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Effective advertising of a beauty salon. Effective advertising Advertising for a hair salon - all about it

When opening your own hairdressing salon, it is important to remember that competition in this area is very high, and you can successfully resist it only with the help of a competent and thoughtful advertising campaign. At the same time, the main factor that must be taken into account when developing an advertising strategy is your target audience. Moreover, you need to focus on two main types of advertising: outdoor advertising and online promotion. Below we describe in detail the main types and methods of advertising hairdressing salons, taking into account the characteristics of the salons' client base, the financial capabilities of the owners and the feasibility of one or another method of advertising.

Point design




Signposts are an effective tool in advertising hairdressing salons. Their installation and production are inexpensive for owners, especially when you compare the price with installing advertising banners in crowded places. However, if placed correctly, they can bring a lot of benefits: the pillar should be installed not far from the hairdresser itself in crowded places - near shopping centers, supermarkets, bus stops, etc. It is at such points that the maximum number of people living in the area will pay attention to the pillar.

Advertising in elevators

Advertising in elevators can also be classified as territorial. Placing an advertisement in houses located in the same area as the hairdresser will attract customers who do not want to waste their time traveling to salons located on the other side of the city.


Signs can also be an effective advertising tool. They can be placed on the walls of houses, bus stops and even on the pillars themselves. The last option is perhaps the best, because it will allow you to save time and money and combine two types of outdoor advertising.

Internet advertising


Having your own website is a huge plus. However, you should also keep in mind that it will have to be constantly maintained, and this will also require material investments. A website is also required if you plan to run banner ads on various platforms. In general, the main advantage of its development is that it will appear in search engines (with some effort and optimization), and will also contain information important to clients: schedule, description of the qualifications of the masters, phone numbers, etc.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


It’s definitely worth adding a hairdresser to your salon catalogs. To do this, there are many services that work to attract new clients. However, again, if you are opening an economy class hairdresser in a small town, this measure may not be justified.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising can be placed on thematic resources, for example, on women's forums. However, the territorial factor should be taken into account: if your salon is located, for example, in Samara, advertising on a website with subscribers from all over the CIS will be an ineffective measure.

Groups on social networks

Having a group on social networks is also a serious advantage for a hairdressing salon. However, you should also take into account that in the initial stages you will probably have to “wind up” subscribers. The advantage is that on such a site you can post information about promotions and discounts, as well as post photos of works already done by masters, and if they are of high quality, this is guaranteed to attract new customers.

Printable advertisement


If you are trying to reach the widest segments of the population, or do not rely too much on promotion on social networks, you should take a closer look at handouts, namely leaflets. The goal of such material is to interest as many people as possible. The leaflets should contain basic information about the hairdressing salon, and they should be distributed in the most crowded places. Offer a discount to flyer bearers and this will attract a significant number of clients to you. But whether she will stay with you after the visit depends only on the quality of the services provided.

Business cards

After visiting the salon, give clients business cards containing basic information about the hairdresser and its website. This little thing will serve as a constant reminder to the client and will allow him to easily contact you.


Booklets, in essence, perform the same functions as the leaflets and business cards described above. However, they contain not only information about the hairdresser itself, but also a detailed list of services. Despite its obvious usefulness, printing booklets is not relevant for every salon - for example, if you have a small hair salon and a limited budget, it is better to spend money on printing leaflets or installing a pillar - in such a situation these measures will be much more effective.

Publications in newspapers and magazines

If you can afford to publish the module in women's magazines, this will be an effective advertising method for your salon. Placing advertisements in newspapers is ineffective, since people rarely buy them in order to find a hairdresser. Moreover, even freely distributed newspapers will not help this.

TV ads

Video and ticker

The effectiveness of such advertising will depend on the territorial factor, its cost and the specific TV channel. So, if you are opening a hairdresser in a small town, there is no point in spending a lot of money on advertising on regional television, while a video and a ticker on a local city resource can be more than justified. In general, you shouldn’t pay a lot of money for such advertising; it’s better to focus on smaller-scale but more effective projects.

Radio advertising


Radio advertising can be relevant if it is placed on a local resource and does not require significant financial investments. Otherwise, you’d better save your money and spend it on promoting your website, VKontakte group or Instagram account.


Carrying out price promotions

Discounts and various promotions are one of the most effective ways to promote any business that charges money for goods and services. Your task is not only to organize such a system, but also to notify your customers about special offers. For this, some of the above types of advertising can be used: leaflets, website, banners, advertisements, etc.

