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The Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation was used as a screen to receive money. Charitable Foundation for Cultural Initiatives of Oleg Mityaev Transparency International: there is no evidence that the assets declared by FBK belong to Medvedev

"Dear friends! I am convinced that our common national idea should be education, upbringing, enlightenment. If we had thought about this twenty years ago, we would live in a different society today. In that same bright future. It is inseparable from the bright past. I hope that our projects will become as important and necessary for you as they are for us.”

People's Artist of Russia Oleg Mityaev


Creativity and personal involvement in charity are an effective method of raising children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Continuity of generations and love for the native land are the basis of a prosperous nation.

Foundation mission

Organization of social and cultural projects aimed at education and upbringing of the younger generation, introducing wider sections of the population to culture, and instilling love for the Motherland

Geography of activity


Support for low-income families and citizens, support for culture and art, preservation of cultural and historical heritage

Types of assistance

Financial, informational, organization and holding of events, educational, social work

Ways to attract donations

Media (TV, radio, newspapers), website, social networks, holding events (concerts, evenings, charity events, etc.), cooperation with corporate donors, grants and subsidies from the state, grants from NGOs, commercial organizations, personal appeals to private donors

Registration data:

Registration date: 10/09/2002
INN: 7438015028
OGRN: 1027401865193

The Novaya Gazeta correspondent tried to figure out what the charitable foundations “Dar”, “Gradislava”, “Sotsgosproekt”, the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund and the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives are doing - ​their names are once again heard thanks to recent investigations by “Sobesednik” and Anti-Corruption Foundation, which found that the residences in the Moscow region, Krasnodar region, Ivanovo and Kursk regions, where Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visits, belong to several organizations that call themselves “charitable foundations” and are run by Medvedev’s classmates. The funds turned out to be secret: only one of the five has a website, two have signs on the building, and one is not located at the registration address at all. Attempts to request reports from these organizations posing as charitable foundations turned out to be similar to a quest.

In search of lost funds

According to the law on NPOs, non-profit organizations are required to submit every year to the Ministry of Justice a report on their activities, the purposes of spending money and using property, and “foreign agents” are also required to submit an audit report. NPOs can get by with a message about the continuation of activities if they have received no more than 3 million rubles in a year, there are no foreigners among the founders and there have been no receipts of funds from abroad.

This means that reports on who the fund received from and how it spent the money should be either on the Ministry of Justice portal or on the website of the fund itself. Large Russian charitable organizations usually publish reports on their websites so that anyone can easily find out where donors' money is going.

Thus, the Gift of Life foundation publishes monthly reports on how much money was received and from whom through the bank, payment systems and mobile application, which medical centers they went to, and what exactly they bought with it. “Rusfond” reports every month which children were paid for operations, medications, medical devices and services, how much it cost, and also lists the donors. Other well-known charities operate in a similar way: transparency of finances allows people to believe that the fund is worth donating money and it will go to a good cause.

But with the funds of Dmitry Medvedev’s acquaintances, it’s a completely different story. There are no reports on the Ministry of Justice website, and their own websites actually do not exist: the websites, and, indicated in the constituent documents, do not work, and the Dar fund website is closed, and when you try to access it requires you to enter your login and password.

"Dar" Foundation. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

“Dar” is a foundation that owned the “Milovka” estate in Plyos, where Dmitry Medvedev was seen on vacation. We sent a request to the fund, and the secretary girl confirmed by phone that the request had been received. But when the correspondent of Novaya Gazeta went in search of the Dar office, it turned out that at the registration address: 2nd Spasonalivkovsky Lane, building 6, there is a construction site; a residential complex is being built here by the company Codest International S.R.L. " The telephone secretary refused to tell the correspondent the current office address (if there is one), asking that the question be sent in writing.

Other events

The only source of information about how funds associated with Medvedev spend funds is databases like “SPARK”, where, among other things, you can find reports on the intended use of funds. There you can find out, for example, that the Fund for regional non-profit projects “Dar” in 2015 received 1.4 billion rubles in the form of donations, and spent 454.6 million on targeted activities, but this is not social and charitable assistance, conferences or seminars, - ​0 rubles were spent on these articles, and all the money went to “other events.” At the same time, 224.7 million were spent on salaries, business trips, maintenance of cars and buildings, and another 574 million were purchased for “fixed assets, inventory and other property.” In 2013, 874.6 million was spent on “other activities.” The report for 2011, however, indicates very large expenses for charitable assistance: more than 1.3 billion rubles.

Unfortunately, from such a report it is impossible to understand what kind of assistance and what “other activities” are meant.

For some years there are no reports at all, and in those that exist, every time by the end of the year, from 6 billion to 8 billion remain unused.

