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More on the fandom "Rowling Joan "Harry Potter"". Good habits: never lie – Never communicated with him

« I won't lie“- this phrase was once imprinted with thin lines of scars on my hand. No, now there is no trace of them left, but there was a time when I looked at my hand and smiled to myself. Too suitable a phrase for my whole life. I have never really lied, and this is the truest truth. If this happens, of course. I didn’t lie when I told my aunt how glad I was to leave her house and never see my “beloved” relatives again. I didn’t lie to my friends; in fact, I was very concerned about their fate. And I didn’t want their participation in the final battle at all. I didn't lie to Ginny when I told her she had to find someone else, someone whose life wasn't sacrificed to the struggle between the Dark and Light sides. I have never lied to Sirius. Indeed, we could become a family. Live together, have fun. I didn't incriminate myself by saying that I hated Draco Malfoy. This blonde bastard has been pissing me off for a long time. However, he doesn’t “love” me very much either. Without hiding it, I brought it to Hagrid’s attention that his favorite animals are cute creatures. And Hagrid himself is a great friend. I really truly admired Fred and George and enjoyed spending time with them. And being a catcher, for me, is a hobby and just a pleasant addition to my studies, although it is flattering to hear laudatory odes in my honor. But this is not a secret either. I never lied when I said I hated potions. And that it’s all about the teacher. I did not deceive old Dumbledore, who constantly talks about equality, brotherhood and eternal love. And every time, promising to meet Tom Riddle in a duel and try to emerge victorious, I again did not lie. In a conversation with Molly and Arthur, I was sincerely touched when I heard: “You are like Harry’s son to us.” I never lied to my dean. I really tried hard not to break the rules, to study well, to be diligent and obedient in everything. Even Rita Skeeter was awarded the truth, only the truth and nothing else, and the fact that her pen wrote down some kind of nonsense is not for me. The new Minister was very grateful for the promise to end Voldemort. And he was even more pleased with my word, backed by an oath never to claim his place. And even more so, I never lied, honestly declaring that after school I would certainly fight criminals. I may have skilfully left the story unfinished, moved the conversation to other topics, slightly embellished the reality or, on the contrary, exaggerated the story, but I did not deceive. It’s just that everything was a little different from what others were used to thinking. - What are you writing, darling? - an unexpected hiss, literally in the ear, will make anyone drop a stack of parchments. I have nothing to do with the fact that all the other things flew off the table. Who is to blame that the arms are long and the table is so short? In addition, dropping extra items on the floor turned out to be very useful. Some tireless individuals are ready to use any horizontal surface, most often for completely different purposes. And if suddenly the surface turns out to be vertical, then with one (maybe two) graceful wave of the wand it is quickly given the required shape. This time there was no magic. Yeah, I’ll be able to sit down normally only in the evening. Thanks for good regeneration. More precisely, a certain basilisk, which greatly contributed to the development of such a useful skill today. - I can’t understand why you write them, you still don’t show them to anyone, you’re not even going to publish them to me? - it sounded offended. Therefore, in order not to escalate the situation, I had to kiss apologetically on the cheeks, lips, forehead and the remaining parts of the face. As a result, I was again seated on the former desk. Now I definitely won’t be able to sit normally, even regeneration won’t cope until the evening. And this is not the first time that damned memoirs have caused such a negative reaction. And they also say that my husband’s work is exhausting, they say, all he has to do is come home and immediately sleep, right on the doorstep, apparently. Uh-huh, of course. I can literally crawl to the porch of the mansion, because some have blocked the fireplaces, and I lose my portkeys. Apparating, breaking through all the shields in the state of “Merlin, I’ll never go into this cave alone again,” is dangerous for the moral health of my husband and my physical health. And so you crawl to the door and quietly slip into the house. I can also call the house-elf, he will quietly take me to the room, where I quickly make myself look more presentable. Only then do I appear before the bright (figuratively speaking) eyes of my husband. - Harry, when you finish your essays, be so kind as to look into the blue living room, we are planning a poker game. Without your presence, I’m afraid I won’t be able to be a worthy opponent to our guests. Yeah, of course he can't. Some people just blatantly use the opportunity to delve into my head, that's the whole way to win. I quietly walk around the living room, pretending to be a storm of activity, simultaneously looking at the cards for those who like evening gatherings. But not at this time. I must finally finish the letter. This is not a memoir at all. Why did the annoying husband get it? Just think, I’m writing in an old diary, well, we don’t have paper lying around freely. No, that's all. So where did I stop, ah... I never lie. And, alas, this is the honest