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Ideas and recommendations for organizing a business on the beach. Great business ideas for making money at sea Business ideas at sea

The warm sea coast during the beach season attracts not only vacationers and travelers. Many experienced businessmen are also looking for the opportunity to move closer to the sea for the summer in order to make good money selling goods and services to tourists. If you are a novice entrepreneur, and in order to build your own business plan it is important for you to know how such seasonal merchants earn money, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with the five most profitable business ideas at sea. To implement them, you do not need large start-up capital, rent of expensive commercial space, or a large staff.

Earning money from food

The following groups of goods are in demand among vacationers on the sea coast:

  • confectionery;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • juices and soft drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.

If you are planning to organize a mobile retail outlet near the beach, then the most suitable products would be ice cream (see how to make), cookies, sweets, fruits and soft drinks (for example,). Trading these products does not require additional costs for obtaining permits from the authorities and purchasing expensive equipment.

There is no need to purchase a wide range of products, since in order to make money at sea, it is enough to enter into an agreement with a certain brand and sell a popular group of products from one manufacturer. If these conditions are met, the manufacturer will provide the distributor with commercial equipment (mobile display case, refrigerator, etc.), and also provide him with advertising material.

If you plan to open several such retail outlets near the beach in the summer, then you need to find a supplier of products in advance, study the terms of cooperation, and perhaps even conclude preliminary agreements.

It is also necessary to carry out work on obtaining a trade permit from the local administration of the resort settlement. If you do not plan to sell milk, meat, eggs, alcohol or cigarettes, then obtaining permission for mobile trading will not be difficult, but you need to decide in advance on the places where your points will be located.

Beachwear and accessories

A retail point of sale of beachwear and accessories should be opened in specially designated retail areas (markets, shops, shopping centers), where vacationers come intentionally for the necessary things. Usually in resort towns such retail spaces are expensive, so it is necessary to ensure that the starting capital is enough to pay for the rent of a place for a store or tent.

If your initial capital is not enough to rent a good retail space, then you will have to win the sympathy of customers with the range and quality of goods and services. An entrepreneur's instinct for trendy seasonal items is an invaluable gift that allows a businessman to receive maximum profit even with small investments.

If you have not yet developed a practice of new offers, then do not take risks, but purchase those groups of goods that always find their buyer in resort towns:

  • good quality swimwear;
  • summer hats;
  • shorts, T-shirts and beach cover-ups, etc.

Bicycle and rollerblade rental

When going on a trip to the sea, not every vacationer takes a bicycle or roller skates with them. The reason is obvious - tourists have a limited number of luggage spaces. And yet, many travelers dream of taking a ride through the evening or morning resort town. They hope that in the recreation area they can find bicycle rentals and rent good equipment at an adequate price. But their hopes are not always justified.

Fun on the water

All kinds of water slides, trampolines, boats and jet skis are the main entertainment for adults and children on the beach. Every year, entertainment becomes more vibrant and exciting, and every family, when planning a vacation budget, allocates about 10% for fun.

The entrepreneur's task is to offer tourists safe, convenient and affordable attractions. With a small budget (up to 200 thousand rubles), the right decision would be to purchase a high-quality beach slide. If the budget is more than 500 thousand rubles, then you can buy a jet ski and take vacationers on buns.

With a daily income of about 5 thousand rubles for the beach season, all initial costs will be recouped and profits will accumulate. On a summer day at the beach, the earnings of attraction owners can reach up to 30 thousand rubles.

If you are interested, consider other interesting ideas for making money during the warm season.

Nanny for children

One of the most budget-friendly business ideas for making money at sea is providing nanny services for vacationers with children. To implement this project, you only need to spend money on advertising. However, it should be taken into account that parents always fear for the safety of their children, therefore, when offering their services, the nanny must provide guarantees that nothing will happen to the children. The best option is to cooperate with hotels that can vouch for the quality of babysitting services. But in order for such cooperation to be mutually beneficial, it will be necessary to pay the hotel for the services of an advertising agent.

An hour of work for a nanny in a resort town costs about 400 rubles, that is, for eight hours of work you can earn 3,200 rubles. Monthly earnings can reach 60 thousand rubles.

The first warm days have already begun to delight Russians, which means that the long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. The warm sea, sand and cool drinks attract people, making them forget about work and everyday problems.

Some choose foreign resorts with a five-star hotel, others buy a train ticket to visit domestic beaches and sanatoriums. But both are united by the feeling of having a good rest, carefree spending the money earned during the year. That is why residents of resort towns are rubbing their palms with anticipation, because they will make good money from renting housing, trading and beach activities.

