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Christian Easter scenes for adults. "Easter days" scripts for Easter

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Orthodox calendar

Sschmch. Eusebius, bishop Samosatsky (380).

Mch. Alban the British (III–early IV). Mchch. Zinon and Zina (304). Mchch. Galaktion and Juliania. St. Gregory, Met. Wallashsky (1834) (Romanian).

Sschmchch. Theodore Smirnov and Gabriel of Arkhangelsk deacons (1938).

Rom., 101 ch., IX, 6–19. Matt., 38 zach., X, 32–36; XI, 1.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata, bishop

Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata , stood firmly for the Orthodox confession, approved at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325, for which he suffered persecution from the Arians, who repeatedly deprived him of his see and drove him into prison. Emperor Constantius (337–361), patron of the Arians, having learned that Saint Eusebius kept a conciliar act on the election of the Orthodox Archbishop Meletius to the See of Antioch, sent him an order to give this act. The saint resolutely refused to carry out the order. The angry emperor sent word that if he did not hand over the deed, his right hand would be cut off. Saint Eusebius extended both hands to the messenger with the words: “Cut off, but I will not give up the act of the council, which exposes the wickedness and lawlessness of the Arians.” Emperor Constantius was surprised at the bishop's courage, but did not harm him.

After Constantius, Julian the Apostate reigned (361–363). An even more difficult time came - open persecution of Christians began. Saint Eusebius, hiding his rank, dressed as a warrior, walked through all of Syria, Phenicia and Palestine, confirming Christians in the Orthodox faith. He supplied priests and deacons to empty churches, and ordained bishops who rejected the Arian heresy. After the death of Julian the Apostate, the pious king Jovian (363–364) reigned, during whose reign the persecution ceased. Archbishop Meletios, who returned from exile, on the advice of Saint Eusebius, convened a Local Council in Antioch in 379. 27 bishops took part in it and the Orthodox doctrine adopted at the First Ecumenical Council was confirmed. The Arians, fearing the strong confessors of Orthodoxy - Saints Meletius, Eusebius and Pelagius, who enjoyed great respect from the emperor, put their signatures under the conciliar definition. After the death of Emperor Jovian, the reign of the Arian Valens began (364–378). The Orthodox began to be persecuted again. Saint Meletius was exiled to Armenia, Saint Pelagius to Arabia, and Saint Eusebius was condemned to imprisonment in Thrace. Having received the royal decree, Saint Eusebius left Samosata at night in order to prevent the indignation of the people who revered him. Having learned about the bishop's departure, the believers overtook him and begged him to return with tears. The saint refused to fulfill the request of his flock, saying that one should obey the existing authorities. The saint convinced his flock to firmly adhere to Orthodoxy, blessed them and went to their place of exile. The Arian Eunomius was sent to the See of Samosata, but the people did not accept the heretic. The Orthodox did not go to church and avoided meeting him. The Arian heretic realized that he could not attract an independent flock to himself.

Emperor Gratian (375–383) who ascended the throne returned from exile all the Orthodox bishops who had suffered under the Arians. Saint Eusebius also returned to Samosata and continued his work on church improvement. Together with Saint Meletius, they put Orthodox bishops and clergy in place of the Arians. Around 380, he arrived in the Arian city of Dolikhina to install an Orthodox bishop, Marinus. An Arian woman threw a tile from the roof, which pierced the saint's head. Dying, following the example of the Savior, he forgave her for her guilt and asked those around her not to harm her. The body of Saint Eusebius was transferred to Samosata and buried with tears by his flock. His nephew, Blessed Antiochus, was elevated to the place of the saint, and the Samosata Church continued to firmly profess the Orthodox faith, firmly planted by the labors of the holy martyr Eusebius.

Troparion to Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata

And a participant in morals,/ and a vicar of the throne, an apostle,/ you gained deeds, inspired by God,/ in a vision the sunrise,/ for this reason, correcting the word of truth,/ and for the sake of faith you suffered and Even unto blood,/ Hieromartyr Eusebius./ Pray to Christ God// save our souls.

Translation: And having become a participant in the morals of the Apostles and an heir to their throne, you, inspired by God, have achieved the ascent to contemplation by your deeds; therefore, proclaiming the right word of truth, you suffered to the point of bleeding for the faith, Hieromartyr Eusebius, intercede before Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata

Having lived piously in holiness/ and traversed the path of torment,/ you quenched the sacrifices of idols, to Saint Eusebius,/ but as you have boldness towards Christ God,// pray that our souls may be saved.

Translation: Having served reverently in the rank of hierarch and gone through torment, you have abolished idolatry sacrifices, Saint Eusebius, but as one who has boldness towards Christ God, pray for the salvation of our souls.

Reading the Gospel with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter 10, art. 23-31.

