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Business plan for breeding horses for meat. Horse breeding as a business Business plan for horse breeding with financial calculations

Kira Stoletova

Animal husbandry, namely horse breeding as a business, is one of the most amazing activities. Powerful and very intelligent cattle were domesticated many centuries ago. Humanity used horses in agricultural work, as a means of transportation, and also obtained various raw materials from them. The ability to properly fatten and raise stallions can be turned into a very solid source of income. Whether horse breeding as a business is profitable or not must be looked at based on the capabilities of the farmer himself.

Even a small farm with the right approach will not remain at a loss. Breeding horses is a difficult and very expensive craft. Any competent calculation is primarily based on a detailed business diagram. The main goal of a business scheme is to determine the benefits of investing money in a project. With its help, you can determine what the starting investment should be, what difficulties may arise, and what are the options for eliminating them. Breeding horses for meat must pay off; for this you need to find sales points and supply them with high-quality products, which must be checked periodically.

Farming costs

The costs of running your own household include a number of things, including:

  • purchase (rent) of a plot of land;
  • purchase of livestock;
  • construction of a stable;
  • fattening animals;
  • salary of staff (workers).

Registration of this type of activity is inexpensive, since such a business does not require any additional licenses. You can acquire a plot of land if you are registered as a legal entity. Also, the plot can be partially or fully rented if the budget is limited or if suddenly the horseback riding business does not work out at first. A very important point for opening a real beef horse breeding is the selection of personnel.

Both professional grooms and simple handymen will be useful in this matter. Also, for regular preventive examinations, treatment and vaccination of horses, you will need the help of a veterinarian. At the very beginning, investing in future meat from a horse may require several tens of millions of rubles. However, if you accurately and competently build a business plan and spend your budget economically, the level of income will be high: it can reach up to 300%. If events develop successfully, then the costs will be justified in 5-7 years.

Earning options

As a production activity, horse breeding has several ways of implementation. The bulk of the funds must be invested in areas that bring the greatest wealth. What is usually chosen as the main direction? Livestock breeding. If you breed and then sell thoroughbred stallions and mares, you can ensure high income for yourself. You can also breed horses for meat. Insignificant costs to provide livestock make this direction very attractive and promising.

The cost of feed is usually much lower than the income received from selling horse meat. But in this case, any farmer should know how to fatten his horses for meat. To do this, professional breeders and stud farms have a table according to which fattening is carried out, depending on the age and condition of the animal.

The business of breeding different breeds of horses can also involve training. We are talking about such areas as riding school and hippotherapy. Often, city residents are ready to learn horse riding, as well as take part in various developmental activities, for which they happily pay.

Many owners try to combine several directions. Most options for realizing profit can be both main and auxiliary. It depends on what angle you look at the situation from.

Another option for doing business on horses is animals for rent. This involves riding and caring for the animal on the part of those who rent the horse. Sometimes it happens that a person becomes imbued with feelings for a particular horse and eventually buys it back.

Many owners love to leave their animals in nearby stalls. You can also sell accessories. By selling products designed for caring for livestock and for riding, you can provide an additional flow of customers.

When choosing a development path, it is necessary to take into account the location of the business site. Typically, developmental and therapeutic activities are preferred by representatives of large cities. Walking and horseback riding with a group is very popular in resort areas. Places with a grazing area are ideal for beef horse breeding.

Buying horses

The horse meat business will be profitable if you choose the right breed. Thoroughbred animals are the key to valuable meat and good performance in racing. The purpose of horse breeding with the aim of selling meat is to breed and fatten horses of meat breeds. If the business is based on breeding horses for meat, then it is recommended to immediately buy purebred animals with a good pedigree. Such animals produce more meat with better taste characteristics. Thanks to such an acquisition, the return on investment increases.

To start meat production, you need to calculate everything before purchasing horses and evaluate the productivity of a particular breed. Each breed has its own nuances both in breeding and feeding; you need to understand that such a profitable horse business requires effort and a lot of work. At the beginning, it is difficult to understand which breed to choose, whether it will be profitable or not. Farmers have many concerns about this. In this case, you can consult with other breeders, chat on the forum, watch photos and videos of the breed you like.

Choosing a horse breed

The horses have a massive build, a wide back and short legs. In Russia, many breeds have been bred that are raised specifically for meat, which include, for example:

  • Yakutskaya;
  • Kazakh;
  • Novoaltayskaya.