truth. And if you read this part of the letter, you can be convinced of my words. I really left my aunt’s “native” house with enormous joy, leaving ashes behind me. Dudlichka couldn't stand even five minutes of Crucio, Vernon broke on the fourth cutting spell, weakling. Petunia died quickly. Exclusively out of great love for the memory of my mother. Hermione and Ron were not supposed to participate in the final battle. These two could easily have hurt someone I care about. Therefore, I had to neutralize 2/3 of the “Gryffindor trio” myself. Ginny, well, she could definitely find someone else instead of keeping running after me. Firstly, I come from a slightly different background and have never been particularly attracted to girls, and secondly, my husband is very jealous. I feel sorry for the stupid girl, may she rest in peace. Godfather, well, if he had been just a little smarter and less impulsive, you wouldn’t have had to send him to the Arch. And yes, in a different situation, we could have become a family. Only the layout should be very “different”. To begin with, the godfather would have to change his views on the situation in the magical world. And then change sides, I suppose. Draco Malfoy is truly a rare bastard, he constantly ratted me out to one of our mutual acquaintances. No, I understand being a Slytherin is a way of life, but to knock so brazenly! And now he is sincerely surprised by my attacks on him, periodically flutters his eyelashes in disbelief, making an expression on his face: “how can you offend such a sweetheart like me.” So what do I mean, if you (you) happen to communicate with one of the Malfoys (and you definitely will), you can expect anything from them, but the blond bastards are distinguished by one striking feature - they will always find benefit for themselves in everything . Therefore, it is worth staying close, or keeping them close. Yes, and they are excellent friends, if you manage to get this title. They definitely don’t leave their own people in trouble. But in order to become one of the Malfoys, you must, at a minimum, try to take over the magical world, thereby “earning” respect. Hagrid is a different story. His nursery is now the most famous in all of England. True, one former forester did not cope, but with the help of Charlie Weasley, who not so long ago returned to England at the request of the twins, it was quite possible. And by the way, yes, spending time next to red hurricanes is fun. Despite my terribly jealous husband. Although for some reason he is not particularly jealous of them. Strange. So, what else is there, oh catcher - forgive me without comment, the feeling of flight, boundless freedom and joy is still overwhelming, you just have to climb higher on a broom or. .. however, this is not relevant. Our “favorite” potion maker. Alas, Snape still doesn’t like me very much, although he has begun to respect me, and that’s bread. And before, we were completely at odds. Severus believed that I was an impulsive, stupid boy who could ruin the best-laid plan. And I quietly hated, or rather was jealous of him. My then-non-husband spent too much time next to the “horror of Hogwarts.” Thank heavens, Snape and I were smart enough to talk normally, practically without breaking anything, to clarify all the “grievances” and come to more or less acceptable relations. But our picks still delight the ears of others. On the other hand, who else can I sharpen my wit on? Dumbledore, oh, what can I say - the old man was right. Love saves everything and everyone. I was silent then about the equalizing ideas of the former Hogwarts headmaster, and I will remain silent now. There is no universal equality, there has not been and there will not be. The promised duel with Voldemort, by the way, took place, I have nothing to blame. Of course, it didn’t go quite as planned by our esteemed director. More precisely, the outcome of that meeting was different. Now, I’m sincerely sorry for Rita, there’s no need to write down so precisely everything that the hero of the magical world carries after the third bottle of firewhisky. I repent, I got drunk, celebrating the “victory.” Who knew that Rita would be within sight, and I, driven by the desire to pour out my soul to at least someone, chose an unsuitable candidate for this. Okay, Snape showed up and straightened things out. And Rita? Well, peace be with her ashes. Molly and Arthur Weasley touched me with their arrogance and naivety. I would never, for any money in the world, want to be their son, even an adopted one. The only “normal” older children quickly left home as soon as they turned seventeen. Well, we worked well with them and became friends. Bill also advises the Auror on financial issues. Charlie, in addition to the nursery, often gives advice on working with dangerous types of evil spirits and magical animals. The twins, in general, occupy an entire department for the development of new artifacts. I wouldn’t even let them go home from the Auror, otherwise someone might steal valuable employees. Their parents were less fortunate, the war, you know. Unexpected curses that deprive you of magical powers. And the need to live in the Muggle world, because squibs have no place in magical society. Minister? Oh, never for any magical artifacts, I do not agree to be in his place. A puppet in the wrong hands, he-who-everyone-around-was lying to. Therefore, I thank you very much, but I’m not bad in my place. And, by the way, I really fight criminals, moreover, I work in the Auror, and just to finish it off - as the chief Auror. Perhaps I am unacceptably young