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Livestock farm business plan. Family farms: design, construction, registration, business plan

The article, using an example, describes the features of the activity of growing and selling domestic animal meat. Meat and poultry are popular products on grocery store shelves. The number of enterprises producing them on an industrial scale is large, but not all meat is equally healthy and the feed used in such production often contains substances harmful to humans. A business plan for a livestock complex will help, on the one hand, to obtain credit funds, and on the other, to attract private investment or government subsidies.

Therefore, when opening your own company in this industry, you should pay attention to the formation of a unique competitive advantage, which can be the naturalness of products livestock farming, ensured by compliance with classical feeding recipes. It is also important to have quality business plan, which will allow you to attract the attention of investors and provide funding for your entrepreneurial idea.

Key features of a business plan for the development of a livestock farm

Business plan for a livestock farming enterprise as a guide to project activities

The totality of all processes accompanying the formation of investment projects livestock farm, requires a certain level of skill and training for effective implementation. Without a certain level of knowledge, it is difficult to understand the essence of these tools and prepare a truly working business plan. However, nothing is impossible if you study the theoretical foundations of writing such documents

Structurality and functionality make it quite easy to understand the essence of processes and obtain tools for developing new types of business. The main difficulty can be caused by the financial model, since it requires an understanding of the values ​​and basic methods for calculating financial and economic indicators that serve to justify efficiency business plan future livestock farms.



Industry specifics

The project involves organizing livestock farm, raising meat breeds of cows and pigs, as well as large poultry, for further sale in markets and retail chains.

For a detailed description in business plan development livestock farming, let us formulate the content of the main stages of activity:

  • construction of the complex and its infrastructure;
  • raising livestock in the required quantity;
  • processes of cutting and preparing meat for sale;


1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to start a livestock farm

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Livestock Farm Development Sales Plan

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a livestock farm

7 – Conclusions

The livestock farm business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business plan of a cattle farm for raising and breeding beef cattle for meat

It is very difficult to get a bank loan to develop your own production. To get a loan, you need to collect a lot of documents and provide bankers with a good business plan. That's why we started working with Plan-Pro. The company's consultants drew up a very competent business plan, which was accepted with minor modifications, and we received a loan for 80 million rubles.

Alexander Koshkarev, farmer, Krasnodar region

Feedback on the business plan of a dairy plant for the production and processing of milk and dairy products

On the website we bought a ready-made business plan for the development of a dairy plant. The work was done with high quality, the business plan is easy to use, well designed, easy to make changes, the financial model of the dairy plant is quite deeply detailed and convenient for adjusting figures, all its sections are understandable.

Nikolay N. L., Lyubertsy, milk production

Feedback on a goat farm business plan for breeding goats

A high-quality and meticulously researched business plan drawn up by the, allowed our goat farm to attract investment worth 40 million rubles. It is especially important to note that the draft business plan was submitted on time and no modifications were required. Special thanks for the stylish document design.

Yuliy Nikolenko, director of the goat farm

Feedback on the business plan for the development of livestock farming

Purchasing a ready-made business plan for a livestock farm was supposed to solve two of our problems - lack of understanding of the specifics of working in the industry and the need to protect the investment attractiveness of the project. After purchasing the finished document in Plan Pro, we received an overview of the target market and a convenient and simple financial model in the formatExcel, which completely satisfied our investor. As a result, the amount of investment for the construction of the complex amounted to 80 million rubles.

Losev A., RusFerm LLC, Kaliningrad region

In order to business plan companies in the field development livestock farming fully satisfied future investors, it is important to comply with a certain structure and completeness of the document .

  • assessment of the state of the industry based on the study of major indicators and their development dynamics;
  • calculation of the investment component;
  • technical features of the work livestock farm;
  • costs within the operational part of the project;
  • revenue from meat sales;
  • wage costs and required numbers;
  • determining the payback period of a business plan.

Characteristics of the subject of a business plan for a livestock enterprise

A farm for raising cattle, for the sale of pork, beef and offal, with a livestock of XXX individuals, an area of ​​XXX hectares.

Action plan for organizing a business

Based on the fact that if the investment project is approved livestock farm, it will need to be implemented within the specified time frame, it is important not to waste time and ensure the legal and organizational aspects of the business in advance:

  1. Determine the form of a legal entity and register the enterprise.
  2. Conclude a banking service agreement and register with the tax office.
  3. Determine the location livestock complex.
  4. Study the advantages of various breeds and technologies for their fattening.
  5. Get acquainted with the state of the job market in this region.

Starting work on a business plan for a livestock farm

The first stages of design are devoted to describing the essence of the undertakings and their strategic goals. Then we move on to the main part, which includes analysis, a specific action plan and a financial model for calculating the economy.

