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Quotes pictures about love. Death is a superstition

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.

When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start feeling like the most beautiful person in the world.

Happiness is when you are loved for who you are and for who you are. No matter what you have.

There comes a time in everyone's life when you need to understand that the old is no more. It was there in the past, but now it has collapsed completely and irrevocably. This is how we learn to let go of time.

If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to change it radically, then you love yourself. That's all.

When we exist, then there is no death yet, and when death comes, then we are no longer there. Thus, death does not exist for either the living or the dead.

The most meaningless phrase I have ever heard: “If you love, let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, if not, then it was never yours.” The one who lets go means he doesn’t love!

There is no greater happiness than feeling that people love you and enjoy your presence.

The day comes, the hour comes, and you understand: everything is not forever...
Life cruelly teaches us that time is fleeting.
About the fact that we need to appreciate everything, take care of everything that is given to us,
After all, life is like a thin thread, sometimes it suddenly breaks...

One man was happy all his life. He smiled and laughed all the time, no one ever saw him sad. It happened that one of the people asked him various questions about this: - Why are you never sad? How do you manage to always be joyful? What is the secret of your happiness? To which the person usually answered: “I was once as sad as you.” And suddenly it dawned on me: this is MY choice, MY life! And I make this choice - every day, every hour, every minute. And since then, every time I wake up, I ask myself: - Well, what will I choose today: sadness or joy? And it always turns out that I choose joy :)

The fear of death is only the consciousness of the unresolved contradiction of life. Life does not end after the destruction of the physical body. Carnal demise is just another change in our existence, which has always been, is and will be. There is no death!

If you look at life in its true meaning, it becomes difficult to even understand what the strange superstition of death is based on.
So, when you see something in the dark that frightened you like a ghost, you just can’t restore that ghostly fear again.
The fear of losing what one thing is comes only from the fact that life appears to a person not only in one known to him, but invisible, special relationship of his rational consciousness to the world, but also in two unknown to him, but visible to him relationships: his animal consciousness and bodies to the world. Everything that exists appears to man:

1) the relationship of his rational consciousness to the world,
2) the attitude of his animal consciousness to the world,
3) the relationship of his body to the world.

Not understanding that the relationship of his rational consciousness to the world is his only life, a person also imagines his life in the visible relationship of animal consciousness and matter to the world, and is afraid of losing his special relationship of rational consciousness to the world when the previous one in his personality is violated the relationship of his animal and the substance that composes him to the world.

It seems to such a person that he comes from the movement of matter, moving to the level of personal animal consciousness. It seems to him that this animal consciousness passes into the rational, and that then this rational consciousness weakens, passes back again into the animal, and in the end the animal weakens and passes into the dead matter from which it came. At this glance, the relationship of his rational consciousness to the world seems to him to be something accidental, unnecessary and perishing. With this view, it turns out that the relation of his animal consciousness to the world cannot be destroyed - the animal continues itself in its species; the relationship of matter to the world can no longer be destroyed and is eternal; and the most precious thing - his rational consciousness - is not only not eternal, but is only a glimpse of something unnecessary, superfluous.

And the person feels that this cannot be. And this is the fear of death. In order to save themselves from this fear, some people want to assure themselves that animal consciousness is their rational consciousness, and that the indestructibility of animal man, that is, his breed, offspring, satisfies the requirement of the indeathlessness of rational consciousness that they carry within themselves . Others want to assure themselves that life, which never existed before, suddenly appearing in a fleshly form and disappearing in it, will again rise in the flesh and live. But it is impossible to believe in either one or the other for people who do not recognize life in the relation of rational consciousness to the world. It is obvious to them that the continuation of the human race does not satisfy the incessant demand for the eternity of their special self; and the concept of life beginning again includes the concept of the cessation of life, and if life did not exist before, has not always existed, then it cannot exist after.

