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Exam for the working profession “forest feller. Forest feller's certificate Four calendar days

1 Organizational and technical indicators of RSE in forests 2 gr. in birches The following sections: (for lowland forests) S cutting area (max) 20 ha; cutting area width 200m, l cutting area=2000m; adjacency period is immediate

2 RTK for carrying out the rally. felling (S=4.8 for example)

3. Cleaning of logging areas is the final operation, the essence of which is the removal of logging waste, providing conditions for renewal, preventing fires, erosion processes, and the proliferation of pests and diseases. Cleaning can be: recycling, fire, non-fire, combined manual and mechanized. Cleaning methods depend on the LRU, the state of the undergrowth, the technology of logging and l/in works. In sparsely forested areas, all logging residues are sold to the population. During RU and selective felling, they are collected in small heaps and left to rot. In fire-prone coniferous forests, they are collected in clearings and burned during the fire-safe period. In other conditions, the residues are crushed and scattered throughout the cutting area with undergrowth. On dry sandy soils, in order to preserve moisture, logging residues are crushed and scattered. In mountain forests, with all logging methods, large logging residues are collected and taken away on trails, and the rest are crushed and scattered throughout the cutting area. In areas for forest crops, the remains are collected in heaps or shafts parallel to the future rows of l/k.

To create favorable conditions for the restoration of plantings by self-seeding, the following measures: preservation of undergrowth, cleaning of cutting areas, leaving seedbeds, preparing the soil for successful seed germination, caring for self-seeding and undergrowth.

4. We design cleaning using a mechanized, hydraulic pick-up PS-5

5. In 2 – fresh subori occupy mid-elevation places. Pine forests in fresh subbores are the most common type of pine forests in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests and in the forest-steppe. In conditions of fresh subbores, pine has the highest productivity, is well protected from branches, and has high-quality wood. In the forest-steppe, the natural regeneration of pine is unsatisfactory. The main species should be pine, the secondary species are spruce and birch. Type of forest area - old felling. Pine and birch used to grow. There is birch undergrowth.


1. Classification of mechanisms, tools and devices used in felling timber.

2. The most common faults and chainsaws and their elimination.

3. Occupational safety requirements at the forest feller’s workplace.


1. Design of a gearless gas-powered saw.

2. Preparation of a fuel mixture for a gas-powered saw, taking into account the seasons.

3. Possible consequences of violation of labor safety rules by a worker and his responsibility for these violations.


2. Checking the technical readiness of the working tool.

3. The influence of a rational work and rest regime on labor safety.


1. Power supply system for the saw motor.

2. Disassemble and assemble felling devices.

3. The influence of meteorological factors on the human body and the connection of these factors with the safety of the forest feller.


2. Preparing the feller's workplace for work.

3. Occupational safety when working with fuel and lubricants.


1. Purpose of spark plugs, contact magneto and checking the serviceability of the contact magneto.

2. Cutting the log into commercial assortments, taking into account the current GOST standards.

3. Fire safety measures when working in the forest.


1. Hydraulic wedge. Device, purpose, principle of operation.

2. Preparing for launch and starting the saw.

3. Occupational safety when working with a chainsaw.


1. Jack. Device, purpose, principle of operation.

2. Installation of a hydraulic wedge when felling a tree.

3. Injuries during felling and measures to prevent it


1. Winches. Design features. Operating principle, application.

2. Sharpening saw chains, devices and sharpening methods.

3. Safety of work of fellers when felling trees.


1. Felling forks, wedges, blades. Their purpose and methods of application.

2. Preparing the workplace when cutting down a tree.

3. Measures to protect the feller when finishing wood.


1. Features of starting and stopping the engine for gearless saws.

2. Action of the felling jack and felling wedge.

3. Protective measures when working with delimbing tools.


1. Preparing felling devices for work. Checking the fluid pressure in the hydraulic systems of forest felling devices.

2. Adjusting the saw chain tension.

3. Precautions when adjusting the spark plug electrode gaps and saw blade tension.


1. Preparing the sawing apparatus for work. Saw machine lubrication system.

2. Adjusting the gap between the spark plug electrodes.

3. Causes of forest fires and measures to prevent them


1. Distinctive features of the design of gearless saws.

2. Sharpening saw chains.

3. Overalls and personal protective equipment for forest fellers.


1. The main malfunctions of gas-powered saws and methods for detecting them.

2. Carburetor adjustment.

3. Occupational safety when working with abrasive materials while sharpening the saw chain.

I looked at the search queries of people who go to my site, and it turns out that quite a few of them are looking for information about a forest feller’s certificate (“crusts”). Since there is no information on the site, I suggest you read it and discuss it.

