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Ready-made toilet paper production business. Ready-made business plan for the production of toilet paper

Only a person who has been involved in such production for several years and knows all its subtleties and nuances can quickly set up the production of toilet paper as a business from scratch. If you don’t have such experience, then you need to develop it and also attend several trainings for beginning businessmen. Preparation may take about a year, but all possible risks will be minimized, and it can quickly become profitable.

What does a business consist of?

To begin with, it would be wise to abandon the idea that the source of entrepreneurial profit can be the artisanal production of toilet paper. The only, and even then dubious, point of obtaining possible benefits from such production is the production of paper for household needs. In this case, both the quality of the resulting product and its cost (if we take into account the cost of energy resources spent on producing paper from waste paper) raise doubts.

An entrepreneur needs to immediately make plans for a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper, competently launch this production format and work hard to achieve self-sufficiency and profitability of the entire project.

To start a company you will need:

  • selection and rental of industrial premises;
  • signing contracts with suppliers of raw materials and buyers.

It is necessary to solve all the listed problems in a comprehensive manner before opening the production of toilet paper, otherwise all produced batches of goods may be confiscated by regulatory authorities as those produced in violation of business rules.

Of course, such sanctions cannot affect the production of toilet paper at home for one’s own needs.


The entrepreneur undergoes all registration procedures at the Federal Tax Service at the place where the toilet paper manufacturing plant will operate.

Before contacting the tax service, an entrepreneur needs to resolve two important issues:

  • acceptable form of taxation.

The choice of form depends on:

  • does the businessman plan to be the sole owner or does he have partners who invest money or their knowledge in the start and development of the business;
  • are there any intentions to make the enterprise a participant in the stock exchange by issuing securities to attract additional funds for business activities;
  • Are there funds for the formation of the authorized capital?

The optimal form for a small enterprise with a single owner is an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise). The toilet paper workshop is no exception.

If there are still two or more owners, then you need to consider the possibility of creating an LLC or a production cooperative.

Before drawing up the statutory documents, the founders must already know the legal address of the place where either the production itself or its administrative body (directorate) will be located. This data must be included in the enterprise’s charter and registration cards, information from which is transferred to state registers.

Selecting a room

Due to the fact that almost all toilet paper production technology is based on the use of semi-automatic machines, you need to look for a room for the workshop that is spacious and located either on the ground floor or in the basement. Also, the room must have good ventilation and heating, since people will work at the machines, and the lack of heating in winter can cause frequent illnesses.

Basic requirements for the workshop:

  1. The premises must have good access for supplying raw materials and shipping finished products.
  2. The premises must be equipped with running water and electricity.
  3. The profitability of toilet paper production is highly dependent on the supply of raw materials and on reducing the cost of its delivery, so it is best to look for workshop space near recycling depots or paper processing plants.

Once the premises have been selected, it is necessary to establish business contacts with its owner and try to conclude a preliminary lease agreement.

Why preliminary? At the stage of choosing premises, the future entrepreneur does not yet have the right to conduct business activities, since he has not yet been registered as an enterprise by the state, but it is quite appropriate to draw up preliminary agreements, from which it will be obvious that business activities in the listed territories will be carried out only after state registration.

Some entrepreneurs simply register a business at their home address. But this approach is not entirely safe and can cause conflicts with the tax service.

Purchase of equipment

Opening the production of toilet paper, which includes a cycle of processing waste paper into sanitary paper, is unlikely to be possible for a novice entrepreneur. Perhaps this initial cycle can be included in the expansion perspective, since the equipment for the production of toilet paper from waste paper will cost no less than 30 thousand US dollars.

It’s best to start with simple procedures for winding, cutting and packaging toilet paper rolls. A set of semi-automatic equipment for making toilet paper from rolls of sanitary linen costs no more than 10 thousand US dollars, and this is quite an affordable expense for a novice businessman.

Providing raw materials

But in this case, the question arises of where to get the raw materials for the production of toilet paper. Often, toilet paper base suppliers are waste paper recycling companies. There are such enterprises in many regions, and they are constantly open to cooperation. To establish contacts, in many cases it is enough to simply ask a query to an online search engine.

If there is direct access to the base supplier, then the entrepreneur can also count on being able to profitably and quickly buy raw materials for the production of toilet paper.

Suppliers themselves, in general, rarely deliver raw materials to workshops for manufacturing products from raw materials, so transportation costs for delivery must be included in the cost calculation.

Sales of manufactured products can be organized by a professional manager, who is still better to have on staff of the enterprise. You can independently organize sales by submitting advertisements to local media about the sale of wholesale quantities of toilet paper, as well as by placing such advertisements on regional electronic trading platforms.

How toilet paper is made: Video

Toilet paper production: we understand the organization of the process + step-by-step business registration + what technology is used + the necessary equipment for the production of toilet paper + calculation of investments and payback.

Having decided to open your own business, you need to start by studying the market. After all, only business that is in great demand among consumers will bring profit. This is exactly what toilet paper production is like.

Toilet paper is present in every home. The demand for these products will never fall. That is why the business idea for its production is one of the most popular.

But it is important to take into account the competitor’s market, because “a holy place is never empty,” as we all know. Today there are a large number of large and small industries that produce this personal hygiene item. But even despite the great competition, production is quite cost-effective and profitable.

