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Where to earn 1,000,000. How to earn your first million without starting capital

It is difficult to find a person who has not dreamed of becoming a millionaire at least once in his life. According to the most conservative estimates, about 95% of citizens constantly dream of earning a million dollars, and only a modest 5% have either already earned that kind of money or abandoned their idea for ideological reasons.

Earn a million - internet examples

Another million-dollar idea, it turned out to be a social idea for classmates, it was launched in the USA at 15 years old Catherine Cook with 17 year old brother Dave. Of course, today Russia has an analogue, a very successful one, but for 2005 it was new. The website brought its creators several million dollars. True, the teenagers did not develop the project themselves; after a successful start, they poured in more than 4 million ever-green investor capital. I wrote about venture investing in.

One of the fascinating stories of how to become a millionaire is the story Michael Furdyk.1996, Michael felt, understood, guessed, was lucky (underline as appropriate) the advent of the information era, creating sai T dedicated to computers. It is worth noting one feature: the guys filled the site themselves using the same Internet, the result exceeded expectations, after 4 years the site was sold, each of the partners received more than one million dollars net.

A classic example of making a million on the Internet is Adam Hildreth, the young man already at the age of 14 launched a social network for teenagers, by and large, nothing special. True, Adam chose a non-trivial path to monetize income; he suggested that large companies (producing products for young people) use the network as a focus group for developing marketing campaigns. As a result, Dubit Limited, a company led by Adam Hildreth, arose, and the young man himself became the owner of a fortune of over $4 million before the age of 20.

Often, in order to come up with a million-dollar idea, it is not necessary to be creative or invent new products; it is enough to correctly use existing knowledge plus resources. Thus, I did Jason Bryan. Its Jason began his career working in the marketing department of a company that sells cars. What did you do? Jason Bryan to make a million?

Everything is quite simple, using his knowledge of selling and advertising cars, Brian created his own website helping potential customers choose the best car. The resource brought in money by selling information about potential customers to manufacturers and car dealers. The resource quickly became popular; in the first year, the startup managed to attract 250 thousand investor money. Two years after the start of the project, the site’s gross revenue exceeded $6 million, which is not a profitable investment.

For young people who want to earn their million, today the most favorable place is the Internet, which once again confirms the experience of an 18-year-old Joshua Dziabiak.For your 18th birthdayJoshua managed not only to create and sell the Mediacatch company for $1 million, but also to invest money in a new project Showclix. Showclix – site selling tickets for concert halls, cultural centers, museums. The project has not only attracted about $1 million in venture capital investments, but generates about $9 million in revenue.

Earn a million by trading, examples

You can trade in different ways, usually by simply exhibiting goods, or you can create conditions and offer a service. I took the last route Olga Nazarova, started selling navigators, but they sold not just a device, but a full set of services, including programs that provide control over the movement of vehicles. The idea of ​​control (and therefore savings) was liked not only by forwarding companies, but also by agricultural producers, and Olga became a millionaire

What could be simpler than glasses? Glasses have become a common attribute of society; it turns out that even such ordinary things can earn a lot of capital. 21 year old Jamie Murray Wells proved that even here there are possibilities. The essence of the idea is simple, creating an online store for glasses, however, with a small amendment, glasses can be bought with a prescription. You enter the data, ready-made glasses arrive by mail, quickly, cheaply, cheerfully. Jamie has $2 million in income plus a multi-million dollar company.

How can you make a million? Often we look for the answer anywhere, but not where it actually exists. Most likely he was guided by this logic Raymond Lee started selling T-shirts. Everything seems banal, Raymond ordered T-shirts in China and sold them in the USA on his website Simple and nothing ingenious, but in two years the sales volume increased to almost $1 million. The young man, carried away by his ideas, abandoned his studies (he was 20 at that time), becoming completely carried away by trade.

One of the most striking examples of making money from trading for young people is Cameron Johnson. Cameron's business career began when he was 9 years old, with the development and sale of exclusive invitation cards; by the way, anyone can start such a business.

Further, in the wake of the popularity of plush toys in the United States, Cameron Johnson began selling bear cubs and monsters using his own website Cheers and TearsAndeBay, the children's business brought in a quite normal profit of 50 thousand.

Then the young entrepreneur implemented a number of projects, from a program (he invented it himself, and ordered its implementation from freelance programmers) for selling advertising to services for selling gift certificates. By the age of 19, Johnson had sold one of his projects ( for several million bucks. True, he became a millionaire much earlier; according to the entrepreneur himself, by the age of 15, his earnings exceeded $1 million per year: - “I was 15 years old, and every month I received checks of $300,000 and $400,000.”

Earn a million – production, services

It’s rare to see startups that not only help you earn money, but also have a real social focus; this is the kind of project that helped you become a millionaire Dmitry Yurchenko. Dmitry is the developer of the “life button”, a service with which pensioners and simply older people can sound the alarm. After receiving a signal to the call center, doctors are sent to the pensioner, it’s just not fancy and turns out to be profitable.

Production is not always about machines, machines, and other global things; often, millions of their owners bring crazy and stupid things. This is exactly the product made from Jason Wall rich man. Jason first “invented” and began selling small ball-shaped caps for car antennas. The company he founded AntennaBalls In just a few years of operation, the company has surpassed $1 million in income. Are you surprised? read further.

How do you like earning a million on glass lids? True, the lid is not quite ordinary, but changes color as the temperature changes, its inventor Nick Bays most likely did not count on such success. At the same time, the idea brought him the coveted sum with six zeros. True, the inventor did not stop there and began to earn money not only from the covers, but also from advertising on the front side.

Innovation also brings money, a fact confirmed by the story of Danielle Gómez Iñiguez. The basis of the idea is banal - a press for squeezing out oil. Daniel began to develop his own press, ensuring maximum oil yield, since school; the solutions applied by the student made it possible to increase the extraction rate and ensure good quality. This oil could be used to produce biodiesel. The results were not long in coming, investors came, and Solben is now valued at much more than $1 million.

A striking example of income opportunities for teenagers is the example of Fraser Doherty. As a 14-year-old teenager, Fraser started his own business, it’s hard to say whether the young man “guessed right”, or maybe he was lucky, his products fell on the healthy eating trend. The young man began making jams on his own according to his grandmother’s old recipes. The product was not only healthy (no preservatives or flavorings were used in the preparation), but also nostalgically delicious. The market quickly appreciated the young entrepreneur, and the startup attracted investment. Three years later, Fraser Doherty's firm had a turnover of more than $1.5 million, selling its products throughout England.

