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Honest ways to make money on the Internet. How to really make good money on the Internet without investments

10 ways to make money by being honest.

Don't envy Bernie Madoff!

(In New York, Bernard Madoff, the creator of the largest financial pyramid scheme in US history, was sentenced. After listening to dozens of victims, many of whom literally became beggars as a result of this scam, the judge decided that the fraudster did not deserve leniency. The once respected financier received the maximum prison sentence - 150 years).

Admit it: You were jealous of Bernie Madoff for a second. You heard about him on the news and thought, “He stole $65 billion. Damn, with that kind of money I would change my face and run away to Brazil.”

And then we heard the truth: that there was no money there. Suicides began. Madoff ended up in prison. His wife was left with a measly million or two. His son committed suicide. But for a second, many thought: what would I do with 65 billion? And then they decided: the only way to make money in this world is to lie and steal.

Capitalism is still suffering from the blow it suffered in 2008. Everyone is a crook, and Madoff is just the tip of the iceberg. When Mubarak was expelled from Egypt, his family fled for 200 billion. Every day I read news about new and new financial pyramids. People want to know: maybe it’s time to start behaving dishonestly themselves in order to at least earn something? They are wrong. Dishonesty doesn't work. And honesty is the only way to make money in the modern world

Nobody believes me. They laugh at me. People want to justify their own failures and use their “virtue” to explain why they didn’t create Google, didn’t steal 65 billion and didn’t get a promotion when that bastard earned it God knows how. But here's the truth.

Dishonesty works... but only up to a point. Everyone makes mistakes. And if you are not honest, then you only have one chance. Honesty accumulates. It doesn't matter what happens to your bank account, your career, your startup. Honesty produces results not in days or weeks, but in years and decades. More people trust you and spread the word that they need to look for you, you need to be given an opportunity, you need to help and give money. This is how empires are built.

I know this from my own countless failures. The more I'm wrong but honest about it, the more I don't make money but let someone get an idea for free, the more seeds I sow and the more I make in the long run. But once you show dishonesty, all these seeds will be washed away by a terrible storm.

10 ways to be honest:

Recognize the achievements of others. Even if the ideas are completely yours. Even if you didn't earn anything from them. Even if they were stolen. Recognize the achievements and move on. If you keep ideas to yourself until you shine, you will only remain in a dark room.

Be a resource. If you are a source of ideas, then it is forever. Forget about losers stealing ideas. Move on. Become a fountain of ideas, not a puddle of dirty water. And let people know that you are a fountain.

Meet people. Every day you can think of at least a couple of people who you can introduce to each other and who will help each other. You don't need to be in between. Say, “Don’t copy me.” Let them help each other themselves. You will benefit another time. Or every other time.

Admit guilt. I screwed up in October 2008. I was facing a divorce, a financial crisis, and I was terribly scared. I managed a small amount of money for a hedge fund. I was in the red that month. Every day the Dow could fall another 700 points. At the end of the month, the fund manager called me and said, “I called you ten times and you never answered. If I had answered just once, everything would have been fine. Now I have to take the money back." He was right. We are good friends now and have worked together many times since then, but it took years to rebuild trust.

Don't lead a double life. Everything you do takes up some space in your brain. If you live a double life, then this second life forces neurons and synapses to work overtime. The brain cannot cope with this and begins to degrade. And your finances, which are a reflection of the health of your brain, go down the drain.

Do not be angry. Anger is a form of dishonesty. There are no perfect people. And you can’t expect perfection from others. Sometimes I get angry at my children. But they are just children. Sometimes I get angry at the people I'm trying to deal with. But they have their own motivations, their own fears, anxieties and reasons for concern. They don't have to do everything I expect them to do. So my anger is a reflection of my belief that they should do what I expect them to do. This is dishonesty. Anger cannot be controlled; sometimes it breaks out. But pay attention to it, study it and try to turn it in the other direction, at least a little - to learn something about yourself.

No excuses. When I lost money in 2008, it was easy to blame the market and the criminals who operated it. When I lost millions of dollars in 2000, nearly bankrupting myself, it was easier to blame the Internet bubble and corrupt managers than my own lack of experience. Excuses are lies that cover up failures. One of these excuses is “only dishonest people can make money.” And that's a lie.

Make others look good. In management it is often said that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. This is partly a consequence of the poor, standardized education system, where children in their 20s do little more than pass their classes or tests to move up to the next level of the imaginary ladder. But everyone wants to be recognized for small achievements. Recognize even the smallest achievements of those around you. Bring more and more people into the 20%. Deep down, everyone wants to be perceived as special. And no one will forget this.

Don't spread rumors. I once cursed at an entrepreneur I was investing in in a conversation with another investor. That same day I had dinner scheduled with this entrepreneur. But by this time he had already learned about the conversation that had taken place. He didn't trust me anymore. People always hear your words. Or they feel it, because the words still diverge, in the most unpredictable way.

Do what you say you are going to do.

BONUS: In 1999, some of the employees at my first company quit and started a competing company. Some of my partners were furious, but I encouraged the employees. Why? Because no one needs to work for me all their life. Allow people to develop. I just told them that if they ever see me in trouble, they should help me. They laughed and said: “That won’t happen.” But who knows? I had to be rescued more than once.

James Altucher

Original text

Some comments:

amazing thoughts, very similar to the truth. I got into it...

Anton unlimmob
money is a derivative of dishonesty.
making money is either being dishonest or paying off dishonesty.
There is no other way and there is no other way!

