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Functional responsibilities of the deputy manager of the fitness center. Job responsibilities of a sports club director

How to sell 200 personal training sessions?

Duration 6-12 hours.

Seminar program “How to sell 200 personal training sessions?”

Section 1. Fitness business.

The difference between personal training and simple instructions and personal support

You shouldn't teach your client to exercise. Friendship with the client is a danger to repeat sales

I am an athlete and want my clients to perform. Do they want this?

Section 2.Selling personal training

Who sells personal training?

The administrator and his role in selling personal training

Sales manager and his role in selling personal training.

A medical consultant is a powerful tool in selling training.

Fitness or Wellness testing? An advantage you don't use.

We are starting to sell personal training. You are ready?

Techniques for establishing contact.

How to properly meet a client.

Name, sister, name. Techniques for remembering names - a little about mnemonics.

Section 3. Determining client needs

What is a need

Types of needs, purchasing motives and types of customers

What do clients want in different areas of a fitness club?

What questions should you ask clients?

Types of questions

SPIN technique

What to do when the client has no need

Section 4. Miracle presentation

What is a presentation

Techniques for presenting fitness services

Methods of beautiful manipulation of clients in the club

Competent universal presentation.

Section 5. Hateful Objections

What to do if the client says no?

Eight customer fears

Work with objections. Argumentation techniques.

Section 6. Completion of Personal Training Sale.

Completion of the sale.

How to competently complete your first personal training session.

How to properly prepare a clip card for 10 lessons for a client.

How to competently extend the first clip of 10 lessons.

Section 7. True Types of Clients

How to work with girls
How to work with ladies over 40

How to work with men 30-40 years old
How to work with men over 50
How to work with politicians and officials
Section 8 Secret tips.

Conquering the first height 100 workouts

Bolder: here it is 150-180? There's very little left

Tips for working with clients, and how to still do 200 workouts without harm to your health and personal life

Sales of fitness services “PRO” level

Duration 6-12 hours

  • Participants in the sales process.
  • Specifics and model of “big” sales.
  • Sales strategies (difficulties and features).
  • SPIN sales strategy (principles, advantages, application).
  • Structure and stages of the sales process.
  • Situational interviews. Planning. Preparation. (C – stage)
  • Problem interviews. Goals and objectives of the interview about problems (P – stage)
  • Interview about the consequences. Tree of consequences. (I – stage)
  • Working with the client at the selection stage.
  • Interview about the profitability of a client's purchasing decision. (H – stage)
  • Formation of client selection criteria.
  • Situational questions: about facts, general information and the buyer’s current situation.
  • Problematic questions about problems, difficulties or dissatisfaction of the buyer.
  • Probing questions: about the relationship or consequences of the buyer's problems.
  • Guiding questions: about the value, usefulness, or practicality that the buyer perceives in the proposed solution.
  • Rules for effective presentation.
  • Competitive advantages of the company
  • Product/service characteristics
  • Advantages of the product/service
  • Benefits of the product/service
  • Work with objections
  • Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Clients

Fitness center administrator

Duration 6-12 hours

  • Seminar program:
  • fitness center administrator functions;
  • areas of responsibility in the work of the administrator;
  • telephone etiquette rules;
  • skills in presenting goods and services in the fitness industry;
  • real sale of services for symbolic money;
  • skills in writing questions to identify customer needs;
  • managing relationships with difficult clients;
  • features of the work of a fitness center administrator;
  • practical tips for increasing sales of club cards.

Building a sales department in a fitness club or an effective account manager – 6-12 hours

Effective fitness director

Duration 6-12 hours.