23 When they persecute you in one city, flee to another. For truly I say to you, before you have gone around the cities of Israel, the Son of Man comes.

24 A student is not higher than a teacher, and a servant is not higher than his master: 25 It is enough for a student that he should be like his teacher, and for a servant that he should be like his master. If the master of the house was called Beelzebub, how much more of his household?

26 So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known.

27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and whatever you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.

28 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but fear Him more who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.

29 Are not two small birds sold for an assarium? * ? And not one of them will fall to the ground without will your father; 30 Even the hairs on your head are all numbered; 31 Do not be afraid: you are better than many small birds.

* small coin

(Matthew 10:23-31.)

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

CHRIST IS THE SOURCE OF LIVING WATER: Homily for the 5th Sunday after Easter, about the Samaritan

IN O name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

IN Today Sunday we remember the gospel conversation with the Samaritan woman. The service glorifies Christ, who, in a conversation with a woman from the village of Sychar, made it clear that the Source of living water leading a person to eternal life, - It is he. He who wants to quench his bodily thirst can go to a well dug in the ground, but he who wants to quench his spiritual hunger must go to Christ.

(MP3 file. Duration 09:34 min. Size 8.76 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • FAQ
    • Orthodox calendar

Reading the lives of saints by Dmitry of Rostov for every day

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Christ is Risen! - the sun is playing,
Christ is Risen! - the leaves rustle,
Christ is Risen! - exclaims loudly
From the pulpit, Father, sacred words.
They contain the joy of life, the denial of death,
Our hope, faith and love,
In them is the united voice of the Orthodox Church,
And it sounds all over Russia again.
Christ is Risen! - Happy Easter,
Christ is Risen! - the heart sings a song,
Christ is Risen! - even children know:
Christ is Risen and calls us to the Kingdom of God!


Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen! Truly risen!
He has risen... And this is the Resurrection
Grants us eternal salvation!

At dawn this morning Jesus rose again
Glorify, children, the Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb, the seal is broken,
And the birds chirp - how can we remain silent?!
The conqueror of death brought us joy.
Praise God, children, Jesus Christ is alive!


Where are you going?

We are going to church for Easter service!

And did you feel like jostling around churches on Sunday?

So, after all, Sunday is called Sunday because the Savior was resurrected on this day. Easter is the biggest event, the great Resurrection. If you don’t go to church on this day, it means you’re missing out on the most important thing!

Let's go too, Vanya, I like to light candles in the Church. Their lights are so warm and intimate. When I light a candle, I am always both happy and sad. I even sigh.

This is because the candle is a small sacrifice.

What about the big sacrifice? When do they give a lot of money?

And the great sacrifice is the one that the Lord brought for all the sins of the world.

And what did He bring?

Yourself. He died a painful death on the Cross.

He walked resignedly along the thorny road,
He joyfully met both death and shame;
The lips that spoke the teaching of strict truth,
They did not utter a reproach to the mocking crowd.

He walked resignedly and, crucified on the cross,
He bequeathed freedom and love to the peoples;
For this sinful world, covered in darkness,
His holy Blood was shed for his neighbor.

And again there are three crosses before my eyes...
Here is the execution and the cry of the crowd and executioners
And the Romans laugh and whips whistle
And the hands of the pierced Christ...

Those hands that recently healed
Who blessed the children
And they distributed bread to hungry people,
Today they were pierced and crucified.

"Calvary" Larisa Zuikova

Is it worth being God if you get killed?

You are reasoning like a human being, and a person usually loves himself more than others.

Here you are, baptized. Wear crosses. What for?

I have a gold cross, it’s beautiful.

But my grandmother forces me. He says that without the cross I will completely get away with it.

And our Lord carried His cross across the whole city on his shoulders, and my Saint Simon helped him. And your holy John the Theologian and your holy Mary Magdalene stood at the Cross and mourned Christ.

And what did your saint, Nastya, do?

My saint became famous later, but my name translated from Greek means “resurrected.”

Perhaps you and I will go too.

Just be sure to go around the temple with candles!

Of course, let's go! And in the morning, if you don’t fall asleep, watch the sun play and rejoice in the Resurrection!

The sun woke up early, its ray wanders across the meadow.
When we leave the temple, we kiss each other three times.

On Easter we remember the Lord’s commandment again:
Harmony, peace and affection, and love for our loved ones.



Granddaughter, call your brother quickly,
Yes, roll up your sleeves higher -
We will make Easter cake.

If only he would come out!

If only he would come out!

Anything - study, work
Is it a spiritual, external battle?
We, trusting in God's bounties,
What do we start with?

Humble prayer!

That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to our aid!
Our labors for the table of love.

Lord our God, bless!

Although this white flour is pure,
Still, sift it through a sieve, granddaughter!

There are a lot of different impurities here, grandma,
Small lumps, specks hidden.