Business on the beach is considered the simplest and most profitable way to make money at the resort; every year it brings its owners many thousands of profits in just three to four months. Beach business is considered one of the most profitable and highly profitable.

Earnings from beach activities are seasonal, usually lasting from three to four months a year. But, despite such a short period of time, an organized business on the beach can bring profit, which will make it possible to live carefree for the remaining year or open a new business. In addition, these three to four months of working days will be spent on the beach, near the warm sea, so it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant working atmosphere.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the type of beach business. Typically, all options for a successful beach business are divided into several types:

  • Without large capital investments. A type of business that does not require significant initial investment from the owner.
  • With significant investment. This category of business will require owners to spend money on expensive equipment, repairs and furnishings.

Experienced entrepreneurs claim that to open a small business on the beach you will need only five hundred to seven hundred dollars. Anyone can find these funds without much difficulty. For example, selling seeds, dried fish, and corn will require “pennies,” and the profit will cover all expenses tenfold.

In order to start offering your services and goods on the beach, it is not even necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but if you are a law-abiding citizen, then you can go through this procedure.

Whether you will need to rent a place on the beach or you will be a free wanderer with a bag of groceries on your shoulder depends on the type of business you choose.

Cons of a beach business

Opening a business on the beach is a very promising path in business, but it also has its drawbacks.

  • Working on the beach is very grueling. Not every person can stay under the scorching sun all day, and it is unprofitable to trust the business to a hired employee. Often the staff hides part of the proceeds from the owner or even runs away with it.
  • SES workers will monitor your business very closely, waiting for the moment when you can be fined. As already mentioned, many beach businessmen work without permission, because obtaining these documents incurs large costs.

Types of business

Now let's give some ideas for a beach business that will bring long-awaited profits to the owner.

Providing comfort

Russians are already accustomed to relaxing in comfort; no one goes to the beach anymore with a towel on which to sunbathe. Everyone wants to grab a sun lounger and an umbrella for a comfortable stay. Therefore, renting umbrellas and sun loungers is the most popular beach business. The costs of purchasing equipment are recouped for the owners already in the first days of the season, and then bring a stable profit until closing.

People are already accustomed to paying for comfort, so renting sun loungers and umbrellas is a profitable business.

Dry toilets, showers and changing cabins are the next point of comfortable relaxation. People don’t mind paying twenty to thirty rubles for the convenience that the owner of this type of business offers them. After all, for one person this is a trifle, but if you count the number of daily visitors, it turns out that this type of income is very promising.

Beach visitors are willing to pay even for the comfort of changing into swimsuits and swimming trunks.


The most popular beach business is the opening of attractions. Entertainment, both on land and on water, is in constant demand among beach visitors. Of course, this type of business will require investment, but it will more than pay off for its owner.

The most popular attractions on the beach are:

All these types of attractions bring joy and fun to the customers, which is the main goal of this business. The main expenses are the costs of purchasing attraction equipment, renting and registering a business in all instances: SES, tax, state inspection for small vessels. But all these little things will be justified by the profit received from renting attractions.

Renting three to four jet skis brings owners a decent daily income.

Remember: The entrepreneur must pass a test on his knowledge of the rules for organizing recreation on the water in a shipping company.

The total amount of investment for this type of business is three hundred to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the purchased equipment. For example, a rubber water zorb costs twenty thousand rubles; in order to make a good profit, you need to purchase 4-5 balls. An above-ground trampoline, depending on its size, costs from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, but costs can be reduced if the trampoline is rented. A water scooter costs from forty thousand rubles; for full operation you will need to purchase 3-4 of these scooters.

Sliding down a water slide is great fun for both adults and children.

Rent for the occupied space will cost from 15 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the attraction. The salary of employees who instruct clients and collect money is 18-20 thousand rubles. But it is possible to save on this if the entrepreneur himself does it.

Sale of gifts and souvenirs

Any person who comes on vacation to the sea will definitely buy a souvenir as a keepsake, as well as gifts for their family and friends. Unique souvenirs that are difficult to find in your hometown are especially popular. Often these souvenirs are figurines made of shells, bracelets made of sea stones, talismans, and wicker items.

In order to sell these products, you will need to find suppliers, who are local craftsmen, and also rent a place on the beach. The markup on such a product averages from one hundred to three hundred percent, so this type of business is considered very profitable.