In order to business plan fully described all stages of activity in the field livestock development, we determine the key parameters of its structure .

  • market analysis livestock farms;
  • determining the volume and structure of investment investments;
  • technological support of the project;
  • the amount of monthly operating expenses;
  • the amount of planned revenue;
  • the number of employees and the value of their labor;
  • determining economic efficiency.

Analysis of the livestock market in a business plan

At this stage of work on the investment project livestock farm You should conduct a detailed analysis of industry specifics, evaluate your capabilities and highlight those advantages that will create additional value for the company in the market:

  • own breeding producers of young animals;
  • modern equipment ensuring year-round operation of the farm;
  • a wide range of meats and offal;
  • experienced staff;
  • price corresponding to naturalness, freshness and taste characteristics.

One of the options for developing a farm is goat breeding, which is currently in great demand on the market. will help you understand all aspects and make the right decision.

Determining the amount of investment

The main purpose of the plan for starting your own business is to attract external financing, for which modern methods of financial and economic analysis and multi-stage systems for checking the correctness of calculations are used. To fully evaluate the effectiveness of these planning methods, download a sample of the finished product from our website. livestock farm business plan, including calculations of basic financial and economic indicators. Then you will ensure compliance with the project deadlines and its external financing.

  • construction and installation work – XXX rub.
  • equipping barns and pens with modern feeding and watering systems – XXX rub.
  • formation of feed reserves – XXX rub.
  • vehicles and special equipment – ​​XXX rub.;
  • purchase of pairs of sires for raising calves and piglets – XXX rub.;
  • recruitment and adaptation of personnel - XXX rub.;
  • reserve fund – XXX rub.

In total, to implement the investment project of the livestock complex, it will take from 70 to 120 million rubles.

Technological aspects of implementing a business plan for opening a livestock farm

Stages of rearing and processing: breeding of young animals, fattening and weight gain control, cutting of adult animals and production of finished meat products, sales.

In order to implement our plan livestock farm, it will be necessary to provide it with the material and technical base:

  • pens and stables, with appropriate life support and growth control systems;
  • machinery and agricultural special equipment;
  • tools and equipment for care;
  • marking equipment;
  • complex for slaughtering and cutting up carcasses;
  • industrial refrigeration and freezing units;
  • forklifts and other important equipment.

Investment efficiency and indicators used to calculate it

Operating expenses for maintaining a livestock farm as part of a business plan

For efficient operation and achievement of the planned payback period of the investment project of the complex development livestock farming it is necessary to objectively assess the volume of operating costs and understand the essence of all financial transactions.

List of expense items, example:

  • cost of using the land plot and buildings on it – XXX rubles;
  • maintenance and maintenance of technological lines and equipment;
  • settlements with energy suppliers and utilities
  • purchase of feed – XXX rub.;
  • depreciation of assets - XXX rub.;
  • product promotion costs livestock farming– XXX rub.;
  • wages and tax deductions – XXX rub.;
  • other payments and settlements – XXX rub.

Business plan provides the following amount of operating costs for maintenance livestock farm– XXX rub. per month.

Revenue volume and structure

To achieve the planned profitability from product sales livestock development, Let us formulate the main factors of their attractiveness to consumers:

  • wide range of meat and offal;
  • natural food and lack of growth vitamins and GMD;
  • various types of cutting and packaging;
  • presence at farmers' markets and large grocery chains;
  • prices for any budget and social status, including elite grades of beef for steaks.

Revenue is generated by:

  1. Beef – XXX rub.
  2. Pork – XXX rub.
  3. By-products – XXX rub.

Total, in business plan monthly revenue is included livestock farm in the amount of XXX rub.

Planning of headcount and wage fund for development complex livestock farming

Considering the length of time of all processes from obtaining young animals to cutting up adults, it is important to ensure the responsible execution of all operations necessary for successful implementation livestock business plan complex.

For this you will need:

  • farm director - XXX rub.;
  • livestock specialist - XXX rub.;
  • technologist – XXX rub.;
  • accountant – XXX rub.;
  • HR specialist – XXX rub.;
  • marketer - XXX rub.
  • sales representatives – XXX rub.;
  • general workers – XXX rub.;
  • drivers and operators of special equipment – ​​XXX rub.;
  • other service personnel.

Return on investment period

Our project will pay for itself within 3 to 5 years if management can achieve the planned operating costs and monthly revenue. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready livestock farm business plan with financial calculations and Excel financial model

Livestock projects are being actively implemented in different regions of the country with varying effectiveness. If you study the stories of success or failure of large enterprises, it becomes clear that most effective companies based their work on professional investment projects that fully meet the requirements of the industry and business strategy.

