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Business with China on resale from scratch. How to start trading Chinese goods without investment

Chinese goods today occupy a large share of the market around the world. In Russia, for example, this share is 80%. This is due to the fact that products from the Middle Kingdom have become cheaper, more diverse, of higher quality and more functional than they were several decades ago. And therefore you can build a good business on goods from China.

Even if you have never been in sales and have no entrepreneurial skills, you have every chance of starting your own business and making a profit. Many enthusiasts have already become convinced of this. It is enough to have desire, interesting ideas and a little start-up capital.

The essence of business

In principle, the business scheme is no different from ordinary sales of any product. All work will come down to three main points:

1. Search for the cheapest possible product in China.

2. Organization of its delivery.

3. Selling at a premium. Celestial products are very cheap, and you can mark them up tenfold. From this we can conclude that the most profitable business is goods from China.

Where to start for an inexperienced businessman? Eleven sequential steps will tell you what to do.

1st step - study business models

There are several ways to sell products. You can combine them or use just one that is more suitable for you.

1. Dropshipping. This is an option for business without investment. The point is that you become an intermediary and receive a percentage of it. Buyers place an order with you, you transfer the request to the supplier, and he sends the package to the client's address. Everything would be fine, but people rarely agree to make an advance payment and wait for the product indefinitely.

2. Wholesale sales. You again act as an intermediary, only you sell goods in large quantities. You can find partners on free classifieds sites or on social networks. You just need to mark “wholesale”.

3. Online store. You buy goods from the supplier in advance and create your catalog. You can post it on a specially created website or in your social network groups.

4. Retail sales. In this case, trade will be carried out offline in the rented area or the territory of your home. The latter option even has the beautiful name “show room”.

2nd step - identify your resources

Before you start a business selling goods from China, you need to understand how much you can and are willing to spend. The choice of sales model directly depends on the amount of money available. If you don’t have them or have very little, then it’s better to start with dropshipping. It minimizes the cost of goods and eliminates the “burnout” of the business.

If you have at least a few tens of thousands of rubles, and you are willing to take a risk, then you can purchase goods in advance. Start with popular message boards and groups on social networks. An online store, if well promoted, significantly increases profits, and with it the volume of work. With significant start-up capital, you can engage in wholesale sales or even open your own retail outlet.

3rd step - find your niche and evaluate the prospects of the product

Many entrepreneurs choose goods from China as a business idea. But what exactly can you sell? As practice shows, anything from stationery to large electronics. The main thing is to love the products you sell, and ideally to understand them well.

Popularity and consumer demand are also of great importance. You can check it using statistics from the Yandex service - Wordstat. At the same time, the market should not be oversaturated with these products, otherwise competition will ruin the entire business.

Most often, people are interested in certain goods from China. A small business or large trade can be built on the following categories:

Clothes and shoes. They can be for the whole family or for a specific category: women, men or children.

Accessories: bags, watches, belts, umbrellas, jewelry, etc.

Mobile devices.

Cases and accessories for smartphones.

Laptops, tablet computers, e-books.


Devices for cars: navigators, DVRs, floor mats, phone holders, etc.

Household items: hygiene products, kitchen utensils, interesting household goods.

Children's toys and construction sets.

Non-perishable products: teas, nuts, dried fruits, beer snacks.

Of course, this is not a complete list of popular and popular products, but for starters, you can stop there.

4th step - find products and suppliers in China

Once you decide on the type of product, you can move on to searching for suppliers. If you are planning a large business - an offline store of goods from China, that is, your goal will be wholesale, then you definitely need to contact direct manufacturers or distributors. This way you can buy goods much cheaper. To do this, you will have to go to the Middle Kingdom to visit warehouses and negotiate a deal.

If you want to focus only on small businesses, then your area of ​​interest is intermediary sites. Thanks to them, you don’t have to go anywhere, but order products directly online without leaving your home. Such platforms include: Alibaba, Aliexpress, Taobao, Dinodirect, Tmart and others. These are the most popular sites, and they will be enough for the first time. To make transactions, you will have to register on the selected resource and become more familiar with the terms of the order. It is useful to use online translators to communicate with sellers if you do not speak Chinese or English.

