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The image of a travel company as an example. Image of a travel company

2. Image of a travel company

Image - translated from English - image, image. But in a general sense, the word “image” is usually understood as a positive image, usually specially created.

2.1 Main trends in creating the image of a travel agency

The positive image of any company, including tourism, begins with the name. Marketing specialists believe that the name of the company and its trademark are of great importance as part of the representation. The image of a company in the consumer’s mind is inextricably linked with its name. It is the calling card of a travel company.

This is especially important for travel companies, since when purchasing a tourist product (tour package), tourist services, an important role is played by the tourist’s attitude towards the company, which is closely related to the identification and guaranteed trust of clients. The role of the company name increases as the market develops. Often, the founders of foreign companies announce a competition and pay a lot of money for a successful name. A well-established name - an object of purchase and sale in the tourist market. This product is in demand and is covered by a franchise agreement.

Both its emblem and its trademark work to enhance the company's image. By using or creating well-known trademarks (for example, American Express, Intourist, etc.), companies can gain public recognition, widespread distribution and higher prices.

Formulating brand loyalty (creating a loyal clientele) is also work to maintain a strong and sustainable image of the company. Another way to build public recognition is through the use of well-known brands. One of the company's highest priorities is maintaining the popularity of the existing trademark.

The office also plays a role in creating the image of a travel agency - its location, interior, equipment. The atmosphere in the office should be solid - this reassures clients and inspires trust among partners.

A company that cooperates with well-known and reputable partners receives respect and recognition. There is a well-known saying: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” This saying is directly related to the formation of the image of a tourism company. Marketers and image makers advise widely publicizing their partnerships with well-known, strong and reputable companies.

Membership in international tourism organizations also improves the company's image. Not every company will be accepted as a member by well-known international organizations that value their reputation. To join them you have to pay membership fees. And this indicates the solvency and profitability of the company.

Service culture, clarity, speed - all this is important for creating a positive image of a travel company. Even the uniform of its employees. The form, if any, must be consistent with the colors of the company’s emblem and its trademark. The presence of a uniform creates the impression of not only corporate character, but also discipline, which, in turn, gives a feeling of reliability.

Reliability is one of the most important consumer qualities of a tourist product and, accordingly, one of the most important qualities influencing the image of a travel agency. Fulfill what you promise to customers, do not allow disruptions in service - and this has been the case for many years - and you are guaranteed a positive image.

Public relations (PR) is also an important part in creating a positive image. The public relations that take place in this case are free (unlike advertising), but it is impossible to influence them with anything other than high quality service. Therefore, all work on organizing tourism should be at a level that does not allow bad information.

Tourist organizations operate in conditions of fierce competition for clients. The intensification of competition between organizations leads to the fact that every Russian tourism company faces the problem of finding its own market research positions, creating and promoting an attractive product, selecting qualified personnel, and attracting potential clients. High-quality service can only be offered to their clients by those companies that purposefully form an image in the minds of the audience, highlighting certain value characteristics and designed to have a psychological impact on consumers for advertising purposes. A positive image of a tourism company is created by the main activities of the enterprise and advertising and information work. Only a positive image increases the competitiveness of a company, attracts consumers and partners, and accelerates sales. This is a factor of customer trust in the company and its products, and therefore a factor in the prosperity of the company itself, its owners and its employees. The image of a travel company must comply with a number of principles: the immutability of the name; association with manufactured products; brevity, euphony, aesthetics; uniqueness of the name; acceptability of the name for foreigners.

2.2 Office design and operation as an element of the travel agency’s image

The office is the business card of the enterprise; the staff should be comfortable working in it, and visitors and clients should not experience inconvenience. The main rule is cleanliness and neatness. There is nothing worse than shabby walls, dirty windows and “rubles” on work desks. There are a number of universal rules, the observance of which can improve the efficiency of staff and the culture of serving visitors.

Rule 1. Consider the location of your desks. There should be no non-functional empty spaces in the office; staff desks are arranged so that those sitting behind them can see those entering. It is necessary to provide a sufficient number of cabinets or drawers for working documents and brochures. The surface of work tables must be free.

