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MFO (MCC) business plan for a small company. Business plan of a microfinance organization (with a financial model) How to open microloans step by step instructions

The microcredit business has been developing in Russia not so long ago, but has already become a leader among consumers. Many people seek services from such institutions. But to establish your business, it is important to register it. The article describes how to open an MFO.

Types of microfinance organizations

Each country has its own types of MFOs. The law determines the form of their registration. The main feature of MFOs is a simplified lending system. These institutions are divided into the following types:

  1. Financial group.
  2. Entrepreneurship Support Fund.
  3. Credit Union.
  4. Credit society.
  5. Credit agency.
  6. Credit cooperative.

Some MFOs are considered subsidiaries of banks. For the latter, such cooperation is beneficial. Banks are able to provide loans at rates significantly higher than those they issue. But there is a risk of non-repayment of the loan issued. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation controls the activities of microfinance organizations. Any violations in the work of the institution lead to liability.

Differences between an organization and a bank

Both financial institutions are engaged in providing loans to citizens. What is the difference between an MFO and a bank? The difference lies in the volume of loans provided. The differences are as follows:

  1. The loan is issued only in national currency.
  2. The MFR cannot unilaterally make changes regarding the rate, the procedure for determining obligations under the contract, the duration of their validity, and the commission.
  3. There is no right to impose fines on a borrower who has paid the microloan in whole or in part, ahead of schedule, if he has notified about it.
  4. MFOs do not participate in the securities market.
  5. The MFO makes fewer demands on the client.

You can find such companies in many cities. They have bright advertising to attract customers. Although there are differences between organizations, in general, other regions work on the same principle.

Why are such institutions in demand?

The first organizations began to open in 2011. Since then, their number has been increasing. This is due to the fact that the state has little control over the activities of firms compared to large banks. The advantages of MFOs include:

  1. Simple registration of a legal entity from which the work will be carried out.
  2. Optimal control levers and soft economic indicators.
  3. No insurance contributions to funds are required.
  4. Mandatory reserves are not required.
  5. There are no requirements for the size of your capital.

Disadvantages of MFOs

This type of business has the following disadvantages:

  1. There is a risk of non-repayment when issuing loans. This must be taken into account when planning expenses and making profits.
  2. In case of violations during activities, sanctions and fines are expected to be imposed.

Before opening a new MFO, you should familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of the activity and carefully study information about clients. Then the business will be truly profitable.

Options for starting a business

How to open an MFO more profitable? There are 2 ways to get started:

  1. Franchise work.
  2. Independent activity - by opening an organization.

Both options are common in Russia. New microfinance organizations are regularly opened as franchises. This is a profitable option financially, so it is often chosen by budding entrepreneurs. A lot of work is done by the franchisor, who provides accounting and legal support and provides funds.

Specialists are required to be trained, which reduces the risk of non-return and increases the rate of return on investment. The disadvantages include high investments, although the franchise price varies. It is important to take into account the amount of contributions, return on investment, and the level of participation of the franchisor in the work.

Another option is to create a company yourself. This method takes more time, and you also need knowledge of working with borrowers, including problem ones. But with the investment of funds there is the possibility of obtaining large profits, which remain with the owner. If there is no legal department or security service, work with problem debtors is transferred to collectors.


How to open an MFO? The law states that such a company can be founded by a legal entity that is registered in the form of funds, institutions, excluding budgetary, autonomous non-trading organizations, companies. It is not necessary to obtain an MFO license. This requirement applies to banks. You just need to have it registered in the MFO register. This document confirms the legality of the actions. After registration, you can start a business.

To open an MFO LLC, you must have:

  1. Company Charter.
  2. Decisions to establish a company.
  3. Forms 11001.
  4. Order on the appointment of a general director with the responsibilities of a chief accountant.
  5. Statements about the taxation system.
  6. Receipts for payment of state duty.
  7. Request for a copy of the charter.

Getting status

To register an MFO, the following documents are required:

  1. Application for entering information into the register of microfinance organizations.
  2. (copy).
  3. The decision to create a legal entity and constituent papers (copies).
  4. Decision on electing the bodies of a legal entity (copy).
  5. Information about the founders.
  6. Actual address information.
  7. List of documents.

A decision on the application is made within 14 days. After 10 days after receiving the documents from the Federal Financial Markets Service, you can find your organization in the register.

Raising money

It is important to know not only how to open an MFO, but also how to raise money. Institutions can include individuals: founders, participants, investors. There is no limit on the amount of money raised. If another person issues funds for a loan, subject to concluding an agreement with one borrower, then the maximum amount is 1.5 million rubles.

If an individual transfers money to an MFO, then a 13% tax is deducted from the organization’s income. In this situation, institutions withhold the amount individually and settle it with the state budget. The investor is given income other than personal income tax.

The organization creates rules for deposits:

  1. Own capital - not less than 5%.
  2. Liquidity - from 70%.

The own funds of MFOs in Moscow and other regions include capital, reserves, and loans. When a company goes bankrupt, loan requirements are satisfied only after all debts are repaid. These conditions are considered unconditional, binding and are specified in all contracts. Quarterly calculations are carried out according to financial statements, which are submitted to the Federal Financial Markets Service.