Step 5 - check the Chinese partner, rule out fraud

It is through dialogue that you can check the adequacy and professionalism of the seller. How successful your business will be in the resale of goods from China largely depends on them. When choosing an intermediary, also study reviews about him and his documents. Never work with an unreliable seller: the Chinese are great at deceiving. Be sure to check if the seller is on the list of scammers. This is very easy to do through reliability checking services, of which there are many on the Internet.

Popular goods from China: is it profitable to trade them + 3 online platforms with suppliers + TOP 10 product categories.

If you decide to engage in trading, you probably want to know What are the popular products from China?.

But it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, because sales affect all aspects of our lives, and what one buyer needs is not at all interesting to another.

It is also worth considering that it will not always allow you to determine the popularity of goods, since they all have different costs and markups.

Why is it profitable to trade goods from China?

The stereotype that everything made in China is of poor quality and defective is beginning to lose its force.

In recent years, one can notice a tendency that manufactured goods (counterfeits, among others) have become of higher quality and more expensive. But still their cost remains more affordable. Even if you decide to purchase something for yourself in a single copy directly from the Middle Kingdom, you can save a lot of money.

What makes their Chinese products stand out from the rest:

    Low cost

    Since the goods are produced in large quantities and are supplied all over the world, the cost is quite low. And given the fact that in the end they are sold here with a markup reaching 300%, trading popular goods from China is quite profitable.

    Wide range of products

    It’s probably easier to list what is not produced in China. Therefore, any entrepreneur can find those products that he would be interested in selling.

    Availability and established delivery schemes

    Not a problem, moreover, you can contact them remotely, so you don’t even have to travel to this country. Of course, there are many risks associated with this, but before cooperation you can familiarize yourself with samples of products.

You also need to find a logistician who will live in China. He will take on some of the responsibilities for checking, packing and shipping goods.

Thus, you only need to find reliable suppliers and establish trade - open a brick-and-mortar store or an online store and make yourself known.

If you wish, you can even create your own brand. Certain products will be produced under your name and logo. You will need to promote your business and develop an advertising campaign to make yourself known.

Why are buyers willing to buy popular goods from China from us?

It's no secret that you can order the item you like directly from the Middle Kingdom. This then begs the question: why trade popular goods from China?

And there are several reasons for this:

    Save time

    Not all buyers are willing to wait several weeks or even months for an order; many are willing to pay to have the product in their hands after a few days.

    Reluctance to look for something yourself

    Again, not many Internet users can independently search for a product that suits them, view reviews and study seller ratings. Some of them will prefer to pay extra, but receive the most clear and complete information in Russian.


    Not everyone can cross the psychological barrier and decide to order goods directly from China.

    Many people prefer to shop locally, and this applies to both brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping, where you can pay in cash or cash on delivery.

    In addition, many people value live communication, when they can call a consultant or contact the seller to clarify the details of interest.

Thus, all the work of searching, describing and photographing goods is carried out by you. By the way, the last point is very important, since buyers are interested in how the product looks in person.

And you include all your work in the markup, for which buyers are still willing to pay, which once again confirms the profitability of trading popular goods from China.

3 large online platforms with suppliers of goods from China

And before we move on to reviewing the top most popular goods from China, let’s take a look at popular online platforms with suppliers:

    Everyone has heard about this online platform. You can buy anything here. Due to the fall of the ruble, many goods here have ceased to be budget products, but still many continue to purchase goods here.

    An undoubted advantage is free delivery, which applies to most goods, the Russian language, the ability to communicate with the seller and bargain with him.

    This platform is designed for small and large wholesale, that is, it is a prime example of an intermediary working on B2B principles. Before you do, you need to pay attention to the status of the seller, whether he has a good website, as well as a retail store.

    A large Asian hypermarket with a wide range and decent quality of goods. There is a multilingual support service, the ability to pay for an order in several currencies (including rubles), but delivery is paid, and prices are an order of magnitude higher than in other stores.

The most popular products from China: TOP 10 categories

1. Electronic gadgets and accessories.

The crisis has left its mark on the purchasing power of many citizens of our country, so the demand for electronic gadgets from China has increased. Most of them have an affordable price and good “filling,” but there is also a “more expensive” category, which is also popular among technology lovers.

So these include:

  • smartphones and tablets;
  • memory storage devices;
  • wired and wireless headphones;
  • smart watch;
  • fitness trackers;
  • media players.

