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What is a business line of activity? In what direction should I open my own business? Main options

Hides a lot of different troubles underneath. Potential entrepreneurs are unable to start their own business because they do not have a clear idea of ​​what they want to do...

How to choose a successful direction for a profitable business that would bring pleasure? Experienced entrepreneurs know that those who make the right choice at the very beginning become successful.

The main obstacles when choosing a business activity

The main problem preventing you from making the right choice in the direction of business is the lack of financial resources.

Almost any business at the initial stage implies the presence of financial investments. Funds are needed to rent an office or premises, register a company, purchase equipment, goods, pay salaries to staff, etc.

In a word, everyone needs money, some more, some less. Not many people can organize a business without starting capital, and only a few manage to do it. It succeeds because it is based on a hobby or high talent.

In addition to sources of financing for the implementation of plans, it is worth thinking about the absence or presence of the need to undergo licensing. Trade in cigarettes or alcohol, gambling, education - business in these areas is possible with the appropriate license.

It is worth noting that the terms for which licenses are issued are different for each area, and for some they are not issued at all without special education. But there are many other types of business activities in which licenses are not required to conduct business. This point is worth considering when considering possible options.

It is best to start the case from an area that is already more familiar to you. For example, many store owners previously worked as ordinary sellers, cafes, restaurants and bars as bartenders or waiters, and beauty salons as hairdressers.
This experience comes in handy, from developing a range of products or services to recruiting personnel.

In other words, if you choose a business in which you have some experience, you will greatly simplify the organization and conduct of this activity in the future.

But this does not mean that you are prohibited from starting a business in an area with which you have not dealt. But it is worth considering this option that the entrepreneur will require additional effort and time, which will be spent on studying the field of activity, developing the necessary skills, etc.

It is worth weighing all the pros and cons when choosing a field of activity between an unfamiliar and a familiar one. If your forecasts are positive, then go ahead and start putting your business plan into action.

In the end, I would like to add, when starting your own business, be serious and responsible when choosing your field of activity. There must be a sense of faith that everything will work out. If such a feeling is not observed, it is better to think about changing the type of activity. The correctly chosen direction of business is the key to the growth and profitability of the enterprise.

Everyone who decides to open their own business thinks about the question of how to choose the direction of business, what type.

This question is very relevant for every beginning entrepreneur, because all of his future success and prosperity will depend on the choice of the direction of his activity.

The difficulty of choosing arises mainly due to several important points

For example, most areas of starting a business require considerable start-up capital. It is needed in order to complete all the necessary documentation, to rent an office or retail space, purchase equipment and inventory, etc. Not every beginning entrepreneur has a large amount of money that he can spend on initial investments. It is rarely possible to choose a field and type of activity in which an entrepreneur would like to work, and at the same time, one that does not require large start-up capital.

The second point is the licensing of certain types of businesses. For example, if we take such types of activities as education, medicine, etc. All these types of activities are subject to mandatory licensing. A license to organize any activity can be obtained relatively quickly. For example, to open a training center. But if a person wants to engage in notarial activities, then everything is much more complicated. To do this, you must first obtain a higher legal education, then work for several years as an assistant notary, pass complex exams and certification to obtain a license. And only after that, if there are vacancies, it will be possible to get a job as a notary. Consequently, some business ideas may take several years to come to fruition.

It should be noted that most aspiring entrepreneurs decide to open their own business in the area with which they were previously associated. For example, bartenders open their own bars and cafes, sellers open shops and tents, hairdressers open beauty salons, tourism managers open their own travel agencies, etc. And this is correct. It was those businessmen who opened their own business in an area familiar to them who achieved good results. A good business owner must know it from the inside. What, how, where and by what principle works in the specific chosen type of activity.

If you have chosen a type of activity that the businessman has not encountered before, then, of course, it would be a good idea to study all the features and specifics before starting active work on opening a company and preparing all the necessary documentation. People who already work in this field and specialized book publications can help you find out all the nuances of the chosen type of activity and weigh all the risks and benefits.

An important factor is the desire to engage in a specific type of business. For a person who has an innate sense of taste in floral design, it will be much more interesting and easier to find something in a store that sells auto parts. This is especially true for those who will not only invest money in the opening, but then also work in it. For example, a salesman in his own store or a bartender in his own bar.

