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Rental business. We are building a business by renting out premises

Commercial real estate includes non-residential premises that can be used for commercial purposes. Lawyers distinguish several groups of commercial real estate:

If a novice entrepreneur decides to start a business, first of all it is necessary to properly prepare the premises for use by tenants. If necessary, repairs should be made that meet modern standards, the necessary communications should be connected, and much more.

How to file a case?

Such a step as registering a rental business (Federal Tax Service) is perhaps the most important. The exact decisions on the organizational form depend on the line of business itself. In other words, if a citizen rents out non-residential premises, he is obliged to pay income tax.

It is recommended to obtain the status of individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), thanks to which a person will receive the right to conduct activities on completely legal grounds. Due to the fact that the profit from renting out commercial real estate will be small, according to the law, a citizen has the right to apply for a simplified form of taxation. It provides for the payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of total income.

To register a business for leasing commercial real estate, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of the founder's passport.
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number) of the founder.
  • Contribution of authorized capital from 10,000 rubles. When submitting the appropriate application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, a bank statement is provided where you need to open an account.
  • Formation of the company's charter. According to this documentation, the distribution of parts between the owners (if there are several of them), the official name of the company, and its legal address will be carried out.
  • Minutes of the founder's meeting (if there are several of them).
  • Decision on registration of an LLC (society with limited capabilities).

The period for registration of an individual entrepreneur is from 3 to 5 working days. It will take no more than 14 days from the date of application to complete and register LLC status.

We divide the rental area into parts

Not all clients are ready for office space: most need a certain part of it. So, for example, a bar-restaurant or a gaming club can be located in a hotel lobby. Moreover, both establishments are owned by different persons.

For several tenants to share the premises. Division is the cessation of the existence of a single object and its division into several separate objects, each of which will receive a unique cadastral number and separate documents for the right of ownership. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such objects become newly created, as a result of which, according to Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner receives the rights to dispose of them only after official registration.

Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Emergence of ownership rights to newly created real estate

The right of ownership to buildings, structures and other newly created real estate, subject to state registration, arises from the moment of such registration.

According to the legislative standards of the Russian Federation, the division of a real estate property is permissible if one of the grounds exists:

  • Consent of all property owners to its division and certification in writing by a notary.
  • Intervention by the courts.

Before competently dividing existing commercial real estate into parts and renting them out, the copyright holder is obliged to organize technical and cadastral records of the premises, as well as officially register the right to manage it. After registering the necessary part of the object in his name and registering the agreement with Rosreestr, he will be able to transfer it for rent.

To divide existing commercial real estate into parts, owners will need the following documents:

The owner will be able to purchase cadastral documents after contacting the authorized bodies and registering the property for cadastral registration. Since 2012 To install the premises for cadastral registration, you will need a detailed diagram of the building, which can be compiled by a highly qualified engineer.

It is worth noting that when subdividing commercial real estate, several technical plans must be provided. Document registration takes place within 18 days from the date of submission. After this period, the customer must contact the cadastral center and obtain documents (including a cadastral passport). In case of refusal to register, civil servants provide reasonable confirmation in writing.

After receiving cadastral documents, you must also obtain a certificate of ownership for each part of the premises. The most important and only document confirming ownership rights is the cadastral passport. It contains detailed information about the division of real estate and a technical plan drawn up in accordance with updated data.

You can invest in real estate in different ways and sizes: buy and resell apartments, rent out premises or open a real estate agency.

It is worth noting that not every average Russian citizen has access to this method of earning money - multi-million dollar investments are required. That is why commercial companies have and invest such large financial resources. Their privilege is to receive a loan for the project. An individual can also start a real estate business only if he has the necessary start-up capital.

Important! Purchasing housing during a period of growth guarantees the investor a multiple return on resale - by 10-15%. For the most part, this concerns those citizens who invested large material savings in this area in the 80-90s. XX century.

You shouldn’t expect a rush effect until 2020 – the Russian real estate market has stagnated in a downward phase.

Calculation of possible profit, payback period and profitability level

Scheme for calculating possible profit from leasing real estate:

Assessing the attractiveness of a rental business is not a major task. For a correct calculation, it is enough to compare rental income with the cost of real estate - in the end you will get the payback period of the business, which is the main criterion for business in this area. Standard payback periods for commercial real estate range from 9 to 12 years. Real estate with a payback period of 7-8 years is difficult to find.

The optimal investment option is to buy real estate in new buildings. A less expensive option would be to purchase premises at the foundation pit stage. Thus, the savings will be at least 30%.