As for the first option, Asian versions of gadgets are cheaper, but then you must take care of the global firmware yourself. Or you can immediately purchase international versions of smartphones.

Before ordering a large batch of gadgets, start by testing several copies and take them to the service center to make sure their quality.

Separately or additionally, you can sell various accessories: cases, protective glasses and films, portable batteries. In any case, there will be profit from such sales, of course, provided they are properly organized.

2. Small household appliances.

Following electronic gadgets are small household appliances. These popular products from China include electric kettles, coffee makers, juicers, blenders, and food processors. You can also include various smart home gadgets here - climate control stations, cleaning robots, video surveillance.

Chinese manufacturers follow trends and new technologies, so you can always offer customers current products at affordable prices.

But, as in the first case, investments in the business will be impressive, because you need to provide customers with a wide range of goods.

3. Clothing, shoes and accessories.

Counterfeits and replicas of well-known brands are in demand, but in this case you should point this out when reselling goods and choose high-quality copies. But you can take a different route - follow fashion trends and look for clothing and footwear options that match them.

Since many sellers are engaged in the resale of this category of goods, both in stationary showrooms and on the Internet, order small quantities of the most popular items and test your business, and then begin larger purchases.

4. Household goods.

The Chinese market is distinguished by a variety of household goods that can be selected to suit any interior style and season. This includes various decor, bedding, textiles, hobby items, and garden supplies.

You can focus on one product category or cover a large part of the range.

Business investment will depend on what you choose to deal with. Relatively small capital will be needed to trade small decorative items: garlands, frames, wall stickers, artificial flowers.

5. Pet supplies.

Pet products are mostly produced in China, but are sold here with decent markups, although the purchase price of some items can be several dollars.

What will be in constant demand are toys for pets, brushes, rugs, beds and pillows.

But goods with a maximum markup, such as suits, unusual collars, houses, have a maximum markup, since such purchases are approached more thoughtfully.

Don’t be lazy and look for something that other stores don’t offer in order to stand out from them and thereby win over customers.

6. Office.

High-quality and stylish stationery has always been in demand. At any time of the year (we don’t even have to talk about the eve of the school year), people buy notebooks, pens, pencils and sketchbooks.

But now diaries (of which there are a lot in China), multi-colored tape, stickers, and stickers are especially popular.

You can also trade items for artists - brushes, paints, easels, which are inferior in price to European copies.

7. Goods for sports and recreation.

Nowadays sports and active recreation are in fashion. These two categories of popular goods from China are located nearby, so if you decide to open a store, you can combine them, thereby controlling the level of sales.

For example, in autumn and winter, many people buy sports equipment, and before summer, tents, backpacks, and barbecues are extremely popular.

As a rule, the sizes of goods are small and medium, which significantly reduces the cost of delivering goods, and on some sites where you can order small quantities, it is completely free.

8. Lighting items.

Another important category of the most popular goods from China is lighting items: chandeliers, night lights, table lamps, decorative garlands, LED lamps.

As a rule, the purchase price of small items is not high, delivery will not be expensive either, so doing this kind of business is quite profitable. Again, do not forget that most of these goods are made in China, so purchasing them from there is the most profitable option.

In addition, buyers always want to check the light bulbs and diodes in operation, so as not to purchase defective goods.

9. Crockery and kitchen utensils.

Most of the products in this category that we see on store shelves come from China. Here you can find everything - from silicone molds to expensive pots and sets.

Various fashionable water bottles and devices that make our lives easier (infusers for cups, food-grade silicone, knives for decorative cutting) can be purchased directly from the Middle Kingdom.

And here the important point is that many people prefer to find all sorts of little things locally, rather than order via the Internet and wait several weeks for a small parcel, which, moreover, can get lost along the way (and this is a fairly common occurrence).

What products from China are considered the most popular?

In this video you will learn about the TOP 5 cheapest and most popular things:

10. Furniture.

And finally, we left the most interesting...

Many people will probably be surprised, but China is currently the leader in furniture production. Many famous companies have moved here, and this has not affected the quality of the furniture they produce.

Selling furniture from the Middle Kingdom is quite profitable and interesting, despite the fact that the niche may seem busy. From there you can bring a variety of specimens that we simply don’t have.

But in this case, looking for suppliers via the Internet is quite risky, because investments in business are huge.