The director of one of the largest Moscow foundations involved in real charity says that these are “giant funds.” According to him, balances of this size can accumulate at the fund when, for example, it is going to build a building, but cannot immediately begin construction because it needs to obtain permits. According to the law on charitable activities, a charitable foundation can use up to 20% of incoming funds for administrative expenses.

You can learn about some of the expenses of the Dar Foundation from the file of arbitration cases. For example, that in 2010, “Dar” paid the Krasnodar company “Ricco-Style” LLC 603 .4 million rubles for the construction of “a non-residential building with a swimming lane at the address: Russian Federation, Ivanovo region, Privolzhsky district, village. Milovka, “The Chernev Estate (“Milovka Estate”),” follows from court documents in which “Dar” demanded to recover an advance from “Ricco-Style” for work that it did not complete—​most of the amount paid.

Reports of other funds in the public database also provide scant information, often showing only dashes for all items of income and expenses. For example, about the Gradislava Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage, which, as FBK found out, received an estate in Milovka from Dar as a donation, you can only find out that in 2013 it received a profit from some business activity in the amount of 531 thousand rubles and another 749 million from an unnamed source, and they are not classified either as donations or as income.

The Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects (“Sotsgosproekt”) received 58 million in donations in 2012, and spent 103.6 million on targeted activities - again, it is not known which ones. In 2013, donations reached 261.8 million, the fund received another 9 million in the form of profit from business activities and 23 million from “other” sources. 204.9 million were spent on “other events” (not charity or conferences). In 2015, Sotsgosproekt received 1 billion and spent 750 million rubles on charitable assistance. But it is absolutely impossible to find out what good deeds this money went to: no traces of the activities of either “Dar” or “Gradislava” could be found. (Read below about the fate of our requests.)

The Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, the owner of the Psekhako reception house near Sochi, reported in 2015 that it spent 160 million rubles on charitable assistance - and 211 million on the maintenance of the management apparatus, that is, on salaries, rent and other own expenses.

Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives (FSCI). Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

Of all the funds associated with Dmitry Medvedev, the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives (FSCI) is the most open. True, he did not appear in the investigations as the owner of the property, but he is associated with the Dar fund - his subsidiary, the Dar Fund Management Company, was registered at the same address as the FSCI. The Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives itself is located not in some business center where dozens of companies rent offices, but in a one-story house of the 19th century, on Bolshaya Ordynka, 70 - ​to imagine that the organization, where Svetlana Medvedeva is the president, divided It would be difficult to have a small old mansion with some kind of alien organization.

FSCI is the only fund on the list that has a working website. There are descriptions of the foundation’s projects, for example: the national target comprehensive program “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia”, the all-Russian action “Stop HIV/AIDS”, “Academy of Young Opera Performers from Russia at the Monte Carlo Opera”, the “Warm Heart” award , diagnostic centers "White Rose" and others. But there are no reports on the website about from whom the fund received donations, how and what it spent them on.

How to get to the fund?

Novaya's correspondent tried to obtain reports from the funds themselves. The FSKI phone is answered by a girl named Christiana, who refuses to give her position and last name. She reports that the foundation posts reports “on various other sites,” but is unable to specify which ones. Then, after consulting with management, she calls back and says that the reports on the Ministry of Justice website are simply stored for only one year, and they were there, and the report for 2016 will appear only on April 15. However, this is not true: on the portal of the Ministry of Justice you can find reports from non-profit organizations since 2014.

After much arguing, Christiana says that she needs to leave, promises to call back... and disappears. Nevertheless

the foundation sent a parcel to the editor: a folder with brochures about the dangers of HIV, a memorial book about people who showed courage during fires, called “Warm Heart” and another stack of printed materials

according to the programs that the fund lists on its website (thanks for that. — Ed.). Obviously, this is a report on the activities of the FSCI.

At least one tangible FSCI project is the White Rose diagnostic centers, in which women are offered free screening for possible cancer. Judging by the large number of reviews on the Internet, the centers really work; in 2014, the White Rose Foundation reported that it received 90.7 million rubles, spent 303,000 rubles on salaries, and purchased property for 18 million.

Gradislava Foundation. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

The Gradislava Foundation is not very open to communication with the press. The phone number specified during registration belongs personally to General Director Ivan Karabinsky. When talking with a Novaya correspondent, he refused to give an email address or fax, noting: “I can’t identify you as a journalist,” and suggested bringing the request to the office.

At the registration address: Kotelnicheskaya embankment, 25, building 1, there is an office building, there is no Gradislava sign on it. The guard at the checkpoint reports that Ivan Igorevich Karabinsky himself is not sitting here, but Roman Kalistratovich Kostetsky is sitting here. After a call from the security guard, he comes out - a tall man in a jacket with grayish hair. Introduces himself as the deputy director and takes the request.