How to start a toilet paper business?

For a business to bring profit, it must be properly organized.

It all starts with monitoring the market for manufactured products. The first thing you should know: due to high demand, markets order toilet paper from manufacturers in large quantities. If you decide to sell your product through your own store, you will not achieve much profit. Therefore, you need to focus on wholesale sales and large production volumes.

There are two ways to conduct the production of these products:

    Full production cycle.

    All production technology is based on (recycled materials). The output is finished paper rolls.

    Simplified manufacturing.

    The production technology is based on the use of cellulose raw materials. A special machine rewinds the raw materials, after which the products are cut into finished rolls of toilet paper.

The first option is more profitable, since cellulose raw materials are much more expensive than recycled materials. However, the second one is easier to organize and will require less investment in the purchase of equipment, and will also save time on searching for sources of recyclable materials.

Having decided on the type of production, you can get down to business.

Where to start producing toilet paper?

It is worth understanding that the production of toilet paper cannot take place in artisanal conditions. A business of this kind needs to be thought through to the smallest detail and a business plan drawn up. If you have the latter, you can competently organize all the work and avoid unnecessary expenses.

1. Registration of an enterprise.

To operate legally, a business must be registered. To register, an entrepreneur must contact the Federal Tax Service office at his place of residence.

For this type of activity, you can register both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. Individual entrepreneur is suitable for those who plan to be the sole owner of a small workshop or enterprise. If you plan to organize a large business with the involvement of investors, and several people will be in charge, an LLC will be a suitable option.

Large customers are more willing to cooperate with legal entities rather than individuals.

In the Russian Federation, the production of toilet paper involves following GOST R52354 2005 (read it in detail at the link:

To start his business, a businessman will also need to obtain permission from the SES.

And for this you will need the following documentation:

  • Certificate of quality for materials.
  • Agreement for the purchase and sale or rental of premises for a workshop.
  • Certificate of Opening, or LLC.

2. Search for premises.

Special semi-automated equipment is used for paper production. It takes up quite a lot of space, so the room must be spacious. Thus, the minimum workshop area is 150 square meters, and the ceiling height is 4 meters.

The area must be well ventilated and heated, since people must monitor the operation of the machines.

The room itself is divided into three parts:

  1. Area for storing components.
  2. Area for storing the finished product.
  3. Production area.

The following sanitary requirements are put forward for this type of territory:

  • Availability of a water supply system.
  • Availability of sewerage.
  • Availability of electricity.

Renting such a premises will cost approximately 75 thousand rubles. per month.

3. Recruitment.

To begin with, 3-4 employees working on the machines will be enough.

In addition, you need to hire:

  • delivery driver;
  • loader;
  • technologist;
  • accountant.

Step-by-step technology for producing toilet paper

It requires certain knowledge and skills in the area in which the business is planned.

The production of a hygiene item occurs in several stages. Mastering production technology is not difficult.

Stage 1. Preparation of recyclable materials.

Waste paper is pre-cleaned of contaminants and impurities, crushed in a crusher, and mixed with water. The resulting crushed mass is sifted through an industrial sieve.

As a rule, the sieve does not allow remaining small contaminants and impurities that were not removed during initial cleaning to pass through.

Stage 2. Washing of recyclable materials.

The resulting mass is sent to the tank. In it, the mixture is re-purified with water. It is the degree of washing that determines both the quality of the paper itself and its price. So, the longer the raw materials are “washed,” the whiter the paper turns out and the more expensive it is. Dirty, waste water is discharged into the sewer.

Stage 3. Grinding.

The purified mass is mixed with water and ground in a special mill. The result is a thick papery mixture. Next, the raw material enters the pressure tank.

Stage 4. Regulation of concentration.

After passing through the pressure tank, the paper pulp goes into a separate container. This is how the paper and water parts of the mixture are regulated. Once the mass is in the correct proportions, it is poured onto the table of a mesh paper making machine.

Stage 5. Production of roll blanks.

The sifted raw materials are dehydrated. The resulting mass of paper is transported along a belt or conveyor to a drum for drying. Drying occurs due to the rapid rotation of the drum and an increase in the temperature inside it.

After drying, the paper is removed using a scraper knife. The cut material dries completely and is automatically wound into reels. They are then cut into blanks for rolls of sanitary paper.

Stage 6. Unwinding.

The bobbin, which was obtained at the previous stage, is sent to the unwinding machine. There the process of embossing and rewinding into a wide reel roll takes place. Its diameter is already becoming the same as standard sanitary paper.

The unwinding process is necessary to organize the structure of the paper web and its density.

Stage 7. Slicing

At the final stage, the reel roll is covered with packaging, a printed label, and cut into standard rolls. A cutting machine is used for this. After this, the rolls are checked for weight and packed in polyethylene.

What equipment is needed to produce toilet paper?

To run a business, you must purchase or rent equipment for the production of toilet paper. On average, a ready-made line of equipment for a mini-workshop will cost 2.5-3 million rubles.

The entire production line consists of the following equipment:

    Paper making machine.

    This complex includes devices for cleaning recyclable materials (waste paper) and direct production of paper pulp - an electric heater, a pulper, a sieve, a mill, a washing machine, and a mixer.

    Cutting machine.

    The machine is height adjustable, which allows you to get rolls of different sizes. The cutting process itself takes place using a band knife.

