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The dumpling production workshop has sanitary requirements. Equipment for the production of dumplings

Dumplings are a very affordable, quick and tasty product for lunch or dinner. Hence the constant demand, which does not depend on the time of year or social status; everyone eats dumplings. There are many important disadvantages that dumplings that are produced on factory equipment have. Often such companies add too much soy to minced meat, which alienates consumers from the classic taste of minced meat. In this regard, the home-based dumpling business can pose serious competition to manufacturers supplying their “soy” dumplings to the shelves of city stores. After all, the taste of homemade dumplings is something that is familiar to us since childhood and is radically different from store-bought options.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling production

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling shop that produces dumplings. It can be noted that the main target audience is people who want a satisfying and at the same time inexpensive meal.

Dumpling production business: documents for tax registration

To register a dumpling shop with the tax authorities, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. In the table below we analyze the main advantages. In addition, we will consider the necessary list of documents for registration of each legal form of ownership. When registering, select the OKVED code:

  • 10.13.4 - production of semi-finished meat products,
  • 10.73.1 - production of semi-finished products, dumplings, etc., boiled and uncooked, with and without filling.
Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of personnel from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large chain of pet stores, borrow money, and scale.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The most optimal organizational form for a dumpling production workshop may be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship (IE). The most favorable tax regime for an enterprise will be the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of enterprise profit.

Own workshop: SES requirements

For the first time after opening a business, you can build your first premises in your personal home kitchen, which already has all the necessary equipment. But it’s worth keeping in mind that to make dumplings, even in your own kitchen you must have: a large number of sockets or an extension cord, a spacious and comfortable table, a sink with a constant supply of water, a good lighting fixture and, of course, a large freezer for storage of finished products. If you are planning to rent such a premises, possible success in this field can turn it into a full-fledged dumpling production workshop.

In the future, if you leave your home kitchen and rent premises, it must meet sanitary requirements Rospotrebnadzor(SES). In addition to the SES, you must obtain a conclusion on the premises for a workshop in Gospozharnadzor. To do this, it is necessary to install a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Below is a list for obtaining a basic permit from Rospotrebnadzor, after which you can begin production.

To organize this workshop indoors or at home, you will need a certain list of equipment that is necessary for this type of activity. We are not talking about new equipment; used household appliances are quite suitable:

  • Refrigerator compartment with sub-zero temperature function. Such a chamber will accommodate about 100-1500 kg of finished products; its dimensions can easily fit in a kitchen or balcony. The issue price is 7000-12000 rubles;
  • Manual or automatic meat grinder for preparing the filling. The price of this device ranges from 2000 to 7000 rubles. The approximate productivity of an automatic meat grinder is 1.5 kg of meat per minute, and a convenient loading tray and increased power can increase production time quite significantly;
  • A device for making dumplings – a dumpling maker. It can be mechanical or automatic. An ordinary mechanical dumpling maker costs about 1000 rubles and has a productivity of 10-12 kg per hour. An automatic dumpling maker will cost you 7,000 rubles, but it will speed up the process of making dumplings significantly, as it has many additional and very convenient functions: molds for dumplings, rolling out dough, producing noodles and ravioli, and a measuring spoon.

In addition to the above equipment, you can additionally buy: Flour sifter (about 15,000 rubles), dough sheeter (about 30,000 rubles).

Where to start production?

To begin with, you will need a great recipe, preferably with an exclusive signature, so that your dumplings stand out from the crowd of your competitors. But it’s worth considering the preferences of your future customers, for example, should you make dumplings from beef or pork? Or maybe mixed minced meat or chicken? Or even cook dumplings with non-traditional fillings of vegetables or fruits? The answers to these questions can create good demand, which will provide you with a large turnover and an influx of profit.

Next, having decided on the desired filling, we proceed directly to the process of making dumplings. Dumpling makers have several molding options for future products. So, in addition to the tasty filling, you can choose an interesting shape, which can also work favorably into your hands. Automatic dumpling makers have a mode for rolling out dough from 0.2 to 3 mm thick. This can seriously affect the taste, and it is better to strictly determine the future thickness of your dough. Next, the resulting dough is placed in the dumpling chute, the required amount of minced meat is applied, and all this is turned into a finished dumpling product.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. Meat and potato dumplings taste no worse than pure meat dumplings, but the cost is the same.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings without losing quality by increasing the percentage of water content in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to increase the percentage of water content in minced meat to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only becomes better.

Video review of dumpling production

The video shows the production of dumplings in detail.

Market for your products

Most often, the first batch of finished products is distributed among close friends, acquaintances and neighbors. But these are only initial reviews, and, as a rule, you can’t start a business with your family; you need to look for the main places for selling such products - public catering and convenience stores. To introduce your products to these places, you will need a number of documents to carry out trade. In fact, these are 2 declarations of conformity, but to obtain them you will need registration of technical production conditions, which includes the following documents:

  • lease contract;
  • product recipe;
  • label.

The development and registration of technical specifications will take you 10 working days, and receiving a declaration of conformity will take about several weeks. The paperwork may seem difficult, but it's worth it. In order to make sure of the success of your company, it is best to test the first batch in some cafe or among friends. If the party receives good reviews and is approved, then there is no point in delaying the documents. After all, an honest entrepreneur is a trusted supplier.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.8 out of 5)
The dumpling production business is a highly profitable and competitive business. The difficulty arises in the marketing of manufactured products. Therefore, you need to think about searching for sales agents immediately after registering with the tax office.

Perhaps each of us has encountered a situation when, returning home from work or a walk, we were madly hungry, but the refrigerator could not please us with anything other than emptiness, and then a package of dumplings, which we bought in advance, came to the rescue. Quick preparation, unique taste. This product is very popular among people of almost any age. Some people are not even averse to eating dumplings at any time of the day.

Even housewives, famous for their culinary masterpieces, do not neglect such a packaged dish. Dumplings can be eaten in both winter and summer. And if you eat them with any sauce, then there is no doubt that it will already be a delicacy. There are also a large number of cooking methods.

If you look at the rise in prices for meat products, and at everything else in our country, and at the salary levels of ordinary citizens, it is not difficult to imagine that it would be preferable to buy a package of dumplings. And cook them without any complicated manipulations in the shortest possible time. Thus, in times of crisis, a business based on the production of dumplings will undoubtedly gain momentum and bring the good profit that you have been dreaming of.

Where to start producing dumplings.

It’s worth starting your business small, inviting your friends and letting them try your signature dumplings, which you cook with all your heart. And they will naturally be very tasty. Sales among family and friends can generate income; if it satisfies you and even makes you happy, then you should think about mass production.

Such a business is based on five key points: this is the actual place where your workshop will be located, special equipment, workers, products for preparing dumplings, and also advertising. For example, you can compare the production of double-glazed windows and the dumpling business; in this they have many similarities.

Where to place a dumpling shop.

This question is not particularly difficult and requires keeping a few things in mind, which we will cover below. The workshop will require an area of ​​approximately 50 square meters. m. is enough to start your business, and more meters means more rent. Do you need this? A prerequisite is compliance with sanitary standards, which will allow you to easily pass inspections of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Lighting, water supply and uninterrupted ventilation will serve as a serious argument in defense of your production quality. A psychologically positive attitude to work will be ensured if the room has light walls and white floors. I would like to note that such a workshop will be an excellent help in the decision to inspect the SES.

Business plan for the production of dumplings: how to organize.

You are probably thinking about how to sculpt, using automated machines or manually. Well, it’s up to you to decide and choose! Hand molding is valued higher, and the price for such products can be raised, but the cost of the product will not be high and you should not expect an increase in production volumes, however, it should be noted that you will save on equipment.

Modeling using special devices means a large amount of goods produced, the cost is significantly lower than with manual modeling. But there are large costs for the purchase of equipment and its maintenance.

If you choose machine sculpting, I’ll say right away that you will have to spend from three hundred thousand to a couple of million rubles. There are many companies on the market that can offer a wide range of equipment for your business. If the amount is not so important for you, then you can safely buy devices of European and domestic production. They are more reliable than Chinese copies, but they also cost five times more.

So, what equipment will you need for your gastronomic business?!

  • industrial meat grinder
  • machine for making dumplings
  • dough mixer
  • flour sowing machine
  • freezer
  • installation for packaging and packing of products.

How to open a dumpling shop: personnel.

When all your preparations are ready, you need to think about the employees of your workshop. It is best to hire at least five workers. Trying to save money is undesirable, as this may cause a decrease in the quality of work, and this, as a result, will damage your business. What is welcome in this business is the desire and ability of the people who will work for you, and the ability to cook. And never forget to monitor the health records of your subordinates, so as not to earn fines from the SES. If your staff has experience and is familiar with the operation of the equipment, this will be a definite plus.

What to produce from?

Dumplings are a unique product made by wrapping minced meat in dough. The quality of your product will directly depend on whether you act conscientiously and purchase good raw materials or not. In order to start production you will need several ingredients: flour, water, salt, chicken eggs, onions, spices and of course minced meat.

If you like experiments, you can try combining different ingredients: mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes and much more. This variety will allow you to expand the list of products offered, which will already include dumplings and ravioli. New production horizons will give you the chance to enter a larger market segment.

Let's return to what will be the basis of your business, these are dumplings, which means let's talk about minced meat. There are several requirements for it: it should not be very raw and not viscous, and after cooking it should retain its juiciness. If we talk about chemistry, then this is everyone’s business; you need to choose which consumer the product will be aimed at. You can try production with rabbit meat in order to increase your consumer base.

As for the dough, it should have a small thickness and at the same time not break during cooking, losing all the juice of the meat filling, which consumers love so much.

And remember that a high-quality product and good sanitary standards in your workshop will definitely reduce encounters with the SES.

What kind of dumplings to produce.

There are various GOSTs and specifications for your products, but it is up to everyone to comply or not. It depends only on you how the dumplings will look, what their weight and color will be, and most importantly, that your product will be in demand.

It is not difficult to guess that the greater the variability of supply on the market, the more customers you have. Having assessed the demand, it will be possible to settle on one assortment of ingredients.

Keep the bar high, let your product be the best, and then profits will flow to you confidently, and these are prerequisites for expanding your business.

Dumpling business: how to express yourself in the market.

You can come up with some kind of slogan, symbols by which people would recognize your product, develop a system of discounts or bonus promotions, if possible. And most importantly, come up with a beautiful and sounding name that would make people buy your dumplings.

In order to competently join the sphere of trade, it is worth starting selling goods on the market, since, unlike store sellers, market traders are strongly interested in the demand and sale of goods, and, therefore, the income will be greater. It is best to contact large retail outlets with an already established consumer base.

At the presentation of your product, be sure to conduct a tasting and make a promotion of your product. Even a very small gift in addition to the purchase will be a big plus in your advertising work.

A satisfied customer is the most important part of a marketing campaign, because he will tell his friends and family about the product, and will also focus on choosing your product. Which will create further demand for supply.

Your production can be roughly considered in the following figures:

  1. The cost of equipment is in the range of 300 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles This will depend on the choice of country of origin.
  2. Ingredients for production. On average 360 ​​thousand rubles.
  3. Rent of space for a workshop and housing and communal services 45 thousand rubles.
  4. Salary for your working staff is 80 thousand rubles.
  5. The desire to work and develop your products is free.

Thanks to simple calculations we get:

Income - 210 thousand rubles.

Profit – 90 thousand rubles.

The entire event will pay for itself in an average of four or six months.

These results are based on the assumption that your workshop will produce 700 kg of goods per day. As for income and profit, the numbers may vary; everything will depend on how long you will acquire a sufficient number of clients and gain a strong position in the market.

I would like to wish you good luck in your business, I think you have learned a lot from what is written here.

You can organize a home business both in a large city and in a small region. Below is a business plan for the production of dumplings at home in a large regional center. What initial capital needs to be prepared and whether it is profitable to run a home business in the region, we will tell you in more detail.


Main activity: production and sale of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings).

Company location: private sector of the city, separate annex in a private household with an area of ​​35 sq. m. Form of ownership – private property of the business organizer. Supporting documentation – evidence of home ownership.

Opening hours: daily as orders arrive.

Services offered:

  1. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made/stamped.
  2. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made.
  3. Frozen Khinkali.
  4. Frozen manti.

As an additional service, we offer delivery of hot dumplings and dumplings in portions to offices (from 5 servings).

Form of legal registration: individual entrepreneurship.

Taxation: USN.


Name of product Compound Form Price, rub./kg
Classic dumplings Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, pepper. Dough: Premium flour, egg, salt, water, vegetable oil Hand sculpting 270
Stamping 200
Lamb dumplings Minced meat: lamb, pork lard, onion, pepper Hand sculpting 320
Poultry dumplings Minced meat: chicken fillet, pork lard, onion, pepper Hand sculpting 220
Khinkali Hand sculpting 310
Manti Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, spices, herbs Hand sculpting 300
With potato Hand sculpting 160
With cherry Hand sculpting 170
With cottage cheese Hand sculpting 220
With cabbage Hand sculpting 150
With liver Hand sculpting 190

Prices for each item are set based on an analysis of the price list of the closest competitors. As a highlight, an additional service is offered: delivery of hot dumplings in portions at a price of 160 rubles/250 g. Office workers can order a hot lunch, try the products and buy frozen dumplings home for dinner.

Planned expenses

To implement the draft business plan for the production of dumplings at home, you will need the following investments:

You can reduce the amount of your down payment if you use household appliances that you already have. If you plan to obtain permits from the SES, then separate tools and equipment are required. The amount needed to purchase products: meat, flour, eggs, spices, onions is immediately added to the down payment. In the future, the cost of raw materials will be taken from the revenue, since products can be manufactured based on pre-orders.

You can save on advertising if you create a business card website on one of the free platforms for creating websites and manage groups on social networks yourself. In this case, the costs will go only to advertising budgets (contextual advertising, affiliate programs).

Since you won’t have to pay monthly rent for the premises, expenses will mainly consist of utility bills.

Project implementation planning

You can implement a home dumpling workshop project in 1 month. Of course, subject to the presence of a separate extension or if you plan to cook directly in your kitchen. Each stage is planned for specific dates to make it easier to control organizational processes and not waste time. An example of planning each stage for the implementation of a business plan in July is given in the table below:

Some stages of implementation will overlap, for example, a group is created from the first days of implementing an idea, since it takes time to promote the group on social networks. And this is extra time. Initially, your main clients will be acquaintances and Internet users, so it is recommended to focus your attention on this area.


If you plan to sell finished products through large retail chains or stores, then a separate extension or apartment will be equipped. If you carry out production in your home kitchen, then you can only work through the Internet and through acquaintances. The SES will not issue permission for the official sale of your products.

To obtain permission from the SES, you must submit the following documents:

  • Certificates and medical certificates for the meat from which the dumplings will be made.
  • Conclusion of the SES commission on the suitability of the premises for the production of semi-finished products (presence of a hood, separate areas for cutting meat and making dough, equipped freezing and packaging).
  • Conclusion from the city's fire, environmental and energy services on the safety of small private production.

To implement the plan in a separate extension, the following zoning of the premises is required:

  • The space for cutting meat and preparing it for making minced meat is 10 sq. m.
  • Peeling vegetables – 5 sq. m.
  • Hardware preparation of dumplings – 10 sq. m.
  • Hand sculpted – 6 sq. m.
  • Preparation of vegetable and fruit filling for dumplings – 6 sq. m.

Total: a separate room for home production of dumplings must have an area of ​​at least 37 square meters. m.

Small production equipment

To make dumplings at home, you need to purchase the following furniture:

  1. Cutting tables (metal) 3 pcs. – 18,000 rub.
  2. Metal rack with shelves for finished products and blanks, 2 pcs. – 19,000 rub.
  3. Metal sink with two compartments 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.

Total: you will need at least 45,000 rubles for furniture.

To organize the manufacturing process you will need kitchen appliances and tools:

  1. Electric meat grinder 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.
  2. Dough mixer 1 pc. – 8,500 rub.
  3. Molds for making dumplings 3 pcs. – 120 rub.
  4. A small line for the production of stamped dumplings - 70,000 rubles.
  5. Hand tools and utensils (knives, cutting boards, spoons, containers for mixing minced meat and dough, pans for cooking ready-made dumplings and dumplings) – 64,000 rubles.

Total: to equip a small home workshop you will need at least 150,000 rubles.


The main problem of a small manufacturer is to find regular and profitable suppliers of products. The quality of meat should be at a high level, and the price should be as low as possible. Focus on nearby farms in your region. Homemade dumplings are made from a variety of minced meats, so the meat may come from several suppliers. The larger the batch of meat you purchase, the greater the discount the supplier will provide.

For small home production, it is possible to purchase ready-made minced meat. The supplier must have an appropriate product safety document. The wholesale price for minced meat is 130-150 rubles. The minimum price for products is 220 rubles. From the markup 90 rubles. the cost of dough in the amount of 27 rubles is deducted. As a result, from 1 kg of minced meat the net profit will be 63 rubles, which is not bad for beginners, but not enough for the profitability of a full-fledged business. It is more profitable to purchase meat in bulk and make minced meat yourself.

Small production staff

In a small home-based industry, the staff consists of family members. If a private business operates in an attached non-residential premises, it is possible to hire outside workers.

Family members, as well as hired employees, can be registered with individual entrepreneurs under an employment contract. If an individual entrepreneur is registered as a self-employed entrepreneur, then he cannot hire personnel. After concluding an employment contract with personnel, it is necessary to pay contributions to the pension and social insurance funds.

For example, consider the staff for home production of dumplings and costs in the form of a table:

To save money, accounting can be outsourced. You need to allocate 82,000 rubles per month for employee salaries and contributions. In the first month, wages are paid from the entrepreneur’s personal pocket, so this amount can be added to the estimate. From the second month it is planned to become self-financing, since the products are of high quality and prices are 7% lower than those of competitors. If there is healthy competition, self-financing is possible in 5-6 months and depends on the marketing plan.

These are indicative figures. We do not consider them further as costs, since in our case members of the same family participate in creating a business and profits are distributed between them.

Planning expenses

A small home production of dumplings requires monthly funding for the following needs:

  1. Salaries to employees and payments to funds – 82,000 rubles.
  2. Utility bills – 15,000 rubles.
  3. Household needs (purchase of raw materials) – 300-500 thousand rubles.
  4. Unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.
  5. Depreciation of kitchen utensils and tools – 10,000 rubles.

In total, not counting the purchase of raw materials, it will take 122,000 rubles to keep a small business afloat. The percentage of monthly expenses is presented in the form of a graph:

The graph shows that 67.2% of monthly expenses are on employee salaries. Therefore, this type of business is beneficial for a family where there are no actual salaries, and all income is distributed between business development and replenishing the general family fund.

Project payback

Revenue with an average sales volume of 100-150 kg per month will be about 330,000 rubles. From this amount the cost of raw materials is deducted in the amount of 60% - 198,000 rubles. Net profitability is 132,000 rubles. It is planned that sales volumes will grow and within 6 months, on average, sales will increase by 45-60%. Along with turnover, profit will increase. Net proceeds will be divided into parts:

  1. The company's fixed capital is 20%.
  2. Return on investment – ​​40%.
  3. Expansion of production – 30%.
  4. Depreciation and contingencies – 10%.

With this division, the monthly return on investment will cost 52,800 rubles. But this is provided that personnel is a family contract, and 90% of the first month’s revenue does not go to employee salaries. Investments in the project amounted to 567,500 rubles. Thus, the payback will be 10-11 months. Starting from the second month, the purchase of raw materials will be carried out at the expense of revenue. The fixed capital and expansion item are necessary for further production growth without additional financial injections. In a year and a half, it will be possible to rent space and open a full-fledged workshop for making dumplings or implement the idea of ​​home cooking in a personal dining room.


As an advertisement, a group is launched on social networks, where the menu, prices and composition of your products are presented in detail. It is necessary to launch an advertising campaign for the first customers, since the products are unknown on the market and it will take time to develop regular customers. A plus for advertising will be a project to deliver ready-made dumplings to offices. Potential buyers will be able to get acquainted with your products and, if they meet all the requirements, they will be willing to order dumplings home. The price of a finished sample portion should not be overpriced, since this move is made to attract a potential buyer. In the future, the markup can be increased.

It will be effective to organize home delivery of ready-made semi-finished products from 3 kg. But this move is unprofitable in large populated areas, where delivery from one end of the city to the other can take more than 30 minutes.


To organize a small production of semi-finished products at home, you will need a separate non-residential premises and an initial capital of about 567,500 rubles. If homemade dumplings are made in a small volume in the home kitchen, then you can get by with investing in raw materials. Utensils and tools are used at home. But in this case it will not be possible to organize sales through stores or large retail chains. It is more profitable to immediately start a small home production.

The profitability of the enterprise is 24%, the business will pay off in 1 year. At the same time, funds will be set aside for development. At first, the family is used as a staff; in the future, additional workers can be hired. The business plan for producing dumplings at home with calculations, presented above, is less profitable in megacities, where there are many large competitors, than in small towns.

The market segment for frozen semi-finished products, in particular dumplings, is very promising. According to statistics, the demand for frozen food has increased in recent years. The reason for this is people’s busyness and the search for a budget-friendly substitute for meat. If you are determined to start a similar business, then you need to write a business plan.

You can purchase a ready-made document, but it is quite possible to develop it yourself. To do this, you need to study the points that will be outlined below - they are the basis of the future project.

Market and competition analysis

Pelmeni are an integral part of Russian culture, which makes them a sought-after product. At the same time, the demand for this product is stable and does not have sharp seasonal fluctuations. But competition in the market is high: There are 5 competitors per 10 thousand consumers famous brands.

Carefully research the work of your competitors, their range, pricing and points of sale. This will provide a lot of useful information, because in order to “break through” in the market, you need to offer the buyer something more attractive. The client wants to receive good quality products at an affordable price, constantly tasting new attractive options.

Production plan

The key link in drawing up a business plan is a description of direct production, from which calculations will be based in the future.


Regardless of the technology chosen for the manufacture of products, the premises must comply with sanitary standards. It is best to consult specific services, as their conditions may differ from those that can be found on the Internet.

We are talking about the food industry, where the following minimum requirements for the premises exist:

  • availability of water, light and heating;
  • ventilation;
  • walls lined with tiles.

The optimal location for such premises is the suburbs, where cheap labor is available and there are many options for locating a workshop at reasonable prices. Area may vary from 10 to 100 squares, but on average, the ideal figure is 60 m2. It is important to consider the presence of a toilet for staff.


Modeling dumplings can be done using two technologies:

  • Manually— at the initial stage, this option requires less investment, but the productivity of such modeling is low.
  • Machine sculpting– a more expensive method that requires the purchase of special equipment. However, it quickly pays for itself due to the large volume of output.

Automation of production helps to organize the process with the involvement of a minimum number of personnel, which reduces labor costs and associated taxes. The machine line requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • Dough forming kit:
    • flour sifting machine;
    • dough kneader;
    • sheeting machine.
  • Industrial meat grinder and mince mixer.
  • Automatic machine for forming dumplings.
  • Chambers for storing raw materials and freezing products.
  • Packaging line.

The center of attention is the molding machine, which produces dumplings ready for freezing. The productivity of such machines can vary from 50 to 270 kg/hour depending on the selected class. The choice of equipment on the market is very wide, but domestic and Chinese models are especially worthy of attention - they have good reviews and a reasonable price.

Raw materials

A dumpling is a small lump of minced meat wrapped in dough. The main components for its production:

  • Flour with 30% gluten content.
  • Meat: pork, beef and chicken.
  • Lard.
  • Powdered eggs or chicken eggs.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Drinking water or milk.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Salt, spices and other additives.

The recipe must comply with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications. There is one dough for any type of dumplings, and with the help of variations of minced meat and spices you can create a range of products.

In the following video you can clearly see the manufacturing process:

Financial plan

The financial section, namely the cost and profit estimates, helps to understand the prospects of the project in a clearer light.

Approximate figures for an automated dumpling workshop with 5 workers and a production of 700 kg of products per day:

  • Purchase of equipment – ​​500 thousand rubles.
  • Marketing costs – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly rent is 40 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials per month – 350 thousand rubles.
  • Salary per month – 80 thousand rubles.
  • Utility costs per month – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Forecast of average monthly income – 550 thousand rubles.
  • Forecast of net profit per month – 70 thousand rubles.

The payback period for this business is expected to be around 8 months., taking into account a three-month period for full production setup.

Organizational plan


To start any production process you need personnel. When using manual labor, you will need at least 4-5 people without special qualification requirements. Automated lines require at least 2-3 people experienced in working with dumpling equipment. Even when organizing a large workshop with decent turnover, 15 people are enough.

It is very advisable to hire a technologist, especially if the business owner is not familiar with the dumpling business.

We need 3-4 people with experience to control purchases, prepare minced meat and direct production. One of them will be assigned to work on packaging products.

For food production personnel must have health certificates and undergo regular medical examinations. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in severe fines and indefinite closure upon the first inspection or complaint from a consumer.


It is important to carefully consider the organization of product transportation - a driver with his own transport is best. He can be hired part-time with agreement on the shift schedule.

Business registration

For an official enterprise, registration with the tax authorities is required, which will take at least two weeks. It is also necessary to obtain permission from all necessary authorities in order to work long and fruitfully.

Launch of production

The production of dumplings is a continuous cycle, which includes the following stages:

  1. Purchase of raw materials.
  2. Test preparation.
  3. Preparation of minced meat.
  4. Making dumplings.
  5. Freezing them.
  6. Packing.
  7. Delivery of products to points of sale.

Marketing plan and sales channels

To launch a product, you need a name; it must be memorable and “appetizing.” The best marketing strategy would be to release products in different price categories: economy class, middle segment, premium class. Thus, all categories of consumers will be captured.

To initially establish sales channels, you need to visit (call) all retail outlets in the city and conclude agreements for the supply of products. Once the production line is established, it will be possible to move on to the region and nearby cities. It is also worth considering wholesale centers that work with semi-finished products.

Risk analysis

Any business venture is associated with certain risks, which are caused by the characteristics of the chosen field of activity, competitors and the general situation in the country. It is necessary to predict potential risks and outline a strategy to combat them. The main risks are failure to meet the planned sales volume, possible equipment breakdowns and downtime, increased prices for raw materials, reaction of competitors, problems with personnel, etc.

Despite the fact that a dumpling shop is a quick-paying enterprise, risk analysis will help you prepare for a quick response to problems that arise. A great idea would be to open a related business, for example. It will bring additional income and help sell excess meat or minced meat during forced downtime.

Opening a business for the production of dumplings is a promising direction. Firstly, this is due to its high popularity among the population. Secondly, it is possible to use different ingredients and produce a wide range of products. Thirdly, this is a large market size that does not have a clear leader in the industry. These factors are reflected in the quick payback period of the project, which is 11 months, and the break-even point of the project falls on the 3rd month of work.

To open production you will need to find a room with an area of ​​150 m2. You can look for premises in the industrial parts of the city. This will help reduce costs. It is also necessary to hire a staff of 16 people.

The production capacity will be 960 kg of dumplings per day, 28,800 kg per month. You will need ingredients per day totaling 52,800 rubles. The average wholesale price of 1 kg of dumplings is 110 rubles. Based on these parameters, the financial indicators of the project are as follows:

Initial investment amount - 2 050 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 470 000 rubles;

Payback period - 11 months;

Break even - 3 months;

Return on sales - 28% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

The popularity of dumplings and their relative cheapness are driving the growth in demand for these products. It is also worth noting that there is no clear leader in this market. This opens up additional opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs in this market.

We need to open a small production facility. This will allow you to achieve high quality products and significantly reduce opening costs.

The main products will be meat dumplings (beef and pork). Also, the line can be quickly converted to produce dumplings from other ingredients.

To organize a production line you will need:

  • dumpling forming machine
  • flour sifter
  • dough mixer
  • dough sheeter
  • meat grinder
  • mince mixer
  • refrigeration equipment
  • packing machine

This equipment will allow you to fully automate the production process and eliminate the human factor. You also need to purchase computers and printers.

In addition to equipment, you will need to select high-quality premises and make repairs to it. Repairs are necessary on the premises to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service to put production into operation.

The premises must meet the following requirements:

  • the premises must be located in a sanitary zone
  • water supply and sewerage
  • natural and forced ventilation
  • good lighting
  • Availability of a room with a bathroom for staff
  • availability of storage space

More detailed information about SES requirements can be found in regulations or regulations on production requirements.

3. Description of the sales market

For any production, an important success factor is the rapid sale of manufactured products. This result can be achieved by creating an effective sales system.

The main clients of the production are wholesale buyers and chains of super- and hypermarkets. Then, through their sales channels, they will sell these products to your direct consumers - people.

To build an effective sales system, you need to identify the main circle of target customers, understand their demand for your products and begin negotiations. Also, at the negotiation stage, offer flexible payment systems for products, bonuses and preferences in order to increase the turnover of products in the warehouse.

A flexible sales policy will attract more customers and increase business profitability.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

To open a dumpling production enterprise you will need:

  1. Register a legal entity - individual entrepreneur
  2. Select a premises and sign a lease agreement
  3. Make repairs
  4. Get permission from the SES
  5. Purchase equipment
  6. Find personnel
  7. Carry out commissioning work
  8. Get started

Stage/duration, weeks

Individual entrepreneur registration

Selection of premises

Room renovation

Obtaining permission from the SES

Equipment purchase


Commissioning works

Beginning of work