Earned a Million Dollars from a Crazy Idea in 5 Months [Storytelling]

new video stories $1,000,000 on a crazy idea in just 5 months. New…

Upload date: 2014-01-31

Interesting on this topic

    • Method number 1. Create passive income
    • Method number 2. Sale of an existing asset
    • Method No. 3. Completion of an intermediary transaction
  • 3. Recommendations for earning your first million
  • 4. Conclusion

There is no such person who would not like to earn a million dollars in the shortest possible time. Today there are more than 10 million dollar millionaires in the world. Looking at this impressive number, everyone involuntarily wonders why he still doesn’t have a million. In this article we will look at how you can earn that kind of money. How to earn 1,000,000 from scratch in a day, week, month or year?

You can earn your first big money if you already have your own business, a prestigious position in a rich company, or good connections. Some make money from their big name. These are singers, athletes, actors and even politicians. If you are reading this article, then none of the above applies to you.

1. How to make a million in a year from scratch

There are many books and video tutorials available on the Internet about how to make a million in a year or month. They are sold by so-called “millionaires”. Many people believe this and buy the material, but few succeed in this area. If such a scheme worked, then half of the population of our country would not work, but would simply download another video lesson.

Ways to earn your first million

But there are world-famous personalities who, having made huge capital for themselves, write books about this. Most often these are autobiographies of their personal success. Among such people, Bodo Schaeffer and Sergei Zmeev are traditionally distinguished. No one questions the authority of these personal figures.

The best option to earn a million in 1 year

Perhaps the most realistic way to quickly get rich and become a millionaire today is to launch a so-called apartment building. This is a large house with an area of ​​over 100 square meters. meters, which is divided into 5-7 apartments, each of which is rented. To create an apartment building, you will undoubtedly need initial capital to purchase or rent a building and arrange several full-fledged apartments in it.

However, there are still ways that allow you to open an apartment building even without a down payment and, with a positive combination of circumstances, become a millionaire in one year. You can take out a loan, rent a house and rent out apartments in it separately. This scheme allows you to completely cover the loan installments and achieve net profit in 2-3 months. Watch a video from a successful investor who became a millionaire thanks to an apartment building:

2. How to earn a million in a month

Method number 1. Create passive income

When a person receives income, but does nothing for it, then this is passive income. It is thanks to him that you can get your first million. To do this, we reach a level of passive income of approximately 30 thousand rubles per month. Then it needs to be legalized. You can do this by registering as an individual entrepreneur. After about a year, you can take out a loan from a bank. With that kind of income, you can borrow a million for several years.

But to get such a solid income, you need to work hard. Experts offer the following ways to generate passive income:

  • rental of real estate. This is the easiest way, unless, of course, you have unoccupied property, the rental of which will bring good money; (Read about passive income, as well as where to invest money so that it works and generates income)
  • creation of an Internet resource. It's no secret that the owners of popular websites have a consistently large income from advertising. But without the appropriate knowledge this is difficult to achieve;
  • network marketing. No matter how much bad things are said about network marketing, sociable and purposeful people sometimes earn much more here than top managers of well-known companies.

Method number 2. Sale of an existing asset

If you have an asset that brings you good money, you can sell it for a profit. This could be your own website, an earning account, or anything that generates profit. The formula for calculating the value of such an asset looks something like this: multiply the average monthly income by 24 months. The result is the amount that could be received in 2 years. In many cases this will be 1,000,000 - 1 million rubles.

Method No. 3. Completion of an intermediary transaction

Thanks to this method, you can earn money not in a year, but in a couple of months, or even days. But it is suitable for enterprising and sociable people who constantly looking for new opportunities to earn money. You can become an intermediary in a multimillion-dollar transaction, for which you will receive a reward in the form of a fixed amount or a percentage.

People interested in this method are advised to look for a large investor for a promising project, or a buyer for real estate or business. If you know about any project that can bring good profits, but needs investment, then you can find a large investor for it. Many wealthy buyers are looking for luxury real estate around the world. And having found a suitable one, you can demand from him a certain percentage for the transaction.

These are the ways to help you earn your first million. They may seem complicated to some and simple to others, but they work. They can only serve as a basis for further earnings.

If you don't have connections and your parents aren't financial tycoons, it's hard to make millions. But in the United States, children, upon becoming adults, leave their parents’ home and learn to live and earn money on their own. This becomes an emotional impetus for them, which is why many millionaires are born in the USA.

American experts and financial analysts give the following recommendations for those who want, but do not know, how to earn a million rubles or even dollars:

  • save money constantly. If you receive any income, no matter how small, save no less 10 % From him. This money will not only be “for a rainy day,” as we say, but it can be invested in a promising project;
  • be frugal. You need to try to be economical and not make thoughtless purchases. Sometimes many people think about how many unnecessary things they have that can no longer be sold to anyone. And, at one time, money was spent on them; (We wrote about how to save and save money in)
  • improve financial education. Many young people today have higher economic education, but not all of them can be called financially literate. To improve literacy, you need to read world bestsellers by people like Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaeffer and others;
  • make your passive income. This has already been mentioned above, but it would not be amiss to recall that such income will be a good financial aid for your budget;
  • create a successful environment. By communicating with people who have the same worldview and goals in life as you, it is much easier to get the desired result. You can discuss and create various ideas with them, calculate different development options, and so on; (We also recommend reading the article: “

Becoming a millionaire is the cherished dream of many, especially beginning entrepreneurs. Some devote all their time to this goal and make every effort to get the desired amount. A number of people in pursuit of a million may even break the law, believing that it is impossible to get that amount of money honestly. However, it is much more pleasant to earn a million doing what you love and doing everything within the law. Such methods will be discussed below.

I want to earn a million - a goal or an unrealistic whim

Raising a million is quite possible. The only question is timing. You can quickly get such an amount only if you have an already operating and stable business, talent or any asset. So, having a business, you can get part of the profit and thus earn a million. The situation is similar for athletes or singers who receive fees measured in millions of rubles. Selling a vacant apartment or an expensive car can also allow you to get the required amount.

