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What is a sales floor operator in a supermarket? Data entry operator (store, supermarket)

I. General provisions

1. The sales floor manager belongs to the category of specialists.
2. A person with professional education and additional training (higher; secondary) in organizing the trading process is appointed to the position of sales floor manager, without presenting any work experience requirements; At least 1 year of experience in trade; 2 years; other)
3. The sales floor manager must know:
3.1. Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, other laws establishing requirements for the implementation of trade.
3.2. Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and other regulatory legal acts on issues of trade services.
3.3. Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the work of a trading enterprise.
3.4. The structure of enterprise management, the rights and obligations of enterprise employees and their work schedule.
3.5. Rules and methods for organizing the customer service process.
3.6. Types of goods sold by the enterprise and services provided.
3.7. Fundamentals of marketing and advertising organization.
3.8. Basics of display (positioning) of goods.
3.9. Principles of planning and design of the sales area and shop windows.
3.10. Fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.
3.11. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.
3.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
3.12. Internal labor regulations.
3.13. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
4. Appointment to the position of manager of the trading floor and dismissal from the position is made by order of the head of the enterprise upon the recommendation of ____ (official)
5. The manager of the trading floor reports directly to ____ (the head of the trading enterprise; other official)
6. During the absence of the sales floor manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Responsibilities of a store manager

Sales Manager:
1. Manages the sales floor staff (salespeople, sales consultants, cashiers).
2. Prepares and submits an order for the supply of goods from storage locations.
3. Organizes the supply of goods to the sales area and supervises the work of displaying goods.
4. Keeps operational records of the balances of goods on the sales floor and reports (to the head of the trading enterprise, other official) information about goods with a critical minimum of balances, with a critical expiration date, as well as information about goods of increased, uniform and reduced demand.
5. Manages:
- stocks of goods in the sales area;
- assortment of goods.
6. Monitors compliance by sales floor personnel with:
- proper quality and culture of customer service in the provision of trade services;
- rules for the sale of goods and sanitary and hygienic requirements;
- labor protection and safety regulations, fire safety.
7. Organizes service for customers making large purchases.
8. Organizes information for buyers:
- about goods (their consumer properties, assortment, prices, etc.);
- about the related services provided (assembly, connection, delivery, etc.);
- about the operating mode of the trading enterprise.
9. If necessary, assists customers in selecting goods.
10. Organizes checks of the quality and safety of goods going on sale, and their expiration dates.
11. Removes from sale low-quality goods, expired goods, faulty and defective goods.
12. Monitors the presence of price tags on goods.
13. Monitors compliance by employees of the trading floor with labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, sanitation and hygiene requirements.
14. Monitors abuse by sales floor personnel.
15. Takes measures to resolve conflict situations with customers.
16. Informs the management of the trading enterprise about shortcomings in customer service.
17. Monitors the serviceability of the sales floor equipment and informs the management of the trading enterprise about equipment malfunctions in order to take the necessary measures.
18. Analyzes the results of the trading floor in the following areas:
- information on sales volumes (by product groups, by specific products);
- information about changes in the range of goods on the sales floor.
19. Serves the operations of return, write-off, revaluation and reservation of goods.
20. Uses automated sales management systems on the sales floor.
21. Prepares reports on the movement of goods.
22. Takes part in inventories.
23. In extreme situations, organizes the evacuation of customers from the sales area, calls the police, ambulance, etc.

III. Rights of the sales floor manager

The sales floor manager has the right:
1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
2. Submit proposals to improve the trading process for management's consideration.
3. Submit for management’s consideration: submissions on the appointment, relocation and dismissal of employees of the trading floor; proposals to reward distinguished employees and to impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
5. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties assigned to him and the possibility of exercising the rights granted.

IV. Responsibilities of the store manager

The sales floor manager is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Summer begins, many students, having finished their studies at the university, want to find a job for themselves. If you study in Moscow, then of course it is more promising to stay in the capital and find a job, rather than go back to the provinces. Today many people cannot find work, but they still hire students with pleasure. Where can a student get a job? The best vacancy is a sales floor worker.

To find a vacant and successful position, you need to go through a certain stage. A sales floor worker is a profession in demand. Many people can't cope with it and leave. If a student looking for a job opens a newspaper and reads an advertisement, he will definitely find the necessary vacancy. Also, vacancies may be offered directly at the university. Usually in such educational institutions there are notice boards and news boards, where you can find interesting work.

I want to be a sales floor worker!