It would also be a good idea to write a detailed business plan for the chosen type of activity, which will detail all the expenses for opening a company, purchasing equipment and goods, profitability, payback, and profit. Once again weigh all the pros and cons and only after that begin some active actions. It wouldn't hurt to study the competition in your chosen field. Knowing competitors, their pricing policy, tactics for conducting the chosen type of activity and their weaknesses is very important. This is especially true in large cities, where competition in any market segment is very high.

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Organizational issues after choosing a suitable area of ​​activity

When the choice of direction of business activity has been made, the next step will be its subsequent registration with the tax authority. The most common organizational and legal forms for starting a small business are a limited liability company (LLC) and an individual entrepreneur (IP). It is much less common for a small business company to be registered as a closed joint-stock company (CJSC). When choosing a legal form, you need to pay attention to all the features of conducting the chosen type of activity. Some businesses will be better to open as individual entrepreneurs, others as LLCs or CJSCs. It all depends on the planned volume of work, etc. Next, you need to register with the social insurance fund and pension fund. Get statistics and OKVED codes. If the activity requires a license, then obtain a license. If you need to use a cash register, then after purchasing it you will need to register it with the tax authority.

Once all the documentation has been received, you can begin searching for a suitable premises. Here you need to proceed specifically from what type of activity you need to rent the premises for. If necessary, cosmetic repairs of the premises are carried out. Equipment and inventory are purchased. We are looking for working personnel.

It's no secret that there are people who, no matter what they undertake, succeed in everything, and quite successfully. This is called the entrepreneurial spirit. And others, no matter how hard they try, cannot express themselves, but only increase their external appearance.

Is there an opportunity to improve your life, achieve success, if you don’t have any visible leadership traits, but still want to live well?

In fact, anyone can find their place in life and succeed. You just need to choose the right direction of activity.

And don’t pretend to be an elephant if your passport says you are a Scotch Terrier. 😉

And if you don’t try to remake yourself, but wisely use what nature has laid down, then the path to a new life may be less bumpy.

As you knew from previous articles about temperaments (for those who don’t know), choleric people most actively display the qualities of leaders. According to Robert Rom's classification - type D.

But this does not mean at all that everyone else is deprived and should be content with little. They, too, can become good leaders and business owners, respected and successful people.

So first, determine your temperament (link above). Read the recommendations and listen to yourself: what your subconscious tells you. Together with him, you can choose a strategy that will help you reach the finish line to your goal.


As already mentioned, these are born leaders and bosses who achieve success faster than others. Thanks to its enviable speed.

Moreover, they can lead anything and anyone, and prove themselves in any field. These are wonderful trainers, priests, military men, company presidents and business owners.

Choleric teachers, as a rule, do not cease to improve, reaching the heights of science. They also successfully combine the positions of class teachers or trade union chairmen with teaching. And at a fairly early age they can rise to become a school principal.

If you consider yourself to be this type, but in reality you sit at work “from start to finish” and are forced to obey the boss, then it is not surprising that life will seem boring and meaningless to you.

At the same time, your energy may be wasted in scandals and bickering, in sorting out relationships, which in the end lead to absolutely nothing. Because representatives of this type consider themselves unnecessary if they have nothing to lead.

Find a small business for yourself where you can be a full-fledged owner, and devote several hours a day to it.

At the same time, you can choose any direction of activity that you like. With your inclinations, it will certainly grow into your own business, which, with the right efforts, will become very successful.

And then you will be able to send a wave from a great height to everyone who kept you in a golden cage. 😉

TypeI(sanguine people)

Representatives of this type are born actors. They make good entertainers, presenters, and preachers. They can easily sell air to an Indian hermit yogi.

The sanguine teacher literally fascinates the audience with his extraordinary presentation of material and is ready to put on such a show every day.

If you are a typical sanguine person, then the disadvantage of your temperament is that it is difficult for you to finish what you start. You quickly catch fire, but also quickly go out, drowning in the smoke that you yourself produced.

But you have a unique advantage - to inspire other people to do great things. Your ideas and enthusiasm can move even a half-dead caterpillar off the ground. Why not take advantage of this? 😉

Your second advantage is your ability to communicate and persuade. You don’t have to learn this for a long time: it’s innate. Therefore, choose a field of activity and profession where you need to communicate a lot and be among people. Your charm and tongue will do your work for you. This is how you can achieve success faster.


These are excellent diplomats. They get along in any team and create an atmosphere of calm and harmony around themselves.