Rule 2. Monitor the environment of the office. Do not smoke in the office and do not leave ashtrays with cigarette butts in sight. Open the windows and ventilate the room. The stale air makes a very unfavorable impression on those entering from the street. Consider flowers and plants (preferably live ones), but don't turn your office into a jungle. From time to time, refresh the bouquets, pick off dry and yellowed leaves, shake off the dust from dried flowers (if you use them as a decorative element).

Rule 3: Be available. If you decide to open a travel agency, you should make sure that visitors have free access to it. Therefore, it is preferable to rent a room on the ground floor with a separate entrance. When solving security issues, do not forget about the interests of the client. A security guard breathing in your back does not encourage casual conversation, and checking your documents at the entrance will significantly reduce the flow of people wanting to communicate with you.

Rule 4: Adapt to the client. When thinking about office layout, do not forget about the interests of the client, who, if possible, should not waste your time. If possible, organize sales counters according to areas, clearly indicate the specialization of managers so that the client does not go from one employee to another. Designate a designated area for references and general information. Provide a hanger for outerwear, stands for bags and umbrellas. Consider organizing a hall and a corner where the client could sit comfortably and look through information and advertising brochures and prospectuses, watch videos on the chosen direction. Pay attention to the little things: put candy in a vase, arrange flowers, you can place a small fountain (the sound of water is soothing).

Rule 5. Window decoration. The office window (if there is one) must contain a brand name and advertising of the main directions. As in the office in general, the main thing is cleanliness and the absence of unnecessary details: be strict and restrained - this is a sign of good taste. Periodically update thematic exhibitions. When coming to work, try to look at the office and the window through the eyes of the client: would you want to go where the advertisement on the window invites you? Do you have a desire to cross the threshold of this establishment? If not, then think about why and correct the situation.

Furniture is a necessary condition for successful work, as well as a means of influencing visitors. When choosing it, it is advisable to be guided by the following rules:

Even inexpensive furniture chosen in color and style makes a better impression than scattered expensive furniture;

You should never chase “representative” furniture for its own sake; furniture should be functionally justified;

It is a mistaken belief that at least some of the furniture must be expensive to create an impression on customers. Not very expensive, but identical cabinets, chairs, shelving, comfortable chairs in the premises make a much more favorable impression. Naturally, with a high level of development, the company can afford expensive furniture in all premises.

The selection of office equipment also requires attention. Telephone, fax, typewriters or computers should be a little better, more expensive than the premises and furniture. This is what creates basic convenience in work, makes work attractive, allows you to save time and money every day, and makes a good impression on visitors. Ultimately, this is not a bad investment. Quite expensive, new models of office equipment can be used for a long time. Even if you move to a more prestigious premises, you will not have to change them immediately. Special devices (rotating file cabinets, binders, brochure makers, calculators) also raise the prestige of the company if they are actually used in work and contribute to quick customer service.

Work with visitors, like any other activity, must be organized. One of the primary tasks is personnel selection. There are a number of non-standard criteria for selecting employees who want to work in a tourism enterprise. All other things being equal, the chances of getting a place in a travel agency are higher for women, especially at the age of 30-35 years. The fact that employers prefer female staff has a logical explanation; a client is like a dear guest, and receiving guests is a feminine element. The age category is also not a random whim. The point here is not only that women “over thirty” have solved their family problems and will not look at every male client as a potential groom, forgetting about professional duty for the sake of the “high feeling of love”. As a rule, they already have sufficient life experience to act independently and not bother the boss in any non-standard situation. To this should be added a sense of responsibility for the assigned work, accuracy and diligence. Youthful maximalism “all or nothing” is already a thing of the past, in return comes a sober assessment of one’s own capabilities, and therefore a small starting salary is perceived with understanding, and the abilities and desire to learn have remained at a fairly high level allow you to hope for career growth.

There are also certain requirements for the appearance of the staff of a travel company: simplicity, neatness, business style. The appearance of a fashion model in the tourism business does not give any advantages. Evening makeup and bold decisions of toilets do not cause anything but irritation or bewilderment, especially since the main visitors of travel agencies are women of the middle and older age groups or married couples. There are a number of fairly universal rules that allow the staff of a travel company to effectively organize the reception and work with visitors.

Rule 1: Your appearance should match your function.

You must be in “shape”: disheveled hair, nails with a mourning border, bright makeup and inappropriate clothing, as well as an overly relaxed posture, will not encourage the client to communicate with you.

Rule 2. Establish contact with the client.