This is exactly the document you can download from our website - it is complete and structured livestock farm business plan, which provides a system for calculating the main financial and economic indicators of efficiency and profitability. There is an alternative - ordering an individual turnkey business plan, in which we will take into account your special wishes regarding the specifics of the business. Our project will help structure all stages of the launch and ensure its financial viability.

Sphere livestock development– a profitable business, provided that it is properly organized, has the correct location and the availability of natural and additional food supply. Your company will always find its customers and ensure the level of sales laid down in the project if it relies on professional business plans prepared by experienced and qualified specialists.

Calculations are current for 2019

MS Word Volume: 32 pages

Business plan

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Reviews (33)

Pay attention to the livestock farming business plan, with the help of which you will be provided with documentary evidence of the profitability of the business - a cattle farm. Raising cattle requires skill and experience, because animals need spacious pens in which all conditions for maintenance will be provided. High-quality feed with special additives, the creation of drinking bowls and comfortable pens will certainly increase the profitability of the cattle breeding business.

In the proposed finished document you will find sections where the cost of the undertaking for breeding cows and fattening cattle will be indicated, because this activity requires tangible funds and constant replenishment of feed supplies. Animals also require careful care, and dairy cows require special treatment, so it is necessary to install milking machines, as well as equipment for keeping cows clean.

A carefully structured cattle breeding document also covers the stages of selling meat to customers. You can not only breed livestock, but also run a slaughterhouse yourself. This will require additional investment, however, the profit will be much higher than simply from selling livestock. You should also think about updating breeds so that the livestock becomes larger and the profitability of the enterprise increases.

The unstable economic situation in our country has led to the fact that such a business as livestock farming, unfortunately, is not developing as actively as we would like. Meanwhile, most consumers are interested in producing as much local meat products as possible, since their taste is much higher than their imported counterparts.

But why are entrepreneurs in no hurry to develop such an attractive, at first glance, niche? The thing is that when starting a business with the development of meat livestock farming, a businessman faces a huge number of problems. And this is not the amount of initial costs, as it may seem to an unenlightened person. On the contrary, the low barrier to entry into this business can attract budding entrepreneurs.

The difficulties lie elsewhere. First of all, in order to engage in a business such as cattle breeding, you need to have large areas of land - after all, cows need somewhere to graze! If there is not much pasture land in your region, then this business will not be profitable. Good pastures will provide your cows with a natural food base, which will significantly reduce the cost of the final product - fresh meat.

With proper organization of the livestock business, the cost of feeding livestock can easily be minimized. Starting from early spring until the snow falls, the cows will eat grass, that is, practically for free. While the lack of natural food supply will increase the cost of feeding animals to such an extent that it will become almost impossible to wait for a profit.

But, in addition to pasture lands, livestock farming also requires arable land, which is used for growing root crops and cereal crops - the basis of winter feed for cattle. Each cow with offspring must have at least 2 hectares of land, equally arable and pasture. Based on this, the entrepreneur should calculate the maximum number of heads in the herd that he can provide with feed.

The amount of expected profit depends very much on the breed of livestock that will be raised on your farms. You cannot save on this: it is better to purchase 50 heads of breeding cows that have proven themselves well in terms of fertility and rate of weight gain, than for the same money to purchase 100 heads of unremarkable cows, which will cause nothing but problems.

A competent livestock farming business project will allow you to take into account all the nuances of this type of business. Once you get acquainted with the reviews about the livestock business, it will become clear: success is achieved by those entrepreneurs who rely on a professional example of a livestock business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business plan includes such important points as the specifics of selling meat and concluding contracts with suppliers, which is critical for peasant farms. And only this document will help you carry out a competent analysis of the meat products market in order to quickly recoup your investment.

Demand for raw milk in Russia exceeds supply. The profitability of production in the southern regions of the country reaches 37% 3–5 years after the start of the farm operation and repayment of loans.


For a long time, milk production in Russia was considered profitable only for large agricultural complexes. The constant shortage of raw materials has forced processors to pay attention to small producers, moreover, they offer goods at competitive prices and of higher quality. The dairy farm as a business for small entrepreneurs and peasant farms has become especially attractive after the introduction of state support.

To assess the prospects of investing effort and money in this labor-intensive and difficult production, let’s consider:

  1. product demand, market trends;
  2. Feasibility study for opening a dairy farm;
  3. manufacturer support programs;
  4. examples of successfully operating peasant farms.

Brief overview: how much milk do you need and where to get it

Milk is included in the list of the National Food Security Doctrine and is a strategically important product. Its consumption in 2015 was 230 kg per person, which is 2 times less than the recommended norm. According to the Russian Food Market magazine, its sales in 2015 increased by 7%, and in general, dairy products are increasing every year by 2.5%, despite prices.

Almost the only importer today is Belarus, and the total share of imports last year was about 16%. According to Soyuzmoloko, processing production capacities are only 60-70% loaded.