Investments and profits

To achieve a quick return on investment, you need to draw up a business plan for the organization. To open a business, the following expenses are required:

  1. Capital investments.
  2. Capital for issuing loans is 900 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of equipment - 50 thousand rubles.

Current costs include:

  1. Office rent - 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary for 4 employees - 120 thousand rubles.
  3. Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  4. Expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

The amount of capital investments will be 1 million 50 thousand rubles, and current costs - 220 thousand rubles. Costs may vary, it all depends on the case, but using this example you can calculate all the nuances. If desired, you can organize an MFO as a franchise on favorable terms.

Business plan

When opening an MFO, you need to consider:

  1. Costs of maintaining the company, including office rent, repairs, salaries.
  2. Initial investment.
  3. Staffing schedule.
  4. Advertising.
  5. Losses.
  6. Payback period.
  7. Profitability.

The MFO business is profitable, but at the same time it has a lot of competition. Therefore, the company's management needs to stay ahead of its rivals. This is achieved through advertising telling about promotions and special offers. An important aspect is the quality work of employees, which automatically promotes the business.

Accounting for risks and working with debtors

Lenders have always been successful. Now many people turn to microfinance organizations to receive money, although the rates there are quite high. It is necessary to target people who are new to the financial sector. Urgent loans should be offered when a person needs funds here and now.

Almost all microfinance organizations provide money using a passport. This loyalty increases profits, but risks also increase, since customers may not repay the debt. Therefore, the stakes are quite high. To remain profitable, risk is included in the bet. It is determined when drawing up a business plan.

It is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. If the borrower is thoroughly checked, then the budget includes about 10% for the risk of non-repayment.
  2. When providing loans with credit history checks, the risk of non-repayment is 10-20%.
  3. Urgent microloans issued using a passport have a high risk percentage - 30-40%.

Repayment and profit are determined based on how work with debtors will be carried out. As a rule, small firms do not have personal security or lawyers. Therefore, it will be difficult to return funds. There will be no such issues with the franchise. When working independently, debts are sold to collectors, but their cost will be less than the entire amount of the debt.

Thus, when opening an MFO, it is important to think through many nuances in order to establish a profitable business and take into account all the risks. With a competent approach to business, it will be possible to conduct a successful operation of an institution that will only develop over time.

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About the microfinance organization

It is worth saying that before 2014, it was much easier to open your own microfinance organization, and in general it was much easier for such a business to exist. Everything changed after the Central Bank assumed control over the activities of microfinance organizations. Regulatory requirements intensified (the so-called mega-regulator was created) and “weak” and not entirely honest MFOs began to close in the mass country.

Which franchise to choose

Interest in this industry on the part of small business representatives is due to the fact that the process of opening an organization looks quite simple. If you don’t want to deal with all the issues yourself and get involved in an “incomprehensible market,” then you can purchase a ready-made business model. Thus, today there are dozens of proposals for opening an MFO under a franchising agreement (for example, “Master Money” or “Home Money”). In fact, only three main components are required from an entrepreneur: 1. The desire to engage in this business 2. The premises where the office will be located (can be rented) 3. Capital to start the business. Everything else, including the “paperwork” for registering an MFO, personnel training, marketing and other issues, is taken over by the main enterprise or the franchisor. Naturally, franchising involves some dependence on the main enterprise, but, you see, the chances of success increase sharply.

Business registration

The activities of MFOs are regulated by Federal Law No. 151-FZ “On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations.” It describes in detail the basic requirements and rules for the functioning of such organizations. Thus, according to the law, a microfinance organization can issue loans to the population only up to 1 million rubles, no more. Registration of an MFO is essentially no different from opening a regular LLC (individual entrepreneur is not suitable in this case). Registration takes place at the same Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (tax). However, in order for the work of an MFO to be considered legal, it will also be necessary to join the state. register of microfinance organizations. This procedure takes place through the Ministry of Finance. To join the register, you will need to provide the following documents: application, certificate of State registration of a legal entity, constituent documents, decision to create an organization and approve constituent documents, decision to approve the management bodies of the organization, certificate of address of the organization, information about the founders, payment of state duty . If you start work without joining the register (that is, simply registering with the Federal Tax Service), this will result in a fine of 30 thousand rubles. according to Article 15.26.1 of the Administrative Code. Loans can be issued to persons aged 18 to 6 years, subject to the provision of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The maximum loan amount for most organizations is 15,000 rubles. The average loan interest is 2% per day.

How much money do you need to invest to open a microfinance organization?