Tamara Morskova
This is a misconception... Money is, first of all, a very useful invention that significantly simplifies the exchange of goods. And much later, money became a tool of power to enslave people, a tool of international bankers to seize power over the world

Olesya Kleschunova
Of course, everything may be so, but I don’t think it’s worth letting it go out of your attention every time when you were deceived and your idea was stolen. Such people need to be punished so that they no longer interfere with you, let them look for another object for deception and cunning. Sometimes you need to stand up for what's right.

Tatiana Lukyanova
thank you for your opinion, I think so too, but still I learned a lot of useful things for myself and was once again convinced that I was right and that I have like-minded people

Nikolay Alekseev
Stop fooling around so that you don’t write about how to get rich, it’s still THEFT in small or large doses, and honestly, you can’t DO business in Russia now, and stop being wise and telling fairy tales. It’s better to describe where else you can STEAL something without pain.

Andrey Zubritsky
These are simply the life values ​​of the author of the article. But they are good, positive, leading to good. Recently, I began to adhere to the motto: Honesty is the best policy... I may not live richer, but my life has become calmer - that’s a fact!

Vladimir Padun
All this was described long ago in Carnegie’s book. And it works. But not in Russia. Because Russia cannot be measured by a common yardstick, and here there is only grief from the mind. There are other means here.

Natalya Varakina
I liked the article as an unattainable ideal, but what we see around... let’s say it’s completely different

sergio butchers
Cool article! Even cooler than the cartoon "DuckTales". It turns out that all truly rich people are truly crystal honest and started with the first cent they earned from shining shoes! I shed tears of emotion.
Although everything seems to be correct, all this will only work on a computer, in an economic strategy (game).
Now, having earned your first million, you can honestly try to earn money.

Some users refuse to make money online only because they consider such activities to be associated with fraud.

You can earn money while sitting at home at your computer, and anyone can earn it honestly, even without a high level of knowledge. Start working today, and this article will help you find the right job.

How to honestly make money on the Internet without unique skills? Beginners often look for an answer to this question, so we decided to present several proven services through which a huge audience of users is already making money.

Each of them provides a certain type of income, so you can choose something based on your interests.

Is it possible to earn money honestly online?

You can earn money online without any skills using the following services:

  1. Wmmail. Among click sponsors, this system ranks first in popularity. The project has existed since 2004, and therefore many users already know about it. The site offers you to earn money without any skills by completing easy tasks, such as registering or writing comments. Here you can also sell articles in a special store.
  2. Seosprint. Despite the fact that this mailer appeared much later, almost as many people are registered on it as on Wmmail. After registration, you can also start completing tasks. The main advantages of the project are a huge selection of tasks (more than on Wmmail), as well as the ability to withdraw funds to different payment systems.
  3. User. You can earn money without any skills in this system by completing simple tasks through a special program. Advertisers use this service to improve visitor behavior on their sites. Therefore, tasks require going to different sites from search engines - the simplest job.
  4. Profittask. This service also offers honest money online. You can perform easy tasks directly on the site or download a program for comfortable earnings. If you have a mobile device on Android or IOS, then perform mobile tasks as well. They pay up to 10 rubles for installing different applications (including writing a review).
  5. SMMOK. On social networks, there is constant promotion of likes, friends, group members, and so on. By taking part in them, you can honestly earn money using all your profiles. In this system you can quickly and easily perform simple tasks on such social networks. networks such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
  6. Vktarget. On this site you will also find many social tasks. networks. Here you can use profiles from the same projects as on SMMOK. The reward amounts are practically the same, so when you run out of tasks on one site, you can use the second system. You can withdraw money from here to QIWI, Webmoney and Yandex.Money.
  7. Kolotibablo. Earnings from entering captcha in this system bring up to $1.3 (per 1000 pieces). It is convenient to work on the site, but the program is also available. Moderators monitor the quality of the work performed; if you enter the captcha by mistake, you will have to pay with money or accumulated points. Affiliate program 10%, payments in 8 ways from $1.
  8. Advego. Everyone knows the article exchange where you can make good money selling texts. This requires some skills, such as fast typing and competent presentation of information. But you can use the system to perform simple tasks. In the work section, you can select comments, likes on social media. networks, voting and so on.
  9. Forumok. If you make money with profiles from social networks. networks are of interest to you, then be sure to register on this site. There are a lot of tasks here, and accounts from almost all popular projects are accepted. Promoted profiles bring in much more profit, as many advertisers are willing to pay more for effective advertising.
  10. Prospero. The project was created for Twitter, but it has many tasks for other social networks. Just log in through your profile on this site and proceed to complete the tasks. Unlike its analogues, tasks not related to social networks often appear here. networks, for example, clicks, visiting sites, creating topics on forums, and so on.
  11. Vprka. Another service for making money on social networks, through which you can make profit from any accounts. After registration, you can choose which network to work with and receive a large list of available tasks. Among the sections for earning money you will find quests and clicks; they are also easy to work in, without using your profiles.
  12. Rucaptcha. Where you definitely won’t need any knowledge is in making money on captcha. Use this service and you can enter characters from pictures and get paid for it. They pay little, but the work is done quickly and easily. This is the best way to earn money without any skills, because even a beginner can handle it.
  13. Etxt. For anyone who was looking for more serious earnings, it is worth visiting this copywriting exchange. Why Etxt? Firstly, here you can put up as many articles as you like for sale. Secondly, new orders with decent rewards are added every day. Thirdly, you can sell pictures and photographs.
  14. Goldenbirds. Buy birds that will lay eggs. Sell ​​eggs and withdraw real money to your account.
  15. . Another game where you can also earn money without skills. Here you will need to open your own taxi fleet, investing a little money in the purchase of cars. The daily profits will accumulate on your balance, and you only need to log into the system occasionally to order payments.
  16. Platnijopros. This service is more suitable for additional income. After registering on the site, you will receive invitations to take surveys, and real money is paid for each completed questionnaire. Many owners of large companies are interested in the opinions of consumers and are ready to reward anyone for their contribution to business development.
  17. Anketka. You can earn money honestly by completing surveys using this service. Questionnaires do not arrive that often, so it is better to register on all survey sites in order to receive as much money as possible. Many people have already registered with Anketka, and the money they earn can be spent on discounts in various online stores.
  18. Big Question. This service also offers an interesting way to earn money without skills. On it, users earn money by creating questions or answering them. The conditions are simple, you need to write as much text as possible. Income depends on how many views the page with your post gets.
  19. Apprating. You don’t need any skills to make money with this service, but it is only available to mobile device owners. Through it you can download applications to your phones or tablets, and you will be paid money for it. It’s convenient that you can transfer money from your balance to your mobile phone account.