If there are no such resources, then in order to get money you will have to work hard. First of all, set yourself a goal - to earn the required amount, and then determine the activities that should be carried out to achieve the goal. Moreover, a complex of measures will have to be carried out. You will need to learn how to save in order to reduce costs and live within your means, the accumulated funds need to be invested wisely (you may also have to learn), and besides this, you should definitely think about how to increase your income - this could be creating your own business, getting a higher-paying job or extra work and so on. Once the plan is formed, you can begin to implement it.

To earn the income you are looking for on social media, it is important to be popular. There are several ways to achieve popularity on a social network. The first is to gain the number of subscribers. To do this, constantly publish interesting content on the page. It is desirable that the content is interesting not only to the person writing the messages, but also to the entire audience. Groups are popular for entertainment, discussion of audio recordings, latest films, and so on. Publications with advice on appearance, fashion, cooking, and so on are also of interest.

In addition to interesting material, it is also necessary to present it well. To do this, you will have to master the art of writing text, photography, shooting video, and so on. However, all this time investment will pay off handsomely. After all, prices for advertising on popular pages reach 5-10 thousand rubles per day. If you multiply 5 thousand per day by 365 days a year, you will get the desired income, even 1,825,000 rubles.

A similar earning scheme applies to organizing communities. By properly administering the community, you can also receive significant income (its amount directly depends on the number of group members).

Build a profitable business

This method also requires a significant amount of time. First, you need to come up with an original business idea. Secondly, it needs to be implemented. Once you come up with an idea, you should test it. To do this, it is recommended to interview your closest friends and acquaintances. If they like the idea and are ready to purchase a product or use a service, you can safely start, the first customers are eating. Then you should gradually increase the number of clients and, thus, move towards the goal of getting a million.

In the process of building a business, an entrepreneur faces many problems, so before starting such an activity, it is recommended to obtain special education or independently familiarize yourself with materials on entrepreneurship. You will have to master the skills of financial management, planning, personnel management, and so on. To experience minimal problems in these areas, specialized knowledge is required.

Create, promote and profitably sell an internet site, program or application

The most important thing to consider when implementing such an idea is that the program, website or application must be in demand. If the product has not gained popularity, then it will be extremely difficult to raise the coveted amount. But the beauty of the IT industry is that if one product doesn’t work out, you can easily and quickly develop a new one. Thus, over time, you will be able to create an interesting application and become rich with its help.

There are two ways to monetize a website, program or application. The first is to sell advertising in the application or the application itself. The second is to sell an existing business. If a resource or program is of interest, then most likely there will be larger interests who will want to purchase it. According to this scheme, most American startupers (entrepreneurs in the high-tech sector) become millionaires.

Create a useful and unique information product (book, training, video course)

There are a fairly large number of platforms for posting and promoting information products. They help structure the course, attract users, and so on. If you manage to create an interesting information product, it can also be purchased by various educational institutions, which will allow you to receive a good income. After selling the course, you can start creating a new one, and if you are lucky, increase your income significantly.

Make a successful marriage

A frequently encountered, but not always acceptable, method is arranged marriage. It can be condemned, but as a way to achieve a goal, it exists. Of course, for this you need to have certain external data and be able to present yourself correctly. You will also need knowledge in the field of psychology, ability to behave, and so on. An important factor is the opportunity to get into circles where wealthy people and their children communicate in order to choose a goal for marriage and begin courtship. However, investments in appearance, the ability to present oneself and knowledge of psychology will also pay off after gaining access to the desired amount.

It is also important to take into account that after marriage, in order not to lose your fortune, you will have to limit yourself in certain things and, possibly, play some role. After all, if relatives have the feeling that they married their daughter only for money, they may limit access to funds or even initiate a divorce.

How and where to raise a million in a week


If there is free money and a person is willing to risk it, then it is possible to finance any investment projects. As a rule, there is a formula in economics: high risk accompanies high profitability. You can, of course, lose everything, but you can also get significantly rich.

Before investing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself and gain special knowledge. You can do this on your own by reading the relevant literature or watching various videos on investing, but you can also take free courses offered by various financial and investment companies. They, first of all, teach how to work in the stock market, how to assess risk and choose a direction for investing funds - the same as in the private investment market.

When investing your own funds in promising projects, it is important to trust those who implement these projects. It is important to understand that such business people work to increase profits, but are not immune from mistakes. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the project team has the necessary experience and competence in this matter.


An opportunity to make money quickly is through betting. Anyone can come to a betting company and bet on the outcome of a sporting event. If the bet wins, there is an opportunity to receive a significant win. However, in such activities, the factor of luck and access to inside information plays a significant role. It is no secret that there are match-fixings, when the stronger team deliberately loses so that those who bet on its loss can earn significant profits.

Recently, it has become easier to make money this way, since each bookmaker company provides its own assessment of the likelihood of a particular event occurring. It is calculated based on various factors, but, first of all, on the basis of existing competition results. By following the recommendations of experts, you can guarantee yourself a certain income. But if you act contrary to the recommendations, then a person has a chance to quickly get the desired million, but there is also a chance of losing everything. Thus, it is better to make money by betting either for those who are often lucky in life, or for those who have well-developed intuition.

Stock markets

To raise money in the stock market, you need to have certain knowledge. You can get them completely free of charge if you contact investment companies. They regularly conduct courses on improving financial literacy and the ability to work in the stock market. Such training will be quite enough to make decisions about which securities to purchase and which to sell.

It is important to understand that you can win high profits in the stock market only if you constantly monitor the situation. As soon as information appears suggesting a change in the situation, it is necessary to make a decision on what to do with the securities - sell or buy. The faster the reaction, the greater the likelihood of making a profit, and the greater its value. Thus, simply investing free funds and waiting for the price of securities to rise will not allow you to make a significant profit; you need to do this as your main job. In this case, there is a chance to quickly get the money you want.

Network marketing

It is also quite possible to earn income through network marketing. You just need to love and be able to communicate. The essence of making money in this area is to create your own network of product distribution agents. The larger this network, the greater the volume of product sales, which means the more bonuses a person has.

The big advantage of network marketing is ready-made technologies and unique product advantages. Often, in this way, a quality product is actually sold, because people must trust the one who offers any means; moreover, he needs to use the product himself and be confident in its quality. Having high quality even at a high price makes the selling process much easier, and therefore the process of making a million. As for technology, network companies constantly conduct various trainings to help effectively sell products. It is enough to put the acquired knowledge into practice and success is guaranteed.