Every person strives to bring a memorable souvenir from the resort.

Sale of ice cream and draft kvass

Ice cream and kvass are the most popular products on the beach. The queues near ice cream stalls and kvass stalls do not decrease from morning to evening. Therefore, this beach business option attracts many entrepreneurs.

The starting investment for opening a point selling ice cream and kvass is approximately the same and amounts to about one hundred thousand rubles. Typically, sales points do not take up much space on the beach, so rent will not exceed thirty thousand per month.

Draft kvass and ice cream help to escape the heat, so selling this product on the beach is never a problem.

Beach store

A store with swim accessories is another type of highly profitable beach business. Vacationers are undoubtedly ready to spend money on purchasing inflatable rings, balls, suntan creams and lotions, diving maxis, towels, swimsuits, and swimming trunks. In addition to sales, it is also possible to rent equipment - surfboards, balls, circles and even boats.

Every year, enterprising businessmen find new types of services to entertain vacationers, however, there is enough profit for everyone. Therefore, if you are choosing where to start your business journey, then stop at beach entrepreneurship. Because more than sixty percent of people doing business on the beach pay off their business and make a stable profit throughout the season.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The global tourism market is growing by 5% annually. What other areas of business in tourism exist besides organizing travel agencies, hotels and hostels? In this collection, we have collected 25 alternative business ideas in the field of tourism and seasonal entertainment, and also supplemented them with guides and business plans for opening.

In Europe, the share of farm income from receiving vacationers reaches 40%. In Russia, agritourism is not yet so developed, but this area has prospects for development. If you have your own country plot in an area that boasts beautiful natural landscapes, you can turn it into an agricultural estate and receive guests from the city who are tired of the delights of civilization.

Zipline is an extreme attraction, the essence of which is a high-speed descent on a steel rope. The main difficulty of this tourism business lies in selecting a location (usually a hilly and picturesque area is chosen), installing a line (there are practically no companies offering such services) and resolving bureaucratic issues. On the other hand, due to the fact that the descent time ranges from 25 to 60 seconds, the zipline has a high throughput, and the cost of a ticket for one descent can vary from 350 to 1500 rubles.

The tourism package business is rapidly losing its position. More and more tourists are choosing independent travel. However, the process of planning such trips is quite labor-intensive, so today there are more and more personal travel services that allow clients to indicate their interests (gastronomic tourism, educational destination, entertainment, etc.) in a few clicks, select route cities and attractions, places to visit, as well as modes of transportation and budget. It remains up to the entrepreneur to combine all these key points into one unique route.

Corn mazes are a popular entertainment in America and Europe, which has not yet reached our country: this niche is completely free in Russia. Networks of passages are laid out in corn fields and quests are created for fun companies, families and work groups to complete. A corn maze can not only be an interesting seasonal entertainment business, but also become a center of attraction for tourists from other regions.

City walking tours allow tourists to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting direction in this tourism business is conducting excursions with thematic mini-performances. You can launch such a project for less than 50 thousand rubles.

The costs of organizing your own excursion bureau with organizing excursions around the region and purchasing a tour bus will be much higher. For this business idea, you will need about 5.85 million rubles, and the starting investment will cover approximately 17 months of work.

Zorbing is an extreme type of attraction. The idea of ​​the business is to lower a person in a transparent ball (zorb) from a hill or cross a body of water inside this ball. Zorbing is another type of tourism business that is practically not represented in our country and is waiting for its pioneers.

Organizing hikes is an area with an extremely wide range of formats. Hikes can have an educational focus or include physical education and health activities; there are ski, mountain, water hikes, circular and linear routes, long tours and weekend tours. The main advantage of hiking businesses is that they can bring together different groups of people. There are fishing, hunting, photo tours, tours for businessmen and so on. As a rule, this business is seasonal.

This type of educational leisure activity, such as survival courses, is popular abroad. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the latter of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are taught first aid, how to build a shelter, make a fire, and get water and food far from civilization. A former military man, firefighter or rescuer can start such a business. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, presenters receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. per person.

Ready ideas for your business

Mother Nature is increasingly being seen by entrepreneurs as a huge hall for business training. The idea of ​​business tourism is that for six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to act together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. In between ascents, a business coach informs business tourists about the concepts of the “Blue and Scarlet Oceans,” conducts metaphorical business games and helps build their “Value Curve” or “Success Map.”

The construction of a guest house is a rather expensive project, but compared to a hotel it has a number of advantages: the land plot does not need to be classified as commercial, there is no need for a star rating, the organization of a restaurant, and highly qualified personnel are not required. The risks when creating a guest house are minimal, and the market is stable enough to generate generally passive income.

The growing popularity of domestic destinations in tourism makes such a type of business as the organization of private paid beaches relevant. It is attractive due to its ability to organize a whole range of paid services, including secure parking, rental of sports equipment, gazebos and barbecues, entrance to the beach, sale of barbecue, soft drinks and other things.

Backpacks have become one of the most popular wearable accessories, which are popular not only among schoolchildren and tourists, but also among ordinary citizens. To open your online store, you will need about 425 thousand rubles, which, with the right approach, can pay for itself in just three months of work.

Off-road tours (jeeping tours) are a business in demand in all difficult-to-pass areas: in mountains, deserts, forests and endless fields. There is practically no competition in this area in our country, so your main concern will be issues with selecting a vehicle, organizing an interesting route and advertising. There are many options for earning money here: you can organize tours in your own cars, rent them out, or provide an equipped track for rent - for holding competitions among owners of jeeps, ATVs, etc.

There are still ideas for making money out of thin air in the business world. One of these ideas is the production and/or sale of inflatable loungers (bivans). To bring them into working condition, a person only needs to make a couple of swings and fill the parachute fabric with air. The accessory is very popular among tourists and lovers of outdoor recreation. Sales of lamzaks can be organized through a one-page website or social networks.

How to get tourists to buy old and torn rubber slippers? In Kenya, they found the answer to this question: from the flip-flops lost by vacationers, local artisans create rubber souvenirs with national flavor. You don’t have to go far to get the material - the sea washes your torn slippers ashore.

Residents of seaside resorts know very well that a cool souvenir can be made from anything. Even the most ordinary pebble stones can be sold for a lot of money if you present them to the buyer in an unusual way. This is what the Italian artist Ernestina Gallina does, for example. She paints amazingly beautiful fairy-tale scenes and animals on round pebbles with acrylic paints.

Ready ideas for your business

Old decommissioned buses can be used as unique hotels. Moreover, you can get down to business on a grand scale, as one Chinese entrepreneur did, purchasing several dozen old buses on the cheap and creating themed houses with the design of famous cartoons. The idea may be of interest to owners of suburban areas and recreation centers.

Car tents are a whole business segment with a fairly wide offer and choice of manufacturers. Tents can be installed on the roof of a car or on the side, be soft or with hard floors and a roof. There are even special hammocks on the roofs for those who like to look at the starry sky. Considering that the number of independent tourists is constantly growing, the business of selling such tents has good prospects.

In foreign countries, bicycle tours are a separate and full-fledged area in the tourism industry. There are two directions here - you can organize tours from scratch, focusing on amateurs who have neither bicycles nor cycling experience, or on already experienced cyclists. If in the first case it is necessary to take care of all aspects, including the purchase of bicycles and equipment, then in the second the task consists only of organizational issues: planning a route, resolving issues with overnight accommodation, paperwork, and so on. There are separate types of cycling tours abroad, for example, cycling tours for girls.

Flying in a hot air balloon is an unusual and expensive experience, for which the owner of the balloon can receive up to 30 thousand rubles for one flight. You can make money by organizing group and individual flights, selling gift certificates, and also by selling the advertising surface of the balloon to advertisers.

Snowtubing is a form of entertainment that has replaced the usual sledding. Tubes are called inflatable round “cheesecakes”, and snow tubing tracks can be opened both at winter resorts and as seasonal entertainment in ordinary cities. There are two business options here: you can rent out tubes, or you can organize a professional track with a lift and a track.

Water transport rental is a broad line of business with a wide variety of watercraft. You can organize the rental of jet skis, catamarans, rowing boats, cheesecakes, bananas, wakeboards, speedboats, parachutes, flyboards and much more. Investments are directly related to the chosen type of watercraft. If cheesecakes and catamarans will cost from 8-20 thousand rubles, respectively, then, for example, flyboards and jet skis will cost from 200-350 thousand rubles.

The business of organizing water excursions is most relevant for tourist regions where people come for summer holidays. As in any type of business, you can work on quantity, simply conducting short river trips or taking people to remote secluded beaches, or on quality - that is, with excursion support and restaurant service.

The Chocolate Museum is more than just a museum. Here, visitors can not only gain knowledge about their favorite delicacy, but also attend master classes on making chocolate, as well as undergo tastings and purchase finished products. The advantage of this format: a wide target audience, several sources of profit, a large number of visitors with children, which increases the average bill from visiting the establishment.