    Unwinding and reeling machine.

    The machine will help to achieve strength and, at the same time, softness of the paper.

    Packaging machine.

    The machine packs finished product rolls in polyethylene.

NamePhotoPrice, rub.)
Total: 2,600,000 rubles
Paper making machineFrom 1 million
Toilet paper cutting machineFrom 300,000
Toilet paper reel machineFrom 800,000
Packing machineFrom 500,000

At the initial stage, you can purchase used equipment. Its cost will be much lower.

Experienced businessmen also advise additionally purchasing a machine for making cardboard sleeves and cardboard. Such a car costs about 100 thousand rubles. However, if you plan to produce standard toilet paper rolls without cores, this equipment will not be needed.

Toilet paper production process.

What technologies are used?
Papermaking equipment.

Profitability and payback period of the toilet paper business

To open production you will need considerable start-up capital. So, for a semi-automated workshop you need up to 700 thousand rubles. starting investments, for an automatic line - about 2 million rubles.

Once distribution channels have been established, you can think about wholesale trade. It is from mass sales that the entrepreneur will receive the main profit.

The profitability of such production is high. On average, such a business fully pays for itself within 12-18 months, after which the entrepreneur receives a net profit. Taking into account taxes, rent, wages and other expenses, the amount of net profit will be about 250 thousand rubles. per month.

At first glance, it may seem that the production of toilet paper is a complex and labor-intensive business. But if we look at the process brick by brick, we can find out that even a novice businessman can organize it.

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Toilet paper And paper napkins- a product in demand all over the world.

There are no prerequisites for a decrease in demand in the foreseeable future, so we can safely open the production of toilet paper and napkins.

Eat two production methods: from finished raw materials or from waste paper.

Since our site is dedicated to waste recycling and environmental protection, in this article we’ll talk about production of these goods from waste paper.

Reasons There are a few things to pay attention to here:

  1. This cost-effective business. If you put in the effort, your investment will pay off in a year or less.
  2. Product in demand everywhere and all year round. Many enterprises will need your products; all you have to do is agree on cooperation.
  3. Contribution to the ecology. Giving waste paper a second life, you will feel the importance and usefulness of your business.

If we talk about shortcomings, they also exist, like any business. This is not a disadvantage, but rather a warning: you will have competitors, there will be many of them, and sales difficulties may arise.

The business idea was picked up by many people, but not everyone’s business took off. Therefore, let’s say at the beginning of the article: study the niche, find out about sales options in advance, draw up a business plan, and only then, after weighing all the pros and cons, invest in equipment.

Since there is competition and it is high, you must always be one step ahead ahead of the competition.

For this:

  • produce quality products;
  • come up with an interesting, memorable name;
  • do not neglect the packaging design;
  • Don’t skimp on advertising when the product is already on supermarket shelves.

Of course, the last three points are more addressed to those who want to do exclusive products, which will differ from competitors' products. Those who decide to produce the most ordinary cheap toilet paper and simple napkins will not need marketing delights. But the first point is mandatory for everyone.

Quality goods– a guarantee that relationships will work out with both wholesalers and end consumers.

Is there demand for the products?

There was, is and will be a demand for toilet paper and napkins. Another issue is that supply may exceed demand. By simple calculations you can determine How in demand is the product? in your city/region.

Based on approximate calculations, family of two spends one roll of paper per week. It turns out that in a city with a population of 200 thousand people, the weekly demand for toilet paper will be 100 thousand rolls. This is about 14 thousand rolls per day.

At the start, if you have equipment of average productivity, you will produce this amount of products in one or one and a half shifts. Multiply this figure by the number of competitors in the region, and you will get the ratio of real supply and demand.

Of course, limiting yourself to just your city is not enough. For full-fledged and large-scale production, it will be necessary to establish sales channels in other areas, but at first, without business contacts, this is unlikely to be done.

To avoid falling into the ranks of the “burnt out”, realistically assess the market situation before investing.

What do you need to start?

Making toilet paper and napkins is not a business from scratch. Start-up capital will be required. Its size will depend on how wide you decide to “unfold”.

What you need to do:

  1. Register your activities (individual entrepreneur or LLC).
  2. Buy or rent production facilities room.
  3. Buy or rent premises for stock.
  4. Buy equipment.
  5. Get license for production.
  6. Get permission from the SES and from the Fire Inspectorate.
  7. Find raw material suppliers or establish production of raw materials from waste paper.
  8. Find packaging suppliers, bushings and other materials, or set up your own production.
  9. Find sales channels.

Starting a business

Even though “find distribution channels” is the last item on the list, you need to start there. After all, it depends on him whether your business will be successful.

We are looking for sales channels

There are two options sales channels– wholesalers and retail outlets.

  1. Wholesalers– those who will buy your product and then resell it to retail outlets.
  2. Outlets– those who sell products to the end consumer.

It's not hard to guess that sell your product wholesalers are less profitable. But many aspiring entrepreneurs choose this option, and that's it causes:

  • the goods will not remain in warehouses;
  • it is easier to negotiate with a wholesaler than with chain super- and hypermarkets;

Call wholesalers; you can find their contacts in search results for your region. After communicating with potential wholesale partners, determine how in demand your products are.