Already upon entering your office, the client should feel that they are being attended to. Stop talking to your colleague. If you are busy talking with another client, raise your head, try to meet the gaze of the person entering, smile or nod, gesture to ask to sit down and wait in a specially designated place for such a case, offer information literature, guide the waiting time, try to find out the purpose of the visit so that the ability to redirect this client to another employee.

Rule 3. You must always be correct.

Don't forget to say hello and smile, even if you're tired. Be polite, don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Don't say you're busy, even if you have a lot to do. Don't allow yourself to become impatient: look at your watch or hint at bus or commuter train schedules. Rule 4. Remember your clients.

If the client is not contacting you for the first time, try to show that you recognize him, try to immediately remember his name, put aside brochures and prospectuses especially for him. If your client is a foreigner, try to say a few words in his native language.

Rule 5. Smile. Contact with a client begins with a smile. This is not only a tribute to politeness, but also a sign of your disposition towards the client, your readiness to deal with his problems, as well as an indicator of the success of the company’s affairs and job satisfaction

Rule 6. Maintain contact with the client.

During a conversation, listen to the interlocutor, take into account his opinion, convince without excessive insistence, control the tone of the conversation, speak not too fast and not too slow, try to use simple words, explain what may not be clear, do not use special terms unnecessarily.

Rule 7: React quickly.

Any client request to provide information of interest must be fulfilled clearly and quickly. Do not forget to give him your business card or a company business card with your name so that the client can communicate with you. Responding quickly also means responding with a phone call to a letter or fax you receive.

Rule 8. Involve the client in solving the problem.

Try to establish a dialogue. A question like "How can we help you?" will involuntarily force the client to switch to you and help you see the problem from a different angle. While showing your willingness to help, you must clearly define for yourself what you can do and what you cannot do. Know how to say no. Soften the refusal with a small souvenir that will smooth out the unpleasant impression and demonstrate your willingness to look for ways to solve the problem.

Rule 9. Watch your gestures.

When talking with a client, try not to wave your arms, even if the conversation becomes emotional and your temperament requires an outlet. An unfavorable impression is also made by an employee sitting in a relaxed position with his arms folded on his chest or supporting his head falling on the table.

Rule 10. Help to file a complaint correctly. A client who comes to complain is prepared to be met with indifference at best. Treat such a client with understanding, he will be pleasantly surprised and, of course, grateful. The speed of your response to the complaint will be the main factor in his satisfaction. Don't try to convince the client that he is wrong. Restrain your emotions, try to listen to him carefully, let him talk, and then apologize on behalf of the company.

It is quite natural that the above rules do not exhaust all the problems associated with communicating with a client by phone, as well as organizing the reception and work with visitors in the office of a travel company. The main thing for the staff of a tourism enterprise is to master the following:

2) the client never notices what you did for him, but clearly sees what you did not do for him;

3) it takes a lot of time to gain a client’s trust, but very little to lose it;

4) there are no significant clients, good service takes into account the interests of everyone;

5) it is not the client who must adapt to the staff, but the company’s staff to him;

6) the client cannot interfere with you, he is the goal of your work. It is not you who provide a service by providing clarification to the client, but the client who provides you with information by contacting your company;

7) your job is to satisfy the client’s wishes;

8) do not discriminate based on the appearance and clothing of clients;

9) customer service is the business of every agency employee;

10) you should not show disappointment if the client did not buy a tour from you; 11) you must be polite to him in any case, so that in the future he will want to return to you.

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Concept of image

Definition 1

Image is a purposefully created image of an enterprise in the minds of target audiences.

A positive image contributes to:

  • increasing competitiveness,
  • attracting partners and consumers,
  • acceleration and increase in sales volumes,
  • facilitates business transactions,
  • facilitates gaining access to various resources (human, informational, financial, material).

Since the desired behavior in relation to a tourism enterprise may differ among different target audiences, the image of the enterprise is formed for each audience separately.

Note 1

The image of an enterprise is a tool for achieving strategic goals. Currently, in the field of image formation, a certain conceptual apparatus has developed, knowledge of which allows solving practical and methodological problems of managing the image of an enterprise.

Terms of imageology in tourism services

Vision- this is a formulation of the image of the environment of activity of a tourism enterprise, an idea of ​​​​its present or future reality.