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People living near recreation areas have an excellent opportunity to make money in the summer. Any business ideas at sea related to ensuring the comfort of vacationers are relevant.

The benefit is obvious: the markup in retail trade and services ranges from 150%. But the competition is also high.

To stand out, you need original ideas.

Trade in food and drinks

You can sell any product:

  • homemade baked goods;
  • fruits and juices;
  • kvass, beer;
  • ice cream;
  • cold drinks.

First of all, you need to agree on a location. With whom exactly depends on the situation.

Usually we are talking about sublease or spontaneous trade.

Local authorities transfer plots of land for use for summer cafes and other relatively large establishments. And then, after lengthy approvals, often lasting months.

To sell drinks or ice cream, you need to buy or rent a storefront or freezer (the price of both is about 30 thousand rubles).

It is quite possible to sell goods for a short period of time.

In the worst case, you will have to take out a loan to purchase it.

If funds allow, it is worth purchasing a machine for making ice cream, frozen juice and yoghurt (60 thousand rubles).

You can supplement the household with a coffee machine (45 thousand rubles), and place several outdoor tables nearby (a set of table and 4 chairs costs 3 thousand rubles).

Of particular interest to budding entrepreneurs is the sale of food products (juices and waters, boiled corn, buns) on the beach.

The activity is, in fact, illegal. But due to the lack of a trading place, it is very difficult to bring violators to justice.

Off-site preparation of sweets

Most tourists go to the sea “savage”. Therefore, the issue of food and snacks in the recreation area is mega-relevant.

Business ideas at sea relate to trade:

  • popcorn;
  • cotton candy;
  • donuts;
  • pies.

All such options are budget-friendly and do not require special investments. It is assumed that you need to buy one device.

For example, the price of equipment for making popcorn or cotton candy is 12 thousand rubles.

If you start preparing for the summer season in advance, you can rent or buy used equipment.

Trade in non-food products

When going on vacation, people try to stock up on everything they need in advance. But not everyone is organized enough.

The following always sell well in the resort area:

  • swimwear;
  • bijouterie;
  • towels, sun umbrellas, protective creams;
  • small things - combs, razors, toothbrushes, wet wipes.

Many people want to keep souvenirs of their summer vacation.

Remote selling of souvenirs is a very profitable business.

Profitability during the season is about 200%, with the largest markup being made on the cheapest goods.

Organizing such activities does not present any difficulties. It is enough to agree on a place to place the counter.

Organization of attractions

Vacationers want to have an interesting time. In summer, any stationary or portable attractions are relevant.

Among them:

  • pneumatic, archery, crossbow and dart shooting ranges;
  • cars, velomobiles;
  • roller rental;
  • trampolines;
  • slides;
  • alpine parks;
  • making medallions and coins.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For a new entrepreneur without start-up capital, budget-friendly ideas for portable attractions, such as throwing darts at balloons, are suitable.

In the summer, these are good ideas for activities for both children and adults.

Paid playgrounds and entertainment with animators are in demand.

It’s a good idea to organize foam discos. To implement it, an initial investment of 50 thousand rubles is required. and an agreement with a summer restaurant to use its dance floor.

Expenses: foam generator – 30 thousand rubles; soap solution - 4 thousand rubles. for a 15 liter canister.

With a load of 100 visitors and a ticket price of 150 rubles. the income from the venture will be 15 thousand rubles. for every disco. The investment will pay off in two weeks.

Extraordinary entertainment with extreme elements

There are many interesting ideas.

An example is the organization of hang gliding flights.

Among the water attractions, the most popular are jet skiing and water skiing.

A more relaxing activity is fishing from a boat or boat.

Each of these options requires starting capital. But the purchased equipment quickly pays for itself.

For example, the cost of a jet ski (45 thousand rubles) is returned to its owner as profit after just two months of operation.

True, all such types of activities require certain skills, physical training and dexterity from the entrepreneur.

Acting at his own peril and risk, he is responsible for harm caused to the client.

Land-based entertainment options seem much less risky:

  • horse rides;
  • photographing with exotic animals;
  • costume parties in nature;
  • hiking trips.


The influx of vacationers in the summer creates a rush of demand for regular services.

Business ideas at sea can involve using your professional skills and abilities.

Mega in demand:

  • massage therapists;
  • cosmetologists;
  • manicure and pedicure specialists;
  • makeup artists;
  • hairdressers.

How can a professional make money in the summer?