It is more profitable to give preference to the breed that is adapted to a particular environment, where fattening is easiest to produce. Such animals are not too demanding, are resistant to various viruses, and quickly gain weight. At home, these breeds of horses reproduce better and are considered not so whimsical.

Meat characteristics

Horse meat is dense, veiny meat that is dark red in color. In terms of satiety, it is similar to beef, and the composition of this meat includes 5% fat, 23% protein and 70% water. The back part is considered the most delicious, while the neck and peritoneum produce fattier pieces. The classification of horse meat does not have strict standards; it is usually divided into 2 groups: marbled (has the highest percentage of fat content and is taken from adult animals 3-5 years old) and dietary (meat of foals whose age reaches 1.5-2 years).

Horse meat gained the greatest popularity among nationalities whose lifestyle was nomadic (Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan).

As for Europe, horse meat is mixed with various sausages, but its pure form is not particularly welcome. Thanks to it, deli meats become more elastic and have a special taste. But Muslims do not recognize horse meat for food use at all, although there is no strict ban on it. It is extremely important to remember: agricultural labor negatively affects the weight growth and meat characteristics of horses, so it will not be possible to obtain both nutritious meat and a good worker at the same time.

Rural business #4. In pursuit of the Tatar heavy truck

Horses as a business idea

Horse business (Yenisei Minusinsk)

Raising horses in pastures and stables

In the herd

Horses are herbivores; pasture vegetation is best suited for their diet. Nutritious perennials are added to the grass to improve the characteristics of the green mass. To survive cold periods, stalls or pens for herds are built near pastures. These buildings must be provided with a supply of water, feed and salt. To raise horses in a herd, you need to draw up a detailed plan, as this is a rather complicated method for a novice farmer.

In the stall

To increase profits from horse breeding, animals are fattened and kept in stables. The building is designed in such a way that from 6 to 10 square meters are allocated for one animal. m. Heating in the stables is not necessary, but the horses should be provided with high-quality thermal insulation and protection from drafts. For the starting stage, the purchase of expensive automatic equipment (feeders, drinkers) is not necessary: ​​over time, materials can be purchased. However, it is extremely important that the livestock is always well fed and kept clean.

Before purchasing animals and expensive equipment, you should draw up a business plan and calculate possible costs and profits.

Which is more profitable?

Pasture maintenance pays for itself within 1-3 years. Horse meat is a very tasty and dense meat, but it is a little tough. Due to its low fat level, it has dietary properties. When bred in a stable, horses gain weight faster, and the meat turns out to be fattier and more tender. Despite the high costs of providing animals with food, the efficiency of this type of breeding is more profitable.

Basic principles of fattening

The quality of feed used to feed horses must be exceptionally good. On an industrial scale, breeding horses is a difficult task: these animals are finicky and demanding of food. To breed them, you need high-quality food without possible solid additives (thorns, mold). This also applies to home breeding.

Feed composition

  • The diet mainly includes grass and hay. They are enriched with many components that serve to gain live weight.
  • Barley, oats, clover serve to store energy, which allows you to gain live weight.
  • Green feed and ready-made vitamin supplements supply the animal with vitamins.
  • For better digestion, bran is introduced into the diet.
  • A horse needs about 1 kg of rock salt per month, but mineral supplements are an excellent substitute.

The meat yield with proper feeding is as follows: horses reach a weight of 400-450 kg if they are kept on pasture. Usually these animals are slaughtered at three years of age, or at most at five years of age. From the carcass you can get 56-62% high-calorie meat. Pulp yield - 80%.


Today, modern technologies are used for faster fattening. Prebiotic feed is included in the diet along with hay. Unlike standard mixtures, they are digested 30-40% better, which contributes to faster muscle growth. Prebiotic feeds improve the utilization of the body’s internal resources:

  • serve to stimulate the vital functions of the body and microflora;
  • lead to neutralization of toxic components;
  • accelerate fermentation processes.

At six months of age, the weight of foals reaches up to 200 kg, and at one year old the animals weigh about 400 kg. Some species are capable of reaching 600-800 kg. After slaughtering this type of livestock, the meat yield is 54-62%.

Thanks to accelerated fattening, horse breeding is considered to be the same effective activity as cattle breeding. It is extremely important to promptly request advice from specialists on the proper feeding of horses. You especially need to be careful in the period before slaughter. The order of proper nutrition is based on the conditions of detention, the state of health and the breed of horses. It is necessary to choose proven feed suppliers who will be responsible for the quality of the animals.