Financial pyramids

This method can allow you to receive a large sum only if the person took his money on time or is at the top of the pyramid - that is, he will be the first to receive the funds back if the pyramid begins to collapse.

The essence of a financial pyramid is that it is announced to collect funds from the population to invest in successful and effective projects. The yield offered is very high. The source of payment of the first interest is the deposits of those who invested funds later. The pyramid is stable until there is a critical mass of people demanding their funds back with interest. While the number of such people is small, the financial pyramid is able to pay them an income and, thus, you can earn a significant profit. But when the pyramid begins to collapse, almost everyone loses their savings. Therefore, when investing in a financial pyramid, you need to very carefully monitor its financial condition.

How to make a million dollars in a year

Gainful work

Of course, many people dream of working in the Gazprom structure, so that their dreams come true, as they say in advertising. However, you can earn a million in other structures. The main thing in this case is to have the opportunity to earn a decent income. The easiest way to do this is by making sales. Many companies pay substantial bonuses to sales staff to motivate them to sell as much as possible. Working in this field, you can achieve impressive success through personal efficiency and earn the desired income of a million rubles.

A common practice is the payment of annual bonuses to various categories of employees. They are provided, as a rule, in case the company makes a profit. Working in a company with such a motivation system, you can also receive a significant annual bonus through your personal contribution to the organization’s results.

There is also the practice of paying significant bonuses in case of effective implementation of projects or the implementation of any initiative. Therefore, when doing your job, you should be active, look for opportunities to do it better, with better quality, and make suggestions to management. As a result, for achieving and implementing your own initiatives, you can receive the desired bonus of one million dollars (if the organization earns significantly more, of course).

Savings and profitable investments

Most people spend unnecessary money. Some people spend too much on entertainment or alcohol, some smoke, some cannot resist and consume a lot of sweets or buy a lot of clothes. If you begin to take into account expenses and control them (set limits on certain expenses), then you can gradually begin to form reserves. These savings can be effectively invested. You can choose the areas for investment that have already been mentioned above - investment projects, playing on the stock market, betting on sporting events, and so on.

The main thing when you start saving is not to stop and not stop controlling your expenses. If you give yourself the opportunity to relax, you can quickly spend all your savings and not get what you want. When making decisions in the process of saving money, you should constantly ask yourself the question: do I need this or that thing, can I live without it. Such consumption control allows you to optimize your expenses and spend money only on what you really need.

Interest-bearing deposit in a bank

This method is very complicated. The fact is that banks, as a rule, set the interest rate on deposits at a level below inflation, so as not to incur additional risks. In addition, in order to accumulate a million dollars in a year through interest on a deposit, a significant initial deposit is required.

In addition, when deciding which bank to place a deposit in, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Bank reliability. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with various bank ratings, look at financial statements (they are available on the bank’s website - this is a requirement of the Central Bank), consult with experienced friends or those who have special knowledge in the banking industry.
  • The bank's presence in the deposit insurance system. This system involves the return of funds to the depositor from a special insurance fund if the bank’s license is suddenly revoked. If the bank is not a member of this system, then if problems arise, the depositor will most likely not receive his funds back.
  • Interest rate level. The interest rate should not be significantly higher than the market average (its level can be viewed on the Central Bank website). If there is a significant excess, then there is a high probability that this is not a bank, but a financial pyramid.

Set a goal and go towards it

The most important recommendation to earn a million dollars in a year is to have a goal. Decide for yourself that this year will be devoted to obtaining the desired amount, and subordinate all your actions to this goal. Then there is a high probability of achieving success.

Also, it is important not to give up. If you fail to make a profit in one way, do not despair, you can try another. And thus, step by step, you can gradually achieve your goal and get the desired amount.

It is also recommended to have not one plan to achieve a goal, but several, in order to be prepared for the fact that circumstances tend to change and you will have to respond to them. And in order to quickly adapt to the external environment, you should constantly analyze how the plan is being implemented. It should be a living document, not a piece of paper written once and stored in a closet. It is necessary to constantly update it and think about what else can be done to achieve the goal.

Advice from successful millionaires who made it through self-belief and hard work

Those who have achieved success give very diverse advice. For example, John Rockefeller recommends constantly saving. It is a known historical fact that he never left a tip, but worked at a very old table. This is what helped him become a wealthy man.

Michael Focht, who works as president of the world's largest healthcare company, recommends paying attention to the people around you. Everyone should mind their own business and do it well - this is his main advice.

Lin Wu, one of the most successful startupers, advises never to sit, to constantly be on the move, and to be interested in the affairs of the company. He is never bored, he is always looking for something interesting to do. His advice is not to waste time, everything should be subordinated to achieving the goal.

Thus, earning a million is not difficult, you just have to set a goal and systematically move towards it. Only those who do not give up and look for new paths conquer the task and succeed.

You can spend two years and $100,000 getting an MBA from Harvard. Or a few minutes of conversation with smart, rich old people who share their experiences. Our correspondent did just that, taking advantage of the relaxation of such guys during a round-the-world cruise. Listen to their advice. Don't you need a million dollars?

Of the 25 richest people in the world, only one has an MBA degree. 13 created companies themselves that made them billionaires. So the greatest chance of getting rich is for guys with cool ideas, regardless of their education

We are solemnly sailing along the coast of Brazil on the Crystal Serenity cruise ship, one of the most luxurious in the world. It's time for slush on the streets and seasonal affective disorder north of these parts. But here, on the pool deck, passengers soak up the sun while sipping caipirinhas. The cost of a cabin on our three-month cruise around the world ranges from $40,000 for a closet on the third deck to half a million for a luxurious penthouse. Well, it is clear that most of the men on board are pensioners, and, of course, rich and successful. They're like gorillas compared to us monkeys.

At the time of their youth, it was already possible to obtain an MBA degree (Master of business administration, an educational course for middle and senior managers in business - MH), Harvard was the first to introduce such training in 1908. But few local millionaires have such a degree. In fact, some of them didn't even finish school. But with their work and biography, they earned a much more honorable degree, which we at MH call MBR, or “Master of Real Business.”

“The main problem with business schools is that most of the truly successful people never went to them.”, says Philip Delves-Broughton, author of the memoir Ahead of Schedule: Two Years at Harvard Business School. - This situation is impossible in medicine, for example, or in law. Any successful lawyer has a legal education. But not every successful businessman has an MBA degree.”. So let's put aside the dry textbooks full of tables and formulas in order to listen to those who have actually made a lot of money.


