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They cut sugar cane with it. Sugarcane, a plant capable of expanding sugar production

The machete is a knife whose length is 50 centimeters. As for the thickness of the butt, it rarely exceeds a few millimeters. It is often used on plantations for harvesting sugar cane. It turns out that it is an analogue of a sickle.

This agricultural equipment is made from fairly low-quality steel. Because of this, such tools can only be used for cutting down plants. Relatively recently, the machete has gained significant popularity in Russia.

It is not for nothing that the above-mentioned tool is actively used in the forest. This is due to some advantages of the machete compared to other specialized knives. Machetes are characterized by their light weight, small dimensions and versatility of use.
A machete can be compared to a camping axe. The latter weighs a little more. True, if you take a small camping ax, it will weigh even less than a machete. For example, the approximate weight of a machete is 600 grams, while a small ax may be about 100 grams lighter. It turns out that in comparison with a camp ax, a machete is not such a good option.

As for the dimensions, the machete is several centimeters longer than the ax. Not everyone will find it convenient to use a long knife. Despite its versatility, you won’t be able to chop logs with a machete. More precisely, this process will take too much time.

Main types of machetes

The most popular are machetes, which combine the properties of an ax and a long knife. These include the so-called “kukri” machetes and Central American knives. They are distinguished by a very specific curve of the blade, which makes chopping sugar cane much more efficient. For example, kukri machetes have a lot of weight on the top. This is due to their high productivity in the cutting process.

Typically, folding machetes without a pronounced tip are used for harvesting sugar cane. Engineered versions of long machete knives have become widespread because they can perform several useful functions at the same time. The Taiga machete allows you to chop, cut, saw and dig. Such multifunctional devices are often used in survival kits for crews and special units.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of Issue No. 37 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2001 N 65

Cane harvester

§ 1. Cane harvester of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Cutting reeds, cattails and bushes with a cutter, mower, and urak. Binding into sheaves, removal and placement of sheaves and unbundled reeds into heaps, sheaves, stacks and stacks. Preparing a rope of cougars and cattails for tying sheaves.

Must know: signs of cane maturity; rules and techniques for cutting reeds, cattails and cougars by hand; sizes and methods of tying sheaves; rules for laying sheaves and loose reeds in heaps, shingles, stacks and stacks.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “ Cane harvester» serve for tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories in accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for a cane harvester is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviews and testing when hiring. When drawing up work (job) instructions, pay attention to the general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see section “Introduction”).

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A knife for cutting cane (machete) as such in Moscow, of course, is unlikely to be useful. It will be in demand in case of long extreme trips in the wild, when you need to clear a path, thickets that interfere with travel, or prepare an overgrown river bank for fishing. Thanks to the large blade, which widens towards the top, the machete has excellent cutting properties. It is indispensable when clearing a place for a tourist overnight stay, preparing small dry wood or wood chips for a fire.

Boning knives

A heavy boning knife with a wide blade and a strong edge should have good toughness. This will maintain the integrity of the cutting edge even with strong impacts. Models made like hatchets are perfect for such purposes.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the steel, the shape of the blade and the handle. The combination of these criteria and the overall design of the product will determine not only its cost, but also how well the blade will cope with its functions. Our specialists confidently understand all the intricacies of choice and will help you buy a model that you will like.