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Where to find wholesale clothing suppliers. How to find a manufacturer or supplier of goods for your idea

If you've read our other ideas articles, you may have already started to have some ideas of your own. This is a very interesting stage for an entrepreneur, as the impetus for work begins and the excitement increases with each new thought about the idea.

However, time and time again, many entrepreneurs find themselves stumped and frustrated when it comes to sourcing their products. Both in the case of producing your own goods and if you are looking for suppliers for wholesale purchases, finding one is often not an easy task.

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In this article, we'll look at the basic rules for successfully finding a supplier for your next project. We'll tell you where to look for him, how best to contact him and what to ask.

Let's begin.

Basics – What are you looking for?

In this article, when we talk about suppliers, we mean anyone who can supply you with products and stock them. That is, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.

With a simple Google search you can find tons of useful links. However, before you start, you should consider a few points and make a decision.

Here are some of the most common options:

  • A manufacturer who will bring your product idea to life.
  • A supplier who can also be a manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor for the purchase of existing brands and products.
  • Dropshipper for supplying goods and fulfilling orders of existing brands and products.

Domestic or foreign suppliers

Whether you want to manufacture a product or buy it in bulk, choosing suppliers is a very common question. The question is to choose between domestic and foreign ones. The overseas supplier can be located in any country, but most often we are talking about Asian countries such as China, India and Taiwan.

You probably already know that it is almost always cheaper to buy goods abroad, but it's not just about the initial investment and unit cost.

Both domestic and foreign suppliers have both their advantages and disadvantages. We will consider them further.

Domestic suppliers


  • The quality of the goods and working conditions are better.
  • It is easier to communicate with the supplier, there is no language barrier.
  • You can use a marketing ploy: the goods are produced in Ukraine.
  • It is easier to check the reliability of the supplier.
  • Fast delivery.
  • Good protection of intellectual property rights.
  • Payment security and rights protection are better.


  • Production costs are higher.
  • Limited selection of goods (there are many goods that are no longer produced in Ukraine or have never been produced at all).

Foreign suppliers


  • Production cost is lower.
  • A large number of manufacturers to choose from.
  • Comprehensive platforms, such as, simplify the process of searching for goods.


  • Customers believe that the quality of such products is worse.
  • (Typically) low production and labor standards.
  • Poor protection of intellectual property rights.
  • Language and communication barriers can be challenging.
  • Difficult/expensive to check the supplier and visit its production.
  • Long delivery.
  • Cultural differences in doing business.
  • Import of goods and customs clearance.
  • Payment security and rights protection are worse.

Where to start your search

Now that you have a better idea of ​​what exactly you need to find, and also understand the advantages and disadvantages of domestic and foreign suppliers, where do you start your search? Of course, the best place to start is on the Internet, but there are certain places that can help you in your search.

Company databases

Some of the best sources to search can be online supplier databases. These databases contain profiles of hundreds or even thousands of manufacturers, wholesalers and suppliers. We have listed some of the most popular databases below as an example.

Online supplier databases

Online databases of foreign suppliers

In the depths of Google

Over the past years, we have become accustomed to easily searching for the information we need using Google and finding what we need in the first few search results. However, many providers have not kept up with the progress of the Internet, namely changes in Google's search algorithm. Very often their sites are outdated, information is scattered, and they are not optimized for search engines.

How to find suppliers using Google? For the first time in your life, you will need to explore the tenth page of search results and maybe even further. You may also want to use different terms when searching. For example, wholesaler, wholesaler and distributor can be used instead of each other, so you will need to search for them all.

Advanced search and web search help from Google, which will improve the quality of searches and, accordingly, their effectiveness.


At various exhibitions of products from certain industry niches, you can find a supplier of goods for your business and get to know him directly on the spot. There you can establish your first working connections.

Request for quotation

Once you have found the right supplier, where do you start negotiating?

The main question that will bother you is: “How much?” But before you rush to send a price request to a supplier, think through exactly what you want to say and what questions you need to ask. A well-thought-out request will increase your chances of getting a response and the information you need.