The law does not prohibit opening with minimal investments (it’s not like opening a bank). In fact, you can start work “from scratch” with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. However, it is worth considering this important point. The fact is that every transaction in the amount of 10% or more of the book value of assets is subject to mandatory approval at the general meeting of participants. In other words, if you have a capital of 10,000 rubles, then you will have to approve each loan for 1,000 rubles. and more. Not an option! Therefore, market players recommend starting a business with a minimum capital of 500,000 - 700,000 rubles. This amount will be enough not only to renovate the premises and register an LLC, but also to create that very “safety cushion” and will increase the organization’s capabilities. As premises for locating MFOs, they most often select space in office centers in the central part of the city. The average size of the room is 25 - 35 square meters. m. Rent depending on the region is 20 - 50 thousand rubles. per month. The office of a microfinance organization is equipped with furniture and office equipment (printers, computers, faxes, telephones), consumables and office supplies are purchased. Personnel required primarily include account managers, a lawyer, a debtor relations manager, security officers and an accountant. The approximate wage fund is 100 - 150 thousand rubles. per month.

How much can you earn from microfinance organizations?

If you issue an average of 20 loans per day in the amount of 3000 rubles. at 2% for 14 days, then in a month you can earn about 250 - 300 thousand rubles. Of these, “net” (minus rent, wages and advertising expenses) will be 100 - 150 thousand rubles. This takes into account the fact that 15 - 20% of loans issued will not be returned on time and will be sold to collectors. If 700-900 thousand rubles were spent on opening an MFO, then the investment pays off in less than a year.

"Underwater rocks"

Two main risks can be identified when conducting such activities: 1. High administrative liability (fines, constant control by the state, introduction of new laws) 2. Risk of non-repayment of loans provided. The first point is quite difficult to deal with, but the second is quite possible. The problem of collecting overdue debt is, perhaps, the very “stumbling block” that stands in the way of building a profitable business on loans. Because finding a client and issuing loans is not so difficult (due to the general economic situation in the country). It is much more difficult to return the loan provided and the interest earned. Therefore, the opening of an MFO must be accompanied by a clear study of all documents directly related to working with loans. A competent lawyer on staff is a vital necessity. To reduce the risk of non-repayment of loans, it is necessary to introduce a serious unit for working with overdue debt. What methods can help here:

  • High-quality initial consultation on the issue of loan repayment at the stage of its provision.
  • Development of a system of reminders about overdue debt. You can use cheap SMS, and also hire a special person who will call debtors.
  • Implementation of a system for working with debtors who have financial problems.
  • Introduction of a system of working with responsible borrowers (providing additional bonuses, reducing interest rates, etc.)

It is recommended to limit the period of self-collection of debt to 1 month. This period is enough to understand the real reason for the problem of loan non-repayment. In the future, such debtors should be transferred to a collection company - debt collection specialists. There are many benefits from working with debt collectors: 1. You save money on maintaining your own debt collection service. 2. Transfer some of the negative aspects of your work to a third-party organization 3. Collectors are professionals in this field, so debt collection from them is much more efficient.

Step-by-step business plan: where to start

It is better to start opening a financial organization with a detailed business plan, in which you need to calculate what capital investments you will need, how much money you will need to spend on loans, how much will be spent on purchasing equipment, rent, staff salaries and an advertising campaign. Then you will need:

  • register a business,
  • obtain MFO status;
  • choose office space;
  • recruit staff:
  • organize an advertising campaign.

What equipment is needed for microfinance organizations

The same equipment and inventory is suitable for MFIs as for a regular office. You will need: computers and office equipment, computer tables, chairs, telephones; shelves or rack. All costs will cost no more than 100,000.

What documents are needed

An MFO can only be registered as a legal entity. To do this, you will need: a decision to establish an MFO as an LLC, the organization’s charter, documents on payment of state duty, an order to appoint a director with the responsibilities of a chief accountant. Main OKVED code 64.92.7 - “Microfinance activities”. When submitting registration documents to the Federal Tax Service, you can choose the simplified tax system or the OSN. Apart from registering and obtaining the status of a microfinance organization, no additional documents are required.

Microfinance organizations typically provide small payday loans. That is, in this case, a person takes a small amount for a very short period, which is usually no more than one month. This offer is in great demand, because it is no secret that many people do not have enough wages, and unforeseen expenses have not yet been canceled. At the same time, there is a certain wave of negativity towards microfinance organizations, when due to financial illiteracy people fall into debt. In fact, it is important to clarify everything from the beginning. Yes, the interest rates are partly very high, but you should take into account such advantages as the possibility of receiving a small amount, quick consideration of the application and a loyal attitude towards the client. Even an unemployed person, a student or a pensioner can receive money from an MFO. Microloans are also issued to persons with a bad credit history. In other words, not a single bank will work under the conditions offered by MFOs. Consequently, there is a natural need for such services. Against the backdrop of various crises, microfinance organizations are sometimes the last option that can solve the financial problems of the consumer.

Let's understand the system of work of MFOs. In fact, everything here is extremely simple and does not imply any difficulties. Lending to clients here occurs on the basis of microloan agreements. The latter, in turn, are understood as loans, the amount of which is no more than one million rubles. In practice, microloans are usually issued in an amount of no more than ten thousand rubles, and this is definitely beneficial to both parties. Naturally, all loans in this case are issued for a very short period with minimal interest.