Participation in show events

The specifics of the hairdressing business involve participation in various competitions and shows. If you are sure that your craftsmen work at a decent level, they should be sent to such events, since you will be able to post photos and video materials on the website and on pages on social networks, and if your workers win one of the competitions, this will become a huge plus for your hair salon.

As you know, the profit of a beauty salon directly depends on its client base. Even those salons that have successfully existed in the beauty market for many years must invest in marketing - experienced owners note that the tastes of the public are constantly changing, and even with a large number of regular customers, it is necessary to continue working to attract new and retain old visitors. By ignoring the need to promote the salon, even famous brands risk going under.

Newcomers face an even more difficult task - they need to attract the maximum number of clients, satisfy their needs, make them come back and recommend the studio to friends and acquaintances - this is perhaps the most important point, since advertisers note that in this business it plays a huge role word of mouth. To attract an initial client base, it is necessary to competently use various methods and methods of advertising, each of which is described in detail in this article.

Decoration of the point (including during opening)




A sign is an additional means of attracting the attention of passers-by. Remember, you shouldn’t rely on creativity and pretentious design, much less on the boring phrases “individual approach to everyone,” etc. First of all, you need the text to be quick and easy to read. It is necessary to highlight the most tempting offer in large font, because it is unlikely that a passerby will linger in front of the sign to study your price list in detail.

Advertising in elevators

Place advertisements in elevators of nearby buildings. Try to make it visible against the background of other advertisements. Remember, you can attract clients due to the location of your salon (few people will miss the opportunity to visit a salon that is located 10 minutes away), which means you need to highlight the studio address.

Light box

In fact, light boxes perform the same functions as pillars or signs, with the difference that they are clearly visible in the evening. If your budget is limited, it is not worth spending money on light boxes, but if you can afford to buy them, make sure that they contain only basic information that is attractive to the client, written in a clear font.


Internet advertising


The website is the most important part of an advertising campaign. You shouldn’t skimp on its creation and promotion - hire a team of competent specialists, and entrust them with creating the design, interface, and publishing all types of materials. Remember, the consumer is already tired of template-cold publications on such resources; perhaps it makes sense to dilute the information about the salon with interesting and useful tips on personal care, photographs of work already done, etc. A huge advantage will also be the ability to book online - it is much more convenient than visiting a salon or calling there.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups on social networks

Paradoxically, groups and accounts on social networks such as Instagram and VKontakte will help you even more than a website. Currently, more than 80% of young people remain active users of social networks, while middle-aged people are also actively involved in them. One of the main advantages of social networks as advertising platforms is that you get the opportunity to a) communicate with clients directly, b) conduct surveys, find out their opinion about the salon and the services provided, c) demonstrate the results of the work of your masters by publishing “before and before” photographs after".

Printable advertisement


Leaflets should be distributed immediately before the opening of the salon - in the future this measure will not be necessary. Remember, the flyers should have something that can attract your first customers. Post information about a promotion or discount, write about pleasant little things, for example, free coffee or tea, etc.

Business cards

Hand out business cards to your clients - they will serve as a de facto reminder of your salon. You can also introduce discounts or bonuses for business card bearers, thereby you may attract not only old, but also new clients from among the friends and acquaintances of your visitors.


It is also worth printing out a batch of booklets and placing them on coffee tables in the establishment. They can describe each of the services in detail, describing all their advantages and indicating the price.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines

Advertising in print publications can be a great help for your salon. However, you need to be careful here too - choose newspapers and magazines based on territoriality, among other things. You, of course, can pay for an advertising module under an article in Cosmo, but this will result in huge expenses and will not bring any benefit if your studio is not located in one of the capitals. Moreover, you can offer your services as a writer to local publications. This way they will receive the material, and you can leave your signature, for example, Yulia Zemlyanaya, master of the Prestige salon.

Radio advertising

Audio clips

Radio advertising isn't cheap, but it can be effective if you run it on the right local radio station. Its main advantage is that it reaches a wide audience, which means it can bring you a sufficient number of clients. Videos should be prepared for special promotions and discounts, and playing them during the promotional period is cheaper than constant broadcasting.


Carrying out price promotions

Conduct price promotions, give discounts to regular customers, come up with special offers - all this will provide you with a flow of visitors who want to save money, receive an additional service, a bonus, etc. Use your imagination - in general, such promotions can be of any format, the main thing is not to work at a loss.

