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Ideas for organizing children's parties. Organization of holidays, business plan

My name is Sergey Shcherbakov, I am from the city of Novosibirsk. Over the past six years, I have been actively organizing holidays for people, and I have my own agency, “Anniversary”. The direction of the business is organizing performances by various artists, searching for presenters, renting cars (retro, limousines), ordering services in the media, organizing corporate and children's parties.

In general, my agency carries out any organizational events that are related to certain events in the lives of clients.

  • My initial business costs are from 500,000 rubles;
  • Staff – 5 people;
  • Monthly income – from 1 million rubles.

What does the agency do?

Your task is to organize holidays for people and resolve all issues related to decoration. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the customer and guests are satisfied with the event.

A good agency should organize anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, children's parties, seminars, presentations, various parties, corporate events and so on.

In general, the range of work is huge and requires creative thinking from employees and inexhaustible energy from you as a manager and owner.

How to open a successful event agency

What are the features of the business?

To stay afloat, you need to have at least 2-3 orders per month. Therefore, at the initial stage there is no need to hire a large staff.

It's better to find a few clear-thinking people who know how to organize holidays and know how to do it. Naturally, it is important to be able to fit flights of fancy into the financial framework of the customer.

If the customer is not limited by finances, then extreme entertainment can be arranged, for example, skydiving. Various competitions are very popular, so it is necessary to prepare a database of options and gain experience from existing agencies.

You must understand that it will be difficult to cover all areas at the initial stage, so it is better to focus on one thing, for example, birthdays, children's parties or weddings.

Business plan for organizing holidays

Without a beginning entrepreneur having a business plan, starting a business is stupid and fraught with ruin at the very start. We recommend that you create your business plan before you start.

By the way, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do this. It is enough to buy an inexpensive template and, for little money, rework it in full accordance with your requirements:

How to register?

If you plan to work seriously and for a long time, then registering as an individual entrepreneur is mandatory. When choosing OKVED codes, give preference to two - 92.72 and 92.3.

They include various types of activities related to the organization of holidays. As a rule, to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, you are required to fill out the necessary form and pay a state fee.

The costs here are small, so there is no need to mark them as a separate item. If you plan to create a business together with partners, then you need to choose a more serious form - LLC.

In this case, the registration costs will be much higher, and you will have to run around with paperwork.

Total registration costs can range from 30 thousand rubles.

As for the license, in the case of an agency organizing holidays, you can do without it.

Opening an event organization agency is right!

Do you need a room?

Here you have two options:

  • work without an office at all. In such a situation, you can communicate with customers by phone, and then make an appointment somewhere in a park, a cafe, come to their home and discuss the terms there. The advantage of this method is saving on office rent.

The disadvantage is distrust on the part of more promising clients. In such a situation, people will be afraid of being deceived.

  • rent a small room.

Agency for organizing holidays - 2 risks that can deprive profits + 3 schemes for working with personnel + 5 effective advertising methods for the agency.

Capital investment in the agency: 150,000 rubles.
Agency payback period: from 8 months.

– is no longer a line of business that is focused exclusively on the VIP category of clients.

The demand for various events has grown so much that it has created a large niche in the service market.

And everyone can try to take their place in it.

And yet: you are far from the first who decided to make money on the holidays.

How to become successful?

Is it possible to create a business with minimal investment?

Or do you need a whole staff of professionals of all stripes and expensive equipment to succeed?

You will find the answers below.

Analysis of the possibility of opening an event organization agency

Before opening an agency for organizing holidays, it is important to “test the waters” in your region.

High competition is a ubiquitous phenomenon.

However, some can become almost a monopoly in their small town.

This state of affairs also has its downside: sometimes a service does not “emerge” simply because there is no need for it.

So take the time to assess the demand in the city, the needs of the population, and their solvency.

Decide on a list of services and draw up a detailed portrait of your “target client”.

If you are “lucky” to have competitors, you can analyze their work under the guise of visitors.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. List of services and their demand.
  2. Feedback from clients about the holidays held.
  3. Quality of video and photo reports.
  4. Price list for holiday agency services.
  5. Possible shortcomings and obvious strengths.

What documents are needed to open an agency for organizing children's parties?

Some entrepreneurs are in no hurry to officially register their activities, but in vain.

Without the necessary pieces of paper, you should only “test a niche”, but not actively operate an agency for organizing children's and adult parties.

This will not only negatively affect your image and prestige, but will also interfere with the conclusion of employment agreements and may result in fines from the tax authorities.

