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Eco-business in Russian: how to earn millions from the desire to eat right. Crazy Eco Ideas Business in Eco-Design and Manufacturing

The fashion for everything natural appeared relatively recently - in the last 7-8 years. In the wake of popularity, dozens of stores with eco-products opened. The site's observer reviewed several examples of doing eco-business in Russia.

Season market

In April 2013, Sergey Melnik, together with his partner, opened an online store of farm products, Season Market. The businessman invested 3 million rubles in launching the project, and already in the first year the revenue amounted to 8 million. The main idea was to become an intermediary between Russian farmers and consumers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

“A year ago we planned to increase sales by three to four times by the fall of 2015, but in fact we increased it by six to seven. By the end of this year, we predict revenue of 60-70 million rubles,” Melnik said in September 2015.

A service for the delivery of farm products existed before Season Market, so in order to stand out, the creators added an additional service to the project - all goods received from farmers are sorted, cut, packed, and packaged in a distribution center. Thus, the client receives not only a natural product, but also a processed one.

In 2013, the average bill was less than 3,000 rubles; two years later it reached 4,000 rubles. According to Melnyk, farmers regularly approach them with offers of cooperation. If the decision is positive, the products of potential suppliers are sent for examination to Rospotrebnadzor. After which a decision is made to sign the contract.

In 2014, the Season Market company won the joint competition between Kommersant and VTB24 “Niche for a Billion” - the startup received a special prize from the bank for the best business model. In December 2015, the Season Market brand went offline and opened its first store in Moscow.

"Dairy culture"

In 2006, businessman Andrei Ionov acquired a dairy farm in the Leningrad region. It took the entrepreneur eight years to start producing milk, kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. In 2011, about 700 million rubles were invested in the construction of the plant. At the same time, technologists began developing the recipe, and the invited agency Depot WPF began developing the brand concept and packaging design.

In 2014, half-liter cups with a spout appeared on store shelves. “This form reinforced the idea that these are products for demanding but busy city dwellers,” said Andrey Ionov, outlining the target audience of the product. In addition, on the lids of the cups you can find various information about the product: production time, the name of the foreman, or, for example, the weather during milking. In the same year, “Dairy Culture” appeared in 14 Russian cities.

At first, the brand was promoted only through social networks. In 2015, advertising for “Dairy Culture” appeared in the publications of famous bloggers Ilya Varlamov and Anton Nosik. Interviews with businessman Andrei Ionov were published in Forbes and Snob magazines (the entrepreneur was interviewed by Ksenia Sobchak).

In 2015, the company’s revenue amounted to 250 million rubles, and “Dairy Culture” was included in the Forbes rating of the most successful Russian brands - new consumer goods.

Ecofarm "Konovalovo"

In the fall of 2009, entrepreneur and former business partner of Vladimir Dovgan, Alexander Konovalov, invested 32 million rubles in a family business - opening an eco-farm (the project paid off after five and a half years). For the first six months, the new business required additional investments, then it reached self-sufficiency. In 2011, Konovalovo’s revenue amounted to one million rubles per month.

According to the entrepreneur, interest in the product appeared immediately, but the businessman makes money not only on goods from the farm. Konovalov receives about 30% of his profit from ecotourism. On the territory of the farm there is a small hotel, where guests can interact with animals, go fishing, take a steam bath, and experience village life.

The first clients of the eco-farm were residents of cottage villages between New Riga and Rublevskoye Shosse. From the very beginning, Konovalov relied on the family business; he involved his daughters in the business, who began to work on the website and processing orders on the Internet, and his sons-in-law, who delivered groceries. Despite the growing demand, the entrepreneur did not expand the farm.

In 2011, he created the Ecocluster association of organic food producers.

Under one brand, Konovalov has gathered partners who produce goods according to uniform standards. It included both small Russian farms and producers of olive oil from Greece or household chemicals from Belgium. Partners pay monthly fees. In 2014, Ecocluster’s turnover amounted to 60 million rubles.

