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Children's fairy tale. Basket with kind words

A fairy storyteller told me a fairy tale about a smile that colors our planet in thousands of shades. And she knows a lot of fairy tales...

"Gifted Smiles"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Beauty Spring gave smiles to everyone. She gave a smile to a flying swallow, a gloomy beaver, always swarming in the ground, a white-footed hare, butterflies - white and lemongrass, yellow-breasted tits, graceful squirrels. And many more animals and birds.

Only in the evening Vesna saw a hedgehog with prickly needles and a prickly gaze.

- Why didn’t you come to me for a smile? – Vesna asked the hedgehog.

“But I don’t need to smile, no one will see my smile.” I lead an active life at night. And in the dark no one can see me. Thank you, Spring, for melting the cold snow, awakening forest life, and also rewarding everyone with smiles. I'm happy for everyone.

Vesna liked the hedgehog’s words. I liked the fact that the hedgehog can be happy for others. The ability to be happy for others indicates the presence of kindness from the heart.

But the smile still came running to the hedgehog. It’s impossible not to smile when Spring smiles, when everyone around you smiles.

Questions for the fairy tale “Given Smiles”

To whom did the Spring Beauty give smiles?

Why did the hedgehog stop smiling?

Why did the hedgehog still smile?

Do you like to smile? Who do you smile at the most?

Can you be happy for others?

A fairy tale about a smile for children who snap at their parents

Once upon a time, mother Katya and daughter Sashenka lived somewhere far away. And my daughter was three and a half years old. Sashenka grew up a very good girl, and everyone loved her. Especially when she smiled. It seemed that even the sun was shining brighter. Everyone was always happy about this girl, and she could do anything. But here's what came out of it.

One autumn, mom and Sasha went for a walk in the park. Suddenly Sasha saw that ice cream was being sold nearby, and demandedly said: “I want ice cream!” Buy it! But Katya’s mother didn’t want to buy it: “Your neck is a little red, you might get sick again,” she said. Sasha was not used to being rejected, she got angry and said loudly: “You are not good, a bad mother!” - and her face became disgusting and capricious.

An old woman was sitting on a bench nearby, looking ordinary, just like your grandmother. She couldn’t stand it and said to the girl: “How can you talk to your mother like that!” But the girl answered her: “It’s none of your business, grandma! My mother, I say whatever I want!” And this grandmother was not just an old woman, but a fairy - not evil and not kind, but very fair. And she decided to teach the girl a lesson so that she would never offend her mother again. She pointed her magic umbrella at Sasha and whispered the magic words:
"Whoever offends his mother,
will become angry and ugly,
But when you get better
I'll break your spell..."

Upset by Sasha’s impolite behavior, mother Katya did not notice anything and took her daughter home. And Sashenka forgot how to laugh and smile.
Mom took her daughter for a walk. All the children are playing, laughing, and Sasha is standing next to her, sad, sad...
Dad took his daughter to the circus. Funny clowns are running around the arena, making the audience laugh, children are having fun, clapping their hands, but Sasha’s mouth doesn’t want to smile at all. And she’s kind of ugly and angry. The parents became worried - what happened to the child? They began to tell her funny poems and fairy tales, they themselves began to make their daughter laugh - and she, like Nesmeyana, was sad and crying.

Winter has passed. One spring, Mom took Sasha for a walk in the park again. They sat down on a bench on which an old man was already resting. Probably magical too. Sasha sits, bored, tears rolling from her eyes.
“Why is your girl so sad?” — the old man quietly asked Katya’s mother.
Mom sighed and said that her daughter used to be cheerful, but one day she offended her mother and forgot how to have fun and smile.
“Your grief can be helped,” said the old man. “Let the girl learn to do good deeds and her smile will return.”
The girl decided to do good deeds, but she doesn’t know how. “Mom, teach me how to do good deeds,” she asked her mother. And her mother began to advise her.