As you can see, It’s quite possible to earn money honestly and without skills, and there are many interesting services that offer a wide variety of options. Try all the methods to determine which activity suits you best.

Honest earnings on the Internet - 10 reasons to work remotely + 3 options for well-paid activities: 2 popular content exchanges + 2 services for creating online courses + 3 freelance portals.

If previously the majority considered honest earnings on the Internet a myth, then now the possibility of receiving money through remote work is a proven fact. The Internet may be a waste of time for some, while others derive economic benefits from it.

Although the global network is, first of all, a place for localizing information and an indispensable channel for its transmission, it also serves as a source of earning honest income. And today one of the most frequent search queries has become: “How?”

Moreover, the Internet is one of the few available methods of earning money without investment and experience. All it takes is a little patience and effort, since all users of the World Wide Web are on equal terms and rights.

You also need correct information about which way to make money on the Internet is honest and effective. Due to its absence, most beginners fall into the traps of scammers. But don't worry. The necessary information can be gleaned from this article.

10 reasons why you need honest earnings on the Internet

Only those Internet users who have had negative experiences with virtual work or have become victims of scammers can dissuade you from making money online. But experienced freelancers will confirm: remote work on the Internet has many obvious advantages.

Even if you don’t devote much time to earning money remotely, you can still benefit from this process. Let's look at some of the positive aspects of making money online.

Why you should look for honest earnings on the Internet:

  1. The opportunity to earn income without leaving your home. The Internet provides the opportunity to earn money in comfortable conditions, since everyone can join this activity within the walls of their own home, independently develop a schedule and follow it.
  2. Expanding horizons. For most people on the Internet, making honest money is a completely new field, where as your knowledge grows, your income also increases.
  3. A way to have fun. Some users perceive making money on the Internet as a job and, at the same time, a way to relax and entertain themselves.
  4. Motivation to learn English. 80% of the content on the Internet is created in English, so this encourages many to learn it.
  5. An incentive to develop and strive for achievements. Getting your first honest income on the Internet will give you the impetus to continue moving in this direction and improve.
  6. Minimum costs. To start making money online you only need computer equipment and an Internet connection.
  7. Useful use of your time.

    Making honest money on the Internet teaches you how to properly manage your time. Every minute is not wasted because you can combine different ways to earn money and always stay busy.

  8. Complete freedom of action. You yourself choose any of the types of honest earnings. On the Internet, unlike regular work, you are not limited to the specialty in which you have a diploma.
  9. No georeferencing requirements. You can carry out activities and earn money on the Internet from anywhere in the world.

    You no longer need to think about how to negotiate a vacation with your boss or worry about combining work and moving. If where you are or where you go there is Internet, you will be provided with an honest income.

    Accessibility for all categories of the population. Both young and old people can find vacancies on the Internet. No one looks at your race, gender or social background.

    Even people who find it difficult to find employment in real life (disabled people, schoolchildren, pensioners) can earn money on the Internet.

Honest virtual earnings are the priority choice for the majority. Of course, the Internet also has disadvantages, but there are many more advantages. This encourages many to turn online activities into their main source of profit.

Honest earnings on the Internet without investments: a variety of options

There are dozens of ways on the Internet that allow you to earn a decent income by demonstrating your skills and abilities: writing good texts, various areas of sales, programming, photography, even singing and others.

To test any of them, you must have a mailbox, which you will need to contact your employer and register for various services. In addition, you must have a bank card for cashing out money and electronic wallets in Payeer with dollar and ruble accounts.

These are the most popular payment systems on the Internet (WebMoney - in Russian-speaking countries, Payeer abroad). Therefore, it is very important for you to have an account on both resources. This way you will be able to make transactions.

You should not expect a dizzying income from the following types of honest earnings on the Internet. After all, only if you have your own website, online business and investments can you talk about decent profits.

However, it is realistic to make working on the Internet an additional source of income. If you want to consider online employment as your main one, you need to be very active and combine several options for honest earnings. You can start working instantly.

