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Economic benefits. We study the tasks, problems and benefits of clients before writing a sales text. Pause after the question.

Economic benefit as a concept of tax law is a fairly important category. Since the essence of entrepreneurial activity is to obtain the greatest economic benefit, its presence, as a general rule, determines the presence of an object of taxation.

Economic benefit is a real increase in property as a result of the economic activity of the taxpayer.

According to Art. 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, income is recognized as an economic benefit in monetary or in-kind form, taken into account if it is possible to assess it and to the extent that such benefit can be assessed, and determined in accordance with the chapters “Income Tax on Individuals”, “Income Tax on Organizations”. "Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 247 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the object of taxation is the profit received by the taxpayer. At the same time, profit for Russian organizations is the income they receive, reduced by the expenses incurred.

Once the profit is taxed, it can be said that there is a “net economic benefit” that remains at the disposal of the company. Thus, the size of the economic benefit changes as a result of accounting for expenses and taxation.

In an effort to obtain the greatest economic benefit, taxpayers do not always reduce the tax base using exclusively legal methods. The consequence of such actions is an unlawful reduction of economic benefit - profit subject to tax.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax base is understood as the monetary expression of profit. Taxpayers calculate the tax base based on the results of each reporting (tax) period based on tax accounting data (Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Article 315 of the Code establishes the procedure for calculating the tax base.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 248 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which determines the classification of income, the latter are of two types: from the sale of goods (work, services) and property rights and non-operating income.

Taxpayer expenses are divided in a similar way (clause 2 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Any expenses are recognized as expenses, provided that they are incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income.

If some expenses can be attributed simultaneously to several groups of expenses with equal grounds, the taxpayer has the right to independently determine which group he will assign such expenses to (Clause 4 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In Art. 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation lists expenses that are not taken into account for tax purposes.

Sales income is recognized as proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) both of one's own production and those previously acquired, as well as proceeds from the sale of property rights. Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of non-operating income.

When determining income, the amounts of taxes presented in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by the taxpayer to the buyer (acquirer) of goods (work, services, property rights) are excluded from them.

Income is determined on the basis of primary documents and other documents confirming the income received by the taxpayer, and tax accounting documents. Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines the types of income that are not taken into account when calculating the tax base for income tax.

Expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses (and in cases provided for in Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, losses) incurred (incurred) by the taxpayer.

Justified expenses mean economically justified expenses, the assessment of which is expressed in monetary form. Documented expenses are expenses supported by properly executed documents.

“Properties - benefits” technique implies a consistent translation of the consumer properties of a product into benefits for the client from its use using elements of a persuasive statement:

1. Properties and advantages of the offered product

By using “properties-benefits” techniques you will be able to clearly and clearly explain to the client what benefits certain properties of the product will bring him (properties mean an indisputable, actually observable factor - weight, size, power).

To do it correctly, the seller must name those properties and benefits that are of interest to a particular client at a given time (satisfy the client’s needs, which we identified at the second stage of the sale).

2. Linking phrase It is necessary for the client’s mind to combine the properties of your product with its potential benefits:

  • "And then you can..."
  • “This will allow you...”
  • “For you this means...”
  • "This will give you the opportunity..."
  • "This will save you from having to..."
  • "You will not have to…"

Be sure to personalize the connecting phrase - address the client by name (if you know him) or use the pronoun “you”.

3. Consumer benefits for the client

To do it correctly, collect all possible information about the product you are selling, analyze it and present it correctly, turning properties into benefits.

During the dialogue with the client, you can name several properties of the product, each time repeating connecting phrases and closing questions.

Examples of translating product properties into benefits for the consumer:

Wrong:“Refrigerator size 120*90 cm.”

Right:“The refrigerator is so spacious that you can go to the shops once a week; there will be enough food for a family of four for 10 days.”

Wrong:“You will relax by a body of water with an area of ​​one hundred square kilometers.”

Right:“During your vacation you will receive fresh energy, a lot of positive emotions and pleasure on the ocean.”