There are several important issues that are worth mentioning in your request:

  • – You need to make sure that the supplier’s minimum order quantity is within your reach and affordability. Minimum order quantities can vary greatly depending on the product and supplier, so it is important to ask this question in advance.
  • What is the price per sample?– You will most likely want to study a sample before placing an order. Sample prices vary depending on product and supplier. Some suppliers that receive a lot of inquiries may change the retail price, some will offer you samples at a discounted price, and others may even send you samples for free.
  • What is the unit price?– One of the most important issues is the price per unit of goods. You'll likely want to ask the unit price for different order quantities to see how much of a discount you can get for larger orders.
  • How long does it take to complete an order?– Knowing your lead time is very important because, depending on the type of business you have, time can be a critical factor.
  • What are your payment terms?– Many suppliers will require new customers to pay in full upfront for the goods. This is very important to know because inventory is a major expense for online startups. You can also ask what the payment terms are for subsequent orders.

Suppliers constantly receive hundreds of price requests from unreliable buyers who often have no intention of buying anything. Therefore, very often suppliers do not respond to all requests. New online business entrepreneurs often complain about lack of response from suppliers.

How not to be ignored? There are a few things you shouldn't do when you first contact a supplier:

  • Long queries– Your first letter to the supplier should be short and to the point. Don't write too much about your story. The purpose of the first request is to better evaluate a potential partner candidate. Focus on what suppliers care most about - detailed information about the product you are looking for.
  • Don't ask for too much– It is not always easy for the supplier to process requests. It is important to ask for multiple product prices for different order quantities, but not to ask too many questions or requests for detailed information. Ask only what you need to know to evaluate the potential collaboration between you and your supplier.
  • Don't request too small an order– If you make a price request for a quantity of an item lower than the supplier's minimum quantity, you risk never receiving a response. If you are unsure of the order quantity required, call the supplier or write a short inquiry with one question to find out the minimum order size.

Finally, if you are contacting an overseas supplier, remember that very often they may use translation programs to translate your letter and their response. We advise you to write a letter to the supplier in English. Your queries should be concise, to the point, well formatted and free of typos. This will not only make things easier for the supplier, but will also ensure you get a good response. Also, when you ask questions, it is better to number them, this will make it easier for the supplier to answer each of the points, and the answers and correspondence will be more clear and organized.

Here is an example of a request that could be sent:

Good afternoon

My name is ____ and I am a representative from XYZ Company.

I am interested in placing an order under the SUPPLIER'S NAME. I would like to ask a few questions in advance:

  1. What is your minimum order?
  2. What is the unit price for the minimum order and if I order three times the minimum order?
  3. What are the payment terms for new clients?

I would also like to order a sample of the PRODUCT to check the quality. Could you please tell me the price for a sample with delivery to:

First Name Last Name


City, country


Thank you,

Your name As you can already see from the sample above, the letter is short, meaningful, and its purpose is to find out the terms of cooperation from the supplier. I also immediately asked about ordering a sample of the product in case this supplier was a good fit for me. Once I receive the samples and am satisfied with their quality, I can begin to inquire about the details of the collaboration, knowing that I am not wasting my time or the time of the supplier.

Minimum order negotiations

If you are looking for a supplier for the first time, you will quickly learn what the minimum order quantity is. Very often, upon first ordering, the supplier will require a commitment to purchase hundreds or even thousands of units of the product, depending on the type of product and the supplier.

Minimum order quantities can be an issue if you have limited funds or if you just want to start with small quantities of a product to test the market before committing to larger orders. The good news is that the minimum order quantity is always negotiable.

Before starting negotiations, it is important to understand why the supplier set the minimum. Will this provide a lot of work up front? Or maybe the supplier prefers to work with large customers? Understand the reasons for setting a minimum order and you will be better able to understand the supplier's position, negotiate and make good counteroffers.

Once you better understand your supplier's position, you can suggest lowering the minimum order quantity. Trade-offs may include giving the supplier a deposit for a large order, but the product is produced in small quantities or the unit price is higher.

Have you already found your partner supplier?

Finding suppliers and manufacturers is a special process, and for many it is a completely new experience. Finding suppliers that are right for you is a challenging and very important time for your new business, and it is not always easy. It's easy to give up when you reach a dead end, but in most cases, you just need more patience and persistence and you will find the perfect partner for your business.

Finding suppliers is a mandatory step in launching any online store. The supplier can be a product manufacturer or a dealer. At the beginning of business development, you can turn to intermediaries who will supply goods in small quantities. The only question that may arise is where to find a good supplier with whom you can work on mutually beneficial terms.

How to contact clothing suppliers?