Among the honest types of earning money on the Internet, the most popular at the moment are:

  • writing articles;
  • online teaching;
  • freelancing

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

No. 1. Article writing: honest earnings from written work

An honest and good initial income is writing articles of an informational or advertising nature. Bloggers and webmasters are always looking on the Internet for new, unique content for their sites, so they are willing to pay good amounts of money for high-quality texts.

If you are able to clearly present textual material or express an idea, regardless of the topic, working on the Internet will be justified by a decent amount of earnings.

Payment for such work is established on the basis of:

  • written number of characters;
  • subject of the article;
  • writing style.

There are 3 main styles of writing texts for money on the Internet:

  • – writing an original text (95-100% unique), using about 5-10 sources, as well as your own experience;
  • SEO-copywriting – writing text with direct or diluted inclusion of keywords.
  • Keywords– these are forms (lemmas) or entire phrases that need to be skillfully entered into an article so that search engines can rank pages of web resources.
    After SEO texts are published on these pages, search engines assign a certain rating to these web resources.

  • rewriting – processing the source text to bring uniqueness to 85-95%. The number of sources used can be either one or several.

Rewriting differs from copywriting in that the process is simpler. If in the latter case you need to devote 3-6 hours (or even more) to writing an article, then a rewrite is created faster and easier. Of course, this is reflected in earnings: copywriting is valued higher.

But the most profitable way to make money on the Internet regarding working with content is SEO copywriting. In terms of complexity, it is in the lead. Since this is one of the most effective means of website promotion on the Internet, SEO articles are in high demand.

Don't worry, SEO copywriting techniques can be learned in a short period of time. You need to read the relevant information on the Internet and, following it, write a couple of test articles.

The average earnings for a beginner with 1000 rewrite characters without spaces is 5-30 rubles, for a professional – 70-200 rubles.

The average earnings from 1000 characters of copywriting for an inexperienced performer is 30-80 rubles, for an advanced one - 150-500 rubles. and higher.

In addition, you can offer your services on the Internet for proofreading or editing text, composing poetry, speechwriting, etc.

To find remote work writing articles, you need to create an account on a content exchange. Also, to search for honest earnings from texts, resumes are posted on online job sites.

Through them, the likelihood of finding a generous customer on the Internet is greater. However, there are also many scammers. Therefore, a more reliable place for beginners is the stock exchange.

The right decision would be to search for a customer on the following exchanges:


Both exchanges operate on a similar principle. There are other services on the Internet, but the above ones are the most popular, have many good reviews and inspire confidence.

Description of the Advego exchange.– a unique web resource with a large selection of specialties. Advego has the largest community of copywriters.

To date, more than 150 million orders have been completed (author's posts, thematic and advertising texts, instructions, customer reviews, etc.), of which 3 million are articles sold in a “local” store.

The resource's clients include over 2.5 million people. Advego provides them with a free program for analyzing articles for uniqueness, offers viral marketing services, and guarantees payment for quality work and its efficiency.

In addition, the advantages of the site include:

  • arbitration of disputes;
  • promptly responsive support service;
  • reasonable commission (10%);
  • a large number of responsible performers and authors of all specialties;
  • 24/7 availability of a large number of projects of varying degrees of complexity and focus;
  • providing any forms of payment;
  • free schedule;
  • online multilingual spell checking and semantic analysis.

Earnings from classic copywriting range from 25 rubles. (for 1k or 1000 characters), rewrite - from 15 rubles. In the ready-made content store, you can earn money from the sale of existing articles. Of course, not all texts will be sold immediately, but still customers use this section of the exchange quite actively.

The most popular topics for writing articles on the Internet are:

Description of the exchange– a large-scale project in the field of web writing, online commerce, copywriting, IT. The daily traffic to the site is more than 70 thousand people. Service providers receive multifunctional tools for making money on texts: uniqueness and spelling checking, synonymizer, SEO analysis, etc.

You can find clients to write here:

  • articles about companies;
  • descriptions of goods and services;
  • SEO texts for promotion purposes;
  • news;
  • slogans;
  • presentation text materials;
  • booklets and leaflets.

The resource enters the English-speaking market, so you can also make money from translations. Withdrawal of earnings occurs to wallets and WebMoney within 3 business days.

To get started, you need to create an account.

You are automatically assigned the status of a customer. To switch to the artist, go to the “My Profile” tab and select the corresponding button located in the upper right corner.

Then click on “ Copywriting/rewriting exchange" An order feed will open in front of you, but first set the filters to find a suitable job.

In the list provided, find the order you want and click on the “Respond” button.

In the new dialog box, you can propose your earnings amount and deadline (completion time), after which you need to click “Submit" and wait for the customer’s decision.

No. 2. Online teaching as an honest way to make money on the Internet

If you have knowledge in a certain area that you are really good at, you can choose online teaching or tutoring as an honest way to earn money.

Interactive training and educational events on the Internet have become a great opportunity to earn extra money. Many people wish to expand their knowledge through the world wide web without attending any classes at a fixed time.

This saves time for them and you. You can set your own schedule, rules and methodology, and teach languages ​​(English, Spanish, Arabic), the basics of branding and marketing, law, economics, and share specific tips.

However, you don’t have to be a super expert. It is enough to understand a certain area better than your future students. By attracting customers through various means on the Internet, for example, advertising, you will provide yourself with honest and exciting earnings.

The following services exist for creating courses on the Internet:

    Coursesmos - allows you to earn money on micro courses with a duration of up to 60 minutes. in the format of standard video recording and text accompaniment. The resource allows for the creation of online lessons on gadgets.