Purely summer services are especially popular in recreation areas - afro braids and henna tattoos.

Practice shows that the services of craftsmen in these areas become at least three times more expensive during the season. In your own business you can earn up to 15 thousand rubles. per month.

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We are used to the fact that we go to the sea to relax. However, we can also go there in order to make money from vacationers - this will allow us not only to pay for travel and decent accommodation, but also to save enough money so that later, for the rest of the year, we will not have any need.

If you like this perspective, then be sure to read this article to the end, and, most likely, among the 10 business ideas proposed here, you will be able to find one that will help you make good money.

Idea 1. Draw portraits.

To do this you need to be able to draw. However, to be honest, no special talents are required from you, since it is enough to draw relatively similar and not particularly offensive cartoons. Sit on the embankment or walk along the beach, and within 2 minutes you will have your first client. And as soon as he starts posing for you, dozens of other vacationers will immediately want you to draw them too.

Idea 2. With a camera on the beach.

Anyone can make money photographing vacationers. All you need for this is a Polaroid or digital camera. The first one is, of course, more convenient. But, if you bring a printer for printing photos and a laptop, you can give your clients pictures right on the spot. This is what will increase your chances of earning tenfold - not many people like to give money to a stranger, not knowing whether he will bring their pictures the next day or not.

Idea 3. We sell cold water.

For this business, you will need portable refrigerators, which you can buy in a store, or you can make yourself from plywood and polystyrene foam. By the way, they perfectly maintain a low temperature in any heat. We fill the refrigerators with bottles of ice water, taking as much as we can carry, and go to the beach, where vacationers languishing under the rays of the summer sun will, of course, buy all your goods from you within five minutes.

Idea 4. We rent fins and masks.

For this business we buy inexpensive scuba diving kits. Then we settle down on any beach we like, and wait for the people vacationing there to give us money for the right to dive with our masks and fins. We take money in advance, and to avoid problems with someone not returning their fins or mask within the prescribed period, or even losing or breaking them, we require a deposit from each client, which we do not return until it covers all damages. losses for them.

Idea 5. Professional bully.

This business has long been successfully practiced on many beaches around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that you offer your services to those men who want to make a lasting impression on their ladies. Under the guise of a hooligan, you begin to pester such a man or his lady, he gives you a rebuff, and at the same time a couple of blows, you retreat in shame, everyone considers him a hero and... And at the same time, no one knows that the man paid for the opportunity to show himself a winner 300 or 500 rubles for you.

Idea 6. Diving instructor.

If you are engaged in diving, and at the same time you have the appropriate certificate and several spare scuba gear, then feel free to load them on a train or plane and go to the sea, as there you can earn decent money from your hobby. The essence of earning money is very simple - you will give scuba diving lessons to everyone, and after 5 days of such lessons you will swim with them to admire the beauty of the seabed.

Idea 7. Beach doctor.

You don't even need to be a doctor for this business, although it would still be nice to have a white coat with a red cross sewn on the chest. Having put it on, you will walk along the beach, offering everyone to measure (not for free, of course) blood pressure. You will do this using an electronic device, charging 10-15 rubles for each measurement. If we assume that in an hour you can serve from 20 to 30 clients, then it is easy to calculate that your total monthly earnings will be about $3,000.

Idea 8. Fishing with access to the sea.

And for this business you will need a boat and a couple of fishing rods. Only thanks to them will you be able to take everyone (and there are quite a few of them) further out to sea, where they will fish, paying you not for the number of fish they catch, but for every hour spent on board.

Idea 9. Fitness lessons.

And one more idea that does not require any investment from you. Although no, you still have to buy a tape recorder. But this is the only expense you will face. The business itself assumes that you will create one-time fitness groups, which you will train right on the beach or on the embankment. Class time is 30-45 minutes. Price – from 1 US dollar and above. Everything else depends on your level of training and endurance. If you can conduct 10 classes during the day, that means you can make good money.

Idea 10. Beach nanny.

And again - not a penny of cost! They are simply not needed to make money as a beach nanny. You simply gather along the beach all the kids whose parents want to finally swim in peace or just sunbathe, spend an hour or two with them, for which you get paid. The only thing that is required from you is kindness and attention. And, of course, the ability to come up with various games so that the kids have fun with you. In a day or two, the entire huge beach will know about you, which means that every parent will become your potential client.

As you can see, by going to the sea you can make really good money. Moreover, the business ideas proposed here are far from the only ones, and you can always add to them the one that suits only you.