Confession to us from sins and temptations
Cleans thoughts like a good sieve.
A repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator.
Let us liken our heart to oil,
Covering everything with deep humility.

Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
We will generously put it in the cake without fear...

But he will never rise
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty chimera,
If love is not accompanied by faith.

The dough is made with intelligence and dexterity,

Let's finish the job in a hot oven,

Here is our Easter cake on a festive platter -

Happy Easter to you, good people!


What is this?

I'll bet whatever you want that it's Vanya calling!

I don’t understand anything, how did he get to the bell tower?

According to the old Russian custom, throughout the Easter week, any good Christian could go to the bell tower and ring the bells in honor of the great holiday.

But he doesn’t know how.

SEMYON Your heart will tell you. Look how joyfully and loudly he comes out.

Christ is Risen! And singing flows like a rolling wave from the heavens.
The sorrowful unrest has disappeared... Holy night - Christ is Risen!
It’s still dark, but the ray of the east has gilded the dormant forest...
Streams of stream are flowing... Truly Christ is Risen!
Oh this wondrous phenomenon - the holy Miracle of miracles:
Hell has been destroyed by the Cross and the Light of Resurrection: Christ is Risen!
As soon as the preponderance of Light was achieved over the sinful darkness -
Once again a wave swept through: TRULY IS RISEN!


The recording sounds like a bell ringing, the presenters come out

Presenter 4— The bright holiday of Easter comes to earth,

More wonderful than any earthly miracles:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

Presenter 1— Easter bell, and eggs and Easter cakes.

The birch trees stood up like white candles.

And the good news spreads over the earth:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

Presenter 2— And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection

I put on my spring jewelry...

And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!!!

Presenter 3- Resurrection of Christ!

Everyone is full of love and affection.

We have come here now

To celebrate Easter!

1 - The earth is waking up,

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

2 - There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,

A pile of colored eggs,

On this holiday, bright and clean

You won't see gloomy faces.

Presenter 1 - The Holiday of Holidays has come to us! Best!

Presenter 2 - The most important, beloved, melodious,

Presenter 3- Celebrate, people, all together,

Presenter 4 - Take this news:

Today Christ is Risen! This is not a fairy tale

Here it is - the long-awaited one...

Together - Easter!


3 - The birds sang joyfully,

Spring is coming again!

A week before Easter,

The camel is the first to sing.

4 - The world is filled with fun,

The sun is shining, it's warm.

Easter holiday on Sunday

How bright it is outside! (E. Shalamanova)

Girls(holding willow branches in their hands).

5 - We meet everyone with willow on Easter,

We cordially invite you to visit!

Come in quickly

Sing more fun!

6 - Willow, the willow is beautiful,

Come spring, the sun is clear!

Bring warmth

Have fun!

Dance "Palm Sunday"

3 — The dozing bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

Quiet Valley

Dispels sleep

And beyond the blue forest

The ringing stops!

Children's orchestra "Spring Day"

4 - The earth wakes up,

The fields are getting dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles.

- Christ is risen!

All- Truly risen!

5 - People are having fun -

Easter is at the gates!

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang cheerfully:

"Easter! Easter!

She came to us! »

6 - Loud laughter is heard everywhere,

Birds chirp loudly

That the holiday has arrived

For every child.

7 - The birds settled in their nests, the snow melted like a candle.

The air of the golden cake smells of sweet spirit.

And, kissing me, my mother says: “Christ is risen! »

The sunny rain began to cry on this day of holy miracles.

Dance with umbrellas

(suddenly crying is heard. Two people are sitting in the clearing easter bunny and wipe away tears with a handkerchief)

Leading- What happened, dear bunnies, why are you crying? Today is such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, everyone around is celebrating a great event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter bunnies:

1 When we were hurrying here for the holiday,

We have a big problem.

2 - Mom sent us to your kindergarten,

To congratulate the guys on Easter.

1 — Easter eggs were lost on the way.

Probably the evil wolves stole them.

Presenter – Well, don't be discouraged!

We must pray and trust in God!

How he sends food to the bird of heaven -

So, you see, the Lord will send you an egg.

The Hen enters

Chicken - Not gold, but simple

I blew your testicles.

And make them beautiful

I brought it to the guys.

Run to me, helpers,

Help decorate the eggs.

8 - There was a smell of butter roll at our doorstep.

I’ll treat myself to Easter cottage cheese and try a little.

9 - I’ll take a brush, gouache and do my best,

I will paint the eggs in different colors to make Easter shine.

Game "Color the Egg"

(two teams. Two easels with white paper eggs attached are brought to the middle of the room. Various figures made of adhesive paper are laid out on the table. Children take turns running up to the table, take any figure and stick it on the egg)

Easter bunnies:

1 – Good, just like the picture.

2 – Almost the same as in our basket!