After serving in the army during World War II, Illsley founded a company that developed and produced anti-reflective coatings for various types of optical lenses. Today, Optical Coating Laboratory technologies are used in the production of satellites, computer monitors and flat-screen TVs.

1. Make a list: not what you want to do, but what you want to be.

How to do it “In 1960, when I was 38 years old, I was offered $1 million for my company., Illsley recalls. - At that time it was a lot of money, so I thought hard. I decided to make a list of what was really important to me: 1) when I'm 80, I want to feel like I didn't live my life in vain; 2) I want to be sane, not lose self-respect and dignity, not be lonely; 3) be in good health; 4) feel pleasant excitement about what I do; 5) have freedom and peace of mind; 6) not to think that someone (or fate itself) is unfair to me; 7) have enough money for all of the above; 8) be free from disappointment; 9) be confident, but not proud; 10) do not buy too much real estate that needs to be serviced; 11) make your own decisions and plan your time. So money was not an end in itself. I refused the offer, and today, when I am 91 years old, I can proudly say that I have achieved everything that was on that list.".

Why does it work “What does good work actually consist of? It gives you a feeling of time well spent, value and self-respect., comments Warren Bennis, professor of management at the University of Southern California. - Making a list like this is a great idea, but in today's fast-paced world, you may have to change it a couple of times a year.".


He does not have a higher education, but he reached the post of president and chief operating officer of the Tenet Healthcare medical corporation.

During his 20 years at the helm, Tenet grew from 35 to 114 hospitals in 16 states. Today, Focht is the life of the party on cruise ships.

2. Let the right people work for you.

How to do it “In one of my hospitals, the head of the administrative service was a guy whom I nicknamed Dandelion - he was always shaggy. He also whined constantly, and it drove me crazy. So one day I fired him. This turned out to be a mistake. If I had carefully studied his work, I would have realized that this is exactly what he does flawlessly. I agree that in MBA schools the future top manager is given a good theoretical basis, but they do not teach how to work with people at all. And for me, this is precisely the key to success: understand the task, find the employee who can handle it best, and then just patiently watch how things go, separating his personal qualities from his professional ones.”.

Why does it work “The higher you climb the management ladder, the greater the role other people begin to play in your success, since you can no longer do everything yourself, explains Delves-Broughton. - Harvard Business School has a ton of sophisticated courses. But when graduates were asked five years after graduation what they would like to know if they could return to Harvard, one of them said: “I would like to be taught how to talk to truck drivers.”.


After leaving the government tax office in 1982, he founded a tax consulting firm that overnight became the largest in Ontario. He owns two mansions in Canada and one in Malta, and spends six months of the year on vacation.

3. Become one of the 3% of people who know something useful.

How to do it “I once heard some advice from motivational guru Jim Rohn, and I really liked it., says Bill Hotram. - He said, “Everything a person needs to know to succeed has already been written, but only 3% of Americans have a library card.” I thought it was a very easy way to get some new ideas. In the years since then, I've probably read 1,500 business advice books.". Bill marked the tips he liked with stars: 1 = “good”, 2 = “pretty good”, 3 = “very good”, 4 = “wow, worth a try!” He entered “four-star” judgments and ideas into a database. Today, the database contains about 50,000 quotes selected by Hotram, divided into categories for quick search (hiring, firing, negotiations, etc.). When a problem arises, he simply turns to this store of knowledge and chooses a solution - it usually works, which proves Hotram's success in business.

Why does it work “Some students, upon completion of the MBA program, believe that they now know everything, says Professor Warren Bennis (who, by the way, has written 30 books on business and leadership). - I wouldn't hire either of them for a job. I’m looking for a person who goes through life with raised eyebrows in surprise, who has not lost his thirst for new things, passion, ambition, who wants to become better and is constantly learning.”.


Born in Beijing, he worked in a broom factory before receiving a scholarship to study electrical engineering at Columbia University. During his 35 years in Silicon Valley, he founded three companies; his last startup, ICS, set him up for the rest of his life.

4. You're too busy to sit.

How to do it “At most corporate meetings, people fight sleep by drinking coffee and eating nuts., says Lin Wu. - It's incredible how much time is wasted. When our companies had big projects going on, I held meetings with key employees every day. But with one trick: I scheduled them for 5 pm, when everyone was already tired and wanted to go home. And I didn't let anyone sit down. This way everyone could focus and work efficiently. Our meetings never lasted longer than an hour; in most cases we completed them in 20–30 minutes.”.

Why does it work “Management guru Tom Peters said that the most important requirement for a successful business is “the willingness to act now.”, Delves-Broughton quotes. - MBAs love to hold meetings and discuss every detail because they were taught this in business school. But while you keep talking and talking, honing the details, you put off action. Something as small as the lack of chairs in a meeting has a huge motivating value because it says, “We need to move forward, not sit here.” This is how military meetings are held.”. In a famous study conducted by the University of Missouri, two groups of subjects held meetings: one in “sedentary” meetings, the other in “standing” meetings. And based on the results, they still came to the same decisions. So what's the difference? “Sedentary” flights lasted 34% longer. You can't waste time like that.


Born in the UK, he left school at 15 to start selling men's shirts. The founder of a company that owns the rights to use Star Wars and Disney characters, Barbie, Spiderman, etc. in the design of home textiles (for example, bed linen).

5. Find your chutzpah.

How to do it “Any business is show business, says Tommy Schweiger. - You are constantly on stage, and your industry is looking at you appraisingly... You must be an artist and be able to construct a message about your product so that potential buyers and suppliers fall into your arms. The first to give permission to use their logos in my products was the famous football club Manchester United. The Man United guy I negotiated with had the power, but I had the chutzpah. This word in Yiddish means both a manner of behavior and a life position in general - this is self-esteem, any lack of timidity and shyness, composure and self-confidence. This cannot be learned from books. Chutzpah needs to be trained - in conversations with people, shaking hands, patting on the back... My chutzpah then allowed me to immediately close a deal, although I had a lot of problems in business. But I was confident that I could do it... Successful people know where sincerity turns into talkativeness, confidence into arrogance, and conviction into asinine stubbornness. They know and do not cross this border, although they are constantly close to it.”.