By 2014, the businessman opened three retail fresh markets, in which he presented the products of all Ecocluster partners. The amount of investment in the stores amounted to nine million rubles - three million for each outlet.

In 2015, the average check in the store was 2,500 rubles. Konovalov describes his target audience as follows: “These are people from 25 to 55 years old who live in prestigious places in Moscow or country cottage villages, have children, lead a fairly active and healthy lifestyle and who care about environmental protection. That is, a person is ready to spend 24-28 thousand rubles per month.”

"Izbenka" and "VkusVill"

In 2009, businessman Andrei Krivenko, with a start-up capital of one million rubles, opened the first Izbenka outlet in Moscow at the Trinity Market. The main idea of ​​the entrepreneur was to promote environmentally friendly dairy products with minimal shelf life.

Having concluded an agreement with the supplier, the businessman opened the first store, which cost 50 thousand rubles, the assortment consisted of six items. Over the course of a year, the Izbenka network grew to fifteen points. Now there are about three hundred of them and the entrepreneur remains faithful to the principle of not buying premises, but renting them.

In 2011, Izbenka’s turnover amounted to about $20 million. Krivenko continued to open natural food stores, only now under the VkusVill brand. “We saw that there is a stable, growing demand for products without additives and preservatives,” he said. “Therefore, we decided to expand the range by adding chilled meat, sausage, eggs, vegetables and fruits.”

Unlike Izbenki outlets, whose premises area is 10-15 square meters, VkusVill stores are premises with an area of ​​100-120 square meters. According to the businessman, 150-200 thousand rubles are spent on opening one Izbenka outlet, and about 4 million rubles on opening one VkusVill store. On average, a customer visits a chain store three times a week, and his receipt is about 500 rubles.

Krivenko explains his success by the unoccupied niche - “for the target audience, which, according to various estimates, is about 10% of the population, in Moscow there are several Internet projects, such as LavkaLavka and Ecofood, with fairly high prices.” In 2015, the revenue of Krivenko networks exceeded 12 billion rubles.


If Izbenka and VkusVill position themselves as stores of natural products with average prices, then LavkaLavka is a retail outlet for premium-segment organic products.

In 2009, journalist Boris Akimov, together with his partners, launched an online resource for village food, LavkaLavka, which was the first to offer residents of megacities to purchase farm products first-hand.

Any farmer could register on the site, but before his goods appeared on the site, project participants carried out a thorough inspection and certification of the farm. The main idea was to bring together honest farmers and consumers willing to pay for healthy food. The buyer received all the information not only about the product, but also about the supplier, right down to photographs of the farm where the product was grown.

In the first year, the project’s turnover amounted to 900 thousand rubles. In 2013, the brand brought Akimov and his partners 10 million rubles a month. Akimov described his target audience this way: “It definitely includes restaurant visitors. The main audience (more than 80%) are mothers with children. Another part of the buyers are those who want to eat quality food or “like in childhood.” Among them are grandmothers. Famous people also buy from us, but we do not advertise their names.”

In 2011, signature Russian cuisine restaurants LavkaLavka, using natural products, opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In 2014, the LavkaLavka brand brought revenue to its owners in the amount of 250 million rubles.

A special feature of the LavkaLavka project was the refusal of the brand owners to take loans for business development. When entrepreneurs realized that they were ready to go offline, they began to raise money to open a store among farmers and buyers. Crowdinvesting is a method of raising funds, in which, in the case of LavkaLavka, an LLC is created, the controlling stake belongs to Lavka, 49% belongs to private individuals - investors of the project.

Boris Akimov announced a collection of 5 million rubles for the opening of a store on Chayanov Street. Farmers invested 2 million, and buyers gave another 2.5 million rubles. Farmers supplied food on credit, and buyers deposited money in a special account and made purchases with a 20% discount.