Legal registration

Can be registered as IP(individual entrepreneur) and OOO(limited liability company). Preferably choose second option, this will make it easier for you to organize sales of your products.

Next buy license. A license to produce toilet paper and napkins will cost you about 150 thousand rubles. We also add here cost of opening an LLC10 thousand rubles.

If you plan to make a product from waste paper, you will not need an additional license for processing recyclable materials.


When choosing a room, focus on its dimensions. It is preferable to have an area of ​​at least 150 sq. m. It will have to be divided by at least three parts:

  • production area;
  • raw materials warehouse;
  • finished goods warehouse.

If your warehouses will removed from the production workshop, you will need to buy a truck, hire a driver and loaders, and this considerable expenses. So, when choosing a room, immediately take into account its size and the number of products you plan to produce. If you are going to recycle waste paper, take this fact into account - the equipment will require additional space.

To save money, rent warehouses and workshops on the outskirts of the city or even outside it.


It will be necessary to hire people to service all types of equipment three to six people.

If you are planning to run uninterrupted operation lines, multiply this amount by three: Thus, the staff will work eight hours in three shifts.

As a rule, special skills and experience from people who operate paper machines, not required.

Learning is fast and the machines are intuitive to use. In addition, many equipment suppliers themselves will teach your staff all the necessary skills and abilities for free.

In addition to the workshop workers, you will need services:

  • driver;
  • loaders;
  • accountant;
  • cleaner;
  • watchman.

These positions can be combined with each other, or some function can be performed by the business owner (that is, you).

Where to get raw materials?

The raw material is waste paper.

For the manufacture of toilet paper and napkins will fit:

  • old newspapers;
  • office paper;
  • notebooks;
  • packaging paper and cardboard;
  • corrugated cardboard.

It is clear that you will not be able to collect waste paper for production yourself. So make a decision right away where to get it. There are at least two options:

  • contact the owners of waste paper collection points;
  • open your own item.

Buy from collectors

If you do not want to accept waste paper, negotiate with other acceptors. As a rule, they hand over the collected waste paper to resellers at not very favorable prices; less often, they work directly with pulp and paper mills.

Whatever it was, Most of them will be interested in working with you, because:

  • working with resellers, they lose part of their income;
  • Working with the pulp and paper mill, they wait months for payment for the delivered raw materials (this is the nuance of working with the plant).

Find out the conditions, where waste paper collection points operate with their partners, and offer them better deals. Having established contacts with several points, consider that the raw materials for production are in your pocket.

Open a waste paper collection point

By opening your own collection point, you “rigidly” provide yourself with raw materials and stop depending on its supplies.

You don't need a large investment to get started. If you have it in stock warehouse space(a garage is a good place to start) and car with trailer, You can open a collection point almost for one day. The main thing is to find suppliers of raw materials.

How to open a waste paper collection point is described in detail in. By the way, if the business on toilet paper and napkins does not work out for some reason, you will have fallback option in the form of a collection point, which also brings a stable income and will help to “recoup” the money invested in equipment.

Manufacturing technology from waste paper and its advantages

Toilet paper and napkins make from:

  • wood pulp;
  • recycled waste paper;
  • rag half mass.

Manufacturing from waste paper has a number advantages:

  • widespread availability and low cost of raw materials;
  • environmental friendliness (riding nature of garbage and reducing the need for deforestation).

Manufacturing products directly from waste paper implies a full production cycle.

An incomplete cycle means production from a finished paper base.

Incomplete cycle production involves the purchase of more expensive raw materials, so it is more profitable to establish a full cycle.

Let's consider full production cycle. It goes through several stages:

  1. Sorting and crushing paper pulp into small fragments (1-5 cm). Crushers are used for this.
  2. Recycling paper pulp in the pulper and dissolution on fibers.
  3. Cleaning mass from impurities and foreign objects using catchers (some models of pulpers are equipped with them).
  4. Manufacturing paper products from the resulting water-paper solution using a paper making machine.
  5. Winding, cutting and packaging products using special machines.

Read more about the waste paper recycling process in.


Making toilet paper and paper towels requires the presence of certain types of equipment, each of which we will discuss in detail.

For preparation raw materials you will need:

  • crusher;
  • pulper;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • washing apparatus;
  • cleaners-catchers;
  • stirrers.

For manufacturing rolls:

  • paper machine;
  • reel-unwinding machine;
  • machine for cutting rolls;
  • pasting table;
  • packaging machine.

By purchasing every machine separately, You:

  • you spend more money on equipment;
  • hire more staff;
  • take up more usable space in the workshop.

Given the above, it makes sense buy a line (mini-factory) for the production of napkins and toilet paper. It will include paper making machine, producing paper in rolls 1.5-2.2 meters wide and machine for rewinding and cutting rolls.

This line can be purchased on alibaba. This category presents mini-factories for manufacturing:

  • toilet paper;
  • paper towels;
  • napkins.

There is also equipment for the production of bushings, for cutting rolls, as well as packaging machines.

The catalog presents as automatic(from 4 million rubles), and semi-automatic(from 1.3 million rubles), lines, as well as individual machines.

There is also equipment for the production of cardboard sleeves (from 220 thousand rubles).