I hope you understand the principle by which almost any property of a product can be translated into benefit for the client.

4. Question that completes the phrase

After you have spoken the connecting phrase and listed the benefits of the product, find out how the client feels about the essence of your business proposal. Ask him these final questions:

  • “This is important to you, isn’t it?”
  • “This is significant to you, isn’t it?”
  • “Does this matter to you?”

When asking a question, address the client by name (if you know him) or use the pronoun “you.”

5. Pause after a question

After you ask the final question, pause so that the client can answer your question for himself, think about your proposal, weigh the pros and cons, and ultimately make the right decision.

“Properties - benefits” technique is very effective, and if you learn to use it correctly, you will become a much more successful seller. If you can answer the question of what is really important to the client, your clients will not buy a TV or a carpet, but emotions and a good mood. And they will come to you again and again. And this is the highest aerobatics in trade.

Examples of phrases using elements of a persuasive statement:

“This phone has a built-in memory of 5 GB, which will give you the opportunity to save a large amount of music, pictures and videos, which is undoubtedly convenient, for example, on the road. Does this matter to you, did I understand you correctly?”

“The 16 GB memory card in this camera will allow you to take a large number of photos without constantly transferring them to another medium. This is important to you, isn't it?"

An interesting trend. New sites and blogs on copywriting appear like mushrooms after rain. On the one hand, this is good, because the direction is developing. However, the other side of the coin is the quality of most resources. Many of them simply rewrite superficial things and even manage to distort them to such an extent that they do nothing but harm.

For example, many of you have heard about the properties of a product and its benefits for the consumer (if you haven’t heard, don’t worry, I’ll explain everything further, tell you and show you). If you ask most copywriters and marketers what should be included in the text: properties or benefits, most of them will answer without blinking an eye: “Of course, benefits!”

Moreover, now at many copywriting trainings, individual “gurus” repeat like a mantra: “Benefits, not properties, benefits, not properties...” As a result, dozens of “zombie writers” come out of such trainings who are obsessed with benefits, but who do not bother themselves at all with thoughts about whether the benefits are appropriate in their particular case. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Features, Features and Benefits

Each product or service has its own characteristics. Some features are important for suppliers, others for consumers, others for manufacturers, etc. Conventionally, all these features can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Characteristics
  2. Properties
  3. Benefits

Sometimes it happens that one feature is included in 2 groups at once. For example, a characteristic or property may itself be a benefit. Next we will look at this point with examples.

1. Characteristics

Characteristics- these are numerical parameters that characterize a product or service. Here are some examples of characteristics for three areas - household appliances, auto and online advertising.

The strength of characteristics lies in their specificity and certainty. The disadvantage is that certain audience segments do not understand what these characteristics mean.

2. Properties

Properties- These are the features of certain goods or services. This also includes various functions, features and goodies. Typically, properties are based on characteristics and may include them. Note that properties can be either concrete or abstract. In the case of abstraction, it is better to supplement them with numbers.

Let's look at what properties our examples may have based on the characteristics described.

Washing machine


3. Benefits

Benefits- this is what a person ultimately receives in a language he understands. The last 4 words of the previous sentence are key. And this is where the main highlight lies. The same product may have different benefits for different groups of people. In this nuance lies the most common mistake of novice copywriters. They show benefits, but not those that their buyer is looking for. This mistake is especially common in the B2B segment, where companies buy goods in bulk and then sell them at retail to end consumers.

Let's take a closer look with examples.

a) Washing machine

This is a typical example. Household appliances can be purchased both by wholesalers for sale and by end consumers. The former are interested in profit from the sale, and the latter are interested in the high-quality performance of the functions assigned to the device.

Consequently, the benefit packages for different audience segments will differ. Look.