Leading- Dear rabbits, don’t be so sad. Today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one. I believe that your basket will definitely be found. And now our guys will cheer you up and sing an Easter song.

10 - Wonderful day, the soul shines,

And the heart of God glorifies.

The spring forest rings in the distance,

And the song sounds: “Christ is risen! »

All children: Truly risen!

The song “Christ is Risen!”

1 - Easter has come to our home.

She brought it in her basket,

Pies, pancakes and tea,

Eggs, buns, flatbreads,

Have a fun Easter! (I. Evdokimova)

2 - Let's have a good Easter,

Fun and bright:

Cheese, butter and egg,

Yes, a ruddy Easter cake,

A good meal

Songs, dances and fun!

Dance "Cornflowers"

Leading- Little rabbits, how are you?


1 – We are very friendly, fun

We will sing and dance with you.

We bunnies love it

To be yours at the holiday.

2 - It’s a pity that we didn’t find the basket.

Gifts were carried in this basket.

Presenter – What was it like, your basket?

Help us, little rabbits:

Let's create a picture together.

Game "Collect an Easter Basket"

Leading- This picture contains a hint!

The basket is somewhere in a fairy tale.

Do not worry!

We'll definitely find it.

Now we are in this fairy tale,

I hope we get there!

11 — Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang cheerfully:

"Easter! Easter!

She came to us! »

12 — Yesterday we found a snowdrop

On a thawed patch in the forest.

Delicate blue flower

Met Easter and spring.

Song "Spring"

Spring- Larks hover under the sun,

They sing: “Christ is Risen!”

All over the robin bushes

They sing: “Christ is Risen!”

There are swallows in all the windows

They shout: “Christ is Risen!”

After all, it was I who called everyone,

And I bring plenty of warmth to everyone.

So who's in charge here if not me?

So who is redder than me here?

Leading— Rose came out in a red dress

To say that there is no one more beautiful than her.

Rose- I don’t argue: you, Spring, are Red,

You wake everyone up from sleep:

But my most beautiful flower

God made it fragrant and red.

And that's why you're redder

I will be known among people!

Leading- And then the robin flew off the branch

I wanted to show off my outfit.

Robin- No, I’m blushing! No, I'm blushing!

That I am definitely dearer to God!

Leading- And this is what lies in the grass

And it looks red too?

Child– Red, like a drop of blood on the cross,

Without end or edge - round everywhere!

Symbol of eternal life, red egg

Like a flower from paradise bloomed on your hand!

Easter Egg- Yes, I am the Easter Egg,

I call you on a long journey:

Find out my story

And who created me this way.

A throne appears on the stage and the emperor enters the music.

Presenter 4 - After Christ was resurrected, his disciples dispersed around the world with the news of the miracle of the Resurrection. Mary Magdalene also came with the news of the Resurrection of Christ. She came to the city of Rome. There were guards at the entrance to the palace, and noble guests, with rich gifts, hurried to bow to the emperor.

Guard – Emperor Tiberius,

There is an overseas merchant there.

It's been standing at the door for a long time.

There is a big casket in your hands!

Music sounds and a merchant comes out with a gift.

Merchant- Great Emperor and Ruler of the World

Accept a necklace as a gift

From pearls, rubies and sapphires.

Tiberius - I will accept your gift.

Guard - Ambassador of the Egyptian country.

And the chests are full of gold.

The music sounds and the ambassador comes out with a chest of gold.

Ambassador - Tiberius! Our great king!

Take this chest from us.

Let the authorities strengthen this gold

Let the country become rich!

Tiberius - A worthy gift.

Music sounds and a nobleman comes out.

Nobleman - Tiberius Emperor,

I brought a beautiful diamond.

He is worthy to shine in the royal crown.

Tiberius. And I will accept this gift.

Go in peace.

Who else is there?

Guard – Mary Magdalene.

Maria - Maria I am from the city of Magdala

I used to be in the yard often.

I was rich once too

And she brought valuable gifts.

Today I brought a modest gift.

And I came with very important news.

Earth and sun

Fields and forest

Everyone praises God:

Christ is risen!

In the blue smile

Living skies

Still the same joy:

Christ is risen!

Emperor- I don’t argue: your news is wonderful,

But this is just a miracle of miracles.

Soon this egg will turn red,

Than I will believe that Christ has risen.

Presenter 1- And suddenly the egg is in his hand

And, in fact, it turned red.

And the fact that Jesus was resurrected

At that very moment it became clear.

Emperor- In truth, Christ is Risen!

The enmity has disappeared

And the fear disappeared

No more anger

Christ is risen!

How wonderful are the sounds

Holy words

In which you can hear:

Christ is risen!

Easter Egg- You see, the answer is ready!

There is nothing redder than me in the world!

Spring- And here it is! And here it is!

She is with us today, here:

The only thing redder than Easter is Blood.

Christ's, God's love.