Extraction and sale of horse meat

Preparation for the winter

Usually the slaughter of horses begins just before winter. 3-4 months before slaughter, the animals are intensively fed: in addition to the daily diet, corn, turnips, and carrots are added. Animals begin to gain weight rapidly, resulting in an increase in meat yield. This is also beneficial because, due to the reduction in livestock numbers in winter, the remaining livestock will need less feed. In addition, during cold periods of the year, storing meat is much more convenient.

Nomadic tribes passed on their knowledge about the proper killing of horses from father to son. After first tying up the horse, they cut off its neck. Most often, cutting work was done on the ground, which made the meat dirty. Today, in production, an animal is immobilized by a powerful blow to the head or by a discharge of electricity. After this they do the cutting. The greatest benefit can be expected when slaughtering a beef horse, but sometimes sport or retired draft animals are sold for meat.


Horse meat is sold through retail trade; it is first sent to meat processing plants frozen or chilled. In medical institutions and sanatoriums, dietary meat from young stallions is used. One of the most effective investment options is the acquisition of a personal sausage production workshop.


A horse requires very careful care, but animal husbandry is more than interesting. On the one hand, horse meat breeding dictates its own requirements, which state how to properly fatten, care and slaughter, but on the other hand, such a business can bring great profits, as well as delight in communication with graceful and amazing animals.

Beginning businessmen may be put off by the high cost of the venture, but the start-up capital will begin to pay off within a couple of years, thanks to taking into account the characteristics of the area chosen for breeding and a flexible approach

The relevance of the horse breeding business depends, first of all, on the cultural and climatic conditions of your place of residence.

Domestic horses are divided into 2 groups of breeds – draft horses and riding horses. Heavy trucks are distinguished by their large size, greater weight, greater strength and endurance. Their main purpose is various types of agricultural work, transportation of heavy and bulky cargo.

Riding horses are in higher demand, therefore, from a business point of view, they are more promising types of horses. Purebred horses are very expensive; the price of one horse can be comparable to the cost of an expensive sports car.

Horse breeding business plan. Key points

The horse breeding business is divided into several areas:

  • breeding of pedigree animals;
  • beef horse breeding;
  • preparing horses for participation in sports games and competitions;
  • provision of horses for rent;
  • riding school, etc.

Meat horse breeding

In some countries, eating horse meat is prohibited by law due to local religious traditions. Also, many peoples and nations, due to their characteristics, either do not eat horse meat at all, or do not consider this meat healthy and tasty. But in many other countries, horse meat is considered a delicacy, because... historically was one of the main types of meat among one or another nomadic people.

In Russia, breeding horses for meat as a business is still very relevant today. Although the popularity of horse meat continues to decline over the years, and it becomes a product for amateurs.

It is very difficult to breed horses for meat on an industrial scale due to their physiological characteristics of these animals. The stomach size of horses is very small, and the requirements for food quality are very high.

A horse, as you know, is a very large animal. On average, the weight of one adult individual is 400-450 kg. From one animal you can get up to 250 kg of meat. It is this figure that should be taken as a basis when drawing up a horse breeding business plan.

Horse meat farming as a business can be made more profitable if you find an opportunity to procure feed at low prices, as well as find some additional related income.

Pedigree cattle breeding

This direction is considered one of the traditional forms of horse breeding as a business. Simply put, you keep a number of mares that produce foals each year. Selling a foal brings in a good income, which not only fully covers all expenses associated with maintaining the mare, but also provides a good profit. This is no less profitable business than breeding horses for meat.


Mare's milk is a traditional drink among Caucasian and Asian peoples. Kumis, as you know, is used not only as a regular food product, but also as a healing agent. There are even so-called “kumiss clinics”. One mare produces an average of 1.5 thousand liters of milk during the lactation period. But it must be remembered that they begin to milk at the age of 4 years, and this milking process is very complex.

In order for a horse breeding business to generate a very good income, it is necessary to keep a herd of several dozen heads. Of this number, two or three horses can be used for household needs and for entertainment. Maintaining such a herd provides income that allows you to support a large family. Often this type of activity is inherited, and members of the same family of several generations work on the same farm - a father with sons and grandchildren.

Additional sources of income

In order to reduce costs, many farms and stud farms provide a service such as horse rental. Anyone can enter into an agreement and become the temporary owner of an animal. He can regularly visit his horse, care for it, feed it, and ride it. Often such tenants are provided with discounts and bonuses for other types of services, for example, for horse riding lessons.