Seminar program:

  • The purpose of personnel management.
  • Management levels. Goals, objectives and functions.
  • Qualities of a manager. Requirements for the professional competence of a manager. Principles for determining performance criteria.
  • Labour Organization. Planning. Time management. Delegation of powers.
  • Basic mechanisms for employee management. Management styles.
  • Communication. People's metaprograms and their application in communication and goal setting.
  • Staff motivation. Personnel development plan. Criteria for its evaluation. Certification.
  • Feedback. Conflict situations and their resolution.
  • Introduction to the basic principles of effective management
  • Creating a club mission. Definition of strategic goals and objectives.
  • Marketing component in sales. Determining the target customer zone.
  • How to assess a club's potential.
  • Organizational structure of a fitness club.
  • Fitness club zoning. Organization. Equipment.
  • Organization of the work of fitness club departments (sales department, fitness, reception, medical department, technical service - cleaning, security service).
  • Club management structure. Administration.
  • Managerial areas of responsibility. Communications. Documentation.
  • Recruitment and training of personnel.
  • The concept of “tactical goals”. Formation of a sales plan depending on the types of club. Understanding the value of selling value-added services.
  • Planning. Budgeting.
  • Formation of the cost of membership and services.
  • Principles of organizing the club's operating mode. Schedule of departments, algorithm for scheduling group classes.
  • Service management.

Fitness division manager

Duration 6-12 hours

In the seminar program:

  • Fitness services and services.
  • Instructions, introductory and personal training. Split and small group training. Group classes.
  • Client distribution
  • Optimal number of coaching staff
  • Requirements for a fitness trainer
  • Organization of duty, features of scheduling
  • Distribution of trainers by category. Certification
  • Coach training
  • Monitoring and evaluation of gym activities. Practical solutions
  • The problem of theft, its solution
  • What is management: from theoretical knowledge to practical management
  • Concept, individual management style
  • Methods of making management decisions
  • Methods of behavior in conflict
  • Basic functions and skills of a manager
  • The role of the leader
  • Setting SMART goals
  • Motivation
  • Control
  • Team development
  • Setting a goal
  • Tactical and ongoing planning
  • Setting tasks for subordinates
  • Delegation. Principles of the advantages and difficulties of delegation
  • Overcoming resistance from subordinates
  • What factors should you consider when preparing for a meeting?
  • Structure and content of the meeting
  • Meeting formats
  • Assessing results and organizing the implementation of assigned tasks

Quality service and basic hospitality in a fitness center

Duration 6-12 hours.

Purpose of the training:

Contribute to strengthening the competitive position of the fitness club by developing staff skills in providing quality service

Training program:

  • Main trends and directions in working with clients
  • Service Standards and Business Performance
  • Different service levels and customer expectations
  • Levels of professionalism of the employee interacting with customers
  • Ways to meet customer expectations
  • Customer service process structure
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Creating positive customer experiences
  • Basic mistakes when working with clients
  • Different approaches to solving customer problems
  • Tools for creating customer commitment and loyalty to a fitness club
Download job description
sports club director
(.doc, 82KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The director of a sports club belongs to the category of managers.
  2. The director of a sports club must know:
    1. 2.1. Provisions of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory legal documents that determine the directions and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports.
    2. 2.2. Fundamentals of financial and economic activities.
    3. 2.3. Profile, specialization and structure features of a sports club.
    4. 2.4. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.
    5. 2.5. Domestic and foreign experience in the field of development of physical culture and sports.
    6. 2.6. Means of computer technology, communication and communications.
    7. 2.7. The procedure for developing and concluding business contracts.
    8. 2.8. Fundamentals of business administration.
    9. 2.9. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    10. 2.10. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  3. The director of the sports club is accountable to the founders of the club represented by _________________________________.
  4. The club staff reports to the director of the sports club.
  5. During the absence of the sports club director (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Director of the sports club:

  1. Provides general management of the administrative, economic and economic activities of the sports club.
  2. Organizes the work of the sports club staff.
  3. Resolves all issues related to the provision of services to club visitors.
  4. Organizes advertising of the sports club in the media in order to attract customers.
  5. Resolves all issues related to the activities of the sports club within the limits of the rights granted to it regarding the expenditure of financial and material resources.
  6. Ensures that the sports club is equipped with sports-technological and engineering equipment, inventory, materials and exercises control over their use.
  7. Organizes timely major and current repairs of buildings, structures, club premises and equipment.
  8. Takes measures to provide the sports club with qualified personnel, to make the best use of the knowledge and experience of employees; concludes employment agreements (contracts) with club staff.
  9. Monitors strict compliance by club staff with safety regulations, industrial sanitation, and fire safety.
  10. Makes decisions on proposals to impose administrative penalties and apply incentive measures to club staff.
  11. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts related to the activities of the sports club, organizes control over their implementation.
  12. Manages all activities of the sports club.
  13. Organizes the work of the club's instructors and administrative staff.

