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What is required to open a cafe from scratch. How to open a children's cafe with a playroom from scratch and minimal investment

With the right approach, opening a cafe from scratch is a great business idea. In order for the invested amount of money to bring the expected return, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the chosen area and think through the details - from choosing a place to buy or rent to obtaining the consent of inspection services to open an establishment.

The first stage of opening a cafe from scratch is registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC

Conducting commercial activities is impossible without registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or establishing a company (for example, a limited liability company).

The process of registering an individual entrepreneur is simpler and faster than organizing a full-fledged company.

When establishing a company in the form of an LLC, it will be necessary to spend more time on creating a package of documents required for registration, consisting, in particular, of:

  • orders to hire the general director and accountant or formalized consent to perform their duties by one person;
  • decisions of the founders to create a company;
  • agreement on the rental or purchase of premises, the address of which will be indicated as the legal address;
  • charter and others.

When organizing an LLC, you will definitely need to create a constituent fund; its minimum size is now 10 thousand rubles.

To correctly generate reports, it is important to initially correctly determine the OKVED code. For a cafe, the main number will be 55.30, the accompanying numbers will be 52.63 and 52.25.

You should definitely notify Rospotrebnadzor about plans to open a point. Otherwise, the owner may face a fine.

Licensing activities and choosing a system for paying taxes

To open a cafe, you do not need a license. The only exception is obtaining a permit to sell alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco products. Without a license, you can only serve beer to visitors.

For taxation, individual entrepreneurs can use the simplified tax system, the patent system or UTII. Organizations have access to only UTII and simplified tax system.

There are limitations for each system:

  • the patent system can only be applied when the number of staff is up to 15 people and the total area of ​​the establishment is up to 50 square meters;
  • UTII is applied only with the permission of the regional authorities and with a point area of ​​no more than 150 square meters;
  • The simplified tax system can be used with a total profit of up to 60 million rubles for the tax period and an average number of employees of up to 100 people.

To open your own cafe from scratch, analysts recommend using the simplified tax system in the form of “income minus expenses.” But to avoid making the wrong choice, it makes sense to consult with an accountant or tax specialist.

How to open a cafe from scratch - step-by-step instructions

For a business idea to be successfully implemented, you need to understand what it takes to open a cafe from scratch. It is recommended to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Selecting an area for location.
  2. Searching for premises to rent or buy.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Arrangement of the facility.
  5. Obtaining the necessary permits to open a cafe
  6. Search and hiring of workers.
  7. Menu creation and marketing activities.

Each of the above points must be considered separately.

Determining the area to open a cafe

Without the right choice of location for a cafe, a business will not be effective.

You can successfully open an establishment both in the city center and on its outskirts. Each option has its own advantages.

The cost of hiring or purchasing premises in the center is higher due to increased traffic. It is cheaper to buy or rent space on the periphery, but due to low client flow, profits may also be lower.

When choosing an area, it is necessary to take into account its specifics. For example, it is best to open a cafe in a densely populated area and with minimal presence of competitors.

Selecting a specific room

First of all, you need to decide whether the area will be rented or owned.

When concluding an agreement and renting a premises, the initial cost of opening a cafe will be lower, but you will have to pay rent regularly.

Purchasing property also has a negative side - if the business idea is not successful, then you will need to spend time selling the premises. And if the market situation changes, then you can lose money on fluctuations in the value of the property.

The best option is to rent space with the option to buy it if the chosen business idea is effectively implemented.

Regardless of which option is chosen, when searching for an object, you should focus on the following parameters:

  • size of the room - it is necessary to select the area for the planned volume of business, taking into account that you need to fit a hall for visitors, a bar, a kitchen, utility rooms and storage rooms;
  • trafficability - you need to evaluate not only the pedestrian traffic of potential visitors, but also the automobile traffic;
  • the location of the entrance is optimal if the door is from the street, and not from the yard or the depths of the house;
  • visual characteristics - high ceilings, large windows, high-quality ventilation and spacious rooms will make the chosen establishment attractive to visitors.

For effective business implementation, it is also desirable that the premises be located on the ground floor, and the windows overlook a visually attractive location. Preference should be given to objects that are located at the intersection of streets.

Equipment purchase

To get started you will need the following equipment:

  • mixer;
  • fridge;
  • freezer;
  • oven;
  • baking equipment;
  • coffee machine.

Depending on the specifics of a particular business, additional equipment may be required. It can be purchased in addition after the establishment is open. But it’s better to think through and purchase all the equipment in advance.

To reduce costs when starting a business, you can rent equipment with the option of subsequent purchase.

Repair and arrangement of the facility

The satisfaction of visitors with visiting the establishment depends on how well the repairs are made in terms of fire and sanitary and epidemiological safety and on the effectiveness of the design of the premises. Otherwise, you can not only lose real and potential clients, but also be refused approval by inspection authorities.

It is better to entrust the interior arrangement to professional designers - an expert approach will increase the return on business.

Obtaining permits

For the full operation of an open establishment, it is necessary to obtain approval from the inspection authorities:

  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • a conclusion from a representative of Rospotrebnadzor confirming the point’s compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • consent to opening from the Administration;
  • permission to place external advertising;
  • license for tobacco and alcohol (if necessary);
  • coordination with the police authorities for the installation of a signal button.

The most difficult thing is to get consent from Rospotrebnadzor. To open a point, it is necessary to establish disinfection and garbage removal procedures in accordance with standards, organize drainage, enter into an agreement for laundry services, etc.