In 2015, the LavkaLavka brand had about 5 thousand regular customers every month. The average bill was 5 thousand rubles in an online store, 1.5 thousand in a regular store, and 1.8 thousand in a restaurant.

Our planet is becoming more and more polluted every day, thanks to this, environmental business ideas in Russia are becoming more and more relevant. But how can you make money on eco ideas? The main options need to be considered. Today, environmentally friendly vehicles are beginning to spread. Is it time to open a showroom for such vehicles? Let's look at the situation of such cars on the market.

Recently, the demand for such cars has been growing more and more, because... They are not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. What will need to be done? Sell ​​cars that do not pollute the environment and save fuel. We will need knowledge about automotive technology and sales and start-up capital in the region of 800,000 USD. The business will be launched from several months to several years, it all depends on you.

Now there are already many similar solutions on the market, there is a lot of competition, many manufacturers already produce similar environmentally friendly vehicles, for example, the Toyota Prius car. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the demand for environmentally friendly cars is growing as oil prices rise. Therefore, it is worth remembering that oil is an exhaustible resource, and it will someday disappear.

In addition to selling environmentally friendly cars, you can carry out other eco ideas. For example, trade in products that are produced in environmentally friendly ways. People will start to think about how the things they buy affect the world around them and will start buying things that are produced using environmentally friendly methods. So, it will be necessary to produce products in environmentally friendly ways and clearly inform customers about this so that they understand how their items were made.

One of the best options is to grow organic food: raising animals, plants and agriculture. Well, or the production of environmentally friendly paper bags that quickly decompose and do not pollute the environment.

To start your business, 10 thousand USD is enough for you. You can launch your business in about a couple of months. But it is worth considering some difficulties: you will need to find a niche that meets the demand criteria. For example, store owners will be happy to order reusable shopping bags from you with their personalized logos. In order for the buyer to be interested in the product, you will need to come up with an original design and think through all the convenience of its use.

You can also engage in green building certification. People love to buy apartments in environmentally friendly places. Many construction companies try to meet all environmental conditions. In order to engage in certification, you will need to undergo accreditation and obtain the necessary permits.

There are still few companies specializing in examination, but the demand for their services is growing from year to year. A business of this type can be profitable, since the number of potential clients is constantly growing due to the owners of apartments, houses and offices.

    The list of services provided can be quite wide:
  • determination of radiation levels;
  • electromagnetic field measurements;
  • vibration and noise level control;
  • analysis of the chemical composition of soil, water and air;
  • analysis of the bacteriological composition of air and water and much more.

Organizing such a company is a complex matter, since the services provided are very specific. A large number of requirements and nuances will need to be taken into account.


    Registering a business will require a considerable amount of time. You will need to prepare the following documents:
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • copies of the Charter of the enterprise and the certificate of state registration of the applicant as a legal entity, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the state registration certificate of the applicant as an individual entrepreneur, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the certificate confirming the registration of the applicant with the tax authority, notarized;
  • a document confirming that a license fee has been paid to the budget for the right to engage in a certain type of activity;
  • a copy of the diploma, certified by a notary, confirming the compliance of the owner or his employees with the qualification requirements in this field;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by a notary;
  • documentary evidence of the existence of an appropriate laboratory or a notarized copy of the contract for the provision of such services by organizations that have such laboratories;
  • a document signed by the applicant on the availability of electronic equipment and software that is required for the preparation of reporting materials, standards, technical documentation, scientific and reference literature on the types of work requested;
  • information confirming practical work, with reference to projects completed over the last three years, as well as copies of conclusions issued by the environmental state examination on them, with the exception of environmental audits;
  • copies of employee licenses, notarized;
  • for an applicant who wishes to engage in environmental auditing - a notarized copy of the auditor's qualification certificate.

    If there is a license for an activity, it is necessary to draw up an annex to it for a specific type of activity, which will require the following documents:
  • statement;
  • a copy of the license certified by a notary;
  • documents and information on the qualification requirements of the subtype of activity.