What to pay attention to when purchasing equipment:

  1. Guarantee period. The supplier is obliged to take responsibility for the equipment for a certain period of time (resolve problems or return funds if the device is faulty).
  2. Delivery. If you do not live in one of the largest cities in Russia, then the likelihood that you will buy the necessary equipment in your city tends to zero. Find out the details of equipment delivery: who does it, who pays for it and when it will happen.
  3. Equipment assembly and training of your staff. These services are usually included in the final cost of the equipment, but it doesn’t hurt to clarify this in advance.

Types of manufactured products

You need to buy equipment and plan your budget based on what products do you plan to produce?.

It could be:

  • regular toilet paper with or without a core;
  • colored, corrugated, embossed, flavored, multi-layer paper and napkins, including exclusive types of products;
  • corrugated paper towels with a sleeve;
  • sheet paper towels.

Having decided on the type of product to be manufactured, you can approximately calculate expenses for its production.


As has already become clear, the most important in the business of toilet paper and napkins – stable sales channels. If you know how to achieve your goal, and difficulties do not frighten you, this will not become a problem.

And yet it may happen that your business will not be profitable for several reasons. Then You can:

  • sell or rent out equipment;
  • sell an existing business;
  • start producing other products from waste paper, for which there will be greater demand.

Good luck in your new endeavors.

The process of making toilet paper is shown in the video:

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In this article:

Toilet paper has long become a commonplace item. It’s hard to even imagine that just a couple of centuries ago it was a luxury item, and not an ordinary household hygiene material.

The main advantage of toilet paper, from a businessman’s point of view, is that the demand for it is always stable. But competition among manufacturers is also great.

Today there are many varieties of toilet paper: single or multi-layer, white or colored, smooth or embossed, plain or patterned, unscented or scented... the imagination of manufacturers has no limits in trying to attract public demand. They even produce rolls with comics, crosswords, and collections of jokes. True, such paper costs accordingly, but its main purpose is to be an affordable and high-quality personal hygiene item.

The correct organization of any business begins with analysis and calculations. Let's consider the return on investment in a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper in stages.

1. Analysis of the toilet paper market

The profitability of any commercial project depends on the successful sale of manufactured products, and toilet paper is no exception. It is clear that there is no point in opening your own store selling toilet paper; such products are sold through chain stores and supermarkets. Such trading has both its pros and cons.

The main advantage: retail chains are large intermediaries, capable of selling large production reserves (for a “newbie” in business it is quite possible to agree on batches of up to 50-70 tons/month). That is, products will not accumulate in the warehouse, production runs smoothly.

The main disadvantage: the trade “share” of supermarkets is at least 30%, and in order for your products to be successfully placed, it’s all 50%. Naturally, this implementation is more suitable for significant volumes of large plants. For small businesses, it will be more profitable to cooperate with large wholesale stores or create their own dealer network to service stores and outlets selling household goods in the region.

There are two options for organizing a toilet paper production business:

  • full production- a technological process based on recyclable materials (waste paper), the output is ready-made packaged rolls of toilet paper;
  • simplified mini production - The basis is cellulose raw material, which is rewound on special equipment, and then cut into rolls that are familiar to everyone and packaged.

The second option is less profitable, since the cost of such a “semi-finished product” significantly exceeds the purchase price of recyclable materials and, accordingly, reduces the possible profit. In addition, paper recycling volumes in Russia today account for about 15% of the actual amount of waste and, despite quite decent competition, this business is more promising.

Therefore, we will consider the first option for organizing production.

2. Opening a company and necessary permits

For the production of toilet paper, it is preferable to open a legal entity as a form of ownership (for example, LLC). It is more profitable for large suppliers to cooperate with a law firm than with a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is easier for a legal entity to obtain all the necessary certificates and permits.

The approximate cost of registering an LLC will be 10,000 rubles. To open production, you will need to obtain a license, which will cost 140,000 rubles.

The production of toilet paper in Russia is regulated by GOST “R 52354-2005”. To implement it, you will need to issue a sanitary-epidemiological report and a certificate of conformity, for which you will need the following documents:

  • certificates for raw materials;
  • lease agreement for production space;
  • certificate of registration, charter of the enterprise, etc.

3. Choosing a room for toilet paper production

A workshop for the production of toilet paper must have an area of ​​at least 150 m2 and a ceiling height of 4 m.

The premises will be divided into three main zones:

  • Warehouse for storing raw materials;
  • Production Line;
  • Warehouse for finished products.

Basic requirements for the premises: availability of running water (water requirement - 3 m 3 /day), sewerage, electricity (with 3-phase power supply of 380 W). The estimated rental cost per month, based on a price of 500 rubles/m2, will be 75,000 rubles.

4. Toilet paper manufacturing technology

1) Preparation of waste paper pulp

Recyclable materials are cleaned of foreign impurities and crushed in a crusher with the addition of water. The wet crushed mass is filtered through a special sieve, on which small foreign inclusions that were missed during the initial cleaning (paper clips, glass, clips, etc.) remain.

2) Washing of raw materials

The purified mixture is sent to the tank, where it is washed with tap and recycled water. Not only the quality of future paper depends on the thoroughness of washing at this stage (the longer the washing, the whiter the raw material), but also the cost price (water consumption). Dirty water is washed down the drain.

3) Fine grind

The raw materials, together with clean water, are crushed into a water-paper mass using a multifunctional mill, and then pumped into a pressure tank.