for such a position, but here my husband was adamant. Either I lead “all these psychos” (my husband’s words), or he will contribute to the reorganization of the Auror as an “office”, and in the country, of course, not without his help, not only our opposition will unfold, but also all possible “petty” murderers and robbers . And if I don’t want the unexpected death of my dearest husband from the stray curse of some thief, then... no one gave me a choice. And even weak attempts to object that my husband would hit anyone with a crazy or not so crazy curse, did not have the desired effect. That's how we live. My beloved husband disappears in the ministry, using bad words to commemorate his shortsightedness when he personally offered me the position of chief auror. After all, as my dear husband believed, I would only do paperwork, verbally criticize the actions of careless subordinates, but certainly not personally go on particularly dangerous missions. But locking me at home was somehow not very diplomatic. Thanks to Malfoy Sr. for a convincing lecture on the dangers of confined spaces for active Gryffindors in general, and for wizard heroes. the world in particular. In general, dear son, or daughter, or... if you are reading this letter, it means I am alive, healthy and feeling great, you just have already matured enough that you can find out the truth. And better from the original source. And at the same time, perhaps this letter will teach you something. For starters, your dad is no hero, he doesn’t even look like a “standard” Gryffindor, but I think you’ve already been told that. But, I have one important detail of the body - brains, which sometimes it’s not a sin to use. For example, when choosing friends and sides. Thanks to the undoubtedly correct choice once made, we now live in a relatively stable country. Where most magicians are quite happy with the new Minister. After all, unlike the old ones, he really cares about the people. Yes, some were not satisfied with the law regarding Muggle-borns, but you must admit that Muggles will not raise a normal wizard. Moreover, adoptive parents raise the baby as if they were their own, having previously carried out the full ritual of adoption into the family or family, this is at their discretion. And then the grown-up wizard, going to the first year of school, does not feel like an outcast, and navigates the magical world no worse than purebred peers. And the concept of “mudblood” is becoming a thing of the past. Now, when choosing spouses, parents of ancient pureblood families look at the magical power of the candidates, the position of the Family in society, and, well, their financial condition. Yes, to be honest, after going through the ritual of adoption into the clan/family, the child automatically receives all the skills and knowledge of his parents that would be passed on to their own child. By the way, I unearthed the ritual in the Auror’s archive by accident. As Severus says: “only you could have found such a treasure by accident.” Although, most likely, they told you about this. But no one, perhaps, said where my supposedly best friends went. The same ones that were part of the famous “Gryffindor trio”. Officially, Hermione and Ron left England immediately after Dumbledore's death and the fall of the Order of the Phoenix. My “beloved” friends, acquaintances and relatives are sure that this was so. But neither Granger nor her red-haired friend left London. You know, the most difficult thing must always be done with your own hands. And, if you cannot do something yourself, then it would be cowardice to entrust your “mission” to someone else. Do I regret it? No, not a bit. We were friends in name only. They never tried to understand me, living in an imaginary world, continuing to be friends with an imaginary hero. Without ever opening your eyes, without trying to look into my soul. Although, who would let them in there? But, one way or another, neither Hermione nor Ron would ever accept the new structure of the world. But enormous problems could be expected from them. I had to sacrifice ex-friendship. Sometimes it seems to me that the twins guess everything, but are silent. Perhaps they are hesitant to hear the truth. Their right, but if Fred or George wanted to know what happened to their emotionally unstable little brother, I wouldn't lie. No matter how hard it may be to confess. In conclusion, I want to say: I don’t regret anything. Dumbledore was right, love saved me. But not quite the way the old man wanted. Well, not all plans go according to plan. Albus did not imagine that then in his first year, while still just a child, Harry Potter would decide on a deliberate “adult” act. And he will listen with pleasure to the representative of the other side, only then will he label him: “bad”, “good” and “conditionally good”. Who knew that during the resurrection and training, we would not only make friends with Tom and his Eaters, but also decide to fulfill the prophecy. The real thing, and not a fake kindly slipped in by the director. And also, if they tell you that my beloved husband contributed to the death of your grandfather and grandmother, don’t believe it. It's all the fault of Dumbledore and his Order. The old man planned it all. He also planned my life, with the tragic death in my seventh year at the hands of Tom. So, it serves him right. Oh, I wanted to write a small message, but it turned out to be a full-fledged letter. Well, okay, then I’ll take my leave. And I really hope that you (whoever you are) will not be disappointed in your daddy. G.D. Potter-Riddle.

