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Business from scratch: how to create and open a management company in the housing and communal services sector? Step-by-step instruction. Creating a management company from scratch: how to achieve success in business Founders of a housing and communal services management company

When creating a business in the housing and communal services sector, the main thing is the trust of people, residents of the serviced areas must clearly understand where and what their money is spent on, gain their trust, your business will flourish.

What is modern domestic housing and communal services? These are outdated (and often completely absent) technologies and equipment, the high cost of producing heat and water, ineffective systems for transporting them to consumers... The crisis in a sphere that is vital for everyone without exception has already become obvious to everyone. Financial support for the maintenance of municipal services in its current form is beyond the capabilities of both consumers of housing and communal services and the budget.

For more than 10 years, private firms have been attracted to carry out various works in the housing and communal services system. They do a variety of work: home repairs, electrical wiring in apartments, replacing plumbing, removing garbage from yards, etc.

Opening your own business is a responsible and difficult undertaking. To avoid any problems or difficulties while solving issues, you should follow a clear plan. Often, a well-written business plan is already half the battle on the path to success.

When choosing an area for business, you should consider several important factors:

  • competition in the area in which you plan to work;
  • the level of knowledge and experience you have in your chosen field;
  • the attractiveness of this business for you.

If we talk about the management company, there is practically no competition in this market. Although similar companies began to appear in Russia in the 90s, they never gained widespread popularity. Today, management companies that offer services to class A property owners are thriving more than ever. But classes B and C are still free. This is due to the fact that during periods of crisis, many mid-level property owners tried to manage themselves. Now many people are looking for management companies, but they don’t always find them. The commission is too high for class A.

The level of knowledge and experience directly affects the future success of the enterprise. A management company will prosper if managers know how to find clients and sign contracts with them. In the field of property management, experience in a real estate agency and work as a realtor will come into play. Finding someone who rents out space and a tenant is a difficult task that requires your own skill. If you have not worked in this area yourself, then it is worth looking for a partner or manager who has already mastered this craft.

Whatever business you open, you should like it. If the business is attractive, then you will not work hard, forcing yourself to do anything and so on. All things will be done easily and simply, you will not feel tired when you work. Enthusiasm and passion at the start are the key to success. If you push your business well at the beginning, then it will move faster.

What services can a management company provide?

Today, such companies are evolving and the list of services provided is constantly expanding. The following are considered to be the main ones:

  1. Long-term management. This refers to the rental of space for trade and business, as well as premises for offices or for other purposes. This is the main service provided by management companies. Although this often refers to business buildings, sometimes such companies can also deal with residential or entertainment premises. The service involves signing a long-term agreement, in which the period of cooperation is several years.
  2. Short term management. In this case, the contract can be signed for several months or drawn up for a one-time provision of services. This type of management is popular among developers who receive finished properties. The owners of the buildings entrust the search for the first tenants and the conclusion of contracts with them to specialists, and then take over their business and then manage the properties themselves.
  3. Full control. In order to include such a service in your prospectus, you need special knowledge. This service involves turnkey construction and management. That is, the management company is looking for construction teams, dealing with all organizational issues, and after completion of construction and finishing work, looking for buyers or tenants. There is a greater level of responsibility here, so you will need relevant specialists in the company.
  4. Operational management. In addition to selling and leasing, the building also needs timely maintenance. This service involves maintaining the building and keeping it in good condition. At the same time, you can draw up estimates for work in which you will optimize all existing maintenance costs.
  5. Routine maintenance. This means clearing: cleaning windows, cleaning the building, ventilation, checking the condition of heating and ventilation systems, etc.

The good thing about a management company’s business plan is that it can contain any services that you want to include in it. The main thing is that you know how to provide them and what costs you will incur for a particular service.

What is needed to open a management company

Before you start, it’s worth considering everything you need to open. Costs will vary for each city. Agree: office rent in Moscow and Tula is different. Take into account the specifics of your city and calculate the approximate amount of starting capital. So, to open you will need:

  1. Room. The size of the premises depends on the size of your company. Typically, one employee who directly communicates with the client needs about 10 sq. meters. Then we can talk about comfort during communication, even if several employees are in the same room. Ideal if you have several small offices and a meeting room. In the management company, almost all employees work directly with people: customers and tenants. For this reason, the office should be adapted to comfortable negotiations.
  2. Office area. This is an important issue, since the company’s advantageous position in a city with high traffic will provide you with a constant flow of customers. If you are bidding on a Class B or C property, then select the appropriate area. An area near markets or business centers, or near bus stops on central streets or in large residential areas is suitable.
  3. Equipment. If you want to include building maintenance in your prospectus, you need to purchase your own tools. The tools you use depend on what type of work you will be doing and who you will be hiring for it. Cleaners need buckets, mops, and special napkins. For electricians or handymen, screwdrivers and other tools and so on are needed.
  4. Staff. People should be selected depending on the needs of the company. Which segment are you targeting and who are your potential customers? Weigh everything, and then answer the question: “Who should work with them?” After this, you need to start searching for personnel. The management company must have a manager who will organize and control the work of everyone else. There should be sales managers responsible for finding clients and negotiating. As mentioned above, realtors can handle this task well. An officially registered company needs its own accountant. If the company is still small, it is enough to invite an accountant who works remotely. A medium-sized company needs a programmer. Depending on the types of services that are included in your price list, the company may employ builders, cleaners, plumbers, electricians, etc.
  5. Website. The real estate market is gradually moving into the virtual space, so your own web resource is more relevant than ever. Your own website is the best presentation for those who are looking for you online. A virtual office can play the role of a salesperson or sales manager, bringing you clients who are ready to make a deal. If you allocate funds for SEO promotion, the result may impress you. Contextual advertising in search engines alone can increase sales several times. Optimization and promotion will ensure a constant flow of customers to the pages of your website. Only those who are interested in your offer and are ready to make a purchase will go there. Hundreds and thousands of potential tenants are looking for agencies like these, give them the opportunity to find you!
  6. Advertising. One website and its optimization on the Internet is not enough. For your business to flourish and grow, you need a full-fledged advertising campaign. Billboards, leaflets, business cards, videos and other materials will bring buyers to you. Remember that many people are looking for you in newspaper advertisements. Don't miss the opportunity to "catch" your client. A good business plan puts about 50% of the funds needed to start into an advertising campaign, even if we are talking about opening a production facility. If you start working in the service sector, then the bulk of the start-up capital should go to advertising.
  7. Technique. It is necessary to buy computers for the office, as well as furniture for employees to work with. You will also need several telephones, possibly a fax. A printer is required. But technology alone is not enough. Take care of licensed software, because working with pirated versions of Windows is punishable by law. Licenses are worth considering if you want to avoid fines.

How to start?

Property management is quite a complex business. Many clients are willing to pay more and hand over the property to experienced specialists rather than save money and trust a young company. Therefore, many beginners start a business by managing the properties of acquaintances or friends. If this option cannot be implemented, then you can think about how to attract future clients. For example, you can set a symbolic price for the first client, or you can give away any service from your price list. After the first client, things will become more active.

It is important to always keep your brand and take care of your reputation. Management work is not forgiving, so be vigilant and be prepared to please and adapt to each individual client.

Business in the field of housing and communal services has never been considered an easy path. This is a young area that is just being mastered by Russian entrepreneurs. Like everything new and unfamiliar, the commercial activity of maintaining residential buildings can be associated with a wide variety of difficulties and, nevertheless, it is interesting and profitable. To start a business in the housing and communal services sector, an entrepreneur needs a team of like-minded people, patience and a desire to provide people with quality services.

The procedure for creating a management organization in the housing and communal services sector

What is a management company in the housing and communal services sector is determined by Art. 192 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which states that this is an organization that provides maintenance services for an apartment building on the basis of a management agreement for this facility.

The housing and communal services management organization is an ordinary legal entity created according to the rules provided for the organizational and legal form chosen by the founders. Most often this is either an LLC or a JSC. Find out what features each one has.

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Business registration

The step-by-step procedure for creating a management company in the housing and communal services sector at the first stage fully complies with the procedure for registering a legal entity.

Read about it. Find out about the main stages of creating an organization and the timing of the registration procedure.

Read also how it happens and what its size is.

Basic documents that will be required for submission to the Federal Tax Service:

  • decision of the founders to create an organization;
  • charter and memorandum of association;
  • preliminary lease agreement for the premises where the company will be located;
  • protocol on the election of the director and chief accountant;

Passing state registration by a housing and communal services management company is the first and easiest step. The next, more complex and specific procedure is obtaining a license.

Licensing of activities

A license to manage houses is issued on the basis of an application from the applicant by regional inspectorates of state housing supervision based on the results of the applicant passing a qualification exam.

The qualification exam is administered by a specially created licensing commission. The director of the enterprise and the persons who will perform the duties of the director in his absence must pass the test.

The exam takes the form of testing. Representatives with convictions for official crimes are not allowed to participate in qualification tests.

The decision to grant a license is made within 45 days after the applicant submits the application. An entrepreneur should not even think about how to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector without a license. It will be a waste of time and money.

After issuing all permits, training staff, creating a material and technical base and developing tariffs for services, the management organization can enter the market and offer cooperation to the owners of apartment buildings and the organizations they created.

Organization of the process of providing services by a housing and communal services management company

Before organizing a housing and communal services management company, the founder must thoroughly study the minimum list of mandatory services for an apartment building, which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 No. 290. This is a vast amount of work, the quality of which requires special equipment, equipment and consumables. To acquire these assets, you will need substantial start-up capital.

Also, in order to efficiently fulfill the duties of a management company in the housing and communal services sector, management must approve the organizational structure. This is a local document that establishes the job rights and responsibilities of each employee, and also establishes a system of subordination, according to which a specific performer is responsible for each area of ​​work.

The standard structure of a housing and communal services management company is the following vertical:

  • director in charge of general management;
  • chief engineer who controls the resolution of technical support issues for facilities;
  • site foremen responsible for the condition of the territories entrusted to them;
  • settlement department;
  • debt collection sector.

This structure makes it possible to maximally cover all production issues of the management company and ensure proper economic and administrative control over the process of providing services.

Necessary investments and monthly costs

The minimum starting capital for creating a management company in the housing and communal services sector to service 300 apartments is 1 million rubles. This is provided that most of the specialized equipment will be rented by the enterprise as needed.

The specified million rubles includes the purchase of the necessary equipment for workers, office rental and workplace equipment, and the purchase of work clothing.

Monthly costs are about 350 thousand rubles for wages, up to 50 thousand rubles for the purchase of consumables. In total about 400 thousand rubles.

The estimated cost of housing and communal services management services according to the minimum list is about 500 rubles per apartment. In total, about 150 thousand rubles in subscription fees can be collected from 300 apartments. However, the lion's share of the company's income comes from additional work: minor and major repairs, additional construction work, etc.

In addition, management organizations are allowed to participate in various state and municipal programs to improve the conditions of maintenance of apartment buildings, which also allows them to minimize costs and increase enterprise income.

Read about what is happening in our country today.

You will also need information about what is provided for by tax legislation.

Find out about it for your business. Having such a document, you will be able to attract investors to participate in the project.


Despite the presence of a number of opportunities for earning money, maintaining a management organization in itself is very expensive. According to the most optimistic forecasts, the company will be able to achieve self-sufficiency only in a few years. Moreover, a prerequisite for such positive dynamics is a competent marketing policy and the constant development of the management company.

Marketing for a management company is associated exclusively with expanding the list of additional services, improving their quality and promoting the benefits of modern technologies for customers.

Therefore, before becoming the owner of a management company, determine for yourself a promising direction for the development of housing and communal services, develop a number of effective proposals for residents of apartment buildings and implement your plan together with them. Read also,

The first housing associations were mentioned in 1921; it was then that the first activists appeared who understood the attractiveness of this cause and began to take municipal buildings under their wing. Typical management companies began their existence relatively recently - 2005 marked the beginning of a new era in the management of multi-storey buildings and every year they are gaining more and more popularity among novice entrepreneurs.

High profitability and little competition in this area are the main reasons why businessmen want to occupy this niche. But is it so easy to open your own management company and why, with such financial attractiveness, are there still free places in this market?

So, how to open a management company from scratch? The answer is in this article!

It is permitted to carry out management activities only after obtaining a license, the issuance of which is regulated by government agencies.

The received document does not require renewal and is issued without time restrictions. But even if you are included in the register of licenses of the Russian Federation, this does not mean your immunity. If not done properly, the license can be revoked and the company can be deleted from the register.

Who can get permission?

A legal entity can count on obtaining a license to operate as a management company. or physical face:

  • registered on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • having a qualification certificate;
  • has no criminal record;
  • missing from the register of disqualified persons.

Features of management companies

For an entrepreneur, a management company is an intermediary between the house and the organization that provides its maintenance and upkeep. In other words, the management company accumulates the residents’ money in order to later spend it on repairs, maintenance and other work related to improving and increasing the investment value of the house.

For residents, this is an organization that manages all the apartments in the building, providing a certain list of services, established by the state or expanded by agreement with residents.

Procedure for opening a management company

To start a business in the management field, you will need to take several steps:

1. Finding a suitable location for an office.

3. Purchase of equipment and implementation of repair work.

We will consider the features of each step in more detail below.