    The material is posted in the public domain or offered to individual clients by clicking on a link. Coursmos services are free. If you wish, you can pay for a paid course for more opportunities. In this case, the service will charge a commission from your earnings.

    Eliademy is a project owned by a Finnish company. Taking courses “fits” in the browser. Online teachers take notes under published finished files (Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Youtube videos, etc.). This is how lectures are formed.

    If you want to earn money on Eliademy, limit access to your lessons and allow them to be invited only. Courses are created free of charge.

    Usability allows both teachers and students to easily get used to it without special skills. There are options for structuring learning through an educational calendar and an update wall. A group of students is notified of study deadlines through a mass mailing.

No. 3. Honest earnings on the Internet - freelance work as a freelancer

Earning money from freelancing () is currently the most profitable and in demand. This is due to the wide selection of vacancies on the Internet: web designers, marketers, programmers, photographers, architects, game developers and others.

However, people choose to earn money from freelancing for a number of other reasons.

Most even left their previous jobs as soon as they received their first income online from freelance activities. And some continue to combine their main job with an honest income from freelancing.

Here you can work for different companies, website owners who intend to hire a performer on the Internet for a short period of time on a contract basis.

The vast majority of freelancers on the Internet are male. Women are less common. Their hourly earnings are less than men's by an average of 3%.

If you want to develop your technical or creative skills online, freelancing is what you need, since the tasks are mainly technical or creative in nature.

The process of finding yourself in this niche occurs in several stages:

  1. First you need to select the category in which you want to earn money.
  2. The higher the complexity of the direction you choose, the more honest earnings you can make on the Internet without investment. But you should adequately assess your strengths and not try to jump in over your head right away.

  3. Then register on one of the freelance portals.
  4. After creating your profile, employers interested in hiring will conduct an account review to evaluate your candidacy. To attract the attention of customers, you need to write a resume correctly and provide reliable information about yourself.
  5. Many people, due to laziness, do not fill out the form completely. Such profiles are rarely approved. Get privileges over them by winning more orders to make money online. List all your competitive advantages.

  6. Based on the earnings of other beginning freelancers on the selected portal, indicate your hourly rate.
  7. Upload your portfolio. It is very important for continued success to place several working samples created in the past. If you don't have any to display, start creating them now. It doesn't matter if you do it for free. Decent work will bring you profits in the future.
  8. Offer your vacancy to employers. Since you will be competing with other performers, your proposal is the most important factor in winning the job.

Give preference on the Internet to those employers who pay decently for work and have a good rating. Don’t leave requests for every project you come across. Before writing your proposal, you need to understand the main task set by the customer.

It is very important to take into account his needs. Tell the employer that you will provide him with the results he expects. Customers are smart enough to distinguish an application written specifically for them from a template one.

There are many free web sites on the Internet where you can earn an honest income from your skills.

These include:

The article does not contain all types of activities, which will give you honest earnings on the Internet. However, the three options mentioned are promising and prestigious. They are worthy of your time and effort.

Do you want to make money online without investing a penny?

Unlike low-paying tasks, clicks, captchas and similar tasks on the Internet, freelancing, working with texts, and online teaching are an excellent opportunity to earn a stable, decent income.

Welcome readers of the site! In this article we will talk about making money on the Internet: how you can make money on the Internet without investments and invitations from 500 -1000 rub per day and which sites for making money online with money withdrawal work without cheating 💻.

The information will be useful for everyone:

  • who is looking for real ways to make money on the Internet;
  • who are attracted by the idea of ​​making money on the Internet without investment or deception;
  • who needs money right now, but has no time to study to master a new profession.

So, let's begin!

The best ways to make money on the Internet right now without investing money, invitations and deception for a beginner from scratch - in our issue

1. Who is suitable for making money on the Internet 📑

The opportunity to make money on the Internet opens up endless prospects: now the workplace is the whole world. Moving, the birth of a child, or traveling to a distant country will not interfere with your work activity. The main thing is to take a laptop with you and have constant access to the global Internet.

Making money on the Internet is suitable for many people:

  • students;
  • schoolchildren;
  • pensioners;
  • housewives;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • people on vacation;
  • employees who need additional cash.

This list can be continued for a long time.

To choose the option that suits you, important get acquainted with all the ways to make money on the Internet: in some cases you will need to acquire certain skills, in others - no special knowledge is required.

It all depends on what exactly the user wants to do in order to receive financial rewards!

2. Earning money online without investment – ​​is it real?

Let's start with the fact that making money online without investments is quite possible! At the same time, by the concept of “no investment” people mean completely different things:

  • first want to know how to make money online without financial investments,
  • second— how to make money on the Internet without investing your own effort and time;
  • third— without investing a penny, without wasting effort and time, that is, completely “for free.”

Information for beginners!

Many people want to earn extra money online, but they are wary of scammers.

Indeed, there are dishonest people online, just as in real life, but there are more honest customers.

You shouldn’t look for a hidden catch in every offer to make money online.


You can protect yourself from attackers if you know exactly the sites where you need to look for remote work.

Sites for making money on the Internet are given in the same article.

How to make money on the Internet without investments - read about 3 options for making money online right now

3. Options for making money online without investment 📄

Serious income on an ongoing basis requires having a certain amount of money. In this case, you can really hit the jackpot, for example, at auction.