“Are you okay?” - "Yes!" – and turned her nose to the wall. Sound familiar? Of course, lies in response to the questions “how are you?”, “Is everything okay?”, “Aren’t you offended?” – is considered the most common in both women and men. Otherwise there are many differences.

1. We are all successful, and also of unearthly beauty.

For example, both of them lie to impress their interlocutor, but men do it more often. Sometimes it’s not even a matter of the impression itself, but a subconscious intention to reinforce one’s own self-image and raise self-esteem. A man would rather embellish information about who he works for and how much he earns. And, for example, both sexes lie approximately equally about their popularity with the opposite sex, but would-be gentlemen are more likely to exaggerate the number of connections, and ladies are more likely to exaggerate the number of rejected admirers.

Women often lie about their appearance - and they believe their lies. Wishful thinking. Why not say that you weigh two kilograms less if you've been on a diet since Monday? Also, according to research, girls lie about purchases, in conversation by overestimating the cost of a dress for their friends and understating it for their partner, especially in the case of a joint budget.

2. We are also nice and help each other

Men's lies for the sake of mutual assistance are already the subject of jokes and other literature. “Yes, Gosha and I played billiards all evening. No, we drank a little, he hardly drank at all.” By the way, about the amount of alcohol consumed is a separate reason for lying, and, as a rule, not for ladies.

Women lie much more often out of altruism, a reluctance to make someone uncomfortable. We strive to spare feelings, not to offend, to avoid scandal. Oops, this also includes a taboo topic - simulating an orgasm.

The reason a woman lies to make a person feel better is due to her upbringing - what kind of parents don’t teach a girl to be nice. That is why a girl is more likely to say that her colleague is getting a bad haircut. Men, in turn, are less likely to give false compliments and are more likely to remain silent. Unless they honestly answer the question “Am I fat?”, but this is sacred.

Everyone involved in this lies about cheating. There cannot be exact statistics here, but something suggests that the ratio of boys/girls here is approximately the same, well, maybe with a slight advantage to boys due to imaginary bachelors. Altruism with the desire to avoid scandal, and, in essence, simply not to change one’s life, works in this case equally for both sexes.

It works equally well in harmless routine situations: when trying to avoid an unpleasant conversation (“I was on the subway, there was no connection”), the reasons for being late (“there’s a huge traffic jam”), the time of delay (“I’ll be there in five minutes”). Also about the speed of completing work, but this is more likely due to the tendency to overestimate oneself in specific people, mainly choleric and melancholic people, regardless of gender.