Rose- Easter! Easter is red!

I agree with the news.

The red sun has risen

Light embraced the earth.

Robin- People are having fun -

Easter is at the gates!

Song "Easter Spring"

13 - The celebration of celebrations has arrived,

The heart is joyful, light,

Can you hear singing from heaven?

Jesus Christ is Risen!

14 - Many sounds, many songs, -

But you can hear it most from heaven

Holy news is being heard,

Song-message - “Christ is Risen!..”

Dance "Heaven"

Leading- Well, how are the little rabbits?


1 – We spent this day with pleasure.

2 – They even forgot why they came.

It's a pity that we didn't find the basket.

Leading- Little rabbits, do you know what day it is today?


1 - The bright holiday of Easter comes to earth,

More magical than any fairy tale,

More wonderful than any earthly miracles:

Angel 15- Right. On this day, real miracles happen.

(T. Lavrova)

Look what a miracle

This basket contains a dish.

There is an egg, but not a simple one:

Golden painted,

16 - Like a bright toy!

There are stripes and curls here

Lots of little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

17 — What are all these paints for?

Like in a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave everyone the answers:

Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,

Symbol of life on earth!

This basket was looking for you.

Baby rabbits- A miracle happened! She was found!

2 - Nature is full of tender trepidation,

And the birds fly in the blue of the sky.

The silence is broken today:

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Leading- And triumphs again and again

Holy bright love!

Crystal Waltz

Presenter 4- Let the soul become inspired again,

Resistant to flattery and evil, to silver,

Noble, great, enlightened

And open to goodness!

Presenter 1 - May the sun shine on you on Easter Day,

Azure triumphs in the skies!

Everyone you meet will answer with a smile,

The icing is shining on the Easter cakes!

Presenter 2 - Let the bells ring,

Your soul will be clear and light!

Poplar and maple trees are blooming,

It will be warm like spring!

Presenter 3 – May the Easter days

They will be clear, fine,

Hospitable, sincere,

Not like others!

Presenter 4 - Happy Easter to all of you

And come spring again!

Let a bright mosaic of colors

The saint's holiday will please you!

Easter gifts for all of you

And congratulations from us!

May the holiday be bright and bright

And dear to the heart every hour!

Leading 1 — Clear and sunny on Easter!

Red paints, songs and dances.

The light in the soul is like from a bright candle.

(children)- And there are Easter cakes already waiting for you on the table.

This day was marked in the Israeli calendar even before the establishment of Passover - at that time they held festivals associated with agriculture and cattle breeding. Passover was established by the Lord in honor of the removal of Israel from the hands of the Egyptian Pharaoh, so that people would remember their deliverance. at Easter they will help you tell this story in an interesting way.

How they started celebrating Easter

When the Israelites living in Egypt began to be severely oppressed, God heard their suffering and decided to lead them to the land that he promised Abraham - the Promised Land - under the pretext of three days of sacrifices in the desert. In addition, he intended to show everyone his power and announce that he had made Israel his chosen people, as well as to frighten the rest of the people. Therefore, he made Pharaoh's heart stubborn so that he would not want to let his slaves go into the desert, and then he sent them one after another, embittering Pharaoh until he accomplished everything he planned. And on the night when God struck down all the Egyptian firstborns, the Israelites set off and celebrated Passover for the first time, slaughtering their firstborn cattle and bringing a grain offering - unleavened cakes.

What should an Easter scene look like?

In order to join in with something bright and important, to tell the history of this holiday, you can stage various scenes for Easter. Christian skits will help you tell about Jesus Christ in an accessible form. After the self-sacrifice of Jesus, this day acquired another meaning - the atonement of all human sins. Crucified in the name of salvation on Friday, he rose from the dead on Sunday, which is why Easter is also called the Bright Resurrection of Christ. In our time, this celebration has become one of the ubiquitous holidays, and even those who have not decided on their faith in God celebrate it. Easter scenes are a symbol of purity, kindness and renewal.

What to avoid

Easter skits for young people can be more serious. But since the Bible contains scenes of violence and cruelty, in order not to frighten overly impressionable children, some moments need to be adapted, such as the crucifixion. Christian Easter scenes do not necessarily have to show the death of Jesus; it will be enough to simply make it clear in general terms that he suffered on the cross, then left us, and then was resurrected. At the same time, you cannot change the emotional coloring of events - if there is cruelty or suffering, they need to be shown so that the child develops empathy for other people. Naturally, the Easter scene should show cruelty only figuratively, without detail. You shouldn't talk about someone's death either. But if the child himself asks a direct question, it is better to answer it honestly. It is also extremely important to end each scene on a positive note, you can read poems for Easter.