In addition, such a service as hourly horse rental is in great demand. City dwellers increasingly began to travel to suburban stables, where for a small hourly fee they can ride a horse for their own pleasure. This type of entertainment is becoming increasingly popular, not only among residents of the capital, but also in small towns.

The second option is to organize an equestrian club. The main service here could be training in horse riding skills in different variations, for example, obstacle riding.

Features of horse nutrition

There are breeds of horses that live on pasture all year round. The shorter the period of keeping horses in a stall, the less expenses the entrepreneur incurs in purchasing feed, maintaining the stall in the required technical and hygienic condition, and paying the labor of workers caring for the animals. One horse eats 20-30 kg of hay and oats per day.

Feed consumption per day

Oats or barley – 5 kg. There is no way to do without this, because... This is a high-energy product that is necessary for gaining weight.

Hay – 15 kg.

Bran or feed – 2 kg. This type of product is necessary to stimulate normal digestion.

Carrots and green food – 3 kg. It contains essential vitamins and minerals.

In addition, horses' diets should include clover and vitamin supplements. There must be rock salt; in a month, one individual eats at least a kilogram of salt.

It must be remembered that horses are very picky about the quality of feed, so it should not contain mold, thorns or other foreign components.

The advantages, for example, of cattle (cows) over horses in this regard are that the long stomach of a cow is able to digest almost all types of grass and even straw. And horses require much higher quality and selected feed, which must be constantly monitored. Even those types of feed that are excellent for cows may not be suitable for horses.

There are 2 options for breeding horses - grazing and paddocks.


In those regions where horse breeding is a traditional activity of the local population, local horse breeds are perfectly adapted to climatic and other natural conditions, so they are quite unpretentious. Such horses are kept in stables only in winter; the rest of the year they are kept in the fresh air. Some horse breeders divide horses into different herds - breeding and meat. Both of them are kept on pasture during the warm season (usually from April to September-October).

This option seems ideal: you drive the horses out into the field, they calmly graze there. In the evening you drive them into the stall. No special hassle or additional expenses, you just need to pay for the shepherd’s work. But this option is not very suitable for breeding horses for meat. In addition to the fact that horses grazing in the field require constant attention, feeding on grazing makes their meat tough and unsuitable for food. Therefore, a business plan for breeding horses for meat should involve keeping the animals in a stall. Usually the herd is divided into 2 parts, and meat horses are not driven far so that the meat turns out to be of more or less good quality.

Stall (stable)

One of the main expenses for starting a horse breeding business is the construction of premises - stables, sheds for storing feed and equipment, as well as equipping an area for walking animals. All this requires a piece of land. It is best, of course, if you have your own plot, but you can also rent a plot with ready-made buildings.

One animal indoors will require about 3-4 square meters. meters. Additional heat sources in the room are not needed. It is only necessary that it be securely closed and have no gaps. The heat generated by the manure will be sufficient. Therefore, in winter the manure in the stables is not completely cleared out. But in summer you need to keep the room completely clean.

Winter grazing

Keeping a stable in winter does not mean keeping horses in this room 24/7. In some countries where the thickness of snow on the ground is not very large (for example, in Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia), horses are driven out to pasture even in winter. Horses differ from other types of livestock in that they can engage in so-called “tebenevka” - digging out snow with their hooves and finding grass underneath it. This method of feeding horses, of course, cannot be complete, so a good owner in the evening gives the animals hay with the addition of oats, mixed feed and other useful additives. But still, winter grazing makes it possible to save on feed procurement. In any case, animals need to leave the stable and “walk” in the fresh air for some time so as not to stagnate.

Some horse breeders also keep horses on small plots, without grazing. Meat horse breeding involves raising and fattening horses for slaughter. Therefore, one and a half dozen horses can be kept on 10 acres; such animals do not require large spaces.

Livestock is purchased from April to June and delivered for slaughter in October-December. And although the profitability is not very high, with proper business management and large volumes, stable good earnings are ensured, because There is always a demand for meat. There are restaurants that need fresh, not frozen horse meat, and they buy it at a good price.

Payback and prospects

Taking into account the fact that horse breeding is one of the most complex and expensive types of business, experienced entrepreneurs and horse breeders recommend considering it as an option to expand another area of ​​livestock farming. Many farms in Russia have still not recovered from the crisis of 2009-2010. It was mainly those enterprises that specialized in breeding sports horses that withstood all these economic turmoil.