Corporate mission- the purpose of existence of a tourism enterprise, its status and social role.

Corporate identity- the essence of the individual corporate culture of the enterprise, its values ​​and norms of behavior.

Corporate identity- this is the individuality inherent in the enterprise, ensuring its recognition and distinguishing it from competitors.

Image formation

A positive image is created by the activities of the enterprise, targeted information work, which is carried out by means of marketing communications:

  • advertising,
  • sales promotion,
  • propaganda,
  • personal sales.

Forming an image consists of reconciling the real advantages of the company that are important to the consumer with the added advantages. The enterprise must strive to correspond in the minds of target audiences to the image created by specialists.

From this follows a number of provisions for forming a positive image of a tourism enterprise:

  • the image created by specialists should be based on the real advantages of the company,
  • the image should be aimed at specific target audiences,
  • the image of the enterprise must be original and recognizable,
  • the image should be simple, understandable, not overloaded with information, easy to remember,
  • it must be flexible and quickly change in accordance with changes in social, economic, psychological situations, while remaining easily recognizable and unchanged in the perception of clients.

Note 2

Some of the important components that are obvious to consumers and business partners are such image elements as:

  • form style,
  • office interior design,
  • organization of reception of visitors.

The most successful formulation corporate identity defines it as a set of color, verbal, graphic, design and typographic elements that ensure the visual and semantic integrity of the company’s goods or services, the information emanating from it, its external and internal design.

Advantages of corporate identity:

  • helps the consumer accurately find the company’s preferred product,
  • increases advertising effectiveness,
  • brings new products to market at lower costs,
  • reduces the cost of creating communications,
  • ensures the unity of all means of marketing communications of the company,
  • increases corporate spirit,
  • has a beneficial effect on the visual environment and aesthetic level of the company.

Tourist office is his calling card.

Office design rules:

  • cleanliness and tidiness,
  • thoughtful arrangement of work desks,
  • room ecology,
  • accessibility for visitors,
  • window dressing,
  • taking into account the interests of the client.

Efficient organization of reception of visitors also includes a number of rules:

  • The appearance of employees must correspond to their functions,
  • contact when working with a client,
  • correctness,
  • ability to remember clients
  • smile and goodwill towards the client,
  • quick response to customer requests,
  • involving the client in solving problems,
  • appropriate behavior.

4.3. External image of a travel company

4.3.1. Elements of external image

External image of a travel company- this is how the company is perceived by clients, partners, competitors, the media, and society as a whole.

The formation of an external image occurs under the influence of the following elements:

Quality of services offered;
- tangible image;
- advertising campaign;
- relations with the media;
- appearance of employees.

The quality of the services offered is an important element in creating a good reputation. Any travel company with the help of well-executed advertising can attract consumers. But whether she can retain them and ensure that they become her regular customers depends on the quality of the tourist services she provides. If, for example, during service in the office the client was rude, and in addition all his expectations regarding the trip were not met, nothing will force the dissatisfied tourist to turn to this company again. No wasteful advertising promises can save low-quality services.

Tangible image is the client's impression of a travel company, based on what he sees, hears, feels, inhales and touches while in the office. This element includes everything: from the name of the company and its motto to the interior of the office and the features of the arrangement of furniture and equipment in it. It should be noted that such a component as office design influences the creation of a favorable image of the company to a much greater extent than it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it makes sense to look at it in more detail in the next question.

An advertising campaign allows you to present the travel company itself and the services it offers to the general public in the shortest possible time. Advertising demonstrates to potential clients the advantages of a tourism enterprise that distinguishes it from its competitors; emphasizes its uniqueness; contributes to the desire of many to have an unforgettable vacation and turn to this company for help in this. Successful advertising is already half the battle in creating a powerful image.

A travel company should not neglect relations with the media. Journalists can provide free advertising. However, you need to be careful with them. Such a small thing as a press release not being submitted on time can become an obstacle to establishing contact with journalists and make an unpleasant impression on them, which will spread to the travel company as a whole. Then all efforts can turn out not to benefit, but to harm.

The appearance of employees of a tourism enterprise in the process of creating an image is no less important than all other elements. This is confirmed by the fact that out of ten cases, in at least eight people are judged by their appearance. Personnel are the most important integral part of a travel company. The client does not think of a travel company separately from its team. Therefore, what the employees look like, what they are wearing, and what impression they were able to make on the client will play a decisive role in forming the client’s opinion about the travel company as a whole. Thus, the appearance of employees ceases to be only everyone’s own concern and personal matter. Dressing well and looking attractive becomes necessary in the interests of your business.