For the owner of an MFO, the benefits are also obvious. First of all, this is a high profit, because compared to banks, MFOs have very high interest rates and an extremely short payback period. That is, even with a significant number of non-performing loans, you can get a stable profit. Thanks to this, even very large investments can be returned. This type of business has been actively developing in recent years, so it is likely that the number of MFOs will only increase every day.

As for interest rates, there are also a number of points to consider. For example, you need to carefully study Federal Law No. 230, which states that interest here stops accruing after it reaches three times the loan amount. That is, if the borrower received 10 thousand rubles from an MFO, then, taking into account the amount of the loan, you can receive from it with interest no more than 40 thousand rubles. In this case, the repayment period for a consumer loan should not exceed one year. This, by the way, can be said to clients who mistakenly think about “predatory” interest rates in MFOs - they are actually not that high, and they operate within reasonable limits.

Something special should be said about cases of overdue microloans. Here, too, there are limits and they are stipulated by current legislation. If the microloan is already overdue, then the interest on it cannot be more than twice the loan amount. For example, if the borrower does not return 10 thousand rubles on time, then no more than 30 thousand rubles can be demanded from him. As a result, we see that entrepreneurs have their own limitations and they must be taken into account when calculating potential profits and drawing up a business plan for an MFO.

As we can see, even with the introduction of legislative norms, the numbers still remain impressive. It is known that sometimes the most problematic borrowers still repay the debt months later with a huge overpayment. After all, not all people want to ruin their credit history and participate in legal proceedings. As a result, MFO owners have been operating successfully for many years and receive guaranteed profits.

Below we will tell you how best to register an enterprise. The only thing that can be mentioned here is that it is better to register such a company as an LLC or JSC. However, there are no fundamental requirements in this regard, so each entrepreneur decides for himself exactly how his company will operate. In order not to be unfounded, we will further describe in detail how to register an MFO better and faster.

Legislative requirements for microfinance organizations

Before registering a microfinance organization, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their types. Depending on the format in which the MFO operates, there are different requirements for the initial data and the registration process itself. So, to clarify the picture in detail, let’s consider the features of MFOs according to their types.

Microfinance company (MFC)

In this case, the size of the authorized capital must be at least 70 million rubles - a regulation on this appeared at the end of 2015 (established by Federal Law No. 407). It turns out that the amount is quite impressive, but it has its advantages. Initially, it should be taken into account that the heads of microfinance organizations opened before 2016 had until the end of March 2017 to decide what type they belong to and, if required, increase the amount of authorized capital to the required amount. The name of such an organization must contain the phrase “microfinance company”, and its organizational and legal form must also be indicated. In the case of IFC, this means raising funds from individuals who are not founders. Moreover, the amount of such investments must be at least one and a half million rubles - if the amount is less, then regulators may have certain questions. That is, here you also need to very carefully control the process and avoid any violations of the law. At the same time, the possibilities in this case increase significantly. In other words, the IFC is a kind of bank model, which also allows you to make deposits and provides loans on mutually beneficial terms. Only in the case of the IFC everything is somewhat simpler and at the same time has limitations. At the same time, compared to the ICC, everything here is much more complicated, especially since the latter option is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia.

Microcredit company (MCC)

In this case, everything is definitely simpler and does not oblige the entrepreneur to comply with many requirements. There are no special conditions for registering an MCC, and therefore it is possible to register an MCC as an LLC with a minimum authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. True, here it is necessary to take into account that issuing loans is the main activity of the MCC, therefore, without more significant investments, the organization simply will not be able to operate. In addition, according to Federal Law No. 151, the founders must make a joint decision on transactions the amount of which is more than ten percent of the authorized capital. That is, if a client wants to take out a loan for at least 1,000 rubles, then if the book value of the property is 10 thousand rubles, all the founders will have to get together. So for optimal operation of the MCC, it is better to deposit at least 500 thousand rubles on the balance sheet - this will allow the company to operate stably for many years.

However, when registering an ICC you need to take into account several minor features. For example, there are also legal requirements that must be adhered to. The fact is that in the name of this company it is important to use the phrase “microcredit company”. Moreover, here it is also necessary to indicate its organizational and legal form (LLC, as indicated in our case). As with any LLC, it is important that the name is unique and one of a kind.

As an addition, let's say that in the case of the ICC it is much easier to work. At least microfinance companies are not regulated as strictly as banks. Such companies are not required to license, create reserves or make mandatory insurance contributions to specialized funds. This, in fact, explains the wide distribution of microfinance organizations, especially since they are registered extremely easily and quickly. Registration of these institutions, in fact, consists only of registering a legal entity and obtaining the status of an MFO. Consequently, any entrepreneur, having a relatively small capital, would be better off following this path and saving valuable time.