In the worst case scenario, the agency will be closed.

So spend some time and money to register as an individual entrepreneur (to work exclusively with individuals) or LLC (to serve legal entities and institutions).

As for the choice of OKVED code, the main one is 90.01.

Of the minor ones, you can specify 59.11, 90.03 and 59.12.

There is no need to obtain additional licenses or permits.

Moreover, the event planning agency may not use a cash register.

But you need to be thoughtful.

In this business, the “name” plays a particularly important role.

Choosing the right premises for your agency

Another good thing about an event organization agency is that you can easily do without renting an office.

Agree, this is a major savings item.

However, meeting with clients “on neutral territory” is not very convenient, and also not very respectable.

If you are ready to allocate some money for rent, choose a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m.

Such territory should be sufficient to divide into three zones:

  • sales manager's workplace;
  • client area;
  • storage space for equipment and costumes.

Opening an agency for organizing holidays with minimal equipment

In fact, to start working as a holiday agency, you need the bare minimum - a notepad, a pen, a computer with Internet access and a mobile phone.

But if you plan to start “seriously” and will set up a separate workplace in a rented office, you will need the following set of equipment:

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:39,000 rub.
Table and chair for sales manager
7 000
Sofa and table for clients
11 000
15 000
Wi-Fi router
3 000
Mobile phone
3 000


The success of an agency for organizing holidays depends entirely on the skills of its employees.

They are the key link: they develop ideas, contact clients, design the environment, create or buy props, and so on.

The number of employees specifically for your company depends on the list of services you plan to provide.

There are three schemes for organizing the work of an agency for children's and other holidays:

    A large agency has its own extensive staff of specialists in various fields, and independently organizes any holiday on a turnkey basis.

    Requires significant financial investments and labor costs at the start.

    No one is listed “on the balance sheet” of the company, and employees are selected for a specific event.

    Most novice holiday agency owners prefer to work with contractors, because this option is the most financially accessible.

    But there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey:

    • the contractor works on his own, so you cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly;
    • the average markup for such services is up to 15%; This is the maximum amount of profit from the event that the holiday agency will receive.
  1. The most stable and common work option is still a combination of the two above options: having several key employees on staff and hiring contractors for other services.

    “Outsiders” hire dancers, magicians, clowns, trainers - that is, all those who will not be required regularly.

    But it is usually enough to hire three people.

The staff of a small agency for organizing holidays may be as follows:

Job titleResponsibilitiesSalary (rub.)
Total: 30 000 + %
Sales ManagerOften entrepreneurs perform these functions themselves (attracting clients, communicating with them).
However, attracting an “outside” employee with experience will allow you to get a certain number of his regular customers as a bonus.
10 000 + %
DesignerEngage in decorating holidays and creating holiday paraphernalia.
Can work as a contractor for other companies, bringing additional income to your agency.
5 000 + %
DriverBring and pick up contractors, employees, equipment.15 000

Searching for contractors for a holiday agency

All the contractors that are needed for the celebrations can be roughly divided into two categories: presenters and artists of different genres.

The host is the person who will “hold” the holiday.

He must find an approach to any guest, make sure that no one gets bored, and be able to resolve conflict situations in their infancy.

Before the holiday, he carries out serious preparatory work, develops personal scenarios and details.

Often the behavior of this person determines the opinion that those present at the celebration will have about your entire company as a whole.

Therefore, it is important to choose 2-3 reliable contractors and cooperate with them on an ongoing basis.

Conventionally, three categories of leaders can be defined:

    Budget segment.

    Beginning presenters or, conversely, older people.

    As a rule, they are not creative.

    You can find such people in the nearest recreation center or on ad sites.

    Main group.

    Average prices, have a portfolio, energetic, sociable, understand current trends.

    Often such pros have their own client base.

    They often “find” themselves - they send in their resumes.

    Presenters who deal only with major holidays.

    The prices are correspondingly high - from 30,000 rubles per event.

    It is worth searching on specialized forums or using the recommendations of other holiday agencies.

Artists and various show programs are easy to find: they all have personal websites or at least publish information about themselves on forums and classifieds sites.

Be sure to look at the portfolio before hiring holiday contractors.

For most, it is important to have a video that will demonstrate the work “live.”

Also, take the time to study reviews about the quality of services provided on the Internet.

How to advertise your holiday agency?

Obviously, the level of professionalism of the employees and the quality of the equipment will not matter if your agency does not have clients.

Depending on the list of services provided, these may be parents (children's parties), corporations, newlyweds, birthday people with average and above average income.

To promote an event organization company, use the following methods:

    Order designers to develop a booklet with a brief description of services and business cards.

    These materials need to be distributed in places where your target audience frequents.

    Create a personal website, but don’t waste money on it.

    Texts must be literate and selling, photos must be of high quality, prices must be relevant.

    In the future, you can hire a specialist to promote the resource - this will give a significant increase in clients.

    Join a charity fair or organize a party for children in a city park.

    This will increase name recognition.

  1. Become a participant in forums on organizing and holding holidays, and also actively communicate on websites for parents (if you are organizing children’s events), on resources about weddings (if the target audience is newlyweds).
  2. Don’t forget to take photographs of the holidays you celebrate and shoot video clips.

    Use this material to regularly update your portfolio.

One unfortunate situation can become a stain on your reputation.

Do quality work and the word will spread about you.

How much money will it take to open such an agency?

One of the key advantages of organizing a holiday agency is the ability to open a business with minimal investment.

The amount of starting capital depends on the list of services, the form of cooperation with performers, and the set of equipment.

Let's consider the cost items for organizing an average company.

Capital investments in business

Regular investments in business

As your business scales, your recurring business expenses can grow exponentially.

However, in the first months the amount may be relatively modest:

Payback period for an event agency

In the first months of its existence, an agency organizing holidays may receive only 2-3 orders with an average cost.

However, profits will gradually increase (this will take 6-7 months).

Let’s estimate the potential profit after six months of the company’s operation:

  • 4-6 events/month;
  • “average check” - 50,000 rubles;
  • average income – 200,000-300,000 rubles/month;
  • profit amount – from 140,000 rubles/month.

With such indicators, an event agency can break even in 7-12 months.

The main thing is to achieve a stable flow of customers and increase the average bill.

My experience in opening and running a business organizing holidays

a successful Russian entrepreneur shares in the video:

Potential risks for business in the event sector

For a company that organizes holidays, there are two major risks:

    Dependence of demand on the season.

    This risk is more typical for children's party agencies and those focused on corporate clients.

    Since most activity in these categories occurs during the New Year period.

    Regular emergencies.

    Each event is “built” from scratch.

    Therefore, it is simply impossible to predict all punctures.

    Artists stuck in traffic, power outages, mixed up scripts - anything is possible.

    You can’t prepare for this, but you can develop the skill quickly and solve any difficulties with a smile.

Events agency– one of the most relevant business ideas for our time.

Celebrating in style and on a grand scale has become not just a fashion trend, but even an integral attribute.

What previously seemed like a whim of the “rich” is now actively used by people with average incomes.

Therefore, despite the ever-growing competition, there remains room for new “players” to enter the event services market.

Perhaps you should be the one to take it?

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A children's party agency is one of the few businesses that can be built practically from scratch, relying on the enthusiasm and organizational skills of the project initiator. At the same time, there is a chance from a modest entrepreneur to become a full-fledged organization with a large staff of professional performers in the person of animators, photographers and video operators, designers, DJs, showmen, and so on.

The scope for thought in this matter is simply enormous! Here are just some of the services that the company can provide:

  • Animator on duty - this service is often ordered by children's cafes and restaurants; places where parents take their children to celebrate birthdays.
  • Express congratulations - the animator arrives at the appointed place and time (in a house or cafe) and congratulates the birthday person in the original genre.
  • Themed parties are an interesting and exciting mini-adventure for children (pirate, Hawaiian, cowboy, gangster parties, etc.).
  • Show programs are educational events that captivate the hearts of children: a soap bubble show, a fire show, a scientific and chemical show, a chocolate fountain.
  • Turnkey holiday. Full organization of the event: developing a scenario, choosing a room, sending out invitations to guests, selecting a festive menu, ordering a cake, decorating with balloons, etc.
  • New Year's greetings from Father Frost and Snow Maiden and much more.

This business is actively developing, competition is growing every day. This is directly related to the growing popularity of the service. The average bill for a small order is 7,000 rubles, of which the business owner gets about 4,000 rubles. On average, large VIP orders cost 50,000 rubles, and the income is about 20,000 rubles. A more or less well-known agency carries out 100 - 150 small and 5 - 6 large orders monthly. Potential profitability from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. per month.

There are also some restrictions. When opening an agency, it is important to assess the so-called market capacity. This indicator directly depends on the number of city residents and their average income. According to statistics, it makes sense to open specialized agencies for children's parties in cities with a population of at least 200 thousand inhabitants. In small towns, it will be extremely difficult to earn good money due to the lack of the required number of orders. Here, such services can only be provided as additional services in a traditional event agency.

Organizational matters

“To test the market, at first, you don’t have to register a company,” advise some market players. The advantage of such a business is that you can test your strength with minimal losses. The first orders are usually received from social networks and through friends. A suitable occasion can always be found (New Year, Children's Day, birthdays, etc.). It is not necessary to take money - the main thing is to make your first portfolio (photos, videos) and get good reviews. It's more valuable.

The same can be said about an office: you should spend money on renting and furnishing the premises only after proper promotion of the organization. Costumes and props are perfectly stored at home, and meetings with clients and potential order executors (animators, photographers, etc.) can initially be held in co-working centers or regular cafes. Renting a workplace in a coworking center will cost about 1,500 rubles. per week (~300 rubles per day). Similar establishments operate in almost every regional center.

As soon as you receive stable orders, you can register your business. It is enough to register an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. Although some people think that the “agency” must certainly be registered as a legal entity (LLC). But this may turn out to be a waste of money (registering and maintaining an LLC is somewhat more expensive than an individual entrepreneur). The need to register a legal entity will only appear when large corporate orders are received (when the company will need to pay VAT).

Suitable OKVED standards for a children's party agency: 92.3 “Other entertainment and entertainment activities” and 92.7 “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.” The simplified taxation system (“simplified tax system”) can be used as a taxation system. This will relieve the company from the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and real estate tax.

Qualitative approach

The competition among agencies for organizing children's parties is more than high. Especially when it comes to large cities. “There are many theater universities in Moscow that train thousands of actors. Not all of them manage to find a job, so there are more animators in the capital than guest workers,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya, a participant in the “Business Youth” project.

Therefore, it is very important to learn to stand out from this “crowd”. You need to take into account any little things that will ultimately form a general opinion about your company. Reliability is one of the first indicators in the agency’s work. You need to try not to leave calls unanswered, to please every client. Only discipline and clear organization of the process can give results.

The next point is the quality of services. You should not skimp on the appearance of animators and buy shabby, used costumes and life-size puppets. “We sew all the costumes ourselves, and they turn out really cool,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. By the same principle, the use of banal costumes, like Cinderella and Aladdin, will not work. This will no longer surprise modern children. Give them something modern, like Minecraft, Winx, Peppa Pig, Benten and others.

Selecting performers (animators, showmen, photographers, etc.) is another important step towards building a profitable children's party agency. It is necessary to cooperate with those people who love their profession with all their soul and heart. If a person likes a given task, he will do it with full dedication. Children always feel this, and therefore their parents feel it too. Only in this way will the agency be recommended to other people, and there will be many repeat orders.

Advertising is the engine of progress

You can search for main orders through the Internet and word of mouth (tips and recommendations from clients). The World Wide Web provides many opportunities for the development of a company. With the advent of decent income, you should definitely create your own website. A considerable share of orders in large cities comes precisely after viewing the agency’s website. The page should contain bright photographs, videos from holidays, information about the work of the company and personnel, information about awards and achievements. It is important to maintain a separate category with reviews. Sometimes you can ask clients to write a positive impression about the services provided.

Some part of the budget can be spent on contextual advertising in Yandex Direct or Google Adwords. It will be very effective. As evidence, it's worth looking at the number of search queries. For October 2015 the phrase “birthday entertainers” was tried to be found about 19 thousand times through Yandex alone (across Russia). In Moscow, such a request was searched 5,539 times, in St. Petersburg 1,732 times, in Rostov-on-Don – 663 times:

If, according to search results, your site appears in the TOP-3, calls and orders will certainly come, you just need to create a high-quality resource.

Seasonal factor

Children's parties, like any other activity, have seasonality. Most orders occur on New Year's days and holidays; orders are steadily coming in spring and autumn. But in the summer, when all the kids go to camps and villages, the number of orders decreases sharply.

“At the very low point of the season, I decided that I definitely needed to rent an office, a lot of money was invested in advertising, and advertising investments in the off-season went to waste. As a result, at the end of summer I found myself broke,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. Therefore, it is better to wait out periods of decline calmly, without being distracted by unnecessary actions. This will save you money, and autumn is just around the corner.

Approximate investments for opening a full-fledged children's party agency

  • Deposit for office rental (40 sq. m.) – RUB 30,000.
  • Cosmetic repairs – 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture and office equipment (including the purchase of a high-quality camera) – 150,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of costumes, life-size puppets and props – 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (website creation and promotion, outdoor advertising) – 150,000 rubles.
  • Training, development of communication scripts – 30,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other org. expenses – 50,000 rub.

Total – 550,000 rub.

Video - an example of a successful business (Business Youth project)

Today, many aspiring entrepreneurs are turning their attention to business related to organizing holidays. This is due to small investments, minimal risks and the opportunity to make a good profit. This type of business is especially popular in large cities, where both individuals and large companies turn to such agencies. In this article we present a detailed business plan for organizing holidays, which will allow the project to start correctly.

With the right approach, the business of organizing holidays will be a successful way to invest funds. Despite the high competition, this project is highly profitable and can bring very serious income.

Pros and cons of a business idea

Having decided to open an agency for organizing and holding holidays, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of this project in order to correctly assess the risks and opportunities for business development.

  1. High demand. Today there is a trend in the provision of such services and more and more people want to see the holiday bright and colorful. You can’t do it without the appropriate equipment, decor, and the work of leading and professional designers.
  2. Regular customers. Despite stiff competition, creativity and quality will help build a loyal customer base.
  3. High profitability. With a well-integrated marketing strategy and professional staff, you can quickly achieve payback and good profitability.
  4. Minimum investment. This will allow a person with minimal savings to enter the market. The biggest expense item in this business will be advertising of services.


The main disadvantage of such a project is high competition, which is due to wide demand.

In order to stand out from competitors, it is very important to correctly identify your target audience, recruit a staff of professional creative people and instantly monitor all fashion trends in this direction.

List of agency services

This business is associated with the provision of services for organizing various events, celebrations, and theme parties.

Depending on the chosen target group, it is important to determine the direction of the agency's work.

These could be wedding celebrations, corporate events, children's matinees, fashion shows, exhibitions, conferences, etc. You don't have to stop in one direction. To attract customers, it is better to use several options at once.

Today, clients want to receive a turnkey service, so I offer organization of holidays and various events; it is very important to think through everything to the smallest detail.

Market analysis

In the business of organizing holidays, it is very important to correctly identify your target audience. The business format, channels for finding clients and promoting the studio will depend on this.

When analyzing the competitive environment, pay attention to the following points:

  • children's age;
  • the main activity of the studio;
  • schedule;
  • list of services;
  • price niche.

One of the main risk factors for any entrepreneur is, of course, competition. The possibility of promoting in the market, attracting clients, etc. depends on its level. Many beginners make a serious mistake by ignoring this external factor, which is where they make a serious mistake. This does not allow you to correctly correlate the potential of a business and assess its weaknesses.

In this segment, you should immediately take into account the high competition. This is due to the demand for these services, the opportunity to earn a good income and minimal investment.

Determining the target audience

When starting a business, it is important to understand who your services will be aimed at: economy category or premium.

The number of specialists, the level of repairs, the choice of premises and service depend on the correct definition of the target audience. An analysis of the competitive environment will help determine in which price segment there is a shortage and it would be advisable to occupy this niche.

Conventionally, clients can be divided into three groups:

  1. Wealthy. For such clients, the originality of the presentation and the name of the company are very important. They are willing to pay a lot of money, which allows many ideas to be realized. By choosing this group of people as the main target audience, you can count on a good income. Just keep in mind that the amount of investment and the level of professionalism must be appropriate.
  2. Average income. This target audience will ensure income stability. As a rule, such clients clearly know what they want and are willing to pay for highly qualified staff and quality service.
  3. Economy option. This audience will not bring a lot of income and will not allow you to unleash your creative potential due to a limited budget, in fact, but the investments here can be very minimal.

Determination of pricing policy

In order to enter the market and occupy your niche, it is necessary to correctly determine the pricing policy and offer the consumer the optimal price-quality ratio. It is this criterion that the client takes into account when selecting such studios.

If your main competitor is large studios that have been operating in the market for several years, rely not on reducing prices, but on providing branded services. It is necessary to rely on creativity and quality. As a rule, large companies have a large advertising budget. As a rule, the main clients here are companies that order corporate events, so their budget is quite large.

If you plan to occupy an average niche in the market, and the main competitors will be small companies providing services to individuals, then you should focus on price. But it is not recommended to lower the price. By offering the lowest price on the market, you simply cannot maintain a staff of professionals. And the staff plays a big role in this business.