4. Style of lying

Girls are usually easier to catch in lies. And the point is not that we are not cool-blooded enough or have less control over ourselves. We are becoming more creative, which can either help or hurt. Women are more likely to tell complex stories with a plot. Sometimes this is justified, but certainly not in those cases where a man would remain silent or limit himself to a short, vague phrase.

Although people in general are not very good at detecting lies, we all mistakenly believe that we are successful at it. This is confirmed by numerous psychological experiments, where subjects were asked to mix truth and falsehood, and their interlocutors were asked to recognize where one is and where the other is.

Therefore, if you really need to lie, it’s not difficult to do. But it's better to follow some rules.

5. At the start, attention, time!

First, quality lies need to be processed. Improvisation is, of course, good, but if it comes to something important, don’t take risks. Think through the story to the smallest detail, make sure that it is logical, that it does not contradict your usual way of life, and keep it in your head all the time. At the same time, don’t give away the whole story: the shorter the lie, the better. Thoughtful but unspoken additional details are your safety net; they will come in handy in case of unexpected questions. By the way, it is best to mix lies and truth; real facts will give weight to the story.

Secondly, watch your non-verbal language. Don’t hide your gaze, but don’t look into the eyes either - this is how you show that you are watching the reaction of your interlocutor. It's better to look at the face as a whole. Don’t fiddle with anything, watch your hands – this is also a common mistake. But don’t be too tight, don’t limit your facial expressions and gestures. A closed posture is your enemy. If it is difficult not to twitch and there is an appropriate opportunity, lie on the phone. After all, we perceive most of the information non-verbally, don’t forget about it.

It would be unnecessary to say that the best way to lie convincingly is to believe your story. But this is not necessary either, very few people initially expect a catch, and it’s all about expectations. This is especially true for loved ones - they themselves want to justify you, it is emotionally comfortable for them. Therefore, if you have absolutely no conscience, go ahead and lie to them all.

I'm lying! Don’t go ahead, but think again whether you need it. Still, being honest is nice and beautiful. Sometimes we all need to tell ourselves that more often.

A lie is something that every person uses, whether forced or of his own free will. There are catastrophically few people who have decided never to lie. It’s an amazing thing: everyone around us just keeps saying that it’s bad to deceive, you can’t lie to others, but in the end it turns out that “providing deliberately false information that does not correspond to the truth” is part of our life, a feature of our behavior that helps us get around sharp corners and avoid unnecessary problems, turn the situation in your direction, etc.

What happens if a person decides never to lie?

Making the decision to never lie is a responsible and very difficult step, which not everyone will decide to take. According to leading psychologists, if a person always tells only the truth, his life will become more measured and thoughtful. A truth-seeker will not want to find himself in situations where, logically, it would not hurt to start dodging, and therefore he will begin to weigh his every word and action.

Personal growth and development coaches are confident that never lie to anyone - a character trait that can only be inherent in a strong, self-confident person. If you tell the truth, it means you have your own opinion, are independent of the actions and words of others, and are able to make decisions independently.

Usually people who tell the truth know how to stand up for themselves. When they find themselves in uncomfortable situations, they do not try to embellish everything that is happening; they speak directly, without embarrassment or fear of running into misunderstandings.

One should not assume that a truth-teller is an upstart who always and everywhere “shoves” his truth. If a person knows how to reason and compromises, the truthful information he says will be received by others calmly and with understanding.

How to learn to never lie

The first step that a person who has decided never to lie to anyone needs to take is to try in every possible way to prevent the occurrence of tense situations where it is quite difficult to do without lying.

For example, if you do not want to go somewhere, come up with a real activity in advance that you will do during the trip. Thus, when inviting you, you don’t have to come up with pseudo illnesses, non-existent meetings with friends, relatives, but suffice it to say that 5 days ago I planned this or that time for myself.