Facility security

It is natural that the office of an MFO should be well guarded, because quite large sums of money will be stored here during further activities. It is important to have an alarm system that will prevent any attacks by criminals. Naturally, the MFO office must be equipped with video surveillance. Before choosing a suitable office for work, you must first consult with representatives of security structures. The fact is that there are a number of requirements for the premises in which MFOs operate. After making sure that a particular office has security or it is possible to arrange it, you can safely register a legal address.

Documents required for registration of microfinance organizations

So, registration of an MFO is possible only as a legal entity, that is, an individual entrepreneur does not have the right to engage in such activities. According to Russian legislation, MFOs can operate in the format of LLC, foundation, NPO, partnership, business entity and non-profit partnership.

If the registration of an MFO is done in the form of an LLC, then the following package of documents must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service:

  • application for registration of a legal entity, which is drawn up in form P11001 (as we said above, the name of the company must contain the phrase “microfinance company” or “microcredit company”;
  • The Charter of the MFO, which is made in two copies (the Charter indicates the size of the authorized capital, which must correspond to the type of the selected company);
  • the decision of the sole founder, or the protocol of communication of the meeting of the founders of the LLC (these, by the way, are subject to a requirement - the absence of an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for crimes committed against state power or for economic crimes);
  • confirmation that you have paid the state registration fee (it is currently 4,000 rubles);
  • documents confirming the presence of a legal address (a copy of the certificate of ownership of non-residential premises, or a letter of guarantee).

Note that an application for transition to a separate tax regime is not required here, since all microfinance organizations operate on a common taxation system.

The MFO Charter specifies the following information:

  • list of proposed activities;
  • a clause in which all transactions made for an amount exceeding ten percent of the value of the enterprise’s property are pre-approved;
  • the body that is responsible for developing the rules for issuing loans;
  • the procedure on the basis of which the data of persons influencing the decisions of the MFO are disclosed.

To register an MFO, you can use several options for submitting documents: visit the tax office in person, send all forms by mail, or do everything through an official representative. If you submit the above documents through a representative, then you will need to prepare a power of attorney to carry out registration actions. When preparing this document, application P11001 is certified by a notary - this is also required when sending all papers via mail.

Company registration is usually completed within three days. If everything is in order, then the tax authorities will issue the applicant with a USRIP entry sheet in the P50007 format. One copy of the Charter is also issued and a certificate of registration of the legal entity is provided.

Inclusion of microfinance organizations in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Documents from the tax office alone are not enough here, since at this stage only a legal entity is registered. In accordance with Federal Law No. 151, an MFO begins to have special rights and obligations only when information about it is entered into the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

To register an MFO in the Central Bank register, you need to collect a package of the following documents:

  • a statement that information has been entered into the register of microfinance organizations;
  • a copy of the Charter and the decision that the MFO is registered;
  • a copy of the order stating the appointment of the director of the enterprise;
  • information about the legal address of the company;
  • information about the founders of the company;
  • certificate of no criminal record for the founders and managers of the microfinance organization;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles;
  • rules of internal control of microfinance organizations.

The application and information about the founders of the company are filled out in accordance with the forms of appendices 1 and 2 - they are made in accordance with the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 28, 2016 No. 3984-U (it can be found in the public domain). Data on entering information about the organization into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the Central Bank is requested from the tax office independently.

The collected documents are submitted to the territorial banking division, which interacts with financing entities. Information about these institutions is posted on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Registration with this organization occurs within thirty working days, starting from the day the documents are submitted. After an MFO is included in the register, it can already conduct its activities.

Registration of microfinance organizations step by step

Let's now more briefly describe the entire process of registering an MFO:

  1. We study the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the activities of microfinance and microcredit organizations and decide which option is more convenient for us.
  2. We choose the organizational and legal form for registering a company. In most cases, an LLC is used for this.
  3. We clarify what requirements apply to the premises in order to organize its security. It is possible that the initially selected address will not be suitable for these purposes (at least a reliable alarm system is needed).
  4. We register the company with the tax authorities.
  5. We submit documents for inclusion of the company in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

After successfully completing the above procedures, you can safely begin your business.


There are a number of additional requirements that the founders of MFOs must comply with. We list below the responsibilities of such organizations.

In particular, MFOs must report quarterly to the mega-regulator. This is done through the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation through your personal account.

It is necessary to report to Rosfinmonitoring. The point here is that MFOs must develop and put into practice measures aimed at preventing the laundering of money obtained by criminal means. This is also due to the fact that MFIs must prevent the financing of terrorism. In other words, the company must identify all customers who carry out transactions with money. In addition, disclosure of the list of affiliates is required here.

As mentioned above, the development and application of rules for providing microloans is important. All points of such rules must be available on the Internet. They are usually posted on the MFO website or on third-party Internet resources.

Similar to banks, MFOs submit information about borrowers and loans to the Credit History Bureau. When working with borrowers, company representatives are required to comply with the law on consumer credit (Federal Law No. 353 of December 21, 2013), which regulates the form of the agreement, limits penalties and stipulates other points. That is, everything must be in accordance with existing laws - it is important to study them carefully before starting activities, so as not to face penalties.