There are companies operating without certification of their own services. In this case, their conclusions do not have legal force, although they are informative. However, the demand for such services is noticeably less.

In addition to completing the basic documents, it is necessary to study the laws of the Russian Federation, which determine the procedure for conducting environmental assessments. The 1995 Federal Law provides information on the basics of state and public examination - you should also familiarize yourself with this document.

Equipment and personnel

    How much you have to spend on equipment determines the services to be provided. Main equipment includes:
  • radiometer-dosimeter that measures the level of radiation. Costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars;
  • magnetic and electric field meter - from 700 to 2500 thousand dollars;
  • laboratory "Pchelka-R", used for express analysis of contaminants in water, air and soil - 1.0 -1.7 thousand dollars;
  • electronic psychrometer that measures air humidity - $170;
  • luxmeter - light meter - from 60 to 400 dollars;
  • a simple vibration meter for 300-500 dollars or with a full set of functions for 3-13 thousand dollars;
  • sound level meter – 160 – 500 dollars;
  • dust meter - about 2.5 thousand dollars.

To carry out measurements and analyze them, you will need an ecologist with a fee of $800, a sanitary expert ($800-1300), laboratory assistants ($500) and a driver ($700). An accountant and a lawyer are also needed. The latter’s task will include consultation in the preparation of contracts and certificates based on analysis results.


To carry out environmental assessments, in addition to special equipment, you need a laboratory. For a novice businessman, it is enough to purchase equipment for carrying out measurements, rent office space and rent a laboratory under a contract so that you can register your business. But sooner or later, a room will be needed to house both the office and the laboratory that analyzes the collected data. Renting such a space can cost $100-1000 per month.

There are also mobile laboratories in which all measurements and analyzes can be carried out literally “on wheels,” but their cost is 65-130 thousand dollars, and rent will cost 650-1300 dollars per month. However, a car will be needed in any case, since you have to somehow get to the customer, so a mobile laboratory will not be superfluous.

Expertise technology

For the most part, environmental assessment occurs without much effort: many devices immediately provide ready-made information - sound level meters, radiometers and others. The situation is more complicated with analyzes of various parameters of air, water and soil, since in order to issue a conclusion it is necessary not only to collect samples, but also to analyze them. This will require an equipped laboratory.

If you have qualified personnel, the research is not that complicated, it’s just quite lengthy. Start-up companies transfer the samples they collect to the SES, where analyzes are carried out. This is a very realistic way, but each analysis costs about $100, so there will be extra costs, and, therefore, your services will have to be sold at a higher price. Therefore, it is better to hire specialists.

By offering your services, you sign an agreement with the customer indicating the types of measurements, their cost and the timing of data collection and the readiness of the conclusion. Your staff arrives at the scheduled time and takes the necessary samples, within 3-7 days the results are processed, and the customer receives the appropriate certificate. Payment can be made either before the documents are issued, or after the fact.

Necessary investments and cost of services

Taking into account the rental of a laboratory and a car, the cost of equipment, the cost of employees, registration, purchase of reagents and other additional expenses, the total amount of investment required to open a business to conduct environmental assessments will be from 30 to 50 thousand dollars.

    The cost of individual services may be:
  • general water analysis – $150;
  • radiological water analysis – $165;
  • microbiological water analysis – $50;
  • agrochemical soil analysis - from 200 to 360 dollars;
  • toxicological analysis of soil - $100-300;
  • radionuclide soil analysis – $130;
  • microbiological soil analysis - $100-165;
  • chemical air analysis – $165;
  • microbiological air analysis - $50-100;
  • radiation measurement – ​​$100;
  • electromagnetic radiation measurement – ​​$100-300;
  • noise measurements - $200-300;
  • vibration changes - $200-300;
  • Light measurements - $50.

Analyzes can be carried out selectively and comprehensively.