4) Concentration regulation

From the pressure tank, the mass is sent to a special container, where the proportional composition of the mixture of raw materials and water is regulated. After achieving the required parameters, the mass is poured in a uniform flow onto the mesh table of the papermaking machine.

5) Production of roll blanks

The suspension is dewatered using a nylon mesh, which also serves as a conveyor belt. Excess liquid flows into a tank for circulating water, which is reused when washing raw materials. The paper pulp is conveyed along a belt into a drying drum rotating at a speed of 10 revolutions/minute, which is heated by steam to a temperature of 110 degrees. The mass dries in the drum, after which it is removed with a scraper knife. The cut tapes are dried and wound onto a sleeve into bobbins, which are then cut into roll blanks.

6) Unwinding and embossing

The reel produced on the paper-making machine is placed on an unwinding machine for embossing and simultaneous rewinding into a log (a roll equal in width to the reel and in diameter to a regular roll of toilet paper). Such rewinding is necessary to form the structure of the web (two-layer, three-layer paper) and a denser roll.

7) Packaging and slicing

The resulting log is pasted over with a label, which should be ordered in advance from the printing house, and cut into rolls on a special cutting machine. The cut rolls are checked by weight, packed in boxes or plastic bags and ready for sale.

5. Equipment for making toilet paper

It is planned to purchase a technological line to complete a mini-plant with a capacity of 1 ton/day, costing RUB 2,000,000 including delivery, turnkey installation and personnel training.

The equipment set includes:

1) paper making machine, which includes a set of equipment for cleaning raw materials and producing paper:

  • electric generator,
  • pulper,
  • vibrating sieve,
  • multifunctional mill,
  • washing machine,
  • cleaners,
  • stirrers.

2) roll cutting machine;

3) reel-unwinding machine;

4) packaging machine;

5) pasting table.

There is no shortage of manufacturers of technological lines for processing recyclable materials and making paper. Therefore, it is worth choosing someone who can provide not only installation and startup work, but also repair work, if necessary. After all, a simple line is your loss.

Additionally, it is recommended to purchase a machine for the production of cardboard sleeves, so as not to purchase ready-made ones. The cost of such equipment is 110,000 rubles. However, the log may not have bushings if you plan to produce standard rolls without an internal cavity.

In the future, it is possible to expand production with equipment for the production of napkins, paper towels, etc.

6. Raw materials for the production of toilet paper

Recycled paper of the following brands is suitable as a raw material for making paper:

  • MS-1 (bleached cellulose paper without ruling and printing);
  • MS-2 (white paper with a line);
  • MS-3 (book and magazine paper);
  • MS-7 (cardboard);
  • MS-10 (newspapers).

It is necessary to additionally purchase mesh and felt (for paper), paper glue and cardboard (for gluing the bushings) or ready-made purchased bushings. To avoid problems with obtaining a permit, it is better to purchase all raw materials from trusted suppliers with appropriate quality certificates.

7. We draw up a business plan for the production of toilet paper

To produce 1 ton of paper (or 6250 rolls of average quality) you will need:

Waste paper - 1.1 tons x 3,000 rubles = 3,300 rubles.

Electricity - 700 kW x 2 rubles/kW = 1,400 rubles.

Water - 20 m 3 *30 rubles = 600 rubles.

Steam - 4 tons * 120 rubles = 480 rubles.

Mesh - 0.02 pcs * 2100 rubles = 42 rubles.

Cloth - 0.01 pcs. * 19,500 rubles = 195 rubles.

Workers - 0.2 people * 6000 rubles = 1200 rubles.

Other operating costs (glue, cellophane, label, etc.) - 500 rubles.

Total: 7,717 rub.

We calculate profit:

The average weight of one roll is 160 g.

The cost of 1 roll of paper is 1.23 rubles.

Wholesale selling price: 5 RUR/roll.

Profit from one roll – 3.77 rubles.

Profit for the month (with one-shift work for 22 days) – 518,375 rubles.

Additional monthly costs (RUB 201,175):

  • income tax 20% - 103675 rub.
  • rent of a production workshop - 75,000 rubles.
  • salary (director, accountant, technologist) - 50,000 rubles.

Net profit: 289,700 rubles/month.

Equipment payback: 7 months.

Of course, all calculations can only be approximate; the cost of rent, resources, and wages varies too much depending not only on the region, but also on the type of locality in which production will be opened. But even with such a load on the line, and working in 1 shift, the payback of the equipment in less than a year confirms that the production of toilet paper from recycled materials is a profitable business with good prospects for expansion and development.


The set of equipment included in the Mini-plant (this is a Paper Making Machine (PM) and a set of necessary machines. See Figures 1, 2, 3) is intended for processing secondary raw materials from waste paper for the production of tissue paper (household paper) (toilet paper ).

(Fig.1) Paper making machine (PM)

(Fig.2) Rewinding machine

(Fig.3) Machine for cutting rolls


One of the main conditions for the technological process of producing base paper for sanitary purposes is dehydration of the paper pulp and its intensive drying. At a relatively high speed of movement of the newly formed web, it is necessary to evaporate moisture from it in the shortest possible time by interacting with the heated surface of the Yankee cylinders.

Electric heating elements are used to heat the Yankee cylinders in this equipment configuration.


