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Formation of the image of a travel agency in modern conditions. Creating the image of a travel agency

Translated from English image- this is an image, appearance, representation. A-priory, image- this is a purposefully created or spontaneously arisen form of reflection of an object in the minds of people, i.e., aggregate public perception.

A positive image, a good opinion of the company among consumers, partners, competitors, suppliers, and authorities leads to increased financial profits, strengthened market positions, and prosperity. A positive image must not only be created, but also strive to be constantly maintained.

The image is characterized by the following Main characteristics:

Adequacy: the created image (image) must exactly correspond to the essence and credibility;

Originality: the image should be easily recognizable among other images and easy to remember;

Plasticity: while remaining unchanged, it must be quickly modified in response to changes in the external environment;

Addressability: the image must have an exact address, i.e., attract certain consumer groups to its market segment;

Complexity: the image must be complex, multi-factorial;

Clarity and specificity: the factors reflected must be clear, distinguishable and well thought out;

Incompleteness: like in a serial film, keep customers in constant anticipation of something new, more effective than before.

Image is a very broad concept that includes prestigious advertising (image advertising), Public Relations (PR) events, constant care for clients, high quality of its services, etc.

When it comes to visiting a particular region or country or using any tourism service, the decision largely depends on the image that this region, country or product has. Typically, the decision-making process falls into three stages:

1) the product is known or not;

2) if so, what opinion is formed by his image;

3) if the opinion is favorable, then what behavior causes
this image is attractive or not.

The image of a country is a set of emotional and rational ideas resulting from a comparison of all the characteristics of the country, one’s own experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image. The image can be reduced to its limit, to a simple symbol: the maple leaf for Canada, the shamrock for Ireland, the Australian kangaroo, the cedar of Lebanon, etc.

The image of a travel company has a number of characteristics:

The firm must be known to the client or group of clients;

The company as an object of attention must be socially significant for a person, arousing interest and attracting attention with a range of services,

The company must be able to influence the consciousness, emotions and actions of people and groups of citizens.

The image of a travel company consists of many components, such as:

  • 1) the philosophy of the company and the manager;
  • 2) name of the travel agency;
  • 3) the image of the manager and each employee (individual and professional style, following fashion trends);
  • 4) professional training of employees;
  • 5) location of the travel agency office (city center or remote areas), variety and availability of communication means (the ability to contact the travel agency by phone, email, fax);
  • 6) office design (lighting, color scheme, furniture and its arrangement, placement of workplaces, availability of additional information in the form of booklets on tables, posters, calendars);
  • 7) technical equipment (availability of modern office equipment, office supplies, etc.);
  • 8) advertising activities (use of media, design of forms, business cards, catalogs, stands, participation in exhibitions, advertising projects, etc.);
  • 9) work with partners, competitors, consumers;
  • 10) marketing activities (marketing research, promotion of new products, etc.);
  • 11) security measures (presence of CCTV cameras, intercoms, safes, alarms, security guards, use of police and cash collection services);
  • 12) the travel agency’s membership in tourism associations, various certificates and letters of gratitude;
  • 13) other attributes that can be included at the discretion of the travel company.

The most noticeable elements of a travel agency's image are its name and slogan. The closest attention should be paid to creating the most effective version of these two elements. This is especially important for newly created travel agencies. Psychologists have found that the name given at birth subconsciously influences a person, psychologically shaping his personality type. The name of a travel agency, present on a sign, letterhead, business cards, has the same importance for successful functioning in the market as a name for a person.

The name and slogan of a travel agency inform potential clients not only about the field of activity, but also about its primary areas, so they must clearly reflect the profile of the activity. The shorter the name, the stronger its effect. It should be easy to remember. In global business, the name of corporations is considered so important that thousands of companies change it every year after consultation with professionals.

In the modern Russian tourism business, two main constructions of names predominate: compound and Americanized. The first type of structures includes complex names such as “Omnitur”, “Nika-tour”, “Business Intour Service” and so on. The second type of designs is represented by all sorts of Pacific Line, Lucky Tour, Omnibus Tour, etc. Both of them tell the consumer practically nothing about the travel agency and the type of its activities. In addition, we must take into account that some Russian tourists do not know foreign languages.