If you set yourself the goal of finding a job specifically for this vacancy, then you will definitely find it. Since the summer holidays will begin soon, you can get a full-time job. A sales floor employee works not 8 hours, but 12 and rests for several days. Even if you are still studying, you can work part-time, for example, only on the evening shift.

What are the responsibilities?

Typically, a sales floor employee does not have to perform any complex duties. No work experience or education required. Those who are just introducing a new type of activity are trained at the expense of the enterprise. Then he returns the debt and improves the data that was given to him during training.

Russian citizenship is required;

Sanitary book. Many organizations help get it and pay for a medical examination;

Be sure to be sociable and friendly;

The responsible person;

Experience, if available, in retail;

An employee of the sales floor must lay out goods, maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance on the shelves, and try to fill empty spaces in the display cases. They also make sure that there are no expired goods on display. Posting price tags is also their responsibility. And also cleaning the premises, but not performing the duties of a cleaner, but cleaning boxes, packaging goods, and so on.


Working on the sales floor may seem boring to you, but it's not. An employee on the sales floor not only does the above work, but he also needs to know a little accounting. If you don’t have the knowledge, you need to get the first skills 1 C. Be a little psychologist, get out of difficult situations. Know marketing science; as a result, a specialist becomes a hall administrator. Well, further promotion is also possible. The main thing is to improve your skills.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help:


CEO ______________


No.__________ from "___" __________200__

General provisions.

1. The sales floor manager is an official called upon to carry out all functions related to the promotion of the products of the Group of Companies (group of companies).

2. The sales floor manager carries out his activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Company’s Charter, the Regulations “On Sales Policy”, the Job Description of the Sales Floor Manager, and instructions from management.

3. The manager of the trading floor is appointed and dismissed by the Head of the Subsidiary Company (Branch).

4. The immediate supervisor of the Sales Floor Manager is the Sales Manager of the Subsidiary (Branch).

5. The main task of the Sales Floor Manager is to organize full interaction between the Client and the Company, maximum satisfaction of the Client’s needs, within the framework of job responsibilities.

Responsibilities of the Store Manager.

1. Interaction with the Client on the sales floor: talks about the product, USP of the product, product prices, delivery conditions, certificate support, etc.

2. Receives from the Client. contact information about a potential Client and transfers it to the sales department manager or Sales Representative in accordance with the established division by sectors and spheres of influence.

3. In accordance with the technology and methodology adopted by the Company, personally accepts orders from the Client in the sales area, except for new ones (those who applied for the first time and do not have a Manager assigned to them).

4. Ensuring the availability of a full set of product samples in the sales area. Merchandising.

5. It is not within the competence of the Sales Manager to discuss specific terms of cooperation (credits, discounts) with the Client, other than those indicated in the price list. 6. Key and new Clients at the time the client places an order, or at the stage of negotiations with the Client on the terms of sale, are switched to the appropriate Manager, having previously recorded information about the Client. In the absence of a Manager, he switches the Sales Manager to another Manager. If at the moment there is no available Sales Manager, he switches to the Head of the Subsidiary (Branch).

7. After accepting the order, all other customers are accompanied to the Dispatcher to place the order.

8. When accepting an order, be sure to draw the Client’s attention to new products in the assortment, to special, seasonal items as directed by the Sales Manager. Never finishes accepting an order without offering the Client three more items in addition to what he has already ordered.

9. If necessary, advises the Client on the optimal composition of the assortment, possible discounts when increasing the order, based on the specifics of the business of this Client and the strategic focus of the Group on long-term cooperation with this Client.

10. In case of an unusual situation, switches the Client to the Sales Manager.

11. If the Client requests background information that goes beyond his competence regarding prices, delivery conditions, etc., he switches the client to a manager who provides all the necessary information. If necessary, at the direction of the lead manager, the Sales Floor Manager ensures that the materials required by the client on the product and terms of cooperation are sent by fax, e-mail and regular mail.

12. In any case, promptly transmits all information received about the Clients’ comments and wishes to the Sales Manager, documenting them in the form of official notes.

13. In case of production necessity, provides assistance in the work of Dispatchers.

14. Subject to appropriate decisions of the Management, carries out work to implement special programs of discounts and bonuses, and other sales promotions.

15. Improves his professional level.

16. Indispensable execution and timely execution of all required reporting and other working documentation.

17. Compliance with the regime for maintaining trade secrets.

18. Ensuring good working relationships within the workforce.

19. Proper execution of current official assignments of managers.

The sales floor manager must know and be able to:

1. A person with secondary technical, incomplete higher or higher education and work experience in the field of training and sales support of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of Sales Manager.