However, there are a lot of certain risks in the shared construction system. At an early stage, their likelihood is enormous. To reduce possible risks, you should choose developers with excellent experience and a proven reputation.

Where can I get start-up capital?

Every citizen can receive start-up capital for business development. There are several ways to finance and find sponsors.

You can get start-up capital to start a business from a bank. The method is effective and popular. However, there is a huge disadvantage - risk. If things do not go in the right direction, then, in addition to a significant loss, the aspiring businessman will also receive a large financial debt. It is worth noting that Sberbank and Tinkoff provide loans for starting a business.

Reference! Government agencies involved in supporting small businesses can become a source of start-up capital. According to the federal system of self-employment, unemployed citizens can qualify for a subsidy in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Renting is the only type of business that provides legal passive income.


  • It is important to understand that income depends directly on the activities of tenants. Their activities should be monitored to ensure that the premises remain in good condition.
  • According to the provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the landlord is required to pay taxes in the amount of 15 to 17% of the amount received from the rent.
  • Inconstancy of tenants. The termination of the agreement can occur even if an official agreement is concluded, as a result of which the income traffic will temporarily stop, and the lessor will have to.
  • The presence of responsible tenants makes a business a high-quality and sought-after product that can be sold at any time and get a profitable financial position.
  • An annual increase in rent contributes to the successful prosperity and development of business.

If you have no experience in entrepreneurship, it is recommended to purchase a working ready-made business. The main advantage of this business is the conclusion of a contract with tenants interested in renewing the contract with a new partner.


Thus, a real estate rental business is an excellent source of passive income. However, this area has its pitfalls: assessing all kinds of risks, completing documentation, start-up capital, etc. Proper organization of a business contributes to its active and favorable development.

In the last issue, among other things, we talked about the unusual idea of ​​​​a Swiss farmer to rent out cows to tourists - in this issue you will find out what else you can rent out profitably, and, believe me, some ideas will simply stun you.

However, according to tradition, let's start with quite logical rental business ideas. For example, renting textbooks.

The idea to create such a business came to Rodz after finishing his first year, when he managed to sell his textbooks, which cost 560 dollars for only 18. Then Rodz decided to come up with an alternative to buying expensive textbooks that were needed only for one course of study.

On his website,, students can submit a request for any textbook and, if they are satisfied with the rental price, then rent it for a year.

But not only students and schoolchildren quickly “grow out” of their textbooks. It turns out that educational games for kids can also be rented.

Two former teachers organized a rental service for children's educational video games, SmartyRents. Their database contains a huge number of games for children (starting from 9 months of age), which parents can order online and receive in an envelope by mail (after the rental period expires, they are also obliged to return these games by mail).

But the next idea for a rental business is more of a PR move than a full-fledged business, which, however, does not detract from the originality of the solution. The manufacturer of professional guitars, in order to increase sales of its far from cheap instruments, invited potential buyers to test guitars before purchasing. Of course, not for free.

Now any client can rent a guitar for up to 1 week by first paying a membership fee ($50), and then the rental price itself ($75 per day or 300 per week). Moreover, they rent out not only guitars, but also accessories for them (headphones, belts, cables, cases, etc.).

But, of course, the most variations on the theme of rental are associated with clothing rental. It turns out that it is profitable to specialize not only in the rental of wedding dresses and fancy dress costumes, but also in designer clothing. As does the New York company Rent the Runway, which has the latest collections of leading fashion designers.

The technology of work is simple - customers select a suitable dress from the assortment presented on the website, place an order, pay the rental cost, which is approximately 10% of the cost of the dress (ranging from 50 to 200 dollars), and receive their dress in a special case by postal service.

At the end of the rental period, which ranges from 4 to 8 days, the client returns the dress again through New York postal services.

The Transitional Sizes company followed the same path, although their services are aimed at women who are losing weight, which means they are not ready to buy new clothes until they lose weight completely (at least they naively believe this).

Be that as it may, the company earns good money from this pseudo-rationality of women who are passionate about diets, offering ladies to rent clothes of the required size for up to one month, paying for it only from 3 to 25 dollars, and at the end of the period return them in clean form and in good condition .

But this is not all the options related to clothing rental. Until recently, the niche of pregnant women who wanted to look fashionable even in an “interesting” position remained unreached.

American housewife Marcelle Costello, having first-hand experience with this problem, without hesitation, organized her own company, Rentmaternitywear, to rent dresses for pregnant women.

At the same time, Mrs. Costello not only rents out dresses, but also sews them herself, which increases her profit by an order of magnitude.