The second step is not to pretend to be something that you really are not. The one who needs it will appreciate you anyway. Why, in this case, humiliate yourself and get out of it, if many of your social circles are not particularly valuable to you.

The third step is to think about every action and decision. Most people lie because they are embarrassed or ashamed of their actions and understand that serious mistakes have been made. If you do only what you are 100 percent sure of, you will not be ashamed of your actions, and therefore there will be no reason to lie.

If you look at what good habits people have, not lying is one of the most important. Let's respect ourselves and others and tactfully tell each other only the truth.

A frank and atypical interview with Shakhtar coach Dmitry Povoroznyuk and Sergei Bolotnikov.

– Who would you invite for coffee if you could choose?

– Difficult question... If a football person, then most likely Guardiola.

– Have you ever talked to him?

- No. I really like his playing – I’m sure we would talk about a lot.

– Guardiola is considered a revolutionary in football. Do you have such a desire - to bring something new, your own, to the game?

“I just want to do what I believe in.” And I want people to believe in my ideas. I really love the game. But I don’t want to make a revolution. I just want to be myself.

– Have you read Guardiola’s book “My Way”?

– I’ve already read several of his books, but I haven’t read the last one yet.

– Are such books somehow useful for coaches?

- Certainly. I try to buy books about the game to keep up with football, to try to understand the ideas of other coaches.

– Do you have enough time for books?

– Yes, I read a lot. I love investigations, even romantic stories. If we talk about the last ten books that I read, one of my favorite writers is Ken Follett (author of the novel “The Eye of the Needle,” which sold 12 million copies. –

– How many hours a day do you work?

– Consider it – training in the morning, then maybe a meeting of the coaching staff. If he’s not there, I go home and try to watch our training sessions and the opponent’s matches.

Every coach at least thinks about football 24 hours a day. It's impossible to switch off from this. Although, of course, there are times when you need to do this. If you get too focused, your head can explode.

- How do you switch off?

- I'm going to the gym. Having lunch with my friends. Watching movies. I'm reading again. My methods are simple.

– When do you go to bed and wake up?

– I go to bed very late - not earlier than half past two in the morning. And I wake up early - around 7 am. I always want to be the first to arrive at training. I have to fight sleep.

“For me, having even one player like Ronaldo in the team is a problem.”

– During training, you are always with a laptop, you use a lot of other equipment, you have a serious analytical department. Don't you think all this work with numbers is a little overrated?

– I have a fantastic coaching staff that makes my job easier. We film and sometimes analyze our workouts. This helps to build a training week, properly prepare for matches, and evaluate what exactly needs to be improved. When studying an opponent, analytics is incredibly important - how, without rebuilding your playing style, you can understand what to do against this opponent.

– Ferguson and van Gaal wrote in their books that the computerization of football does not have such prospects as everyone talks about it. Because technology will never show the player’s mood and speed of decision-making. According to them, the more coaches delve into numbers, the more they lose the ability to feel the player.

– I agree in many respects. Football is, of course, about emotions, not numbers. A coach must have data, but I'm not a person who pays too much attention to that. Football is never the same. Indicators can change dramatically from one game to another. Relationships with players are more important to me than tactical, technical and physical data.

– Don’t you think that football has become too mechanical, robotic? Lots of tactics, discipline, no playmaker, less and less improvisation.

– This topic is often discussed by coaches now. And in general, many people wonder why the players don’t do what Maradona did, why no one feints like before. But because the defenders have become much better. Football has evolved and the organization of collective action has come to the fore.

– 11 Cristiano Ronaldo in the team – is it a disaster or a gift for you?

– I think it’s impossible. Even more than one is impossible. There should be 10 players, each of whom performs his own task and works for the team.

Cree is the pride of our country, he is simply fantastic, he knows how to decide the outcome of a match on his own. But for me, as a coach, having even one such player is a problem.

– Another example is Krivtsov. He gives the impression of a very erudite person. But it always seemed to me that as a player he does not reach Shakhtar’s level. How important is player intelligence to you? Do such players get any advantage?