III. Rights

The club director has the right:

  1. Represent the interests of the sports club in relations with citizens, legal entities, government authorities and management.
  2. Dispose of the property and funds of the sports club in compliance with the requirements determined by law, decisions of the founders, and other regulatory legal acts.
  3. Within the limits established by law, determine the composition and volume of information constituting a trade secret and the procedure for its protection.

IV. Responsibility

  1. The director of a sports club is responsible for:
    1. 1.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. 1.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. 1.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. The director of a sports club bears personal responsibility for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond the scope of his powers established by law, charter, and other regulatory legal acts. He is not exempt from liability if actions entailing liability were taken by persons to whom he delegated his rights.

Typically has primary responsibility for overseeing the daily operations of a fitness center, gym or sports club. This includes managing various gym staff from the cleaning team that maintains the equipment and physical facility for physical trainers for customer service agents. These managers are also often responsible for creating and managing advertising and marketing campaigns for the property.

The lounge itself may be a private facility that is part of a resort or country club. It could also be a fitness center that is frequented by employees of the general public. The manager may also oversee a facility that is owned and operated by a government agency and provides free fitness training to community members.

What is fitness management?

The scope of a fitness club manager's responsibilities largely depends on the size of the facility she manages and the services offered. Smaller venues can only provide a limited number of exercise machines and equipment in one room. Larger fitness centers may offer a full range of services, including tennis, handball and baseball courts; swimming pools; saunas; spa and weightlifting. A significant number of fitness centers offer a range of exercise classes that are classified by type of activity and by age and physical level of the student. The more machines and services the center provides, the more responsibilities the manager will have.

Responsibilities of a Fitness Club Manager

In addition, to manage his staff, a fitness club manager typically must creatively market the club to maintain or increase profits. These advertising and promotion responsibilities typically include offering discounts to customers who refer new members, encouraging membership in free courts, and offering group or family discounts for certain periods of time.

If the club is part of a large chain of fitness centers, its efforts may be guided by corporate recommendations. Much of this job requires good communication and sales skills.

Customer relations are usually an important part of a fitness club manager's job. Member retention is usually vital to the club's success, so the manager often distributes to members to encourage them to achieve their fitness goals and promote general goodwill. Some leaders also act as trainers and consultants and regularly participate in exercise classes to encourage a welcoming, family atmosphere for patrons.

In addition to good interpersonal skills, a fitness club manager is generally considered to be in good physical shape. In doing so, he will likely be more familiar with general suitability concepts that help with the customer service aspect. Creative approaches to promoting a club to different demographic sectors are often considered a plus for people in this position.

In terms of educational prerequisites, most fitness clubs require at least a high school diploma or equivalent. A significant number of fitness club managers are promoted from positions as fitness instructors within the company based on commitment, ability and initiative. Some leadership positions in a fitness club require training or compliance with professional association requirements.

If a couple of years ago sports clubs were created by enthusiastic athletes and their main clientele were the same athletes, now the fashion for fitness, aerobics, bodybuilding and simply recreational gymnastics has reached unprecedented heights.

More and more often, the management of large companies pays attention to the health of their staff and creates sports clubs, fitness centers, gyms and aerobics rooms on the basis of their property.

There are two types of clubs in the market for sports and health services: those created at enterprises (as structural divisions or on the basis of the enterprise’s property) and those created as independent business entities. The former provide services only to employees of enterprises, the latter - to the population.

The staff of the sports club includes administrative, instructor and other specialized personnel. The director of the sports club organizes the work of all personnel. His tasks, as a rule, are purely economic (if he does not combine work as an instructor): he provides the material and technical base, recruits staff, and provides general management of the work of various sections of the club (gym, aerobics room, massage room, solarium, etc.). ).