If you plan to engage in horse breeding as a business, then the first thing you will need is. If you complete the appropriate documents, you will be able to hire employees. You will need a whole staff - a manager, grooms, veterinarians, workers. You will also need an accountant, but this function can be performed part-time by a professional accountant who works full time in some nearby commercial or government organization.


To determine whether it is profitable or not to breed horses, you need to take into account several basic points.

To organize your own horse breeding business today you will need at least 25 million rubles as start-up capital. Of this amount, 80% will go to:

  • purchase of land;
  • construction of necessary structures;
  • preparation of documents (including on).

About 20% will be spent on purchasing animals and preparing feed.

The foal is weaned from its mother when it is at least 6 months old. At the age of 1 year, it gains the weight of an adult. A daily ration (even when purchasing feed in bulk) will cost at least 70 rubles per day. Those. At least 13 thousand rubles will be spent on feeding the foal for six months. Other expenses will be at least 5 thousand. These include:

  • veterinary services;
  • purchasing medicines and vitamins;
  • Unexpected expenses.

What can you save on?

Harvesting hay may not require much expense if you find the opportunity to mow it yourself. To do this you will need a tractor with a mower. The tractor itself, of course, is expensive, but the cost of preparing feed in this case is significantly reduced. If you run a successful business, buying a tractor can pay for itself in 5 years. In Russia and other countries of the former USSR, there are many government programs to support agriculture and support small and medium-sized businesses. There are also various options for helping farmers and aspiring entrepreneurs purchase equipment. For this purpose, they practice providing loans under state guarantees, selling equipment under a leasing scheme, and much more. Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in agricultural business, collect as much information as possible on this topic, which is relevant for your region.

It is also necessary to remember that, as with any other product, purchasing feed can be cheaper if you purchase a large quantity in bulk at once. Those. when purchasing, for example, several tons of oats at once (at one time), each kilogram of it will cost on average 10-15% cheaper than when purchasing smaller lots (several centners) over time.


At the same time, we must remember that horses do not lose their relevance in the 21st century. Therefore, if you have a good herd of healthy, strong, well-fed horses, then you will always have a stable, reliable income.

The main thing is not to be lazy and work like a horse!..

Since ancient times, horses have been used not only as assistants in agriculture and transport, but also as a source of valuable dietary meat. Horsemeat is currently becoming increasingly popular in our country. Read about horse meat breeding in our article.

The ancient Slavs and Europe highly valued horse meat. Breeding horses for meat was popular among many peoples a thousand years ago. It is believed that horse meat was the most important meat in the diet of our ancestors. With the development of agriculture and the use of horses in the army, horse meat was no longer used in food everywhere - there were even corresponding royal decrees. For example, eating horse meat was banned in Europe in the 19th century.

With the development of progress, the role of horses in armies ceased to be significant, and meat again gained popularity. Moreover, in a number of regions of Russia, breeding horses for meat has long been practiced, and the role of horse meat in traditional cuisine was great. Horse meat was popular in Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Buryatia, Yakutia, and Kalmykia. Horses were raised in herds and new unpretentious meat breeds were developed. For example, horses could not drink water while grazing, easily gained fat and produced juicy meat.

When breeding horses for meat, special meat breeds are now used - Kazakh, Novo-Altai, Yakut. Horse meat from these breeds is distinguished by excellent taste, high calorie content, and marbling. The animals themselves have a long body, short legs and a wide back.

After slaughter, horse meat of meat breeds is divided into two categories. The first is foal from young animals one and a half years old (dietary lean meat), the second is meat from individuals 3-5 years old (marbled and fatty).

In Yakut and Kazakh horses, the live weight with proper breeding and proper fattening reaches 430 kg at the age of 3.5 years. Carcass weight reaches 240 kg, fat - 5 kg, slaughter yield - up to 57%.

Fattening horses

Typically, mares of meat breeds are milked to produce kumiss. Foals can not be raised on full suckling, but the only food for offspring in the first two months of life is mother's milk. In subsequent months, the role of plant foods in the diet increases. Already at 3 weeks of age, babies can be introduced to these foods by giving rolled oats with wheat bran and minerals in a separate feeder. Next, it is recommended to add legumes, corn and cakes to the mixture.

The best roughage for horses is considered to be meadow and steppe hay, as well as cereal and legumes from sown grasses. Suitable concentrates include: rye, barley, oats, corn, cakes and bran. Beetroot-sugar molasses is also good. Suitable succulent feeds for breeding meat breeds include: beets, carrots, potatoes, and corn silage. When fattening, you can give plenty of succulent feed, up to 30 kg per day.