2. The established financial and business practices in the field of the Company’s activities.

3. Rules for concluding and executing contracts for the supply of products.

4. Merchandising.

5. Excellent knowledge of the product range and the Unique Selling Advantage (USP) of the products.

6. Features of personal selling technology

7. Principles of dividing spheres of influence, assigning certain clients to managers.

8. The Company’s client base, the 1C program, as well as other software used by the Company to support the trading process.

The sales floor manager has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the decisions of the Management regarding the purchase and sale of products.

2. Submit proposals for improving product sales for consideration by the Sales Manager.

3. To fulfill your official duties, interact with employees of all structural divisions of the Civil Code.

4. Request, through the manager, Sales Manager, information and documents from the heads of departments and specialists necessary to perform their job duties.

5. Inform the immediate Manager about all shortcomings in the activities of the Enterprise identified during the performance of their official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

LLC \"ProdMir\" (Miratorg)
up to 33900 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| March 29, 2019

2 |

Moving goods from the warehouse to the sales floor, assistance in receiving goods; Display of goods on the sales floor; Checking product expiration dates and quality; Monitoring the relevance of price tags; Participation in inventory. Work experience is optional; The desire to grow and develop...

LLC \"ProdMir\" (Miratorg)
up to 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| 06 June 2019

3 |

Moving goods from the warehouse to the sales floor, assistance in receiving goods; Display of goods on the sales floor; Checking product expiration dates and quality; Monitoring the relevance of price tags; Participation in inventory. Work experience is optional; The desire to grow and develop...

LLC \"ProdMir\" (Miratorg)
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 10, 2019

4 |

Moving goods from the warehouse to the sales floor, assistance in receiving goods; Display of goods on the sales floor; Checking product expiration dates and quality; Monitoring the relevance of price tags; Participation in inventory. Work experience is optional; The desire to grow and develop...

LLC \"APH \"Miratorg\"
up to 33,500 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

5 |

Moving goods from the warehouse to the sales floor, assistance in receiving goods; Display of goods on the sales floor; Checking product expiration dates and quality; Monitoring the relevance of price tags; Participation in inventory. Work experience is optional; The desire to grow and develop...

LLC \"APH \"Miratorg\"
up to 33,500 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

6 |

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

7 |

What you need to do: Work in the Fresh department Monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department Carry out timely display of goods Monitor the availability and correctness of price tags Carry out an inventory Requirements: Special...

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

8 |

What you need to do: Work in the Fresh department Monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department Carry out timely display of goods Monitor the availability and correctness of price tags Carry out an inventory Requirements: Special...

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

9 |

What you need to do: Work in the Fresh department Monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department Carry out timely display of goods Monitor the availability and correctness of price tags Carry out an inventory Requirements: Special...

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

10 |

What you need to do: Work in the Fresh department Monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department Carry out timely display of goods Monitor the availability and correctness of price tags Carry out an inventory Requirements: Special...

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

11 |

What you need to do: Work in the Fresh department Monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department Carry out timely display of goods Monitor the availability and correctness of price tags Carry out an inventory Requirements: Special...

LLC \"YOGART\" (Agency)
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

| October 28, 2019

13 |

Agro-industrial Holding Miratorg, as part of the development of its own retail chain of food supermarkets Miratorg, invites candidates for the vacancy: Operator trading hall · Display of goods in the sales area; · Moving goods...

up to 33,400 rub. per month
Moscow, Moscow region

| 06 November 2019(updated)

15 |

Responsibilities: monitor the availability, quality and expiration dates of goods in the department; carry out timely display of goods; monitor the availability and correctness of all types of price tags and labels; recalculated...

METRO Cash & Carry
from 36,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Moscow, Moscow region

1. General part:

1.1. Appointed to and dismissed from office by the General Director of the enterprise.

1.2. The main task of receiving goods is the reliable and timely registration of movements, receipts, and expenditure invoices in the information base 1 “C”.

1.3. The main task when checking out goods, including in the supermarket, is the reliable and timely execution of invoices, movements, invoices and cash receipts in the information base 1 “C”.

1.4. Reports to the store director

1.5. Must have a secondary specialized education and work experience in the 1"C" program for at least 1 year.

1.6. During his absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another operator in accordance with the order of the enterprise, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.7. Issues that are not within the competence and rights of the employee are resolved by the immediate supervisor.