Reliable transmission

When staging scenes for children at Easter, one must not replace semantic images or distort them, so that false symbolism does not arise in the children’s worldview. For the same reasons, the egg that Magdalena presents to King Tiberius (see Scenario No. 4 below) should initially be red - do not try to perform tricks on the egg and convince anyone during the scene that it has changed color. Easter scenes for children should not create in them a feeling of a false miracle. It is preferable to remain silent about something than to deceive their faith in the unusual. It’s better to say that this is the same egg that you received already red, or explain that you painted it yourself.

Scenario #1. Exodus from Egypt and the establishment of Passover

Props and clothing: rope, cardboard sickles, cubes, scarves, Pharaoh's chair, Easter cake. The cubes can be replaced with empty cardboard boxes or pillows; scarves or any fabric that is tied around the head or like a tunic can be used as scarves.

Characters: Joseph, Israelis (2 or more people, the same people can play different Easter scenes here), Egyptians (2 or more people), Moses, Egyptian pharaoh.

Narrator: “A long time ago, when Joseph came to Egypt, from him came a large people called the Israelites. At first they lived calmly, but then the Egyptians began to offend them. They made them their slaves, forced them to work hard and did not care about them at all. To the Israelites it was very difficult. When God saw this, he decided to save them and sent Moses. But the Egyptian Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go. Then God sent flies and locusts, and diseases, and other plagues, and took away all the older children from the Egyptians, and they loudly cried, and after that agreed to let the people go. And in order not to accidentally take away the Israeli children, God told them to draw marks on the doors, and so that they would always remember this, he ordered them to eat unleavened cakes. That night, the Israelites left Egypt and celebrated Passover for the first time." .

Actions. This Easter scene begins with Joseph leading the people behind him. Then the Egyptians come out and wrap a rope (not at all tightly) around the people. The captive Israelis sadly mow down the wheat with sickles and rearrange the cubes. Moses appears and asks Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, but he refuses. Then Moses takes the doll from the hands of the Egyptians, they cry and let the Israelis go. Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, they celebrate Passover and eat Easter cake.

Scenario No. 2. Birth of Jesus

Props: baby doll, scarves, staves, white cardboard star, baskets with gifts. Any non-female doll will be suitable as a baby doll. It is also advisable to make a poster out of whatman paper depicting hay and several animals (for example, lambs, rams, goats, domestic pigeons) and place it as a background.

Characters: Mary, Joseph, shepherds (2 or more), wise men (3 people).

Narrator: “After this there was a time when people began to upset God with their behavior, and he wanted to send someone to help them improve. In those days, Mary and Joseph lived, they did not have a child. They never did anything that upset God, so he decided that it was Mary who would give birth to Jesus Christ. Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, but there was no place for them, so they spent the night in a cave where goats and sheep lived. Mary gave birth there. When Jesus was born, the shepherds bowed to him, and a star lit up over Bethlehem. Far in the east, the wise men saw a star and learned that Jesus Christ was about to be born. They came to worship him and give gifts. Jesus did many good deeds and miracles and told people how not to upset God, but traveled with him. They became his true friends and listened most attentively."

Actions. Mary and Joseph enter the scene, Mary gives birth. The shepherds look at Jesus and bow. This Easter scene can be played with dim lighting. A star appears and the Magi notice it. They come up, bow and give gifts.

Scenario #3. Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Props: scarves, rope, cross, two chairs. The cross can be made from two boards or sticks, simply knocking them down with nails or tying them, the main thing is that they are not too small or too large, or you can attach a piece of whatman paper to a cross-shaped PVC profile or any other shape-holding material.

Characters: Jesus, residents (2 or more people), warning Jesus, Israelites (2 or more people).

Narrator: "One day Jesus came to preach in a city. The inhabitants of the city mixed up everything - everything that God said, and they upset him very much. They did not believe that Jesus had come to help them, and decided to crucify him on the cross. Jesus was warned about what they wanted do the inhabitants of the city, but he said, “If I am stretched out on the cross, then for my sake God will forgive all of you, and you will sin no more." And on Friday they stretched him out on the cross, and then laid him down. All the people felt sorry for Jesus and cried loudly. And everyone was forgiven for him. And on Sunday, Easter, God performed a miracle - he raised Jesus, and he was healthy again. People rejoiced and said to each other: “Christ is risen!”; “Truly risen!”. And Jesus came to to his fellow apostles and to other people for another forty days, and then returned to God."

Actions. Jesus approaches the inhabitants of the city, they lean the cross against him and throw a rope over it, he mournfully bows his head. Then he is “taken down” from the cross and, crying, is laid on chairs. The bell rings and he wakes up. Everyone happily congratulates each other. Here you can read various verses for Easter.

Scenario No. 4. Magdalene serving eggs

Props: painted red chicken egg, scarf, king's chair.

Characters: Magdalene, Tiberius.