Before purchasing premises or concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to check the point for compliance with the requirements - it is possible that the costs of bringing it into compliance with the standards will be unreasonably high.

Recruitment and employment of personnel

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 bartenders;
  • administrator;
  • 2 waiters.

At first, it is possible to combine positions, for example, assigning cleaning responsibilities to the administrator. The determination of the number of employees is influenced by the operating mode, its type, potential and actual workload of visitors.

Menu creation and promotions

Before you finally open an establishment, it is important to think through the menu. It is necessary to include dishes that can be prepared quickly - visitors do not have to wait long. In this case, it is generally worth using ingredients that can be stored for a long time - at the beginning of doing business there may not be the desired flow of customers.

To attract potential visitors, it is advisable to carry out a number of promotions - make every fifth order free of charge, introduce discounts for referrals, develop a bonus system. It is important that the activities carried out ensure the flow of customers, but do not reduce the final profit.

How much does it cost to open a cafe from scratch?

Before implementing a planned project, you should understand the costs of opening it. All costs can be divided into one-time and permanent.

Expenses that need to be taken into account when starting a business include expenses for:

  • purchasing equipment;
  • purchase of furniture and consumables (tablecloths, dishes, cutlery and others);
  • renovation and design;
  • ordering and installation of signs and outdoor advertising;
  • acquisition of premises (if it is not rented).

Regular expenses are considered:

  • purchasing products;
  • employee remuneration;
  • payment of rent and/or utility fees;
  • tax and insurance deductions.

The lists are approximate. Before opening an establishment of one type or another, it is important to think through and calculate all possible costs.

To determine the cost of opening a cafe from scratch, you definitely need to make a list of expenses for implementing your current business idea. The cost of the project depends on all the factors discussed above - the location and size of the point, the profile of the establishment, the amount of necessary repair and design work, and so on.

To open a medium-sized establishment designed for 20 people, you will have to initially spend 500-900 thousand rubles, then the costs will be about 350-380 thousand rubles per month. The return from a point with 50 clients per day with an average bill of 400 rubles will be 600 thousand rubles.


Opening a cafe is a good business idea if organized correctly. The project does not require particularly large costs or capital investments, and its payback period for efficient operation is less than 1 year. During this period, a pool of regular customers will be formed, which will make it possible to turn the business into a source of passive income with minimal participation of the founder.

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There are more and more people wanting to start their own business every day. Almost everyone is ready to give up work in order to start working for themselves. However, is everything so simple? There are so many ideas today that there is more than enough for everyone. However, you will have to work hard. And this review will examine almost the most popular entrepreneurial activity today. We are talking about opening a cafe. There can be many variations of such a business. Children's and summer cafes, ice cream parlors and cafe-bars. And if you show your imagination, you can come up with something original. It is necessary to consider in more detail the main nuances of this case.

Opening your own business

A summer cafe is always able to attract a lot of attention. Especially if the weather is hot. However, it is worth remembering some nuances. When answering the question of how to open a summer cafe, it is very important to achieve high attendance. This review will reveal the main points associated with this type of business.

What will an entrepreneur have to face?

Almost all cities have certain features associated with opening a summer cafe. However, on most points the requirements are the same. For example, official registration does not have any global differences. So what should an entrepreneur do?

Firstly, you need to think about the place where the cafe will be located. To obtain ownership of it, an entrepreneur must contact the land department, which is located in the administration - district or city. In some situations, plots may be rented out. The basis in this case will be the appeal of the entrepreneur. But plots for construction can also be leased based on the results of competitions.

Sketch design

Before opening a cafe, you need to draw up a project for it. The sketch can be drawn up either by the entrepreneur himself or by third-party companies specializing in this field of activity. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account that local authorities may put forward a number of requirements. These could be recommendations regarding the external design, the shape of the sign, etc. It is also possible that the authorities may put forward requirements regarding the improvement of the territory that will be located next to the future cafe. The product range is also in most cases subject to strict control.

The draft will need to be approved by several committees of the city or district administration at once. After completing all the necessary procedures, at this stage you will need to submit an application to use the place you have chosen. After this, the review process will begin. If the answer is positive, then a corresponding order will be issued and a land lease agreement will be concluded.

Menu development and purchase of fire-fighting equipment

Do you want to figure out how to open a cafe? It should be understood that there is no need to waste time in this matter. Therefore, while the application is being considered, it is necessary to develop an assortment of dishes and drinks. The compiled list will need to be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The entrepreneur should also purchase several fire extinguishers. They are necessary in order to obtain appropriate permission to open your own cafe from fire inspectors. You also need to enter into an agreement with companies that deal with waste removal.

If you want to understand how to open a cafe from scratch, then you should know that there are no specific features in this matter. We must be guided by exactly the same rules that are fundamental when opening other catering establishments. It should also be taken into account that many visitors do not always behave quietly and calmly. Therefore, the working hours of some cafes end at 23.00.

What will need to be purchased for the future cafe?

Some aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in the question of how to open a cafe are of the opinion that the amount of initial capital is small. Accordingly, such a business will pay off quite quickly. Profit, of course, at the very beginning of the development of entrepreneurial activity can be high. But in this situation, location will play a huge role. But with expenses it’s not so simple.

First of all, you need to spend money on the approval procedure and obtaining a variety of permits. In addition, sometimes this process can drag on significantly if you do not remind yourself.

It will be necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment and furniture. Refrigerators, awnings, a toilet - all this and much more should be provided if you want to understand how to open a cafe. A business plan must be drawn up taking into account all the details. To reduce costs, you can purchase some equipment for rent. In addition, there are some companies that can rent out equipment for free. But this is done only under the condition of mandatory sale of their products.