In Guangdong province, namely in the city of Foshan, there is the largest wholesale center where furniture tours are organized. At exhibitions you will be able to see samples in person and directly order the furniture you are interested in.

Its production and delivery time will take about one and a half months, and the prepayment amount is often 30% of the cost of the entire order.

It is difficult to fully cover in one article all the most popular products from China, because it’s easier to list what is not profitable to buy here.

Manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom always keep an eye on fashion trends, “snoop” on secrets at company factories, and implement cheaper options, which ultimately are in great demand among us.

You are required to find goods of acceptable quality at the best prices and sell them, thereby building your own profitable business.

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Many experts say that Chinese business ideas will take root in Russia, because many of them are really relevant for our citizens. The newest and most unusual of them can be seen at the Canton Exhibition, which regularly takes place in China. Here you can meet businessmen from all over the world who are eager to choose something innovative, promising and original for themselves, because business ideas from China can become a source of earning a huge fortune.

In this country there are many industries, concerns and major enterprises that are constantly developing new, alternative solutions in almost all areas of activity, and they do not hesitate to share their discoveries with the world. Besides, China- This is also the largest sales market, because the demand for foreign goods here is also very high.

The most in demand here are raw materials; for example, Chinese companies are actively buying wood from foreign companies, and henceforth they use the purchased material to make goods for sale. Entrepreneurs are faced with the question of choice: there are millions of offers on the market, but which ones will be truly in demand, and for a long time? Chinese business ideas in Russia may bring good profits every year, but some of them lose their relevance after just a few months. Here you should focus on demand trends in recent years.

As an example, you can consider a product such as a monopod. In the Chinese market, it was recognized as the most frequently purchased product, all due to the popularization of social networks and communication on the Internet. After all, twenty years ago no one would have thought that a simple design made of a stick and a clamp would become such a popular thing. But then there were no phones with such a set of functions that now seem the most common. And there are a lot of such examples in a variety of industries, even if we talk about the same products prepared using special equipment, or clothing, it is necessary for specific cases. Who would have previously thought in our country that it was necessary to purchase special slippers in order to avoid damaging their feet on coral during vacation?

It follows that chinese business ideas should be chosen based on the priorities and interests of the population of our country. Qualitative monitoring of markets, analysis of the functions of supply and demand, studying the advantages and disadvantages of each idea - all this must be done by a businessman before making his choice. Next, we will look at some ideas from China that have long been implemented on the Russian market.

  • Model of a silent electric motor. The popularity of Segways, unicycles, electric scooters and hoverboards has affected our entire country. Now both children and adults dream of such a device, although just recently it was difficult to imagine that you could get on a scooter and ride without any effort. Almost every month new variations of devices appear, stores, websites and rentals are opened, and all of them are in demand among citizens. Moreover, this transport can be called completely environmentally friendly, and it does not make any noise.
  • New types of materials. We are talking, for example, about silicone. Suffice it to remember how many different silicone products can be found in stores, these include shoes, household items, various cooking molds, and much more. And the popularity of stretch ceilings is due to the appearance of polyvinyl chloride on the market, which, by the way, can be produced in our country, establishing your own enterprise on this. For the manufacture of water sports products, travel equipment and quick-drying things, neoprene material is actively used, which also came to us from Chinese developers.
  • Products for life. Here we are talking about portable chargers, monopods, smart watches and other technical innovations that make our lives simpler, easier and more interesting. Business idea from China, which was brought by a Russian entrepreneur, began to be in great demand among women who want to lose weight. These are special berries that are served as stimulants for weight loss. Another popular area is products for tourism, such as travel bags, head pillows, special tableware for hiking and traveling, and so on. The choice of directions here is simply huge; the main thing is to correctly predict the reaction of consumers to the appearance of a particular product on the country’s market.
  • Entertainment products. This group is also open to beginners, because Chinese business ideas in this area concern a wide variety of goods and services, from children's toys to various cool devices that attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. You can learn about the new products offered by manufacturers at exhibition events, online and on specialized websites.

What Chinese business ideas will become popular in Russia?