One day, while out for a walk, a little kid fell and cried. Sasha ran up to him, picked him up from the ground, shook off his clothes and hands and said: “Don’t cry, everything will pass.” The baby's mother told her that she was smart. And Sashenka smiled a little. Another time, the girl herself took a rag and wiped the bicycle wheels after going outside. Dad was very surprised and praised his daughter - and Sasha’s smile returned a little more. The girl tried very hard - she helped her mother wash the dishes, put her toys away, shared molds with the kids in the sandbox and always said only good words. Mom was very happy looking at Sasha, but the smile had not yet returned for good, but only for a minute.

When Sasha and her mother were walking in the park, they unexpectedly met the same old woman who bewitched the girl. But Sasha now became good and greeted the old woman. “What is your name?” asked the fairy. “Sasha,” the girl answered. - “What’s your name?” "Marya Ivanovna." Mom also met the fairy and told her about Sasha’s trouble, that Sasha’s smile had not yet returned. The old lady asked if the girl was hurting her mom and dad. "Never!" - said mom. The fairy realized that Sasha had become a good girl again, and decided to disenchant her. She told Sasha: “Now your smile will return to you, but don’t forget that sometimes it gets lost.” With these words, the fairy pointed her magic umbrella at the girl and whispered the magic words:
“You have become good, Sasha,
You love everyone and help.
And for this, Alexandra,
I'll break your spell..."
So the smile returned to Sasha’s beautiful face. And my mother, saying goodbye, quietly whispered to the old lady: “Thank you!”

Illustration: A. Stolbova

Once upon a time there lived a very shy boy. He was embarrassed to talk to other people. He wanted to play with the children, but he didn't know how to tell them about it. And when some child invited him to play together, he was shy and went away. That's why he had no friends at all.

One evening the boy sat in his room and cried. At this time, a fairy looked into his window. Every evening she quietly looked into the windows of the houses where the children lived. And if anyone couldn't sleep, she would quietly hum a song for him. And then the child calmed down and fell asleep.

Seeing the crying boy, the fairy flew into the room and asked what upset him so much. The boy did not know how to explain everything to her. But the fairy understood everything herself. And then she said:

Boy, you just don't have the words to talk to others. But words can be good and bad. If you learn to speak good words, you can easily make friends. And if you start repeating bad words, then no one will want to talk to you or be friends with you. I know how to help you. I'll give you a basket with kind words. When you want to talk to someone, take the right words from the basket. Here look.

Then the fairy took the words “Good night” from the basket and gave them to the boy:

Now go to bed, sweet dreams and good night!

Good night! - the boy answered, and his first kind words first flew to the fairy, and then returned to the basket again.

The next morning the boy woke up and approached his parents, who were having breakfast in the kitchen. He took kind words from the basket in advance.

Good morning, mom and dad! - said the boy. - Bon appetit!

Good morning, son. Thank you. “Wash your face and sit down to breakfast,” Mom and Dad answered almost in unison. They were pleasantly surprised by their son's behavior. After all, he had always been silent before.

After breakfast, the boy went out into the yard and saw several children running after each other. “They are probably playing some interesting game,” the boy thought. “Okay, let’s see what kind words from the basket I can use.”

“Hello,” our boy said to the children. Let me play with you?

“Of course, go ahead,” answered the other boys and girls.

So they played different games together until lunch. Finally, our boy made his first friends.

When he was returning home, he did not notice the puddle in the yard, stepped into it and accidentally splashed his neighbor’s grandmother. The grandmother looked at him with a menacing look and wanted to scold the boy. But as soon as he said: “Excuse me, please! Let me help you open the doors,” the grandmother stopped being angry and even smiled. She changed her mind about saying bad words to him and instead replied, “Thanks, boy. Just be more careful next time.”

In the evening, guests came to the boy’s parents. It was an uncle, an aunt and their little daughter. Of course, the boy was shy at first and didn’t know how to talk to them. But then he pulled out some words from his basket of kind words.

When it was time to go to bed, a fairy knocked on the window of the boy’s room:

You did it all. Now you know how to find common language with people. Well done!

Your basket of kind words helped me. Thank you fairy! - the boy answered. Now he didn’t have to look for the word “thank you” in the basket. After all, he already knew what good words to say and when to say them.

Goodbye, good fairy. Happy travels to you!

Goodbye boy. Good night.

- Well, is it possible to be so capricious? - said the dwarf, looking out from under the bed and angrily rubbing his forehead. He heard Vila's loud cry and fell from the picture, behind which he had fallen asleep so sweetly. “And this is every morning. You will soon become the same as me,” he continued, pulling out a mirror to find a lump among his wrinkles.
“Go away, I don’t want to see you,” Vila cried, “I don’t want anything.”
- Wait. Do you know what a smile can do? - asked the gnome.
The girl shook her head.
- So smile and I will show you.
“I can’t, I don’t know how,” Vila answered and was about to cry again.
“Well, I’ll teach you,” the dwarf laughed and sent a ray of sunshine straight into her eyes.
She closed her eyes and hid her face in her hands.

- One, two, three it's time! - the gnome shouted
The girl lowered her hands and smiled. Someone's footsteps were heard outside the window. A tall, gloomy old man passed by, knocking with his stick. He was very busy with his own affairs and, accidentally seeing Vila, turned away.
“Now run after him,” said the dwarf, “just put on my shoes, otherwise you won’t be able to keep up with your smile.”
Vila wanted to object that her feet would not fit in such small shoes, but they already found themselves on her, and she ran after the old man. He was not far away and for some reason walked much slower. When Vila caught up with him, she saw her smile on his face.
The old man stopped near the flower girl and bought a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Now he was in no hurry at all and even stopped banging with his stick. The flowers awakened memories in him, and he went to the outskirts of the city, where there was a rickety house with a tiled roof. He was once happy there.
An ugly girl was sleeping in a chair on the balcony. Her face seemed pale and sad. She dreamed that her friend the poet was saying goodbye to her forever. The old man looked at the girl for a long time, and then, standing on tiptoe, threw the flowers directly into her lap. She did not wake up, but a slight smile suddenly appeared on her lips.
The old man moved on, but Vila remained.
A young man with a thick notebook knocked on the house. The girl opened her eyes and saw lilies of the valley. Her smile made her so beautiful that when she opened the door, the young man did not recognize her. It turned out to be a poet. He was always busy with his poetry, considered himself unrecognized and came to the girl only to read his works.
“Thank you,” she said, squeezing his hand.
- For what? - the poet asked, not understanding her, but the girl decided that he was pretending.
She put the lilies of the valley in a glass and began to look at the young man with such shining eyes that he could not read poetry and also smiled.
"Wow!" - Vila thought, recognizing her smile on the face of the important minister. He was in a hurry to meet with an ambassador from a neighboring state and almost ran into a poet who was absentmindedly walking in the middle of the street and smiling. The minister wanted to get angry, but he couldn’t and now continued on his way in a completely different mood. The negotiations were supposed to resolve the issue of war, but thanks to Vila’s smile, the diplomats came to an agreement and, having concluded peace, parted very satisfied. The gardener went out onto the road along which the minister was returning. The blue flag fluttered on the carriage. Peace, the gardener sighed with relief and smiled. He walked up to the apple tree and stroked its branches. White buds reached towards the sky.
“A little more sun and they would have blossomed,” said the gardener. The clouds hanging over the ground parted, and cheerful rays peered into the garden. The buds burst and the apple tree blossomed.
- Well, have you seen what one smile can do? - said the dwarf when Vila returned.
“Yes,” answered the girl. - Now I will always smile.
The dwarf clapped his hands.
“Then take the gift,” and threw her a big red apple.
- Is this from that tree? - Vila asked.
- I will not say! - the gnome sang and hid.