The cost of renting maternity dresses varies from $35 to $70 depending on the duration and quality of the dress. It costs $35 to rent a dress for a week, $50 for two weeks, $60 to rent a new dress for a month.

The selected dress is delivered to your home by a certain date via FedEx courier service.

At the end of the rental period, the dress is returned to the Rentmaternitywear store, without preliminary washing, cleaning, etc.

Well, now it’s time to talk about ideas whose rationality is less obvious.

So in the Japanese city of Yakohama, a Candy pet store opened, which can be rented. Buyers are allowed to rent a pet on a short-term basis before they decide to buy. First of all, we are talking about dogs of all colors and sizes.

The trick of this business idea is that buyers, having once taken a cute, funny puppy home, are unlikely to want to give it back.

But if the owners of a Japanese rental store expect to find a permanent family for their pets in this way, then the FLEXPETS company specializes in rental, training dogs in such a way that owners and tenants can be confident in their good behavior and obedience. We offer dogs of all sizes, shapes, colors and personalities.

In addition, the dog is brought to you with its food and favorite toy so that the animal does not feel discomfort. The dog is required to be equipped with a collar with a GPS sensor and a temperature sensor in order to provide it with comfortable living conditions (temperature conditions, safety). Entrepreneurs apparently don’t care about the stress animals experience when they have become attached to their temporary owners.

And in conclusion - the apotheosis of the absurd.

An entrepreneur from China, Xu Lisha, opened an agency for renting... bridesmaids.

The idea of ​​organizing such a strange rental, to put it mildly, came to Xu after she herself was offered to become a bridesmaid for a fee. Seeing potential and a promising niche for business in this idea, she decided to take a risk and make this type of business her main source of income.

The Chinese entrepreneur is looking for her performers for the role of bridesmaids among university students.

Basic requirements: beautiful face, good figure, well-groomed appearance, stylish hairstyle and good manners.

But the Japanese have established a business for renting entire... families.

The company Hagemashi Tai offers to “remote” a variety of relatives from distant to the closest – spouses and parents. Distant relatives are played by actors for a reasonable fee. Most often, their role is to attend funerals, weddings, and for an additional fee they will also give a congratulatory or condolence speech. By the way, you can also rent your spouse for a while. Moreover, husband rental services are offered in two options - the first husband rental for a single mother with children in order to do some housework, and the second option - trial marriage - for brides who want to experience the feelings and sensations of wedding and marriage before real marriage.

As you can see, the imagination of entrepreneurs is truly limitless. And the most amazing thing is that even ideas that seem crazy at first glance find their buyers.

Therefore, if traditional types of business do not inspire you, then come up with your own idea - as all the entrepreneurs from our reviews did in their time.

And to spur your imagination, take advantage of the author’s development of our portal universal designer of business ideas “Tarot 1000” ideas." With this set, you will create more ideas in a month than your competitors will come up with in a year.

This set combines almost all effective techniques that help you go beyond templates and stereotypes. At the same time, the focus always remains on the applied task, not of developing imagination “in general,” but of finding new, original ideas and solutions applicable in business.

Transferring property for paid use to third parties is a reliable and calm business. In most cases, generating income requires a minimum of effort: periodically checking the tenant's compliance with the terms of the use agreement, and issuing invoices for payment. Therefore, if you own a rental property, then you have a good source of passive income.

We will tell you in this review what you can rent out as a business and where to look for tenants.

How to become a landlord

In fact, anyone who owns or legally uses things that do not lose their properties through use can become a landlord and rent out those things. There are no restrictions on the range of objects and subjects in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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What to rent

It is allowed to register for temporary paid use such property as:

  • real estate (including land) and transport;
  • household items and household equipment;
  • shoes and clothing;
  • furniture, books, etc.

And this is not all that you can rent out and make a business out of it. Enterprising citizens rent out their discount cards for goods and services at retail outlets for a small fee and, thus, receive material benefits even from such an unobvious asset.

The forms of organizing the rental business directly depend on the object. So, for example, the owner of a residential property who plans to rent out all or part of the living space does not necessarily have to become an entrepreneur. It is enough to declare income to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.

There are also no special requirements for citizens who lease their car to third parties.

You also need to register with the Federal Tax Service to work as a rental point for household items, furniture, clothes and shoes, etc.

The rental business requires a more complex organization than the simple rental of personal property. Therefore, if there are plans to provide household rental services to the population, then you need to prepare a full-fledged service point.

The exception is rental through a website or social networks. But this option of making money on rent has one significant drawback: difficulties in ensuring the return of leased items.