  1. Dropshopping trading. Organizing such a business is not difficult, and even for a beginner in the field of trading, drop shopping is perfect as a start to business development. With such an organization of trade, the entrepreneur himself is responsible only for the delivery of the goods that the client orders. The buyer selects the items that the drop shopper orders from the Chinese manufacturer, and then transports the goods to the customer. In other words, he acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer, but to open such a business you will not have to rent a warehouse, and, in principle, invest large sums in the development of trade. By working on a small batch basis, you can avoid paying for customs services. As for the product group, it can be almost any. Modern entrepreneurs are actively engaged in drop-shopping sales of clothing, accessories and shoes on social networks and on various websites. You can develop in the direction of trading cosmetics, dishes, bedding, appliances, and even food.
  2. Use of 3D printing. This makes it possible to carry out printing work using a wide-format printer. Modern Russian companies have already begun to offer services for the production of souvenirs, figurines of pets or people, characters from cartoons and films. But these are not all the goods that can be produced using 3D printing. It is possible to produce designer items, building design models, educational materials, and much more. If an entrepreneur acquires high-quality equipment, he will even be able to produce jewelry using the 3D method. According to experts, it is with the help of such technologies that in a couple of decades it will be possible to create organs for medical institutions at all levels. The implementation of this business idea from China requires the purchase of a high-quality printer, and for it you will have to pay at least thirty thousand rubles.
  3. Portable charger. This is a technique that allows you to extend the life of other technical devices. Almost every citizen of the country has a smartphone, which has long replaced the previously familiar push-button devices. The capabilities of a smartphone allow you not only to make calls, take photos and type messages, but also much more. Most of the functions are related to the continuous use of the Internet, geolocations and other resources that require a lot of energy consumption. Therefore, phones quickly run out, and this is where a portable charger comes to the rescue. This new business idea in China appeared quite a long time ago, but now in our country very little can be done without a portable charger. A good option is to sell batches of devices to large restaurants or cafes, because very often modern citizens are forced to leave establishments because the devices are discharged. And so, with portable chargers, citizens will be able to stay in a restaurant much longer without worrying that they will miss an important letter or call. Consequently, visitors will order much more, because there is no point in rushing.
  4. Sale of monopods. Another product that is in demand and relates to new service technologies. By the way, the popularity of this product literally skyrocketed after citizens began actively buying smartphones equipped with good cameras and Internet access. With the help of monopods, you can take a clearer and higher-quality picture, so consumers immediately began actively buying devices. The popularity of this idea for business from China is also due to the fact that many citizens now conduct business on the Internet, and in order to photograph a particular product live, for example, glasses, hats, cosmetics and much more, it is very convenient to use a monopod. Don’t forget about joint photos with friends, which today’s youth love to post on social networks. Using monopods, you can film the interior of a room, studio or cafe, do subject photography, record reviews and interviews, manage a video blog and even create your own short videos.
Some very interesting ideas from China seem completely non-standard for us, as do a number of professions. In fact, the Chinese have organized in their country many services and types of work that have not yet been implemented in Russia, but in China are considered natural and necessary.