Narrator: “At this time Tiberius was king, and Magdalene went to tell him that Jesus had risen. It was customary to go to the king with gifts, but Magdalene had nothing but a chicken egg, and she brought an egg. King Tiberius did not believe to her that Jesus had risen, and said: “No one can rise again, just as a white chicken egg cannot suddenly turn red.” And immediately after he said these words, Magdalene’s white egg turned red. And then Tiberius "I believed her. That's why we paint eggs at Easter to remember the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ."

Actions. Magdalene tells Tiberius that Jesus has risen, he does not believe her. She hands him the red egg and he is convinced that she told the truth. This is the final scene for Easter, and it should be solemn.

In the hall there is an exhibition “Easter Joy” (works of children and parents). On the walls there are panels “Kulich-city”, “Temple”, a large Easter egg, a belfry with ceramic bells. Children sit in a semicircle with their parents. The troparion is performed.
Leading: People call Easter a bright holiday. Just as the sun shines and warms us, so the light of the soul and the joy of the heart come from our Savior. From heart to heart, from soul to soul, hurry up the joyful news - Christ is Risen! He rose again once in order to forever illuminate the world with the light of His Resurrection. We celebrate more than just memories today. “The night is long and dark - swallowed up, gloomy death is hidden, Christ appears before everyone brighter than the sun. The Lord creates the unexpected out of the impossible,” says St. John Chrysostom. In bright joy, heaven and earth, angels and people merge into one. And how can one not rejoice on the great and holy day of the Resurrection of Christ!

Children sing the song “A miracle is above all miracles.”

Child reader: After a long shit

Having received communion on Passion Street,

Orthodox Christians with excitement

People march to the service at night.

With eggs and Easter cakes,

Happy Easter and candles.

With a religious procession, with friendly singing

We are celebrating Sunday.

The sun dances and plays,

God blesses all creation,

From earth to heaven

Everyone sings Christ is Risen!

A child sings the song “Song about Angels.” (“Holidays in Sunday school" - M., 2000.)

Children come up to the belfry and read:

Child reader 1:

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear has disappeared - Christ is Risen!

Choirs of angels from heaven glorify God's cross.

Child reader 2:

The Lord saved us from death - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God is among us - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and praise - love reigns today!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Children senior group with bells in their hands they sing and ring.

The bells are ringing, ringing, ding-dong,

The bright time has come, ding-dong,

And music pours from heaven, ding-dong,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Children preparatory group play the bells of the children's belfry.
Christ is Risen! The heart trembles joyfully. Easter is truly a holiday.
And quite recently, people went to church with willows to meet Christ joyfully and solemnly.

Two girls come out with willow branches. Read a poem by R.A. Kudasheva.

Child reader 1:

Willows, little camels, children!

All bunches for a penny.

Caps are visible here and there;

The satin earring is bored:

The dawn is bursting behind bars

Willows, red willows

You won't find it better anywhere.

Child reader 2:

In the evening to the holy church

The children will go with the willow,

They will take a wax candle,

They will light it with quiet prayer;

The branches tremble with happiness,

Willows, little camels, children!

Just a penny bunch...

Handing out willow branches to the girls.

All the girls stand scattered around the hall and sing the song “Palm Sunday” with movement.
Palm Sunday -

The whole earth is awakening.

Hands with primary branches - (Slowly raise hands with branches up).
Reaching for the skies. - (The willow is slowly lowered).

Palm Sunday,

In Jerusalem singing, - (They raise the willow up).

God's blessing to all fields and forests. - (Swinging branches).

We know that on the bright holiday of Easter there is a custom of giving eggs.

What letters can you see on Easter eggs? (children answer).

Christ is Risen! - froze on the varnished egg.

Child reader:
I painted an egg

A branch, and on the branch there is a bird.

The cloud flies into space

Into the blue sky.

In the middle there is a pattern,

And below - Christ is Risen!

Based on the text of the poem, children create a large picture from drawings. (Easter egg, willow branches, bird, letters XB, temple, cloud).

how to decorate the facade of a house with ceramic tiles

Christ is Risen! - what wonderful words, they contain both the victorious message of life over death and the joy of eternal life.

Two children read a poem. One has a white egg in his hand, the other has a red one.

Child reader 1:

Dear egg for Christ's day.

And for a long time I didn’t know: how and why?

Only the words of God He Himself revealed to me,

So that I value a red egg.

I once picked up a fresh egg.

And I looked at him thoughtfully for a long time.

No bones, no beak, no feather, no legs.

I couldn’t see the bird in that egg.

How does this happen, where can I find the answer?

The bird suddenly comes out of the egg into the light.

Child reader 2:

This is where God created a miracle,

That he turned a raw egg into a bird.

I understood that example, dear to my heart,
This is what the Lord once did with me.
The same power of God will gather my ashes,
And from the dust the body will come to life again.
This is our guarantee, miracle of miracles,
The firstborn from the dead, Christ Himself is Risen.
He died on the cross, that's how He loved us,
That He shed His blood for us, sinners.
And since then the testicle, red as blood,
Reminds me of His love.