Some lucky people are lucky enough to win fortunes. on bets that are made for sports: football, hockey, tennis, etc. We have already told you where to get free forecasts in a separate article.

If a user has his own website, he makes money by selling links, his own information products or advertising. But he will have to spend money. The site owner will need to be sure that no one will close his Internet resource, so he will need to buy hosting with a domain, as well as order content from copywriters.

But there are ways to make money online without investment. They can be considered as a means to create start-up capital, for example for a future business.

Option #1. Earning money without costs or with minimal financial investments

Option #3. Ways to make money online without any investment

Using any of the methods, the user will be able to receive a certain amount, but You can’t count on a permanent income.

You shouldn’t quit your day job because of them.

In addition, many methods cannot be called legal in the full sense of the word.

Proven ways to make money online for beginners

4. How to make money on the Internet without much investment right now - 11 real ways to make money online for beginners 📊

Internet users spend a lot of time online. Any beginner can start earning money if they choose a method that really works without cheating. There is no need to go through a long course of study or make any effort.

So, it’s time to reveal the truth about the top earnings on the Internet, which have already been tested in practice.

Method number 1.

Online Games- a popular entertainment among Internet users. Fans of online games spend a lot of time on social networks. Here they play " Gladiators», « World of Tanks" or Dota.

If we look at the statistics, only one game, World of WarCraft, is played 7.000.000 people all over the world.

Each player must pay a monthly subscription of 13 euros(more than 1,000 rub.). It’s easy to calculate that developers’ monthly profits amount to several million dollars.

How to make money on games - the main essence of making money

How to make money on games - the essence of making money

A fan of an online game can invite other players, from whose monthly payments he will receive a permanent income. Easy without labor costs.

It is worth thinking about for all gamers and not only. The amount of earnings from games can be 300,000 rub.

How to make money on Odnoklassniki - main ways to earn money

8 proven ways to make money on Odnoklassniki

  1. The user takes part in voting.
  2. The profile owner can participate in affiliate programs.
  3. The user creates and promotes his own group.
  4. A businessman launches an online store on Odnoklassniki.
  5. There is an opportunity to make money on applications or games.
  6. Paid advertising brings good income.
  7. Account owners sell goods and services.
  8. Making money on the Internet on file hosting services allows file owners to get good money for the fact that other network users download them.

As you can see, even a beginner can make money at

Method No. 5. Earnings on VKontakte (

Almost everyone has an account on the popular social network VKontakte. VK has over 70 million users. These are mostly active young people who keep up with the times. They discuss new technologies and gadgets. Creative youth prefer interesting and original entertainment.

Once they start working, they easily reach a monthly income level equal to 5 – 10 thousand rubles. There are also users who have already promoted their VKontakte account. Their monthly earnings range from 50 thousand rubles.

How to make money on VKontakte - only proven methods

TOP 7 ways to make money on VKontakte

Practice shows that the following ways allow you to earn good money:

  1. purchasing traffic with subsequent resale on favorable terms;
  2. provision of various services;
  3. group design, promotion, and administration;
  4. trade in Chinese goods;
  5. making custom crafts and selling them;
  6. creating public pages to earn money from advertising;
  7. manifestation of user activity (writing comments, leaving likes, joining different groups).

Method number 6.

Hundreds of millions of people use the large video hosting site YouTube. They find their favorite films or video clips, enjoy watching entertainment programs or intellectual shows. Those who have the desire to learn can engage in detailed study of the training video.

How to make money on YouTube - 6 ways

Making money online on YouTube can make a person incredible And popular. If you manage to collect over a million views, then soon you will receive offers from manufacturing companies to place advertisements on a popular resource. This means the profits will be huge.

Affiliate programs allow you to earn money 30,000 rub. and more on video reviews.

You can easily make a video review of a service or training course. There is no need to buy an additional video camera.

Any screen video capture program does an excellent job of creating a clip. In addition, video allows you to sell your training.

What methods to use to make money on Youtube - TOP 6 ways to make money on YouTube

How contextual advertising works

To sell his product, an entrepreneur proceeds in the following way: he takes 1.000 rub. for an advertising campaign and goes to the search engines “Google” or “Yandex”.

Method No. 10. Earn money online from your phone - 5 simple options

If you don’t have a computer, those who want to work on the Internet can use a mobile phone.

5 ways to make money on an Android phone, iOS, etc.

Option 1. Surfing sites

If the user has cheap Internet, then he can make money by surfing the Internet. Need to download about daily 7 MB. Required to watch commercials. After creating an account, links will be sent to it. User task– open all links and watch advertisements.

The work schedule for the owner of a mobile phone is free. He can surf whenever he wants.

Option 2. Earning money from click clubs

This method has its own characteristics. Here the user earns credits, which are exchanged on the credit exchange.

The disadvantages include the need to add the address of a social network page (for example, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google+, etc.) in order to view the advertisement.

Option 3. Earn money on iOS or Android mobile applications

After registering in one of the services: “TopMission” or “AppCent”, the owner of the phone will receive SMS with tasks. After completing them, the user will receive money into his account.

An example of an assignment would be writing a review of a product.

Withdrawal of money is carried out through the WebMoney system or to a cell phone.

Option 4. Advertising in SMS messages

Money is credited to your account for every video you watch or advertising message you read.

Option 5. Earn money by playing

If you have a mobile phone, you can easily earn money in the games section .

It is better to choose a popular game where there are many participants.