Certificate, “diploma”, “credentials”... Lumberjacks and those who decide to become one, do not have forest feller certificates, are concerned about this issue. The reasons for concern are different for everyone: some of the lumberjacks want to raise their self-esteem, formally consolidate their status, and join the ranks of the “pros”; others are forced to purchase wood feller's crusts at the request of the employer; third parties are some kind of collectors of certificates of various specialties, which greatly increases the chance of employment. Moreover, I would like to note that the diploma applicants I listed already have skill, and sometimes serious experience, in felling timber at logging sites.

There is also a main “contingent” of people who need (of their own free will) a forest feller’s certificate. These are students of forestry engineering and forestry institutions, as well as novice loggers who are just beginning to take their first steps in the field of logging.

Is it really necessary for a lumberjack forest feller's certificate? Maybe it's easier to buy it? Or should I still study?

I propose to consider the information below and draw appropriate conclusions.

The privilege of having a forest feller's certificate

Feller's certificates allow a logger, working in government agencies, to receive social benefits, for example, a preferential pension upon achieving forest production. If he works as a forest feller and does not have a certificate, then the benefit does not apply.

Loggers are needed not only in industrial logging. Their experience and work are valued in construction companies and agricultural organizations. Clearing power lines, felling trees with arboriculture elements in urban areas and holiday villages, forestry works - this range of services of forest fellers requires them to have a certificate.

However, how strict is the employer's requirement for crusts when hiring a feller? In our life experience, we are lumberjacks, and we are convinced that for short-term piece work, the employer prefers to save money and hire cheap labor without the presence of a feller. As a rule, these are low-skilled workers from neighboring countries. Benefits do not apply to them, they do not need them, and the employer does not need “expensive” workers. In the event of a tragedy, the employer avoids legal prosecution, since he registers the worker under an employment contract not as a specialist, but as a worker for whom his own safety is legally certified. This, by the way, also applies to experienced forest fellers, but who do not have a feller’s certificate - keep in mind, you can “burn out.”

Who needs a forest feller's license?

I have already mentioned above that certificates are needed for such piecework contracts. By the way, about migrant shift workers. They may be highly qualified specialists, but will their foreign logger’s license be used in our country? I think it will work, but legal issues may still arise! Therefore, the employer may require Russian-style crusts.

I can assure you that intermediary companies (contractors, subcontractors) will be asked to provide feller qualifications when concluding forest felling contracts. Since two legal entities are involved in the “big money game,” the “collision of heads” in any controversial conflicts is very high. These controversial conflicts are: accidents among employees; quality of work, deadlines, etc.

If above I mentioned a partnership between two companies, where the bargaining chip is a forest feller, here we will point out those structures that are directly related to the environmental aspects of the urban environment. These are city utilities. It’s dangerous to joke with the environment, and a specialist with no credentials may sooner or later get into trouble with his employer.

I think it would be unnecessary to talk about industrial procurement. Timber industry enterprises, large logging centers and forestry enterprises require a forest feller's certificate. Otherwise, they put not only the management of the organization, but also the workers themselves under the scaffold, depriving them of compensation for health restoration and various benefits.

What should a certified professional forest feller be able to do?

...Not only to be able to, but also to know!

Of course, a forest feller must be able to use his immediate tool - a gas-powered saw. Moreover, to carry out the felling of trees, both with an assistant and with the help of felling devices. At one time, when we were taught (early 2000s), not all logging organizations switched to imported chainsaws. Many had “Urals” and “Friendships”, so there was no requirement to own felling impact wedges and felling blades (“slingshots” are not “in society” with them). They are still missing. But it was necessary to be able to work with hydraulic devices, albeit theoretically.

The forest feller must be able to follow the technological map! By the way, many tree fellers, who have excellent knowledge of tree felling techniques, do not know how to develop a cutting area. Their felling method is “square-cluster”. They break through highways and technological corridors at their own discretion, “sculpt” numerous “mustaches,” and equip loading areas where they want and in such quantities that are not allowed by the rules for the allocation of logging areas. Sometimes the feller fells the forest without any division - he fells from the wall of the forest. Such forest fellers are really good at cutting, sawing, “ruling” trees and are technically well-versed. But they absolutely do not know the basics of organizing logging sites. These fellers argue furiously and prove their high professionalism to qualified forest fellers, who not only have the crusts, but follow the technology of developing the plot. And at the same time, fellers without crusts are deeply convinced of their high professionalism.