Attracting clients

When developing a marketing campaign, you need to pay attention to the psychology of people. Clients can be told about the consequences of increased radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and air pollution. You can also positively motivate the customer by telling him how to improve the situation and eliminate the problems found. Customers of complex analysis can receive a discount.

It makes sense to open a website where you can post not only information about your company and prices for services, but also articles on the topic of ecology and a healthy lifestyle.

Scientists warn: if the consumption of natural resources remains at the current level, a crisis will begin in the world in 2030. The economic recession does not delay, but only brings this hour closer.

In this regard, the UN has developed an environmental protection program - UNEP. According to the latter, business should develop according to the principle: produce more, using fewer resources, minimizing the negative impact on nature. Ecological business is not only humane, but also profitable. And we will tell you about the most interesting projects in the field of eco-business:

1. Wrapping paper impregnated with herbs and spices, keeping food fresh for much longer

We are talking about eco-friendly packaging napkins such as Fenugreen Fresh Paper, designed to combat the problem of perishable products. Napkins prevent mold, fungi and the proliferation of bacteria - for this, napkin sheets are immersed in a solution of exclusively natural antiseptics: herbs and spices (domestic startups can experiment with developing the composition themselves). And the first who guessed to impregnate cellulose with a special composition of spices was twenty-seven-year-old American Kavita Shukla - at the age of seventeen, the girl became the owner of a patent that brought in millions in income (after all, suppliers of fruits and other food began to purchase this product en masse).

Such an invention not only helps save suppliers money by extending the “life” of products, but also, ideally, will completely replace the use of plastic bags, which will improve the world’s eco-system.

2. Charity project: production of toilet paper, half of the proceeds from which are spent on building modern toilets

Don’t rush to think that this is unprofitable. If we talk about profits, then in six months of existence, an Australian-African project of this type managed to earn over a million dollars in net profit - most buyers show special purchasing attention to this particular brand, knowing the noble goal of the project. And this leaves all competitors virtually “out of business.”

It must be said that the incidence of gastrointestinal and other infections directly depends on the unsanitary conditions of street and rural toilets - and therefore this idea leads to overall national savings on medicines, and indirectly to the extension of many lives.

3. Automatic water purification machines

The idea was implemented by the Indian brand Sarvajal. The initiative group invented its own system for high-quality and reliable purification of water from local reservoirs (and even sea water) and turning it into drinking water. The machine allows you to pour untreated water into it and after a few minutes you will receive it in a purified version.

It would be appropriate and profitable to install your own cleaning machine in many provincial cities, towns, and suburbs of megacities in Ukraine and Russia, where the delivery of clean water is not established. For example, in dacha cooperatives with well water containing excess lime and sand (ordinary home filters will quickly fail if there is serious suspended matter in the water).

Note that in India, many local entrepreneurs have installed machines in their stores and pay for the rental of H2O machines. We wish the same for you.

4. Recycling waste immediately after it appears

And again let's go back to... toilets. Graduates of the University of California have designed a dry toilet that is not connected to the sewer system, which, using solar energy, converts waste into hydrogen and fertilizer (immediately after it appears, which dramatically reduces odors and bacteria in the air). Fertilizers are collected in a separate tank, from which they can be conveniently removed and used for their intended purpose.

Domestic inventors can start by at least processing these wastes using connected electrical energy, and then begin to generate the latter using solar and wind installations.

5. Shoes and bags in exchange for design

Interesting business story: Spanish firm El Naturalista set out to produce shoes and accessories for poor street artists, many of whom have no means of subsistence. Artists act as designers of shoes and accessories, using their talent and drawing techniques. Businessmen, in turn, give them ready-made shoes, made according to the sketch of the tramps. After the shoe line received good reviews from critics, the street artists became full-time employees of the company. In addition, El Naturalista makes shoes and bags exclusively from natural materials: vegetable dyes, recycled and biodegradable fabrics. It must be said that the cost of designer sandals (for non-hobos) starts at 100 euros per pair, and they sell rapidly among Spanish and Latin American hipsters. A portion of the profits also goes to charity, helping children in Peru and Tanzania.