Choosing a name is a creative process, but it is always subordinate to the main goal - the travel agency’s desire to achieve a competitive advantage. For many years, the name of the travel agency will be associated with advertising campaigns that have their own target audience and their own market sector. Therefore, the name of a travel agency should, both in itself and in the context of advertising messages, evoke positive images in consumers and encourage the desire to apply for a tourist service to this particular travel agency.

The name of the travel agency must be significant for the tourism industry and have a clear meaning associated in the minds of the consumer with tourism. It is unlikely that travel agencies with the names “Heba”, “Tais”, “Megapolis”, “Homos”, “Firm Rayap”, “Alina”, etc. will be highlighted by consumers among dozens of tourist advertisements in an advertising newspaper. The information included in the name of a travel agency should be easy to read and reflect the specifics of its work. For example, it is quite obvious that the travel agency "Wanderer Walking League" specializes in walking tours, while the travel agency "Zvezdochet" does not necessarily offer space tours.

The original name allows the travel agency to stand out among its competitors. In Thailand, our compatriots registered the travel agency “Ivan Susanin”, rightly believing that it is impossible to work in tourism without a sense of humor and you need to be able to do serious business with a smile on your face. But Thailand is figuratively called the land of smiles.

Another important criterion that should be used as a basis for choosing the name of a travel agency is memorability. It, in turn, depends on the strength of associative ties with tourism and recreation.

The name of the travel agency should be euphonious, not have a derogatory meaning and not be associated with negative words. For example, the beautiful name of the travel agency “Luzhaika”, specializing in internal tours to the taiga regions, has a root that is consonant with the word “puddle” and, moreover, acquires a derogatory meaning due to the suffix. The names “Turunda” and “Turneps” are also unacceptable for a travel agency, although these words have consonances that are supposedly intended to indicate that they belong to tourism.

You should not abuse overly long and polysyllabic names. It is better to stop at one or two words, not counting prepositions. The option “Novosibirsk travel and excursion agency” is unlikely to be successful, although travel agencies with similar names were in Russia until 1991 in all regional and regional centers.

The abbreviated name of a travel agency, in addition to euphony, ease of pronunciation and memorization, requires one more condition: it should not coincide with well-known abbreviations. For example, the name of the travel agency “Great Joys of a Young Tourist” in an abbreviated version will appear as BRMT, which means a large fishing refrigerated trawler.

If a travel agency works with foreign tourists, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its sound in the language of the country with whose representatives you will have business contacts.

The sound image contained in the name of a travel agency evokes various associations that do not always leave a favorable impression. When choosing a name, two typical disadvantages can be noted:

  • 1) the use of stamps such as “tour”, “travel”, “club”, etc. - such verbal patterns depersonalize the company, sometimes the coincidence is used deliberately to evoke an association with already known companies;
  • 2) the use of incomprehensible abbreviations, abbreviations, ciphers based on the initial letters of words.

Significant difficulties are caused by the development of an original, memorable logo for a travel agency. Logo (from the Greek words logos- word and typos- imprint) is a symbol or sign that should be imprinted in the mind. A good logo enhances the effect of an advertising campaign and helps to more actively promote tourism services on the market. A properly designed logo has a significant impact on consumers and competitors, simplifying the procedure for choosing a product by the consumer, providing an emotional connection between the travel agency and clients.

The choice of logo font must meet the requirements for ease of reading. The overuse of sophisticated forms of writing, such as the use of the ancient Roman style, makes it difficult to perceive and distracts attention.

The color scheme of the logo should take into account the physiological characteristics of visual perception. A person is not able to perceive more than three colors in one small image. It is preferable to use shades of the same color. The color should not be too bright, otherwise it is not the text that will be remembered, but its “coloring”.

In a graphic logo, you can use the full or abbreviated name of the travel agency, although here the name does not play a big role, but is only a text addition. It is the graphic image that should be remembered. An important criterion for evaluating a graphic logo is the ratio of the sizes of its elements: the logo should look equally good on a large poster and on a keychain. Creating a graphic logo requires artistic taste, a sense of style and a creative approach.

Of the other components of a travel agency's image, the easiest to implement is office design. However, in this area of ​​image activity of a travel agency, typical mistakes are often made related to convincing managers that they have design abilities. Unfortunately, in these cases, the selection and arrangement of furniture and equipment is consistent with common sense, and not with the requirements of ergonomics and global experience in office activities.