Economists always compare current indicators with the “pre-perestroika” level of 1990. By comparison, milk consumption fell steadily until 2000, when it reached an all-time high: just 51% of the volume consumed per capita in 1990. After that, the trend changed and there is constant growth. If there is enough milk in stores, then the same cannot be said about other products derived from it. Already in 2011, domestic cheese production was 65% of the base year 1990 level, and butter production was only 26%.

The bulk of milk for processing is produced by agricultural organizations. Households receive approximately the same amount of it, where it is consumed, and a small part is sold on the market. The share of peasant farms and small farms is only about 7%, but it is steadily increasing from year to year. In 2015, farmers overtook agricultural enterprises in all indicators: increase in the herd, its productivity, and marketability of products (Fig. 1). The average number of cows is 40 in peasant farms, and about 300 in organizations.

Milk production is very uneven across regions (Fig. 2). The leaders are Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Altai and Krasnodar territories, Rostov region. In total, 15 regions of the country provide 50% of production. In 2015, 91.5% of the planned volume in the country was produced, while the deficit is about 30%.

The distribution of commercial milk is very different from the general picture; for example, in the Siberian District it is only half the volume. The distribution of government subsidies depends on this indicator. Who received the most government money in 2015 can be seen from the diagram - these regions are more likely to receive real support (Fig. 3).

How much does a dairy farm cost: financial and economic justification

When organizing a farm, you need to focus on modern technologies for keeping and feeding livestock, and new means of mechanization. Good profitability is shown by farms that use high-quality roughage and succulent feed, robotic installations that provide milk yield accounting, automatic filtration, and cooling. Such devices are equipped with a washing and disinfection system, which allows you to obtain high-quality milk. Here are two investment calculations. They were compiled for completely different regions of the country, however, the main indicators are very similar.

Table 1. Vologda region. Korobov family farm, 6 people. Share land plot of 100 hectares, own production of hay, haylage and silage.

Basic expenses, rub.

Source of funds, rub.

Purchasing cows

3,000,000 (50 heads)

Loan funds (Rosselkhozbank, 13% for 3 years)

Purchase of milking equipment, mechanization equipment

Subsidy under the Vologda region program

Construction of premises

Own contribution

Sales of products

Delivery to processing plant

Loan repayment

2,223,800 per year

Total profit


Profit after taxes

Table 2. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia. Peasant farm Malykhina, 3 people, 100 hectares of land.


Expenses, rub.

Attachment source

Purchase of livestock

1,600,000 (30 heads)

Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic

Buying a truck for transporting feed

Loan from Rosselkhozbank (14% per annum)

Construction of a barn using a self-sustaining method

Your funds

Sales areas

Retail trade: markets, individuals

Planned revenue per year

Net profit

Payback period and profitability

48 months

The level of investment in dairy production is high, so a well-thought-out business plan is needed. It is required both to receive subsidies and preferential loans. The advantages of small farms are that they produce environmentally friendly products, ensuring relatively low costs due to labor efficiency. Profitability increases many times if the entrepreneur himself is engaged in milk processing.

Support and lending to milk producers

1. Programs of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The main types of assistance are provided under the state subprogram “Development of Dairy Animal Husbandry”.

  • Subsidy per liter of commercial milk sold. Provided to all producers; since 2015, only the highest grade is subsidized. It is determined by the processor. Regional authorities can introduce their own conditions: the number of offspring of calves, the percentage of fat and others. To receive a subsidy, you need to apply to the local administration department in charge of agrarian issues.
  • Subsidizing interest on loans. Support is provided through accredited banks. The state repays part of the interest in the amount of 100% of the refinancing rate, regional authorities up to 3% of the borrowed amount. Due to this, banks reduce interest rates for agricultural producers, and the loan is cheaper.
  • Reimbursement of part of expenses for business projects. The application is submitted through the administration of the district or region. Provides for the return of funds for new investment projects, expenses for modernization and re-equipment - up to 40%, for the purchase of highly productive dairy cattle breeds - up to 50%. Money is transferred to the producer’s account no earlier than 2 years after the start of the project, provided that it reaches its designed capacity. When purchasing animals - no earlier than the 5th year.

Three examples of successful work of dairy farms

In 2002, he organized his own farm, took out a loan from Rosselkhozbank, registered a peasant farm in 2012 and received a development grant. Now he keeps 70 cows, cultivates 150 hectares of land, and delivers 150 tons of commercial milk per year for processing. In comparison with a large farm located in the neighborhood, the cost of milk is several times lower due to complete autonomy (own feed) and labor efficiency (2 people).