6. Packaging materials and containers for rent

What do you do with cardboard packaging, polystyrene foam, plastic film after using them? Throw it away. After observing this behavior of buyers, one of the US designers implemented a startup - a service that makes it possible to exchange used packaging materials. For example, you bought a TV and instead of throwing away the box, you place an ad on a service (which takes the packages away from you, without paying you anything: you should use it “for the idea”, out of environmental consciousness). If you need to transport things, you can contact the service and choose the appropriate packaging material, paying small “pennies” for it - much cheaper than the same boxes if you wanted to purchase them new. This service is indispensable during the renovation process, as well as when moving. Of course, it is convenient for those who own large warehouse volumes somewhere in a distant suburb of a metropolis.

Among the eco-projects that are gradually becoming more and more significant, one more can be noted. This is the Russian project “Save the Tree”: an initiative group collects waste paper from city offices (most often, printer printouts that have become unnecessary) and gives it for recycling. Now more than 150 Moscow companies are working in this project.

The environmental problem is one of the most important in the world: polluted air and water, radiation, radiation pose a threat to every inhabitant of the planet. In such a situation, your own home cannot protect you from everything. A person who buys a new home thinks not only about the price, appearance and location, but also about its suitability for normal life.

In such cases, companies conducting environmental assessments come to the aid of people. There are still few companies in this specialization, but at the same time, the need for their services is increasing every year.

An environmental assessment business can bring quite a high income due to the large number of potential clients: these are owners of houses, apartments, offices, etc. The list of services provided also includes many items:

  • radiation level measurement;
  • electromagnetic field measurement;
  • measurement of noise level;
  • vibration level measurement;
  • soil chemical analysis;
  • chemical analysis of air;
  • chemical analysis of water;
  • bacteriological analysis of air;
  • bacteriological analysis of water, etc.

Organizing such a company is not easy due to the specifics of the services provided. There are many nuances and requirements that need to be taken into account.


When opening a company, you will need to spend a fair amount of time on business registration. To license your activities, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. application in the prescribed form;
  2. notarized copies of the Charter and certificate of state registration of the applicant as a legal entity;
  3. a notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of the applicant as an individual entrepreneur;
  4. a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant with the tax authority;
  5. a document confirming payment of a license fee to the budget for the right to engage in certain types of activities;
  6. a notarized copy of the diploma, which indicates compliance with the qualification requirements in this field (diploma of the owner or his employees);
  7. a notarized copy of the work record book;
  8. a document confirming the presence of a specialized laboratory, or a notarized copy of the agreement on the performance of analytical work (services) by organizations that have the specified laboratories;
  9. a document confirming the availability of electronic equipment, software necessary for the preparation and execution of reporting materials, regulations, technical and methodological documentation, scientific reference literature on the requested types of work, signed by the applicant;
  10. information about the availability of practical experience with an indication of the list of completed projects over the past three years and copies of positive conclusions of the state environmental assessment on them (except for environmental audits);
  11. notarized copies of employee licenses;
  12. a notarized copy of the qualification certificate of an environmental auditor - for an applicant wishing to engage in environmental audit activities.

To obtain a license supplement within the scope of the type of activity for which there is a license, the following documents are required:

  1. statement;
  2. a notarized copy of the license;
  3. information and documents in accordance with qualification requirements (for the subtype of activity).

Some companies operate without certification of their services, but their conclusions do not have legal force, but are for informational purposes only. And, of course, their services are in less demand.

In addition to completing the basic documents, you should familiarize yourself with the laws of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure for conducting environmental impact assessments. The federal law of 1995 provides information on the principles of state and public examination; studying them will also be useful.