For retail buyers
Properties Benefits
No hassle. No adapters needed. Suitable for any European sockets (does not check for grounding). Works in any home with any wiring immediately after installation.
Almost dry laundry after washing. Dries completely within an hour, spread out in the room or in 15 minutes outside.
Smart washing technology Simplicity. No additional settings. All you need to do is select the type of fabric and press the button. The machine will do the rest itself.
Capacious drum (5 kg) Saves time on washing and money on powder. In one wash you can wash a bedding set for a double bed and 5 terry towels.
Compact dimensions The machine fits perfectly even into a small bathroom with an area of ​​3 m2. At the same time, nothing sticks out beyond the door jamb and does not interfere with the passage.
For wholesalers
Properties Benefits
Compliance with ET standards for CIS countries No included adapters required, no customer complaints due to non-standard plugs or old ungrounded wiring.
Speed ​​spin function (1000 rpm) According to surveys, 48% of buyers choose a washing machine with a spin speed of at least 1000 rpm. This model is more attractive to consumers than washing machines with lower spin speeds.
Smart washing technology Ease of use thanks to “smart software” inclines consumer choice towards this model and increases its overall sales volume.
Capacious drum (5 kg) According to statistics, buyers with families do not buy washing machines with a capacity of less than 4.5-5 kg ​​of laundry.
Compact dimensions The machine is especially in demand among buyers with a small bathroom (up to 4 m2).

Do you see the difference? Let's look at the following example.

b) Car

I chose a car as an example for a reason. The fact is that a car belongs to a special category of goods, in which the characteristics themselves can be advantages for certain audience segments. Our car is abstract, and different people can buy it. Let's compare the benefits for professionals and ordinary buyers.

For professionals

Professionals are well versed in the automotive market. Moreover, they are most often guided by characteristics. This means that for them the characteristics will be an indicator of benefits (this is the main criterion that professionals rely on). The same is true for the various equipment that technicians purchase. They are interested in characteristics. Let's repeat.

Specialists who buy complex technical products are primarily interested in characteristics, not benefits! Benefits can be shown in a different way, focusing on purchasing from you, and not from other sellers.

For ordinary users

To demonstrate the differences in this example, let’s take a group of “simpler” people.

Characteristics Benefits
Combined cycle consumption: 8.5 l per 100 km Average consumption: 8.5 liters per 100 km. A full tank lasts for 700 km. Savings on gasoline compared to cars of the same class are 1,500 rubles per 1,000 km.
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in 6 seconds Fast acceleration. Outpacing 95% of city cars at traffic lights without problems.
Trunk volume: 600 l The trunk fits 11 bags of potatoes or a stroller, a tent and a complete set for outdoor activities for 5 people.
Ground clearance: 175 mm The bumper is not afraid of even high curbs, and the bottom moves freely even along deep ruts made of snow or a rural road. Save money on muffler and bumper repairs.
AWD 4x4 Increased cross-country ability. Difficult to get stuck in mud or snow. You can drive where others are waiting for a tow truck.

This table shows only 5 combinations of characteristics with benefits, but in real sales there are many more of them. It is also worth remembering that people, in order to save money, prefer to buy cars with diesel engines, and here you also need to show your benefits (savings on spare parts, ease and low cost of repairs, etc.)

c) Contextual advertising

When we talk about any advertising in principle, we need to understand that this is a B2B segment, where the main motivator for action is profit on invested money and economic feasibility. Naked calculation. This needs to be understood and distinguished from the B2C segment, where the values ​​are completely different.

What to include in advertising materials

There is a simple rule: you need to indicate what interests a person and what contributes to achieving the goal. If you don't know what to specify, try using the link:


In this case, characteristics and properties can be used both together and separately, but in both cases in conjunction with benefits.

Please note: if your product is the same as that of your competitors, then you are showing the benefit not of the product, but of its purchase from you.

For example, if your distinctive property is that you are an official representative of the manufacturer, then benefit for your client - saving money due to a lower price (say, 10-15% compared to competitors).

A few more examples of implementing the formula for consolidation.