Alexander is only 25 years old. He created his own farm in 2012. The farm has 38 dairy cows and 100 hectares of land for rent. Milk is sold fresh through its own retail outlets in the markets of the city of Abakan. He receives 300 liters per month from one cow, and 3,900 in revenue. He dreams of changing the herd, buying a Simmental breed of cows, and dramatically increasing milk yield. He believes that without its own food supply, milk production will be unprofitable.

Established in 1992, in 2004 there were 50 heads of cattle, now there are 122 cows on the farm. In 2006, the farm was reconstructed, German milking machines and a mini-milk processing plant were purchased. They produce 10 tons of milk per day, package it on their own equipment, supply it to stores in their city and Yekaterinburg, and supply catering plants, schools, and kindergartens.


There is a demand for milk, it is growing and exceeds supply. Especially considering the policy to increase the production of its cheeses and butter. Accordingly, a dairy farm as a business looks like a profitable business in the long term.

The risks are also high: crop failure leading to a shortage of feed, rising prices for seeds and breeding animals, seasonality of milk production, delays in the payment of subsidies - these must be taken into account when planning.

In fact, in the conditions of the financial and food crisis, there are quite a lot, but I would like to dwell on the fastest and most profitable business activity at the moment. We will talk about animal husbandry.

I must say that there are many ways here, from raising rabbits and quails with ostriches to pigs. But the fastest way to pay off is still pig breeding. Of course, an equally profitable business in rural areas is crop growing, but there is another story about that

Bulls for meat

One of the most profitable, but at the same time complex, type of livestock farming business is for the further marketing of beef. Determine the scale of the future farm; registration may be required. The main tasks for an entrepreneur are choosing a breed and suppliers, setting up a farm (you can rent an old cowshed):

20 bulls = 300 sq.m.

Choose the right diet (it varies by age and time of year), follow the conditions and regime of maintenance.

  • Purchase of 20 calves – 160,000 rubles.
  • Contents – 220,000 rub.
  • Meat from 20 bulls – 5,000 kg.
  • Revenue (at the minimum cost of beef) – 750,000 rubles.
  • Profitability easily reaches 50%.

Rabbit breeding

One of the most popular areas in animal husbandry is rabbit breeding. Rabbits are excellent meat and good fur, which can be sold to fur manufacturers without much difficulty. The payback period for such a business is approximately 9-10 months. Rabbits do not require any special skill in breeding them. Read more about this in a separate article.

Briefly about the advantages of breeding rabbits:

  • dietary meat;
  • high fertility of animals;
  • a large number of offspring per litter;
  • the possibility of receiving additional profit from the sale of skins;
  • simple conditions of detention;
  • First year investments – up to 370,000 rubles. (including the purchase of 60 rabbits and the employee’s salary);
  • first year earnings – up to 535,000 rubles. (including sale of skins);
  • payback – 10 months.

Sheep breeding (sheep farming)

Sheep farming is one of the most common rural livestock activities. In our region, sheep very quickly gain good weight and grow wool. The payback period for sheep farming is about a year and a half. Of course, for livestock farming to bring good money, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the sheep.

This type of animal needs special attention. To begin, choose the direction of livestock farming as a business. You can raise sheep for:

  • meat;
  • wool;
  • milk, cheese;
  • breeding for sales.

Conditions of detention:

  • can be kept together with other animals, but they must be fenced;
  • Sheep are shy, keep them in a herd;
  • provide the sheep with the opportunity to walk and graze a lot;
  • one sheep needs about 8 kg. herbs per day.

Financial part of the livestock business plan:

  • farm – 250 – 300 heads;
  • land rental – up to 150,000 rubles/year;
  • arrangement of premises - 150,000 rubles;
  • Salary for staff – 550,000 rubles/year;
  • overhead costs – 90,000 rubles/year;
  • the cost of one sheep is 6,600 – 12,000 rubles. (depending on the breed);
  • purchase of one ewe – 8,000-12,000 rubles.

Sale of meat from 100 sheep (at a price of 100 rubles/kg) = 500,000 rubles.

Sale of live 100 heads = 500,000 rubles.

Sales of wool = 150,000 rubles.

Payback – 2 years.

Despite the average profitability of the business, the market has a stable demand for meat, wool and cheese. To protect yourself from failure, create a small livestock business - a small herd of 150-300 sheep.

  • Purchase of rams (300 heads) – RUB 1,080,000.
  • Rent of land, purchase of feed, other expenses - 1,010,000 rubles/year.
  • Sale of live weight (200 heads) – about 2,560,000 rubles.
  • Sale of meat (100 heads) – about 1,275,000 rubles.
  • Business payback is up to 2 years.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming differs from livestock farming in that poultry is much easier to care for than cattle. Birds can be used not only as meat, but also for hatching eggs. Eggs are in good demand in the markets. And the price for them increases every year. Read more in our separate article.

