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Games and competitions for the New Year's masquerade ball. Party in the style of a Masquerade Ball: script, outfits, decoration and competitions

How sometimes you want to get into a fairy tale, to find yourself on New Year's ball at the Queen's, dance the night away in a realm of luxury and elegance. New Year's Eve 2016– a chance to get into such a fairy tale for adults! This New Year's scenario will help make your dream come true and organize the most magical New Year's celebration - Masquerade Ball Snow Queen.

Invitation to the New Year's ball

The day before, guests receive an invitation to the royal ball in the form of a carnival mask. Dress code: tuxedos, evening dresses, gloves. The text of the invitation to the masquerade ball announces a competition for the most original mask: the carnival mask will determine the King and Queen of the ball.

Text of the invitation to the New Year's corporate holiday

Mr, Mrs...

A certain Important Royal Person, who wished to remain mysterious and unknown, invites you to the Royal Masquerade Ball on the last Saturday of December this year, at exactly 7 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Royal Palace at...

Your pass to the Royal Masquerade Ball will be a tuxedo, an evening dress and a Mask, which will give one of the guests the honor of becoming the King and Queen of the Ball.

Decoration of the New Year's masquerade ball

The hall is decorated in the style of a winter kingdom. Light design, snowy branches, sparkling decorative elements and ice sculptures immerse guests in the atmosphere of a fairy tale of the ice kingdom, luxury and elegance. As musical accompaniment for a real royal ball, you should choose a string quartet, flute, harp.


  • The Snow Queen;
  • The Queen's Personal Assistant - Presenter;
  • Artists of different genres: magician, musicians, dancers.

Scenario plan

Arriving guests are greeted by elegantly dressed young people in white vests, with a bow tie and white gloves, served drinks, and invited to the table. Beautiful music plays, creating a “magical” mood and an atmosphere of refined elegance, an icy kingdom.

Fanfares sound solemnly, announcing the beginning of the holiday.

A group of girls in tuxedos and top hats take the stage and perform a dance to open the ball.

The presenter in a tuxedo appears before the public, greeting the guests - the most honored guests at the New Year's Royal Masquerade 2016. The presenter introduces himself personal assistant queens, heir to the throne of the Snow Queen of the Andersen era. The Queen is delayed. On behalf of the Queen, the assistant wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2016. Proclaims a pompous toast with wishes for magic in the new 2016. The guests raise their glasses. The Queen's assistant invites to the stage a special guest from distant lands - a magician who has prepared a gift for everyone. A magician performs. The Queen's assistant appears on the stage again and asks the guests to prepare a special greeting for Her Majesty, who is a fan of her relatives - the Snow Queens and Kings, so you need to remember all the songs that mention anything snowy. Guests sing one of the most popular songs in chorus. The Queen appears in a sparkling cosmic outfit. The assistant solemnly introduces Her Majesty, the heir to the throne of the Snow Queen of the Andersen era, to the guests.
The Queen stamps her foot on him:

I'll freeze it! The Queen explains her dissatisfaction to her assistant:

What kind of masquerade ball is this? last century! Just the era of Pushkin! Am I the Queen or what? My Majesty orders an urgent change in the image of the event, I have a brilliant new PR idea. I want a fluffy New Year, so I demand that all the rabbits be caught urgently.

The personal assistant proves to the Queen that this is impossible, because... The symbol of the New Year is the rabbit and this animal must be treated with respect.
The Queen sits down on the throne and stamps her foot again:

I'll freeze it!

- You have such honorable guests, all amazing and interesting personalities! And we'll ruin their holiday. I dare to invite you, Your Majesty, to get to know them!

The assistant names historical facts and asks those guests to whom these biographical facts apply to stand up, and the rest to applaud.

  • - Who read the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” as a child?
  • - Who put on new shoes today?
  • - Who has ever seen a falling star?
  • - Who has won the lottery at least once in their life?
  • - Who knows Lenya Golubkov and MMM?
  • - Who has frozen their tongue to an iron swing at least once in their life?
  • - Who has never held a live rabbit in their hands? Assistant:
  • - You see, Your Majesty, these people have never held a live rabbit in their hands before! And we want to deprive them of such happiness!
  • - Who knows at least one word in Mexican (any Spanish word)?
  • - Please, help us. The Queen should be so congratulated on behalf of the ambassador of hot Mexico - he, unfortunately, was stuck in a traffic jam - so that the Queen would forget about her idea to catch rabbits!

A guest from the audience is put on a poncho, sombrero, black mustache, and given a scroll with a speech. The guest’s task is to passionately and temperamentally, perhaps while dancing, read the text in a special dialect of a distant region of Mexico. A Mexican tune plays in the background. The assistant acts as a translator.

Afegirido muchachas de coronato!

Dear Queen!

Respetados invitatos muchacha caballero las muyeras hermosas!

Dear guests!

Los hotento canaliento del pueblo Mexico City

Warm hearts of the people of Mexico

Otzhiganto e collectedo caballero con uno unexpectedly comediclabde!

Happy New Year 2916 to everyone!

Veselianto collectedo begging sacramente las obozhantos

We sincerely wish everyone

La strong degree normate,

Hello, Bonasera Juanita comes to the house,

Happiness, Don't count the money in your pocket!

Well-being! The Queen, after congratulating her in Mexican, thaws a little and wants to see what else interesting things have been prepared for Her Majesty. The assistant calls on the guests for help, to help confuse the Queen's head so that she forgets about her delusional ideas about catching all the rabbits. The problem is solved in games and quizzes that are held with the audience. The queen shows more interest with each game and participates in competitions.

New Year's games and competitions with the audience.

Original toast competition.

The presenter shows the words on the cards. The task of the guests is to take turns continuing the toast, making the longest toast possible. The last person to finish the toast receives a special prize from the Queen - a bottle of wine from the Queen's wine cellars with a personalized label - an impromptu genius from the Queen!

Words on cards: green, car, hot, pepper, sweet, crocodile, intellectual, drunk, horns and legs, vacation, wet, wallet, secretary, Canaries, uninterrupted, etc.

Game “Believe it or not.”

The host names the facts, the guests say “I believe” - it’s true, “I don’t believe” - it’s not true. Whoever gives the correct answer first gets a snowflake. At the end of the game, a snow auction is held, where prizes are awarded for snowflakes. This scenario was compiled to celebrate the New Year, the Year of the Rabbit. You can also include questions about the monkey if you are going to celebrate the New Year 2016)))

  • Rabbits eat 2 times more carrots in winter than in summer (not true).
  • Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise (true).
  • Apples help you wake up in the morning better than coffee (true).
  • In the Second World War the British invented the carrot diet, which allowed them to see German bombers at night (not true - the British developed a new radar that allowed pilots to see German bombers at night, and to hide the existence of this technology, the British air force circulated press publications that such vision was the result of the carrot diet pilots).
  • The largest litter that a female rabbit gave birth to was 24 cubs (true).
  • Snails can sleep for a year. (not true - up to three years).
  • A rabbit has only 20 claws (not true - there are 18 of them: 4 on the hind legs and 5 on the front legs).
  • Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues (true).
  • The most long ears rabbits in the world were 78 cm (not true - 79 cm).
  • One in two million people have a chance of living to 116 (true).
  • Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice (true).
  • You can make a cow go up a ladder, but you can't make it go down (true).
  • If you put a flounder on a checkerboard, it will also become checkered (really).
  • You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV (true).
  • The elephant can jump (not true - he is the only animal that cannot jump).
    Women, on average, blink twice as often as men (true).
  • It is anatomically impossible for a person to lick his own elbow (true).
  • Matches were invented before lighters (not true).
  • There is a person in this room who tried to lick his elbow during this game (really).

Game "Royal Bear Hunt".

Pathetically, the start of a new entertainment in honor of the Queen is announced - the Royal Hunt. A team of volunteer hunters is preparing to try their luck in hunting. We hand out hunting hats with feathers and weapons - small balls - we explain that we are civilized people, we will only tickle the bear. 2 assistants are instructed in advance and dressed in shaggy fur coats.

The team must follow the leader like a train and repeat exactly the movements to the rhyme:

  • We are going after a bear, we will find a large animal, (arms to the sides)
  • Come on, hurry up - let's walk more fun! (laughter)
  • There is a bridge ahead, and you can’t go under it, (squats)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to cross. (raise our legs high)
  • There is a swamp ahead, and you can’t go under it, (slope)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to wade through. (squelching)
  • There’s a mountain ahead, and you can’t go under it, (hands up, tilt)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to cross. (nods head)
  • There’s a den ahead, it’s completely dark. (We ALL close our eyes with our hands)
  • Someone there is shaggy and big, (the assistants touch everyone with a shaggy cloth)
  • With sharp teeth, it's a bear! (the presenter quickly shouts)
    Let's shoot! We shoot verbally, the participants open their eyes and there are two bears in front of them. Whoever hits the bear is the luckiest next year. The balls must hit the target. The more unexpected the ending, the brighter the hunters will feel. The cheerful mood of the hall is guaranteed!

New Year's prediction game.

Volunteers are dressed as court astrologers - they put on a cap with stars and a mantle. Participants are given A2 sheets of paper and a glue stick.

The presenter offers to take “your” news-predictions out of the magic bag at random. News predictions are headlines from newspapers. The game can be fun if interesting titles are offered. The participants’ task, while the music is playing, is to make the most original and positive prediction from the headlines.

Dress-up game.

The bravest men are called to the stage - we determine the bravest: who, after a bath, has at least once in his life swam in the snow or an ice hole?

For the participants, assistants are called on stage to identify those who follow fashion: who bought themselves a new thing for the New Year holiday? We form pairs.

The participants are given the task of turning the Queen's head - this is the last resort so that she forgets about her new PR idea with rabbits. A huge bag with elements of various clothes, including all the details of Santa Claus' clothing, is brought onto the stage. The assistants must dress up the bravest men to the music.

Second stage of the competition. The bravest men organize a dance marathon to different music: 7.40, Lezginka, Russian folk, Indian, rock and roll.

The audience, with its applause, determines the best Santa Claus. The Queen is delighted! Announces Mask dances. The masquerade ball continues with a dance competition for the most original masked dance. Among the dancing masks, the audience selects the King and Queen of the ball with applause. The evening continues with dancing until the morning and festive fireworks.

Marina Tsypysheva
Script for preparatory group"New Year's Masquerade Ball"

Music is playing. Children come in and perform a dance – entrance “Masquerade”. They stand around the Christmas tree. The New Year's ball opens.

Presenter: Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers, gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's Masquerade Ball. In our world, time does not pass the way the people of the earth are accustomed to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us.

1st child: All the guys like it

Green beauty,

Bright toys,

Light bulbs, firecrackers.

2nd: Every year she comes

Round dances start again,

And the winter ball is spinning -

New Year's carnival.

3rd: Welcome, we have been waiting for you,

Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz,

And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -

A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

Presenter: O most noble guests,

Shining like the stars in the sky!

Tell me how to represent you in the palace scroll?

Fanfare sounds and a messenger comes in

Messenger: Ladies and gentlemen! We greet you! Today we have wonderful guests at our Masquerade Ball! Heroes from famous fairy tales (lists characters - children).

Let's greet them with applause!

Well, the main event of this evening is that we are expecting the arrival of special majestic guests! So, I declare our New Year's Masquerade Ball open!

(Fanfare sounds, everyone applauds, the Messenger leaves)

Song "On the last day of December"

The Messenger comes out (a soundtrack of footsteps sounds)

Messenger: Her Majesty is a guest from France with her son!

Music is playing. A French woman comes out.

Frenchwoman: Hello! We are very glad that we had the honor to be present in this hall at your New Year's masquerade. My son and I really like Russia and we want to give you a musical gift - a New Year's round dance! (Ensemble: piano part - French, violin part - son).

Ensemble "New Year's Round Dance"

(They perform the piece, leave)

Messenger: The Italian dance master Macareno Tantsevano arrived at our ball! (The Gloucestershire bagpipes sound. The Italian comes out and demonstrates his choreographic skills).

Italian: Hello children and adults! I came from the glamorous country of Italy! We, like the Russians, celebrate New Year! And at 175 Boulevard Europe, Rome, Italy, lives the Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And I came to you not by chance! Santa Claus from Italy sent you a very interesting Italian dance as a gift. (takes out an envelope, and from it a disk) Children stand in pairs.

Dance “New Year's Macarena Christmas mix”

Italian: Well done children, you dance very beautifully! I've done my job and now it's time to go! Goodbye friends! Happy New Year! (leaves)

Fanfare sounds. The Messenger comes out.

Messenger: An amazing guest has arrived. IN different countries he is known under different names - Pere Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspard, Melchior and Walthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty - Father Frost! And his beautiful companion.

(Music sounds, the new Russian Koschey and the modern Baba Yaga drive out in a stove car)

Presenter: Oh! What is this? What uninvited guests! Sorry, but you were waiting for Father Frost and Snow Maiden! I wonder who you are? (walks around the car - the stove, examines it with a gaze. Baba Yaga jumps from her seat, stamps her foot)

Baba Yaga: Oh, and really, where did you bring me, pepper?

(Koschei is calling on the phone, solving some problem, his hands are busily on the steering wheel, not paying attention to what is happening)

Baba Yaga: Kosha, can you hear me!

Koschey: Well, what don't you like, dear? Where, where is the dance floor! You wanted to play around! (addresses the presenter) Are you paying by card? My lady wants to have fun!

Presenter: Wait, wait, tell me, who is your lady? And who are you?

Koschey: Who is this? Koschey! And this is Baba Yaga!

Presenter: Somehow you don't look very similar. Koschey has always been very thin, and Baba Yaga, forgive me for the expression, is just a dirty person, as far as I remember from Russian fairy tales.

Koschey: Don’t treat me, dear, we haven’t seen people like this for a long time - we keep up with the times!

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand, what do you have here? Masquerade? What century is this? Boring.

Come on, DJ! Give us ours! Start the record! (Music sounds, Baba Yaga begins to dance, Koschey beats out the rhythm with his hand, moves lazily)

Presenter: Oh, how ugly! We have quite a representative event here. What have you done here! You are acting here, it would be better if you played with the children.

Koschey: Kids! Well, we can do that too.

Baba Yaga: What can you do! He ate his belly in the Caucasus mountains.

Koschey: You've known me for so many years, I never liked children, but Lately something happened to me, my heart skipped a beat.

Baba Yaga: How? Are you planning to play with them?

Game of choice

(Meanwhile, Baba Yaga sits on the stove-machine. And begins to powder her offended face)

Baba Yaga: Well, come on, Kosha, stop it! Go! We need to have time to buy a hot ticket to the Maldives, we won’t freeze here in the Siberian frosts. It's not what it used to be.

Koschey: I got completely lazy and forgot how I lit the stove! Yes, I smelled the soot!

Baba Yaga: Well, if you don’t want to go, don’t! Stay here with your kids.

Koschey: Okay, okay, don’t be angry, where am I now without you? (Music sounds, Koschey gets down on his knee, imitates a declaration of love to Baba Yaga, then gets into the stove car, they drive away).

You can hear the ringing of bells and the trampling of horses. Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost: Hello children, hello adults! Hello everyone who came to the New Year's masquerade ball today. I finally got to you, and to be honest, I’m out of breath! But I have no time for fun, friends! My granddaughter is missing! Winter overtook us in the sleigh, the Snow Maiden spun around and carried away. I don’t know why she was so angry!

Presenter: Well, what can you do, Winter reigns now. You can’t argue with her...But the Snow Maiden will have to help out! But don’t be sad, get up in a round dance with us, we will cheer you up!

Song: “Santa Claus – New Year’s Guest”

Father Frost: Ay, well done! Have some fun!

Presenter: Santa Claus, you completely forgot about your staff. After all, it becomes magical on New Year’s Day!

Father Frost: Oh, that's right! Completely crazy, the old one survived, thank you, beautiful maiden!

(Hugs her). Now I’ll hit you three times with my staff! And we will all find ourselves in a mysterious winter forest. Come on! Get in a circle! (Knocks 3 times. Music plays. Santa Claus walks and casts spells around the Christmas tree. After the spell - music “Mysterious Forest”)

Presenter: Well, well, guys, we found ourselves in a winter forest. Look, what a beauty! There are white trees around the Christmas tree, and snowflakes glitter on the snow!

Father Frost: Do not flatter yourself, my dears, do not fall for this beauty! This is where the Queen lives - Winter! (Music sounds. Winter's exit)

"Dance of Winter and Snowflakes"

(At the end of the dance, the enchanted Snow Maiden comes out and stands near the Christmas tree.)

Father Frost: Winter, what have you done to my granddaughter! (rushes to hug her)

Winter: (Cold): Hello, Santa Claus! You've completely stopped taking care of your affairs! After all, my time has come! Everything should crack and break from the frost! But for some reason you feel sorry for him now! So I decided to teach you a lesson!

Presenter: Well, don’t be angry, Winter, look how many children were waiting for the Snow Maiden. What did you do with her? We even prepared a song for you. But not at all about the evil Winter! Listen!

Song “Zimushka settled in”

Father Frost: Winter, tell me what I must do so that you return my granddaughter to me safe and sound!

Winter: Bring on the frost, a lot, harder, so that everything freezes and freezes! Then I will break the spell of the Snow Maiden. (Witchcraft music sounds. Santa Claus knocks with his staff).

Father Frost: So how? Has it gotten colder?

Winter: Even stronger! More! (Santa Claus knocks with his staff again)

Santa Claus: Wow, so greedy! (to himself). Well, is it frostier?

Winter: More!

(Santa Claus knocks for the third time)

Father Frost: Have pity on the kids, you fierce one, they’ll die!

Winter: So be it! I’ll give you back the old Snow Maiden! (Music sounds. The Snow Maiden unwinds, thaws, cheers up).

Presenter: Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you!

Snow Maiden: Oh, how long I slept! I saw such a wonderful winter dream! And now I’ll definitely tell you about it!

Dance: “Lullaby of Polar Bears”

Father Frost: What a dream! Really wonderful! Why aren’t the lights on the Christmas trees lit? Not in order! Let's revive the Christmas tree! Light up the lights on the Christmas tree!

Game "We will hang the balloons"

(The lights on the tree light up)

Presenter: So our Christmas tree is lit up with cheerful colorful lights! Look how beautiful she is!

Father Frost: Well, now that everything is assembled, the fun can begin! Happy New Year to each other! So, I command everyone to have fun! For both adults and children! Come out to our friendly circle!

"Dancing with Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Well, we danced from the heart, it’s time to give out gifts! Were their children waiting? We waited! Did you call Santa Claus for the holiday? Called! Has the Snow Maiden been bewitched? They broke the spell! Do you deserve gifts? They deserve it! Well, come and get your gifts!

(Santa Claus distributes gifts to children)

Father Frost: Goodbye friends,

And see you in a year,

May the stars shine for you,

On the bright holiday of the New Year!

(Santa Claus leaves to the music).

The holiday ends. Children go to the group.

Scenario - New Year's ball-carnival "The hour of fun has come - at the New Year's carnival"

Materials: A). Palace scroll - names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. The list is promptly forwarded to the prince, princess and presenter for acquaintance and holding the competition.
B). A box with paper smiles - they are distributed to guests; later, when everyone has become acquainted with everyone, you can write a wish on the smile to someone present. This is the post office. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the recipients.
B) Tree of wishes
1. Meeting guests. A waltz is playing, the guests are greeted by two maids of honor
1. Maid of honor. Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz,
And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!
O most noble guests,
Shining like the stars in the sky!
Tell me how to represent you in the palace scroll?
Host: Dear guests, at the entrance we have a list of guests, since today we have a carnival ball, we invite you to enter your mysterious name or the name of the image in it, so that in the future we will get to know you better!
(guests go into the hall, write down their images on a scroll)
Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's masquerade ball. As at any ball, we have the hostess of the ball - Zimushka-Winter, greet her with applause and joyful smiles!
(Zimushka-winter comes out and opens the masquerade ball)
Host: Our masquerade ball is officially opened and we, together with the prince and princess, invite all guests to the dance floor!
(dance break 10 min)
Presenter: New Year is a time of unprecedented miracles and fairy tales, and today we will plunge into New Year's tale, in which you will be the main characters. We invite you to 12 of the most artistic and creative guests.
Competition "New Year's Tale"
1. Prince
2. Princess
3. Santa Claus
4. Snow Maiden
5. Sun
6. Old house
7. Guard dog
8. Santa's horse
9. Snow Maiden's horse
10. Wind
11. First Elf
12. Second Elf
13. Third Elf
It was a wonderful winter day, the bright sun was shining in the clearing and warming everyone with its rays. In the center of the clearing stood an old house creaking, and a guard dog wandered and whined near the house. The Prince and Princess were walking along the clearing, they were in a wonderful mood, and they sang a cheerful New Year's song. Hearing the song, cheerful elves flew into the clearing and began to dance a catchy dance. Suddenly a cold wind rose, raged, whistled and carried away the little elves. The prince and princess began to run and look for them, but they did not find them. They got upset and decided to call Father Frost and Snow Maiden for help. But the princess knew that for this she needed to tell a New Year's poem. Immediately after this, the sound of hooves was heard, and Father Frost and Snegurochka galloped into the clearing on their beautiful horses, neighing at the top of their voices on the eve of the holiday. The sun illuminated the clearing even brighter, the dog whined even louder, and the old house creaked. Our heroes rushed to the kingdom of the wind. He did not want to give the fairies to the prince and princess, and the wind whistled with all its might. Then Santa Claus decided to defeat the wind with kindness and decided to stand with everyone in a New Year's round dance, surround the wind and sing a cheerful New Year's song. The wind became better, the fairies were released, everyone began to dance and celebrate the New Year!
(dance break 10 min)

Presenter: Dear guests! I hope none of you this evening will refuse my completely innocent request - let's play! And we will start by organizing two teams. One of them is ladies, the other is gentlemen. So we saw how you can dance, but how well do you know the songs? The next competition is called “Re-Perevka”.. But this competition is not as simple as you think. Ladies will need to sing songs with the names of their gentlemen, and gentlemen with the names of the ladies.

Competition "Repeats".
Presenter: Both teams did an excellent job with these challenges. simple tasks. Now let's keep dancing!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: This wonderful carnival!
Masks will hide our faces

Costume ball

The queen will give us the night!

Knight, fairy and pirate...

Feathers, silk, colored beads.

Choose your outfit!

Choose any one you like!

Presenter: Dear guests, the time has come to choose the best suit and get to know each other better. Remember, when you entered, you entered your images and names into the list, so now we will get acquainted with the brightest of them and determine the winners! The presenter reads out the names of the guests and their titles from the list, and they go up on stage.

Costume competition
Presenter: We looked at you, met you, different and interesting guests at our carnival! Well, now it’s time to dance, we’ll enlighten our winner to the next song!

Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: What would a ball be without a King and Queen? In the next competition, together with you, we will choose the King of our holiday. I invite 5 candidates for this title to the stage! What should a King be able to do? (children's answers). Of course, all this is important, but how can you rule the kingdom without Decrees? This is exactly what our participants will do now, and you and I will help them.

Competition "Prom King"
Presenter: So we have determined the host of our holiday, and now the King of the Ball invites all the guests to dance!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: Dear ladies and gentlemen! Our King simply needs a companion. Let's choose the Prom Queen! 5 candidates for the most honorable role are invited to the stage! Any Queen must attend the most important and significant social events and, of course, communicate with journalists. Each of the contenders will take on this role. Let's see how they do it!

Competition "Prom Queen"
1. Opening of the Olympics
2. Opening of the Moscow Film Festival
3. Finale of the project “The Voice”
4. KVN anniversary evening
5. Finale of the Ice Age project

Presenter: The King and Queen of the ball have been chosen, let's greet them with applause and continue our dance evening!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: And we remind you that today we have a magic box in which you can send letters, be sure to sign the class and surname of the recipient, very soon we will deliver them! You have demonstrated many competitions and talents, but we have not yet determined the best dancers of the evening, the King and Queen will help me with this, who will assemble a team of 10 people!
Competition "Re-dancing"
1. Only with your head
2. Only with your hands
3. Only with your feet
4. Improvisation
Presenter: Our wonderful evening is coming to an end, together with the King and Queen we will convey your messages from the magic box and invite all guests to the last white dance!
Goodbye friends,
And see you in a year,
Let the stars shine for us,
On the bright holiday of the New Year!

How sometimes you want to get into a fairy tale, find yourself at the Queen’s New Year’s ball, dance the night away in the realm of luxury and elegance. New Year's Eve 2016– a chance to get into such a fairy tale for adults! This New Year's scenario will help make your dream come true and organize the most magical New Year's holiday - the Snow Queen's Masquerade Ball.

Invitation to the New Year's ball

The day before, guests receive an invitation to the royal ball in the form of a carnival mask. Dress code: tuxedos, evening dresses, gloves. The text of the invitation to the masquerade ball announces a competition for the most original mask: the carnival mask will determine the King and Queen of the ball.

Text of the invitation to the New Year's corporate holiday

Mr, Mrs...

A certain Important Royal Person, who wished to remain mysterious and unknown, invites you to the Royal Masquerade Ball on the last Saturday of December this year, at exactly 7 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Royal Palace at...

Your pass to the Royal Masquerade Ball will be a tuxedo, an evening dress and a Mask, which will give one of the guests the honor of becoming the King and Queen of the Ball.

Decoration of the New Year's masquerade ball

The hall is decorated in the style of a winter kingdom. Light design, snowy branches, sparkling decorative elements and ice sculptures immerse guests in the atmosphere of a fairy tale of the ice kingdom, luxury and elegance. As musical accompaniment for a real royal ball, you should choose a string quartet, flute, harp.


  • The Snow Queen;
  • The Queen's Personal Assistant - Presenter;
  • Artists of different genres: magician, musicians, dancers.

Scenario plan

Arriving guests are greeted by elegantly dressed young people in white vests, with a bow tie and white gloves, served drinks, and invited to the table. Beautiful music plays, creating a “magical” mood and an atmosphere of refined elegance, an icy kingdom.

Fanfares sound solemnly, announcing the beginning of the holiday.

A group of girls in tuxedos and top hats take the stage and perform a dance to open the ball.

The presenter in a tuxedo appears before the public, welcoming the guests - the most honored guests at the New Year's royal masquerade 2016. The presenter introduces himself as the personal assistant of the queen, heir to the throne of the Snow Queen of the Andersen era. The Queen is delayed. On behalf of the Queen, the assistant wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2016. Proclaims a pompous toast with wishes for magic in the new 2016. The guests raise their glasses. The Queen's assistant invites to the stage a special guest from distant lands - a magician who has prepared a gift for everyone. A magician performs. The Queen's assistant appears on the stage again and asks the guests to prepare a special greeting for Her Majesty, who is a fan of her relatives - the Snow Queens and Kings, so you need to remember all the songs that mention anything snowy. Guests sing one of the most popular songs in chorus. The Queen appears in a sparkling cosmic outfit. The assistant solemnly introduces Her Majesty, the heir to the throne of the Snow Queen of the Andersen era, to the guests.
The Queen stamps her foot on him:

I'll freeze it! The Queen explains her dissatisfaction to her assistant:

What a masquerade ball - this is the last century! Just the era of Pushkin! Am I the Queen or what? My Majesty orders an urgent change in the image of the event, I have a brilliant new PR idea. I want a fluffy New Year, so I demand that all the rabbits be caught urgently.

The personal assistant proves to the Queen that this is impossible, because... The symbol of the New Year is the rabbit and this animal must be treated with respect.
The Queen sits down on the throne and stamps her foot again:

I'll freeze it!

- You have such honorable guests, all amazing and interesting personalities! And we'll ruin their holiday. I dare to invite you, Your Majesty, to get to know them!

The assistant names historical facts and asks those guests to whom these biographical facts apply to stand up, and the rest to applaud.

  • - Who read the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” as a child?
  • - Who put on new shoes today?
  • - Who has ever seen a falling star?
  • - Who has won the lottery at least once in their life?
  • - Who knows Lenya Golubkov and MMM?
  • - Who has frozen their tongue to an iron swing at least once in their life?
  • - Who has never held a live rabbit in their hands? Assistant:
  • - You see, Your Majesty, these people have never held a live rabbit in their hands before! And we want to deprive them of such happiness!
  • - Who knows at least one word in Mexican (any Spanish word)?
  • - Please, help us. The Queen should be so congratulated on behalf of the ambassador of hot Mexico - he, unfortunately, was stuck in a traffic jam - so that the Queen would forget about her idea to catch rabbits!

A guest from the audience is put on a poncho, sombrero, black mustache, and given a scroll with a speech. The guest’s task is to passionately and temperamentally, perhaps while dancing, read the text in a special dialect of a distant region of Mexico. A Mexican tune plays in the background. The assistant acts as a translator.

Afegirido muchachas de coronato!

Dear Queen!

Respetados invitatos muchacha caballero las muyeras hermosas!

Dear guests!

Los hotento canaliento del pueblo Mexico City

Warm hearts of the people of Mexico

Otzhiganto e collectedo caballero con uno unexpectedly comediclabde!

Happy New Year 2916 to everyone!

Veselianto collectedo begging sacramente las obozhantos

We sincerely wish everyone

La strong degree normate,

Hello, Bonasera Juanita comes to the house,

Happiness, Don't count the money in your pocket!

Well-being! The Queen, after congratulating her in Mexican, thaws a little and wants to see what else interesting things have been prepared for Her Majesty. The assistant calls on the guests for help, to help confuse the Queen's head so that she forgets about her delusional ideas about catching all the rabbits. The problem is solved in games and quizzes that are held with the audience. The queen shows more interest with each game and participates in competitions.

New Year's games and competitions with the audience.

Original toast competition.

The presenter shows the words on the cards. The task of the guests is to take turns continuing the toast, making the longest toast possible. The last person to finish the toast receives a special prize from the Queen - a bottle of wine from the Queen's wine cellars with a personalized label - an impromptu genius from the Queen!

Words on cards: green, car, hot, pepper, sweet, crocodile, intellectual, drunk, horns and legs, vacation, wet, wallet, secretary, Canaries, uninterrupted, etc.

Game “Believe it or not.”

The host names the facts, the guests say “I believe” - it’s true, “I don’t believe” - it’s not true. Whoever gives the correct answer first gets a snowflake. At the end of the game, a snow auction is held, where prizes are awarded for snowflakes. This scenario was compiled to celebrate the New Year, the Year of the Rabbit. You can also include questions about the monkey if you are going to celebrate the New Year 2016)))

  • Rabbits eat 2 times more carrots in winter than in summer (not true).
  • Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise (true).
  • Apples help you wake up in the morning better than coffee (true).
  • During World War II, the British invented a carrot diet that allowed them to see German bombers at night (not true - the British developed a new radar that allowed pilots to see German bombers at night, and to hide the existence of this technology, the British Air Force published press publications that such vision - the result of the pilots' carrot diet).
  • The largest litter that a female rabbit gave birth to was 24 cubs (true).
  • Snails can sleep for a year. (not true - up to three years).
  • A rabbit has only 20 claws (not true - there are 18 of them: 4 on the hind legs and 5 on the front legs).
  • Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues (true).
  • The longest rabbit ears in the world were 78 cm (not true - 79 cm).
  • One in two million people have a chance of living to 116 (true).
  • Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice (true).
  • You can make a cow go up a ladder, but you can't make it go down (true).
  • If you put a flounder on a checkerboard, it will also become checkered (really).
  • You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV (true).
  • The elephant can jump (not true - he is the only animal that cannot jump).
    Women, on average, blink twice as often as men (true).
  • It is anatomically impossible for a person to lick his own elbow (true).
  • Matches were invented before lighters (not true).
  • There is a person in this room who tried to lick his elbow during this game (really).

Game "Royal Bear Hunt".

Pathetically, the start of a new entertainment in honor of the Queen is announced - the Royal Hunt. A team of volunteer hunters is preparing to try their luck in hunting. We hand out hunting hats with feathers and weapons - small balls - we explain that we are civilized people, we will only tickle the bear. 2 assistants are instructed in advance and dressed in shaggy fur coats.

The team must follow the leader like a train and repeat exactly the movements to the rhyme:

  • We are going after a bear, we will find a large animal, (arms to the sides)
  • Come on, hurry up - let's walk more fun! (laughter)
  • There is a bridge ahead, and you can’t go under it, (squats)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to cross. (raise our legs high)
  • There is a swamp ahead, and you can’t go under it, (slope)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to wade through. (squelching)
  • There’s a mountain ahead, and you can’t go under it, (hands up, tilt)
  • And you can’t get around, so you have to cross. (nods head)
  • There’s a den ahead, it’s completely dark. (We ALL close our eyes with our hands)
  • Someone there is shaggy and big, (the assistants touch everyone with a shaggy cloth)
  • With sharp teeth, it's a bear! (the presenter quickly shouts)
    Let's shoot! We shoot verbally, the participants open their eyes and there are two bears in front of them. Whoever hits the bear is the luckiest next year. The balls must hit the target. The more unexpected the ending, the brighter the hunters will feel. The cheerful mood of the hall is guaranteed!

New Year's prediction game.

Volunteers are dressed as court astrologers - they put on a cap with stars and a mantle. Participants are given A2 sheets of paper and a glue stick.

The presenter offers to take “your” news-predictions out of the magic bag at random. News predictions are headlines from newspapers. The game can be fun if interesting titles are offered. The participants’ task, while the music is playing, is to make the most original and positive prediction from the headlines.

Dress-up game.

The bravest men are called to the stage - we determine the bravest: who, after a bath, has at least once in his life swam in the snow or an ice hole?

For the participants, assistants are called on stage to identify those who follow fashion: who bought themselves a new thing for the New Year holiday? We form pairs.

The participants are given the task of turning the Queen's head - this is the last resort so that she forgets about her new PR idea with rabbits. A huge bag with elements of various clothes, including all the details of Santa Claus' clothing, is brought onto the stage. The assistants must dress up the bravest men to the music.

Second stage of the competition. The bravest men organize a dance marathon to different music: 7.40, Lezginka, Russian folk, Indian, rock and roll.

The audience, with its applause, determines the best Santa Claus. The Queen is delighted! Announces Mask dances. The masquerade ball continues with a dance competition for the most original masked dance. Among the dancing masks, the audience selects the King and Queen of the ball with applause. The evening continues with dancing until the morning and festive fireworks.

Julia: Good evening, dear friends!

Danil: Have a good holiday mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Julia: Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Danil: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible.

Julia: Let it be the evening of our meeting

Warmed by ardent friendship.

We send you our heartfelt

New Year's holiday greetings!

Danil: Happy New Year! New Year!

The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Julia: Dear friends, today our evening program includes games, competitions, quizzes, and an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Danil: Yes Yes! Not only children, but also mature, respectable people are looking forward to meeting these New Year's characters.

Julia: Santa Claus has been around for about 150 years. And not a single one New Year's celebration cannot do without his participation.

Danil: Well, while our New Year's characters are on the way, let's hold a few competitions.

Julia: Great idea! So, to warm up, we’ll hold a New Year’s quiz.

Danil : We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions and raise their hand when answering. Whoever answers the most questions will receive a prize.

Julia: 1. A natural phenomenon that, without sand sprinkling, causes New Year's deaths. (Ice.)

Danil : 2. What beauty dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree. )

Julia: 3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

Danil : 4. Low-growing snowstorm. (Snow drift.)

Julia: 5. Carnival frame. (Mask.)

Danil : 6. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)

Julia: 7. The Snow Maiden's life time. (Winter.)

Danil : 8. Winter striker. (Freezing.)

Julia: 9. New Year's State Collection. (Table.)

Danil : 10 . The supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

Julia: 11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

Danil : 12. Fish "dressed" in genuine leather and an artificial fur coat - a New Year's dish. (Herring.)

Julia: 13. A peasant's anti-Christmas tree weapon. (Axe.)

Danil : 14. A seasonal “sculpture” made from truly natural material. (Snowman.)

Julia: 15. The result of festive excitement. (Fireworks.)

Danil : 16. Christmas tree homeland. (Forest.)

Julia: 17. Christmas tree snow insulation. (Freezing.)

Danil : 18. The process ends with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

Julia: 19. An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

Danil : 20. A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the home budget not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

Julia: Amazing! And now we invite you to greet each other.

Danil : We invite 5th grade to the stage. They will perform the song “Winter”. And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

- Imagine, this festive evening could be exactly the same as all the previous ones, but there is something special about it that makes it unique. The fact is that the patron of the coming year is a very difficult animal, which even a warlike dragon is afraid of! This monster scares small children in almost all countries, they make up fairy tales and parables about it, and compare with it, or rather, with it, those who have a quarrelsome disposition and difficult character! I think everyone guessed that we're talking about about the Blue Wood Goat!

AT 2:
A horned goat is following the little guys,
For uncles and aunts, for moms and dads...
Prepare for trials and disappointments
But only without despair...
Those who are brave, cheerful, and skillful will break through!
Those who believe only in the best dream of love!

Concert number: song performed by Nastya


Dear guys, we received a telegram from Santa Claus, but it is not simple, but enchanted, in order to read it you need to name 12 adjectives.

"Hello my friends. On this () day me and my

() granddaughter Snegurochka sends you () greetings and Happy New Year. Last year was () and () for you, and the next one will definitely be () and (). I wish you () health and () happiness. () I will give you gifts when we meet. Your () Santa Claus."

IN 1:
- People are tired of laughing,
The people are tired of dancing
And really, isn't it time?
Call Santa Claus?
Let's be loud and friendly
We will shout: Santa Claus!
After all, we need to deserve it
A whole cartload of gifts!

The modern Snow Maiden comes out with a large bag with the inscription “Gifts” (drags along the floor)
Snow Maiden (grumbles): Yes, here I am, here. Always taking you away from your work... Once again, you left your gadgets in the trolleybus!
Father Frost : Well, sorry, sorry. (Thinking) Why are we gathered here?
Snow Maiden (to the side): What a memory!... Yes, the New Year is just around the corner!
Father Frost: On what other nose?
Snow Maiden : Yah you…
Father Frost : And... is this when everyone is relaxing, and I’m the only one working?
Snow Maiden : Finally!

Father Frost : Multi-colored garland
Our Christmas tree is on fire
"Happy New Year with a new happiness!" -
Santa Claus is telling you.
(Looks at the Christmas tree)

Hello, dear children!
I had a text here somewhere... (searches):

I enjoy reading
Congratulations for guests:

Happy New Year

Everyone - both adults and children!

I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news

That the New Year is on the way

And soon it will be on the doorstep!

Father Frost : For some reason our Christmas tree isn’t burning. Let's shout, children: “Christmas tree, light up!”
Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Why are you talking to the guys like little ones? After all, some already have a passport!
Father Frost: Oh, I’ve become quite old - sclerosis, osteochondrosis, brucellosis, tuberculosis and complete loss of memory... Isn’t this kindergarten?
Snow Maiden: Of course not. This is the Uchkhoz school.
Father Frost: Again I mixed up the signs... But what about our Christmas tree?
Snow Maiden: What about the Christmas tree? Uh... set it on fire? Oh, they can light the Christmas tree themselves.
Screensaver “The Christmas tree is lighting up”, the lights come on. Plug it into the socket - and that’s it!

Father Frost: What should I do now?
Snow Maiden : Yes, plug it into the socket - and that’s it!

Father Frost: (shrugs): Okay, I’ll turn it on, it’s not difficult for me. (Goes and turns on the Christmas tree)

Father Frost : As you can see, each of you has your own happiness - some have great happiness, some have little. Let's see how much happiness our hands can hold! I offer you a competition called"An armful of happiness."

(The competition is as follows: the second presenter brings out two or three large bags filled with pre-inflated balloons with surprises in the form of notes and pours them out in front of the invited three or four participants. At the presenter’s signal, everyone must collect and hold in front of them as many balloons as possible - the winner the one who holds the most balls. After the competition, participants throw the balls into the hall, where everyone who catches the ball can burst it and take a note from it with a prediction or wish.)

I have gifts in my bagCaramels, chocolatesRound dance around the Christmas treeWhat kind of holiday? … (New Year)

We are waiting for him todaySo let's callHe brought us giftsCome on, come on together! … (Father Frost)

We are so tired todaySang songs and dancedEven though it's winter, we're hot hereAnd in the bag they are waiting for us... (gifts)

Time to light the treeHave fun and danceLet's shout one, two, threeTogether the Christmas tree... (burn)

All dressed up in toysAll covered in garlands and firecrackersNot prickly at allWell, of course it’s... (Christmas tree)

We are not afraid to freezeWe dance and singWe laugh and have funAnd we are waiting for giftsAnd around the decorated Christmas treeWe dance in a circleWe are not afraid to freezeWe are celebrating... (New Year)

The bear has a jar of honeyThe cat has miceThere are Christmas tree needles.The Christmas tree has... (cones)

She's not afraid of blizzards,She's not afraid of a blizzardShe flew to us on a broomEvil... (Baba Yaga)

His children made him out of snowA nose was made from a carrotThey even gave him a scarfSo that you don’t freeze in severe frostWho does every child know?In the yard behind the window standsBoys' friend and girls' friendGood plump friend... (snowman)

All carved, lace -light fluffThey flew to us from the skyWhite... (Snowflakes)

Concert number: Rodion Malyazin plays the violin.

New Year's competition "Snowman"

Required: 2 rolls of toilet paper.
The leader calls 4 people and divides them into 2 teams. The start is given and one person from the team begins to wrap his partner in paper so that it turns out to be a snowman, but leaving the nose and mouth open.
Both teams do this at speed - the one that completes the task quickly and efficiently wins. The result is judged by the fans' whistles and shouts.

Let the decorated Christmas tree shine merrily,
Let your laughter and songs sound incessantly,
So let this whole year be joyful
For you - nice, cheerful people!

Presenter: Guys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden say goodbye to you
and give you their wishes.

FATHER FROST: We wish you all happiness,
May you live for many, many years!

SNOW MAIDEN : And until the next meeting, avoid all sorts of troubles!

No matter how time flies,
Remember books, school, class,
You'll rest - and then get to work,
There is time for business, an hour for jokes.

SNOW MAIDEN : May the New Year bring good things!
May there be happiness all year long!

TOGETHER: Goodbye! See you in the New Year!
They leave to the music.

Ved 2: And now I invite you to join the fiery song and rock with me. "Happy new year friends"

Competition "Shifters"

We read a modified line from the song, and you must remember the original.

Eh, it's hot, it's hot

Warm her up!

Oh, frost, frost!

Don't freeze me

One black elk

Oh, one black elk.

June July August.

Three white horses

Eh, three white horses.

December, January and February.

The falling leaves whispered a march to him

Get up oak, get up, get up.

The snowstorm sang a song to her

Sleep Christmas tree bye bye

Big oak

It's hot in the summer.

Little Christmas tree

It's cold in winter.

What a pity that none of them scattered yesterday

It's great that we're all here today

Concert numbers for grades 6 and 7.

In the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” there are the following roles:



    Chicken Ryaba



    A curtain

What to do if there are more participants? Then someone will get the role of the Curtain. Before each scene, it will imitate a curtain and open and close. The role of the Sun and Cloud can also be in every fairy tale.

But all the roles have been distributed. Let an adult be the narrator.

Attention! Attention! Let's start our show! The curtain opens! (here comes a participant who plays the role of the Curtain and seems to open an invisible curtain).

Once upon a time there lived a Grandfather (Grandfather comes out and bows) and a Baba (Baba comes out). They lived together (Grandfather and Baba hugging).

And there was Chicken Ryaba in theirs (Hen Ryaba comes out). This Ryaba Hen loved to cluck (The Hen clucks). And then one day the Ryaba Hen laid an egg (the egg appears on the stage). But not simple, but golden (Egg proudly performs in front of the audience).

Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break (Grandfather pretends to knock on the testicle). Baba beat and beat but did not break (Baba pretends to knock on the testicle). Then the Mouse ran (the Mouse runs out and runs around the stage), waved its tail (the Mouse waves its tail - you can tie any strap) - the egg fell (the egg pretends to fall) and broke.

Grandfather and Baba are crying, and Ryaba the Hen consoles them: “Don’t cry, Grandfather and Baba, I will lay you another egg, not a golden one, but a simple one.”

All the heroes come out and bow, the curtain closes.

Listen to another song performed by Nastya:

"Guess the word"

The children are given cards on which one line of famous songs is written. The one who has one line must find the guys who have cards with the remaining three lines of the song. The four who gathered first and sang the entire verse to the presenter.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer she was slim and green.

Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

Song performed by Arina:

"Snowball game".

Competition "Snowball fight". Props: 10 sheets of A4 paper, 2 chairs, 2 baskets. Participants – 6 people.
We divide the participants into two teams of 3 people. Two team members pair up and hold hands, each with one hand free. Each pair is given five A4 sheets. Opposite each pair of participants, about 2 meters from them, a third participant stands and holds a basket. At the leader’s command, participants must take sheets of paper with their free hands, crumple them into “snowballs” and throw them into the basket. To make it more difficult, you can give the task to also jump on one leg. The team that turns out to be the fastest and most accurate wins and receives a prize. The competition is held to cheerful, energetic music.

Competition "Sorting". (2 teams are sorted by height, by hair color, by shoe size, by clothing color, who is faster)

Song performed by 9th and 10th graders:

Frosty breath (for Santa Clauses)
In front of each Santa Claus, a fairly large paper snowflake is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. The relay race continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, announce: “The winner is not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because he has such frosty breath that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”

Dance: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

Balloon applique
Round balloon small in size, similar to a head. True, for complete resemblance to the head there are still not enough eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc. Try cutting out these missing parts of the face from colored paper and sticking them on the balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of New Year's heroes:
- Santa Claus;
- Snow Maidens;
- Bunny;
- Baba Yaga;
-Goats or sheep.


This is a version of the well-known game "Balls", only this time - for a group. Accordingly, you need to prepare inflatable balloons for the competition, which are tied to the leg of each participant during the process. You can tie one, or if you don’t mind, two balls on your ankle. It all depends on whether you can afford so many materials. A signal is given - and all participants begin a fight in which they need to keep their ball intact (or intact), but at the same time burst all others'. The last one left with the whole ball wins. Fun, movement and adrenaline are guaranteed for everyone!

A competition is suitable for home gatherings"Rope." Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope is pulled under the chairs. Participants in the competition sit on chairs and, at the command of the presenter, grab the ends of the rope and pull each one towards themselves. Whoever pulls the rope first wins.

Competition "Surprises"
The contestants are taken out of the hall and a sign with an inscription is attached to each person’s back (for example: juicer, orange, crocodile, double bass, etc.). The surprise for the contestants will be that none of them knows who he is in this moment(which is written exactly on his sign). The contestants, in order of priority, enter the hall, sit on a stool with their backs to the audience and begin asking them questions about what is written on their signs. The audience responds with “yes” or “no.” The one who wins is the one who wins short term time will be able to find out who he was during the competition.


Presenter 1. So, how do you like this evening?

Presenter 2. It seems normal! But I want something super fun.

Presenter 1. Then it’s time to move on to the disco.

Guess the item
1. I really like this thing
2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside her
4. She looks like a grenade
5. She has a string that you need to pull

1. They come in different colors
2. The entire floor of our house was covered with them.
3. One day they got confused in my mother’s head, and she couldn’t get them
4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling
5. My dad uses a hole punch to make them.

1. This is something so long
2. My mother decorated my suit with this
3. It’s so colorful and shiny
4. It can be easily torn
5. It is made from foil

1. When I was little, I never heard them
2. They are only in Moscow
3. And everyone gets up and clinks glasses at this time
4. They are always shown on TV
5. In general, they have arrows

1. My dad says they could set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack
3. People with them walk down the street and wave their hands.
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some do.
5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere
(Bengal candles)