To receive a cash reward, you need to complete the following tasks:

  • Install the game on your mobile phone.
  • Create a character.
  • Finish the game.
  • Sell ​​a trained player in the “Ads” section.

Today, to make money on the Internet, it is enough to have a mobile phone.

Method No. 11. Earn money at home on the Internet without investment

There is income from home that does not require investment. For example, you can collect mushrooms for the purpose of selling them on the Internet (on social networks, on a forum, etc.). To grow them yourself you will have to spend a little money.

Every person knows how to do something in his life with his own hands better than others. These unique skills will be useful to other users on the network.

Method No. 12. Earning money on social networks

Method No. 13. Earn money by watching videos

Watching videos and getting paid is easy. You need to have access to the Internet and some free time. To receive a cash reward:

  • You are required to register on a special website.
  • Watch the video.
  • Enter the captcha.
  • Automatically go to the advertiser’s website.
  • Get money.

Any of the listed types of earning money on the Internet is an excellent chance to pay for using the Internet and mobile phone. With some effort and choosing the right path, you can achieve absolutely any amount of income.

The best sites for making money online with money withdrawal

7. Sites for making money on the Internet - a list of TOP-20 sites for beginners and professionals with real money withdrawals 📋

To prevent online work from becoming a disappointment, you need to choose the right site for making money. The main thing is that payment for completed tasks is received on a regular basis.

1) List of sites for making money in active advertising systems (CAP, mailers, axle boxes, etc.)

CAP or sponsor sites- a reliable way to make money. The advertiser pays for simple actions such as watching a video.

Anyone who decides to try to make money on the Internet will need a list of proven resources:

  1. SeoSprint– the best CAP in RuNet. per day the user receives more 20 letters to read, endless surfing, many paid tasks. Money is also awarded for passing simple tests. Minimum amount for withdrawal from the system – 2 rubles.
  2. WMmail- profitable postal service. There are few sites here for viewing, but there are dozens of letters to read. You can earn money by completing paid tasks or playing online games.
  3. Wmzona– multifunctional sponsor. In addition to the usual earnings from completing easy tasks, users are awarded money for posting links on social networks and websites. There is an affiliate program and crunching/mining for litecoins.

You can also find websites of foreign mail sponsors on the Internet, where they pay in 2-3 times more than Russian speakers. But among them there are scammers, so we recommend working only with those that have positive reviews from real users.

2) Sites for making money by writing texts (copywriting and rewriting)

Competent people who can interest the reader can write articles for money. The income of a professional copywriter begins from 400 dollars. So, if writing texts is fun, why not take up a business that is guaranteed to bring good profits?

A beginner can start with . It will take some time to master more advanced activities, but it is worth it. Copywriting or SEO copywriting gives you the opportunity to earn more.

Copywriters begin their careers on stock exchanges. Specialized sites provide intermediary services. They help find orders and guarantee the security of transactions concluded on the exchange.

The best text exchanges include:

  1. Advego;
  2. ETXT;
  4. Textsale;
  5. ContentMonster;

You can post your articles on exchanges.

Each copywriting exchange has its own distinctive feature:

  • Among ContentMonster not suitable for beginners. There is a very strict test selection here.
  • High-tech exchange Advego suitable for working as a copywriter with any level of professional training, for each of which there is a variety of work.
  • ETXT has a user-friendly interface. Customers here willingly buy ready-made articles.
  • Textsale confidently leads the RuNet in terms of the number of texts sold. The article store for copywriters is free, but you have to pay for access to orders 10 dollars per month.
  • Main advantage is a uniqueness checking service.

For those who write articles for sale, it is better to register on several exchanges at the same time. Once the text is purchased, you must remove it from other sites.

3) Sites for making money on social networks and on various forums

  1. Forumok– a site where you need a social media account to register. After completing tasks, the user receives money. Earned funds can be withdrawn through the Webmoney or LiqPay systems.
  2. SocialTools– advertising exchange in social networks. The resource pays well. You can earn real money for likes or reposts. It takes about 5 days to withdraw money from the system.
  3. Prospero– a tool for monetizing your Twitter account. The method of earning money on the Internet is suitable for promoted accounts. It is impossible to make money without readers. Income is accrued from the number of sales of advertising tweets.
  4. Linkum– a unique Russian-language service. Works in semi-automatic mode. Allows you to rent places on forums in the signature. The more active the user, the higher the payment. Some forum members receive monthly for one link 10 dollars. To do this, they simply communicate.

4) Other sites for making money on the Internet

There are many projects on the Internet that allow you to find work online and receive timely payments for it.

  1. Depositfiles– a file hosting service that allows you to make money on downloads. The user uploads the file to the hosting and distributes the link on the Internet. For each download, money is awarded. The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.
  2. Irecommend– a review site provides users with the opportunity to earn money by writing reviews. You can write about any products or resources. 1,000 review views is a guaranteed amount of 50 rub. on account.
  3. Pic4you– a resource known as image hosting. Visitors see a smaller version of the image. As soon as the user clicks on it, the picture opens in full along with the advertisement. Payment is charged for each click.
  4.– a resource offering paid surveys. You just need to answer the questions. On average, the cost per survey is approx. 150 rub.

These sites for making money online do not require investment. They allow users to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills that will be useful for working in the Runet.

Questions and feedback

8. Verified reviews from real people about making money on the Internet 💬

Beginners are always interested in the experience of successful online entrepreneurs. Nobody wants to run into " scam».