What is needed to open a cafe?

Documentation worth taking care of

Before opening a cafe, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Documentation that will serve as the basis for the operation of the cafe. This also includes regulations.
  2. Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station, issued after inspection by specialists of this service.
  3. Sanitary rules.
  4. Documentation that can confirm the high quality of products.
  5. Instructions that will indicate the rules for washing dishes.
  6. Book for complaints and suggestions. It must be stitched, numbered and certified by the entrepreneur himself.
  7. Permission is required for external advertising. It is required in order to make a sign.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to ensure that cafe employees have not only medical records, but also personal sanitary clothing. This is all the documentation that is needed to answer the question of how to open a mini-cafe.

What expenses will an entrepreneur have to face?

Every month it is necessary to transfer rent for a plot of land. Its size will depend entirely on the cadastral value of the selected location for the cafe.

In order to purchase quality products from reliable suppliers, you also need a considerable amount of money. You will need to pay employees wages twice a month. Once a month, insurance premiums and income taxes will be calculated from your salary. The tax that is charged on the main type of activity will depend on the size of the area under the cafe.

You will also have to face costs when solving all problems related to connecting to sewerage, water supply, and electrical networks. To open your own summer cafe in a small town, you will need to spend about 50 thousand rubles. In large cities, the amount of initial capital reaches 300 thousand rubles.

How to open a cafe from scratch? In addition to all of the above, you will need to take care of hiring employees. When opening a summer cafe, employment contracts will need to be concluded for seasonal work. But there are no fundamental differences in this case.

Opening a cafe for children

How to open a children's cafe? If this process is considered from the perspective of organizing business activities, taxation and permits, then you need to do everything the same as when opening an ordinary restaurant or cafe. Although there are certain laws. It should also be taken into account that the enterprise in this situation will not have high profitability compared to those institutions that are designed for adults. In addition, the entrepreneur must have a lot of imagination, which will be required when decorating the premises. You will also need to take care of creating an entertainment program.

To open a children's cafe, you will need to rent several premises - production and warehouse. It will also be necessary to equip a games room. It should be located separately from the snack area. When calculating all sizes, you should be guided by GOST 30389-95.

You should also take care of the design when answering the question of how to open your own business - a cafe for children. There is no need to use any unique technologies in this case. It is necessary to design a sign, entrance, employee uniform, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children's perception. In this case, you can use the help of a child psychologist. In order to equip the gaming area, you will need to spend about $800.

The list of permits in this situation is no different from the documentation that will need to be collected when opening a catering establishment.

Making a list of dishes

The menu for children should be simple. The list of dishes must have a minimum number of sentences with images. It is the appearance of the treat that children are usually guided by. When creating a menu, you can also consult with child psychologists. When creating a list of dishes, you should not forget about the interests of your parents, because they are the ones who decide which company to visit. Naturally, there can be no talk of smoking and sales of alcoholic beverages in a children's cafe.

What expenses does an entrepreneur expect?

  1. The purchase of furniture may require about 45 thousand dollars. In this matter, you must follow the sanitary rules for public catering establishments.
  2. About 10 thousand dollars will be spent on staff salaries.
  3. Don't forget about hiring animators and nannies. These people must be able to communicate with children. The average salary will be 5 thousand dollars.

If you want to figure out how to open a small cafe for children, then you should consider that the main source of income will be the organization of entertainment programs. If the work is done efficiently, the business will pay for itself in about 3 years. On average, you will have to spend about 70 thousand dollars to open a children's cafe.

An ice cream parlor can be profitable

A novice entrepreneur may be interested in the question of how to open an ice cream parlor. The reason for this is simple: organizing such activities does not require a lot of money. At the same time, the payback is at a fairly high level. Another advantage of such activities is low competition.

There are many ways to become an ice cream parlor owner. An entrepreneur can buy it, create it independently, or open it as a franchise. Buying an already established business is not very popular. And enterprises of this type very rarely go on sale. The second method is more optimal for experienced restaurateurs, while the third option is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs.

The first steps towards starting your own business

First of all, you will need to think about renting premises, which will include several zones: production, household, warehouse and retail. They will all be needed in order to answer the question of how to open a cafe. It is impossible to do this without money. However, you can sharply reduce the amount of initial capital by creating not a full-fledged cafe, but only a showcase for selling ice cream. The products themselves can be purchased from other companies.

You will need to hire staff. The number of employees will depend entirely on the size of the enterprise. The list of documents required to organize a business is practically no different from the documentation that is required when opening other catering establishments.

Key points to consider

If you are thinking about how to open a cafe-bar, then you should understand that there will be fewer risks when organizing such a business than when opening a restaurant. In addition, the amount of initial capital is not too high. You can save money not only on hiring staff, but also on storing products. In order to open such an institution, it will take about 100 thousand dollars. The business will pay off in 3 years.

In addition to all the necessary documentation described above, you will also need a license to sell alcohol. This is the fundamental difference between a cafe-bar and other establishments of this type.


This review discussed the main points regarding questions about how to open a small cafe. There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to take a thorough approach to organizing your own business. Then success for a novice businessman is guaranteed. And profit in such a situation will not take long to arrive. In addition, do not forget about the constant expansion of your enterprise. You should not throw it away under any circumstances. Good luck in your endeavors!