A mini-plant for recycling waste paper and paper waste from printing enterprises is a set of technological equipment that allows the production of toilet paper, consisting of the following main parts.

  1. Paper pulp preparation equipment
  2. Paper making equipment
  3. Equipment for further processing of paper

Technological process

It is advisable to load the starting raw material into a waste paper preparation container and fill it with water (not a mandatory step; it is possible to immediately immerse the dry raw material in the pulper).
Waste paper (or soggy paper) is transferred to a pulper (GRP), where it is diluted with water and ground, resulting in the formation of a mass of coarse fraction.
The resulting mass is dumped by gravity into Tank No. 1 (paper pulp preparation tank), where it is enriched with water and brought to the required concentration.
The pump-mill pumps the paper pulp into Tank No. 2 - the tank for preparing the paper pulp, in which it is in constant motion due to the operation of the Pump-mill, which pumps the mass into the Receiver Tank (Constant Flow Box).
The paper pulp in both tanks No. 1 and No. 2 is maintained in suspension due to pumping and supply of compressed air into the tanks, discharged by the VVU-3 vacuum pump, which helps to accelerate the process of pulp formation.
Excess mass flows by gravity from the Receiver Tank back to Tank No. 2, and the prepared mass flows through one or more vortex traps from the Receiver Tank to the Headbox of the Paper Making Machine, from where to the Mesh Table.
Adjustment of the mass supply to the Headbox is carried out using valves located on the nozzles of the Receiver Tank.
The mesh table has a constant movement and the paper pulp received on it, distributed evenly across the width of the table, enters the Couch Roll area, where spinning and preliminary calibration take place.
During the movement of the mass along the Grid table, excess liquid is separated into the Register Water Collection (Pit). As it accumulates, the liquid is pumped by the Pump into Tank No. 1.
After preliminary crimping by the Couch Roll, the paper pulp adheres to the Felt Conveyor, which moves the paper web to the dewatering zone through the Vacuum Dewatering Nozzle and then to the Heating Drum for drying.
The released cloth of the first Felt Conveyor is cleaned by means of a Vacuum Cleaning Nozzle and the liquid removed by the Vacuum Pump enters the Paper Pulp Compilation Tank.
When moving the paper web along the Heating Drum, the working surface of which has uniform temperature heating, up to 65% of the moisture is evaporated from it (the web). When entering the creping zone, the fabric is separated from the Heating Drum by means of a Scraper Knife and goes to the Drying Cloth.
Moving along the drying cloth, the paper web covers up to 50% of the heated surface of the drying drum, through which it acquires output parameters.
The finished paper enters the Receiving Device area, where, depending on the configuration of the mini-mill, it is wound into logs or reels of a given diameter.
The bobbin obtained from the Paper Making Machine is moved to the bobbin unwinding machine, where it is rewound into logs - these are rolls as wide as a bobbin and with a diameter as a roll of toilet paper.
Rewinding on a bobbin-unwinding machine allows you to obtain a denser winding in the roll and emboss the paper.
Next, the resulting log is pasted over with a label (which is usually ordered from a printing house), and then cut into rolls on a roll cutting machine.
The resulting rolls are checked and packed into bags or boxes for sale.

All mini-mills are supplied with equipment for further processing of paper, namely a machine for cutting rolls (log saw) and a reel-unwinding machine.



1.0 t/day

1.5 t/day


Paper weight

Power consumption (electric)

Paper speed

Width of paper web no more

Daily water consumption is not less than

Service personnel per shift

3 - 4

Paper receiving device

bobbin winding

Additional machines included in the package (already included in the price)

1) bobbin unwinding machine;

2) machine for cutting rolls


    White bleached cellulose paper without printing or ruling

    White bleached cellulose paper with varnish and black and white or colored stripes

    Bleached wood pulp newsprint

    Printed defects and blank forms

    Book and Archival

    Book and magazine, Archival

    Newsprint and newspapers

    Unused newspapers

    Used newspapers with black and white and color printing.


    Carton boxes

Almost any mShark can be used as a raw material for making toilet paper from waste paper. You should absolutely not use only one type of paper - laminated paper. Sources of waste paper are usually: printing houses, printing houses, large offices and factories, banks, waste paper collection points, local population, etc. and so on. THERE IS ALWAYS WASTE PAPER, YOU JUST START LOOKING FOR IT!




Quantity, pcs.

1.0 t/day

1.5 t/day

2.0 t/day

Paper Making Machine (PM)

Pulper with electric motor (GDV)

Water transfer pump with electric motor

Mill-pump with electric motor





Mesh table frame with mesh

Press part

Cloth part bed with cloth

Heating drum with heating element

Drying section frame with cloth

Dryer drum with heating element

Converter with electric motor


Electrical panel

Vacuum pump VVN1-6 with two bells and an electric motor

Mass transfer pump with electric motor

Rolling into reels with 2 shafts

Machine for cutting rolls (Fig. 3)

Rewinding machine (Fig. 2)


necessary to be carried out by the Buyer at the stage of preparation for installation of the mini-plant

1. Recommended room area - 150 m2;
2. Recommended room length - 15 m;
3. Recommended ceiling height - 4.0 m;
4. Water requirement is not less than 3 m3/day;
5. Availability of sewerage communications;
6. Availability of exhaust ventilation;
8. Preparation of the foundation according to the technological diagram provided by the equipment manufacturer;
9. Manufacturing of tanks according to the drawings of the equipment manufacturer;
10. Availability of ball valves (for those who don’t know, these are ordinary “American” type water taps):

  • - 2-inch - 6 pcs.,
  • - 1 ½ inch - 6 pcs.,
  • - ¾ inch - 4 pcs.