  • Paid queue. There are citizens who are willing to stand in line for a reward. That is, the work consists of a person standing in line for a certain amount of payment, while the payer goes about his business. For standing in line for an hour, such an employee will ask for three dollars.
  • Business on games. According to statistics, more than four hundred thousand people on the planet are active players in network applications, such as various farms, for example. Such citizens are ready to spend round sums of money to invest in the purchase of virtual goods for their profile, and, naturally, are interested in constant support and control of the game process. However, it is necessary to have time for work, sleep, and household chores. This is precisely the reason why another popular business in China began to focus on avid gamers. For a fee, game specialists offer round-the-clock profile support, and, moreover, they earn quite a decent amount.
  • Hiring foreign workers. The main responsibilities of such workers are presence at transactions and signings of agreements, as well as the process of cutting the red ribbon at a ceremony or conference. They explain their need for such workers by the rapid pace of economic growth, expanding opportunities, and the desire for large-scale partnerships with international companies.
  • Collecting fines from spitting citizens. This type of work is chosen for those who really love cleanliness and order. Workers simply walk through parks, streets and squares, and when they see a person spitting, they collect a certain amount of fine from him.
  • Work for pensioners. Patrolling the streets by citizens of retirement age is designed to call to order those who want to start a conflict, because it is the elderly who become a reminder of the need to behave appropriately in public places. A distinctive feature of the patrol is the red bandage.
  1. Cleaning gloves. Very many business ideas from China are focused on making human life easier, facilitating one or another area of ​​citizen activity. That is why so many seemingly simple, but nevertheless practically irreplaceable little things now came to us from the PRC. Peeling mittens are another modern and ultra useful invention that allows a person to peel potatoes without knives or special equipment. You can work with mittens not only with potatoes, but also with beets, carrots, zucchini and other products. Bradex mittens are made using waterproof materials, due to which the abrasive surface of the gloves is formed. It is this layer that is used to clean the top layer of peels of vegetables and fruits. Using cleaning gloves, even a child can peel vegetables, and the risk of injury, as in the case of a knife, is completely eliminated. In addition, the skin of the hands does not come into contact with dirt, and the cleaning process itself takes very little time. And one more advantage of the idea from China - during cleaning with mittens, a minimal layer of peel is removed, that is, most of the product is consumed, and the amount of garbage is minimized.
  2. Travel bag with weight indicator. The relevance of this idea from China lies in the fact that modern people are very often faced with the need to fly on airplanes around the world, and each airline has its own requirements and rules for calculating the price of carrying baggage that exceeds the permissible limits. Naturally, no one is interested in paying extra money for luggage, but the weight indicator, which is already built into the travel bag, will help avoid surprises. The passenger will immediately be prepared for how much money he will have to pay at the airport. The popularity of such an innovation in our country is due to the fact that more and more citizens work with foreign partners, attend foreign conferences and symposiums, and simply prefer to vacation in other countries, so suitcases with an indicator will certainly please Russians.
  3. Studded rubber mats for cars. This promising business idea from China, which will become in demand among car enthusiasts in our country, because with the help of such a mat it is much easier to get out of a winter trap on the road, for example, a hole or ice. It is most important to sell such mats in winter, when ice and snow become a real problem for all road users. A car that has stopped on an icy surface can still be pushed out, but if the problem occurs on a snowy surface, then each movement of the wheel only deepens the hole in which the car is located. And here is the time to use an original business idea from China - a studded mat that specifically combats car slipping. It is the same size as a regular board, but it can be very conveniently rolled up, thereby minimizing the space it takes up. There is room for such an assistant even in the trunk of a small car. The driver simply needs to place the carpet over the car wheel that is slipping, or under both wheels, with the spikes facing up. This will minimize slipping and get you out of the hole.
  4. Wireless sockets. The essence of this business idea from China lies in the operating features of the outlets themselves - after all, they are powered by solar energy. You can compare them with a small power station installed on a window. It can fully charge a smartphone, laptops or phones in one night. One side of the device is a solar panel, as well as a special suction cup necessary for the station to be attached to the glass. The other side is the socket itself; it is into this that the charger for the equipment is inserted. This is very popular business in China, since sockets are not only comfortable and easy to use, but also save electricity consumption. Moreover, you can place sockets anywhere, the main thing is that it is in direct contact with sunlight. The implementation of such a business idea from China will be of interest to travelers, citizens who are forced to constantly travel in a car or transport. For example, a citizen will be able to attach a charger to a train window and calmly charge his laptop while working on it.
Not all are listed here business ideas from China, which can become very profitable in our country if they are successfully implemented. An entrepreneur needs to choose those areas that are interesting to him and analyze the most popular and promising groups of goods and services in relation to the mentalities and preferences of our citizens. There are business ideas from China that can take root in Russia in a variety of fields, but an entrepreneur needs to be interested in the topic himself, attend various exhibition events, presentations, and keep abreast of all innovations and new appearances on the market.

Surely many have heard about the large company Xiaomi, which currently occupies a fairly significant market share. Many have noticed that Xiaomi products are several times cheaper than Apple or Samsung devices, but in terms of their characteristics they are practically not inferior to them. The management of this company always has its finger on the pulse, trying to be one of the first to introduce this or that development, attract customers and interest citizens with a comfortable price for the product. Here are some original business ideas from China from the Xiaomi company:

  1. Production of smart scales. This is a technical innovation that allows you to control your own weight. The owner of the scale will not only receive accurate weight readings, but will also be able to synchronize the scales themselves with a smartphone or other mobile device by installing an application or connecting via USB. This will allow you to make all changes in weight, diet program, fitness program, and track many other important parameters that are of great importance for people watching their figure. The program has its own memory cell for each user, so even sixteen people can use the same scales at the same time. These scales have become in great demand among the citizens of our country. The popularity of this idea from China is also due to the fact that modern people are increasingly trying to monitor their health and stay in shape.
  2. Xiomi TV set-top boxes. This set-top box works on the Android system, and representatives of the Google company themselves were involved in the promotion of this development. This is explained by the fact that the implementation of this business ideas from China was planned for the American market, because the development was recognized as functional, reliable, and the interface was convenient and easy for users. In our country, the products of the manufacturer Xiomi are in great demand. After all, the price-quality ratio is truly optimal.