Sotsgosproekt Foundation. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

A woman answered the call from Novaya’s correspondent at Sotsgosproekt; when asked where you can look at the fund’s reporting and whether there is an official website, she answered: “No, we don’t have a website,” and hung up. Then we tried to convey the request to the office, and it was like Franz Kafka's novel The Castle.

The foundation is registered at the address: Rossolimo street, building 17, building 2, which is the Rossolimo business center. In the lobby of the center there is a list of organizations that are located there, “Sotsgosproekt” is also indicated, along with the telephone number - the same as indicated in the constituent documents: 8 495 287-45-61. However, when the Novaya correspondent called on this phone, introduced himself and asked to accept the request, the woman on the other end of the line said the phrase: “Wrong number”... and hung up.

Then the security guards of the business center tried to call Sotsgosproekt on the same number - ​to no avail, no one answered. At the same time, the fund’s employees were obviously at their workplace: Novaya’s correspondent contacted the Rossolimo administration, and they reported that right at the time of the conversation they were “in touch” with a representative of Sotsgosproekt. However, after this communication session, the administration employee refused to provide the “correct” phone number and said that the request could be left in the mailbox, after which he hung up. We followed the advice, but the editors never received a response.

Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

The Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund is located in a building on Kadashevskaya embankment, 6/1/2 (the building faces two streets and an embankment, so it has an address with two fractions). The entrance to the offices here is from the yard; you need to go through the gate, which security opens when the bell rings. There are no signs at the entrance. The security guards, having heard from a correspondent that a Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund is required, first spend a long time finding out whether such a fund exists in the building. The driver warming up the car at the porch had not heard of it either. It turns out that there is a fund, and the guards offer to leave a request with them.

We sent requests on March 20 and 21 and are waiting for answers. So far we have only received letters from FSKI, Gradislava and Dar: the organizations thank Novaya Gazeta for their attention to their activities and gently make it clear that they will not provide reports. For example, like this:

“Reporting on the activities of the Fund is submitted to the authorities supervising the activities of non-profit organizations in the manner prescribed by law. We wish the editors of the newspaper new creative successes, good news, reliable and objective materials, balanced assessments, and most importantly, the trust of readers!”

- ​reads a letter from the Dar Foundation, whose employees sent an answer to Novaya by email in the form of a Word file without a form.

We contacted the Ministry of Justice with a request to provide the funds' reports for the editors' review. The response from the Ministry of Justice reads: “The requirements of the Federal “On Non-Profit Organizations” for the provision of reporting by these non-profit organizations have been met. To familiarize yourself with the reporting, you must contact the specified funds.”

Instead of a report on the activities of the FSCI, we received:

  1. Book of honor “Warm Heart” - 1 copy.
  2. Illustrated edition “Patrons of family and marriage Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom” - ​1 copy.
  3. Album of the 2nd All-Russian competition of young performers “Russian Ballet” - ​1 copy.
  4. Brochure for the “Radiant Angel” charity film festival in Moscow - 1 copy.
  5. Brochure for the “Radiant Angel” charity film festival in Murom - 1 copy.
  6. Brochure for the “Radiant Angel” charity film festival in Tambov - 1 copy.
  7. Brochure “Creative schools “Art Workshops”, Sevastopol, 2015 - 1 copy.
  8. Brochure of the participant of the All-Russian Children's Military-Historical Assembly “Eternal Flame-2016” - 1 copy.
  9. Invitation to the award ceremony for the laureates of the festival “Grave the Fatherland” in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on November 10, 2016 - 1 copy.
  10. Brochure “HIV infection is a global threat” - 2 copies.
  11. Mini-brochure “5 steps to stop HIV” - copy.
  12. Brochure “Congratulations! You are pregnant!" — 1 copy.


The Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund sent a response to the editor that the Fund is not a charitable organization, so director Sergei Brovchenko considers our demand to provide information on income and expenses “insignificant.”

Maiden name - Linnik


Medvedeva Svetlana Vladimirovna

President of the Foundation

Social and cultural initiatives

News & Events

06.11.2016 Results of the International Festival “Radiant Angel”

Wife of the third President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. First Lady from 2008 to 2012.
Head of the board of trustees “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of the Russian Federation.”
President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Svetlana Medvedeva was born on March 15, 1965 in the city of Kronstadt, Leningrad region. The girl was born into the family of military sailor Vladimir Alekseevich Linnik and economist Larisa Ivanovna Linnik. At the age of five, the family moved to St. Petersburg, where they soon went to school.

She met her future husband, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, in 1972 at school. The guy studied in a parallel class. They started dating in the seventh grade of secondary school No. 305 in Kupchino. Svetlana constantly participated in performances, KVN and other amateur performances. After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Statistics, Accounting and Economic Analysis. From her first year, Svetlana immediately transferred to the evening department.