Today, searching for suppliers of children's, women's and men's clothing is already a well-established process, because online commerce does not stand still, but creates its own mechanisms and ways of interaction between different market players. There are proven options that will help an entrepreneur contact suppliers:

  1. Thematic Internet portals, catalogues, databases with links to intermediaries and manufacturers. Searching the Internet takes a minimum of time and effort, since the information in catalogs is usually conveniently divided by topic.
  2. Search results. When accessing search engines, add the word “wholesale” to the product name. Don’t stop on the first page - explore everything up to 20, because some, including good ones, manufacturers and suppliers do not pay enough attention to website promotion and therefore do not make it to the TOP search results.
  3. Traditional catalogues, directories, magazines
  4. Competitive suppliers. If you like your competitors' products, it's worth finding out who their suppliers are. Do a little research - ask the store manager, study the packaging and warranty documents, ask for quality certificates.
  5. Package. In offline stores you can look at packaging, boxes, labels on clothes and shoes with information about the dealer or manufacturer. Contact them and find out the terms of cooperation.
  6. Local clothing manufacturers
  7. Foreign suppliers. Clothing is often imported from Turkey and China, where low purchasing prices make it possible to create a favorable markup. Trade in imported goods will incur customs and shipping costs.
  8. Industry events - exhibitions, fairs and conferences where you can meet manufacturers or intermediaries.

How to choose a clothing supplier in Kyiv, Moscow?

Firstly, we advise you not to limit yourself to one single partner in order to avoid disruption of supplies: he may go bankrupt, significantly raise purchase prices, change the range, etc. Don’t take risks, don’t jeopardize your sales - focus on 3-4 suppliers at once to insure yourself.

If you have found a database of intermediaries, then proceed to the selection stage. Pay attention to the following criteria:

  • purchase price of goods per unit and batch
  • quality and range of products
  • the minimum number of units of goods that must be taken over a certain period
  • frequency of updating the product base, informing about new arrivals and price changes
  • availability of necessary certificates and documents for the goods
  • methods of payment and delivery of clothes to your warehouse
  • possibility to defer payments
  • supplier warehouse location
  • terms of payment for packaging
  • terms of return or exchange if the product turns out to be defective
  • availability of discounts
  • good communication, speed of feedback, presence of a responsible person
  • clothing supplier reviews

Enter the collected data into a table - this will make it easier to compare.

Options for cooperation with clothing suppliers

There are three schemes for interaction with suppliers of any product, not just clothing:

Sales from your warehouse. The simplest and most reliable method, but it requires certain investments to rent a warehouse if you do not have your own premises. This way you can personally control the quality of the goods your customers receive.

Dropshipping sales. With this scheme you will not need your own warehouse. In this case, you will work to order: your online store receives an order, you redirect it to the supplier along with the customer’s data, to whom the goods are shipped directly, without your mediation. You earn on the markup. Material

Finding a reliable supplier is the most important stage in organizing a retail business. At first, all entrepreneurs in the field of trade face this problem. Buy goods abroad or look for suppliers in Russia? How not to lose your money when concluding contracts with foreign suppliers on the Internet? Read about this, as well as about the most common mistakes made when choosing suppliers, in our article.

“How to find a supplier?” - this question torments hundreds of novice businessmen, since arranging the supply of goods at a low price for sale at a higher price is a serious task. Many entrepreneurs, in a rush to launch their business as quickly as possible, make the wrong choice of suppliers, enter into contracts with unreliable companies, which subsequently leads to disruption of the trading process, loss of profit, and sometimes even closure of the store. Where to find a supplier? How to eliminate errors when ordering goods? What requirements must a supplier of products for a retail store meet? We present to your attention some useful tips on how to find a supplier.

How to find suppliers: visit specialized exhibitions of goods

In large cities of each region of our country, a large number of exhibitions are held, in which manufacturers of a wide variety of goods participate. This can be clothing, shoes, food, household appliances, gifts, souvenirs, cosmetics, furniture, industrial and other goods. Large suppliers and manufacturers participate in exhibitions and fairs in pursuit of two goals - to sell goods at retail to end consumers and to find large resellers to sell batches of products through retail stores. The exhibition is thousands of products grouped by type, price, quality, manufacturers, where every visitor can find their supplier.