Participation in exhibitions

In big cities, exhibitions, competitions, and show events dedicated to beauty and personal care are regularly held. Participation in them will not only attract new clients, but will also show old visitors that they are visiting a serious studio interested in progress. Plus, you will have additional photo materials to publish on the website and social networks.

Nice bonuses

In some salons, the client is served free tea or coffee, there is TV or magazines - everything to make the visitor feel comfortable during the procedure. Such bonuses will be an additional advantage for the beauty studio.

What advertising doesn't work for beauty salons?

  1. If you open a small salon in your city, and do not invest in a federal network of studios, advertising on TV will not be an effective advertising method. The only exception may be advertising on local TV (a video or a ticker), but before negotiating with the channel, think about whether your potential customers are actually among its viewers, and whether this will hit your budget too much.
  2. Sending emails. Today, few people use email as a messenger - there are social networks and mobile phones for this. That is why it is better to send newsletters about promotions and special offers to mobile phones. However, remember - do not do this too often or at inconvenient times, as such intrusiveness can anger your customers.

Slogans and texts used in beauty salon advertising

  1. Beauty is nearby!
  2. They become beautiful.
  3. We create beauty and success.
  4. Perfection is available!
  5. Reflection is fun.
  6. Immerse yourself in pleasure.
  7. We know how to make beauty!
  8. Naturalness in luxury style.
  9. Let's get into beauty!
  10. Beauty is natural.
  11. We will make you shine!
  12. Get brighter!
  13. It's so easy to be beautiful! The best for your beauty!
  14. We create beauty with love...
  15. Everything for your perfection.

"We have opened"

Most often used on the facade of the salon. But it can be found on websites, in SMS messages, on social networks, and even on big boards.

It may be hard for you to imagine, but most people are absolutely not interested in the fact of your discovery. They are not interested in your joyful emotions about this. Your balls. I don’t know, maybe you’ve ever seen a line at a beauty salon created with a shyly expectant (Proud?! Really? You’ve been deceived!) sign “We’re open!” People are interested how you can be useful to them.

Therefore, instead of “We have opened” immediately write a specific proposal And call to action. For example: “From May 1 to May 10, haircut + manicure for only $XX” Hundreds of options for promotional offer ideas. Any of them will be better than "We are open."

But, in general, I understand you, of course. Here, in connection with the discovery, my head is spinning. But we still need to think about something more serious than just a birth announcement. This is plus so many questions at once! “Which promotion?” “How to pay the masters?” “Or maybe not a share, then what?” (Maybe not a promotion, by the way). Therefore, problems are often solved as they arise - let’s at least open up first and then we’ll see! But that is another story.

Lifehack. If you really want to write “We are open,” look at how the American chain of beauty salons Drybar did it. And draw conclusions.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

Full range of services

And also generalizations: “everyone”, “people”, etc. This mistake is largely dictated by the fact that the masters literally terrorize the director: “why didn’t they write about massage? and about makeup? and about procedure 105, which I know how to do?”

Discount salon

A lot has been written about beauty salons.

What?! Discounts?! Never! No one! Shhh... In the beauty industry, talking about discounts among directors is considered a sign of bad taste. But discounts have always been, are and will be. And you give them. And I give them. And everyone gives them. At least in a salon, at least in a store, at least at a business school, at least in a hotel, at least anywhere. When I hear for the fifteen hundred and first time that discounts need to be replaced with bonuses, my eye twitches. When they tell you, they are telling you about a system of rewarding regular customers, about an attempt to increase repeat visits of clients to your salon, and not about the fact that discounts are BAD and bonuses are GOOD. And vice versa.

The variety of discounts is huge. The problems that can be solved with the help of discounts are varied. No manager will say that discounts are bad. Unlike most business trainers, who immediately, looking down, will give you a discount on their training. The manager will say that discounts are a tool. Bonuses are a tool. Each has its own task, time, technology. Discounts need to be able to cook deliciously and serve beautifully. You need to be able to wrap discounts beautifully. You need to be able to sell discounts. As are bonuses. Just like everything you offer to clients.

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356 rub

A complex combination of cleansing components and active additives helps solve the most difficult problem for oily hair - getting rid of excess fat and not drying out the ends of the hair. The complex helps reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands without injuring the structure or destroying the protective sheath of the hair. Allows hair to remain fresh, soft and silky for a long time. Without fragrances, dyes and preservatives. Suitable for frequent use

211 rub

L"Oreal Paris Permanent hair dye "Preference", shade 3, Brazil Discounted item (No. 15)

360 rub

L"Oreal Paris Permanent hair dye "Preference", shade 8.1, Copenhagen

Hair dye L'Oreal Paris "Preference" - premium coloring quality! It was created by leading experts from L'Oréal Paris laboratories in collaboration with professional colorist Christophe Robin. As a result of research, a unique

494 rub

Weightless dry hair restoration oil with Argan extract - helps restore split ends and tame unruly hair. Envelops hair in a transparent veil, adding shine and shine.