The wedding of Svetlana Linnik and Dmitry Medvedev took place on December 24, 1993. Two years later, the couple had a son, Ilya. After the birth of the child, Svetlana did not work, but took care of the house. At the time of the wedding, the husband worked as a teacher at St. Petersburg State University. At the same time, he was an adviser to Anatoly Sobchak in the St. Petersburg City Hall. Later appointed as an expert of the Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, headed by Vladimir Putin.

In November 1999, the Medvedev family moved to Moscow. Dmitry Anatolyevich was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak. Svetlana Vladimirovna became involved in the social life of the capital. She can often be seen at social events and modeling shows.

Svetlana Medvedeva’s work and social activities are connected with both Moscow and St. Petersburg. With the participation of Svetlana Vladimirovna, a number of programs have been developed, the purpose of which is to increase the social, cultural level of Russians, and education. In 2007, Medvedeva became the head of the board of trustees of the program “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia.” The goal of the program was “to introduce the country’s younger generation to domestic cultural, historical, spiritual and moral traditions.”

In 2008, Medvedev was elected president of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. Activities are related to programs to promote a healthy spiritual climate in Russian families and the adaptation of children without parental care. The foundation's mission is to develop and advance gifted children in life. Among the Foundation’s initiatives: the all-Russian holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, the symbol of which is the chamomile flower. As part of the protection of motherhood and childhood, and care for the reproductive health of women in Russia, the “Give Me Life” campaign was organized. The action was highly appreciated by the Moscow Patriarchate and the Slavic Fund of Russia.

In 2010, Svetlana Vladimirovna co-founded the Russian Ballet competition for young talents. At the same time, he is the head of the board of trustees of the targeted comprehensive program “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia,” created with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. He also does a lot of charity work: he patronizes the St. Petersburg boarding school No. 1, where 316 pupils live from 4 to 25 years old.

Svetlana Medvedeva has received many prizes and awards. Among them: “Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, II degree,” “International Cyril and Methodius Award,” “Order of Glory and Honor, I degree,” “Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation.” He is an “Honorary Citizen of the City of Cannes.”

Awards and Recognition of Svetlana Medvedeva

2007 - Patriarch Alexy II awarded her the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, II degree

2008 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II presented her with a public award from the Regional Charitable Public Foundation named after. Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow - Patriarchal sign of Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow

2008 - the mayor of Milan (Italy) Letizia Moratti presented her with the city's highest award - "Ambrogino D'Oro" ("Golden Ambrose", Italian. Ambrogino d "Oro)

2008 - Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad presented her with the Patriarchal Certificate for preparing and holding the first Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia

2010 - International Cyril and Methodius Prize (Slavic Foundation of Russia and Moscow Patriarchate)

2010 - Honorary Citizen of the City of Cannes (France)

2012 - Order of Glory and Honor, 1st degree (ROC)

2012 - Order of “Rukhubelent” (Turkmenistan) - for great personal contribution to the development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation in the fields of science and education, cultural and humanitarian fields, for services in strengthening friendly relations between the two countries, in nurturing high spiritual values ​​among young people moral principles, as well as taking into account the large-scale public work it carries out

Maiden name - Linnik

Father - Vladimir Alekseevich Linnik, military sailor.
Mother - Larisa Ivanovna Linnik, economist.

The Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives was founded in December 2008. The President of the Foundation is Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva, a trustee of the National Program “Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Younger Generation of Russia.” On her initiative and with her personal participation, a number of important social, cultural and educational projects were developed. These include the All-Russian holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, celebrated since 2008, and the “Give Me Life” campaign, which is based on the child’s right to life and concern for women’s reproductive health. With the participation of the Foundation, charitable diagnostic centers for women's health "White Rose" were opened in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. Their main task is the prevention of cancer of the reproductive system and mammary glands. Soon such centers will be opened in other regions of Russia.


What will the winemakers of the “Medvedev funds” produce? Investigation of the "Interlocutor"

The current general director of Bereg, Stanislav Osmolovsky, simultaneously heads a number of other companies also associated with the prime minister. For example, Nautilus was founded by Dmitry Solovyov, one of the founders of the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. These people were tasked with cultivating vineyards in Anapa.

Who registered in the “secret empire of Medvedev”

Certum-invest, according to SPARK, is 70% owned by Philip Polyansky. He also headed Dar in 2008. The fund itself and the legal entities associated with it manage the real estate that Dmitry Medvedev uses as residences, Navalny proves. The Dara branch in the North-West is headed by Olga Travina. She is the co-founder and former head of another foundation, the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Transparency International: there is no evidence that the assets declared by FBK belong to Medvedev

Ilya Eliseev is the chairman of the supervisory board of the Dar Foundation, the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects (Sotsgosproekt), the Fund for the Support of Winter Olympic Sports and the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSCI). Only in the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, since its creation in 2008, the president has been the wife of the Russian Prime Minister, Svetlana Medvedeva.