  1. Incubation of geese for further sale

Required: incubator, room for the incubator, purchase of eggs. The chicks hatch after 30 days.

  1. Raised for meat

This direction has several stages of preparation:

  • selection of breed;
  • hatching eggs or purchasing chicks;
  • preparation of territory with a reservoir, pastures, premises;
  • sales of products.

Initial business investment – ​​RUB 1,115,000.

Profitability – up to 100%

In this business, demand still exceeds supply.


  1. Eggs are the most popular product on the domestic market;
  2. Meat – demand increases every year;
  3. Combination of meat and egg production.

Advantages of a quail farm:

  • 1 quail produces 300 eggs per year;
  • per 1 sq. m can accommodate 250 birds (cages are placed on several floors);
  • start with 500 heads;
  • 2 workers are enough.

Investments in the farm - at least 60,000 rubles.

Income from eggs and meat – 17,500 rubles/month.

Payback – 5 months.

Turkey meat is consumed not only as meat, but also as a component product in the manufacture of sausages, stews, and smoked products. These birds easily endure our harsh winters, gain weight well, and therefore are excellent for business livestock farming.

When breeding, consider the need not only for an exercise pen, but also for special small cages.

Consider the area:

1 sq.m = 5 chickens or 2 adults.

Turkey growing time: 7-8 months

Cost of turkey meat: from 200 rubles/kg.

Pig farming

Today, pig farming is the most profitable area in livestock farming, since piglets grow quickly enough and have a profitable weight. For example, it takes literally several months to grow a piglet to a standing weight. This is precisely the benefit and profitability of the idea. With an increase of 1 kg, it turns out: in a month – 30 kg, in six months – 180. But here the possibility of an animal’s growth directly from the breed plays a role.

For complete pig feed, purchase cereals, premix, and protein feed. Balance all of these components in the required quantities. To calculate this balance, find out the nutritional value of the cereals and grains that you plan to feed to animals. Nutritional value is determined in laboratory conditions, so you will have to visit such an establishment, and only then, knowing what to expect, add the required amount of additives to the grains. This is not a formality; in the absence of the required feed balance, the animal will grow, but very slowly.

With a balanced diet, a piglet can gain a maximum of 1 kg per day. This is only if he belongs to a good breed. Hybrid breeds are suitable for sale; purebred pigs will be required to replenish the livestock.

When starting livestock farming as a business from scratch with pigs, start with a farm of 300-350 heads.

Farm figures, rub.:

  • cost of a pig: 2,000 – 4,000;
  • starting capital: 4,000,000;
  • profit: 500,000 rub./year;
  • profitability: 25%;
  • payback: up to 4 years.

Read more about opening a pig farm as a small livestock business in a separate section.

Horse breeding

The livestock business is not for everyone. Certain knowledge, investment, and perseverance are required.

The best option for fish farming is your own or rented pond.

You can sell products through several channels at once:

  • supermarkets;
  • specialty stores;
  • markets;
  • wholesalers;
  • restaurants.

Mussels are a sought-after delicacy at an affordable price. The Russian coastline only promotes mussel farming as a livestock farming business.

Choose 1 of 4 breeding methods: on rafts, ground, lines, the busho method.


  • plantation is 500 tons of mussels/year;
  • cost – 250 rub./kg;
  • cost and installation of the plantation – 640,000 rubles;
  • profitability – 20%;
  • payback – 3 years.

The opening of modern farms is an alternative to existing large-scale collective farms in terms of supplying agricultural products to cities.

This article will discuss the nuances of running such a business.

Pros and cons of business

This activity as a branch of business occupies one of the leading positions among types of entrepreneurial activity and has certain prospects in the future. This is explained by specific advantages - they are associated with the widespread passion for healthy eating and eating only natural products, which creates an increased demand for them among all consumer groups: from mothers with infants to pensioners.

Inexperienced entrepreneurs may think that opening a new farm is not only promising, but also more than simple. However, in practice, such an event is associated not only with the requirement of having experience in running a business in a similar field, but also with significant difficulties that may arise in the development of the economy.

In addition, this type of business is associated with some risks that may arise during its development. These include:

  • seasonality of activity;
  • lack or instability of demand for products;
  • high competition;
  • reduction in income of potential consumers;
  • increase in prices for supplies of raw materials and materials;
  • increase in the cost of renting large agricultural equipment.

Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of these risks occurring, as well as to successfully develop a business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. It will gradually plan activities for opening a farm, list ways to reduce risks, and also calculate and analyze the main economic indicators of the project - revenue, start-up capital and payback periods.

What is needed to open a farm?