It is important to keep in mind that the MFO does not set rates arbitrarily. The limits are usually announced by the Central Bank. Moreover, their average value depends on the specific category and type of loan. Market realities are also taken into account. At the same time, the MFO cannot deviate by more than one third from the average value of the total cost of the loan.

Also, when opening an MFO, you should remember about the legislation in the field of advertising. Moreover, all fines will be imposed on a legal entity and, therefore, their amounts can reach millions of rubles.

In general, we can say that the business of issuing microloans is quite troublesome and requires detailed consideration of current laws. To conduct business legally, you must constantly seek the help of an experienced lawyer. Owners of microfinance organizations should carefully study all laws that are in one way or another related to their activities and only then can they begin to register a company.


You should not think that all the difficulties in registering an MFO are something unsolvable and out of the ordinary. In fact, everything here is relatively easy and registering an MFO, as well as its work, is much simpler than opening a large manufacturing enterprise. So there should be no particular cause for concern here, especially since most officials are more or less loyal to such companies. If you look into it, there are no particular difficulties in registering an MFO, but it is better to contact experienced lawyers for this. Probably, most owners of such companies use the services of professionals here - it’s both more convenient and faster. After all, the work of an MFO should already involve periodic assistance from lawyers, for example, when the company encounters loan defaulters. For anyone who wants to protect themselves from mistakes in advance, we still recommend using the experience of proven specialists - they, in turn, will be able to solve many problems without any difficulties and, as a result, save you from serious fines. So, if you already definitely intend to register an MFO and you have a sufficient amount of money for this, then you can confidently go towards this goal and achieve positive results.

Banks, being a key link in the credit system, concentrating the bulk of credit and financial transactions, work with the goal of making a profit. But it is difficult to intercept a small amount from the bank for a short time. A microfinance organization is also part of the credit system, and there are many who want to use the services. A business plan for a microfinance organization will help a beginner calculate expenses and open his own profitable business. The example was calculated for a small provincial town with low competition.

Legal certificate

Main activity: microloans to the population at a certain percentage. The rate is 2% per day, the loan amount is from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles, the term is up to 30 days.

Target clients: working population with average and lower income, aged 20 to 60 years.

Form of legal registration: LLC. You cannot register an individual entrepreneur, since after registration you must register your microfinance organization in the state register. But the individual entrepreneur will not be registered, and the activity will be considered illegal. You can register and register your company directly on the Central Bank website.

The main goals of MFO activities are:

  • Attracting clients in order to receive profit from them in the form of interest.
  • Providing assistance to clients in the form of an instant loan.

The microfinance organization guarantees the secrecy of the transactions of its clients and independence from government authorities and management when they make decisions related to loan operations.

The main indicator of activity and the main source of own funds of an MFO is profit. It is determined based on the results of work for the year, based on the actual amount of income and expenses (operating expenses, material and equivalent expenses and labor costs are subtracted from the total amount of income).

At the expense of the profit of a microfinance organization, funds are formed: fixed assets, production and social development, wages, depreciation, etc.

Within a year, it is planned to recoup the investment and open another outlet in another part of the city.

Location: office in the central part of the city, right in a large shopping center, with an area of ​​25 sq. m. Traffic is over 1000 people per day. The form of use of the premises is rent. Inside, the office is divided into two departments: customer service and the director’s office.

Taxation: BASIC.

Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 21:00, including weekends. The schedule was chosen based on the opening hours of the shopping center. Most clients will be able to visit the office after their working hours. On weekends, most of the clients will be people coming from nearby settlements (villages, hamlets).


The LLC form was chosen for registration. To register it, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • Charter of the future microfinance company.
  • Lease agreement with the owner of the premises.
  • Legal address of the company (the place of registration of the owner or the location of the office can be used).
  • Photocopies of passport and TIN from one owner or from each, if there are several founders. Each copy is certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of a type of activity. The application indicates OKVED: 64.9 “Financial activities, except insurance”, 64.92 “Activities for providing loans and credits to the population.”
  • A receipt from any bank branch confirming payment of the state duty.
  • An extract from the bank confirming the existence of an account and authorized capital in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

Immediately after receiving the LLC, you must submit an application for registration with the IFC register. The application will be reviewed within 3 weeks, then you will receive either approval or refusal. If you refuse, your activity will be considered illegal.

Specifics of working with clients

To work with clients, the standard rate of all microfinance organizations in Russia was chosen - 2% per day. The maximum loan is issued for 20 days, which differs from competitors. Most companies have an issuance period of up to 15 days.

Work with clients is carried out directly in the office and through a group on social networks. But to get cash you still need to go to the office. An online client can apply for a loan and receive a refusal or approval for a loan.

A group on social networks is necessary to attract additional clients and simplify work. Development will require advertising costs of 50 thousand rubles for the first 3 months of work (targeting, ads in groups with related audiences).

Microfinance is carried out after approval and verification of the client in the database using the following data:

  • Passport details.
  • Registration.
  • Confirmation phone number.

Unlike banks, there is no need to provide a certificate of employment. An agreement is concluded with each client, which specifies all the conditions for issuing a microloan.