Entrepreneurs also need to attend exhibitions, especially international ones, in order to track current trends in a particular area. Specialized exhibitions are an excellent way to establish contacts with several suppliers of goods at once, enter into preliminary agreements and get acquainted with the range of products presented. Often companies from other regions of the country or countries also participate in exhibitions - by cooperating with them, you will be able to purchase goods that differ from the range of competing companies in your region. By visiting exhibitions, you have an excellent chance to compare the quality and prices of goods from different manufacturers, the terms of delivery of goods, without wasting time searching for the necessary information.

By visiting specialized exhibitions and communicating directly with company representatives, you immediately establish yourself as a businessman with serious intentions, which means that specialists from the supplier or manufacturer will be more willing to cooperate with you - they are also interested in expanding the channels for selling their goods.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a supplier company participating in a specialized exhibition, check the information with which retail stores it cooperates with in your region or in a neighboring one. Then, information about the reliability of the supplier can be clarified directly from colleagues or competitors - if there were any problems with this company, they will certainly tell you about it.

Many businessmen note that it is really easy to find reliable suppliers at specialized exhibitions throughout the country. When communicating with employees of a supplier company, it is important to immediately build partnerships so that your company or store is perceived not as a one-time buyer, but as an associate and business comrade. By establishing mutually beneficial cooperation, in the future you can count on receiving discounts from the supplier or priority delivery of the best goods at competitive prices.

We are looking for the right suppliers: we are studying Russian wholesale online stores

Today, the most popular “place” for searching for suppliers of goods is, of course, the Internet. And an excellent option for entrepreneurs who at first are afraid to take risks by ordering large quantities of certain products from abroad on the Internet is cooperation with the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. They, as a rule, work with dozens of countries around the world and have a wide range of products. Finding a supplier among such companies is easy.

For example, the Russian company Sima Land. On the website of this company, any retailer will be able to find hundreds and thousands of necessary products, including exclusive ones, which can be purchased for further resale. These include household goods, clothing, children's goods, electrical goods, souvenirs, games, jewelry, tools for construction and repair, and many other things. Regular clients of such wholesale online stores in our country are retail chains and small retail specialized stores, as well as educational institutions - schools, colleges, kindergartens and other various organizations.

Such a supplier company has several advantages. Firstly, there is no need to order delivery of goods from abroad - this eliminates the risk of losing money. The extensive network for organizing transportation of such wholesale online stores allows resellers to save on delivery - often it is free. This is profitable and convenient for owners of retail stores, since goods are delivered safely and securely within the shortest possible time.

Secondly, thanks to the wide assortment of such a supplier, you can immediately and in one place order various types of goods in minimum quantities. For example, bed linen or children's clothing. That is, there is no need to enter into agreements with several suppliers at once, since all the necessary goods can be purchased from one. The development of the assortment of large Russian wholesale online stores is carried out by employees of these enterprises, who are guided by the needs of customers and the demand for certain goods. As for prices, in such enterprises they are really affordable and not much more expensive than when buying goods from abroad. Wholesale online stores work directly with manufacturers of goods, while avoiding markups, and delivery of goods in large quantities and well-thought-out logistics help reduce the company’s transportation costs. According to retail businessmen, finding suppliers from such firms is one of the best options for retail trade.

An undeniable advantage for a supplier from among wholesale Russian online stores of goods is the quality control that is carried out by employees of these companies. Companies such as Sima-land, for example, have their own warehouses and offices in other countries. The company's local employees have the opportunity to carefully select manufacturers, control the quality of products purchased in bulk and control the purchasing process.

Some large Russian wholesale online stores have their own “real” retail analogue stores - in the huge areas of hypermarkets of the same name, anyone (including a novice businessman who is looking for a supplier) has the opportunity to personally evaluate the quality of goods.

By collaborating with such suppliers, you no longer need to purchase goods abroad, there is no need to risk money by pre-paying for goods from an unknown foreign supplier, whose products you have not even seen or “held in your hands”, as well as worry about the delivery methods of the purchased goods and its “customs clearance” and the availability of quality certificates. All of the above tasks are solved by employees of the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. Finding a supplier among such companies today is not difficult.

Foreign suppliers: we order goods from abroad

Working with foreign suppliers is considered among Russian businessmen to be quite complex and costly, but the most common “scheme”. Most often, the choice of entrepreneurs who own retail stores falls on China. As you know, the vast majority of things and goods around us are made in China. The prices for the products purchased there are really low, and the choice of goods is unlimited, which means you can earn significant amounts of money from the resale of goods. Chinese manufacturers are true “experts” in creating and selling consumer goods. But Russian entrepreneurs should be wary of fraud and deception from Chinese suppliers.