To search for potential tenants, you can use local newspapers, free classifieds sites, social networks, and your own blog. Posting notices in the entrances of multi-storey buildings and in busy places in the city - markets, train stations, etc. is also considered effective.

If there is no property

What to do if there is nothing suitable in the property, but a rental business seems quite attractive? You can rent out other people's things and do business by subletting.

However, for this type of income the conditions are more stringent. The subtenant has the right to transfer the thing taken from the owner for use on terms that do not contradict the agreement with the owner of the thing.

So, for example, if the subtenant has the right to use the property for five years, then he cannot sublease the leased property for a period exceeding the expiration date of the lease agreement.

The subtenant must comply with all restrictions on the use of the property that the owner has established and that are defined in the agreement between the owner and the tenant.

Registration of contractual relations

The success of the entire business in terms of rental payments almost entirely depends on how well the lease/sublease agreement is drawn up. Read about which ones are necessary.

The main points that a landlord must provide to protect his property:

  • replacement cost (what amount the tenant will have to compensate if the object is destroyed through his fault);
  • who bears the costs of maintaining and storing the leased property;
  • is it necessary to insure the object;
  • when and in what condition the tenant is obliged to return the rental item to the owner.

Important! When drawing up an agreement, all the features of the object must be taken into account, otherwise, at the end of the lease, it will be difficult for the owner to return the item in the form in which it was transferred to the tenant.

Financial side of business

If the transaction is executed correctly, then the lessor should not have any obligations regarding the maintenance of the thing leased. In fact, costs are reduced to zero.

However, if an item is in constant rental circulation, then it must be in good working order, neat and attractive to customers. Here the entrepreneur himself is interested in spending money on repairing items that are rented through rental points.

The mechanism for determining the rental price again depends on the specifics of the property.

If you plan to make money by renting out someone else's property, consider an interesting option -. Find out how such businesses operate and how profitable they are.

You can read about how to register a real estate agency as an individual entrepreneur.

If the organizational form of a legal entity is chosen for the real estate agency, you can find out everything about the preparation of the relevant documents at this address:.

If commercial properties are rented (premises, transport, equipment, etc.), the amount of rent depends on the income the tenant received from using the facility. For example, when it comes to renting premises for a retail outlet, the fee is set as a percentage of the store’s monthly revenue, but when renting an apartment, the fee is calculated based on the market value of such services in the city.

In any case, the legislator did not restrict tenants and landlords in any way in terms of setting the cost of services, so they have the right to independently determine the rental price and find options that are beneficial to both parties.

Find out what else you can earn money on with minimal investment -.

Tips for those who plan to rent out their own residential property in the next video.

The rental business has been and remains popular for many years, since many people do not have the opportunity to purchase housing, and companies seek to reduce the level of one-time investments in development activities. The range of objects that can be provided for rent is constantly growing: at the moment you can even rent out such things as roller skates, skis, etc. - everything that is not in constant demand, but is an object of seasonal use.

However, the most common option is still renting a property. In order to receive a certain income from the provision of a particular premises for rent, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that will be discussed in this article.

It is necessary to understand that real estate is usually classified into 3 groups – land, housing and non-residential premises. The most common types of services in this market are the provision of rental housing and non-residential premises.

Among non-residential properties, commercial real estate is usually rented. At the same time, all reputable analytical agencies identify the following types of it:

  • office rooms;
  • trading;
  • warehouse;
  • industrial.

In addition, some organizations rent a separate type of premises - the category “for special purposes”. Here buildings are allocated for kindergartens, schools, hospitals, churches, etc.

In addition to real estate, you can rent out land, gazebos, equipment, cars, special equipment, inventory and much more. However, this is a rarer and more complex form of business.

What's the best deal?

If we talk about residential real estate, the average cost of a one-room apartment 10-15 minutes from the metro in a residential area in Moscow will cost 5-6.5 million rubles. At the same time, the average rental rate for such rooms is about 25-30 thousand rubles. As a result, when calculating, it can be obtained that the minimum payback period for a one-room apartment will be about 15 years.

Accordingly, this option cannot be called very profitable from an investment point of view: the only case in which this can really pay off is when the housing is inherited.

If we talk about office premises, they are somewhat more expensive than residential ones, since their location should be in more accessible places, and their area is larger. In Moscow, a small office space will cost 6.5-7.5 million rubles, provided that the area is about 60-70 square meters. In this case, the rental rate will be calculated per 1 square meter.

According to the Knight Frank agency, at the end of 2015 the rental rate for class A offices was about 25 thousand rubles, and for class B office premises - about 15 thousand rubles per year. Accordingly, the maximum payback period will be about 8 years.