Nikolay Chervyakov – designer, freelancer

Back in college, I realized that my element was the Internet. I love flexible work schedules and personal freedom. I implement creative ideas. I create landing pages, design websites and develop advertising layouts. I carry out comprehensive work on the social network VK.

At the moment I am planning to open my own web studio.

Albert Khanoev – entrepreneur

The last 2 years have been busy. I have traveled to many countries, doing activities that bring in money. I learned how to make money online. Now I am selling physical goods through my own online store.

Mikhail Kozhin - entrepreneur

Online business for me is a highly profitable hobby. Making money online is not my only source of income.

Several years ago I created the first website with a culinary theme. Now I understand that there are other popular niches that are more profitable. Currently working on information websites.

Any skill can bring additional income.

9. Frequently asked questions 🔔

Question No. 1. What is the most profitable way to make money online without investments in 2019?

In 2019, as in previous years, creating your own websites, Forex, cryptocurrencies and online stores occupy leading positions among ways to make money online, but most of them require investment. Do not believe that you can earn something without investing money, effort and time - in fact, this does not happen.

And now about each of them in more detail:

  • If Internet resource has already been created and promoted, it’s time to move on to its monetization. You can start selling links, posting articles or contextual advertising. Don't forget also about making money on affiliate programs.
  • Forex will become a real opportunity if you put in the effort to study the market and develop your own strategy. A beginner can choose ready-made options. All that remains is to test them on your own experience. It is also important to choose a reliable Forex broker. Considered one of the best this brokerage company.
  • Online store no sales staff required. This resource brings money around the clock. He himself will show the goods to customers and take payment from them.
  • Cryptocurrencies also require investment of money and knowledge. This area is attracting more and more supporters of trading, stock and currency exchanges, as well as beginners and all those who want to quickly increase their capital.

Question No. 2. Why can you earn much more with the help of a website than without it?

The Internet resource allows you to conduct an effective advertising campaign for which the site owner does not have to pay.

There are many opportunities to make money on your website. By placing an advertisement, the owner can receive money for each click. If you place audio advertising on your website with payment for each listen, you can get 100% conversion with unique potential customers. This is a good way - they often pay for one visit at least 5 dollars.

Question No. 3. How much money and in what period of time can a beginner earn on the Internet?

A beginner should not hope to quickly receive high income. He will be able to receive a small income from the first days of working online, but to achieve serious income he will need experience, launching and promoting his own website.

If things go well, then by the end of the first year of work you can start earning money from 1,000 dollars provided that the newcomer will deal with his resource constantly, and not from time to time. This amount cannot be considered indicative. Anyone who reaches the professional level will easily earn money and $3,000 for 12 months.

Question No. 4. How can a beginner earn his first money on the Internet without investments quickly and right now?

Using any method indicated above, you can earn your first dollar almost immediately after registration. However, you should not expect a cash flow from Advego or Seosprint that is enough to travel or buy real estate. At first, income can be compared with a thin stream.

You can try different types of income and settle on a few. You should constantly practice self-education so as not to miss important innovations. After all, they can help you earn even more money.

Watch an educational video about making money on the Internet (7 popular ways):

10. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Solid online earnings are not for the lazy. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties. You need to constantly work on yourself to improve your skills. We must not forget about time management, which allows you to properly distribute your time.

There are many sources of useful information on the Internet. Here you can get training and learn how to get traffic to your website, completely free. The most inquisitive will also find materials devoted to the art of sales. If you need a faster course, take it on a paid basis under the direction of experienced mentor.

Only those who do nothing will not be able to do online business.

In conclusion, we suggest watching the video on the topic “How to make money on the Internet without financial investments - only proven ideas”:

Since anyone can make money on the Internet without investments, we recommend starting to do it right now, provided that you have the desire and opportunity, and you have already learned all the information about making money on the Internet from this article.

The most honest way make money online at home without investment And internet earnings using a computer and the Internet. Working on the Internet at home for everyone who wants to earn some honest money without investment money. Think for yourself - you do not need to use any transport, no initial capital or skills, does not require special education - you only need the Internet and free time, and if you are at least a little familiar with the correct writing of texts, then 300 - 400 dollars is within your reach make money online at home and without investment and costs, you will also need a mailbox for registration and a card for withdrawing earned funds.

I work on the Internet in Advego, every day for 2 - 5 hours. There are tasks - like, vote in classmates for a photo, comment on something - I withdraw from 200 to 300 dollars a month, for those interested here is the link - go register and work, fee for a small job - I take jobs from 20 cents to 1 dollar, but here everything depends on you - how much you worked - that's how much you get. There is no investment or risk in Advego. There are no balls here and to make money on the Internet you have to work for more than one hour, but reliably and without deception - go for it. Withdrawing money to Adego - there is WebMoney, Qiwi and Sberbank cards.

Watch two video examples of working on the Internet on the Advego site from my personal practice - everything here is detailed and understandable even for someone like me, a collective farmer!

The first example for beginners is how to make money on the Internet on the Advego site - the simplest tasks - let's get acquainted with the site and get better...

How to make a website? I studied here, click on the picture..

Proven hosting - how to make a website yourself - create a website for free

Example two - the task is a little more difficult, but we figure it out and learn to earn honestly - nothing difficult...

Azino gaming club - money for registration!

Also read the article about affiliate programs and passive income on the Internet using affiliate programs - click on the picture!

How to make money on the Internet and affiliate programs where you can make money with an account on a social network or website