– We need smart players. Nowadays the intelligence of football players is much higher than before when I played. Because football has become so complex, tactical, it is a matter of small details - if a player does not understand all this complex mechanism, it will be very difficult for him.

At least to play in my teams, football players must be erudite. We even try to develop the players, make them think more, so that they can predict what will happen on the field.

– Recently, two mathematicians determined that a football coach is the most difficult profession in the world. According to their statistics, in top championships coaches are fired on average after 1 year and 2 months. 15 coaches constantly work in top clubs - they just change places. And 90% realize their chance in only 1-2 clubs. In your opinion, is this really the most difficult profession?

For me, football is love. I can’t imagine myself outside of it and wouldn’t trade my profession for any other.

Of course it's not easy. You have to be a leader for 25 young guys, you have to maintain your own personality, but at the same time manage them - make sure that they act as one team and think in its best interests. But I have a privilege - any person who does what he loves is privileged.

– What about constant stress?

– This is because of the demands on oneself. Even when I win, I'm not always happy. But it is important to find a balance. Many coaches are great professionals, but they fail to be emotionally stable. This is very important for success. I have to constantly think about what kind of relationship I have with the players, how they feel in the team.

I never lie to those I work with. Never. And the players know this. Sometimes it is very difficult, but I agree that the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie.

– Have you often been deceived?

– When I was a player, people often lied to me. Therefore, when I became a coach, I promised myself that I would never do this.

– Then let’s be honest – after the defeat to Young Boys, could you leave the team?

- I can leave at any time. There is a saying in Portugal: a coach should always have his suitcases packed. If the club is not satisfied with my work, I will be the first to say: “Okay, bye.” But at Shakhtar I never felt this.

Of course, then I was not sure of anything. I arrived at a new club, big changes were happening in my life. There were doubts. But I will never doubt my ideas.

- What about the 4-4-2 at the beginning of your career at Shakhtar, which you later abandoned? Was this a mistake?

- Don't think. I just felt that the team is used to playing 4-2-3-1, it’s more comfortable for them. I had no problem admitting it and going back to the old pattern.

It's easy to say that the problem is in the formation when the ball doesn't go into the goal. But in the match with Young Boys or in the Super Cup a year ago, when we played 4-4-2 and lost, everyone said that Shakhtar were better and deserved to win. We could go to Switzerland having won 6:0 in the first match. And there - away, on synthetics, according to the same scheme with two forwards - we had 8 clear scoring chances.

– Explain in more detail what the difference is between 4-4-2 and the current scheme.

– The conditions in which Shakhtar play in the Ukrainian Championship are the most difficult for any coach. 80% of the game takes place in the last 30-40 meters from the opponent's goal. 11 players are closed in defense, setting up a bus. And now you need to open up areas where they basically don’t exist.

The tactical scheme is not the most important thing at all. But operating in a 4-4-2, we had more opportunities to be deeper in the opponent’s penalty area. Now there is no such opportunity, but we operate more compactly in the center of the field. Overall, the 4-4-2 is very similar to the formation we use now. We reach the opponent's goal in the same way as then. The placement of the wingers in both formations is the same. Full backs act the same way. Supporter too. The only change is the completion zone. That is, the difference is one player.

– But would you like to return to 4-4-2 in the future?

- Yes, most likely I will return - I don’t know, at Shakhtar or another club. I like her more. If you work it out well, it is very difficult to play against such a team.

- How else does your team differ from Lucescu’s Shakhtar and does it much better - when they lose the ball, the players quickly come back. How did you do it?

– This is one of the main principles of our game - actions when the team loses the ball. We work on this component a lot.

This needs to be literally hammered into the players' heads. Their first thought should be that as soon as we lose the ball, we should react immediately. The players understand that if you have to run 5 meters to grab the ball, then you won’t have to run 40. And the faster we get the ball, the closer we will be to the opponent’s goal - we will be able to aggravate things when the opponent is not yet organized. Our team is very compact, there is not much space between our players and the opponent - this allows us to create a numerical advantage when losing the ball. And this causes psychological fatigue in the opponent because they cannot possess the ball for long.