Why does it work “MBA students believe that business is done with spreadsheets, presentations and email, Delves-Broughton says ironically. - But this is only part of the process and does not guarantee success. I have met many smart people from the business world who did not know how to convince and ignite. They had great ideas, but they weren't successful in business. A lot of leadership depends on chutzpah.”.


He was a customer service telephone attendant at the fledgling telecommunications company MCI in the early 1980s. And he rose to senior vice president of the company. In 1998, WorldCom absorbed MCI, allowing Keith to retire at age 47.

6. Losing your job is normal. The main thing is not to lose passion for it.

How to do it “Most guys study for an MBA, build a career with one goal - to achieve increased income, says Keith Steiner. - This is the wrong approach. It's stupid to choose a career based solely on where you'll get paid the most. You need to look for a position and a company that would arouse, dare I say it, passion. One of the reasons for my success is that I loved what I did. MCI was a small company when I joined. We made history by building America's first telecommunications network to compete with AT&T. It was an exciting task, so I enjoyed working late into the night and never complained about stress, despite the heavy work rhythm.”.

Why does it work “Most MBA students are trying to buy a ticket to a world that has already been created, says business coach Philip Delves-Broughton (his latest book is called The Art of Selling). - They want to fit into the existing corporate structure. But the most successful businessmen force the world to adapt to them. Simply put, you would rather make a profitable and promising project that excites you (even if it seemed like complete nonsense to others at first) than repeat someone else’s success in proven areas. When you find your passion - that fusion of what you want to do and what you're good at - the rewards will follow. Corporate strategists call this passion “sustainable long-term advantage.” It allows you to not only work harder and be better than your competitors today, but also to maintain that advantage throughout your career.".

What is the basis of a successful career?

50% - interpersonal skills

48% - motivation and energy

47% - planning and strategy development

42% - leadership style

37% - trainings and education

35% - communications

33% - reputation and integrity

28% - ability to compromise and negotiate

If you ask ordinary citizens how much money they need to meet their basic needs, many will immediately answer: “A million rubles.” Indeed, such capital in the minds of most people is associated with prosperity, financial independence and confidence in the future. Moreover, upon careful examination, the accumulation of such a state seems to be quite accessible to every process.

How to earn a million rubles in a short time? Today, this amount looks quite substantial: only a trained person with the necessary experience or connections in the business environment can receive it within a week or a month. Achieving this goal in 6–12 months is much more realistic for a beginner. However, even in this case, you will have to study a variety of financial instruments, think through a strategy for increasing income, and be patient.

Is it really possible to earn a million?

It is difficult to find a person who does not want to achieve material well-being. That’s why everyone tries to get rich sooner or later. In this regard, the question arises: why are there so few millionaires among ordinary citizens in Russia?

The reason is that people immediately tune in to making quick money and expect to receive the desired amount in just a couple of weeks. As a result, they begin to act chaotically, trying to immediately try all known methods. But it’s not enough just to find out how to make a million: even the most reliable and proven methods require refinement and adjustment in accordance with the specific situation. Therefore you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Explore possible options for obtaining the required amount;
  2. Select from them the tools that are suitable for a particular person;
  3. Accumulate the necessary start-up capital;
  4. Make a list of personal goals that require a million to achieve;
  5. Develop a calendar plan for generating income;
  6. Get out of your comfort zone and leave a low-paying job;
  7. Start implementing your plan.

Is it really possible to become a millionaire? Simple calculations show that a person who saves 10,000 rubles monthly will accumulate the desired capital in just over eight years. However, this is not the limit: to get a million faster, you should not keep money at home, but invest it in various investment instruments - bank deposits, mutual funds, securities. To achieve the goal, taking into account regular replenishment of the deposit by a fixed amount and monthly capitalization of interest, it will not take much time:

How quickly can you save 1,000,000 rubles?

It remains to consider active ways to generate income. In this case, the accumulation of a million rubles becomes even more realistic: 1,000,000 rubles per year = 83,333 rubles per month = 2,740 rubles per day, excluding weekends. For stock traders, private entrepreneurs and employees in highly paid positions, this amount of earnings does not look fantastic or unattainable at all.

Components of success

Of course, it is much easier to get rich for someone who was born into a wealthy family and from childhood received information on how to quickly earn millions of rubles. On the other hand, only starting from scratch and learning the secrets of the world of finance from personal experience can a person eventually be able to say that he has achieved everything on his own. Even with the ideal strategy, this path takes years for beginners, but you can significantly speed up the process of achieving financial well-being by taking advantage of useful advice from millionaires. So, wealthy people recommend:

  1. Engage in capital accumulation. Almost all ways to earn money require some financial investment. Therefore, you need to save at least 10–15% of any income in order to profitably invest these savings later;
  2. Save and plan purchases. The average person spends up to 30% of their monthly budget on spontaneous and thoughtless purchases;
  3. Constantly learn. On the Internet you can find many useful books written by famous businessmen. In addition, you should study business news, watch educational videos, read analytical articles;
  4. Create sources of income. Since it is much easier to earn a million rubles using several tools, in addition to the main source of income, you need to create additional ones that do not require attention;
  5. Avoid impulsive actions. When planning to invest money even in the most profitable project at first glance, you need to carefully study it, weigh all the advantages, disadvantages and risks;
  6. Seek the company of successful people. A businessman who has already walked his path to wealth will probably be able to give some useful advice and talk about how to quickly earn a million rubles;
  7. Don't be afraid of risk. Many people prefer not to change the usual state of affairs, avoid decisive actions, but in the end they are left empty-handed;
  8. Use time correctly. If you're going to make a million, you can't afford to relax on the couch. Free time should be devoted to self-education and exploring new opportunities;
  9. Make a plan and stick to it. Unsystematic actions and attempts to implement all ideas at the same time usually do not lead to the desired result.

High paying job

For beginners learning how to quickly earn a million rubles without investments, the thought of being hired usually comes up last. Meanwhile, in large Russian cities, representatives of in-demand professions receive salaries that allow them to accumulate the necessary amount in a few months.

This simple and obvious way to achieve material well-being is at the same time the most time-consuming and labor-intensive. Indeed, first of all, you need to choose a specialty that is popular in the labor market, and then undergo training at a university and acquire the 3–5 years of work experience required by employers.