At the market analysis stage, it is important to perform a SWOT analysis, which takes into account external and internal factors affecting the success of the company.


  • possibility of an individual approach;
  • wide range of services;
  • favorable location;
  • relevant and original ideas;
  • excellent level of service;
  • minimal investment.

Weak sides

  • lack of experience in the market;
  • strong competition;
  • lack of regular customers.


  • business development and opening branches;
  • creating your own website;
  • high profitability;
  • ability to cover a large market segment;
  • possible increase in overall demand;
  • possibility of implementing additional services.
  • price fluctuations or dumping by competitors;
  • emergence of new directions among competitors.

In addition to this plan, draw up a table that will allow you to analyze and identify risks and opportunities for the project.

Study competitiveness factors using the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • range of services;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • location of the studio for organizing events;
  • schedule.

Organizational plan

In order to launch a project and successfully enter the market for organizing holidays, it is necessary to carry out the following points step by step:

  1. Register a business.
  2. Find a premises and sign a lease agreement.
  3. Purchase furniture and office equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Organization of advertising.

Business registration

To conduct business in this direction, simple registration of an individual entrepreneur will be enough. Therefore, the paperwork process will not take much time.

The business registration scheme is as follows:

  1. Submission of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Choosing a form of taxation.

An application, a passport and payment of a fee of 800 rubles are required.

As for the form of taxation, experts recommend choosing a simplified one.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • medical records of employees (if you hire staff);
  • permission from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Search for premises

The premises in this business play a role more from the standpoint of demonstrating one’s status rather than serving to attract customers. As a rule, clients contact such studios by telephone, via the Internet, etc.

Despite the fact that you will receive most orders over the phone, the lack of an office may cause the client serious concerns about your reliability and competence. It is very difficult to interest a client during on-site negotiations. It is difficult to take all the catalogs with you, show examples of work, etc.

When a client comes to an office meeting, he should see a style and interior renovation that matches the price range that you charge for your services.

An excellent option would be to choose an office in the city center. You should not rent a room on the upper floors; it will be difficult for visitors to find you and reach you.

It is necessary to purchase high-quality good furniture for staff and clients, office equipment, printers, and a copier. If you plan to show presentations of your services to clients, then consider options for its implementation. This could be a large TV screen or a projector.

Focus on a bright and original sign that will not only attract the attention of clients, but also demonstrate the level of creativity and quality of your studio.

When selecting premises, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • Are utilities included in the rent?
  • permission to place external advertising.

The premises must be located in an area with good transport accessibility. If you decide to save on rent and rent a room in a residential or industrial area, this will not have the best effect on the company’s reputation.

The studio’s party organization staff is a key success factor, so be very careful in selecting specialists. The company's profit depends on how creatively and harmoniously they can cope with projects.

In organizing such a business, corporate identity plays a very important role, which is expressed in small details. In order to give the center a general style direction, it would be wise to order T-shirts for all the staff involved in organizing the holidays. This serves as additional advertising for the company and allows guests to quickly find their way around the event where the studio employees are located.

In addition to a creative approach to completing tasks, employees must have a good understanding of the client’s psychology. After all, in this business the most important thing is to correctly understand in what style the client wants to see his holiday.

Also, the staff must have a pleasant appearance and excellent communication skills. This will allow them to quickly establish contacts with customers by identifying the need.

  • creativity of thinking;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to understand people;
  • stress resistance.

In addition to these personal qualities, of course, experience in this field and professionalism are required. In accordance with the selected range of services that you plan to implement in your project, you will determine a list of professional skills that the employee must have. These include the ability to work in graphic editors, the ability to compose advertising texts and slogans, work with promotion on social networks, etc.

To start a business, it will be enough to hire several managers who will supervise projects. Narrow specialists can be hired from outside. This will allow you to reduce salary costs and gradually develop a base of professionals with whom you are comfortable collaborating. Subsequently, as the business expands, it will be possible to invite these specialists to your staff.

Equipment purchase

In addition to the equipment and furniture that are necessary to organize the office, you will need to buy equipment for holding events.

This list clearly depends on the selected event. For example, if your main specialization is weddings, then you will need:

  • flower arch for a wedding ceremony;
  • photo zone equipment;
  • artificial flowers;
  • mat for the “young”;
  • attributes for an outdoor ceremony;
  • musical equipment, microphones, etc.

If you want to focus your attention on children's parties, then you will need bright costumes, toys, and stationery for the events.

It is very important to constantly monitor fashion trends and purchase appropriate equipment and costumes in order to offer clients a truly high-quality and relevant service.

Marketing plan

Considering the high competition in this segment, advertising needs to play a large role.

To attract customers, standard methods are suitable:

  • creation and promotion of your own website;
  • promotion of the center through social networks;
  • partnership programs (kindergartens and schools, photo studios, children's stores);
  • advertising on radio and TV;
  • outdoor advertising.

A powerful marketing strategy will quickly build trust and increase awareness.

You should not rely on the effect of “word of mouth” in the first year of work. To develop a base of regular customers, you will need at least one year.

As practice shows, the most difficult aspect is maintaining interest rather than attracting it.

Pay great attention to bright and creative signage. Remember that creativity is the key to success in your business. Therefore, the sign itself should already speak about the level of the agency and its potential capabilities.

In order to enter the market, you may have to hire an experienced specialist in the field of service promotion, who will engage in advertising through social networks, organize an advertising campaign through outdoor billboards, advertisements in transport, etc.

Video. Startup agency for organizing events

Financial plan

This part of the document is compiled last, after the business format has been determined, the market has been researched and a SWOT analysis has been carried out.

All this data allows you to clearly draw up cost estimates and decide how much equipment and material you need to purchase to implement your business idea.

This section should contain the following items:

  • description of funding sources;
  • profitability calculation;
  • cash flow forecast;
  • identification of risks.

We plan investments and expenses

In order to open an agency for organizing holidays in a metropolis, you will need at least 500 thousand rubles.

The cost estimate can be presented as follows:

  • registration of an enterprise - 5,000 rubles;
  • rental of premises - 300,000-400,000 rubles per year;
  • repairs - 50,000-60,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 1800-2000 rubles monthly;
  • office equipment - 60,000 rubles;
  • equipment - 100,000-200,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 100 thousand rubles.


If everything is clear with the expense item, then the part with calculating income causes certain difficulties for many beginning entrepreneurs.

It is important to correctly assess the price of the service provided in order to maintain competitive positions, not reduce profitability, and at the same time attract customers.

Take into account some seasonality of this business, which can significantly affect the agency’s profitability. Seasonality allows you to vary the price tag.

So, during the New Year holidays, wedding season, March 8, the price for services can be twice as high as during the rest of the period.

Be sure to develop a loyalty program that will allow you to develop a base of regular customers. This is especially true with large customers who contact the agency to order corporate events, organize conferences, etc.

A discount can also be provided to clients who order the service 3-4 months before the appointed date. This will allow you to correctly schedule your work and prepare for the event.

In the first few months, the agency will carry out no more than 3-4 orders.

The average bill for 1 order is 30-50 thousand rubles.

With a well-developed marketing strategy and high professionalism of employees, the studio’s workload with orders in 6-8 months can increase 4-5 times.

Therefore, by the end of the year, the agency will be able to achieve an income of 800-900 thousand rubles per month.

With a planned income of 1 million rubles, the average payback of the project is 6-8 months.

The advantage of this business is the absence of profit margins, which is why the agency is characterized by high profitability - about 65%.

Over time, you can expand your staff, explore new areas and introduce new types of services. At the same time, there will be no need to expand the office, purchase new equipment, etc.

Video. Business of organizing holidays


A profitable business can be built on the creative branch of activity. One of its varieties is the organization of children's parties. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are interested in where to start a business and how not to lose invested capital?

Agency registration process

When the question arises of where to start organizing a children's agency, you need to find out whether the entrepreneur has the necessary amount. If you have start-up capital, it is advisable to create a client base for the business, and then register your business. Setting up a portfolio and finding clients can take a long time, and business taxes will have to be paid. Therefore, clients are first acquired, after which the business is officially registered from scratch.

The optimal form of foundation is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). In this case, OKVED 92.3 “Other entertainment and entertainment activities” and 92.7 “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups” are selected. By choosing this profile, the entrepreneur will maximize the capabilities of the company. It is necessary to register your business with the tax office. It is better to switch to the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system). There are two tax regimes:

  • Six percent of all income.
  • Fifteen percent of income including expenses.

The advantage of the simplified tax system is that the report is submitted only once a year.

A license is not required to establish a children's holiday agency.