  • Saving up to 5,000 rubles per month on electricity, thanks to energy-saving light bulbs that provide the same light as incandescent lamps, but consume 4 times less power.
  • 100% return of receivables without unnecessary effort at the expense of the debtor. Just one call to the One Window service of Horns and Hooves LLC, and the problem is solved.
  • Quiet and compliant neighbors, thanks to the “Infrabass” function with a frequency of 10 Hz and a power of 300 Watts in Shardex speakers.
  • 66 of your favorite films or 12,500 songs always with you on one flash drive with a capacity of 100 GB.
  • Sending photos in 1 click to all social networks: The application works with JPG and PNG format files.

You get the idea. Based on the task you are facing and the audience to whom you are conveying your advertising message. I have a special setup for such cases. I called it the “VDSG” installation. It stands for: “Always Think with Your Head.” Believe me, it will be a little more difficult, but more reliable.

One day I came across a text for evaluation that was selling a foot massager. This massager was designed for American 110 Volt outlets. A person in pursuit of profit, without blinking an eye, made a conclusion: energy savings are 2 times compared to analogues (without indicating the network voltage). A gross mistake that, at best, will result in a search for an adapter for an outlet with a transformer, and at worst, it will result in the need to buy a new device.

One more thing: turning properties into benefits is not always the best solution. For example, if a person chooses a refrigerator, and he specifically needs the NoFrost function (he initially knows what it is). By explicitly indicating the presence of this function (essentially, a property), you make it easier for a person to choose. At the same time, if you turn it into a benefit and describe it in detail, the required criterion may get lost in the mass of text, and the person will think that this function does not exist. The result is predictable - a lost client.

Another example: You sell headphones. You, of course, can use all your epistolary skill to describe sound, but knowledgeable people do not need this, but a range of frequencies.

Morality: give people the information they need to make a decision. Benefits are good for persuasion, while properties and characteristics are good for targeted search.

Remember this, and let your texts sell!

P.S. Try to write down the characteristics, properties and benefits of your products and services. Which one is most important to your clients? What benefits do you use to differentiate yourself from your competitors?

· It is necessary to approach those units/racks where the product is located that may be of interest to a given client (in accordance with his wishes regarding the model).

· As soon as the client shows interest in one or two models, it is necessary to immediately select products that make up the Total-look with them and offer to go to the fitting room.

· It is necessary to accurately determine the client's size - do not offer items to try on that are a size smaller. If the buyer has a very large clothing size, immediately take him to those units and racks where these sizes are presented; you should not reassure the client by trying to pull on a product that clearly does not fit him in size.

  1. Rules for working in the fitting room:

· Inform the client (before closing the curtains in the fitting room) that you are nearby and ready to help if necessary (bring a different size or another item).

· Do not leave the client without communication during the process of trying on the product:

ü When the buyer has tried on the product, we offer to look at himself from all sides using another mirror (we suggest leaving the fitting room to a large mirror).

ü Identify the client’s attitude towards the products being tried on: “What do you say?”, “Does it suit you?”, “Which model fits better, the first or the second?”

ü When a client evaluates himself in a product, decides whether he likes it or not, we definitely talk about the “+”, the advantages of this product, taking into account the client’s wishes (length - comfortable, color - suitable for any clothes...)

· If the client did not like the product during fitting. We definitely ask “Why?”, “What is confusing about this model?”, “What would you like to change?”

To avoid such mistakes when choosing the next models and not to bore the client with a large number of fittings.

· If you don’t like the selected models, then, taking into account the information about the reasons for refusing these products and the buyer’s wishes, the seller goes for other models, be sure to warn the client about this:

“I’ll now bring you a couple more interesting models that will match these trousers.”

“Please wait 2-3 minutes, I will bring you another model.”

· When selecting models for re-trying, one of the items may differ from the initial request in one of the parameters (color, length, style).

· At the final stage, help the client make the right choice, talking about the advantages of each model that the client previously noted, focusing on details that are important to the client.

What not to do:

1. Leaving the client without attention for a long time (more than 2-3 minutes)

2. Be silent or answer the client’s questions in monosyllables.

3. After collecting needs, lead the buyer for a long time, or follow him around the hall, choosing models without offering to try them on.