The easiest option for finding a foreign supplier is on the Internet. On the World Wide Web you can find both a one-time supplier of goods and a long-term partner. For example, the well-known trading platform from China, the site “,” brings together dozens and hundreds of sellers of Chinese goods on one portal. Here, in a huge range of products, you can find the most suitable offer for yourself - in terms of price and quality. Here you can buy phones, accessories, tools, clothes, jewelry, both wholesale and individually.

In order to protect buyers of goods on large sites, there are protection methods - a refund if the product was not received, was not received on time or did not correspond to the description. You can return goods to the seller to a warehouse in Russia without giving any reasons. Now the company has representative offices in our country in almost every region; you can pay for goods and choose a delivery method (pickup or delivery directly to your store) yourself.

One of the disadvantages of working with such suppliers is that you can only buy consumer goods on the websites of Chinese manufacturers, but you are unlikely to find exclusive items or highly specialized goods here. It is also not uncommon for the ordered product to arrive of poor quality or the wrong type or size. The process of returning money or goods is quite lengthy. Another disadvantage of such suppliers is the inability to “touch” the product and evaluate its quality. The buyer (especially of wholesale quantities of goods for resale in a retail store) acts “blindly”, purchasing a “pig in a poke” with an advance payment.

“We look for suppliers on the Internet by entering the name of a certain type of product in English into a search engine. This is the simplest option. After that, go to various websites of suppliers of Chinese goods and ask questions, businessmen advise. “Communicate with representatives of companies via Skype, always agree on delivery times, methods of payment and return of goods.”

Today you can search for a supplier of goods virtually in simpler ways. For example, many online companies offer special services for selecting reliable suppliers. You discuss with the company manager the types of goods that you would like to order on the Internet, and they, in turn, look for a supplier for your store or check the reliability of the companies with which you plan to cooperate. They will compare prices for you, check the availability of quality certificates, photographs of goods, and find all the contacts of the supplier you are interested in. Also, such companies undertake customs clearance of goods, money transfers, and intermediary services. All this can make the work of a novice entrepreneur easier, but these services, of course, are paid.

Where else to find a supplier: product catalogs

If you need a supplier, consult product catalogs. They come in two types - online catalogs and traditional printed publications. Thanks to online catalogues, systems for searching wholesale suppliers, anyone can find both a distributor and a manufacturer of goods. Wholesale companies in our country post information about themselves on these services, talking about the range of products, prices and publishing all contact information. Thanks to this, you can directly contact the organization you are interested in and negotiate the conditions for purchasing products.

A good example in this vein is the wholesale supplier search system “”. Here you can find products of various categories from companies from different cities of the country for free, and also leave your request for the supply of a particular product - and the supplier will find you. Here you can find both a reliable supplier of tires for cars, mobile phones, and potato producers - you will find any necessary product in the right quantity thanks to such services.

Printed catalogs or product magazines are less popular in the age of modern technology. But it is not uncommon for manufacturers of highly specialized products to publish information about their enterprises on the pages of various catalogues.

How to find a reliable supplier: we work directly with product manufacturers

Working directly with product manufacturers is certainly beneficial. Primarily due to the ability to purchase goods for resale at their purchase price. But, as you know, manufacturers prefer to work with wholesalers, and are less interested in retail trade enterprises.

A good option for grocery store owners is to cooperate directly with agricultural producers, farmers, and small companies that produce quality goods under their own brands. For example, semi-finished meat products, dairy products. Manufacturers in the regions are always interested in new partners, including representatives of the retail trade.

When considering working directly with manufacturers, look for items or products that are made directly in your area. You will be able to purchase them at the lowest prices, not spend money on delivery and resell them at a higher price. The only negative is the large number of competing stores that sell identical products.

Don’t be intimidated by the opportunity to work directly with one or another product manufacturer from any city in the country as a supplier for your retail store. They are interested in selling their products, just as you are interested in buying them for resale. You can also buy goods directly from a manufacturer from another region of the country together with several retail stores in your region. In this case, you can carry out periodic delivery of the range of goods you need, saving money on cargo transportation.

Today, you can look for a reliable supplier of goods for your store in different ways, but this is a truly important stage that requires a competent approach and an objective long-term assessment of the supply market.