Retail premises are even more profitable to rent out than office premises - their payback period is 5-6 years. But there is an important limitation: for such real estate, location is one of the key factors. The premises should be located in a central area, in an area with high traffic levels. Finally, it must be well executed.

In general, commercial real estate is inferior to residential real estate in only one parameter: the level of risk, since it depends on the economic situation in the country and a particular city.

To learn where to start and how to develop such activities, watch the following video:

How to organize such a business from scratch?

  1. First of all, you need to find a suitable premises for rent. In the case of inheriting living space, the procedure will begin with the preparation of documents confirming that the entrepreneur is the owner of the property.
  2. In a situation of searching for a ready-made premises, it is best to turn to the services of professional agencies who will help assess the real cost of housing or commercial real estate: an inexperienced businessman can easily miscalculate.
  3. Next, you need to complete the necessary documentation for the property. If this is commercial real estate and you plan to rent it out to special organizations (for example, those working in the catering industry), you must take care of obtaining additional permits and conclusions from certain services.
  4. After completing the initial documentation, it is necessary to carry out redevelopment and repairs: in the case of residential real estate, it is important to purchase a certain set of furniture and household appliances, since apartments in which you can live immediately after moving in can be offered at a higher cost. In the case of commercial real estate, it is important to focus on increasing the free space and the possibility of subsequent redevelopment to suit the client’s needs.

In Russian practice, many people rent out residential real estate without concluding a contract - this allows them to get rid of the personal income tax of 13% and reduce the payback period. However, this is associated with certain risks - in particular, those associated with the unreliability of clients. Therefore, both in the case of non-residential and residential real estate, it is necessary to formalize the relationship with the tenant.

Where to look for clients?

Finding clients through standard advertising options (placing ads in public places or print media) is not effective within the rental business. Advertising can be carried out through social networks (this is especially true for the situation of renting out residential real estate) - here the “word of mouth” effect will work.

In addition, posting on thematic sites and forums is suitable. For retail premises, especially those located in shopping centers, it is possible to post a “for rent” sign with the owner’s phone number. This will expand the circle of potential customers to all visitors to the shopping center.

Finally, there are 2 more fairly effective ways to find clients - maintaining a thematic website or blog with unobtrusive advertising of services as a landlord, as well as distributing brochures and business cards.

Necessary costs

If an entrepreneur is going to engage in such a business, he must understand that among the main cost items it is necessary to include redevelopment costs: in this case, clients are ready to enter into rental agreements at much higher rates (the difference can be up to one and a half times). This happens because after redevelopment, the percentage of usable area most often increases, in addition, the room can be changed to suit your own needs.

Among the costs it is also necessary to highlight:

  • Expenses for construction or acquisition of premises.
  • The cost of services of a specialist who can estimate the market price of real estate.
  • Expenses for maintenance and security of the premises.
  • Costs for electricity, water supply, etc.

Underwater rocks

One of the pitfalls is determining the optimal investment of money. Often, inexperienced entrepreneurs incorrectly assess the value of a particular premises, thereby investing in illiquid objects, losing a large amount of money.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the legality of the business, changes in legislation and the process of paperwork (primarily this applies to commercial real estate).

Please note that tax legislation in the rental business is constantly changing.

When calculating costs and the level of payback, it is necessary to determine several development options - optimistic, most realistic and pessimistic in order to determine the approximate payback period of the object, as well as the fact of how to diversify risks. It is imperative to have other sources of income in order to insure yourself against a situation of lack of money.

Pros and cons of this area

This type of business, like others, has a number of advantages and disadvantages that arise from its characteristics. Among the disadvantages, the main one can be highlighted - the search for a tenant can take many months (primarily this applies to industrial facilities and retail real estate in impassable places). As a result, even a high rental price will not be able to compensate for the financial costs that the lessor will have to bear during the entire period of downtime.

Also among the disadvantages are:

  • a fairly long payback period;
  • not very high level of profitability;
  • high level of initial costs.

In this situation, the only rational option is to purchase liquid property (one for which there is always a certain level of demand). To do this, it is important to have a good understanding of this area or seek the services of a specialist.

Among the advantages of business are:

  • long-term contracts for a period of one year or more;
  • stable level of profit;
  • the income will be received by the lessor constantly;
  • passive nature of making a profit (the landlord does not need to expend any effort after signing an agreement with the tenant);
  • the possibility of organizing a business without registering as a legal entity.

Thus, the rental business is quite an attractive area for earning money. However, it is best to combine it with other sources of income in order to insure yourself against possible risks.