When working, it is taken into account that 35% of clients will not return funds or will not repay the loan in full. Work with negligent clients will be carried out by collection organizations, to which the debt of the MFO is resold. In this case, the company's losses are reduced to nothing. And 762% per annum will easily cover any risks.

We equip the office

To equip a small office and a separate office for the director of a microfinance company, you will need the following equipment and furniture:

Additionally, consumables are purchased monthly: paper, ink for copier and printer, stationery. The maximum amount spent on consumables per month is another 10,000 rubles. This amount is included in the initial capital, since the project needs time to promote.

Personnel formation

To organize the work of one office for issuing microloans to the population, the following employees will be needed:

  • Director-accountant. This is an administrative position and can be assumed by the owner of the company.
  • Two managers. Managers will work flexible hours one day after another.

Main tasks of the manager:

  • Attracting a client.
  • Checking the credit history database.
  • Conclusion of an agreement.
  • Cash withdrawal.
  • Receive refund payments.

Cleaning of the premises is carried out by the technical staff of the shopping center, payment is made once a month in the amount of 1,000 rubles. along with the rent.

The remuneration of other employees is presented in the table:

Employees will need an amount of 142,000 rubles per month for salaries. Payment is made twice a month: an advance of 30% of the salary and after the 25th - salary. At the end of the year, at the employer's discretion, managers may be paid a bonus in the amount of one salary. Employees are provided with an employment contract and are provided with paid leave and sick leave benefits.

Implementation stages

The project can be implemented in two months, since a long period of time will be required for paperwork and promotion of the group on social networks. Profitability is not affected by seasonality, so the opening can be timed to coincide with any date. We have presented the project implementation schedule in stages from August to October.

Microfinance organization opening schedule:

All stages are scheduled for specific periods of time, this will help control processes and launch the workshop on time with less loss of time.

Investments and revenue


Opening a small MFO office will require the following initial investments:

It will not be possible to reduce the cost of expenses. If only you rent a room in a less traveled place, but in this case you will need large investments in advertising and promotion. To this amount is added the company’s fixed capital, money that will constantly be in circulation: 850,000 rubles. In total, the initial capital will require the following amount: RUB 1,509,200.

Monthly expenses

Planning income

Since there are only a few competitors in the city, and the conditions for issuing microloans in our company are the most favorable, profitability will only be affected by customer traffic per day. It is planned to receive a profit per month (taking into account non-refunds) from 500,000 rubles.

Let's calculate net income by subtracting monthly expenses from revenue:

500,000 – 213,500 = 286,500 rubles. In total, the company brings net income per year: RUB 3,438,000.

Profitability under optimal conditions will range from 100 to 150%.

Until the entrepreneur returns the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 10% – cumulative part.
  • 15% – entrepreneur’s income.
  • 10% – unforeseen expenses.
  • 65% – return on investment.

An amount of 186,225 rubles will be allocated monthly for the return of invested funds, on the basis of which the payback of the project can be calculated:

1,509,200 / 186,225 = 8 months. Taking into account all the risks and possible reduction in income, the project will pay off within 1 year.


This business plan for a microfinance organization with calculations can easily be adjusted to suit any locality. But initially you will need to invest at least 1,500,000 rubles in the business. Of this money, 850,000 rubles. will be in circulation. The accumulative part in the amount of 10% of net income will allow in a year to expand the business and open another microfinance point for the population.

If you decide to open an MFO, then you probably know that recently information about such organizations must be included in the state register. In addition, a distinction was introduced between the concepts of MFO and MCC: the main difference is that microcredit companies do not have the right to attract investment from outside - exclusively from their founders.

Given the fewer restrictions, registration of microfinance organizations is now more in demand. Even if you already have a business plan ready, it is best to open an MFO knowing exactly the sequence of necessary actions. Registering an MFO step by step will help you avoid unnecessary difficulties and achieve your goal as quickly as possible.

Procedure for opening an MFO

If you are thinking about how to open an MFO from scratch, but at the same time you understand that you do not have the time required to go through the full registration procedure, use the turnkey MFO registration service. In this case, minimal participation on your part will be required, but you can be sure that all legal details will be observed.

If you decide to find out for yourself how to open a microfinance organization, step-by-step instructions will not hurt you: by adhering to it as precisely as possible, you will achieve your goal. Despite the apparent mass of difficulties, there are not many nuances when registering. You will need:

  1. Prepare constituent documents.
  2. Register with the tax office.
  3. Open an account.
  4. Register the status of the created organization.

As you can see, registration of an MFC or MFO does not provide for any insurmountable obstacles. It is enough just to adhere to the indicated scheme and follow the points listed in it.

How to prepare documents

Most often, the reason for refusal to enter a new microfinance organization into the register is the non-compliance of the Charter with the necessary requirements. An MFO is not just a legal entity: in this case, it is necessary to adhere to Federal Law 151. To ensure that you do not receive a refusal, the following should be included in the Charter:

  • List of planned activities;
  • A note that any transaction the cost of which exceeds 10% of the value of the company’s property must be pre-approved;
  • The name of the body that will develop rules for providing loans to the population and monitor their implementation;
  • The procedure for the management of an MFO in the event of a need to disclose information about persons who can influence decision-making on the activities of the MFO.