Direct training and classes are organized and conducted by fitness instructors, aerobics instructors, bodybuilding instructors and other sports and organizational personnel. Sports and recreational gymnastics instructor is the conventional title of the position of an instructor responsible for a specific area of ​​work. It was introduced to create general instructions, on the basis of which a personnel manager or other personnel employee can develop a job document for each type of instructor (fitness instructor, aerobics instructor, etc.).


I. General provisions

1. The director of a sports club belongs to the category of managers.

3. The director of a sports club must know:

3.1. Provisions of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory legal documents that determine the directions and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports.

3.2. Fundamentals of financial and economic activities.

3.3. Profile, specialization and structure features of a sports club.

3.4. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.

3.5. Domestic and foreign experience in the field of development of physical culture and sports.

3.6. Means of computer technology, communication and communications.

3.7. The procedure for developing and concluding business contracts.

3.8. Fundamentals of business administration.

3.9. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.10. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities

Director of the sports club:

1. Provides general management of the administrative, economic and economic activities of the sports club.

2. Organizes the work of the sports club staff.

3. Resolves all issues related to the provision of services to club visitors.

5. Resolves all issues related to the activities of the sports club within the limits of the rights granted to it regarding the expenditure of financial and material resources.

6. Ensures that the sports club is equipped with sports-technological and engineering equipment, inventory, materials and monitors their use.

7. Organizes timely major and current repairs of buildings, structures, club premises and equipment.

8. Takes measures to provide the sports club with qualified personnel, to make the best use of the knowledge and experience of employees; concludes employment agreements (contracts) with club staff.

9. Monitors strict compliance by the club staff with safety regulations, industrial sanitation, and fire safety.

10. Makes decisions on proposals to impose administrative penalties and apply incentive measures to club staff.

11. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts related to the activities of the sports club, organizes control over their implementation.

12. Manages all activities of the sports club.

13. Organizes the work of the club’s instructors and administrative staff.

III. Rights

The club director has the right:

1. Represent the interests of the sports club in relations with citizens, legal entities, government and administrative bodies.

2. Dispose of the property and funds of the sports club in compliance with the requirements determined by law, decisions of the founders, and other regulatory legal acts.

3. Within the limits established by law, determine the composition and volume of information constituting a trade secret and the procedure for its protection.

IV. Responsibility

1. The director of a sports club is responsible:

1.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

I approve


(name of institution)
00.00.201_g. №00
1. General Provisions

Name of institution

1.7. The director must know:

— ethics of business communication;

2. Job responsibilities

2.9. The director is obliged:

3. Rights

4. Responsibility

I have read the instructions,

(signature) (surname, initials)