The clothing business has always been relevant. It doesn’t matter what year it is, whether it is there or not, people will not walk around naked. If you want to make money selling clothes, then the first thing you need to do is choose the target audience of future buyers.

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Why does this need to be done in advance? So as not to buy a lot of useless things that are unlikely to be in demand later.

Why does such a business fail? Due to incorrect positioning of their products.

Definition of target audience:

  1. Young girls can rarely afford expensive goods, unless a mother or a boyfriend buys it, so there is no point in stocking sizes 36-42 with expensive brands, they simply won’t be bought at all. For young people, you can choose an inexpensive, but trendy outfit of good quality. They like to change clothes often, so they don’t need very expensive things.
  2. Women who already have money for expensive purchases are usually aged 30 and older, and rarely did anyone retain a very thin figure. Usually their size range starts from 46 and above, but not 42. Therefore, they will leave such a store disappointed. The wider the range of clothing, the greater the chance that the product will become in demand. Clothes should be of high quality and fashionable, don’t think that after 40 people dress like grandmothers, not at all.
  3. Men over 40 rarely care about fashion anymore, and most often there are no skinny people at this age either, so you can limit yourself to T-shirts, sweatshirts and jeans, everyone loves them. The main thing is that the clothes are of proper quality, because they buy them for years.

Once you have decided on your audience, you can begin searching for products. By the way, don’t forget about the location of the store, because people simply won’t go to a residential area to buy fashionable clothes, and the store is needed in the city center.

Why fashionable clothing is considered the most profitable product:

  1. Fashion is always considered an update, therefore, no matter how difficult it is in life, people will allow themselves one or two fashionable things per season. Therefore, quickly get rid of last year’s collections and buy only fashion trends. One, maximum two size ranges of one product, it’s not worth taking more. People don't like to see their clones on the street. This is another mistake of sellers who buy the same thing.
  2. Always choose things with taste, the goods should complement each other, and not lie in a bunch of disparate things. You never know what you liked, but if the products don’t match and you can’t put together a fashionable set, it will be worse to buy. The best products should be on a mannequin, period.
  3. Don't put up crazy prices, work through the turnover of goods. Minimum markup and a new collection every 2 weeks, and success will come. Some people expect new clothes more often, but it is better to time the delivery of clothes to coincide with your salary and advance payment. People are more generous during this period. Finding out what time they are issued in the city is not difficult. This usually happens in the first and 15-20th days of the month.

Now that the audience has been chosen and the approximate assortment of goods has also been selected, it is necessary to decide - what store format is needed? It could be a boutique, a sale or a second-hand store. Each of them has the right to exist and will have its own audience of buyers.

Store selection

Online store

An online store will also require the presence of an audience on the Internet. For the first time, you can organize a group on social networks and make sales from there.

There are a lot of such groups on VKontakte, where people run their intermediary business. Most often, they purchase a small batch of goods as advertising and post a catalog of clothes that can be purchased for 100% prepayment.

You need a small initial investment and the ability to communicate and find friends.

A full-fledged online store can be opened when there is a sufficient amount of clothing. Here you need to think over the payment system, which means opening a bank account, on webmoney and agreeing on the delivery of goods, if you don’t want to run to the post office yourself every time.


A boutique requires luxurious premises and maximum investment. They should start from a million rubles. This type of activity is profitable only in cities with a population of over a million; in the provinces, boutiques will not be in demand for another two years. Clothes and goods presented must be from factories. Masters must be with a well-known name.

Second hand

Second-hand stores are an almost obsolete system of stores, because wealthy buyers will not go there, and poor people sometimes prefer sales. Rare visitors to such stores are rare hunters, so you should definitely not carry junk. Goods by weight are no longer in demand. People prefer cheap goods, but new ones.

Supplier search

You can start searching for suppliers yourself, or entrust it to an intermediary company.

Usually the company asks to indicate what exactly the customer is interested in:

  • catalog;
  • an assortment of desired products that can be searched by list or photo;
  • photo and coordinates of the supplier;
  • reviews about the supplier company;
  • necessary documents about the cost of the goods and the rules of transportation through customs;

The more completely the request is filled out, the more answers you can get. The company will recommend trusted suppliers and sources.

You can, of course, search on the Internet yourself; fortunately, there are a great many sites with foreign products. On the websites and you can talk to the supplier of goods in English and make a deal yourself. Chinese goods are quite in demand and sometimes have excellent quality. If you need goods from Turkey, they can also be found using the links.