As a result, a forest feller who does not know how to use a technical map presents the employer with a good “surprise” in the form of penalties - destruction of undergrowth, destruction of soil cover. When discussing claims with the employer, the grieving person harbors a grudge and sincerely thinks that the employer wants to punish him either with a “strong word” or with a monetary penalty without good reason.

At the beginning of my career as a feller, I had a rather poor understanding of the cutting area. More experienced colleagues helped me, in particular a tractor driver, who showed me the necessary direction of the highway and the drags. Later, in order to feel more confident, I began to use a compass to lay out the cutting area, which caused ridicule from some members of the team. However, having thus mastered orientation, I independently learned the basics of allocating cutting areas, which helped me in the future to work as a forest foreman. Today, when entering a new cutting area, I show the feller the boundaries of the plot, mark the site for him, outline the main drag and the first technological corridor. I myself have been in “this skin” and I try to help the feller as much as possible.

In addition to the ability to use a technical map, the feller must know the species of tree crops that are intended for felling and their main characteristics. Why is this necessary?

A lumberjack who has a felling certificate must be able to work in a forest park, in reactionary forests. Since there are particularly valuable plantings, it is strictly prohibited to fell them, or to remove such trees in limited quantities. Some of the valuable trees are listed in the Red Book. Moreover, restrictions vary not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries. For example, alder, which in our country is considered a weed tree, is included in the Red Book in the countries of Central Asia.

In addition, the felling specialist must understand the characteristics of wood. Soft-leaved and hard-leaved trees react differently to the “procedure” of cutting: in some places the tree is heavier (pine, birch), in others it is softer (spruce), and in others it is susceptible to rotting and tearing (aspen). The configuration of the crowns and other aspects should also be taken into account. This knowledge allows the feller to fell the corresponding tree without unnecessary “hemorrhoids”.

There are also obligations regarding the rules for selecting trees for cutting, but this requirement is of a high level. I forgot to say that forest feller training ranges from 2-6, which indicates his qualifications. In my second logging certificate, the qualification allows me to remove trees without prior branding. This is the 6th category.

What does it mean? In addition to clear cutting for final use, there is also selective cutting in mature stands. They can be low, medium and high intensity. The entire selection of trees is made as a percentage. If the feller does not have the appropriate qualifications, then he is prohibited from independently sampling at the cutting site, and the trees must first be branded. If the logger has permission, then he has the right to evaluate the sample himself and dump the appropriate volume without analyzing the technical and technical equipment. However, according to the new rules, as far as I know, this rule has been canceled and branding on selective ones is mandatory.

But let’s continue about the selection of trees for felling...

For example, sanitary fellings, where healthy and “promising” ones are left, and bad ones are removed.

In immature stands during thinning, the feller must also know about the selection of trees for felling, which are divided into: best, auxiliary and undesirable.

The feller must have knowledge of the basics of sorting industrial wood. After all, today a forest feller works alone not only in forest parks: he fells, trims, logs. Such knowledge as: business, firewood, liquid, illiquid, sizes and gradation of assortments is included in the qualification of a “forest feller”.

Safety precautions that a tree feller must know are not discussed. Fire safety rules should also not be ignored.

Is all this necessary???

Now let's discuss whether a forest feller really needs to know all this volume of knowledge and skills in order to have a forest feller's certificate?

I dare say that “veterans” will be skeptical, and newcomers will be unpleasantly embarrassed!

Okay...I’ll ask differently, drawing parallels that, in my opinion, are essentially the same: is a driver required to know and remember all road signs, traffic rules, etc. in order to have a driver’s license?

Of course, the driver must know! But does a driver with a driver’s license know all this, who, by the way, has conscientiously studied and received a legally appropriate driving license?

Of course, I won’t generalize, but I will answer - the vast majority of drivers who legally passed their license do not remember much and do not know the rules!!!

Do you understand me?!!!

Let's speculate...

I asked questions without any intention to some drivers when I was traveling with them as a passenger about controversial issues regarding traffic rules on the road, since I myself had forgotten a lot. Some of them are first class drivers and have extensive driving experience, but cannot (do not know or do not remember) give me an answer.