In order for the office design to work to increase the efficiency of the travel agency, it is necessary to determine the location of the offices in accordance with the functional areas and flows of visitors, so as not to create inconvenience and minimize intra-office movements. An undoubted advantage of an office will be the presence of sufficient, i.e. meeting hygienic standards, natural lighting. To work in darkened rooms in winter and evening, artificial lighting in warm yellow tones should be provided. The simultaneous use of natural and artificial lighting is not recommended: the resulting glare leads to increased strain on vision and causes premature fatigue of personnel.

When choosing the color scheme for a travel agency office, you should be guided not by your own preferences, but by the recommendations of psychologists. It is known that red color excites a person, accelerates the pulse and increases blood pressure, while green color calms and creates a feeling of confidence. A combination of colors that are too bright, as well as colors that are too faded, will not contribute to creating a comfortable feeling for both staff and employees. The main color of the offices is chosen taking into account their location, size, lighting, and the number of employees. To decorate an office where three to five employees will work, neutral, soothing colors, such as pastels, are better suited.

Particular attention should be paid to office furniture. The modern market offers a wide range of tables, armchairs, shelves, bedside tables, etc. Commercially available models vary in shape, size, color and material, and often include special fixtures and fasteners for additional parts. It is very difficult to understand this diversity, so the primary criterion for the right choice will be ease of use. So, if office tables, for example, made in South Korea, do not have retractable legs that regulate the height of the table top, then the European height standard (72 cm from the floor to the supporting surface) will be unattainable. In this case, travel agency employees taller than 175 cm will experience significant inconvenience when working.

You should also pay attention to the materials from which the furniture is made. This can be wood, plastic, light alloys, glass and other materials. Under other conditions (design, color, shape, etc.) they should be warm to the touch.

Office windows and window openings have a great subconscious influence on the travel agency client, so when designing the travel agency premises, you should consider the possibility of placing blinds or darkening (mirroring) the glass. As an exception, curtains can be used.

Fresh flowers add special warmth to the tourist office. You can use artificial flowers to decorate the interior, but they should not cause a feeling of ostentation.

If a travel agency occupies a small space and has limited funds, then having a luxurious office with the latest office equipment, expensive furniture and other fashionable details is impractical. In this case, it is worth turning to modern minimalist design methods with the inclusion of visual dominants in the interior, for example, a tall plant or a large painting on the wall.

In addition to furniture, the premises of a travel agency may contain a variety of stands, racks, display cases, photographs, posters, national flags, maps, souvenirs, national costumes, dolls, globes, calendars, branding and many other attributes designed to create a positive impression on the client. The so-called corporate style of a tourist office consists of individual insignificant interior items, but in general they all create a unique individual atmosphere.

When thinking about modernizing the style of a travel agency's premises, you should take into account the fact that any changes should work to increase the number of potential clients. Therefore, despite the necessity and inevitability of changes, they should be carried out very carefully.

In some cases, it is possible to effectively influence the clients' hearing and smell organs. For example, a company that sells cruise tours can create a soundscape in the office that includes the barely audible sound of waves, the cries of seagulls, and the sounds of the port. There may be a slight smell of sea surf in the office air. However, it is worth noting that travel agency staff must be guided by a sense of proportion and taste. It is unlikely that the desired image effect will be achieved if the premises of a travel agency are filled with the aroma of an air freshener intended for the interior of a car. When experimenting with image effects affecting the olfactory organ, you should remember the possibility of allergic reactions when using chemical flavors.

The location of a travel agency also affects its image. Including a fax number, Internet page and email address in a business card or letterhead also becomes a component of the image; moreover, it is a necessary attribute of a business document.

Finally, all types of advertising and PR are involved in shaping the image of a travel agency.

The organizational social environment consists of people: managers, subordinates, informal leaders, colleagues. Organizational culture is made up of the behavior of people in an organizational environment. In this context, organizational culture is understood as a holistic system of behavior patterns, customs, morals and expectations developed in an organization and characteristic of its members.

Culture is not initially given, predetermined. It is the result of social interactions and is transmitted and maintained mainly through training and the formation of a corporate culture. Culture within an organization manifests itself through behavior. Many of the behaviors that make up culture are easily learned directly through strategies, plans, and operational processes.

The main task of effective management at leading enterprises in developed countries is to create favorable conditions for an organizational work culture. If such conditions are created, then the company functions on its own, developing and picking up pace automatically.