1.8. The work is guided by the current labor legislation, orders, instructions of the immediate supervisor, internal labor regulations, enterprise orders, and these instructions.

1.9. The assessment of the degree of proper performance of job duties by this employee is made by the immediate supervisor.

1.10. The operating mode is agreed upon with the management of the point where the operator works.

2. Job responsibilities:

2.1. At the request of the sales floor administrator, he prepares repeated price tags.

2.2. Timely prepare the “movement” document at the request of the merchandiser.

2.3. Provide statements to sales representatives, with the exception of the list of clients who have a debt in excess of the established limit.

2.4. Enter a new client on the basis of an agreement concluded with him (indicate in the client’s card the “Other” tab - agreement No.).

2.5. At the end of the working day, display the movement of goods for the day, print it out and transfer it to storekeepers and warehouse accountants.

2.6. Print out the register of invoices and hand it over to the accountant.

2.7. When checking out goods in a store:

2.7.1. Accept requests from the sales floor administrator.

2.7.2. Check and set markups on invoices, in accordance with established discounts and markups.

2.7.3. Prepares invoices for the store and prints price tags for goods that are released into the sales area.

2.7.4. Print out invoices and send them to the warehouse.

2.7.5. Send consumable invoices to the store in a timely manner.

2.7.6. Send information on balances to the store in a timely manner.

2.2.7. Prepare invoices for goods at the request of suppliers for stores.

2.2.8.Weekly track goods with zero movement and issue them to the store.

2.8. Upon arrival of goods:

2.8.1. Timely prepare documents for receipt, consumption and movement of goods.

2.8.2. Negotiate prices with the merchandiser.

2.8.3. Observe the order in which the goods arrive.

2.8.4. Enter the data of the new product into the product directory, in accordance with the established rules for creating a new card.

2.8.5. Process the return of goods at the request of merchandisers or according to a warehouse report.

2.8.6. If errors are detected, enter corrections for the inappropriate position in the invoice of program 1 “C”.

2.8.7. Enter a new supplier if it is not in the directory with all the details specified in the invoice.

2.8.8. In the absence of invoices for the goods directly assigned to the operator, he is obliged to help another operator receive the goods.

2.8.9. Carry out work with entering balances, transmitting information on re-sorting of goods to the storekeeper on a daily basis.

2.9. Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.10. Preparation of reports for accounting:

2.10.1. Every month, before the 5th day, reconcile with retail outlets for mutual settlements.

2.10.2. Conduct quarterly reconciliations with suppliers of alcoholic beverages.

2.10.3. In the 4th quarter of each year, reconcile with all suppliers. Based on the results of the reconciliation, it is mandatory to sign the corresponding document (reconciliation act).

2.10.4. If an error is detected in the accounting program after the closure of the period (9th day of the month following the reporting one), report the information to the accounting department to make appropriate corrections in the accounting records.

3. Must know:

3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders relating to the work performed.

3.2. Document flow for goods movement.

3.3. Program 1 “C”, and have practical computer skills.

3.4. Discounts and markups on goods.

3.5. The procedure for entering a client into the product directory.

3.6. The procedure for processing documents for receipt, consumption and movement.

3.7. Rules for filling out the product directory.

3.8. Internal labor regulations.

3.9. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3.10. Providing information to non-employees of the company only with the permission of the immediate manager (receipt prices, any reports, balances, etc. information).

4. Has the right:

4.1. To receive benefits, bonuses, as well as other forms of incentives, advanced training and obtaining special knowledge provided for this position, subject to the successful completion of their duties and individually assigned tasks.

4.2. Receive from management and company employees the information necessary to perform official duties.

4.3. Make proposals to management for activities aimed at increasing productivity and improving working conditions.

4.4. Submit proposals for rewarding and bringing to disciplinary liability for violation of labor discipline of employees who are directly subordinate.

4.5. Take part in meetings on issues within his competence.

4.6. Use the necessary technical means to perform assigned duties.

5. Responsible for:

5.1. Timely and correct execution of price tags and repeat price tags

5.2. Unclear and untimely performance of their duties.

5.3. Illegal actions with documents and information about the activities of the company.

5.4. Security of confidential information received in the company.

5.5. Financial liability according to the contract with the employee.

6. Criteria for evaluating activities:

6.1. The criteria for evaluating the Operator’s activities are:

Formation of markup

Working with re-grading

Creating invoices without errors