For both, earthly life is a wave. From the dead matter the personality emerges, from the personality the rational consciousness is the top of the wave; having risen to the top, the wave, intelligent consciousness and personality descend to where they came from and are destroyed. Human life for both is visible life. A person has grown, matured, died, and after death nothing can happen to him; what is left after him and from him: either his offspring, or even his deeds, cannot satisfy him. He feels sorry for himself, afraid of the end of his life. He cannot believe that this life of his, which began here on earth in his body and ended here, that this life of himself will rise again.

A person knows that if he did not exist before, and he appeared out of nothing and died, then he, his special one, will never be and cannot be again. A person knows that he will not die only when he knows that he was never born and always was, is and will be. A person will believe in his immortality only when he understands that his life is not a wave, but that eternal movement, which in this life manifests itself only as a wave.

It seems that I will die and my life will end, and this thought torments and frightens me, because I feel sorry for myself. What will die? Why do I feel sorry? What am I from the most ordinary point of view? I am first and foremost flesh. So what? Is this why I am afraid, this is why I feel sorry? It turns out that no: a body, a substance, can never disappear, anywhere, not a single particle. Therefore, this part of me is provided for, there is nothing to fear for this part. Everything will be fine. But no, they say, that’s not what I’m sorry about. I feel sorry for me, Lev Nikolaevich, Ivan Semenych... But everyone is not the same as he was 20 years ago, and every day he is different. Why am I sorry? No, they say, that’s not it, that’s not what I’m sorry for. It's a pity for the consciousness of me, my self.

But this consciousness of yours was not always the same, but there were different ones: it was different a year ago, even more different ten years ago, and completely different even before; As far as you remember, it kept changing. Why did you like your current consciousness so much that you are so sorry to lose it? If you always had the same thing, then it would be understandable, otherwise all it did was change. You don’t see its beginning and you can’t find it, and suddenly you want it to have no end, so that the consciousness that is now in you would remain forever. Ever since you can remember, you have been walking. You came into this life, without knowing how, but you know that I came with the special me that you are, then you walked, walked, got halfway and suddenly you were either happy or scared and stubborn and didn’t want to move, move on because you don’t see what’s there. But you also didn’t see the place from which you came, and yet you came; You've entered the front gate and don't want to go out on the weekend.

Your whole life was a procession through carnal existence: you walked, hurried to go, and suddenly you felt sorry for the fact that the very thing that you had been doing without ceasing was happening. You are afraid of the great change in your position at the time of carnal death; but such a big change happened to you at your birth, and not only did nothing bad come out of it for you, but, on the contrary, it came out so good that you don’t even want to part with it.
What might scare you? You say that you feel sorry for the you with your current feelings, thoughts, with that view of the world, with your current attitude towards the world.

You are afraid of losing your relationship to the world. What kind of relationship is this? What is it?

If it is that you eat, drink, reproduce, build houses, dress, and relate in one way or another to other people and animals, then all this is the attitude of every person, as a reasoning animal, to life, and this attitude cannot be lost. can not; there were, and are, and will be millions of them, and their breed will probably be preserved as surely as every particle of matter. The preservation of the breed is invested with such force in all animals, and therefore is so strong that there is nothing to fear for it. If you are an animal, then you have nothing to fear, but if you are a substance, then you are even more secure in your eternity.

If you are afraid of losing something that is not an animal, then you are afraid of losing your special rational attitude towards the world - the one with which you entered this existence. But you know that it did not arise with your birth: it exists independently of your born animal and therefore cannot depend on its death.

The fear of death is only the consciousness of the unresolved contradiction of life. Life does not end after the destruction of the physical body. Carnal demise is just another change in our existence, which has always been, is and will be. There is no death!

Death does not exist!

“There is no death,” the voice of truth tells people. “I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

“There is no death,” said all the great teachers of the world, and millions of people who have understood the meaning of life say the same and testify with their lives. And every living person feels the same in his soul, at the moment of clarity of consciousness. But people who do not understand life cannot help but fear death. They see it and believe in it.

“How is there no death?” These people shout with indignation and anger. “This is sophistry! Death is before us; mowed down millions and will mow down us. And no matter how much you say that she is not there, she will still remain. Here she is!" And they see what they are talking about, just as a mentally ill person sees the ghost that terrifies him. He cannot touch this ghost, it has never touched him before; he knows nothing about its intention, but he is so afraid and suffers from this imaginary ghost that he is deprived of the possibility of life. After all, it’s the same with death. A person does not know his death and can never know it, it has never touched him before, he knows nothing about its intention. So what is he afraid of?

“She has never grabbed me before, but she will grab me, I know for sure - she will grab me and destroy me. And this is terrible,” say people who don’t understand life.
If people with a false idea of ​​life could reason calmly and think correctly on the basis of the idea that they have of life, they would have to come to the conclusion that the change that I I see, without ceasing to happen in all beings and which I call death, there is nothing either unpleasant or terrible.

I will die. What's so scary about that? After all, how many different changes have happened and are happening in my carnal existence, and I was not afraid of them? Why am I afraid of this change, which has not yet come and in which not only there is nothing contrary to my reason and experience, but which is so clear, familiar and natural to me that throughout my life I have constantly made and continue to make considerations in which death , both animals and people, was accepted by me as a necessary and often pleasant condition of life for me. What's scary?

After all, there are only two strictly logical views of life: one false - the one in which life is understood as those visible phenomena that occur in my body from birth to death, and the other true - the one in which life is understood as that invisible consciousness her, which I carry within me. One view is false, the other is true, but both are logical, and people can have one or the other, but with neither one nor the other the fear of death is impossible.

The first false view, which understands life as visible phenomena in the body from birth to death, is as ancient as the world. This is not, as many people think, a view of life developed by the materialistic science and philosophy of our time; The science and philosophy of our time have brought only this view to its final limits, at which the inconsistency of this view with the basic requirements of human nature has become more obvious than before; but this is a long-standing, primitive view of people standing at the lowest stage of development: it is expressed among the Chinese, and among the Buddhists, and among the Jews, and in the saying: “you are earth and to earth you will go.”

This view in its current expression is as follows: life is a random play of forces in matter, manifested in space and time. What we call our consciousness is not life, but some deception of the senses, in which it seems that life is in this consciousness. Consciousness is a spark that flares up on a substance when its state is known. This spark flares up, flares up, goes out again, and in the end goes out completely. This spark, that is, the consciousness experienced by a substance during a certain time between two temporal infinities, is nothing. And despite the fact that consciousness sees itself and the entire infinite world and judges itself and the entire infinite world, and sees the whole game of randomness of this world, and most importantly, in contrast to something not random, calls this game random, consciousness is itself in itself it is only a product of dead matter, a ghost that arises and disappears without any residue or meaning. Everything is a product of matter, endlessly changing; and what is called life is only a certain state of dead matter.

This is one way of looking at life. This view is completely logical. According to this view, human rational consciousness is only an accident accompanying a known state of matter; and therefore what we call life in our minds is a ghost. Only the dead exists. What we call life is a game of death. With such a view of life, death should not only not be terrible, but life should be terrible - as something unnatural and unreasonable, as is the case with Buddhists and new pessimists, Schopenhauer and Hartmann.

This is a different way of looking at life. Life is only what I am aware of in myself. I am always aware of my life not in such a way that I was or will be (this is how I talk about my life), but I am aware of my life in such a way that I am - I never begin anywhere, never end anywhere. The concept of time and space is incompatible with the consciousness of my life. My life manifests itself in time and space, but this is only a manifestation of it. Life itself, which I am conscious of, is recognized by me outside of time and space. So with this view it turns out the other way around: it is not the consciousness of life that is a ghost, but everything spatial and temporal is ghostly. And therefore, the temporary and spatial cessation of bodily existence at this glance has nothing real and cannot not only stop, but also disrupt my true life. And death does not exist with this look.

Neither with one nor with another view of life could there be a fear of death if people strictly adhered to one or the other.

Neither as an animal, nor as a rational being, a person can be afraid of death: an animal, not having the consciousness of life, does not see death, and a rational being, having the consciousness of life, cannot see in the death of an animal anything other than a natural and never-ending movement substances. If a person is afraid, then he is afraid not of death, which he does not know, but of life, which alone both the animal and his rational being know. The feeling that is expressed in people by the fear of death is only the consciousness of the internal contradiction of life; just as the fear of ghosts is only the consciousness of a painful mental state.

“I will cease to be - I will die, everything in which I place my life will die,” one voice says to a man; “I am,” says another voice, “and cannot and must not die. I shouldn't die, and I'm dying." It is not in death, but in this contradiction, that the reason for the horror that seizes a person at the thought of carnal death: the fear of death is not that a person is afraid of the cessation of the existence of his animal, but that it seems to him that something that cannot die is dying. and should not die. The thought of future death is only a transfer into the future of death occurring in the present. The apparition of a future physical death is not an awakening of the thought of death, but, on the contrary, an awakening of the thought of the life that a person should have and does not have. This feeling is similar to that which a person should experience when he awakens to life in a coffin, underground. There is life, but I am in death, and here it is, death! It seems that what is and should be is destroyed. And the human mind goes crazy and is horrified. The best proof that the fear of death is not the fear of death, but of a false life, is that people often kill themselves out of fear of death.

It is not because people are horrified by the thought of carnal death that they are afraid that their life will not end with it, but because carnal death clearly shows them the need for true life, which they do not have. And this is why people who don’t understand life don’t like to remember death. Remembering death for them is the same as admitting that they do not live as their rational consciousness requires of them.

People who are afraid of death are afraid of it because it appears to them as emptiness and darkness; but they see emptiness and darkness because they do not see life.

Ray Douglas Bradbury is a famous American writer, recognized as the best science fiction writer of his time. Without this person it is impossible to imagine the development of literature of the 20th century. He is the author of such well-known and beloved works as “Fahrenheit 451”, “Dandelion Wine”, “Farewell Summer”. Ray Bradbury loved this life, which he taught to other people.

People now have no time for each other.

It doesn't matter what exactly you do; It is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from what it was before, so that a part of you remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on his lawn and a real gardener.

Smile, don't give misfortune pleasure.

You just need to grow up to be the kind of person who looks at the world with open eyes and is not deceived. In this case, even human treachery will seem funny, nothing more. When you understand that there is always a particle of evil in human nature, it will be easier for you to withstand.

God gave us reason so that we explore what already exists, and not so that we wonder and fear what awaits us in the future.

We have one responsibility - to be happy.

When you live next to people all the time, they don’t change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you separate for a long time, for years.

Here it is, life... Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not there and is not.
Someone always loves more than they love him.
And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love,
so that it doesn't torment you anymore...

Love is when someone can give a person back himself.

There must be a night in life that will be remembered forever.
She comes to everyone.
And if you feel that this night is already close, is about to come, catch it without further ado, and when it passes, keep your mouth shut. If you miss it, she may not come again.
But many missed her, many even saw her floating away, never to return, because they could not hold on the tip of a trembling finger the fragile balance of spring and light, the moon and twilight, a night hill and warm grass, and a departing train, both the city and distant places.

We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?

How rarely can you see on the face of another person the reflection of your own face, your innermost tremulous thoughts!

What a shame that people cannot love each other enough to carry this love throughout their lives, and instead begin to look for someone else... How shameful!

Each time, jump off the cliff and grow wings while you fly down.

Every person should leave something behind. A son, or a book, or a painting, a house you built, or at least a wall built from brick, or a pair of shoes you sewed, or a garden planted by your hands. Something that your fingers touched during life, in which your soul will find refuge after death. People will look at the tree or flower you have grown, and at that moment you will be alive.

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter, they help survive runny noses and long evenings, and when it gets cold, they light the stove together.

It is very important to talk about your feelings to the one you love because you never know when you might lose them or when they will lose you.

You can't hate someone who's on their knees. The one who is not a person without you.

Love comes only when you want it. You will see that it is wrapped in beautiful packaging and hidden somewhere among the moments of your life. And if you don't stop for a moment, you'll miss it.

This is life. Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not there. Someone always loves more than they love him. And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love so that it no longer torments you.

Well, why don’t these monsters want to understand: all we need is a small chocolate bar in the morning, a modest bouquet of flowers before breakfast, a small beautiful yacht during the day, and in the evening - a cozy little villa on a small picturesque island in the Mediterranean Sea... Well, and a little more love - this, of course, is the main thing.

Great love never truly ends. She can be shot with a pistol or pushed into the corner of the darkest closet in the depths of her soul, but she is smart, cunning and resourceful, she will be able to survive. Love can survive and shock us with its sudden appearance when we are absolutely sure that it is dead or, at least, safely hidden under piles of other things.

No matter how strong your love for a person seems to you, when the pool of blood flowing from his wound spreads across the floor so much that it almost touches you, you involuntarily pull away.

Houses burn down in a fire, leaving only ashes. I thought it was the same with everyone else - families, friends, feelings... But now I know that sometimes, if love is real and two people are destined to be together, nothing can separate them.

When death steals our loved ones, don't stop loving them and they will live forever. Houses burn, people die, but true love lasts forever.

And what is there to hide or remain silent about, I love him, that’s clear. I love, I love... This is a stone on my neck, I am going to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it.

It's like driving a car: it's scary until you know how. Learn to manage love. Otherwise, you will spend your whole life jumping from bed to bed, but still sleep in an embrace with a ghost.

For 3 days now I have been amazingly painfully aware of how firmly you have entered my life and what happens to me when you emigrate from it.

...It is impossible to hide from yourself. There is no point in running anywhere. The pain will come back anyway. It will take you back to where the traces of hopelessness begin. Time makes peace with itself. He stands in front of you as a mirror, healing the scars of your heart in the reflection. You look at yourself and, through the web of despair, you realize that you want to move on. Live, believe, wait again. Smile at the curly clouds, overeat on cherry ice cream, feel the tickling of bubbles in your nose from drinking soda, kiss lips shimmering under the moon. No pain can turn a person away from life. For any locked door there are keys that can be used to unlock it...

From sadness to despair - one step. And I never fell into despair. I lost loved ones, ran away from the past, found myself at the bottom of my life, but... I always got up and moved forward. No, not to spite the enemies. Too much honor for them. I just understood that if I didn’t lift myself, then no one would lift me. As you can see, I'm still standing on my own two feet.

She blows on the traffic light, and, obeying her, it changes color. “Look, I’m a fairy... A fairy with a bad head...

Wow! What a bruise under your eye! Just all the colors of the rainbow. Did you meet hooligans at night?
- No, I just had an argument with my wife recently: who loves whom more? Word by word, it came to hand-to-hand combat.
- Did you manage to find out which of you loves the other more?
- It turns out that I am. Here, I’m bringing gifts to her at the hospital.

Today at half past eight in the morning one forever young and forever drunk friend called me and asked if Putin had really died. I ask you - why such conclusions? he says that in the subway children with flowers are scared and grandmothers are crying

to that:
Please, BOR, help me get better. I’m only 22 years old, and my whole life has crumbled before my eyes, I really want to live like normal, healthy people.
Dear BOR members, don’t consider this a scam... I’ve already tried everything and I have nowhere else to turn :(
Take care of your health...
you will definitely get better! you simply have no other choice, because we are all with you in our thoughts and we don’t accept anything else..

Sandrulya this is for you...

Grasshopper loves grass
The starling loves freedom
Loves the streets of the ghetto
Seedy little guy...

Swallow loves the sky
Father loves his son
Grandmother loves grandfather
Expects miracles from life...

Hunter loves duck
Bear loves meat
For you for one
I'm ready to die...

An acquaintance who has a certain connection to the theater told me.

Therefore, the play is going on, and as the action progresses, one hero owes another
slap with a pistol. Here comes the right response - one at the other
pointed the gun...
He pulls the trigger and there is silence. Something broke. Presses again - silence. On
there is a pause on the stage, the audience is waiting for what will happen next.
The third, fourth time the actor pulls the trigger - it doesn’t matter. Silence. And then
he did the following: he gave his “enemy” a solid kick and loudly
shouted into the hall:
- The boot is poisoned!!!