You can take into account the conditions for successful management formulated by Japanese managers:

1. A clear credo. The company's credo (beliefs, views, fundamentals of worldview) is the first condition that is vital for any company or firm. Employees spend the best time of the day at work, so it is important that their work has some meaning in their eyes. Awareness by all employees of the meaning of the company's existence has a significant impact on the quality of their work.

The credo of any travel company is the noble task of creating the best conditions for tourists to relax, for the sake of a better life, for the sake of building a better world for everyone. These simple words partially express the purpose of the work of a tourism organization as an enterprise in the public service industry.

The company's credo is usually based on the mission of the enterprise. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “mission” and “credo of the enterprise”. Mission is an external formulation of the goals and objectives of an enterprise, focused on society and consumers. Credo is the internal orientation of team members towards the purpose and meaning of their production activities, which everyone must follow. However, these concepts are usually consistent.

  • 2. Correlation of the company's goals with the natural behavior of people (human factor). The second prerequisite for success is the creation of conditions under which the natural inclinations and motivations of people are closely related to the prosperity of the company. At their core, people strive to prolong life and maintain health, which is manifested both in the tendency to avoid situations that pose a threat to life and in the tendency to work for the sake of the future. The company, therefore, must pursue such a policy and set itself such goals that would coincide with the natural inclinations and needs of people. If a person’s internal inclinations and his natural behavior coincide with the company’s policy, then harmony will occur - they will work hand in hand. And vice versa, if the company’s policy is hostile to human instinct, then any progress is impossible without violence against the individual. Tourism in general is an attractive field of activity, closely related to people’s desire to travel.
  • 3. Income distribution is the third essential condition for success. Income is based on three elements: capital, management and labor. And therefore, the fruits of their joint contribution should be fairly distributed between them.
  • 4. Corporate spirit and joint ownership. Income is expressed not only in monetary terms, but also in the spiritual dividends of the corporate spirit. Creating a work environment in which this spirit prevails is the fourth sine qua non for success. The feeling of creative satisfaction that a scientist experiences after completing one or another research project in the laboratory is one example of a spiritual dividend. The best policy of the company is to create an environment in which people constantly feel joy from the quality of the work they perform, satisfaction from participating in serving tourists, experience the delight of creativity, the joy of achieving goals and communicating with people.

Participatory politics. Ownership is the fifth prerequisite for a firm's success. Every employee should have the right and opportunity to express their opinion and feel involved in the company’s policies. In recent times, ownership, which is closely linked to corporate spirit, has become particularly relevant. The principle of ownership is based on the premise that if you personally participate in the development of company policies and goals, you will implement them and achieve goals, even if you are not satisfied with something about them.

Effective leadership. Finally, the last sine qua non is effective leadership. Even if all five other conditions are successfully met, success will not be achieved without outstanding managers who can lead people. Their professional training also plays a decisive role here.

The image of an organization, both internally and externally, is determined by the impression created by employees, customers and public opinion in general. A positive impression helps a company retain clients for a long time. The positive image of a travel company begins with the name. Marketing specialists believe that the name of a company and its trademark are of great importance as components of a representative office. The image of a company in the consumer’s mind is inextricably linked with its name. When purchasing a tourist product or service, an important role is played by the tourist’s attitude towards the company, which is closely related to the guarantee: trust in it.

Both the emblem and the service mark work to enhance the image of a travel company. But just as multifaceted is human perception, so are the aspects of creating the image of a tourism enterprise. So, the company’s office plays an important role in this - its location, interior, equipment. The atmosphere in the office should be solid - this inspires trust among partners and clients. A company that cooperates with well-known, reputable partners receives respect and recognition. There is a well-known saying: “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.” This saying is directly related to the formation of the image of a tourism company. Marketers and image makers advise widely publicizing their partnerships with well-known, strong and reputable companies.

Membership in international and national tourism organizations also works for the company’s image, since it is known that not every company will be accepted as members by widely respected organizations that value their reputation, and you have to pay for membership in them. All this speaks about the solvency, profitability and sustainability of the company.

The organization of customer service and tourists should not go beyond the general range of image components. Service culture, clarity, speed - all this is important for the formation of a positive image of the company. Even the uniform of its employees must be consistent with the colors of the company’s emblem, its service mark.

The presence of a certain image of the enterprise (i.e. image) in the consumer’s mind makes it easier to recognize the goods (services) of a given company and, consequently, their choice.

The image of the enterprise is formed as follows.