They can also be good leaders, but unlike the dictatorial tendencies of type D, Ss are coaches who can guide and instruct with enviable patience, lead and set a personal example.

They also make good teachers who are distinguished by strong patience and endurance.

They can be the leader’s right hand or psychologists, because helping is their direct calling. It is easier for them to learn to understand others.

They make good bank employees because reliability and a familiar schedule add strength and energy to them.

They are good secretaries and wonderful subordinates who will do the work accurately and on time, while giving their all.

The disadvantage is fear of change and lack of understanding of risk. The advantage is the ability to work in a team, to do calm routine things.

If you want to reach the top of your business, you need to assemble the right team. And maybe even get yourself a boss. Who will think that he is in charge of everything. But you will reap the benefits if you organize everything correctly. 😉

Or find a good active patron partner who will value your professionalism and personal qualities. Together you can do anything.

Type C (melancholic)

Representatives of this type have a powerful intellect, thanks to which any horizons are open to them. And consistency and perseverance allow you to effectively work on yourself, constantly improving.

Melancholic teachers know everything, about everything and in every detail. They strive for personal excellence and demand the same from their students.

Melancholic people become explorers, inventors and philosophers. Musicians and artists can also have every chance to reap the benefits of fame, because what they lack in talent they make up for with hard work and determination.

Representatives of this type constantly strive to improve the world, and they do it well. Especially if you direct your energy not inside yourself - to soul-searching, but to your favorite and useful work.

The disadvantage of this type is their straightforwardness; it is difficult for them to understand others. Many people dislike them for their ability to tell the truth. And who likes her? 😉

Melancholic people can also succeed in stock trading, where strict calculation and good self-control are needed. Or become employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc., where conscientiousness and decency, as well as attention to detail, determine a good specialist.

Thus, everyone can find their place in life and achieve success if they listen to their desires and interests. And also choose the right direction of activity, use your advantages, and not fight them.

Moreover, anyone can find application in almost any field. This can be seen in the example of a teacher. Despite the different qualities of temperament, professionalism, recognition and usefulness to society do not suffer from this.


This was the third and last post dedicated to the relay competition " My magic door" The first, along with the terms of the competition, is indicated at the very beginning.

If you liked the information and would like to have it for yourself, download the book “How to learn to understand yourself and others” entirely.

You will learn:

— how to quickly determine a person’s temperament, which influences his behavior and actions.

— how to quickly determine a person’s type based on blog posts or social networks.

- how to use your strengths and weaknesses to find your path in life.

Agree, understanding people and being able to find a common language with others is an important art thatmultiplies business and professional qualities several times.

Every person who decides to open their own business faces a difficult question: what exactly to do? For your business to be successful, you should focus on personal character traits, hobbies, etc. Also, do not forget about how much money you are willing to invest in your business. In order not to make a mistake in choosing the direction of your business, there are several rules. They are not dogma and you can ignore them, but in any case you should familiarize yourself with them.

Personal experience

Nowadays there are many people who want to profit from other people's naivety. You should not trust people who promise that if you do as they advise, you will start earning huge money immediately after you open your business. This will not happen, since there is no universal way for income to appear from the first day of work. In any business, you have to wait and work a lot to get your first income. Don't trust spam emails that offer any one-size-fits-all recipe for success. It is best to establish contact with people who are well known in society, or find such a person through your acquaintances or friends. And if you want to trade on the stock exchange, you can use the site

Try to find an unfilled niche

If you have decided to open your own auto repair shop, then it is very important to establish the level of competition in the area of ​​your auto repair shop. If there are a lot of them, then such a business idea may turn out to be a failure, because in order to become better than your competitors, who, most likely, have been working in this area for many years, you will have to invest much more money, and it will take much longer to recoup them. It makes sense to conduct a general analysis of what kind of business predominates in your area and analyze the level of its development. Only after a good analysis can you decide in which area you will work.

The main thing is pleasure

During a long and persistent search for your calling in business, professionals and simply successful businessmen advise choosing the field of activity that you like, despite the fact that the profit in it may be lower than any other field. There are many examples when people started doing something they didn’t like, and after a short period of time they turned their business into an unprofitable one. Most often this happens to people who inherited a business but did not want to get into the business.

In any business, a person needs to work hard to achieve the desired result. A businessman can always fail, but you shouldn’t despair and give up what you started. If you really want to do something, try again and again. Having done everything correctly, be sure to expect a good result.