The nutritional value of horse meat also depends on the horse’s fatness. Fattening and fattening are important. Throughout the year, the animal is fed coarse, juicy, concentrated lumps. And feeding is carried out in autumn and winter on pastures. Recommended fattening period is 70-100 days.

The meat of young horses, when properly fattened and grazed year-round, has the best taste. Horse meat is dense in structure, with uniform layers of fat, and has a specific pleasant taste. Horsemeat is no different from beef in terms of nutritional content. On average, horse meat consists of 70% water, 5% fat, 23% protein and 1% ash.

Specifics of herd keeping

It is best to raise horses for meat using the herd method, as in regions with traditional meat horse breeding. It is noteworthy that beef horse breeding requires significantly lower costs than having a slaughterhouse.

Herd breeding requires pasture, which should preferably be sown with perennial plants. You also need to take care of the indoor space in case of severe frosts and night time. If there is room, the horses will be able to graze during the day in any weather. In winter, it is recommended to keep feeders with forage, grain and hay. Also, at any time of the year, pets should have fresh water and table salt.

Herd meat horse breeding does not require significant money. If the winters are not very cold, you can do without indoor buildings when breeding. The main thing is a rich diet. It is important to know that you cannot work on horses intended for slaughter, so as not to deteriorate the quality of the meat.

Experienced horse breeders slaughter before wintering, since in winter more high-quality feed is needed and animals experience sudden weight gain. The optimal age for slaughter for meat is 3 years. The best horse meat in horses is found in the dorsal part of the body. If a high fat content is important, meat is taken from the neck, ribs and peritoneum.

Video “German farm in the Kyrgyz mountains”

The Kyrgyz farm is always located high in the mountains - there is clean air, mare's milk and kumiss.

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Horses are one of the most beautiful and graceful animals. Many people attribute the ability to heal to horses. For some, it's a way to calm down while spending time riding a large, friendly creature.

People who breed horses often turn their hobby into a very profitable business.

However, horse breeding is not an easy way to make money. A business plan for horse breeding involves considerable financial and physical investments in the process. If you are not one of the timid people and are sure that you have enough strength, definitely go for it. The profitability of a horse riding business can reach 300%!

There is more than one way to make money from horses: the business plan involves profiting from breeding horses for sport and work, providing horses for walking, and perhaps even from breeding animals for the purpose of meat production.

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Horse Care Basics

To begin with, take your time and study the characteristics of horses, their unusual behavior, rules for the supervision and care of animals, visit other equestrian schools or stables to include in your business plan all the nuances and additional costs that you did not know about before.

If you have never dealt with horses before and are starting your business from scratch, then it would be good to draw up a clear business plan. It needs to determine the main category of clients and the type of your activity. Assess the state of the market. Although, according to statistics, there are stables in only 4% of cities with a small population.

Be prepared for the fact that preparing the animals to the point where you can make money from them will take a lot of time. So, to prepare a sports horse, you will need 5-6 years, and to prepare a racing horse, 2-3 years.

Determine the format of your enterprise: stud farm, horse rental organization, horse breeding farm, etc.

When choosing a place to organize a business, be guided by the surrounding environment; if possible, give preference to places near the forest or in the field. There it will be much easier to build a corral for horses and fence off a place for grazing animals; if you are going to breed them, then this is an additional saving on feed. You also need to build pens for animals, sheds for storing food, premises for working staff, and a locker room for visitors. If your business plan includes horse breeding, then consider building an indoor arena.

To make your business more successful, when buying horses, give preference to breeding animals. Be sure to use a good veterinarian when choosing animals. If you are planning to seriously get into the horse business, you definitely need a “personal” livestock specialist who will be your assistant and adviser in most matters. He will help you decide on regular suppliers of feed and sawdust, and will also advise you on a number of other issues.

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The most popular ways to make money on horses

A business plan for breeding and selling thoroughbred horses is very profitable. Animals from Belgium, Germany and Holland are especially valued. It’s no secret that such a business requires huge investments, but if you really want it, you can find worthy investors. A living example is the Ukrainian horse farm, located on 12 hectares of land. The founders of this business managed to attract investors who invested about seven million dollars at the initial stage of implementing the business plan.