Christ is Risen! - people greet each other.
Christ is Risen! - the birds echo them.
Christ is Risen! - bells ring in temples.

Child reader:

"On a Bright Night"
It’s a sin to sleep this night;
Look out the window;
There is light everywhere, people are waiting,
They'll be going to church soon.
At midnight the bell will ring,
It will fly to the skies,
And it will wake you up with a wave
Heaven is with earth.
It's a sin to sleep this night,
It's almost midnight... It's dark...
To those who, awake, wait,
A bright holiday is coming!

Children are invited to listen to a story (read by a teacher or one of the parents.)
"The Joy of the Morning" by Valery Milovatsky.
"Joy of the Morning"
There is a translucent night over the city. At this time in St. Petersburg there are just such sensitive nights. Everybody sleeps. Only one boy is awake - he is waiting. His dad, a forester, left to inspect new plantings and promised to return for Easter. And the boy was waiting for him. And also, his mother, putting him to bed, said that Easter would begin that night - and he was afraid to miss the moment when Christ would rise. He wanted to see: the darkness would suddenly dissipate, and it would become as light as day, and the angels, the birds, the animals, and the whole earth would rejoice...
Lying in bed, he listened to the silence for a long time, peered into the night sky through the window - and waited. Some rustles, sighs, creaks, flickering, when he closed his eyes, made him shudder. Sometimes he heard dull blows - these were apparently ice floes moving along the Neva hitting the embankment. In the corner, opposite the bed, a lamp was burning in front of the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov. This encouraged and calmed the boy. And he remembered, either in reality or in a dream...
In those years when the great Pushkin lived, an unprecedented saint appeared in Russia. Every day he greeted everyone with the words: “Christ is Risen, my joy!” Because he himself firmly believed in this and wanted all people to also believe in the Resurrection, to wake up from their unbelief. In secret, he accomplished the feat of his life - more than once he was in the clutches of death: he died from illnesses, robbers killed him, but the Mother of God, to whom he constantly prayed, miraculously saved him. He voluntarily subjected himself to the most difficult tests. For a thousand days and nights, praying, he knelt on a stone under open air. And how many unknown feats he accomplished! And God gave him a lot. Joy embraced everyone who came to him; others saw the radiance that emitted from his face. He was ready to console, caress, and say a friendly and cheerful word to everyone, so that before the face of the Lord everyone’s spirit would always be cheerful and not sad. For the sake of this joy, he bore a heavy cross, because “true joy is the fruit and companion of the cross.” The Holy Elder of the Resurrection, the Elder of joy, love and victory, how he loved children!
And the boy saw this radiant old man, saw the golden domes of the temples. And from this radiance everything around came to life: apples bloomed, bees buzzed; even the old half-dried ash tree blossomed its translucent leaves, like angel feathers. The boy looked at it with all his eyes - he wanted to run, hug every apple tree...
And he would like to stay there, in this wonderful dream, but something extraordinary, jubilant with the ringing of a bell, picked him up, reached the depths of his soul and filled him with joy and love. It was impossible not to wake up in order to feel and see this. It sounded, called, shone, it was full of such ringing power that you wanted to rush into his arms. To him who loves and is the only one - the risen and resurrecting Jesus Christ. He was beyond sleep - then the boy realized that he was sleeping, and was afraid that he had slept through the most important thing, which could not be missed. And through his sleep, through his closed eyelids, he felt that some special day had come - and he needed to quickly jump out of his sleep towards this unusual day. When he opened his eyes, the day rang and sparkled, the air itself sang: “Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!"
"Christ is Risen!" - said the father, and they kissed. The father took his son in his arms, brought him to the window, opened it and said: “Look how everything blooms! Here it is, Resurrection! Yesterday until late evening I walked around a distant section of the forest. At night I returned through the forest. It was dark and creepy. Only the stars were shining. And I thought: “But on this night Christ rose again.” And he shouted loudly to the whole forest: “Glory to you, Lord! Glory to Your Resurrection!” And suddenly the dark forest sky lit up with many multi-colored flashes. Rainbows shone in waves in the sky, illuminating the dark forest, as if angels from heaven answered: “Truly He is Risen!” and you were probably fast asleep at that time, my joy!”

A bell rings (audio cassette), a curtain opens, behind which a “Temple” is decorated on the wall.
All children approach the “temple”.

Child reader:
I quietly enter the temple with my mother,
I'm not being naughty at all.
Let God see for Himself
How I love Him
The royal gates are shining,
I'll light a candle
And before the image of Christ
I'll whisper forgiveness.

Children sing the song "Temple".
According to tradition, children and parents go to the temple located next to the kindergarten and ring the bells.
The holiday ends with the Easter meal and Easter games.