Probably each of us, via social networks, has ever received a tempting offer to buy goods from China at a low price, which is an order of magnitude lower than in city stores. And, probably, each of us wondered at what price the seller purchased the product, if its price is so attractive? In fact, most goods produced in China are so cheap that the manufacturer, the middleman in China, and the final seller benefit from the sale. Besides this, everyone knows that business ideas that are associated with China are very profitable, because they produce counterfeits of almost any world brand, and this applies primarily to clothing.

  • How to start a business selling goods from China?
  • Where to find a supplier?
  • How much money does it take to open a Chinese goods store?
  • How to sell goods?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business selling goods from China
  • How much money do you need to start a business selling goods from China?

How to arrange supplies?

More and more often we see popular Chinese goods on store shelves. This is due to the fact that the products of this country are confidently displacing goods from other countries. Just go to the famous online store Taobao and see low prices for popular products that can be ordered from China. Well, if you buy in bulk, the price will be even more tempting. This price difference will make it possible to implement business ideas focused on the resale of Chinese clothing. Every year there is a downward trend in the popularity of clothing markets, boutiques and shops thanks to online stores.

How to start a business selling goods from China?

Where to find a supplier?

First, let's look at the question - how to find a supplier in China and how to enter into profitable cooperation. Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way is to work with the Taobao website. This is a very popular site where you can find a supplier. You can use the Google Chrome browser, where the function of translating the entire page at once is conveniently implemented - this will definitely be required.

There are many intermediaries who organize delivery to the country. There will be no problems finding an intermediary - there are various banners on the site where intermediaries offer their services, which, as a rule, cost 10% - 20% of the cost of the goods. Cargo whose value is below 1000 euros does not need to pay customs duty.

Business organization.

As a rule, parcels reach the recipient in 1-2 months. However, during periods of large volumes of orders, the deadlines may be shifted, since it will take longer to bring goods from China during the holidays. Delivery time is also affected by factors such as weather, transport conditions, customs clearance, etc.

First, using the Taobao website, you need to find an intermediary. After accepting his terms and concluding a contract with him, you need to create your own website or group on a social network. It is not necessary to pre-purchase clothes, since the client will be able to place an order directly on your website.

Clothes from China.

The buyer places an order on your website, for which you have set a favorable price for you. The site or group you created must have a certain popularity, because in a short period of time you will need to collect several orders from clients and send them to an intermediary. The intermediary must receive an advance payment from you, then you give him links to the products that your customers have chosen and pay for delivery in China itself.

How to start a business with China - 10 ideas for a store + 15 tips for beginners in business.

Some people wonder: How to start a business with China and earn big money?

The idea may seem impossible, but if you start correctly, following the tips in this article, then everything difficult and impossible will become possible.

Business with China for beginners

Starting your own business is not an easy task, but after studying all the rules and features of working with Chinese suppliers, you can achieve success and start earning good money.

There are 3 ways to organize a business built on selling things from China:

  • A store.
  • Online store.
  • Combination of a retail outlet and an online store.

The easiest way to start is by creating a store on the Internet.

In this case, there is no need to obtain a large quantity, open a point, hire employees or pay for renting premises.

However, you should still register the store.

Chinese goods today occupy a large part of the Russian market, and things are of both high and low quality.

To start activities, an investment of up to 50,000 rubles will be sufficient, which is required for the development of the site and the purchase of a minimum set of goods.

The scheme of working with China is very simple:

  1. The product is purchased via the Internet from a supplier in China.
  2. Delivery is made to Russia.
  3. The price of a product increases.
  4. Sale in progress.

The minimum time required to fully develop a business and establish sales, as well as recoup investments, is about 2 months.

A novice businessman will quickly understand the trading process and will be able to reach a higher level by expanding the range.