The equestrian club also brings in serious income. This business plan involves making money by teaching horse riding and renting trained horses. According to the latest data, horse rental costs 600-800 rubles per hour, and horse riding lessons - from 1,300 per hour. If you decide to earn money in this way, then you will have to seriously try to recruit staff, choosing highly qualified people who have extensive experience in communicating with animals.

According to many stable owners, a dozen thoroughbred horses can bring in a profit of about 3 million rubles a year. Of course, horses require huge investments: to build a high-quality plant for breeding and keeping horses, you may need about 20-40 million rubles. But considering that the calculation made above provided for the horse’s workload for 3 hours a day, and the working day for 8-10 hours, it is quite possible to assume that the payback time for a horse farm will be about 2 years, or even less.

From time immemorial, horses have been close to humans, and until recently played an important role in the lives of many peoples. Even now, horse breeding exists as a business. Whether it is profitable or not, the profitability of the project, the features and nuances of the activity, where to start working - tips for an entrepreneur on starting an unusual business.


When starting to develop a business plan for horse breeding, you need to consider the wide variety of uses of horses, which are transport, a source of food, entertainment, a way to earn money and even medicine.

Different areas of activity will be popular in different regions. For example, in Central Asia they drink kumiss and eat horse meat, in the European part of Russia equestrian sports are developing, and horseback riding is offered at resorts. Taking into account the characteristics of the area where the business will start, an entrepreneur can choose the following strategies:

  1. Breeding thoroughbred horses for performance at hippodromes. In the world of horse racing, winners are worth millions of dollars. But to achieve such results, huge initial investments and many years of training will be required.
  2. Raising foals for sale. If well maintained, a thoroughbred animal for an equestrian club or for entertaining tourists will bring a good income.
  3. Breeding horses for meat. Makhan, a dry-cured sausage, is made from horse meat and added to various meat products to improve taste.
  4. Breeding horses for your main business - a club, an arena, a farm.

Additional income can be:

  • horse riding training groups;
  • rehabilitation activities involving horses - hippotherapy;
  • providing animal management services for third-party horse owners;
  • rental of horses for temporary use;
  • trade in harness and other accessories.

In any case, starting a project will require considerable investment, and the payback period can take 10-12 years. Therefore, entrepreneurs often start horse breeding as a business with meat, since horses for slaughter are cheaper and investments pay off faster.

You can download a free example of a business plan for horse breeding at.

Business registration

The horse business relates to agriculture and livestock breeding, so it is possible to register a peasant farm enterprise (FSC). This form of activity allows you to lease land on preferential terms, as well as pay low agricultural taxes. FSC participants can be a family, a community or one person.

If you intend to sell meat and dairy products, you must obtain permits from several supervisory authorities:

  1. Veterinary service.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Sanitary and epidemiological station.
  4. Fire inspection.

Mandatory conditions for conducting business are:

  • obtaining a trade permit;
  • registration of veterinary passports for animals;
  • employees have medical records.

The sole owner of a stable can also register as an individual entrepreneurship, and if there are several business participants, then a limited liability company is registered.

Horse breeds

There are about 250 breeds of horses, and for each individual activity you need to carefully select the appropriate type.

There are 2 large groups:

  1. Heavy draft breeds - mainly work as horse-drawn vehicles in farming, or are raised for meat.
  2. Sled breeds - used for racing, sport and entertainment.

More detailed division of breeds:

  • purebreds;
  • half-blooded;
  • local or local;
  • crossbreeds;
  • high-blooded.

To participate in the racing business or to breed horses for a tribe, you need to choose purebreds and highbreds; for meat production, local breeds adapted to regional conditions are best suited; in agriculture, the endurance and carrying capacity of half-breeds are valued.

Horses are fairly large herbivores; they need space to maintain their shape and food. On the territory of the stables they are kept in separate stalls, quite spacious and warm, equipped with a feeder and drinking bowl. On average, there are 3-10 square meters per horse. m. of space.

Animals destined for slaughter are usually kept in herds in the open air. They graze on their own, sometimes they are fed. This significantly saves money on the purchase of feed, equipment and heating of stables. Unused farmland can be rented for a small fee.

Racehorses, like stud stallions, live in closed stalls; they are fed according to a schedule, walked and trained. Separate rooms are equipped for pregnant mares, special nutrition and veterinary supervision are provided.

Taking into account the specifics, an equestrian business is often opened on the outskirts of a city or in a village, where there is not much traffic and there is enough space for a stable with a walking area.