4. Leave the client alone during fitting.


Rule #1.

Technique “Property – link – benefit”

The “SV” technique is the translation of product properties into benefits from their use for the client.

A persuasive statement consists of three elements:

1.Property, quality, characteristic inherent in the product

For example: color, cut, style, decorative elements, fastener, product length, etc.

2. Linking phrase like:

"This will allow you..."

"This guarantees you..."

“This will give you the opportunity...”

“Thanks to what you...”

"This will provide you..."

3. Consumer benefit arising from the property - the advantage that the client will receive from using this product.

For example: comfort, warmth, beauty, prestige, convenience, strength.


Property, characteristics of the product


Benefit, benefit for the client

Length of this product

Gives you...

Freedom to move

This product has a classic style

This will allow you...

Wear any items from your wardrobe with it.

This skirt has models that suit the style

thanks to which you...

You can create a holistic image, and at the same time, things are interchangeable.

There are three languages ​​in communication with the client:
Language of Characteristics (facts)
Language Benefits
Language of Benefits (benefits for the client)
Characteristics - describe the facts, data, properties of the product.
Any product or service has characteristics. Characteristics of this
always tangible, tangible and visible properties of the product, what
you can touch it. These characteristics are the same for everyone if the product
standardized, it is difficult to differentiate from competitors at this point. But
It’s impossible without him.

The language of the characteristics cannot be refuted - Green felt-tip pen, diameter
rod - 5 mm. Everything is checked. There is nothing to argue with. To the one who is like this
He says you can trust him, but... I don’t want to, because there’s no interest. Yes, conversation
exclusively in the language of characteristics - accurate, beyond doubt, but
boring for the client. "So what if your phone database contains 3000 people
those who checked “Restaurants, clubs, cinema” indicating their consumer interests?!”

Benefits show how products, services or their
characteristics can be used or assisted by the buyer.
These are performance characteristics that arise from the physical
product properties. How does this product differ from another, more or less?
less like this? How is your product different from other products?
We understand the world based on constant comparisons and often turn to language
benefits. Big, small, cheap, bright, convenient, and so on. All these
epithets are subjective, they are reliable only when compared with something else.
For everyday life, not related to sales, among people there is such a thing:
called consistent reality, when standards (what we compare with)
are implied, but not explicit.
Therefore, if you risk speaking
in the language of advantages, you appeal to different
realities that exist for you and your
client, to different pictures of the world.
You do not pronounce the standard and thereby
encourage the client to think for himself..

Benefits show how products or services satisfy explicit
needs expressed by the buyer. Benefits are interests
client. This is the answer to his most important question: “Why do I need this?”
Of course, it's great if you tell the client about everything
characteristics and benefits of the product, but if you do not answer
his question is about benefits, there may not be a sale. There must be benefits
tangible for the client, he must clearly imagine them and know that
will receive them. There is a benefit for everyone. Someone buys a car
in order to travel, some for earnings, some for prestige.
Each has its own benefit.
If you speak exclusively in tongue
benefits for the client, it will cause him acute
indignation at the unfoundedness of your statements.
"You will earn a lot of money from this,
you will attract additional clients,
you will save time..." It sounds nice, but...
But I can’t believe it because everyone says so.
Hence the rule inside the client:
"If they tell you that the purchase is profitable,
but offer no hard evidence
That means they're selling junk."

Thus, a conversation with a client on any of the three
languages ​​separately - in objective words
characteristics, words of advantages or words of benefits -
does not give the result that we, as sellers, wanted
would achieve.
Only a combination, joint application of characteristics,
advantages and benefits makes our speech the most
It works, quite simply:
By naming an objective characteristic, we lay down
the foundation of accurate facts and trust between the client and us.
By naming the advantage, we lead the client to what we need
thoughts, describing the advantage of the characteristic, and at the same time
We set him up for a certain train of thought.
Speaking about the benefits (benefits) that the client will receive, we
We give him the opportunity to anticipate his satisfaction