Now you can start looking for a well-paid position, giving preference to companies located in metropolitan areas with a population of more than a million people. At the same time, one cannot expect that building a career will be quick and easy: in order to get the desired position with a high salary, a specialist must change on average three to four employers.

Salaries in Moscow

Real estate transactions

Few citizens prefer to personally engage in real estate transactions - the likelihood of meeting a scammer and ultimately losing their home or money is too high. Therefore, to solve problems related to the sale or rental of a house, apartment or commercial premises, they attract realtors who receive good compensation for their services: the income of the most successful of them clearly demonstrates how to earn a million in a month without investments.

Of course, becoming a sought-after realtor is not easy: first of all, such an intermediary must have experience as a marketer in order to present the product from its advantageous side. In addition, he will have to understand jurisprudence to ensure the legality of transactions, as well as study the construction business, which will allow him to draw correct conclusions about the condition of the object. Finally, it is impossible to establish productive contact with clients and resolve controversial issues without knowledge of psychology.

A realtor's income is formed mainly from commissions received upon successful completion of a transaction, so an active and enterprising specialist always earns more than others.

In addition, the amount of profit is affected by:

  • Features of the real estate market characteristic of this region;
  • Type of real estate the realtor works with (luxury, commercial, residential);
  • Type of operations carried out by the specialist (rent, sale);
  • Price level and general market condition;
  • Realtor reputation.

How to make a million in a month from scratch? The intermediary's commission in transactions with residential and commercial real estate is 1.5–2% of the transaction amount. In the elite segment, the premium rises to 3–5%, and on the sale of country houses you can get 5–10%. Even novice realtors earn up to 150 thousand rubles monthly, while the income of highly qualified specialists reaches 4.5–5 million rubles.

Business as usual

Thinking about how to make a million quickly, you can understand that real opportunities open up mainly to the creators of their own businesses. Indeed, even a small enterprise can generate up to a third of a million in net profit per month, and the upper limit depends only on the resources of the entrepreneur. It would seem that anyone who wants to get rich should urgently quit their job and open their own business, but in reality, not everything is so simple:

  • To run a business, you need some abilities and skills that not everyone initially has;
  • Almost any type of business requires investments on one scale or another;
  • An entrepreneur will also need a good idea, since making a million on an original and non-standard concept is much easier;
  • Business is inextricably linked with risk. Even a person with unlimited start-up capital and an excellent business plan can fail.

However, all these difficulties and risks do not stop newcomers who make their choice in favor of entrepreneurial activity and want to find out. There are several options that do not require significant investment:

Business with small investments

Business Investments, rub. Income per month, rub.
Order pick-up point 250000 185000
Walnut processing 200000 150000
Selling coffee 300000 80000
Selling ice cream 50000 80000
Accounting services 50000 70000
Hotel for animals 250000 130000
Organization of quests 300000 150000
Printing on mugs and T-shirts 150000 80000
Sale of bottled milk 200000 120000
Outsourcing agency 300000 150000


It is believed that doing business in rural areas is much more difficult than in the city. Trying to figure out how to make a million in the village, beginners are first of all faced with the need for daily hard work without weekends or vacations. Secondly, rural businesses often require the same large investments as urban ones. Finally, no branch of agriculture is capable of bringing quick profits: any plant or animal requires at least three to four months to reach marketable size.

However, despite such shortcomings, the share of successful and profitable projects in the countryside is much higher than in the city. This is facilitated by:

  • Low level of competition. There are not yet enough farms in Russia to meet the needs of the domestic market;
  • Availability of government support. Farmers have the right to count on tax breaks and holidays, grants and subsidies;
  • Growing demand for products. People leading a healthy lifestyle prefer more expensive, but guaranteed organic vegetables and fruits;
  • Low tariffs. In rural areas, the cost of electricity and gas is 25% less than in the city, and water supply from a well is generally free;
  • Available resources. In the village, rental rates for industrial premises are lower, and local residents are willing to work for a small salary.

How to earn a million rubles in a year by farming? Many types of agricultural business that require relatively small investments approach this figure in terms of profitability:

Business in rural areas

Business Investments, rub. Income per year, rub.
Berry farm 150000 500000
Turkey breeding 400000 800000
Beekeeping 350000 700000
Growing Garlic 200000 1050000
Growing champignons 500000 720000
Pig breeding 520000 700000
Growing oyster mushrooms 150000 540000
Greenhouse production 200000 800000
Quail breeding 420000 720000
Roof repair 200000 800000


No person can be a generalist. Therefore, everyone, at least once in their life, needs the services of an expert who knows any subject perfectly - be it fitness or law. The business of studying a client’s problem and providing professional advice on ways out of the current situation is called consulting.

This type of activity does not require any investment other than one’s own knowledge and experience, which fully explains the interest in it from entrepreneurs who want to know how to earn a million rubles from scratch. You can advise clients on any issues related to lifestyle, health, business or career. However, some areas are more popular:

  • Accounting consulting;
  • Assistance in business development and expansion;
  • Tax optimization;
  • Legal advice;
  • Coaching and assistance in career development;
  • Information technology and data protection;
  • Organization of work with personnel;
  • Marketing and advertising;
  • Public relations;
  • Interior and landscape design;
  • Diets and healthy eating;
  • Image formation.

Consultants know exactly how to quickly earn a million without investments: for example, the services of a financial advisor cost between 10,000 and 30,000 rubles. Assistance in organizing enterprise management and crisis management is estimated at 1–5 million rubles, and the implementation of ERP systems and protection of commercial information is estimated at 300 thousand rubles. You will have to pay somewhat less for tax or legal advice, however, in these areas, an experienced specialist can earn 3-5 thousand rubles a day.

Securities trading

Trading on stock exchanges, where anyone can earn a million rubles, does not require significant investments in comparison with your own business. However, this method of generating income is associated with huge risks: in a few days you can either double your capital or lose a significant part of it.

Exchange transactions become expedient due to changes in the value of the instruments presented here. To make money, you need to purchase securities when their prices decrease, and then wait for the quotes to rise and sell the assets at a higher price. The reverse operation is also possible - shares borrowed from a broker are sold at the maximum, so that after some time they are bought at the minimum and returned to the owner: accordingly, the profit remains with the trader.