For example, creating the image of a medium-sized travel agency. It is assumed that this travel agency has a number of advantages:

Clarity and efficiency in working with tourists;

Stability of activity over a long period of time;

Professionalism of the staff, individual approach to partners;

Optimal ratio of price and quality of offered tourist services;

Information openness, thoughtful advertising, high quality catalogues;

A wide range of offers and additional travel services.

True, along with the listed advantages, the travel agency also has disadvantages:

The volume of transactions is growing slowly due to intense competition from stronger travel agencies;

Lack of operating space, which makes it impossible to expand the volume of operations.

Having highlighted all the advantages and disadvantages of the travel agency, i.e. Having formed a “Map of the real characteristics of a travel agency,” specialists who are involved in creating the image of a travel agency must take the following steps:

Determine the most general circle of consumers of travel agency services (typical clientele);

think about whether it is worth including shortcomings in the image of a travel agency? Why advertise them? Do all the advantages need to be included in the image of a travel agency? Also no. It is necessary to include only those advantages that are important to the typical clientele of the travel agency;

highlighting only real advantages is only half the battle. Many services and goods have “double” characteristics. Such social characteristics are not contained in the product itself; they are introduced into it by public opinion or a targeted promotion campaign by the company itself.

If the typical clientele of a travel agency is individuals, then such social characteristics may be:

the idea of ​​travel agency reliability, which is a value for any travel agency;

goodwill on a business and personal level;

a wide range of offers and additional travel services;

favorable pricing policy (low prices, discount system);

high quality of offered travel services.

For other enterprises, such introduced features may be:

a sense of reliability towards a certain social group, prestige;

the company's concern for environmental protection;

the company's concern for the consumer (his benefit, health, comfort);

the company's constant desire to improve products and release new products;

independence of the company's products from the knowledge and skills of the consumer, ease of operation;

providing the company's products with beauty, attractiveness, and self-confidence.

As a result, the real advantages of the company, commercially important for consumers, and the advantages introduced by specialists, also commercially important for consumers, make up the image of the company constructed by specialists.

Consumers may not understand the entire image constructed by specialists. During an image promotion campaign, consumers may attribute characteristics to a company that were not intended by specialists. If the traits introduced by consumers are positive for the company, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is a negative distortion of the image of the company constructed by specialists, and this distortion through the efforts of these same specialists should be reduced to zero.

Ultimately, the image (image) of a company is a reflection in the minds of potential consumers of commercially important real characteristics of the company introduced both by the company and by the consumers themselves.

The basic rule of a “positive company image”: the company must strive to ensure that its image in the minds of consumers matches as closely as possible the image constructed by the company’s specialists.

A number of consequences follow from the basic rule, which in general can be called the rules for building a positive image of the company.

Corollary 1. The image of the company constructed by specialists should be based on real advantages, and the characteristics introduced by the specialists themselves should follow from the real advantages of the company.

It is clear that a company that poorly fulfills its duties and obligations to clients may lose not only the image of a partner who cares about its clients and an extremely reliable company, but also lose any trust at all.

Corollary 2. The image must have an exact address, i.e. attract certain consumer groups.

Corollary 3. The image must be original, i.e. differ from the images of other companies and are easily recognizable.

Corollary 4. The image should be simple and understandable, not overloaded with information, in order to be easily remembered and minimize the possibility of its distortion.

Corollary 5. The image must be flexible. It must, while remaining unchanged in the perception of consumers and easily recognizable, quickly change in response to changes in the economic, social, psychological situation, fashion, as well as under the influence of consumers’ perception of it.

The image of the company that exists in the minds of employees is its internal image. The image of a company in the minds of clients, competitors, partners, that is, people who are not among its employees, is the external image of the company.

The image begins to form as soon as the company enters the market. However, in the vast majority of cases, managers have neither the time, nor the energy, nor the money to monitor the emerging image and purposefully adjust it in the desired direction. In this case, the image develops spontaneously. Most often, a spontaneous image has both positive and negative features, which is why we sometimes hear opposing opinions about the same company. As soon as the company's management asks the questions: what are we? How do we differ from our competitors? By what means can we attract other consumer groups? - we can talk about the beginning of a special image formation. This process includes several stages: first you need to capture the already formed image. To do this, various diagnostic methods are used, including surveys, questionnaires, observations, and focus groups. At the next stage, the pros and cons of the existing image are identified. Based on the tasks, the positive features of the image are those that contribute to their solution, and the negative ones are those that interfere with solving the tasks. The next stage of working with image involves identifying measures to neutralize negative traits and enhance the impact of positive ones. At this stage, a program for working with the image is drawn up, which is subsequently implemented.