What to look for when searching?

Choose a company that has the largest range of products, then you will always have plenty to choose from.

Suppliers vary. Some have their own goods, others are resellers. Sometimes you come across exclusive suppliers from large companies. It all depends on what batch of goods you need to purchase.

If it is small, then you can take it from a reseller; if you want a long-term relationship and like the product, it is better to go to the factory or manufacturer. Wholesale is much cheaper for them.

A large company may have its representatives in the country, but such exclusive owners prefer to work with a large company or store.

Typical mistakes when choosing a supplier:

  1. Choose a company that supplies itself at an affordable price.
  2. You shouldn’t spend money on a large batch of goods if they don’t sell out; take no more than one or two lines from each collection.
  3. Don't forget about the price-quality ratio. Customers must receive a great product in order to come back to buy again. It is better to select optimal prices so as not to lose out, but also not to scare off the buyer with sky-high numbers.
  4. You can bargain, the owner often makes concessions. Many sellers on Chinese websites have coupons, you can use them when purchasing a batch of goods.
  5. Sometimes it is even better to work with intermediaries; they know which suppliers will disrupt deliveries, whose quality is poor, which supplier is the best. Start working through intermediaries, and then you can try it yourself.

Schemes of work with suppliers

There is a lot to learn before starting your business. Check not only the assortment, but also the guarantees for the goods offered, find out the supplier’s work schedule and the time of shipment of products.

If the store has sold out everything and there is no new batch, it is the customer’s fault.

Don't forget to ask if they accept return of defective items.

Explore payment methods, choose the most optimal option for yourself.

You can work with several sellers at once, if one is fake, then another will help out:

  1. First purchasing method– immediately purchase goods to open a store. This will require about a million rubles, and maybe more.
  2. Second purchasing method– when ordering goods from the seller. This method is suitable if there is a wholesale supplier in the country. The only thing is that you will have to travel a lot to get the goods.
  3. If you run an online store, you can sell goods for interest. Sending and all other things are handled by the owners of the central office, from which the affiliate script is downloaded. It is more difficult to promote an affiliate program, because there are many similar offers on the Internet.
  4. The fourth method is dropshipping. You purchase goods from the seller with 100% advance payment, but immediately send them to customers’ homes. Such sales via the Internet are popular, but they cause many complaints that the goods take a long time, 100% prepayment is required, and so on. However, if there are many suppliers in China, then the resource is popular due to its low prices.
  5. Products to order is a very convenient scheme for online stores. The most important thing is to resolve the issue with logistics companies. There is no need for a warehouse here; the goods are purchased after delivery or a small prepayment is made.
  6. When purchasing goods for sale, you need your own warehouse. You can pay suppliers within the agreed time frame. Sometimes regular suppliers give good deadlines for selling products, which allows you to quickly promote yourself. Only a client with a reputation can negotiate this way; a newcomer will not be given goods to sell, only for cash.
  7. And finally, the classic scheme - you buy goods with your own money, store in a warehouse and sell as products are in demand. You will receive profit only at the end of the transaction.

Making a deal

When completing a transaction, do not forget to draw up a purchase and sale agreement if the lot is large.

It must specify:

  • obligation of the parties;
  • the procedure for shipment of products and payments for them;
  • quantity and quality of goods;
  • force majeure;
  • dispute resolution;
  • do not forget the full name of the company or individual details;

When purchasing a small batch of goods, you don’t have to draw up a contract, but then you will have to compensate for the return of the defect yourself.

All of the above must be taken into account when opening your store. So those to whom everything seems easy and simple will be disappointed. However, once you go through all the nuances of the transaction yourself, it will be easier later.

Nowadays, finding the right clothing supplier for a store is not so easy, but it is still possible if you have the necessary knowledge in search methods and the ability to build long-term relationships based on trust. Suppliers are needed primarily to help deliver goods.

How and where should you look for a clothing supplier for your store?

First, you need to target a specific buyer.

Secondly, the product must be the latest and correspond to fashion trends.

Thirdly, things must be combined with each other.

Fourthly, the product must be in demand.

It is by these criteria that you need to look for a clothing supplier for your store.

Offers from clothing suppliers.

Suppliers are divided into two types of sales: large wholesale and small wholesale. A large wholesaler supplies goods in large quantities. This is only suitable for large organizations whose business is already thriving. For those who are just opening a store, it is better to use the services of a small wholesale supplier, then they will be able to buy goods in small quantities.