Indeed, why remember, for example, those traffic signs that may never be needed in life. Not all cities have trams and horse-drawn carriages, and not all have multi-way traffic. For villagers whose settlements are forever cut off from the city, pedestrian markings will be nonsense, just like a traffic light for small regional centers.

Those who live in megacities are forced to know traffic rules perfectly, as they regularly follow these rules in everyday life. And yet, knowing them well, many residents of cities with a population of one million ignore the “code of laws.”

We can see a similar picture in forest life. Loggers who work in large-scale industrial logging, in protected forests, and on contracts are also forced to know their specialization and specifications perfectly. And, on the contrary, the forester “Petrusha from Zamurigin”, who spends his entire life cutting down a swamp in the forestry enterprise, where there is no need to preserve undergrowth and topography, does not need to know what a technical map is. They will buy him a certificate for formality. Indeed, many loggers who clear-cut trees may never work in intermediate felling, harvest specific assortments, or engage in arboriculture. Why does a feller need to know the rules for selecting trees for felling, since the marking will be done by a master or forester? Only, unless the lumberjack wonders why he has to leave a cubical, tall tree in the cutting area, but he needs to cut down a rotten and multi-vertexed one!

Therefore, a certificate is a certificate, and knowledge, I think, is by choice and desire. As a more profitable alternative to crusts, go to a forestry or forestry technical school.

How to purchase a forest feller's license

Legal and illegal!

The first legal option is full-time and part-time study. I’ll say right away that the correspondence form is a fake, but legal (although who knows...).

Full-time training involves training as a lumberjack by visiting a training center. There is nothing wrong with this and, in 99% of cases, you will receive this same certificate. The 1% out of 100 that you will not pass is the state in which you will be present during the studies. I mean the state of being “drunk”. Still, the requirements for the exam are not as severe as when passing for a driver’s license :)

Training courses can also be held on the employer’s premises, as the parties agree. What about those lumberjacks who want to unlearn and get a crust? There is nothing complicated. Information about training centers and courses can be provided by the local forestry enterprise - they definitely have it. These are usually the centers closest to you. Call and ask the organizers how you can get your ID. If there is a planned training for local logging organizations, they will visit your locality themselves. If not, find out about upcoming courses in nearby cities. You can study together with employees of logging companies, or you can do it individually.

Men who have reached the age of majority - 18 years old, with no medical contraindications, are allowed to train and receive feller credentials.

How are classes going? I'm sure it's different everywhere. For example, we were trained “all in one group” - fellers from several forest districts of two forestry enterprises (state and rural), plus private owners. In addition, crosscutters, loppers, and tractor drivers trained with us. Of course, together we studied only theoretical knowledge for two days. It only took us all a day to complete the practical training. Although the practical hours of classes are overestimated. I will say this - we all already had confidence in the tool, since we worked on a regular basis at the cutting sites of a state specialized institution. This fact has been taken into account, although it does not change the general rules of training.

Theoretical knowledge is given in the form of lectures and illustrated. As an addition, the teacher gave examples from his own experience in order to avoid fatal mistakes when felling.

On the provision of first aid, the lectures were given by a woman, an active doctor. The demonstration and “practice” of providing assistance was carried out on us and by us under the supervision of a specialist teacher. I was given the role of assisting with a wound to the carotid artery. I handled it confidently, since I remembered this practice from army life.

The theory exam consists of a “blind” selection of exam cards with questions. Time is given to prepare an answer, and then the certification commission accepts the exam.

Practical tasks consisted of visiting the forest, where we were taken in several GAZ-66s by our own drivers. Examiners check the sequential assembly and disassembly of the instrument and the equipment of the examinee. They select a specific tree for the feller and ask him to fell it in the required place. They check the preparation of the workplace and monitor the actions of the feller. Then, based on the results of the tree felling, a rating is given.

An illegal option for obtaining a certificate is to purchase it from “shady companies.” Whether it is worth buying a certificate or studying is entirely up to you. Like the parallel I have already given - buying a driver’s license without studying or legally studying at a driving school, and then obtaining a driver’s license.

What documents are given to the feller?

The direct document of a forest feller is a certificate, they are also “crusts”. I can’t say whether there is a single model of a forest feller’s certificate, and for how long it is valid today. I only know that some training centers include knowledge testing protocol, license. In order to further “make capital”, training centers issue a specialist a certificate with a limited validity period - for 5 years, with an annual retest of knowledge. Next comes recertification.