A separate room is required to store hay, feed additives, tools, harness and other equipment. It is also necessary to equip a room for the administration and stable staff.


The basis of the horse's diet is grass and hay - about 60%. Oats and barley contain substances that promote weight gain; they should be included in the diet in the amount of 20% of the total daily portion.

Bran and feed are needed for good digestion of food, 8% is enough. The horse's body needs minerals and vitamins contained in vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes) - about 12%. The average daily consumption of an adult horse is approximately 25 kg of feed.

An important component of the diet is rock salt; there is about a kilogram of salt per head per month. In some cases, animals are given special supplements and nutritional complexes.

Horses need high-quality food, otherwise they suffer from stomach cramps, diseases of the legs and teeth.

When breeding meat breeds of animals, the broiler fattening method can be used, when in six months the foal gains weight up to a quarter of a ton, and by the year - 400-450 kg. To achieve such results, use the following work planning technique:

  1. For 2-3 months, foals feed on mares' milk.
  2. Then complementary foods containing prebiotics and additives are introduced into the diet, which strengthen the animal’s immunity and accelerate growth and weight gain.
  3. Meat breeds of horses are kept separately and their physical activity and stress are reduced as much as possible.
  4. Slaughter is carried out in late autumn - early winter, when the mass of animals increases. It is also easier to store meat in cold weather.

This horse breeding approach is more economically profitable, as it allows the use of smaller areas and reduces the fattening time.


Horses require a lot of attention and careful care, especially for thoroughbred horses. Animals must be shoed periodically, and washed and cleaned after each walk. If the stable is completely full, then a large staff of grooms and a veterinarian will be required to maintain it.

Cleaning must be carried out by a trained and experienced worker who will not cause damage or injury to the animal. The mane and tail are combed out with combs, the skin is cleaned with brushes and scrapers, and the hooves are cleaned with a special tool. Horses love water, and if there is a river or lake nearby, they enjoy swimming.

Horseshoes protect horses' hooves the same way shoes protect human feet. During the horseshoeing process, part of the stratum corneum is cut off, so this procedure can only be entrusted to a specialist who is well acquainted with the specifics of the work.

Horses are susceptible to many diseases; one sick animal can infect the entire herd. To reduce the risk of disease, horses are vaccinated and undergo regular medical examinations.


Horse breeding as a business is impossible without the participation of people with special knowledge and skills. Those who work in the stables are those who treat horses well, understand their needs and are ready to perform the difficult responsibilities of caring for large animals.

On average, there are 4-5 horses per groom. Also needed are auxiliary workers for the preparation of feed, a veterinarian, a technologist for developing a diet and regimen, a manager whose responsibilities include general management, contacts with suppliers and customers, record keeping and reporting. Trainers and jockeys are needed to maintain horses that participate in racing and sports.

Sales organization

After slaughter, horse meat is sold in bulk to meat processing plants or stored in refrigerators for retail sale in markets and private sausage producers. Young meat is considered dietary; it is purchased by sanatoriums and hospitals.

It is possible to organize your own sausage or smoking shop and sell the finished product at much higher prices than meat.

Video: horse breeding is a business for enthusiasts.

Economic calculations

The size of the starting investment in a horse riding business of different directions will differ radically. For example, for the cost of one purebred stallion you can buy a herd of beef horses.

Calculation of investments in a project for breeding horses for slaughter looks like this:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Land rent for six months 10 000
2 Construction of a stable 400 000
3 Equipment and inventory 100 000
4 Purchase of foals, 20 heads 300 000
5 Purchase of feed for six months 350 000
6 Public utilities 120 000
7 Staff salaries 100 000
8 Tax payments 30 000
9 other expenses 100 000
Total 1 510 000

The average meat yield per animal is 55%, which is approximately 250 kg. Meat processing plants buy a kilogram of horse meat for 220 rubles. The income from the herd will be:

Excluding costs for stables and equipment, to start the next six-month cycle, you will need 1,010,000 rubles, and 90,000 rubles. the owner will receive the profit.

Additional income from renting out places in the stables, organizing horseback riding, training courses and therapeutic sessions can increase the profitability of a business.

In order to develop horse breeding on the created basis, it will be necessary to invest several more million rubles. in the purchase of purebred animals. This line of business is more profitable than raising horses for meat. With capital costs of 700 million rubles. you can get an annual profit of 200 million rubles.

Horse breeding is a labor-intensive and expensive business that requires special knowledge and experience. A good income comes from the simultaneous combination of several areas of activity.

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