The first thing to do when writing a business plan is it is necessary to decide on the direction of business development. Modern farms can operate in various directions, among which the following sectors are the most popular:

  • Breeding domestic animals and birds. The products of production in this case can be not only meat and offal, but also wool, skins, feathers, eggs, milk, etc.
  • Growing agricultural crops (cereals, industrial crops, melons and others).
  • Growing vegetables and fruits.
  • Other activities, including beekeeping, fishing, mushroom cultivation, growing herbs and so on.

Most farms are created on the basis of existing households located in rural areas. This circumstance makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of the start-up investment for equipping the farm, since initially such formations were built taking into account the chosen direction of development.

In addition, many households have at their disposal (owned or leased) land developed for agricultural needs. By newly created farms, such lands can be used for growing crops or for developing pastures for grazing livestock.

When creating a farm, it must be registered, for which an organizational and legal form must be chosen.

Most often she is chosen peasant farm (peasant farm). Its features are the absence of the need to form a legal entity, as well as the possibility of including all family members in the farm. In this case, it is necessary to elect the head of the farm, which can be any person from the family who has reached the age of majority.

Next, it is necessary to resolve taxation issues, for which the peasant farm must be registered with the tax authorities. You should know that farms pay single agricultural tax.

An individual entrepreneur - the head of a peasant farm must be registered with the Pension Fund, and also receive a letter from Rosstat about the assignment of statistics codes. In addition, the farm must have its own current account opened in the selected bank.

To open a farm, you need start-up capital. In this case, part of the funds can be borrowed from the bank. To do this, you need to provide a well-written business plan with transparent tracking of financial flows. It is advisable to contact banks or private financial institutions focused on issuing loans specifically to agricultural organizations, since other banks simply may not understand the peculiarities of organizing activities set out in the business plan.

Some farms may qualify for financial business support from the state, but only farms whose activities are included in the agro-industrial complex development program can benefit from such assistance.

Chicken breeding

Chicken meat is one of the most popular all over the world, not only due to its high taste characteristics, but also its lower cost compared to pork, beef and other types of meat. And we don’t even need to mention the popularity of chicken eggs, since they are included in almost all modern dishes. That is why raising chickens is a business that can bring stable, tangible income.

The most successful location for such a business is the territory of a country house, preferably owned by an entrepreneur. When opening a chicken breeding farm, you need to rely on the following key points in organizing this business:

  1. Choosing a bird breed. According to modern classification, chicken breeds are divided into egg breeds (bred specifically for laying eggs), meat breeds (bred for the purpose of producing meat) and meat-egg breeds (bred for complex production of products).
    When choosing a specific breed, an entrepreneur should be guided by his own experience and goals. When choosing a specific breed, it is necessary to find out all the features of keeping birds, including such indicators as the air temperature in the chicken coop and the level of light.
  2. Number of chickens kept on the farm. This indicator affects other conditions for organizing a business - the volume of feed purchases, the number of farm workers, the size of the chicken coop, the walking area, etc.
  3. Chicken coop equipment. It is naive to believe that a chicken farm involves the construction of only a chicken coop. Additionally, it must be equipped with various equipment and installations - feed trays, drinking bowls, air humidity meters, temperature meters, etc.
  4. Careful monitoring of the birds' condition. To prevent the risk of hens falling, careful monitoring of their appearance, plumage condition, shedding level and beak paleness is required after purchase.
  5. Bird walking. The place and time for walking chickens should be carefully thought out, and walking should mainly be carried out during the warm period of the year and daylight hours. Since chickens look for food for themselves while walking, it must be provided in the form of worms, feed and corn.

The estimated payback period for such a business is about 8 months, which characterizes the direction as highly profitable.

Pig farming

Pig breeding is one of the most profitable commercial activities in the livestock sector. When doing business in this direction, special attention should be paid to the sale of pedigree young animals. In order for the initial investment to pay off, it is necessary to sell 2-3 generations of animals. The choice of feeding method for pigs (dry or liquid) depends on the preferences of the breeder himself.

The conditions of the premises in which animals will be kept also affect their healthy development. Building a building from scratch is quite expensive and unprofitable for starting a new business. Therefore, it is recommended to find an empty farm and then rent or buy it. After this, repairs must be made to the room, all the required networks must be connected - ventilation, electricity and water supply.

It should be remembered that the better the premises are equipped, and the entire process of raising animals is automated, the less it will be necessary to hire workers to monitor the maintenance of pigs. However, you simply cannot do without such vacancies as livestock technician, veterinarian, manager-administrator and accountant.

In this direction profitability is estimated at 25%, accordingly, starting investments can pay off in about 4-5 years.

Sheep breeding

Developing a business related to sheep farming has certain advantages. They consist not only of a stable income, but also of constant demand for farm products. At the same time, the products include not only meat, but also wool, as well as sheep’s cheese.