In conclusion about the forest feller's certificate

Friends – share how you feel about having a feller’s certificate. Tell us how you received and were trained as a forest feller. Perhaps there is a training center for training specialized specialists in your locality. This information will help your non-graduate colleagues in acquiring forest feller certificates.

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Logging has been an extremely important profession for humanity for many centuries. Since ancient times, wood and the workers who could work with it at different stages were very highly valued. And it is quite a mistake to believe that in the age of reinforced concrete and modern materials, wood has lost its relevance, rather the opposite. Nowadays such an environmentally friendly resource is especially highly valued, and with it the profession of a forest feller.

Description of the profession

A modern forest feller is a true professional in his field, who is able not only to cut trees, but also to competently plan the entire work process. Because with an unscrupulous approach, not only the forest eco-system may suffer, but also the people who work on the perimeter.

The main tool for a lumberjack is, of course, a chainsaw. However, this tool appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and before that, specialists in the field of deforestation used ordinary saws and axes.

In addition, the modern feller has tools at his disposal such as a rope, an ax and a hydraulic felling wedge. And it’s impossible to imagine a modern lumberjack without special equipment, which includes glasses, headphones, gloves, and a mask.

Where can you get a profession as a forest feller?

In order to become a forest feller, you can take special courses, which are offered at almost every forestry. The future specialist is taught the basics of work, told about specific features and taught to competently communicate with the main tool - a chainsaw.

If you need a more complete understanding of the work, then it is best to go to a forestry technical school. The essence of the educational program is exactly the same as that of preliminary training courses in forestry, but much more time is devoted to this.

After completing the training, the future specialist will undergo certification, which will reveal the level of his training. First there is a written exam, where it will be necessary to demonstrate knowledge of a chainsaw, safety rules when working with it, as well as methods of felling trees. Then there is testing of practical skills - working with a chainsaw.

There are also professional retraining and advanced training courses. After completing such courses, you can increase your level of rank, which increases your salary and creates new prospects for career growth.

Classes of forest fellers

Today, there are six categories in the forest felling profession, but only those specialists who have a 6th category can engage directly in felling trees. All others have the right to perform only work on preparing the perimeter, carry out cleaning afterwards, and also cut down knots. Therefore, it is most promising to immediately receive the 6th category, and not increase it gradually.

Responsibilities of a forest feller

The profession of a forest feller has an extremely clear and strict job description, which spells out all his responsibilities:

    cutting down trees, bushes, brushwood, as well as collecting firewood, sorting raw materials and destroying waste is permitted only in accordance with state standards;

    thorough preparation of the perimeter for felling: good and safe access for all equipment, high visibility of the area, checking for the absence of strangers;

    regular inspection of entrusted instruments;

    during work, monitor the site and its boundaries to prevent dangerous situations;

    Only cut down specified trees.

Requirements for the skills and personal qualities of a forest feller

A forest feller belongs to the category of professions that require not only physical strength, but also a certain character.

Thus, a modern lumberjack must have good spatial thinking and high organizational skills in order to properly prepare the site for felling and give clear instructions to the rest of the team members.

In addition, the following qualities are highly valued among representatives of this profession: self-discipline, stress resistance, responsibility, composure. No less useful will be the skill of monitoring the situation around you without losing concentration on completing the task at hand.

Since this field of activity involves teamwork, we must not forget about communication skills and the ability to quickly and clearly express one’s thoughts.

Like many centuries ago, the profession of felling is designed for physically strong and resilient people. Therefore, there are a number of medical restrictions: firstly, persons with disabilities and mental disorders are categorically not allowed to work, and secondly, problems with the heart or musculoskeletal system will also cause a categorical ban on working in this specialty. Another reason for refusal to hire will be joint diseases.

In order to confirm your professional suitability, you must first undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which you will be issued a special certificate of admission to work as a forest feller.

Forest feller salary level

The highest salary level is for a 6th category feller; it can reach 60,000 rubles. If we talk about lower categories, then the amount varies in the range from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles.

At the same time, the profession of feller is the highest paid in Krasnoyarsk, where it is 60,000 rubles. But the region where the average salary is 70,000 rubles is the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Pros and cons of the profession of a forest feller

Among benefits When choosing this specialty, it is worth noting:

    High demand;

    Enduring relevance;

    High salary level;

    Work outdoors.

TO negative aspects worth mentioning:

    Hazardous working conditions;

    Stressful situation during work;

    Hard physical labor.