11. Availability of fireclay (fireproof) bricks in the amount of 60 pcs.;
12. Availability of a pipeline for installation of equipment (the quantity is determined on site):

  • - pipe 76 mm;
  • - pipe 50 mm;
  • - pipe 40 mm;
  • - pipe 20 mm.

13. Availability of rubber corrugated hoses (the quantity is determined on site):

  • - diameter 76 mm,
  • - diameter 50 mm.

14. Electrical wiring according to the electrical supply diagram (the number of cables and wires is determined on site):
- install a 4-wire copper cable into the room (depending on the power consumption of the purchased mini-plant, the brand and cross-section of the power cable is selected by the Buyer’s electrician)

When ordering installation, the Buyer undertakes to provide the Seller’s representative with the assistance of the following specialists during the installation of the equipment:

  • welder - 1 person;
  • mechanic - 2 people;
  • electrician - 1 person.


The Buyer receives information about Suppliers for the units, parts, and products indicated in the table when purchasing equipment. Name


Approximate service life

Synthetic woven mesh TU 3651-025-00279597-2004

3…6 months

Press cloth TU 8388-004-00322318-99

M-7, seamless

1…1.5 months

Drying section cloth TU 8318-023-0032230-2001

CX/bp or KLS

3 - 4 months


6 months

Steel tape (for scraper knife)

65G or 50HG

No deadline (long)

Nichrome spiral for electric heating of Yankee cylinders

No deadline (long)

30x52x10; 50x70x10

No deadline (long)

Band knife (for a machine for cutting rolls)


Up to 6 months


The machine is designed for rewinding reels of sanitary-hygienic base paper into logs of a given diameter, for the further production of rolls of toilet paper or rolls of paper towels from them.

Principle of operation:
A reel with base paper fixed to a shaft is installed on the machine, passes through intermediate shafts and embossing shafts, and then is wound onto a cardboard sleeve or directly into a log without a sleeve. The resulting log is transferred to a log cutting machine, where it is cut into rolls of the required width. The machine is equipped with a meter counter for rewound paper.


The name of indicators


The largest diameter of the reel for unwinding, mm

Maximum width of the reel for unwinding, mm

The largest diameter of the winding log, mm

Maximum width of the winding log, mm


Power supply: three-phase AC

Voltage, V

frequency Hz

Number of electric motors on the machine, pcs.

Electric motor power, kW

Electric motor rotation speed, rpm.

Type of speed control of the electric motor drive

a frequency converter

  • - a tighter winding of paper in the log is achieved;
  • - additional softening of the paper occurs;
  • - when rewinding, embossing is performed on the paper, which gives the paper a more noble appearance, splendor, and additional softness;
  • - other defects on paper are eliminated.

3) For those who work with purchased base paper, it is recommended to order this machine together with a machine for cutting rolls.


The machine is designed for cutting logs of base paper for sanitary purposes into rolls of the required width (in the production of toilet paper or paper towels).

Principle of operation:
A log of base paper, obtained as a result of rewinding on a reel-to-reeler (or other similar equipment), is installed on the cutting table of the machine for cutting rolls. The table has the possibility of free transverse reciprocating movement, with the help of which the logs are fed into the cutting zone. Type of cutting unit - band knife. The machine has mechanisms for adjusting the width of the resulting rolls and sharpening the band knife.

2) For those who work with purchased base paper, it is recommended to order this machine together with a rewinding machine.


  • Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the technical characteristics of the premises specified in clause 3 of this Proposal, as well as ensure the presence of the necessary technological openings in the foundation according to the equipment layout diagram provided by the Supplier.
  • Provide exhaust ventilation with local suction of water vapor from the work area.
  • The Customer prepares the foundation with the selection of technological openings in the concrete floor for the collection of register water in accordance with the approved layout of the premises by the Supplier. The containers of the paper pulp preparation sections (Tank No. 1, Tank No. 2, pipelines, etc.) are assembled during the installation process by the Customer according to the Supplier’s drawings.
  • To secure the frame of the Paper Making Machine in the floor of the production room, make recesses (wells) in accordance with the drawing documentation provided by the Supplier.
  • The platform for placing the waste paper preparation tank and the pulper on it is rigidly fixed on supports reinforced with concrete pouring.
  • Since paper production involves intense evaporation of moisture and, as a result, increased humidity in the production area, before starting up the equipment, ensure that welds are cleaned and exposed parts of the equipment are painted to prevent premature corrosion of the metal.
  • The Supplier undertakes to install the equipment at the Customer’s premises, subject to payment for this service by the Customer.


Each unit of the set of equipment included in the Mini-plant does not pose an increased danger during its operation and maintenance.
Safety requirements when working on a paper-making machine are generally accepted for general mechanical engineering, as well as pulp and paper and printing production.


The seller provides a quality guarantee for the equipment, including components provided for in the specifications, for 12 (twelve) months. The warranty period begins from the moment the equipment is put into operation.