How to start a business with China: 10 trading business ideas

The essence of business with China is the purchase and resale of various things.

However, it is possible or a retail outlet of various types.

Most often they order in China and then resell:

  • Cosmetics.
  • Clothes for women, men and children.
  • Shoes.
  • Toys.
  • Office.
  • Underwear.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Dishes.
  • Textile.
  • Household appliances and electronics.

In order to start trading, it is not necessary to buy all the goods and rent a warehouse to store them.

You can initially order a product from a supplier after it receives an order from consumers.

In order for your store to flourish and more customers to appear, you need to carefully monitor the quality of the purchased goods and, if a defect is detected, return it to the seller or exchange it.

What do you need to know about starting a business with China?

Before starting a business, you need to assess your capabilities and study the advantages and disadvantages of doing business with China.

    Minimum cost of production.

    You can earn a lot from the markup - from 50 to 100 percent on top.

    Large selection of products of different brands and colors.

    You can choose from the photographs presented on the site.

    24/7 communication with sellers.

    You can write a letter and receive an answer 24 hours a day.

    Exclusive product.

    More often than not, no one has ever seen new products made in China in Russia.

    Assessment of the quality of the product only after receiving it.

    Returning a low-quality product is always an unpleasant and lengthy procedure.

    The inability to “touch the product” and visually evaluate its appearance.

    Often what they send is very different from the photos on the website.

    Waiting for delivery to Russia.

    Average delivery time is one week to three months.

Despite the fact that now, in the era of the Internet, everyone can place an order from China on their own without overpaying, people still prefer to purchase goods through intermediaries.

The intermediary seller guarantees quality, compliance of the goods with the photo and description, as well as fast delivery.

At the initial stage of work, you may encounter dishonesty of the manufacturer, poor quality of the product and unwillingness to return the money spent.

In order for a business to develop and stay afloat, it is necessary to build it gradually, performing all the necessary actions.

Steps required to open and develop a business with China:

    Studying the business model.

    The most common of them are: joint procurement and work via the Internet.

    Resource calculation.

    Resources include not only the amount of money in a bank account, but also the presence of certain experience, the ability to do business with foreign suppliers and attract buyers.

    If you don’t have such experience, it’s best to start with dropshipping: working through an intermediary.

    This minimizes the risk.

    On the website of an online store, the product must be described so that buyers can have an idea about the item and its characteristics.

    Search for a supplier.

    You can find it on websites on the Internet, such as, or through friends.

    Checking the found supplier.

    Ordering and receiving goods.

Particular attention should be paid to checking the supplier's reliability.

Answering the question, how to start a business with China, it should be noted that first of all it is necessary to take measures to protect your own finances.

How to check the reliability of a supplier?

    By setting the domain name registration time.

    If only a few weeks have passed since its creation, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​cooperation, no matter how attractive the prices set may seem.

    After reading reviews on the Internet.

    Today you can find reviews for almost any product and manufacturer.

    Having studied the website of the supplier company.

    If there is too diverse a selection of products, from hygiene items to household appliances, you should close the page with the site and not open it again.

    Having studied the conditions for prepayment.

    Accounts submitted for depositing funds must belong to the company and not to its employees.

    Asking for scans of registration documents.

    Make sure your supplier has its own postal service.

    If it is not there, this is not a guarantee that the store is unreliable, but it is one of the warning signs.

To find a reliable supplier of goods from China,

Wholesale supplies and starting business with China

In order for business activity to be considered legal, you need not only to obtain a registration document of the established form, but also to interact with officially registered suppliers who have a document giving the right to wholesale goods.

Scheme of interaction with the supplier:

  • Checking the availability of invoices and certificates giving the right to trade.
  • Customs clearance of goods and payment of duties.
  • In accordance with import rules: preparation of a tax return and a certificate of conformity of goods to quality.

A budding businessman should pay attention to the fact that delivery of the ordered goods by truck is the best way, although sometimes it is more profitable to combine transportation by road and land-air.

When ordering a product, pay attention to calculating the final cost of the product, which will include payment of all fees and taxes.

You should not overly focus on start-up capital when starting to work with China.

To gain experience, order products in small quantities that can sell out quickly.

To understand how to start a business with China, we need to act.

Step by step, you can achieve success, understand the system of working with China and attracting buyers in Russia.

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