The image of a company appears in the minds of consumers under the influence of various contacts with the company: both direct communication with employees and acquaintance with advertising products or visiting exhibitions and presentations. Very large organizations strive to achieve uniformity in the appearance, behavior and communication style of contact area employees. The goal being pursued is to minimize the individual characteristics of employees and direct the consumer’s attention to the organization with which he interacts. Advertising messages usually carry direct and indirect messages. Hidden information can be transmitted through the symbolism of images and colors.

Working with image is a rather painstaking and delicate work that affects many levels, processes and people in an organization, but in a competitive environment it cannot be avoided.


Considering tourism as a system of interacting elements that make up a holistic formation that has new properties that are absent in its elements, we can conclude that the elements of the system are interconnected and managed in a certain way. However, individual elements of the tourism industry system can only be described by probabilistic characteristics. These are, for example, the demand for individual tourism services, travel destinations and regions, preferences, etc.

The purpose of this work:

Consolidation of theoretical knowledge by analyzing the image of tourism enterprises.

Firstly, the concept of image in relation to tourism is considered.

Secondly, the problems of forming a corporate identity of companies as an important means of image formation are considered.

Image of a travel company

tourist style image

The development of a market economy has entailed an increase in subjects interested in the correct and effective formation of their own image.

When forming and creating it, one cannot ignore the mass perception of business in general. And today it is characterized, firstly, by the social blurring of the boundaries of entrepreneurship. “We are all businessmen now,” say those who are at least trying to do something themselves; secondly, poverty of social experience, lack of ideas about civilized, established forms of business; thirdly, the lack of serious support for creating a positive image of an entrepreneur.

The trend of the emergence of real or imaginary oligarchs and the criminalization of business further aggravate the situation. But the problem of public trust significantly affects the state of business.

At the moment, serious businessmen in large cities have long understood the need to create a positive image. Some create PR (public relations) departments within the organization that are specifically engaged in creating and maintaining a positive image of the company. Others, those who cannot afford to have their own public relations specialist on staff, turn to special agencies for help. In general, both options are good.

The image of a travel company is a holistic picture of what the company presents to the client. The image of a company is determined by many factors, including how its leader looks, dresses, talks, and behaves. The first impression of a person or organization is the most accurate. Adhering exclusively to this postulate, far-sighted managers pay a lot of attention not only to their appearance, but also to the appearance of their employees, the interior of the office, right down to the font of the signs on the office doors. If the watchman was rude to the client at the entrance, and the assistant secretary rudely pointed to the chair without having time to say hello, everything is “okay”! An image of this organization has already been formed in the client’s mind, which will now cost her much more than learning to greet clients politely.

It should be noted that the secret of success is not the number of advertising materials appearing in newspapers, radio and television. The key to success is the correct concept of developing public relations. No matter how unpredictable the public reaction may be during the formation of the company’s image, the entire system must necessarily obey a single concept, that is, logic.

Work on creating an image is carried out purposefully for each group and through various means. This work is carried out largely by means of marketing communications: PR, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion.

For large organizations, when supporting their image, it is especially important to work with the media, sponsorship, and partnerships with government agencies and public organizations.

The process of corporate image management begins long before the development of visual attributes of the organization (logo, letterhead, interior, appearance and manners of employees). Before making adjustments to the image, it is necessary to clearly and clearly imagine the new image that needs to be created. What is the priority image of a travel company - is it friendly or strict, conservative or fashionable, expensive or cheap? The chosen image must fully correspond to the goal that the head of the travel company wants to achieve.

Another feature of image that needs to be taken into account is that it can be different for different groups of people. The company's reputation is important to the general public, and its competitiveness is important to partners. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - the idea of ​​its employees about it, which is also important.

After determining the nature of the company, the decision is made on how to communicate to public groups the real merits of the company? At this stage, the so-called corporate identity is formed, that is, a system of communication means - names, symbols, signs, logos, colors that express the personality of the company. Corporate identity should reflect the mission, structure, business and aspirations of the company. And only as a result of working on corporate identity and using corporate communications does an image emerge.