In stores operating under a franchise system, the question of suppliers disappears by itself.

Proposals for such a system are most often unprofitable for the entrepreneur.

Many suppliers supply clothes to stores such as second-hand and stock. Offering its customers sanitary treatment of goods, low wear, good quality, direct purchase from manufacturers from Europe, a huge assortment.

The price depends on the weight of the bag, delivery location, product quality, and sorting. Products purchased online are delivered using a transport company.

There are two types of stock items.

  1. Remnants of the previous collection from stores
  2. Factory leftovers because clothes are sewn with a margin of 10-15%

Suppliers sell stock either in bags or individually, the price will depend on the brand, the name of the product, the cost will be higher compared to second-hand.

Stores that sell multiple brands have two options:

  1. Make purchases from suppliers who take clothes from manufacturers.
  2. Order quality stock.

Stores that sell one brand purchase collections from suppliers who work directly with the manufacturer.

Supplier search.

The most effective way to find clothing suppliers is the Internet. To do this, in the search engine we type wholesale clothing, wholesale clothing supplies, wholesale clothing, etc. You can also view a list of popular clothing suppliers.

Purchasing on the Internet very often threatens that we are not buying what we imagined, since the pictures from the sites do not correspond to reality. If the company from which you choose a product is located in your region, then these problems can be avoided by visiting it in person.

You can also visit a business forum on the Internet where you can communicate with entrepreneurs, consultants, and suppliers.

It would be very nice to visit regional exhibitions, where you can communicate directly with manufacturers and conclude an agreement on more favorable terms for you.

It is necessary to study all suppliers: delivery times, terms of cooperation, cost of goods, reputation, customer reviews, product quality and much more. After you have analyzed everything, you can begin selection.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a clothing supplier?

You already have a huge list of suppliers as a result of your search. Now let's start sorting. We immediately cross off the unprofitable and unscrupulous ones from our list. After that there won't be many options left.

There are five common mistakes when choosing “your” supplier:

  1. Poor presentation. If the catalog contains low-quality photographs, then most likely the quality of the material leaves much to be desired. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material, dimensions and more detailed information is best obtained from the company’s managers.
  2. Unreliable suppliers. It is best to use common sense when choosing. You should choose time-tested companies that have already proven themselves in the sales market, and not newly minted ones.
  3. Huge volume of purchases. You should not purchase the first batch in large sizes. Even if you are offered a good discount, it may just be a ploy to sell poor quality or outdated goods. A small purchase volume will help us evaluate the quality of clothing.
  4. You should not make purchases for the current season. The winter clothing collection is always purchased in the fall, but never in the winter.
  5. You should not purchase a variety of goods from a supplier at once; it is more advisable to start small, and then expand the assortment if necessary. If there is a huge amount of unsold items, it will be impossible to sell them in the future.

Making a deal.

An agreement is concluded for the supply of goods, which must specify the terms of delivery of the goods, their payment, and the conditions for the goods. It is necessary to indicate accurate information about the product being purchased (article number, size, quantity, quality, etc.) this is required so that you are not delivered a product that you did not order.

Very often, disagreements arise regarding payments between the supplier and the entrepreneur. To do this, it is better to immediately agree on the payment process so that it suits both parties. Both the supplier and the buyer are equally responsible for breach of contract. In order to avoid disputes, you need to fulfill your duties on time.

Options for relationships with suppliers.

In order to obtain profitable cooperation, during negotiations you need to be able to convince the supplier of your position, thereby forcing the supplier to agree to unfavorable conditions. This method is considered the most profitable from an economic point of view.

This method will probably not be long-term. Only those entrepreneurs who have already achieved a certain status in the market can count on favorable conditions. One of the ways to get a discount is to compare two suppliers, reducing the cost of the product until one gives in in order to acquire a client.

There is also another type of cooperation - partnership. It will be designed for long-term relationships. In the case of supplier support under conditions that are not always favorable, you can be sure that any receipt will be completed on time and in the required quantity.

It would be quite reasonable to adhere to both principles, since the first method is not designed for long-term relationships, but you should not cooperate with all suppliers not in your favor.

There are actually plenty of conscientious suppliers. You just need to learn how to sort out unnecessary companies. The first purchase should be made extremely carefully so as not to run into low-quality goods. Carefully check all possible options and compare all offers. And only after a thorough analysis conclude an agreement.