Searching for a location for the management company’s office and purchasing equipment

Before registering your activity, you need to find a place where you can locate the office of the management company in the future. The best option is an apartment building, the management of which is planned to be taken into your own hands. Typically, such companies are located on the ground floors of high-rise buildings and carry out major renovations, converting the premises into an office.

40 sq.m. will be enough for work. m. on which it is necessary to place one large office where specialists will receive clients, and a director, a toilet, and a place for eating.

You will need to purchase office furniture, air conditioning, cabinets, a safe for documents, office equipment, consumables and stationery supplies. It is also necessary to purchase special clothing, tools and

Registration of a company to obtain the right to engage in management activities

To legitimize your activities, you need a registration procedure with or CJSC. To register as an LLC you will need to do the following:

  • choose a place and come up with a name;
  • select code;
  • prepare a decision on establishment
  • form a management company.

After completing the above activities, you will need to submit an application to the tax office, first

Then you will need which will send the registration certificate to your legal address within 5 days.

And the last step will be opening a current account in a bank, with subsequent transfer of data about it to the tax service.

Hiring employees for work

The management company must employ at least three certified employees. If you don’t know how to manage a house, you will need to hire an engineer with the appropriate education; in addition, you need to have specialists who will service the house.

Management company staff

  • engineer;
  • accountant;
  • director;
  • plumbers, mechanics, cleaners, janitors, electricians.

Advertising of the management company

The only thing that can be done for promotion is to make your own website with detailed and necessary information about the organization itself, its employees, goals, and plans.

The goal is to make the company name recognizable. Only such large-scale advertising can bear fruit.

How to attract clients?

To take control of a house, you must conclude an agreement with each resident. To do this, you need to organize a meeting, the outcome of which will determine your future relations with this apartment building, namely their presence or absence. At the house-wide meeting, your goal will be to convince the residents of the need to change their management company to yours.

You need:

  • describe colorfully all the advantages of cooperation with you;
  • talk about the work that you plan to carry out in their house in the near future;
  • promise timely elimination of breakdowns, accidents and other problems.

A good place to start is to take control of your home, carry out the necessary work and photograph the result. Such photographs will serve as strong evidence and good motivation for residents. Good reviews from a house that you have already “finished” will also have a positive effect on your reputation.

Management company business plan

To open your own management company you will have to incur a lot of expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of office equipment, furniture and equipment necessary for the work of specialists from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 200,000 rubles.
  • Advertising from 90,000 rubles
  • The cost of house maintenance, repairs, and improvement of the local area is about 900,000 rubles.

Thus, to open your own management company, you will need to invest at the initial stage from 1,500,000 rubles.

Profitability of the management company as a business

The profitability of a management company is considered to be on average about 50% and the costs can pay off in just a couple of years. The only condition is the presence of houses willing to be serviced by your organization.

For stable operation and income generation, at the initial stage it is necessary to take into service at least five houses and gradually increase this number. You shouldn’t try to get a lot of houses right away, because you won’t be able to service them efficiently and in a short time, and this will not have the best effect on your reputation.

Fresh houses are easy to maintain and cause virtually no problems. Old houses are in need of major repairs; residents will be regularly reminded about leaking roofs and pipes and demand the promised, quick fix of the problem, and this is a significant expense.

Possible problems when opening a management company

1. Supplying the home with resources

It can be quite difficult to build relationships with those who supply your home with water, heating, and sewerage services. And a quick solution to problems that arise is sometimes impossible.

And vigilant residents will definitely start scandals because they were promised to do everything quickly, but in fact, like everyone else.

2. Defaulters

Every house has defaulters, usually 20–30% of the total number of residents. To solve problems with them, you will need to take some measures, and this is not only a waste of time, but also nerves.

Problems also include high risks, large financial investments, and difficulties in selecting qualified employees.

Is it possible to buy an existing business?

In practice it happens it is much easier to buy an existing management company, than to open it yourself.

When making such a transaction, you should pay special attention to the agreement, which needs to be studied very carefully and better in the presence of experienced lawyers, so that the debts of the former manager do not pass to you along with the company.

You will also need to check the presence of all necessary internal documents of the organization. Opening your own management company, – it’s a very risky, complex and costly business.

It will take a lot of effort to obtain a license, permits from the state, administration, and develop a client base. Poaching tenants is a difficult task, people do not trust such organizations because often promises are not even half fulfilled.

You can achieve success in this area and earn respect only by performing services efficiently and promptly, fulfilling all your promises. Only in this case will residents praise you and recommend you to their friends.

How to open a management company? Watch the following video lecture: