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Levi's jeans whose tailoring is better. History of the Levi's brand: the ups and downs of the oldest American company

inscription And "Made in U.S.A." Levi's closed the last one
factory in USA in 2006 year. Corporations are moving production to places where labor is cheap.
force. Jeans Levi's sew in Latin America and Egypt, To jackets, shirts - in China (But
exclusively for USA!).
  • Stitches in jeans (on the front side) must be smooth and processed. Thread
    must be durable, synthetic or half and half with synthetics.
  • Real American denim has a different feel. Try it simultaneously touch
    both by hand, Turkish counterfeit and real " L evi"s » from the USA, you will immediately feel difference.
    Even branded d jeans European branches of the company And feel different from
    American T kan jeans LEVI"S produced in the European Union no less quality, but
    she is different, different from the one from which sew d jeans for the USA.
  • LEVI'S jeans are made, overwhelmingly, from diagonal twill. Fabric
    It has clear diagonal pattern on models of any color and treatment. Black denim
    fully black as with from the inside and from the face. Light reverse side of black s jeans only at
  • The 501st model is the most protected from counterfeiting: it must have a belt
    label historical name of this model: “XX”. All other models do not have this sign.
  • The label itself is not leather, but a special cardboard with polymer components. N ovehonky
    label on jeans with Light processing Stonewash (pale blue) is a sign "paleva"!
    The label should absolutely correspond "worn out" of the pants as it is washed
    along with jeans. On unwashed same jeans and label absolutely whole and new -
    "smelling printing ink."
  • The front pocket "bag" is stamped on the 501 model (and only on it), which means -
    sewn division of Levi "s d la USA. If it is not there, then it is a fake. There may be no stamp
    on European tailoring
  • Levi's 501 only fastens with buttons. If you find a zipper on these jeans, run
    from seller. Buttons should be made of nickel alloy, white. Buttons with copper or
    tinted are put only on certain models with special treatment
    (washed). U sizes W27- W29 buttons (together with the belt) - 4. On the rest, running gear
    sizes - 5. On large sizes - 6 things.
  • On all models of the Red Tab category, rivets are required on the corners of all
    pockets front. On back pockets have rivets only on fashion models and on a number of
    models for women. Rivets must have a circular inscription on both sides: LS&CO–SF .
  • The rivets themselves can be either copper or nickel alloy. Depends on the color of the model. U
    Tidal Blue for example, buttons and rivets made of nickel, covered with a film of corrosion - as if
    pants were fished out bottom city ​​pond. But indigo jeans are always copper.
  • The inside of the button is knocked out (and deliberately unclear - counterfeiters are on the contrary,
    are trying knock it out perfectly!) number that must match the number on the label
    sewn into left pant leg from the inside.
  • Model 501 is equipped with an information label sewn into the outer seam of the left leg
    from the inside. On him all official information about the batch and factory that produced it is located
    light this couple pants Text can be black, sand and brown - depends
    from the place production. Here, on printed on the back and instructions for the user about
    caring for product. Woven into this label metallized flat thread with microtext and
  • Levi's jeans have European branch, the label is wider, one-color and contains instructions
    on product care in all languages ​​of planet Earth.
  • The country of origin of the 501 model is indicated on a label sewn into the belt on the inside of the back.
    Information about the name of the model and its style is sewn to the belt from the inside out in the middle
  • All other Levi's Red Tab models have a label with service information, size and
    instructions sewn into the belt on the left side above the front pocket, from the inside out. Right here
    marked and Place of Birth products. There is no microtext. The numbers on the button and on this one
    the label should also match.On the tongue Levi's logo is embossed on the outside of the zipper and the Levi's logo on the inside
    lock length “YKK 45”, such same logo, or is it empty.
  • Attention!!! IN village ice time on jeans Oh LEVI"S love s X model to her became often V meet
    red flag , on which only patent registration symbol "®", no logo "Levi' s".
    It's not clear why the company does this, but don't be scared, it's not a fake!

  • Wrangler
    • There is a common belief that the real W rangler sewn only from houndstooth fabric
      twill" BROKEN TWILL (or Christmas tree, in common parlance). But this is far from true. From such fabric
      are sewn only Rigid models and a number of jackets/vests belonging to the COWBOY CUT cut.
    • Models of the gold buckle series (washable with special treatment), can also be sewn from fabric
      With diagonal pattern. For example, Wrangler 13MWZ Prewashed in Antique Blue –
      precisely from fabrics with diagonal pattern.
    • Fabric Wrangler always dense and heavy, slightly “fluffy” on touch.
    • The stitching on the codpiece is made with threads matching the main color of the model - they are practically invisible
      on new jeans As it sheds, the stitching appears very beautifully.
    • Double, outer stitching on the trouser leg is made on the outside (so as not to rub the rump horses at
      horse riding). Fabric overlaps from front to back. The stitching is done with threads two colors -
      external red, inner color to match the model. Models 935 and 945 have stitching on the legs
      made with threads one color - red.
    • Cowboy Cut leather labels are sewn onto the right back pocket. At the "numbered"
      Wrangler label made of elastic plastic, reminiscent of linoleum, chocolate color.
      The logo on it is lasso form. U models 935 and 946 this label is made of brown soft
    • The “tab” flag is sewn into the stitching above the back right pocket and varies in background color and
      logo. This depends on the model (red, black, blue, etc.), for license plates - with the inscription
      “with a rope”, but here again, on models 935 and 945 in the form of block letters. Copper button
      (silver from Silver Edition), on which The logo is embossed in the form of stitches. Lock tongue
      rectangular with the outline of a cowboy boot embossed on it.
    • Rivets with a copper, convex head are quite large and “bald”, smooth copper heads.

    The first jeans that conquered the whole world, discoveries that allowed the company to reach unprecedented heights, and mistakes that brought millions in losses...

    Until a certain point, fate did not spoil the Jewish youth Leib Strauss, who lived in Bavaria, too much. A large family was left without a breadwinner early on, so the mother had to care for seven children alone.

    At the end of the 1840s, eighteen-year-old Strauss decided to follow his brothers to emigrate to the United States. By that time they had opened a wholesale business and supplied small shops on the West Coast with clothes and shoes.

    Arriving in America, the young guy, in order to hide his nationality, first changed his name to Levi Strauss, after which he joined his brothers in order to learn the basics of trade. Strauss later opened his own business, calling the company Levi Strauss & Co.

    The mid-19th century was marked by the Gold Rush - people from all over the world flocked to the American mines in search of fortune. The enterprising Strauss figured out how to benefit from this and decided to start providing gold miners with durable clothing.

    According to legend, Strauss went to the mines in San Francisco on a ship filled with goods. When the merchant sold everything he brought, he allegedly took off the sail and sewed pants from it.

    But this is just one of the legends that the brand has acquired, being one of the oldest in America. In fact, Levi Strauss made canvas pants as part of a competition for customers who spent the whole day on their knees looking for gold and needed durable clothing.

    The entrepreneur found thick fabric and dyed it blue using indigo dye. The fabric was brought to him from the French city of Nîmes, and this is how the name “denim” - “from Nîmes” appeared. However, there was essentially nothing revolutionary about his product yet.

    Levi's brand logos

    In 1872, tailor Jacob Davis, who bought pants from Strauss, suggested that the entrepreneur fasten the pockets with buttons for strength and make the fly with buttons. He would have patented his idea himself, but he did not have enough money to do so. On May 20, 1873, Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss patented blue pants with buttons - this is the official date of birth of jeans. In the first year of trading, about 21 thousand pairs were sold.

    However, Levi's wrote the word “jeans” on the packaging only in 1960; before that they were called overalls. By the end of the 19th century, overalls became the most popular men's workwear.

    According to another legend, one day a driver tied two carriages together with his pants, and the train successfully reached its destination. This story formed the basis for the creation of the company's logo in 1886 - two horses pull jeans in different directions and cannot tear them - and became a symbol of strength. In addition, the logo was understandable without words, and at that time, not all residents of the American West spoke English as their native language.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, Levi Strauss died, having given his company another legendary item. At the time of the patent, the jeans were called "XX", but they were given the current name "501®" only in 1890.

    Strauss himself did not explain in any way why the choice of this particular serial number was connected. However, this model became the most popular both in the history of the company and in the history of jeans in general. It was produced, like all jeans, without belt holders - it was believed that men would wear them with suspenders.

    After the death of the entrepreneur, the company was taken over by his nephews, since Levi Strauss did not have any children of his own. The next generation of the Strauss family also had a knack for business. With them, the company was able not only to survive during the Great Depression, but also to develop the business.

    In 1918, Levi's audience was expanded to include women. There were still 16 years left before the advent of women's jeans, but a start had been made. The company released a tunic and pants for work and leisure. It was believed that in new clothes women would begin to feel more relaxed and free.

    Lady Levi's, which appeared later, were reminiscent of the men's legendary model 501®. They looked more feminine only due to the wide belt. Now the company produced products for the whole family - back in the early 20th century, the brand began selling denim overalls for children.

    However, jeans were still considered men's clothing. In its first billboards, the company used the image of a cowboy. The target audience was the working class and farmers.

    As income grew, so did the number of competitors. Buyers often mistook jeans produced by other brands for Levi's. To protect themselves, the company came up with the idea of ​​sewing a small red tag with the name written in white letters on the right back pocket. This find still remains one of the main distinguishing marks of Levi's authenticity .

    The company has always associated itself with freedom; jeans often emphasized a “rebellious” lifestyle - such as the actor Marlon Brando, who played a biker in the film “Savage” in 1951. Throughout the entire film, the hero appeared on screen in Levi's jeans. However, this played a cruel joke on the brand - in the 50s, jeans were officially banned from being worn in schools, making them a symbol of “bad influence.”

    The brand itself began positioning jeans as clothing not only for work, but also for leisure. At that point, the company was targeting teenagers. Understanding how important music is to teenagers, the brand recorded a radio commercial and released white Slim Fit jeans with five pockets. Teenagers nicknamed them “white Levi's.” But the main thing is that the company expanded beyond the country and began distributing its products in Europe and Asia.

    It was during these years that the design company Landor & Associates developed the batwing trademark with the brand name, which to this day is the Levi's logo.

    Levi's advertising campaigns

    The company has always paid great attention to advertising, and viewers did not leave it unnoticed. In 1977, the brand planned to spend $16 million on advertising worldwide, having generated $1.2 billion in revenue the previous year.

    In the early 80s, the Levi's brand released the first women's 501® jeans. In support of the new product, a television advertisement for Travis was launched. In the video, a girl appeared in cowboy boots, a hat, a shirt and jeans, sitting in the back seat of a car. A voiceover said, that Levi's released its first collection of women's jeans. At the end of the video, the girl says: “Travis, you’re a year late.”

    In 1980, Levi's became an official sponsor of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Committee approached the company with the goal of raising the patriotic spirit of Americans disillusioned by economic instability and the policies of President Ronald Reagan. At that time, Levi's was one of the most respected and recognizable brands in American culture .


    The founder of the company and brand, Löb Strauß, was born into a poor Jewish family in Bavaria (now Bavaria is part of Germany) in 1829. His father died of tuberculosis in 1845, and two years later his mother decided to move to the United States, since at that time Jews in Bavaria had very limited rights. In the USA, Loeb Strauss changed his first and last name to Levi Strauss (read: Levi Strauss).

    Initially, Levi Strauss was engaged in the sale of tools and various dry goods in New York. In 1853, he moved to California, which was experiencing a gold rush at the time. Strauss himself did not intend to engage in gold mining; he planned to sell clothes and various small items for the prospectors and adventurers with whom California was then crowded. In March 1853, Strauss arrived in San Francisco.

    On the Internet you can find wonderful fables that already in 1853, Levi Strauss almost sewed the first jeans with his own hands. In general, after looking at many Russian articles on the history of Levi’s, I was very surprised by the abundance of discrepancies. When I went to the company’s official website for clarification, I was even more surprised. Information on the RuNet about Levi’s is in many ways very inaccurate. In the remainder of this post, I use information primarily from the Levi Strauss & Co. corporate website.

    So, in 1853, in San Francisco, Levi Strauss founded his first store and company, Levi Strauss (without “& Co.”). He did not yet produce any jeans, but was engaged in the wholesale sale of clothing and various haberdashery goods. In 1856, David Stern, the husband of one of his sisters, joined Levi Strauss's enterprise. In 1863, Levi Strauss was renamed Levi Strauss & Co. By that time, Levi Strauss had already become a prominent businessman in San Francisco; he also took an active part in the social and cultural life of the city.

    In 1872, Strauss received a letter from Jacob Davis, an emigrant from Riga, then part of the Russian Empire. Davis wrote that he came up with a unique way of attaching pockets to trousers - using copper rivets. He had already sold a lot of these trousers to his clients and was going to patent his invention, but to register a patent he needed to have 68 dollars - a lot of money at that time.

    Jacob Davis decided to turn to Levi Strauss for help. Already in 1873, a corresponding patent was received. It was registered to Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis. In the same year, production of new trousers began; Jacob Davis took over production leadership.

    It is worth noting, by the way, that in the 1870s production was rather artisanal; the first factory opened only in the early 1880s. In general, the exact dates of many events in the history of Levi’s at that time, alas, are unknown, since a huge number of documents from Levi Strauss & Co were burned during the 1906 earthquake, which was accompanied by numerous fires.

    It must also be said that in the 1870s, jeans were not yet called jeans. Back then the name “waist overalls” was used. These trousers were made from both brown canvas and blue denim - fabric originally supplied from the French town of Nîmes (hence the name: the French “de Nim” means “from Nîmes”). However, Levi's pants were never made from denim from Nîmes. For their production, denim was purchased from the Manchester company Amoskeag Manufacturing Company. And not from the English city of Manchester, but from the American city, which is located in the state of New Hampshire. This company has been producing denim since the mid-1860s.

    Somewhat later, the company - in the 1880s - Levi Strauss & Co. began producing other clothing made from denim - in particular, jackets. In addition, the production of shirts began (but not from jeans, but from cotton).

    In 1886, the Levi Strauss & Co. label was developed. (see photo below), still in use today. On the label you can see two horses stretching jeans. The jeans, as you can see, do not tear. A kind of prerequisite for the development of this label was a real-life incident: one driver connected one carriage (uncoupled due to an accident) to another using a pair of jeans, and then safely reached the next station.

    In 1890, the classic Levi's 501 jeans model was launched into production. However, it acquired a more or less modern look only in the 1920s: the birth of jeans in the form in which we know them dates back to this period. Number 501, by the way, was simply the number of the fabric that was used to sew these jeans. It is worth noting that initially Levi’s 501 did not have the usual belt loops: they were supposed to be worn with suspenders. Levi's 501 jeans have become truly classic; They are still produced today in a large number of different colors and are widely popular.

    In 1902, Levi Strauss died, and his nephews began to manage the company. The company continued its growth; new factories were opened. The range of clothing has increased noticeably. Denim trousers were becoming increasingly popular among American workers; in 1911 by Levi Strauss & Co. stopped producing canvas trousers, transferring all its production capacity to the production of denim trousers.

    During World War II, the production of jeans was almost stopped due to the massive purchase of raw materials (fabrics and other accessories necessary for jeans) for military needs. However, it must be said that it was in the 1940s that Europeans first saw jeans worn by American military personnel.

    By the 1950s, jeans were no longer so associated with work clothes, and young people began to pay special attention to them. An important milestone in the history of jeans came in 1954, when Levi's jeans appeared with a zipper (previously only metal bolts were used). In addition, it was in the 1950s that the well-known name “jeans” appeared. Levi Strauss & Co. began calling its denim pants by this name in 1960.

    The 1960s were marked by an extraordinary increase in the popularity of jeans among American and English teenagers. Already in 1958, one of the American newspapers wrote that about 90% of American teenagers regularly wear jeans. The 1960s and 1970s saw a truly explosive growth in demand for jeans, and, as a result, this period is considered one of the brightest and most favorable in the history of Levi’s.

    In the 1990s, a clear decline had already begun: in that one decade, Levi's share of the denim market was halved. In the 2000s, however, Levi's gradually made up for lost ground. Fans of Levi's clothing (including the famous jeans) are Sting, Madonna, John Travolta and even Barack Obama; Levi's jeans were regularly worn by Bing Crosby, Marilyn Monroe and Steve Jobs.

    Today, Levi's clothing is sold in approximately 110 countries around the world. It is interesting that Levi Strauss & Co is still managed by the descendants of Levi Strauss - in fact, it is still a family business, albeit one that has grown to gigantic proportions.


    You can find almost any casual clothing at Levi's. The predominant styles are sporty casual and strict casual. You can wear classic Levi's jeans (501, for example) to work if there is no strict dress code. The same is true for boots, sweaters, pullovers, shirts, and so on. In my opinion, there are almost no bright, club and ultra-modern things at Levi’s.

    Levi's jeans are simply visible and invisible: there are many models, styles, and colors. There are usually also a lot of sizes: after all, the price level in Russian Levi’s stores is high, so they don’t have time to buy up everything. Fans of classic jeans - modest colors, with a normal (not low) waist, and without decorations - should pay special attention to Levi's. There are different models: with and without, from fairly ordinary denim and from better quality, with zippers and with bolt fasteners...

    Levi's favorite colors are blue, black and light blue. Gray and white jeans are not enough; I have never seen red, green, yellow or the like. Well, maybe he just wasn't paying attention. The styles, I repeat, are very diverse - there are tight jeans, skinny ones, regular ones, wide ones, and even baggy ones. There are models with zippers, and there are models with buttons. In general, there is something for almost every taste. It is worth noting, however, that the range of men's jeans is noticeably wider than women's.

    Levi's shoes are quite good; It is also worth noting the quality accessories. In general, the quality of Levi’s clothing and shoes is very high; they are distinguished by strength and wear resistance; resistance to washing. The disadvantages include some conservatism: collections are updated infrequently, many things are quite boring and even seem archaic to some. Not enough interesting design solutions.

    Levi's stores are distinguished by their original interiors and very pleasant, unobtrusive service. The sellers are quite attentive and diligent, but at the same time they do not impose either the product or their opinion. Fitting rooms are usually a little dark, which is not very good: sometimes it is difficult to determine how this or that item will look in daylight.

    Personal impressions. Reviews

    I have classic Levi's 501 jeans. I can say that they are of very high quality. Very dense and generally good quality fabric, neat seams, careful processing of the “internals”. Jeans do not lose their appearance after washing (if washed correctly, of course), and are durable. A couple of disadvantages: firstly, it is very difficult to remove dirt from them with a brush; secondly, the fabric is still a bit stiff and rough. These are probably the features of this particular model. In addition, I have a Levi’s hat - I’m happy with it, it looks quite nice, and is pleasant to wear.

    Online reviews of Levi's clothing and shoes are almost exclusively positive. Almost everyone emphasizes high quality and durability, as well as good service and competent salespeople. Complaints are mainly about high prices (in Russia they are really overpriced) and boring design. Some people say that high quality for high money is simply pointless for them, since after a year or two of wearing the item becomes very boring, and they simply don’t want to wear it, although it still looks good.

    Brief summary:

    • Country affiliation: The brand is American, design and development are American, production is mainly Latin American (Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic) and Asian (Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam). Some items are made in Italy and the USA.
    • Fashion style : casual (sports casual, strict casual).
    • Range : jeans, casual pants, shirts, tops, blouses, T-shirts, dresses, tunics, sweaters, cardigans, jumpers, pullovers, sweatshirts, jackets (windbreakers, down jackets), shorts, skirts, belts, bags, wallets, hats, gloves, socks , sneakers, sneakers, low shoes, boots, moccasins, ankle boots.
    • Clothing, shoes and accessoriesfor men, women, teenagers .
    • Clothes sizes : women's - from XS to XL (jeans from 23 to 33; mostly from 26 to 31), men's - from S to XXL (jeans from 27 to 40; mostly from 29 to 38).
    • Shoe sizes : female - from 36 to 40; men's - from 40 to 46.
    • Materials : natural - cotton, leather, wool, down, feather; artificial - polyamide, nylon, viscose, elastane, polyester.
    • Price category : above average (in Europe - average, in the USA - below average).

    Approximate prices for clothing, shoes and accessories (as of December 2012) :

    • Jeans - 4000-5300 rubles
    • Classic jeans Levi's 501 - 4200 rubles
    • Casual trousers - 4000-4500 rubles
    • Shirts - 2700-4200 rubles
    • T-shirts - 1400-2000 rubles
    • Polo shirts - 2200 rubles
    • Shorts - 2700-3300 rubles
    • Skirts (women's, of course) - 3300-4000 rubles
    • Sweatshirts - 3500-4500 rubles
    • Pullovers, jumpers - 3500-4500 rubles
    • Cardigans and sweaters - 4000-6000 rubles
    • Jackets - 4500-16000 rubles
    • Hats - 900-1600 rubles
    • Knitted gloves - 800-1000 rubles
    • Socks - 600 rubles (2 pairs)
    • Belts - 1600-3500 rubles
    • Bags - 3000-12000 rubles
    • Wallets - 2000-2500 rubles
    • Sneakers - 2000-3500 rubles
    • Sneakers - 3000-4000 rubles
    • Moccasins - 3500-4000 rubles
    • Boots - 4000-5000 rubles
    • Low shoes - 3500-4500 rubles
    • Low boots (women's, of course) - 6000-8000 rubles

    Links : official website, collection of reviews, another collection of reviews.

    Today jeans are not just casual wear. However, just 25 years ago they were a real rarity, available only to select citizens of the USSR. During the years of total shortage, the happy owners of this wardrobe item wore them to the holes, and pronounced them with trepidation.

    Despite all the respect for foreign companies that produce jeans, mistakes were made in the names of some of them. This, for example, happened with the famous brand Levi’s, the name of which was pronounced in different ways. What are they and what is the correct spelling: “Lewis” or “Levi’s”? Let's find out about this, and at the same time find out the history of the brand itself.

    Legendary creator of Levi's jeans

    Before considering how to correctly spell the name of the most famous denim brand, it is worth finding out how this type of clothing was invented in the first place.

    Pants called “jeans” (a good half of the article’s readers are currently wearing them) were invented in the 19th century. a Bavarian Jew named Löb Strauß (Loeb Strauss).

    When the young man was eighteen, he and his mother and sisters moved from Europe to the USA. By that time, his two older brothers had been selling dry goods in New York for several years.

    Young Loeb soon became involved in the family business. And to make it easier to adapt to a new country, he changed his first and last name to similar-sounding American analogues, thus becoming Levi Strauss (translations of Levi Strauss, Levi Strauss are also found).

    A year after his arrival in the United States, the young man began to earn good money traveling around the country as a traveling salesman. The start of the gold rush especially contributed to his success.

    One day, while delivering fabric to his brothers in San Francisco, Levi got lucky. Even while traveling on the ship, his companions, going to the mines, bought up almost all the goods from Ostrich. The only thing the merchant had left was a useless canvas. In order not to waste money, and most importantly, precious time on a trip to buy a new product, the young man decided to take a risk. He came up with a model of durable trousers for miners and ordered a tailor to sew them from the canvas he had left.

    Ostrich's new invention was liked by all gold seekers - the trousers immediately sold out. To make new ones, Levi had to buy all the sails on more than 700 ships in the local harbor. With the proceeds, the young entrepreneur opened his own haberdashery store, naming it after himself - Levi Strauss & Co.

    Origin of the word "denim"

    Trading heavy-duty trousers for prospectors brought Levi Strauss a good income. Moreover, he patented each of his innovations, and this helped him remain a monopolist in this area.

    Over time, he decided to replace the fabric. Instead of hard canvas, durable natural fabric called “twill” was used, which was brought from the French town of Nimes. Its special blue color was loved by Ostrich's customers. Soon, all denim fabrics began to be named after this fabric - Serge de Nime (twill from Nîmes) or “denim” for short. By the way, this name has been preserved to this day.

    The invention of rivets on jeans pockets

    With Levi's light hand, jeans became very popular clothing, and soon many other companies began to produce similar trousers. To remain a leader in this field, Straus had to constantly improve his invention and patent ideas.

    One day, a certain tailor from Nevada, Jacob Davis, sent a letter to the head of Levi Strauss & Co. In it, he talked about his innovation - strengthening pockets with rivets. Ostrich liked the idea, and together with the tailor he patented it. This innovation allowed Levy to increase his profits several times and make his company a leader.

    The famous Levi's 501 model

    After almost twenty years of successful work in the field of sewing jeans and jackets for them, Straus decided that it was time to streamline the model range of his products. To do this, he began to number each new trouser style. However, without definitely keeping track of models before, Levi decided to start counting from 501 numbers. For this reason, Levi's 501 jeans became the first official model of Levi Strauss & Co. By the way, they are still very popular all over the world.

    Levi's jeans today

    Loeb Strauss lived 72 years and died at the very beginning of the 20th century. Having no children of his own, he bequeathed his super-successful enterprise to the children of his siblings, who still run Levi Strauss & Co.

    Despite the existence today of many other companies specializing in the production of jeans, Levi's continues to be one of the leaders in this field.

    To be fair, it is worth noting that Levi’s descendants, over more than a hundred years of ownership of the company, did not introduce anything particularly new, successfully exploiting the developments of their brilliant ancestor. At the same time, they managed to preserve Levi Strauss & Co even during the crisis of 2008, which is also worthy of respect.

    How to spell the name of this brand and why

    Having considered the history of the Levi’s brand and its creator, it’s time to find out how this word is spelled correctly and why.

    So, although the company name is Levi Strauss & Co, the jeans they produce bear the name Levi's. This word is absolutely always written with an apostrophe and never Levis. Because in this case, this sign signals that the proper noun Levi (Levi) is in the possessive form, which in English is indicated by adding the ending ’s to it. So literally the phrase Levi’s jeans is translated as “Lewis jeans”.

    "Levis" or "Levis" - that is the question!

    Having figured out the correct spelling of the name of the trousers, you should finally find out about - “Lewis” or “Levi’s”?

    As mentioned above, the name of the brand was derived from the name of its creator - Loeb Strauss, or more precisely from his American analogue Levi. This proper noun in the Russian language also has an analogue - Levi. Based on this, when asked how to pronounce “Lewis” or “Lewis” - the name of the global brand, it would be worth answering “Lewis”.

    However, Levi in ​​English sounds like “Levi”, and therefore the name of the brand, according to the rules of the English language, will be “Levi’s” and not “Lewis”. And according to the rules for translating names from foreign languages ​​into Russian, the original sound must be preserved.

    How is this word transcribed?

    Having considered whether “Lewis” or “Lewis” is correct, and why this is so, it is worth paying attention to the transcription of the noun. After all, as you know, British and American English are slightly different from each other.

    The British have the transcription of the word Levi's - . Therefore, it turns out that, from their point of view, the name of the jeans brand is none of the above options. So the residents call the brainchild of Loeb Strauss “Leviz”, and not “Lewis” or “Lewis”.

    As was correctly noted in the previous paragraph, you need to pronounce the brand name the way it is done in its homeland. And for Ostrich jeans, it's the US, not the UK. Therefore, you need to focus specifically on the American transcription of this word. And she looks like this: .

    Therefore, judging by the transcription, to the question of how to pronounce the brand name correctly - “Lewis” or “Lewis” - the correct answer is the second option.

    Despite the confusion in the pronunciation of the Levi’s brand name in Russian, denim products and shoes from this company, both several decades ago and today, remain beloved in the vastness of the former Soviet Union. And for most citizens it is not of fundamental importance how their name should be pronounced. As William Shakespeare said: “What does a name mean? A rose smells like a rose, call it a rose or not.” It's the same with jeans - quality items will always be bought, regardless of their name.

    Levi's jeans are a timeless and timeless classic in the fashion world. Levi's is a product originally designed for long-term wear; over time, jeans do not lose their shape, attractiveness and comfort.

    Real Levi's, true to size, will not slip in any situation. You can sit in any position and move freely. Due to their popularity, fake Levi's jeans are much more common than the original.

    There is a whole list of features of original Levi’s that are difficult or impossible to counterfeit.


    Levi's factories are located mainly in Latin America. “Made in Mexico” is a sign of the original, the inscription “Made in the USA” is 100% fake.

    How to distinguish Levi's from a fake by cost?

    MSRP for long-wear jeans starts at $48. Levi's is produced using expensive raw materials and sophisticated “flawless tailoring” technologies. It is possible to buy Levi's at retail within the range of 80-100 dollars. If the number on the price tag is below 60 USD, then Levis is fake.

    Branded arcade on back pockets

    The company's signature arcades are embroidered on both back pockets. The seams on the arcades do not cross each other - they just overlap.

    Perfect Levi's tailoring

    All the outer seams of Levi's jeans are perfect - that's the only way! On the inside, the seams are flawlessly finished with an overlocker. There may be protruding threads or sutures from the inside - no more than 5 cm.

    To sew durable jeans, they use semi-synthetic threads that cannot be torn by hand! If you cut your finger while trying, this is one of the signs of original jeans.

    Denim Levi's

    Those who already wear Levi's jeans clearly claim that they can distinguish Levi's denim by touch.

    The fabric pattern on original jeans is always diagonal and very clear.


    For fastening, zippers manufactured by YKK are used.

    The originals may or may not have the Levi's inscription on the zipper pawl, but the brand of the zipper is YKK only. A different clasp manufacturer means a fake.

    Real Levi's 501s are fastened only with buttons. On small sizes 27-29 the manufacturer sews 4 buttons, on large sizes - 6, the usual number of buttons for medium-sized models is 5.

    If the closure is a zipper, then Levi's 501 is fake.

    It is more difficult to determine whether Levis 630 is a fake or not; they do not have such a protection system. You should be guided by the general characteristics of the original Levi's.

    Leather label on the belt

    The leather label (or patch), located on the back waistband of the jeans, contains the company name and logo - two horses tearing the jeans. In fact, the “leather” label is made mainly from polymer cardboard.

    The original label fully matches the degree of wear of the entire product, since one of the company’s rules states: the product is processed only as a whole after complete production. If a new label is attached to aged jeans, this is a fake.

    An aged label, in addition to artistic wear, should not have visible defects in the form of holes or unclear text.

    For 501 models, the abbreviation XX is affixed to the label. There is a stamped inscription on the front pocket pouch - look for label XX. However, Levi’s-501 jeans made in Europe do not have such an inscription on the pocket, but they are original.

    The original Levi's patch is made only in classic shapes: square and rectangle. Any bends around the perimeter of the label are a sign of a fake.

    Tab on back pocket

    A small flag is sewn into the seam of the back right pocket of the original Levi’s - tab. Seen in the photo above.

    The most common color for tab is red. Less common are other colors: white, green or orange.

    The Levi's inscription is embroidered on the tab. Every hundredth pair released by the company has an original inscription on the tab - ®. If you come across jeans with an R in the circle, it means you have an anniversary pair of original Levi’s.

    The absence of a tab should raise serious doubts about the authenticity of the jeans. If there is at least one more dubious sign, then the jeans are fake.


    Rivets on jeans are made of nickel or copper - the colors must match.

    The rivets have a perfect round shape with smooth edges. Each rivet has a clear, even inscription - the brand name.

    The model number is stamped on the inside of the rivet - the same as on the label located inside the left leg.


    The label is sewn on the inside at the back, indicating the model number. The label is attached very tightly - you can use it to hang jeans.

    The inscription on the label is embroidered very clearly and with bright threads.

    On 501 jeans, the country of origin must be indicated on the label.


    Original Levi's jeans are the same size. Knowing your size, it’s easy to order jeans in an online store - they will fit perfectly.

    Levi's jeans are not just a prestigious brand in the fashion world - they are very comfortable casual wear.

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