So, we have briefly described all the elements that influence the creation of the external image of a travel company. However, some of them, due to their special significance, require more detailed consideration.

4.3.2. Office decoration

As already mentioned, one of the essential elements under the influence of which a favorable image of a tourism organization is formed is the interior of its office. What should a travel agency office look like? Which details must be present in it, and which are absolutely unacceptable? How to choose the right office color scheme? How to ensure that it makes a good impression on clients and at the same time is adapted for the most comfortable work of employees? Answering these and many other questions, we will try to imagine the ideal design of a travel company office using the example of a manager’s office.

The manager's office assumes a conditional division of space into a work area and an informal communication area.

In the work area there is a table on which various technical equipment can be located - a computer, fax, copier, etc. However, the presence of a large amount of technical equipment is not necessary. The higher the employee’s position, the less equipment there is in the work area of ​​his office. The table and its shelves usually contain the most necessary materials and documents for work. There is no need to literally lay out all the documentation on the table. A terrible mess will arise, and it will be impossible to quickly find the required document among all these papers.

The informal communication area can be represented by several armchairs or a sofa, a coffee table with an ashtray (if, of course, smoking is allowed in the office). It is recommended to place advertising brochures, brochures, catalogs, and other types of information on the table.

If, for example, a client is forced to wait for a manager, he can go to the informal communication area, sit comfortably on a soft sofa and, without wasting time, get acquainted with the tourist offers.

The walls of the office, as a rule, are painted or covered with wallpaper in light neutral tones - light gray, beige, etc.

Only large tourism companies can afford parquet flooring in the manager’s office, as it is quite an expensive pleasure. More common is a standard flooring with less or more pile.

The manager's office may be decorated with objects of fine art. However, not every painting or engraving can be used for these purposes. Your choice should be made on those items that radiate calm, tranquility, harmony, and refuse those that are clearly aggressive or depressive in nature.

A certificate of conformity, diploma or other document confirming the high level of performance of official duties will be a wonderful decoration for the walls of the manager’s office.

Indoor plants or small evergreen trees in tubs standing on the floor will successfully complement the interior of the office. Flowers not only decorate, but also create an informal atmosphere and soften the psychological tension that may arise between the client and the manager.

Some of the most striking information materials make sense to be beautifully designed, for example, placed in a frame. Thus, they will always be easy to refer to when necessary, and this is another way to diversify the environment of the office.

You should not fill the office with personal items: various postcards, pictures, family photographs, figurines and other small things. Many people like to do this, but it is necessary to abandon such objects and indulge in emotion while looking at them at home, and not at work.

When starting to decorate your office, remember: you should always use moderation in everything. Don't overuse it. Office spaces should not be overloaded with excessive decorations. They should only slightly highlight the severity and formality of the atmosphere.

So, we tried to present an exemplary manager’s office that would make only a good impression on the client and help strengthen the favorable image of the travel company. An interesting fact is that you can significantly increase the status of an enterprise by arranging furniture in the office in a certain way. This will be discussed in the next question.

4.3.3. Increasing the status of a travel agency

It would seem, how can the status of a travel company depend on the furniture and how it is located in the office? Indeed, such a dependence has been identified. Moreover, through minor rearrangements, it seems possible to improve the status of the enterprise. We will try to demonstrate this with specific examples.

The higher the back of the chair, the more power and authority is attributed to the employee sitting on it.

Swivel chairs provide more freedom than chairs with stable legs because they allow a person to move when pressure is applied. Chairs with stable legs do not allow free movement, and this lack of freedom is compensated by the use of gestures and body movements that can reveal the feelings and attitudes of the person sitting on the chair. Chairs with armrests, recliners and wheels are better than regular chairs.

You can increase the status of an employee, and therefore the travel company in which he works, by using the following changes in the shape of the chair: increasing its size and the size of its parts, lengthening the legs so that it is higher from the floor, and correct positioning of the chair relative to the client.