Successful trading on the stock exchange requires intensive training: the investor must master several complex mathematical and economic theories, as well as formulate his own trading strategy. Practice plays a significant role in this process:

  • First of all, you need to start trading. At the first stage, it is more important not to make a profit, but to figure out how to make a million from scratch in Russia;
  • It is best to train with a small deposit of 100–200 dollars. A beginner should not take risks and buy securities for a large amount;
  • At the same time, you need to save 10–12% of each income in order to form investment capital;
  • The accumulated amount should be used to reduce leverage to reduce the risk of losing your deposit;
  • Finally, the investor should open a reserve account and transfer part of the profits to it for subsequent investment in reliable, conservative instruments.

Having understood exchange instruments, you can understand how to earn a million in a month. Thus, the winner of one of the competitions for investors started with a deposit of 150 thousand rubles, and within 10 weeks received a profit of 2.5 million rubles.

Binary options

What makes people actively interested in something? The reasons for this are different: some are on forced leave and care for children, others do not have the opportunity to quit and find a well-paid job, and still others simply do not want to sell their time to the employer for pennies. For such citizens, binary options seem to be a fairly convenient way to generate income: to start earning money, you only need a computer and access to the network.

A binary option is a type of exchange or currency asset. By purchasing it, the investor bets on an increase or decrease in the quotes of the selected product within a short time interval (from several seconds to several hours). If the forecast turns out to be correct, the trader receives a reward, and if he makes a mistake, he loses the bet amount.

How can you earn a million rubles without leaving your home using this powerful tool? The amount of profit from each successful transaction is influenced by:

  • Reward amount. With a correct forecast, brokers pay the investor on average 75–90% of the contract value;
  • The amount of the bet. For example, if you buy an option for $100, you can get $75–90 in net profit.

Accordingly, the final income will depend on two parameters - the total number of options purchased and the number of successfully closed transactions. The experience of successful traders shows that with an aggressive trading strategy, you can receive up to 50% profit on your deposit per month: thus, it is enough to start working with 12–15 thousand rubles in order to earn the desired million within a year.

Creating your website

Any person familiar with the possibilities of virtual space sooner or later asks himself the question - how to make a million on the Internet? The most obvious way to generate income is to create your own website.

Of course, you can entrust the development of an information resource to a freelancer. However, an entrepreneur who wants to organize his work in the most efficient way will still have to understand the intricacies of the process. To do this, you need to study some popular CMS like WordPress or Joomla, read a textbook on the HTML language, and familiarize yourself with methods of website optimization and promotion. The finished resource should be connected to advertising networks and regularly filled with information, publishing new articles every two to three days.

Creating a website from scratch on average takes no more than three months. At this stage, you can already expect a small flow of visitors and the first income from advertising.

The following help the owner of an information resource earn money:

  • Contextual advertising by Google and Yandex;
  • Teaser thematic advertising;
  • Placement of banners;
  • Placement of affiliate CPA links;
  • Paid placement of links to other sites;
  • Publication of advertising articles.

Organization of trade via the Internet

The website promotion stage can take from six to nine months. After this period, it will become clear whether it makes sense to continue working on the project, or whether it is better to sell it on one of the trading platforms available on the network. By studying the offers posted here, you can easily imagine how to earn a million from scratch:

Top 10 sites sold on the exchange

Resource Income per month, rub. price, rub.
Social media advertising exchange 546130 8450000
Sports equipment center 400000 2975000
Motorcycle parts store 428000 2310000
Women's magazine 923987 2100000
DiY Forum 35000 1050000
Metallurgical portal 50000 773666
Cooking recipes 759600
Website about greenhouses 40000 615416
Construction and repair 290645 615416
Dentistry 86873 611000

Creating a group on social networks

Groups and communities on social networks are not only platforms for communication between people of similar interests, but also promising tools for making a profit. Obviously, any owner of such a resource will not refuse information on how to earn a million in a year.

It is difficult for a beginner to imagine a group that brings in a lot of income. Meanwhile, owners of large communities make good money from advertising, promote a wide variety of products and even receive a percentage of the advertiser’s profits. In general, the following are used to monetize a resource:

  • Partnership programs. Must be consistent with the overall theme of the group;
  • Videos. You can publish both advertising videos from partners and videos posted on your YouTube channel;
  • Advertising posts. In a group consisting of a million participants, placing one advertising post for 24 hours is estimated at 3–5 thousand rubles;
  • Sales of own goods through the group. You can accept orders directly on social networks or provide a link to your online store.

Finally, a popular group with a large number of active subscribers can be sold on one of the specialized exchanges. The proposals published here clearly show how to earn a million without investments:

Top 10 VK groups traded on the exchange

Name Subjects Subscribers Income, rub. price, rub.
Pro Options FOREX Business 11717 300000 3000000
Sports kitchen Rest and food 913338 250000 1800000
How so? Humor 525899 350000 1500000
Clear Humor 1265448 150000 650000
Schizophrenic Humor 449369 40000 600000
DegraTube Humor 278483 100000 500000
Black Yesterday Fashion and beauty 900159 90000 480000
Beyond Humor 278202 90000 450000
Bye. Dating and communication 502418 100000 350000
Acquaintance Dating and communication 537956 100000 300000

Transactions with cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency hype of 2017 will be remembered by investors for a long time. Moreover, many analysts suggest that digital money has not yet exhausted its potential, and therefore further growth in asset values ​​should be expected in the coming years.

How to make a million dollars on cryptocurrency? Excluding labor-intensive and unproductive methods, there are two main ways to generate income - mining and operations on exchanges. On the other hand, the ubiquity of huge industrial farms equipped with powerful computing equipment makes the prospects of mining at home dubious. Consequently, stock trading remains the most accessible option for a future millionaire.

The principles of concluding transactions remain unchanged: an asset must be bought at a minimum and sold at a maximum. Fortunately, due to the high volatility of cryptocurrency rates, such opportunities appear very often:

Cryptocurrency rates

Currency Course 02/25/2017 Course 02/25/2018 Dynamics, %
Bitcoin $1169 $9692 730
Ethereum $13 $845 6400
Ripple $0,0057 $0,95 16600
Bitcoin Cash $555 $1187 110
Litecoin $3,84 $210 5400
NEO $0,11 $117 107000
EOS $1,03 $7,78 650

The dynamics of digital asset rates allows you to understand how to earn a million dollars from scratch in a relatively short period of time. The main task remains to be solved - to study the large number of cryptocurrencies available on the exchange, choose the most promising ones among them and place your capital by purchasing several types of coins.