432 rub

L"Oreal Paris Hair dye "Preference", with color enhancer balm, shade 7.43, Shangrila, 270 ml Discounted item (No. 15)

Hair dye L'Oreal Paris "Preference" - premium coloring quality! It was created by leading experts from L'Oréal Paris laboratories in collaboration with professional colorist Christophe Robin. As a result of research, a unique paint composition was developed, based on more voluminous coloring pigments. Permanent dye is able to stay in the hair structure longer, creating a unique bright color that is resistant to washing out and dullness. The Extra-Shine complex will add shine to rich hair color. Beautiful silky hair with rich color for 8 weeks after dyeing!
The package includes: a bottle of gel paint (60 ml), an applicator bottle with developing cream (60 ml), Color Enhancer balm (54 ml), instructions, a pair of gloves.

1. Long-lasting, radiant color 2. Makes hair soft and silky 3. Complete gray coverage

240 rub

Kracie 74404 "Silk" Moisturizing balm-rinse with natural collagen (replacement pack), 350 ml Discounted item (No. 6)

Moisturizing balm-rinse with a light floral aroma and natural collagen restores the natural shine of hair, gives natural smoothness and elasticity. Natural collagen preserves and retains moisture, preventing hair from becoming dry and brittle.

247 rub

Walnut hair oil "DNC", strengthening, 3x15 ml Discounted item (No. 10)

The ideal combination of natural vegetable oils creates a complex that strengthens and restores damaged hair structure in several stages. At the first stage, the oil applied to the hair penetrates deeply into the hair structure, making it smoother and stronger. At the second stage, the hair roots receive complete and natural nutrition, and with regular use, healthier and stronger hair is formed. At the third stage, even after you wash off the oil, the already absorbed composition will help maintain long-term protection and maintain the natural balance of fluid in the hair structure. Well, the healthy, slightly matte shine that appears after using the oil will tell you that your hair has become stronger and stronger.

Dear Clients! Please note that packaging may have several types of designs. Delivery is subject to availability in stock.

92 rub

Hair shampoo Zeytun "Magic of black cumin", strengthening, with Damascus black cumin oil, 250 ml

Caraway oil is a legendary drug of the East, an elixir of beauty and youth. One of its oldest uses is to apply it to hair that has lost its strength, which miraculously begins to grow again, thicken and delight with its magnificent shine. Having absorbed all the magical properties of this oil, the traditional Zeitun shampoo-care “Black Cumin Magic” was born, which is suitable for all hair types, makes curls strong, shiny, filled with strength and health.
VEGETABLE AND ESSENTIAL OILS OF BLACK CUMIN actively nourish hair follicles, preventing hair loss and stimulating their rapid growth. In addition, they supply skin cells with a huge amount of vitamins and life-giving microelements.
A BLUSH OF HEALING EXTRACTS OF NETTLE, CHAMOMILE AND CALENDULA complements the properties of cumin: the herbs promote overall health and strengthening of hair, soothe and reduce inflammatory processes, and provide soft and comfortable cleansing.
Does not contain sulfates (SLS and SLES). The shampoo acquires its cleaning ability thanks to soft, eco-friendly surfactants of a new generation made from coconut and acetic acid.

525 rub

L"Oreal Paris Permanent cream hair dye "Excellence", shade 9, Very light blond Discounted item (No. 19)

Excellence cream hair dye protects hair before, during and after coloring. A unique paint formula made from Ceramide, Pro-Keratin and the active component Ionen G, which provide 100% gray hair coverage and help maintain color intensity for a long time. The serum included in the dye has a healing effect, restoring damaged hair, and the thick creamy texture of the dye envelops each hair, saturating it with intense color. A special care balm makes the hair denser, strengthens it, restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the hair.
The package includes: protective serum (12 ml), applicator bottle with developer (72 ml), tube with coloring cream (48 ml), bottle with care balm (60 ml), comb applicator, instructions, pair of gloves.

1. Strengthens hair 2. Protects it 3. Gives hair elasticity 3. Rich, long-lasting, radiant color 4. Covers up to 100% of gray hair

157 rub