Equipment and personnel

The amount you spend on equipment depends on the services you offer. Here is a list of the main equipment:

  • radiometer-dosimeter, used to measure radiation levels - 50-100 thousand rubles.
  • electric and magnetic field meter – 20-80 thousand rubles.
  • laboratory kit "Pchelka-R" is used for express analysis of air, water and soil pollution - 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • electronic psychrometer, device for measuring air humidity - 5 thousand rubles.
  • luxmeter - a device for measuring illumination - 2-12 thousand rubles.
  • vibrometer - the simplest - 10-15 thousand, with a full set of functions - 100-400 thousand.
  • sound level meter - 5-17 thousand rubles.
  • dust meter - about 80 thousand rubles.

To carry out and analyze measurements, you will need to hire an ecologist (with a salary of 25 thousand rubles), a sanitary expert (25-40 thousand rubles), laboratory assistants (15 thousand) and drivers (about 20 thousand). You will also need an accountant and a lawyer who will advise on the preparation of contracts and certificates with test results.


Carrying out an environmental assessment requires not only special equipment, but also a laboratory. A novice businessman will be able to purchase equipment for measurements, rent office space and enter into a lease agreement with a laboratory in order to register the business. But in any case, in the end, you will need to find a room in which you will place both an office and a laboratory where the analysis of the data obtained will take place. The cost of renting premises for a laboratory will be 20-30 thousand rubles. per month.

Some companies make mobile laboratories “on wheels”, in which all the necessary instruments for measurements are located; they cost about 2-4 million rubles, rent - 20-40 thousand rubles/month. You will need a car in any case, since you will need to somehow get to the customer’s location. Therefore, a mobile laboratory will not be superfluous.

Examination technology

Basically, carrying out an environmental assessment does not require much effort; the above-mentioned devices are used for them, which can immediately provide approximate information (radiometers, sound level meters, etc.). Various types of analyzes of water, air and soil present great difficulty, since to issue a conclusion one cannot limit oneself to collecting samples and some data. This requires a laboratory equipped for such purposes with various reagents.

If there are qualified personnel, the research will not be difficult, but will simply take more time. Some start-up companies submit their measurements to the SES, where they carry out the necessary analyzes. You can go this route, but this will also lead to unnecessary costs (about 3,000 per analysis), which will increase the cost of your services. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the specialization of the hired personnel.

When providing services, you enter into an agreement with the customer, which lists the types of measurements, their cost, the date of data collection and issuance of the conclusion. At the appointed time, the staff arrives and carries out the necessary operations, within 3-7 days the results are processed and provided to the customer in the form of a certificate. Payment is made, at your discretion, either before the documents are issued, or after the fact.

Investments and cost of services

Taking into account the cost of renting a laboratory and a car, equipment, personnel costs, registration, reagents and side expenses, the initial investment required to open a business in environmental assessments will be about 1-1.5 million rubles.

The cost of individual services is:

  • water analysis: general - 4.5 thousand rubles, radiological - 5 thousand, microbiological - 1.5 thousand;
  • air analysis: chemical – 5 thousand, microbiological – 1.5-3 thousand;
  • soil analysis: agrochemical – 6-11 thousand, toxicological – 3-9 thousand, radionuclide – 4 thousand, microbiological – 3-5 thousand;
  • radiation measurement – ​​3 thousand;
  • measurement of electromagnetic radiation – 3-10 thousand;
  • noise measurement - 6-9 thousand;
  • vibration measurement – ​​6-9 thousand;
  • illumination measurement - 1.5 thousand.

Typically, random or complex analyzes are performed.

Attracting clients

When developing a marketing campaign, it is important to consider the psychological factor. Tell the client what the consequences of radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and air pollution are. Also use positive motivation: provide advice on improving the situation and eliminating identified problems. Give a discount for customers of complex analysis. Open a website that will provide not only information about the company, services and prices, but also articles about the environment and a healthy lifestyle.

Cherukhina Kristina
- portal of business plans and manuals