This direction has the advantage that a business can be started literally with the acquisition of a few heads, and in the future, as the farm develops and establishes operations, the number of animals can be increased.

It will be quite problematic to engage in sheep farming within the city limits, which is why the vast majority of such farms are located in rural areas. Another advantage is that any room, even unheated one, is suitable for keeping animals. It is necessary to purchase space for sheep walking taking into account the further increase in the number of sheep.

Despite the fact that the profitability of the sheep farming business is is only 10-15%, with a competent approach to business and drawing up a clearly structured business plan, the farm can pay for itself in 1-1.5 years.

Growing crops

Among the variety of activities, grain crops are rapidly gaining popularity. Moreover, not only traditional varieties (rye and wheat), but also modern crops bred through selective selection are actively grown.

According to the latest statistical data, the volume of harvested grain increases annually, which characterizes this area of ​​​​agricultural business as quite promising. An important advantage is the significant support from the state, which in many ways allows us to solve the problem of finding start-up capital.

However, it can be difficult for a newly created farm to grow agricultural crops in a developed competitive environment. That is why it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan that takes into account all the features of this activity.

When planning a business, you first need to decide on the specific grain crop that you intend to grow. Further planning of the entire technological process will be based on this choice, including such aspects as:

  • features of soil cultivation;
  • methods of sowing seeds;
  • timing and technology of harvesting;
  • types of fertilizers used;
  • methods of protecting plants from harmful insects and diseases, etc.

Subject to a well-drafted business plan, rational use of funds received from the state and full adherence to the planned plan in commercial activities, the business of growing grain crops can pay off in less than 18 months.

Growing vegetables/fruits

Opening an agricultural farm to grow vegetables or fruits is also a promising area of ​​business development due to the widespread passion for eating only natural products. And, since potential consumers do not fully trust the quality of agricultural products grown by state collective farms, opening private farms may well become a promising business that brings a stable income. Moreover, according to experts, prices for these products will only rise in the future, and demand will not only not decrease, but may even increase.

Like any other area of ​​business development, this activity requires drawing up a competent business plan that takes into account all the features and capabilities of the entrepreneur himself. The first step in the business plan should be to determine what kind of crop is supposed to be grown, taking into account the regional characteristics of the territory where the farm will be opened. That is, you need to decide which crops are suitable for growing in the climate of a particular region and which are not.

Also, one of two methods of growing vegetables/fruits must be chosen, namely growing in greenhouses or open ground. Methods must be selected to protect the crop from the unwanted effects of insects and crop diseases.

It should be remembered that automation of the growing process has a positive effect on farm productivity, thereby increasing the profitability of the business.

When opening a farm to grow vegetables or fruits, you should remember to obtain quality certificates for your products, which has a positive effect on your success in finding distribution channels and forming regular customers for your products. With skillful business management, investments in opening a farm can pay off in less than a year.

Product markets

Establishing stable distribution channels for grown products is essential for successful farming. To search for channels, a preliminary analysis of the situation on the local market of agricultural products must be carried out. During this analysis, the development of business in a given region is assessed, the level of competition is determined and the level of demand for products is calculated.

At the same time, it is important to determine the directions for searching for sales channels, they can be:

  • Organizations working in the catering sector - cafes, restaurants, canteens at factories and industrial enterprises, catering places at educational, office and other organizations.
  • Organizations directly involved in the food industry - meat and bakery plants, enterprises producing pasta and cereals, organizations producing confectionery products, etc.
  • Wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

It should be remembered that one of the most important conditions for a successful search for distribution channels is the competitiveness of farm products, as well as an appropriate level of quality at reasonable prices.

If farm products meet the requirements, then they can be sold through independent sale in food markets (both retail and wholesale).

Costs and payback periods

The amount of costs associated with organizing a peasant farm largely depends on the initial conditions of the business. For example, if a peasant farm is created on the basis of an already existing household, then the size of the starting investment will be significantly smaller, since land and outbuildings will already be available.

A different situation arises if the farm is created from scratch. At the same time, the amount of starting capital may also differ depending on the chosen direction of business development, the cost of renting a plot, the price of purchasing animals or plants, and other things.

If we take average figures, then in total it will take approximately 5-6 million rubles to open a peasant farm.

The profitability of the business also depends on what direction the farm’s activities have been chosen. For example, if the farm is planned to be developed in the field of pig breeding, then the initial investment will pay off in approximately 4-5 years. If the peasant farm works in the direction of breeding chickens, then the business will begin to make a profit after 8 months due to the high demand for the products.

Thus, when planning to open a farm, first of all, it is necessary to determine the direction for its development, find out the features of farming in this area and draw up a structured business plan that determines the entire further organization of the business, taking into account the maximum reduction in the likelihood of risks.

Video about organizing farms

The video discusses the question of where to start a business in this direction: