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Values ​​and beliefs of successful people. Seducer's Beliefs

It's unlikely that you want to be old and frail. But old age is not wrinkles. This is primarily a slowdown in recovery processes. It's like a wormy apple. If the rot is visible from the outside, then inside it has appeared a long time ago. Everything heals quickly on babies. But from the age of 15 these processes slow down. This means, in essence, aging begins around [...]

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Many people underestimate the importance of sleep. But in vain. Here are the sad statistics from documentary film Sleepless in America. That is, many of your problems in life can be solved if you just start getting enough sleep. And it largely depends on how quickly you can fall asleep. If you have insomnia and problems falling asleep, then your sleep will be poor. That's why […]

The more you get sick, the easier it is to get sick again. Because the body has to spend its vitality faster on recovery. This means that if you are sick, you live for three years. So the fewer diseases, the longer you will maintain youth and beauty and the later you will begin to grow old. These 10 secrets from always healthy people will help you with this. […]

Your success in any business depends 100% on your current state. If there is little energy in the body, it is attacked by laziness and drowsiness, then great success in this moment time cannot be reached. It’s better to spend 20 minutes bringing yourself to your senses and already charged with energy to fight the problem. So choose any of [...]

Is yours appearance could ruin everything. Or, on the contrary, add extra points to you when applying for a job or somewhere else. But what if you need to get better in a week? After all, even if you start eating right, quit smoking and start playing sports, then for this a short time not much effect can be achieved. Therefore, use these recommendations. They […]

If you are familiar with these experiences, this video is for you. Without vital energy, you will have little time to accomplish. And without action it is impossible to achieve success. So remove these reasons for lack of energy from your life. You don't give out enough energy. The more you move physically, the more energy you have. The more often you sit still, the less cheerfulness you have. Physical […]

Agree, correct beliefs and outlook on life are a very necessary thing in this world. A successful seducer must have certain moral principles. Let's talk about the rules of life and beliefs of both a successful person in general and a successful seducer in particular.

Rules and beliefs of a successful person

1. The universe is friendly - on the way to your goal you will get everything you need. The worst thing a person can do is to look for some obstacles at every step in life and stumble over them. There are people who are hindered by everything - weather, politics, global warming, rising gasoline prices... No matter how you talk to them, everything is always bad for them. Their antipodes are people who look for the good in everything. It is precisely everything and everyone around them that helps them. Even the Universe!

— « Bad weather
- “We’ll get acquainted in shopping centers and clubs"

— “Are there political demonstrations in the city?”
- “Surely there will be girls there! We’ll meet there too!”

— “Are gasoline prices rising?”
- "Class! More girls will ride the subway!”

The thought is material! Very often, someone who wants something very much gets a lot! Sometimes, even much more than I wanted!

2. I always do the best I can at the moment. And I try to do even more than I can.

3. I try to do the impossible to get the best possible.

4. There is always a choice - at least 3 options. In fact, there are as many options as you want. There may be hundreds of them. But you should always have at least three. It concerns everything - work, leisure, women...

Having a number of backup options gives you freedom!

5. The winner is not the one who never falls, but the one who always rises. But this is truly the golden rule! They rise through willpower. She is the real find and adornment of any person!

6. Only I am responsible for what happens to me. Never shift responsibility for your failures onto anyone else. Especially on politicians and the country in which you live! You can’t change them, but you can change yourself. Think about what you yourself did wrong. Much healthier!

7. Challenge is fun. If you accepted the challenge, you have already won. At least your fear and self-doubt.

8. My life is a game. Feel the lightness and excitement! Victory is near!

9. I am flexible, and therefore successful. Remember that you won’t always be able to follow a predetermined course. We propose, but God disposes. Therefore, sometimes, when you run into some obstacle on your way, you need to skillfully go around it.

Rules and beliefs of a successful seducer

  1. I am a man and therefore I have every right seduce women.
  2. I enjoy seducing women at all stages. It's not just sex that should give you pleasure. But also all other communication with girls. Even the one that may not be comfortable for you. For example, meeting someone on the street. Remember that your life is a game. By the way, seducing women is also a game!
  3. Women love being seduced. Do not believe? Ask the women themselves. Especially the beautiful ones! If you do not agree with this statement, you are very far from success in seduction. And until you change your views, you will not get closer.
  4. Any resistance is a sign of insufficient trust. If a girl trusts you completely, you can do anything with her. Within a reasonable!
  5. Women only communicate with us if they need something from us. Alas, it is so! Emotions, something new, relationships, sex, marriage, children, money... If they don’t need anything from us, communication will be very short. A few tens of minutes at most.
  6. There are many women, I am alone. If something didn’t work out with someone, don’t be upset! There will be others. And they will be when you want it!
  7. All women want sex. See point 3.
  8. The best choice a woman can make is to be with me. Strive for it to be true! And this should happen not because you are immodest. But because you are truly one of the best. You are one of the 2% of men that 98% of women want. You are extremely successful, you work hard on yourself and have achieved perfection in many areas of your life. If this is not the case, do everything to change it as soon as possible!

Is there anything else you can add to the article? Do it below! In comments!

Inertia and inertia are also a consequence of the action of attitudes. A consciousness overloaded with stereotypes does not perceive new information well, so intellectual and professional development is delayed. Attitudes hinder and, which requires originality, non-standard thinking and rejection of patterns of thought and behavior. There is a saying about how inventions are created: “Everyone knew that it was impossible to do this, but a man who did not know this came and did it.” In fact, the entire progressive development of humanity is the path of destruction of stereotypes and templates.

Thus, the richness and diversity of the content of personality orientation makes each person a unique and inimitable social object and subject of activity. Changing with changes in society, we are literally renewed every moment, enriching our worldview, value orientations, attitudes and beliefs. Remember, the motto of Captain Nemo's Nautilus was the Latin phrase: Mobilis in mobile - “mobile in a mobile environment”? This motto is fully relevant to the human personality.

Let's continue talking about 9 Core Beliefs of Effective Communicators.

Another NLP's core belief is respect.. What does it mean?

Everyone worth respect. He's already successful, he has all the abilities and resources he needs.

Why is this worth remembering? Principle of respect, will help you communicate correctly and effectively with people. And also be prepared for the fact that you will have new friends and good acquaintances, because if you remember that every person is worthy of respect, you yourself will be a very unusual person. People are not used to them, to their abilities and resources treated with respect. They'll love it! Get ready to make new friends!

Now more about what this is core belief of effective communicators or else it's called core belief of NLP.

Respect- one of NLP's Nine Core Beliefs or, one might say, one of the " 9 beliefs exclusively successful people ".

Respect, in this case is understood as the awareness that everyone the person is already successful. Even if he doesn't make an impression yet successful person, he has all the necessary resources to to be successful.

If you are a psychologist, a coach, or someone else, and a person comes to you for help, the first thing you should remind yourself of is what is sitting in front of you successful man!

Just think! He is sitting in front of you! He got to you! Isn't this in itself proof that he is successful? If he didn't successful, he wouldn't be here. He is successful! He came, he lived to see this day. No matter what problems he carries, he still successful, since he somehow survived and got to you.

Virginia Satir, the greatest family therapist, said:

The person sitting in front of you is not broken. It doesn't need to be repaired. He already has all the necessary resources to to be successful.

Do you understand how respectful this attitude towards the client is?

You are not adding anything new to it. He already has everything he needs. You are simply helping him get around some obstacle he has encountered.

Imagine that someone's car is stuck in the mud. This doesn't mean it's a bad car. This does not mean there is anything wrong with the engine, wheels or steering wheel. Maybe she just stopped in the wrong place the best place. You never know why! There is no need to criticize the engine and suggest replacing it with another one. Help pull out a stuck car, and it will go on its own just fine. She has everything for this! Just stuck somewhere. Happens. If you know, tell me what to put where and under which wheel, which pedals to press in what order, or just push. Or pull it out on a cable. The main thing is to remember yourself and remind the person that he has all the necessary resources to cope.

As they say, if you have the talent to drive yourself into this situation, you will definitely have the talent to get out of it.

Frank Pucelik(one of the co-founders of NLP, a great psychologist and psychotherapist) talked about a woman who had seven personalities.

Even when she was a three-year-old girl, her parents and the residents of that area wanted to make the girl a priestess of some local cult.

She refused. She was beaten, cut, and placed in a horse trough for three days, where she had to squat to avoid choking on water.

Then they could cut me again, or abuse me in some other way. Her entire body was covered in thick scars. Some of the scars were as thick as a little finger because they were already scars on scars.

When they stopped torturing her and left her alone for a while, her grandmother sewed the girl up with a regular needle. This went on for many years. She ran away several times, was found and everything started all over again.

But one day she managed to escape and even get to the very Frank Pucelik, and under the protection of the sheriff of a small town, who said that it was better for her relatives never to appear in the city where this girl now lives.

Frank Pucelik long time worked with the girl, with all her seven personalities, bringing everything together. And Frank usually says when talking about her:

Do you think she's crazy? Just because she has seven personalities? And I think she's incredible! I think she's talented! Her brain, in order to save her from unbearable suffering, split her into seven personalities. Isn't she smart?! She was able to survive! To go through something that few people could go through. I think I would have broken down. And she survived! She found a way to survive! I think she's amazing! She is so incredibly talented! As a small child, she found a way to survive! Now that it's all over and she's safe, I just need to help her put herself back together. She was able to go through hell and survive. Are you calling her crazy? Few could have survived the hell she went through as a child. And if she managed there, then here, in normal life, she will definitely survive. She just needs help putting herself back together. My friends and I helped her, we worked a lot, even
a shaman was invited to perform rituals for certain parts of her personality. We were able to help her become whole again. I have no doubt that she will cope. She couldn't cope with that either. She loves children very much. When she tinkers with the children, she feels incredibly calm. Children love her. She has a job in kindergarten which she adores. All that is needed is for her relatives to never appear near her again. For this I am calm. When the sheriff learned her story and saw her body, which was covered in deep scars... Ooh! It’s better for her relatives not to appear in that town. He will take care of them.

People are talented, people are incredible! They have everything to be successful. They are full of resources. You don't fix them. You simply help them find their own resources to become even more successful.

I remember this story: one girl, a professional chess player who participated in many dozens of international tournaments, faced some difficulties. It happened that she did not achieve any success in the tournament, but this was rare. More often she was a winner. Sometimes a winner. She has a good place in the world ranking, she plays chess for Ukraine, for the Ukrainian national team.

And now a person who plays chess at the world level says that when she wins the first game, the rest of the tournament usually goes well. If she loses somewhere, then there may be several defeats and generally not very good results. successful performance.

It turns out that when she loses, her father starts swearing at her, screaming, saying that she can’t do anything. And after that she loses again. Not surprising. Maybe excitement appears, maybe the mood deteriorates, maybe motivation disappears. Doesn't matter. The main thing is that she begins to lose.

But somehow a situation happened that she lost the first game, and she had no contact with her parents. She only had contact with one of the authors of this article, Yulia. And Julia told her:

This defeat means nothing. The tournament is long. You are smart. If you play in international tournaments, then you are definitely smart and a good chess player. So rest, get some sleep, forget about this misfire and continue playing calmly. Everything will work out.

And you know, everything worked out! That girl won the tournament, which she started with a defeat. This has never happened before.

Now it's obvious why RESPECT is one of the core beliefs of NLP? And why are these NLP core beliefs also called "core beliefs of effective communicators"?

Respect for a person, respect for people, respect for their talents and resources, helps in communication, in working with people, in promoting their growth, success and development.

Let's remember that a person already has everything to to be successful. Help people use their resources and create success!

Each of us is already a champion and a winner.

Each of us has once won the race of millions of sperm. Yes, it was we who won, each of us.

Remember this!

You are a winner! And you communicate with the winners every day!

Is it right to have beliefs in this day and age? The answer is simple and ridiculously obvious: good beliefs are right. But which beliefs are good? Checking this is easier than it might seem. If your beliefs lead to respect from others, making interesting and smart friends, and achieving challenging goals, then they are most likely correct. And vice versa.

Some people are convinced that life is an eternal struggle. They see everyone as rivals and enemies. And they buy them. Perhaps this is not the best belief, because it puts such people above others. If you learn to find an approach to people and interact effectively with them, this will indicate the correctness of your beliefs. Here's a list to think about.

Belief One: My life is an incredible gift.

Even in the most difficult situations, you can remember this simple thing: you are alive, you can interact with others and develop.

Notice the little things around you, be grateful for everything you have. This belief helps achieve a spiral effect: the better you think about your life, the better it becomes.

Belief Two: Everyone I meet is potentially my best friend.

Such is the human psyche: if we treat a stranger well, he often reciprocates. Therefore, treat new people like best friends. This strategy will help in acquiring acquaintances and who knows, maybe one day they will play key role in your destiny.

If you consider everyone around you to be enemies, you will only receive enmity in return. You will make ill-wishers, get stressed, and expect a blow from everywhere. So which belief is better?

Belief three: the next 24 hours are the most important in my life.

There is no “tomorrow”, there is only “now” and “today”. The habit of believing that in a few days we will begin to change our lives leads to laziness and a complete inability to make decisions and act.

What happens today affects tomorrow and so on. So if you look forward to the next 24 hours, look for opportunities and develop yourself, it will give you strength for the coming days.

Give it your all today: that's the only thing you can do.

Belief four: everything will end well in the end

Agree, in most cases, all life’s troubles can be resolved. Got fired? This is an opportunity. A new challenge, a way to find worthy use of your abilities or develop new ones. Expelled from the university? Well, it's not the end of the world either. Find a job, become a professional, develop skills. Life is an eternal school, you just need to be constantly ready to perceive new things and learn.

Belief Five: Life is a game to be played, not a problem to be solved.

When we look at life as a game, we get a lot of positive emotions. Otherwise, it’s stress, anxiety, apathy, etc.

Agree, a person who sees a game in everything is able to cope with any difficulties. He just wonders why he made a mistake or failed. This is a scientific, inventive interest. Such a life becomes an adventure, a mystery and a mystery.

Conviction six: I will realize my potential to 100% no matter what and achieve success.

Conviction for the most courageous. What potential do you have? Don't lie, you think very well of yourself and think you deserve better. So maybe it's time to stop doing nonsense, complaining about fate and take matters into your own hands?

Don't wait for the right moment. Find your true passion and follow it to the end while absorbing new information, meeting new people and achieving serious goals.

Belief seven: No one cares what I really think.

All people think only about themselves. And they only care about their own problems. This is neither good nor bad: it is a given. They may think about you when you are in the spotlight, but then they will forget because everyone is surrounded by hundreds of small problems and dozens of big ones.

Stop what people think about you. It looks quite funny, actually.

Belief eight: asking questions is okay, saying “no” is okay too.

If you don't understand something, ask. Don't be shy to ask questions because people love to answer them.

Also remember that you can refuse any request. This doesn't mean saying no always, just know that you have the right.

Belief Nine: Change Yourself First

Some of us want to change the world and that is a laudable desire. But year after year passes and nothing happens.

If you change yourself first, the world will automatically begin to change itself. Friends and those closest to you will begin to gravitate towards you, you will become an example to follow. And then they will start listening to you.

We wish you good luck!