But as for Lucescu, I never compared myself to him. I really respect this man and the work he did at Shakhtar. We have radically changed Shakhtar's style, but I don't want to say whether it is worse or better than Lucescu's style. He's just different.

“Perhaps the decision regarding Kucher was the most difficult in my entire life.”

– By the way, about Lucescu. Have you communicated with him this year?

- No never.

- Why?

- There was no need. I never do that. And no one talked to me after leaving. I think this is not necessary, it can only do harm. It turns out that you come to the club and you already have formed ideas about the players. But I don’t want to know anything until I see and get to know the players myself. Often in such moments there are a lot of lies. They tell you that this player is like this, and the other is like that. Then you work with them and you don’t notice anything like that.

– This summer you removed one of the team leaders – Alexander Kucher, with whom the team never lost last season. What inspired you?

– I really respect and love Kucher - he really was one of the leaders in the team and did a lot for it. But all cycles end someday. Players don't last forever, and neither do coaches. And we need to think about the future of the team. We felt we needed to bring in someone young.

– Is saying goodbye to such players the most difficult thing in a coaching career?

- Before Shakhtar, I didn’t spend more than a year in any club, as you know. And they said goodbye to me more often than I did. Now I find myself in a situation where I’m building a team for the second year – and I had to make such decisions. Perhaps the decision regarding Kucher was the most difficult of my entire life. It was very difficult for me to tell him this.

But the coach must have the strength to separate feelings and rationality. When the time comes to decide what is best for the club, the coach must forget all feelings. If I had not done this, Kucher would now continue to play in the team.

– How was your meeting?

– When you tell the truth, everything turns out much easier. I explained to Kucher why we are not renewing the contract. We didn't have any quarrels. He understood everything, agreed with my words, we hugged. I thanked him and said that I was always ready to help him if needed.

– What number in his statistics became key?

- None. If I had looked at the numbers, he would have stayed.

– In the match with Konyaspor, Stepanenko specifically earned a yellow card in order to reset, for which he was punished by UEFA. Was this your idea?

- I won't lie. It is clear that this was a thoughtful act. And I am the only one responsible for this. It's not the player's fault.

– Do you think it was fair?

– This could have been done a little differently, more hidden. But this happens in all teams.

- You do not allow your loaned players to play against Shakhtar. Explain.

– If you take the top European championships, loaned players there also do not play against their clubs. Just imagine that such a player accidentally scores an own goal or gives away a penalty. This is an accident, this could easily happen. But people, of course, will think - you see, they are playing along with Shakhtar. We must protect players from this.

- Okay, there really are downsides. But there are also advantages. Aren't there more of them?

– Players develop in such matches, your opponents become more competitive.

– One or two games per season do not affect the evolution of a player. But they could kill his career.

– One more question that I can’t help but ask you. Recently, you have harshly criticized the work of referees several times. They even said the following phrase: “I understand perfectly well what is happening here. Don't make a fool of me." Decipher - what is happening?

– Other coaches speak badly about referees much more often than we do. Although the arbitrators' tolerance towards us is much less. To win, Shakhtar must be much better than their opponents. If not, they won’t let us win.

You can say whatever you want, but you won’t fool me. I have a huge number of examples where the refereeing is not the same in relation to the two top clubs in Ukraine. Many people simply don’t notice these moments because they don’t fully understand the game.

There are good judges in Ukraine - if you compare them with arbitrators in other countries, I will not say that they are worse in technical terms. But they lack courage.

- So what exactly is going on? Conspiracy against Shakhtar? Formally, Dynamo does not have any leverage to influence the judiciary.

- Shakhtar certainly has no leverage.

– You don’t want to speak directly.

“It’s impossible to say it more directly than I say.” Those who play football in Ukraine and your readers will understand everything perfectly.

As soon as I came here, I respected the refereeing. And when I need to praise them, I always do it. But when I feel that they are starting to go against me, I will not remain silent. I can repeat - I’m not a fool, I understand what’s happening.