Plan for organizing the necessary premises and equipment

An entrepreneur who opens a children's holiday agency from scratch must have:

  • A car or any mobile transport, preferably a minibus. Since you will have to travel a lot and carry various auxiliary materials;
  • A room for parties that needs to be decorated in an original and bright way to attract customers. You can decorate the room with flowers, garlands, figures of fairy-tale animals, cartoon characters and balloons. When creating theme nights, an entrepreneur will need appropriate decorations.

Initially, you can do without an office. But later it will be needed, as it will indicate the solidity of the company. The area of ​​the room is up to fifty square meters. It is advisable to have a parking area not far from the rented office. The room should be divided into three zones:

  1. Negotiation room.
  2. Stock.
  3. Managers' work room.

For a successful business project, it is advisable to organize your own creative website. To create a portal you will need from 12 thousand rubles. For monthly promotion you need to spend about 3 thousand more rubles.

Recruitment for the company

When the question arises of how to open an agency for organizing holidays, you should initially take care of selecting qualified workers. It is impossible to work without the help of staff. When starting your business from scratch, you don’t need to hire a lot of employees right away. It will be enough to invite several competent specialists. Standard set:

  • A manager who must control all business processes and holidays, receive and process calls, and communicate with specific customers.
  • A driver who knows the routes well and knows how to entertain guests along the way. He will take on the functions of a logistician.
  • A children's entertainer or toastmaster who creates a festive mood.

In addition to the above personnel, depending on the work profile, the following professionals may be needed:

  • DJ.
  • Operators.
  • Photographers.
  • Florists.
  • Musicians.
  • Dance groups.
  • Animators, clowns.
  • Pyrotechnicians.

You will need a children's party organizer. His responsibilities include:

  • Creating a children's script and agreeing it with parents.
  • Clear layout of all details.
  • Finding and supplying members of the children's event with costumes.
  • Decorating the hall for children, creating a menu for the festive table.
  • Cleaning the premises after a children's event.

It is advisable to agree in advance with the chefs to prepare high-quality and tasty food. It is also worth paying attention to freelancers. If necessary, they will help the entrepreneur with children's slogans and scripts.

Organization of financial investments in activities

Main expenses when starting a business:

  • Rent of premises (about 300 thousand rubles).
  • Necessary equipment (musical equipment will be expensive: microphone, subwoofers, mixing console). To hold children's parties, you need a lot of costumes, trampolines - 200,000 rubles.
  • Salaries of employees (from 500 thousand rubles).
  • Fare.

Opening a children's holiday agency is not just a team of talented animators. Here it is necessary to think through certain concepts of the matter. The amount of initial capital can range from $10,000 to $100,000 - it all depends on the capabilities and imagination of the businessman. But you can always start a business with minimal starting capital. The help of friends and relatives in organizing children's parties will help build a client base. The agency earns 10-15% commission from small orders and 3-5% from orders from large companies. If a company receives several orders of 40 thousand rubles per month, and subsequently 6 orders of 70 thousand rubles each, then within a year the business can fully pay for itself and bring a good profit. However, this type of business is seasonal. Summer is a rather unprofitable time of year. Since most children are sent to health institutions or taken away on vacation.

Useful information on the case

You should start looking for clients for business development in your area. It is enough to send colorful postcards to all houses. You can take a more serious approach later. There are several types of advertising:

  • Distribution in children's educational and entertainment institutions. Here you need to coordinate your actions with the owner or director of the establishment.
  • Through your own portal.
  • Telephone marketing.
  • Direct marketing or direct marketing (direct communication between the client and the performer).
  • Departure of managers to enterprises for negotiations.

Don’t forget about the agency’s regular clients by organizing holiday parties and handing out discount or promotional coupons. You can come up with a special incentive system for each client. You must always think one step ahead of your competitors. This is a creative business, and therefore unpredictable. You need to focus on large companies by organizing corporate events for the children of employees. Recently, organizing science parties for children has become popular. At such parties, children are told about science in an entertaining way and shown various experiments.

You need to grow your agency for organizing children's parties gradually. If a businessman stands still, clients will get bored and will find a more creative businessman. When thinking about how to open a holiday agency, an entrepreneur must answer the following questions:

  • What I want.
  • What is needed for this?
  • What do I have?
  • What's missing.
  • Where can I get it?

The name of the event agency also plays an important role.

First of all, the customer pays attention to the name of the company.

An original and funny name will be remembered faster than a banal one. A profitable business based on organizing children's parties is easy to start with sufficient activity and desire.