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1,200,000 RUR

Starting investments

750,000 ₽

150,000 - 220,000 ₽

Net profit

12 months

Payback period

A cafe for children is a niche in the catering industry in which you will not have many competitors and many additional ways to earn money: from conducting master classes to organizing family holidays.

A children's cafe is a specific business that combines the spheres of catering and entertainment. It opens up a lot of opportunities for development and promotion, and is in demand in large and small cities. Competition in this area is still small, so it’s worth using all the opportunities and occupying a niche.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2019. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Why is a children's cafe a relevant business idea? Firstly, targeting a children's audience is relevant under any economic circumstances. Secondly, there are not many similar establishments in our country; the niche of specialized cafes for children is empty. Thirdly, the demand for the services of entertainment outlets for children is very high.

Business Features

The main differences between a children's cafe and other establishments are a special concept in design and menu, the priority of satisfying children's requests, the specifics of the entertainment program, as well as the age division of the audience. The cafe's offer depends on the age of visitors it is aimed at.

As a rule, the atmosphere in the cafe is aimed at children from six months and older, including teenagers up to 14 years old. Children's cafes hold parties for preschoolers and schoolchildren, celebrate birthdays, organize leisure activities: various master classes, show programs, etc. Some cafes rely on a play area, others on the work of animators, and still others on organizing family leisure activities that will be of interest to both children and their parents. Any children's cafe concept can become successful. The main thing is that it is clearly thought out.

Before deciding on the format of the establishment, you need to work out the concept: identify the target audience, the main idea and the feature that distinguishes you from competitors; think through the menu and interior in detail.

Choice of concept and format

To stand out in the market and attract the maximum number of guests, the cafe must have an original concept. This issue should be approached with special responsibility, since not only the cafe’s attendance, but also its profit depends on the concept.

An establishment for children has special requirements that should be taken into account when developing the concept. A children's cafe is a place where it is important to create all the conditions for an interesting, comfortable and safe leisure time for a child. Therefore, the design of the room, the color scheme, all the decor, zoning, furniture and the concept of the playground are carefully thought out.

The classic format of a children's cafe is a catering area and a play area, which may have attractions, an amateur activity corner, a classroom for educational games, etc. Some establishments are equipped with carousels, slides or a pool with balls. The playroom must be safe, so it is important to choose the right finishes and furniture. There should also be a special employee in the play area who will monitor the children. Animators are often hired for this work.

To develop the concept of a children's cafe, you should analyze competitors, research foreign experience, evaluate the needs and interests of the local audience - and, based on the collected information, come up with your own idea for an establishment. It is important to consider the layout and area of ​​the cafe premises. Without a thorough niche analysis, investments will be risky.

There are many options in what form to present a children's cafe. They may differ in presentation, main idea, scale, theme, focus, amount of investment. Some formats are implemented with a budget of 500 thousand rubles, others require capital of 1.5-2 million rubles.

This is an establishment that combines delicious cuisine and the organization of creative events: painting, theater, music, literary evenings, master classes, etc. The main role here is given to the creative development of children, and the topic of food is secondary.

Ice cream is one of the most favorite treats for children, so you can bet on the product. Opening a highly specialized establishment will be much easier and cheaper. Therefore, if the project budget is minimal, then a gelateria-style cafe would be a good option. You can read more about opening an ice cream parlor.

Another product that children love are cakes and a variety of pastries. The atmosphere of a cozy confectionery evokes a feeling of celebration and fits perfectly into the format of a children's cafe. You can find out more about opening a cafe in the pastry shop format.

The main idea is that in such an establishment parents can enjoy good cuisine and a cozy atmosphere while their children play and have fun. Most often, this format is combined with Italian cuisine. The cafe should have a pleasant interior with a homely atmosphere and must have two menus - for children and for adults.

The main “attraction” of such an establishment is the gaming area. This could be a labyrinth, a trampoline complex, a children's playground with houses, a dry pool, etc. This is a standard children's cafe format that can be made more interesting. For example, conduct music classes, culinary master classes or puppet theater performances. Organize a baby sale or family brunch buffet. Everything here is at the discretion of the owner.

Thus, the success of a children's cafe will depend on how thoughtful and convenient the format of the establishment is. It is important to take into account the opinions of both children and adults.

Project implementation

Where to start for an entrepreneur who wants to open a children's cafe? There can be two options:

    Conduct a market analysis, assess demand, develop a concept, draw up a business plan - and then look for suitable premises for this project;

    First, choose a room - and only then think through the concept, adjusting it to the features of the layout.

It is much more expedient to first decide on the premises, and then develop a project specifically for it. Firstly, this way you can think through the space - and for a children's cafe, with its complex layout, this is important. Secondly, finding a suitable premises is more difficult, so you need to start with this question. And then move on to organizing a business.

Permits and documents for a children's cafe

The first stage is registering a business and obtaining permits. To open a children's cafe, you need to register an LLC with the simplified tax system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%).

Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

    56.10.1 “Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants.”

As additional activities you can choose:

    93.29.9 Other entertainment and entertainment activities

    92.51 Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions

Ready ideas for your business

You will also have to collect an impressive package of permits, comply with all SES requirements, etc. You can read about all the nuances of opening a catering establishment. The registration procedure for a children's cafe is no different from the usual one.

Choosing a children's cafe premises

This issue needs to be addressed in advance. Firstly, because when registering a business, you will have to provide a rental agreement for the premises and obtain permits to work in a specific premises. Secondly, finding a suitable premises is not so easy. The difficulties arise from the fact that catering establishments are subject to strict requirements that they must comply with. Thirdly, a children's cafe requires special zoning, layout, and design. Often there is a need for alterations, which not every owner of the premises will agree to.

You will be very lucky if you manage to find the premises where the catering establishment used to be located. This way you will save on paperwork and, possibly, on some equipment. Often such premises are rented with extractor hood, ventilation, and air conditioning.

When choosing a room, there are two main criteria: its geographical location and the condition of the room itself. A favorable location will be a good advertisement, and the good condition of the premises will reduce repair costs and preparation time for the opening.

The most profitable places to open a children's cafe:

    shopping centers;

    in a residential area on streets with high pedestrian traffic;

    parks, squares, embankments;

    premises near children's institutions.

Ready ideas for your business

The premises can be located in a shopping center, on the ground floor of a residential building or in a separate building. The main thing is that it has the necessary communications and the ability to decorate the facade in a corporate theme. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the cafe is easy to get to, and there is convenient parking nearby.

In a cafe, you need to fit in this space: a gaming and dining area, administration, kitchen and utility rooms.

As practice shows, in most cases, premises of 80-100 sq.m. are chosen for children's cafes. It is difficult to arrange all the necessary zones in a smaller area. There are also larger-scale projects, when a children's cafe occupies 300 sq.m. and contains a whole range of attractions.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the decoration and the possibility of redevelopment. A children's cafe is a project with its own specifics and a standard room may not be suitable. In this case, you should have the opportunity to refurbish the premises - this issue should be immediately discussed with the landlord.

Another tip is to try to sign a long-term lease agreement with the owner. This will protect you from unforeseen actions on the part of the owner: increasing payment, terminating the contract, changing the conditions for renting the premises, etc.

The cost of renting a premises with an area of ​​80-100 sq.m. will be about 100 thousand rubles. Figures may vary by region

Equipment purchase

The list of equipment for a children's cafe is very extensive: it is necessary to equip the kitchen, play areas, equipment, furniture, and decorative elements.

Sample list of kitchen equipment:

    kitchen stoves;

    cutting tables;

    household appliances (meat grinder, milkshake maker, blender);

To decorate the play area you will need to purchase various attractions:

    slides and modules;

    ball pool;

  • toys and play sets

To decorate the dining area you will need:

    furniture (tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas, poufs)

    interior items

Thus, to equip a small cafe, the area of ​​which does not exceed 100 sq. m., you need to spend at least 500 thousand rubles.

Furniture and interior of a children's cafe

A children's cafe is a specific establishment, since the visitors here are diverse - and each with their own interests. It is important that all guests feel comfortable. The design of a children's cafe does not necessarily mean cartoon characters and decor from toys in the “eye-popping” style. Another option is possible: when the interior is calm and cozy, and the mood is set with the help of various decorations.

A good idea would be to zone the cafe – and design each zone for a specific group of visitors. For example, the play area where children are located can be decorated thematically and brightly; the dining area where parents can relax is calmer and more comfortable.

Ready ideas for your business

The interior of the cafe is selected based on the concept. It is up to the business owner to decide how to do it. But there are a few recommendations to keep in mind:

    the floor must be level, without thresholds or steps, easy to clean and non-slip to avoid hazardous situations. It is better to lay soft mats on the floor in the playroom;

    exclude from the interior all objects “dangerous” for children: ornate stairs, open sockets, small parts, fragile dishes;

    Consider the important quality of the interior - accessibility for all ages. Games, furniture and decoration should be chosen for different ages in order to please all visitors: the youngest, the oldest, as well as their parents;

Pay special attention to the choice of furniture: for a children's cafe, its functionality and safety are important. Furniture should have no sharp corners. It is better to purchase round-shaped tables and replace the chairs with soft sofas, ottomans or bean bags. It is better to choose massive tables so that the child cannot tip them over. The best option would be non-toxic, environmentally friendly furniture made of wood or safe plastic.

Not only the quality of the furniture is important, but also its location. The chess arrangement, which is usually used in cafes, will not work in this case. Because in a children's institution it is necessary to create free space for active games and events. It is better to place furniture around the perimeter along the walls.

Don’t forget also about such important little things as:

    high chairs for feeding children under 3 years of age;

    a separate bathroom and toilet room with a changing table and feeding screen, as well as a children's sink and toilet.

As you can see, designing a children's cafe is a rather labor-intensive process in which it is important to take into account many nuances. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust the design of a cafe to a designer in order to create a cozy, functional, safe space for different visitors. The success of children's cafes is largely determined by the general atmosphere that is maintained in the establishment. People come here not so much for delicious dishes, but for a comfortable stay.

Children's cafe menu and suppliers

The menu of a children's cafe should be very well thought out. It means that:

    The dishes are not only tasty, but also necessarily healthy;

    The dishes are beautiful and creatively designed to attract the child: pay attention to the latest trends, for example, in recent years, unicorn food has been in fashion, that is, food in the color palette of unicorns.

    The food is neutral, i.e.: not too fatty, not too salty, not too spicy and only made from natural products;

    All products are as fresh as possible;

    The prices for dishes are not inflated so that parents of different incomes can come to the children's cafe;

    Portions should be kept small;

    Include in the menu dishes that all children love: milkshakes, juices, pizza.

Good raw materials are important for any establishment. Especially when it comes to products for children. Therefore, you need to decide on suppliers in advance, before the establishment opens. Don’t rush to make a choice; carefully study the offers on the market. A quality supplier is one that delivers exactly according to the agreed schedule and delivers fresh products that comply with GOST standards.

Compare prices, product quality and service - and choose the most profitable partnership option. It is better to work with trusted companies and large wholesale stores. The choice of suppliers concerns not only kitchen products, but also stationery, toys, and creative materials. They must also meet the requirements.

Children's cafe staff

What kind of employees are required to work in a children's cafe? In a small establishment the staff will consist of:

    cook/pastry chef - 2 people;

    game room worker/animator - 2 people;

    bartender-waiter – 2-4 people;


    accountant (outsourcing possible);

    cleaner (outsourcing possible).

The position of purchasing manager is also relevant. But it can be occupied by the entrepreneur himself. For a vacancy as a gaming room worker, it is advisable to look for a person who has experience working with children. It is best if the employee has a pedagogical or medical education. As for the animator, it is not profitable for small establishments to keep a permanent employee on staff. Typically, the services of an animator are required only on weekends, as well as during vacations and holidays. This is the busiest time to visit children's cafes.

Costs and profits of a children's cafe

To effectively implement a project, it is imperative to draw up a business plan. And pay special attention to calculating project income and expenses. The article provides approximate amounts, since each project is individual - the amount of investment depends on the price level in the city, the scale of the project, the concept of the establishment, etc.

Calculation of initial investment

Thus, opening a restaurant will require about 1.2 million rubles. In addition to the initial investment, you need to plan your monthly expenses. On average, they will amount to 530 thousand rubles.

Calculation of monthly expenses

These are averages that you should focus on. Now you can calculate your approximate revenue. Let us immediately note that planning catering income is quite difficult. Therefore, the profit amounts are approximate. It is advisable to plan revenue volumes by month to take into account the dynamics of the indicator. At the start, revenue is always lower - it takes the establishment 3-4 months to promote itself and gain an audience. At first, you will have to work on your behalf, actively advertise, attract visitors with profitable promotions and free events. But with the right approach, your efforts will yield appropriate results.

Let's determine the approximate amount of revenue. In the calculations, we will assume that the daily attendance of the establishment is about 50 people per day. On weekdays, attendance will be lower, and on weekends it will be higher - usually 1.5-2 times. Let's consider the option of a small cafe, where the average check per visitor is 500 rubles. Then the revenue will be 25 thousand rubles per day, and per month – 750 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the profit for the month:

Net profit = 50×500×30 – 530,000 = 220,000 (rubles).

Of course, one cannot expect such a volume of profit from the very first months of work. But in the future, it is quite possible to reach this level, which will allow the initial investment to recoup within 8-10 months. For the catering industry, a normal indicator is the payback period of 1-1.5 years.

Advertising for a children's cafe

In order to reach the declared revenue volumes, it is necessary to invest in an advertising campaign at the initial stage and think about how to effectively use marketing tools:

    a memorable name, attractive design and corporate identity can distinguish you in the market;

    distribution of flyers and leaflets in public places;

    participation in city events: catering for events, sponsorship, fairs, etc.;

    flexible system of discounts: accumulative system, various promotions, happy hours;

    a well-designed entertainment program that may interest visitors;

    a quality product and service that will provide a positive effect from word of mouth.

Risk factors

Risks need to be dealt with before they occur. It's much cheaper and easier. Therefore, the business plan must compile a list of threats and provide measures to overcome them.

    Changes in legislation and changes in requirements for institutions where children stay. The difficulty is that this risk cannot be controlled. You can only create a flexible business model to respond to changes quickly and without losses.

    Lack of qualified specialists. This risk can be minimized by carefully selecting employees, offering favorable working conditions to attract good employees, and ensuring staff development.

    Responsibility for the health and safety of children. Unpleasant incidents can significantly damage the business reputation of an establishment, which will lead to serious problems. To prevent such situations from arising, it is necessary to conduct thorough instructions for both cafe workers and visitors.

    Renting issues are typical for any business that rents space. Firstly, the cost of rent may increase, which means an increase in fixed costs. Secondly, the lease agreement may be terminated with you - then you will have to leave the promoted place and start all over again. This risk can be reduced by concluding a long-term lease agreement.

    INhigh level of competition. Despite the fact that there are not many children's cafes, competition may arise from other catering establishments that open children's rooms. Recently, many establishments have come to this decision. And it will be difficult for your cafe, as a newcomer to the market, to compete with well-promoted establishments. To minimize this risk, you must initially take care of creating competitive advantages.

    Decrease or loss of reputation among the target audience. This can happen due to management errors, a decrease in the quality of services, actions of competitors, etc. You can reduce the risk by constantly working to improve the service, monitoring feedback on the quality of services and taking corrective measures.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

The restaurant business is rightfully considered one of the most promising areas. Each case has its own subtleties and features that must be taken into account.

This is necessary for a well-organized cafe to actively develop and generate stable income.

Visitors can get real pleasure from seeing a cozy hall with comfortable tables, polite waiters and cheerful children!

But initially it is necessary to develop a business plan; the children's cafe must be properly equipped and meet the necessary sanitary requirements. Of course, this will require serious financial investments.

Financial expenses

The catering industry generates significant income. However, significant cash injections will be required at first. It is necessary to purchase a premises or arrange its lease, purchase the necessary equipment for cooking and decorating a common room for visitors.

Investments will be required to carry out current and major repairs of the premises and purchase furniture. You should definitely invite a designer who will help you think through the design of the cafe in detail so that it attracts children. But before you seriously start developing a business idea, think: how do you feel about the younger generation? If you really love children and cannot remain indifferent to the matter with a long-term perspective, then this is the activity for you.

To find out how much it costs to open a children's cafe, you need to add up all the necessary and the costs listed above. So, for renting a premises you will have to pay from three hundred fifty to four hundred thousand rubles. The purchase of products will cost eighteen thousand rubles. We must not forget about advertising - it will require from sixty-five to seventy thousand rubles.

In general, starting a business can cost from one million two hundred to one and a half million rubles. Pricing of the dishes offered in the cafe will be based on all fixed costs: rent of premises, employee salaries and utility bills. Variable costs are also added here - for the purchase of raw materials.

Successful business in a small town

Before you open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to think about its location, especially if you intend to develop your business in a small town. It is important that there are no competing establishments nearby. The most advantageous location is close to children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums. It is very convenient if there is a recreation park nearby with attractions, where there are families with children, children's art centers, and playgrounds.

Required documents

To open a children's cafe in a small town (and in a big one too), you will need to complete the necessary documents. To rent a premises, a contract is concluded and technological and architectural designs are drawn up.

Then the establishment is registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, registered with the tax authorities, in Rospotrebnadzor, and obtaining permission to operate in the field of public catering from the SES and fire department. It is also necessary to obtain a work permit from the district administration. In total, completing all the necessary paperwork will take about three months.


Since every business has its own subtleties, before opening a children's cafe, it is necessary to research the market and study the state of affairs of competitors. When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location so that it is easy for visitors to get to it. For a cafe, you need to choose a spacious room with large windows (it can be rented or purchased).

It will need to include a kitchen where food will be prepared, a room with tables and chairs where visitors can try all the most delicious dishes from your menu. If your cafe is intended for young children, then it is necessary to provide a play area. You can place a trampoline, a wall bars in it, and attach a flat TV screen to the wall, which will show animated and feature films for children.

This corner will be decorated with images of popular movie characters. Board games and karaoke will be an addition. The total area of ​​the room can be from seventy to one hundred and fifty square meters. To calculate its exact dimensions, it is necessary to follow SES standards: five square meters are required for one person in the hall. A cafe may include not one, but two halls for visitors, a games area, a cinema hall and a stage.

Cafe equipment

When thinking about how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to understand that it is necessary not only to select and decorate the premises correctly, but also to purchase equipment.

It should not only be beautiful, but also ergonomic. To order furniture, you can contact the specialized websites of manufacturers. The premises must have air conditioning.

The cafe must be well ventilated. The design should always take into account the psychology of young visitors. Tables and chairs for children and adults are used as equipment for the common room. In addition, bright soft sofas will come in handy. The kitchen needs to be equipped with the most modern equipment so that the food turns out delicious, and not too much electricity is consumed: these are glass-ceramic stoves, ovens, microwave ovens.

Recruitment of personnel and organization of cafe work

One of the important points that an establishment’s business plan must take into account is personnel selection. People need to be recruited not only with experience, but also with special education. We will need cooks, waitresses, room cleaners, an administrator, an animator and an accountant. The service staff must be polite and love children. An important point is the operating hours of the establishment; it is also included in the business plan. The children's cafe should operate from 9.00 to 21.00.

  • Why a mini cafe?
  • Choosing a room for a cafe
  • Fixed expenses of the cafe
  • Step-by-step opening plan

According to some representatives of the restaurant business, the most successful mini-cafes are those that sell fresh pastries and cakes. That is, products that are always in demand in such establishments. A good location and low prices are also important - the main criteria for the success of a mini-cafe.

Why a mini cafe?

Today, a common method of entering the restaurant business is to open a small, so-called mini-cafe. You can't think of a better option for a budding entrepreneur. Firstly, the popularity of public catering among the country's population is increasing every year. Secondly, the market is still ready to accept new players, despite high competition. Thirdly, to open a cafe you don’t need a wealth of experience and “bumps full of years of experience” - there are plenty of franchise offers in this area.

At the same time, there is no need to stand out with any exotic assortment. In establishments of this type, the main emphasis is on cold appetizers - salads, sandwiches, pizza. Hot items include soups, semi-finished products, desserts. Most of the prepared dishes are imported.

How much money do you need to open a mini-cafe?

According to economists' calculations, even a small cafe will require investments of at least 700 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the premises for the cafe are rented. Mandatory costs include:

  • Purchase of kitchen equipment and furniture. The most expensive elements are refrigeration equipment (150 thousand rubles), ventilation system (100 thousand rubles), tables and chairs (7 thousand rubles per seat), bar counter (70 thousand rubles). In total, this cost item will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. Read the article for more details: How to choose equipment for a cafe.
  • Repair and design of premises. The size of this article directly depends on the taste and wishes of the owner. You can make a modest layout for 200-300 thousand rubles, or you can spend several million to create a unique and original interior.
  • Installation of automation programs and anti-theft systems - about 70-90 thousand rubles.
  • Purchasing an alcohol license (if required) - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses, including the purchase of cash register equipment, specials. clothes - another about 40-50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and promotion of a cafe - about 30 thousand rubles.
  • It is recommended to put some of the funds into a reserve for the first months of possible work in the red. And in general, the savings at the start are not worth it. Some entrepreneurs manage to conclude a “rental holiday” agreement with the owner of the premises. This is when a cafe is given the opportunity to avoid paying rent for several months in order to have time to “get back on its feet.”

The issue of business planning is discussed in more detail in the article: Business plan for a small cafe.

Choosing a room for a cafe

Establishments such as small cafes, designed more for the casual visitor, are recommended to be located on the central streets of the city, on the first floors of houses with stained glass windows. The following indicators are important here:

  1. Passability of people. The presence of office and shopping centers and public transport stops plays a big role.
  2. The purpose of the premises is what object it was previously used for. It is good if the premises were previously used as a restaurant or cafe. In this case, no global redevelopment will be required, since the premises will already meet the requirements for public catering establishments (SES, fire safety). This, of course, will save quite a bit of the businessman’s money.
  3. Electricity connection power. If the permitted power is at least 75 kW, then this is quite enough to operate a full-cycle kitchen. If this figure is less, then the connection of additional capacities will be required, which is associated with considerable financial investments.
  4. Lease contract. The longer the term of the lease agreement, the better. Ideally, the lease agreement for a cafe premises should be drawn up for a period of at least 5 years. Since only in the first 1-2 years the cafe will recoup the invested funds, and the rest of the time brings the coveted income to the owner of the establishment. Agreements for a period of less than 12 months should not be considered at all, since such conditions will not allow obtaining a license to sell alcohol.
  5. If the cafe plans to sell alcohol, then such indicators as distance from residential buildings and social facilities are important. purpose - at least 25 m, and room area - at least 50 m2. Otherwise, obtaining a license will be impossible.

Which tax system to choose for a business when opening a mini-cafe

It is quite enough for a small establishment to register a regular individual entrepreneurship. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the LLC (legal entity) that registers the “cafes”. The reason is simple - alcohol licenses are issued only to legal entities. By the way, about the license. The cost of obtaining an alcohol license is about 60 thousand rubles, and the time to obtain it takes at least 4 months.

Since 2013, public catering establishments have been given the right to choose which taxation system choose: general, simplified tax system, UTII or buy a patent. Which is more profitable? Today, perhaps, this is a special one. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII), when the tax is paid based on the square footage of the premises for serving visitors. The larger the area, the higher the tax.

Control over the activities of the cafe

The big advantage of a mini-cafe is that full control over its activities can be exercised personally by the owner of the establishment. The efficiency of the enterprise, in most cases, only increases from this. However, additional security against theft and loss is still necessary. This requires a set of measures, which includes:

  • cafe automation system;
  • video surveillance system;
  • regular scheduled and unscheduled inventories;
  • a fair system of employee motivation;
  • immediate dismissal of employees found stealing proceeds, even with the initiation of a criminal case.

Fixed expenses of the cafe

The main expense item of the cafe is payment of wages to employees and insurance payments. 200-250 thousand rubles are allocated monthly for these purposes. (15 people). In second place are rental payments and utilities - another 70-100 thousand rubles. monthly. Then there are taxes and other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles. Total monthly expenses of a small cafe range from 350-500 thousand rubles. Anything less will most likely not work.

How much can you earn by opening a mini-cafe?

The profitability of a cafe depends on many factors. As a rule, when drawing up a business plan, it is customary to calculate the profit of a cafe based on 15,000 rubles for every 10 m2 of area of ​​the establishment.

Let’s say that the cafe is visited by 40 people every day (this is an extremely low figure), and the average bill of the establishment is 400 rubles. Then the daily revenue will be 16 thousand rubles, and the monthly revenue will be 480 thousand rubles, which will already allow you to work with a slight plus.

According to experts, the payback period for a cafe is at least 1.5 years, and this is subject to a good location. A more likely period is about 3-4 years. The normal profitability of a business is considered to be 20-30%.

In conclusion, a few more tips. If the space for a cafe is very limited, it is better to install high display cases with a convenient window - this way you can optimally and appetizingly display all the products. It is desirable, however, that the design of the display cases allows visitors to freely select the dishes they like and pay at the checkout. Thus, time is saved on serving visitors and the workload of staff is significantly relieved.

Step-by-step opening plan

In order to open your own mini-cafe, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. First of all, you need to decide for yourself in what area your establishment will operate, be it national cuisine or a pizzeria; in addition, you need to know your target client and their approximate income level. In addition, you should definitely take into account the presence of competitors and engage in constant business analysis. Marketing will also be an important part of the business, and pre-opening advertising campaigns will get you off to a good start in the business. You definitely need to acquire all the necessary equipment and find the necessary suppliers with minimal financial costs so that the profit satisfies you as an entrepreneur. Do not forget that to open a business you need documentation, which you need to acquire even before the start of your activity.

What equipment to choose for a mini-cafe

In general, this type of establishment does not require much equipment, but it still plays a significant role. Depending on the theme of the establishment, it is necessary to contain a certain style. For example.

  1. If this is a national cuisine, then the design of the room may contain some of the national attributes.
  2. The pizzeria should have something Italian in its decoration.

In addition to the design itself, you also need equipment in the kitchen:

  • small household appliances (food processor);
  • large household appliances (gas stoves).

You should not skimp on equipment, as it is the key to quality food for your customers, who will come back again and again, and maybe bring friends if you feed them deliciously, which is precisely the secret recipe for success.

Which OKVED ID should you indicate when registering a mini cafe?

For mini-cafes, you can use the usual code for restaurants and cafes: 55.30.

What documents are needed to open

To open a mini-cafe you will need this list of documents:

  • confirmation of the possibility of using the premises as a cafe;
  • confirmation of registration with the tax office;
  • in case of sale of alcohol, a license is required;
  • certificate of absence of debts;
  • a document confirming the lease of a plot of land;
  • book of reviews and suggestions;
  • KKM card;
  • a document confirming that an inspection was carried out by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Do I need permission to open a mini-cafe?

Among the list of other documents, there is also permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service to open a cafe in the premises you rented.