I approve
_____________________________ (Last name, initials)
(name of organization, its ________________________________
organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized
approve job description)
(name of institution)
00.00.201_g. №00
1. General Provisions
1.1. This job description defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the director of the sports club_____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).
Name of institution
1.2. A person with a higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience in the profile or a secondary vocational education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile is accepted for the position of director.
1.3. The director of a sports club is appointed to the position and dismissed from it in the manner established by the constituent documents of the sports club.
1.4. The director of the sports club is subordinate to _______________________.
1.5. All club personnel are subordinate to the director.
1.6. During the period of the director (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), his duties are assigned to a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.
1.7. The director must know:
— provisions of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal documents that determine the prospects and directions for the development of physical culture and sports;
— the basics of tax, civil, labor legislation, the law on the protection of consumer rights, on advertising, on the protection of public health;
— instructions, orders, instructions, orders and other regulatory and administrative documents regulating its work
— basics of business administration and financial and economic activities;
— foreign and domestic experience in the field of development of sports and physical culture;
— means of computer technology, communications and communications;
— fundamentals of sociology and psychology;
— specialization, profile and structure features of the sports club;
— basics of labor organization, market economy and management;
— ethics of business communication;
— basic principles of work planning;
— norms and regulations and labor protection;
— requirements for the preparation and conclusion of business contracts and documentation;
— internal labor regulations;
— safety regulations, fire protection and industrial sanitation.
2. Job responsibilities
The director of a sports club is obliged to:
2.1. Draw up plans for the sports and financial and economic activities of the club using socio-economic conditions.
2.2. Carry out general management of the administrative, economic and economic activities of the sports club.
2.3. Organize the work of the sports club and all staff, namely:
— agree, in accordance with the procedure established by law, on the conditions and terms for the transfer of athletes from the club to other sports organizations, and vice versa;
— submit documents to the authorized body for assigning titles, coaching categories and categories to coaches and athletes;
-organize and control the preparation of athletes and national teams, organization of the training process;
— monitor the technical condition and effective use of sports equipment, operation of existing sports facilities;
— organize work on retraining, training and advanced training of sports club personnel and public instructors;
— develop and approve a calendar plan for mass sports events;
— organize and conduct sports competitions in various areas of sports activities;
— implement measures for the social protection of coaches, athletes and other employees of the sports club, sports veterans and coordinate their actions in these areas with local governments;
— take part in the work to implement international and interregional relations in the field of physical culture and sports;
— advertise television and radio broadcasts of sports competitions organized by the participation of a sports club;
— provide sports, physical education and health services to the population, such as:
- clubs, sections, hiking and other types of sporting events, as well as rental of sports equipment and equipment;
— seasonal grounds on the territory of the sports club: tennis courts, skating rinks, ski slopes, golf courses, etc.;
— cafes, billiard rooms, bowling alleys, etc., located on the territory of the sports club.
2.4. Within the framework of the powers granted to him, resolve material and financial issues of the activities of the sports club, namely:
— organize timely current and major repairs of structures, buildings, club premises and equipment;
— determine the conditions and conclude civil contracts necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the sports club, monitor their implementation;
— ensure that the sports club is equipped with engineering, sports and technological equipment, materials and inventory.
2.5. To provide the sports club with qualified personnel with the best use of the experience and knowledge of employees, namely:
— monitor strict compliance by the club staff with safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation;
— conclude employment agreements (contracts) with the club staff;
— make decisions on proposals to impose administrative penalties and apply incentive measures to club staff;
— approve the work schedule (schedule) of the club’s instructors and coaching staff.
2.6. Resolve all issues related to the provision of services to club clients, consider complaints and claims from visitors related to the quality of services provided.
2.7. Deal with the issues of finding sponsors, attracting targeted funds within the framework of charitable programs, advertising the services provided by the sports club in the media in order to attract customers.
2.8. Manage other types of activities provided for by the constituent documents of the sports club.
2.9. The director is obliged:
- conscientiously and honestly fulfill the duties assigned to him;
— treat other employees objectively, evaluate their contribution to achieving the goals of the sports club based on the results of their work, regardless of personal attitudes;
— timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, providing the required information in full;
— continuously improve your professional level;
— keep the club’s property safe and sound;
— contribute in every possible way to the formation and strengthening of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
-comply with internal labor regulations, safety rules, labor protection, fire protection and industrial sanitation;
— keep official and commercial secrets;
— maintain confidentiality when working with personal information of sports club employees.
3. Rights
The director of a sports club has the right:
3.1. Conclude employment agreements (contracts).
3.2. Represent the interests of the sports club in relations with citizens, legal entities, government bodies and authorities.
3.3. Within the framework established by law, determine the volume and composition of information constituting a trade secret, as well as the procedure for its protection.
3.4. Demand assistance from the founders of the sports club in performing their official duties and exercising their rights.
3.5. Open current and other accounts in banking institutions.
3.6. Dispose of the property and funds of the sports club in compliance with the requirements determined by law, decisions of the founders and other regulatory legal acts.
3.7. Make decisions on proposals: to bring employees who have violated labor discipline and are guilty of causing material damage to the club to financial and disciplinary liability; on material and moral encouragement for particularly distinguished employees.
3.8. Issue powers of attorney for civil transactions, representation, etc.
4. Responsibility
The director of a sports club is responsible for:
4.1. For legal violations committed in the course of its activities within the limits established by the current administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For causing material damage to the organization within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The director of a sports club bears personal responsibility for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond the scope of his powers established by law, charter and other regulatory legal acts. He is not exempt from liability if actions entailing liability were taken by persons to whom he vested his rights.
Head of structural unit: _____________ __________________
(signature) (surname, initials)
I have read the instructions,
one copy received: _____________ __________________
(signature) (surname, initials)

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