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Business: television advertising in transport. Advertising monitors for buses and minibuses Equipment for advertising in buses

Placement on monitors and placement of advertising on television - what are the main differences? At first glance, video advertising on monitors in public transport and advertising on television have a lot in common and, by definition, are the same product. However, these two types of advertising have very little in common: they are both visual, they are both dynamic. This is where the main similarities probably end. There are much more differences. And when developing videos for public transport advertising, it’s worth keeping these differences in mind. In fact, everything we know about video advertising on TV does not work in video advertising on public transport.

The first difference that probably concerns every advertiser is the price of the issue. Making videos and placing advertisements in public transport will be tens of times cheaper than the same thing on television. Of course, advertising on public transport is not as prestigious as television advertising. But, on the other hand, if advertising on TV is of no use to you yet, then you can also practice on buses.

The audience also has its own characteristics. On television it is undoubtedly bigger. But video advertising on public transport can be more effective for one simple reason: you know more about the audience. For example, the fact that before 9 o’clock in the morning it is schoolchildren and working people, in the middle of the day it is often pensioners and young mothers, in the evenings it is young people, and so on. Moreover, you know exactly in which area these people live, and this can be a huge plus in some situations (for example, if your store is located on one specific street).

Placing advertising in public transport on monitors is much simpler in organizational terms. Often, all you need to do is contact an advertising agency and express your wishes. Less censorship, less responsibility and much less approvals - these are the differences that force advertisers to delay launching a video on TV. You don't even have to do any filming or any serious editing. Due to its genre features, monitor advertising in public transport can simply be... a static frame or a slide show.

Another difference that only the deaf will not notice is that advertising in public transport on monitors almost never has sound. Is this a plus or a minus? It depends. However, you most likely will not be able to influence the viewer with the help of sound.

Monitor advertising in public transport, unlike television, does not have many of the functions that TV has. The information on the monitors is almost entirely of an advertising nature. In implementing the entertainment function (and at the same time in attracting attention), funny videos a la “hidden camera” and jokes and small news displayed on the screen are also competing for the place of television programs and talk shows. And you shouldn’t expect any big and global projects, like on TV - this is of no use here, only advertising should be remembered, everything else is about attracting eyes to the monitor.

Advertising in public transport will always remain a promising and effective method of promoting goods and services, and advertising on monitors in buses, trams and minibuses is another tool for a marketer.

Monitors in transport entertain passengers on the road, and advertising agencies successfully use them to place advertisements. Transport video advertising has a number of undeniable advantages over other media - low cost, great attention from passengers, wide audience coverage, and high frequency of display of advertising materials.

Why monitors?

For advertising companies Monitors in transport are attractive because up to 20-30 advertisers can be placed on one surface at the same time. The monitor changes advertisements over a predetermined period of time, or shows advertising videos of clients automatically. Thus, profit from one advertising space increases 20-30 times!

Why is this effective?

A huge number of people use urban public transport services during active times of the day, and all of them will know about the advertised product or service. Advertising monitors in minibuses and buses are difficult to ignore:“live picture”, bright colors, dynamic presentation of advertising between educational and informational content (horoscopes, weather forecasts, etc.) undoubtedly attract attention. If you add cyclic repetition after 3-5 minutes, then you are guaranteed that your video will be seen by the entire passenger flow. After all, a trip by bus or minibus takes on average from 5 to 20 minutes.

Which equipment to choose?

You can install two types of equipment in a vehicle - a set of three devices “Vandal-proof monitor + Advertising player + Power supply”, or one “Media complex” - an advertising monitor with a power supply and player in a single case.

The first option is more flexible - the monitor and player can be changed separately, but it is difficult to install and requires proper selection of components and laying a “web” of wires. Second option - Media complex- convenient and quick to install, they are suitable for a quick and carefree project launch, reliable and durable. Most buyers choose Media Complexes.

Advertising monitors and media complexes are installed in buses, minibuses, trains and the subway. Monitors vary in size, set of functions, and, accordingly, are used in various types of transport. For example: the ADM151 media complex with a 15" screen is installed in the interiors of minibuses and gazelles; the ADM172 model with a 17" screen is suitable for medium-capacity buses PAZ, Bogdan, etc.; models ADM202 with a 20" screen and ADM222 with a 22" screen are designed for large capacity buses - LiAZ, Huyndai, Mercedes-Benz Conecto.

All media complexes and advertising monitors for installation in transport are made in a metal case, protected by anti-vandal glass, resistant to vibrations and low temperatures, and the controls are locked with a key. They turn on automatically when the ignition is turned on, do not require constant maintenance by the driver, are reliable and durable. Features and functions are described in detail on the model pages:

Consultation with a specialist: +7 495 777-19-61

Catalog of media complexes
a ready-made solution for worry-free work - a monitor with a player and a power supply in one case

According to current information that we received from Mosgortrans, today more than 5,700 buses, 1,500 trolleybuses, and about 920 trams are successfully operating in Moscow. Every day, most of them go on flights in order to transport multi-million passenger traffic from point “A” to point “B”!

Each Muscovite spends from 45 minutes to 2 hours on public transport. Some people cling to portable “gadgets”, others read e-books that are fashionable today, but The attention of most public transport passengers is quite free!

Many of the buses, trolleybuses, trams that leave for the route early in the morning are not only quite modern and comfortable, but also equipped with modern multimedia tools for placing your advertising! If you have used public transport in the last 3-5 years, you probably paid attention to the monitors that are mounted under the ceiling of the cabin.

Transport with advertising has wonderful multimedia devices, which are a unique means of communication between producers of goods and services and consumers. Advertising on transport has given our partners and customers the opportunity to significantly increase the influx of customers.

Many clients, having placed advertising on transport, were surprised that over many days, weeks and even months they observed an increase in the influx of customers. But why? The principle is simple! It is important not just to show commercials about products and services to people, but to demonstrate them where they will reach those customers who are comfortable and profitable to use your products.

We are not talking about obvious things! Advertising information does not make sense in transport that circulates in the South-West of Moscow, if your bakery with amazingly tasty bread or the best hairdresser in the world (as an option - the most efficient auto repair shop) is located in the North-East!

We know about these minutes! That is why, in public transport, a colorful, memorable, bright advertisement for a car repair shop will be shown while men and women who are late for work and whose car has stalled at the most inopportune moment are there.

Believe me! We know these hours and minutes.

Separately, we would like to tell you about advertising on minibus monitors and its effectiveness! A huge passenger flow uses the capital's transport every day. The attention of these people is a free niche, which we invite you to fill with lively and long-remembered advertising about your company! Advertising placed on transport monitors, made by leading specialists of the People-Media agency, is a small movie in which your company is the main character!

Our creators, copywriters, directors, editors, who have extensive experience, know the strategies for creating a truly successful advertising on monitors.

But how to create advertising on monitors that gets into the mind and heart of the client, lingering there for a long time?

We know the answer to this question, and we are in a hurry to put our skills into practice today for you! Apply so that new clients will knock on your doors tomorrow!

LCD monitors are used for this. This ad is impossible to miss. During the trip, a person will, willy-nilly, look at the image, because... During the trip, passengers are usually not busy with anything and are ready to easily perceive simple and relevant information that is shown on the screens installed in the transport. At the same time, the broadcast image is easily viewed from 1/3 of the passenger seats. The video is shown constantly, it cannot be interrupted, which means that after watching a video 10 times during a half-hour trip, the entire bus will learn it by heart. This procedure is unobtrusive, it is so familiar and ordinary. Passengers do not believe that viewing advertising in this form takes up their personal time, like traditional television advertising. In addition to advertising, you can broadcast sweepstakes and SMS quizzes, which in turn increases the level of emotional perception of route television.

LCD monitors in transport allow you to display full-fledged advertising videos - from video advertising to flash animation. The cost of equipment for one bus is from 20,000 rubles, this is a 19" monitor, which it is advisable to “chain” in a vandal-proof case for its safety and a device for playing video from memory cards. Initially, we will not consider household equipment, such as DVD players or overhead car monitors made in China, because they break down in aggressive conditions of urban transport (dust, shaking, humidity, etc.). The criteria for selecting equipment should be its simplicity and reliability. To attract and retain advertisers, there should be no switched off monitors along the route. The human factor should also be eliminated; the monitor should turn on automatically when the bus enters the route.

The demand and effectiveness of dynamic advertising depends on the locality, the size of the bus and the route. On average, a city bus transports up to 1 thousand people per day and up to 25–30 thousand people per month. Depending on the bus route, you can more or less accurately determine the category of passenger-consumers) and, accordingly, place advertising correctly. For example, the bus that goes to gardening associations carries mainly pensioners, and the minibus to the university carries students. We advertise medicines first, mobile phones second...

The average price for placing a video advertisement on one screen in one bus is 100 rubles per week with a video released every 15 minutes. The number of advertisers can be 20–40. Those. The average income from one monitor is 2000–4000 rubles per week. And since this business works every day and seven days a week, a month turns out to be 8–16 thousand rubles. If there are 10 or 50 buses, do the math yourself... From these figures, of course, you need to subtract the payment for accommodation on the bus (from 500 to 1 thousand rubles per month) and maintenance.

The organizer of the “television in transport” project receives not only advertising business, but also becomes the owner of his own information channel. This can expand his ability to promote his own or partner business projects, and also allows him to build relationships with local authorities (administration, traffic police, etc.). Ahead in Russia is the transition to digital TV and the audience of terrestrial TV will be “spread out” across thousands of channels. At the same time, passenger flow in urban public transport is always stable; everyone will never switch to cars; this has been proven by the practice of large cities.

Many Moscow minibuses are excellent platforms for advertising. Stickers and decals are applied both to the sides of minibus taxis and to the rear. You can often see advertisements in minibuses on monitors or on seat headrests. Placing advertisements in minibuses is one of the inexpensive but effective ways to notify the city population, because according to statistics, more than 95% of trips last more than 10 minutes, and for many they reach more than an hour and a half. While in a minibus, everyone has time to read information messages several times, write down or remember the necessary information.

According to advertisers, almost 90% of advertising brings a good effect and gives a high return. After all, advertising in minibuses looks natural and is perceived positively. One of the key points is the availability of advertising messages and their selection for the target audience.

Moscow minibuses and advertising placement features

The movement of Moscow minibuses is carried out according to a predetermined schedule, which means that a certain part of the population, who systematically travel by them to work or educational institutions, sees advertising messages every day.

  • Availability of messages to all residents of one area. This allows you to advertise local shops, shopping and entertainment establishments, new product arrivals, service opportunities, etc.;
  • The impact is on both passengers waiting for public transport at stops, as well as pedestrians and motorists;
  • Excellent perception of advertising, thanks to the compactness of advertising platforms;
  • Location of information at eye level;
  • Possibility of covering large areas by placing advertisements on different minibuses.

Composition of the minibus taxi audience

The main audience for minibus taxis are the following categories of citizens:

  • The age of passengers is 16-54 years old with a low degree of solvency – 77%. The compliance index is 93%;
  • The average solvency of passengers is 21%. Advertising compliance index is 82%;
  • Wealthy passengers who have their own car, but use minibuses due to various circumstances – 12%. Compliance index 35%.

The lower degree of advertising compliance for wealthy citizens is explained by increased demands and desire to buy more expensive things, luxury items, eat in expensive restaurants and use better services. These types of advertisements are usually not placed in minibus taxis.

Types of advertising on Moscow minibuses and inside them

In minibus taxis, you can brand different sides of the vehicle. Advertising platforms in minibus taxis can be as follows:

  1. Branding of the side boards of the minibus.
  2. Tailgate branding.
  3. Advertising on headrests or covers in minibuses.
  4. Advertising on monitors - Route TV.
  5. In-salon advertising - placement of stickers in different types of minibuses.

Advertising on the sides of minibuses

Public transport is one of the most accessible and inexpensive for advertising. Minibus taxis are no exception, because small minibuses are ideal for attaching small stickers on the sides.

  • Low price compared to other types of public transport;
  • Depending on the minibus number and direction of travel, you can select the target audience;
  • Many routes connect the capital’s streets with the Moscow region, so those who live in remote areas will also see the advertisement;
  • Low cost of consumables. So, for example, a set of film with an adhesive base for a GAZelle will cost less than 8 thousand rubles. Lamination and installation are included in the price. It turns out that pasting 1 sq.m costs only 650 rubles;
  • A high degree of memorability, achieved due to the fact that when using the same route, people involuntarily remember advertising stickers and recognize them from afar;
  • A quick launch of an advertising campaign occurs due to the ease of production and installation of stickers;
  • Long-term and repeated contacts with the target audience, since those minibuses that move through the areas of the city desired by the advertiser are branded;
  • The average time of contact with advertising increases. It is several tens of times larger than with a billboard.

Cost of advertising on minibuses in Moscow

The cost of advertising a minibus depends on the period of placement and the type of vehicle. For example, the cost of a 12 sq.m sticker with installation for a period of three months will be only 25 thousand rubles. In comparison with a 3x6 shield installed in one of the popular areas in Moscow, it will cost about 150-400 thousand rubles per month.

In the table you can see approximate prices for wrapping different types of minibuses.

The price will depend on the brand of the car, since the area for advertising is different. The prices presented in the table are valid from October 2016.

The price includes:

  • Preparation of the layout;
  • Installation and dismantling of stickers;
  • Photo report on the work done;
  • Vehicle rental;
  • Maintenance and possible repair of advertising surfaces throughout their entire service life;
  • The cost is based on 1 month = 4 weeks.

Note! The minimum order is:

When ordering full branding – 1 minibus;

When wrapping one side - at least 5 minibuses.

Printing fees are calculated separately. The cost of printing will be 1 thousand rubles for each square meter.

Availability of available vehicles on the required routes is discussed upon prior request.

Elimination of some routes in Moscow

In mid-August 2016, several hundred routes were eliminated. This was due to the reform of ground transport.

Here you can watch a video about replacing rolling stock and optimizing advertising placement inside the capital’s minibuses:

Most of the minibuses were transferred to the control of city authorities.

Here is a video from the scene. First impressions of the replacement of urban transport:

Mosgortrans also took care of the redesign of city transport - minibus taxis were painted bright blue, validators were installed, with which you can pay for all types of city tickets for public transport.

If you get into a minibus of a different color and it does not have a validator installed, and you need to hand over the money for the fare to the driver, you can be sure that it is a private cab.

Advertising in minibuses on monitors

One of the simplest and most accessible types of advertising is broadcasting video clips on monitors installed in minibuses.

  • The majority of the population is addicted to watching TV, so during the trip most passengers look at the monitor;
  • Commercials are well remembered due to the small number of episodes. Each video contains from 4 to 7 different advertising messages.
  • Unobtrusiveness. No one will force the passenger to watch the video; he can easily go about his business or talk with a neighbor. He looks at the monitor solely of his own free will, which means he perceives it more readily than on TV, when advertising interrupts the movie.
  • The entertainment and informational nature attracts with its clarity, brightness, interesting and funny stories.
  • Huge audience reach. The Marshrut-TV system operates in more than one and a half thousand minibuses, which is almost a third of the total rolling stock in Moscow. They transport about 750 thousand people per day, and about 500 thousand watch it.
  • The videos do not act as an irritant, as they provide only useful information for a category of people who are already interested in this product. Only profitable promotions, discounts, and new products are presented.
  • The advertising is selected according to interests and is aimed at the main composition of minibus passengers.
  • A large number of repetitions guarantees good memorization of product names and manufacturer brands, contacts and other information that encourages purchase.

Prices for advertising on screens in minibuses

  • roller length;
  • number of impressions per hour.
Roller length/sec Cost of placing a video on 1 monitor for 1 week in rubles
1 time/hour 3 times/hour 4 times/hour 5 times/hour 6 times/hour 10 times/hour
10 50 150 200 250 300 500
15 75 225 300 375 450 750
20 100 300 400 500 600 1000
30 150 450 600 750 900 1500
60 300 900 1200 1500 1800 3000


  1. The minimum order price is 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Monitor operating time is 14-16 hours a day.
  3. Advertising blocks are repeated every three minutes.
  4. Depending on the length, the blocks contain from 2 to 6 rollers.
  5. The length of the video can be any.

Watch a video that talks about the monitor, which is designed for installation in transport:

For reference:

  • The federal network Route TV broadcasts commercials in 4.5 thousand cars and is the second largest in the world.
  • This advertising channel allows you to gain high ratings, which can only be compared with federal channels and large Internet portals.
  • The audience is more than 10 million people in 25 cities of Russia.

Advertising on stickers in minibuses, prices

Stickers come in two sizes – A4 and A5. The first type is placed vertically and horizontally, the second - only horizontally.

The manufacturing cost is so low that it is often included in the placement fee.

Advertising on seats in minibuses

Advertising on seats or covers in minibuses is very popular, since at a low cost it can give a powerful effect. People traveling in minibuses unwittingly read everything that is in front of their eyes.

  1. Each minibus has 13-17 headrests.
  2. The minibus operates 12-14 hours a day.
  3. The average travel time for one passenger is 15 minutes.
  4. The cost of one advertising contact with a passenger will be only 17 kopecks.


  1. Minimum order is five minibuses.
  2. Manufacturing cost is 250 rubles for each vehicle.

Lightboxes on minibuses

Another type of advertising is information messages on light boxes installed on the roofs of minibuses. A double-sided box with an LED strip inside works even at night, as it can be seen from afar.

Lightboxes are visible not only to passengers, but also to pedestrians, as well as to all road users.


The price includes:

  • Creating a layout that can be replaced during the advertising campaign;
  • Making a lightbox;
  • Installation of advertising media;
  • Daily inspection and repair if necessary;
  • Photo report twice a month.

Minibuses equipped with light boxes often run towards entertainment, business and shopping centers, take people to cultural or public institutions, which means they will be seen by a large number of residents and guests of the city.