching schedule. This is a convenient system, because the time for purchasing chicks is known in advance.

Due to this functioning of the poultry farm, there is a need for a machine to transport them. It is also possible to transport other cargo, such as equipment or feed. A minibus suitable for this business costs half a million rubles. This is a significant amount, but successful business management will allow it to be repaid.

Raising turkeys

One of the stages of business planning is determining an option for raising poultry. There are four of them: floor, extensive, semi-intensive and cage growing. They can be combined with each other to achieve maximum efficiency of the poultry farm.

The livestock breeder must take environmental conditions into account. After all, it directly affects the raising of turkeys.

Main factors:

  • genotype of turkeys;
  • birds' susceptibility to various diseases;
  • size of growing area;
  • type of feed;
  • light mode;
  • ambient temperature;
  • chemical composition of air.

Extensive breeding

The extensive option of raising birds is more preferable in the southern regions. With it, young individuals live in a warm room for the first two months of life, and only after that they move to pasture territory. There they live until they reach maximum meatiness and subsequent slaughter. To protect from bad weather, the pasture is equipped with special paddocks. Bird feeders are installed in them, and the floors are covered.

Lighting and water supply are preferred for pens. Special containers for keeping dead birds and isolators for discarded birds should also be installed in the pasture area.

For the first two months of life, the birds are kept in a heated room, and after that they are moved to prepared pastures. Turkey poults walk in herds, one and a half thousand each. If necessary, they are additionally divided into groups and evenly distributed over previously limited areas of the pasture.

For normal life of birds, one individual should have 20 square meters. meters of territory. In the fourth month of life, turkeys enter puberty, then it is necessary to separate the males from the females.

Two thousand birds can be raised on an area of ​​8 hectares. Renting land of this size in southern Russia for a year will cost 20-80 thousand rubles. The entire territory must be fenced with a fence at least three meters high, because young turkeys can fly. The fence must be strong to prevent wild animals from entering the area.

A poultry farm worker earns an average of 15 thousand rubles per month. Maintenance personnel need to wear special clothing in the pasture, and it should be stored there. This will reduce the incidence of disease in turkeys.

The main advantage of the free-range option for raising birds is that the cost of keeping turkeys is greatly reduced. After all, they live indoors only in the first months of life, and also move there during bad weather, and the rest of the time they are on pasture. This approach reduces electricity costs.

Extensive rearing also increases the birds' resistance to various diseases. Grazing birds are less likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses and stomach problems. And this reduces the percentage of rejected individuals, thereby increasing the efficiency and profitability of the enterprise.

The main disadvantage of the extensive turkey rearing system is that it becomes impossible in cold areas of the country. The pasture approach in Russia has gained the greatest popularity in the North Caucasus region.

Another disadvantage is the need for a large area for raising birds. And their constant presence on the street can lead to hypothermia or overheating of individuals. An incorrectly formulated diet will cause a lack of vitamins in birds, which will lead to their illness.

The final disadvantage of this growing option is the seasonality of production. For this reason, the company will not receive income constantly, but only during certain periods.

Cell breeding

For the caged option of raising birds, you will need a specially prepared poultry house with a ventilation system and heating. This method allows you to obtain a larger amount of product. Cage rearing is suitable for light and medium breed turkeys. Heavy ones are often grown outdoors. This is due to the large weight of adults; males can reach 25 kg. Such birds will require cages that are too large, which will reduce the efficiency of the enterprise.

Cage rearing is optimal for fattening females for slaughter, as well as for keeping young breeding individuals. This method gains its effectiveness by limiting the movement of caged birds. Their weight gain per day increases (up to 15%), and the amount of food for their sustenance decreases by 8%. Females reared in cages can be artificially inseminated, and the presence of single males in cages improves the hygiene of semen collection.

But raising turkeys in a confined space is not recommended all the time. In young individuals, growth rates decrease, and lack of movement causes physical ailments. Such birds are more likely to break their wings, develop weakness in their legs, and increase the risk of various diseases. For this reason, young animals are raised in cages, and when they reach a certain size, they are transferred to pasture or floor housing, depending on environmental conditions.

A frame hangar usually serves as a poultry house. For normal air circulation, a ventilation system is installed in it. Hangars are easy to install on farm premises and are lower in price than their brick counterparts, which makes them ideal for breeding birds. Construction of a square meter of a poultry house costs approximately 2.5 thousand rubles. A building for keeping 500 turkeys will cost 650 thousand rubles, another 100 thousand will be spent on its equipment, installation of lighting, heating and ventilation.

There should not be more than two individuals per cell. Birds that are limited in their movement are highly susceptible. Loud noises can cause extreme fear, leading to attempts to escape from the cage, which can lead to all sorts of injuries.

It is most convenient to keep cells in cell batteries. For poultry farms they are bought in two layers; the country of origin is not so significant. Chicken cages are preferable because they are easier to obtain. And they are cheaper than others in price. The cage must have a special feeder, drinking bowl and droppings removal system. A cage battery for 70 individuals will cost approximately 30 thousand rubles. One way to save money is to build them yourself.

Outdoor breeding

The outdoor version of turkey breeding is in demand when raising heavy birds for slaughter. But it is possible to keep other breeds as well. To implement it, you need a room with a heating and air conditioning system, as well as lighting. The floor should be covered.

Types of coverage:

  • Litter;
  • Slit;
  • Mixed;
  • Slatted;
  • Mesh.

Most often, the bedding is made from wood sawdust. They are soft for birds, protect them from cold floors, and also quickly absorb excess moisture. For these purposes, shavings of soft wood species are more preferable.

But with such bedding there can be a problem. Small turkeys eat shavings, which is fraught with complications for them, so it can be replaced with soft straw. The litter must be changed regularly, at least once a month. It is most convenient to purchase a large volume of sawdust from production in advance, this way you can save significantly on them.

When keeping the poultry house on the floor, it is convenient to separate the poultry house with fences. The territory is designated by zones containing cages with birds of the same groups. They can be classified by age, gender, breed, presence of diseases and other signs. The fence must extend from floor to ceiling, otherwise the turkey may fly over it.

In outdoor housing, the density of turkeys in the area is established. It is determined by the planned maximum weight of the individual. For example, if a turkey is slaughtered in the fourteenth week of life when it weighs 6 kg, then per square meter. per meter of territory no more than five birds are accommodated. If the weight is 8.5 kg, then 3.6 birds per unit area. With a live weight of 12 kg - 3.2. A group of young individuals should not exceed 250 birds, and the number of meat turkeys in one section should not exceed 500 birds.

Many Russian enterprises sell the necessary equipment for equipping poultry houses. Most often there is intercity delivery. You can find a suitable company by searching online. The cost of feeders varies depending on the manufacturer, size and quality. On average, its price for 25 heads is 500 rubles, and for a drinking bowl 400 rubles.

Perches are necessary for the normal functioning of the poultry house. Usually these are wooden poles installed a meter above the ground. They house nests for eggs. The size of each nest should be 60x60 cm.

Compound feed is used to feed turkeys. It is easy to purchase at the appropriate factories. The food is packaged in twenty-kilogram bags, the cost of each is approximately 600 rubles. An adult bird during egg laying consumes 43 kg of feed in 21 weeks. Young females eat 52 kg in 33 weeks, males - 59 kg. For adults, 4.2 and 3.8 kg of feed will be required for slaughter within eight weeks, respectively. Over the next seven weeks - 27 and 11 kg, respectively.

It has been experimentally established that the most effective rearing option is to keep four groups of turkeys, each differing in age by six weeks. There will always be enough meat for slaughter. Females can be slaughtered with a weight of 12 kg, and males with a weight of 22 kg.

It is worth monitoring the health of the birds. It is recommended that chicks be vaccinated against major diseases. The cost for one turkey for this procedure will be approximately 50 rubles. According to statistics, 2% of females and 6% of males die.

Installing a slaughterhouse is an important step in expanding your business. This will increase the potential number of customers by adding to the buyer list people who do not have access to poultry processing. Farms engaged in raising turkeys are notable for the fact that they produce a product that is in great demand. The profitability of such an enterprise is close to 98%.

If you want to create your own mini-farm from scratch and make a good profit in the future, then raising turkeys is the best option for stable income. Why?

  1. Profitability. Farm birds grow faster than other animals. In particular, turkeys live without unnecessary stress, without wasting much energy like chickens.
  2. Saving. By buying 3 kg of feed for one turkey, you can get 1 kg in return, while to get 1 kg of pork you need to buy 7 kg of feed.
  3. There are no additional difficulties. They eat almost all types of food, especially green types.
  4. Multifunctionality. Turkeys produce a large amount of meat, fluff, feathers, and droppings for fertilizer.
  5. Poultry can be raised both in rural areas and in the private sector.

Bronze broad-breasted turkey

Therefore, poultry farming today is one of the most profitable business categories. Turkey is very popular among meat lovers because it is similar to chicken. This meat is dietary, has high taste and beneficial properties. Read more about raising turkeys at home below.

Where to start raising turkeys at home from scratch?

Before planning to build a poultry farm, the farmer must select a variety of turkeys. It is important to know the environmental factors that will affect the viability and productivity of your poultry:

  • light duration and saturation;
  • air temperature and structure;
  • type of food;
  • area for housing;
  • susceptibility to disease;
  • a type of bird.

Which breed should you choose?

The rate of growth of production and profitability of the entire poultry complex depends on the correctly purchased variety of poultry. Some species gain mass in a short time, while others grow less intensively. The best option is to choose elite bird species, e.g. Big 6, because he increases the fastest in the weight category (males in 130 days about 19 kg, females - 11 kg).

Another successful species for fishing is bronze broad-chested bird. These are massive birds (females grow up to seven to nine kg, and males ten to fifteen kg).

  • Minus: the turkey is not adapted to pasture feeding, as it was bred specifically for cages and poultry houses.
  • Plus: fertility is up to one hundred and twenty eggs per year, and the fertility rate is 80%, chicks - turkey poults - up to 75%.

Slaughter occurs in the twentieth or twenty-third week, when males reach 13-15 kg and females 7-8 kg.

North Caucasian Bronze Turkey has a well-developed adaptation to green nutrition. Males can gain weight up to fourteen kg, and females - seven kg. Oviposition - from nine months to six months (1st period - 80 eggs).

White broad-breasted turkey

White broad-breasted turkey has excellent meat characteristics, rapid adaptation to a variety of climatic factors. Egg production from nine months to a year (1 period up to 120 eggs). White broad-breasted turkey is divided into: heavy, medium and light. Males grow up to 25 kg, and females - up to 10 kg.

Cross BIG-6(heavy breed) has quality meat characteristics and has a short time period for growth. It is bought for meat (males weigh 25 kg, and females - 11 kg).

  • Plus: the net weight of an adult is 80-85%.
  • Disadvantage: to breed this species, it is necessary to perform artificial insemination of poultry.

Poultry farms create a special schedule for hatching turkey chicks, and farmers calculate the days to buy chicks. Since the transportation of chicks, eggs, feed and similar goods is carried out systematically, it will be more profitable for such purposes to buy your own transport. It is not cheap, but this business will very soon produce results that will pleasantly please you.

Where to buy turkeys?

You can buy poultry at a special farm. Try to choose turkeys that are not related, because the offspring may be weaker than when mating individuals that are not related. Before getting turkeys, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing the young generation of rural birds.