CPV table
Impact on sales
Influence at
small sales
Influence at
large sales
Describe facts, data, properties
Neutral or
slightly negative
Show how products, services or their
Characteristics can be used
buyer or help him
Show how products or services
satisfy obvious needs,
expressed by the buyer

If your product is exclusive, then there is no point in describing it
characteristics. Those who need it will do anything to
get it. But if your product is not 2 times cheaper, it is not exclusive
and not fashionable, then the buyer needs to be told WHY he should spend
your money. WHAT will he get from the acquisition?
Advantages are what makes your product (service) different from
competitor's product (service) for the better. Cheaper, more beautiful,
lighter, more original - all these are advantages of the product.
Benefits are how the client can benefit from
take advantage of the benefits of your product. Unfortunately,
most sellers completely ignore the benefits. For some reason they believe that the client himself will figure out how to benefit himself
use your product.

The golden rule of sales is that communication with the client should be conducted in his language,
from the point of view of its benefits, and not be limited to just listing
the benefits of your offer or your company.
Main criteria for BENEFITS
Money (cost savings).
The benefit is that the client saves his money when working with you.
What are the benefits of saving? The fact is that with the money saved the client can buy
a gift for a loved one or yourself. Show and disclose benefits to the extent that
as much as possible.
Time (saving time).
For example: Your technology reduces the production cycle by half, or your
fast delivery speed, which will allow the client to use the product already
tomorrow or even today, not in a week.
Image (prestige). For example, your offer in a special way increases or
maintains the social status of the client and the company.
Safety. For example, your products have features in terms of
safety, which will have a beneficial effect on the health, well-being of the client or
well-being of the company.


Suppose there is a certain manufacturer of industrial equipment,
who sells machines. In addition, it provides training on its machines,
since the equipment is professional and not all clients can use it immediately
figure out. What would the benefits and advantages look like in this situation?
Benefits: We provide free training on how to use our
machine tools
Benefits: thanks to free training you will save 100,000 rubles on
relevant courses. In addition, since we will tell you about the 10 most
common mistakes when using our machines, on average you
save on repairs from 500,000 rubles.
As you can see, in the benefits we cover the topic of what benefits the client will receive,
taking advantage of the advantage (free training).
Do you think the client in this situation would be able to guess for himself that the absence
training could result in colossal losses for repairs? Did the client know
that in other companies training is provided, but only on a paid basis and
Surely no one talks about operator errors? It's unlikely that the client is all this
could have known. There are things that are obvious to the seller, but not visible to the buyer -
because he is not a professional.


1. First write as many characteristics as possible,
related to your product.
2. Then highlight the benefits that are for the better.
differ from the advantages of a competitor (the competitor is more expensive/
worse / or simply not).
3. Take the resulting list of benefits and think about
what BENEFIT will the client benefit from using these
4. Come up with as many options as possible in which the client
will benefit from using a single
the benefits of your product.
5. Do this circuit from the very beginning with all the advantages.
As a result, you will receive a list containing the benefits and
benefits of your product or service.


There are 2 ways: right and wrong.
Wrong way. Typically managers in their work with clients
they use only the advantages - since they are obvious. This is incorrect
approach, since in this case the work of determining benefits falls on
client's shoulders. Do you think he will think about it if yours is nearby?
a competitor who will explain everything?
The right way. The work uses a CPV chain. We give the client
advantage and develop it to your advantage.
EXAMPLE: We provide 2-day courses for each machine purchased from us
training for 2 machine operators. You will not only save 100,000 rubles,
which you would have to pay for training if you bought the machines in
elsewhere, but you will also learn about the 10 most important mistakes of operators that
lead to machine failure. According to our statistics, this will allow you
save up to an additional 500,000 in the first year of use.
You used the advantage (free training), developed it to your advantage
(money saved, less machine downtime since there will be no
repair) and supplemented with facts (specific figures).


in any negotiations,
when we want to persuade a person to our
point of view
(and this is the goal of any negotiations)
must be adhered to
CPV chains.


Thank you for attention
Kushnerik A.D.