In order not to unexpectedly encounter any restrictions and continue to work fully, it is advisable for the organizer of an MFO to include clauses in the Charter on the following types of activities:

  • Work in the insurance industry;
  • Providing advice on financial intermediation issues;
  • Providing microloans to individuals, legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs;
  • Processing of data provided by clients within the framework necessary to provide the highest quality services.

Attention! When developing the Charter for registering an MFO in 2017, do not forget to carefully think about the size of the authorized capital! Having indicated the minimum wage in your documents, you will have to face inconvenience when approving each microloan.

For the full functioning of the future MFO, it is best to indicate in the documents the authorized capital, the size of which is at least 10% of the maximum planned loan.

Interaction with the tax office

In order to register with the relevant authorities as a legal entity, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents:

  1. Depending on the number of founders - a decision of one person or a protocol of a meeting of a group of persons confirming consent to state registration.
  2. Developed charter, which lists all the above points.
  3. Order approving the appointment of the general director.
  4. Completed and notarized application (form 11001).
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. Application to receive a copy of the charter after its certification by the Federal Tax Service.

In general, the registration of MCC and MFO is no different from the procedure for creating any other organization: after a five-day period from the date of submission of all documents, the founders can receive all the documents necessary in such cases.

Why open a bank account

A legal entity that has barely completed registration has no right to engage in microcredit. First, you need to register an MFO in the register of the central bank. There is a fee for this procedure.

Attention! The state fee for registering an MFC with the Central Bank must be transferred from the account of the organization itself and will not be accepted in any other way!

That is why one of the items on the list of how to open a microfinance organization yourself is to create a bank account. The procedure also provides for a certain sequence of actions:

  • Choosing the bank that is most convenient for you;
  • Clarification of the terms of service and tariffs at which it will be provided;
  • Preparation of the necessary package of documents (copy of the adopted Charter, order conferring the powers of the General Director, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Different banks may have different conditions for opening an account: in some, when registering an MCC in 2017, like MFOs, they require you to provide notarized copies of documents, while in others this procedure is carried out directly on the spot.

Also, for those who are to register an MCC with the Central Bank (or MFO), it is mandatory to have the organization’s seal, so you should take care of its production in advance. After providing all the necessary documents, the general director remains to sign an agreement with the cash management department and issue a card, which will contain samples of the seal and signature.

After a short amount of time (usually no more than three days), the account necessary for those who are interested in how to open a microfinance organization will be created. The authority of the organization’s directorate does not include notifying any authorities about an open account - this obligation is assumed by the bank. After opening an account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, registration of the IFC can be considered completed; all that remains is to deposit into your account an amount sufficient to pay the state fee.

Completion of registration

Registration of a microfinance organization: what it is, how to ensure that everything goes well, how to avoid mistakes during registration - these and other questions are completely natural for those who are thinking about how to open a microfinance organization from scratch. The business plan has been drawn up, the main steps have been completed - what next? The last step remains: registration of microfinance organizations with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. To do this you need:

  • Statement from the CEO in free form;
  • Statutory documents;
  • Order regulating the appointment of the general director;
  • Documents on state registration and registration;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities certified by the director’s signature and seal;
  • Data on all persons who are the founders of the MFO;
  • Legal address of the body managing the company;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

In principle, you don’t have to perform any particularly complex manipulations. Of course, registering an MCC on a turnkey basis is much easier in terms of time than opening microloans from scratch, but self-registration of an MCC is more profitable in terms of cost for its owner. If you have carefully read how to open a microfinance organization, and the step-by-step instructions are clear to you, feel free to go through all the authorities. Another option is to open a microfinance organization as a franchise.

Franchise for opening an MFO

Considering all the innovations that have come into force in the last two years, it becomes clear that the procedure for opening an MFO and/or MCC has become more complicated. Even knowing how to open a microfinance organization, step-by-step instructions in 2017 have become much more complicated. A microfinance franchise may be a solution. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. No difficulties associated with completing the registration procedure.
  2. Full support both before the opening and during the work process.
  3. Possibility of selling the business if necessary.
  4. Minimizing the risk of loan defaults by submitting a request for the client’s solvency to the head office.
  5. Reducing advertising costs and additional employees.
  6. Cooperation with collection agencies who are not very willing to interact with those who decided to open an microfinance organization without investments.

There are still quite a lot of positive aspects of opening an MFO as a franchise, but everyone has the right to decide for themselves exactly what to do. If you are still in doubt about the best way to open an MFO, an online consultation with specialists on this issue can be an excellent option to make the right decision.

We told you about several ways to open microloans and make a profit from this type of business. Each of them has its pros and cons, and also differs in material and time costs. Having delved into all the nuances, you can make the choice that is most suitable for your situation.