It should be noted that a certain arrangement of furniture affects not only clients, but also all employees of the travel company. The atmosphere created by the design of the office can spoil the attitude of subordinates towards the owner of the office, cause antipathy towards him and, conversely, increase his status and authority.

Let us give a specific example of how, through proper rearrangement of furniture in the office, some problems in relationships with subordinates are solved. One of the employees of the travel company received a promotion, as a result he got a separate office. After some time, he noticed that his subordinates treated him with hostility. Moreover, their attitude becomes especially hostile when they communicate with him in his office. This is what his office looked like:

1. The visitor's chair was in a competing position with respect to the director's chair.
2. The walls were made of wood panels and a glass partition opening into the family room. This partition" reduced the status of the director and increased the status of the subordinate sitting on the visitor's chair, because behind him there were subordinates who had full opportunity to observe everything that was happening in the office.
3. The director's desk had a front wall that hid the lower part of his body, which made it difficult for subordinates to follow his gestures.
4. The visitor's chair was positioned so that he had to sit with his back to the front door.
5. The director had a screw chair on wheels with a high back and armrests. The visitor's chair was an ordinary one with a low back, stable legs and no armrests.

To change the situation, the following amendments were made:

1. The table was placed directly next to the glass partition, which made the office more spacious and increased visibility for visitors.
2. The visitor's seat was moved to a corner position, which facilitated more open interaction and allowed the corner of the table to be used as a partial barrier if necessary.
3. The glass partition was replaced with a mirror covering, allowing the director to see everything that happens in the common room. At the same time, his office ceased to be on public display. This increased the status of the director and created a more trusting environment inside the office.
4. At the other end of the office, there was a round coffee table with three identical swivel chairs for informal friendly conversations.
5. When the table was initially positioned, half of its territory belonged to the visitor, and after the rearrangement, the table territory began to mostly belong to the director.

As a result, his relationships with his subordinates improved, and they began to consider him an easy-going and understanding leader. Thus, some things, thoughtfully distributed throughout the office, can significantly increase the status and authority of its owner.

4.3.4. Appearance of employees

Popular wisdom says: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.” Many people don't attach much importance to this. However, consciously or unconsciously, we evaluate the people around us by their appearance.

The impeccable appearance of an employee of a tourism enterprise is his first step to success. For a potential client, the way a manager looks is a conditional indicator of the degree of reliability and respectability of the manager himself and the company for which he works. If the management of a travel company does not provide for the wearing of special clothing, this does not mean that employees have the right to go to work in whatever they want. Jeans and a T-shirt, of course, won't do. However, you should not dress too extravagantly: imitation of wealth is considered a very unethical phenomenon. The ideal option would be a formal business suit.

When choosing a suit, you must be guided by the following general rules;

Unity of style;
- reasonable minimization of the color scheme (“three-color rule”);
- comparability of colors in the color scheme;
- compatibility of material texture;
- comparability of patterns in clothing items;
- compliance of the quality of accessories (shoes, bags, belts, etc.) with the quality of the main suit.

The key rule that you should strive to follow when choosing a business suit in all its details and with all the accessories is to create a general impression of neatness, neatness and even some pedantry in clothing. This will make the client think that the travel agency employee will be just as careful in business.

Thus, the manager, with his impeccable appearance, can make a favorable impression on the tourist in the very first minutes of acquaintance, when there is no opportunity to demonstrate his intellectual abilities. His image will work for his career and for the overall positive image of the travel company he represents.

Translated from English image- this is an image, appearance, representation. A-priory, image- this is a purposefully created or spontaneously arisen form of reflection of an object in the minds of people, i.e., aggregate public perception.

A positive image, a good opinion of the company among consumers, partners, competitors, suppliers, and authorities leads to increased financial profits, strengthened market positions, and prosperity. A positive image must not only be created, but also strive to be constantly maintained.

The image is characterized by the following Main characteristics:

Adequacy: the created image (image) must exactly correspond to the essence and credibility;

Originality: the image should be easily recognizable among other images and easy to remember;

Plasticity: while remaining unchanged, it must be quickly modified in response to changes in the external environment;

Addressability: the image must have an exact address, i.e., attract certain consumer groups to its market segment;

Complexity: the image must be complex, multi-factorial;

Clarity and specificity: the factors reflected must be clear, distinguishable and well thought out;

Incompleteness: like in a serial film, keep customers in constant anticipation of something new, more effective than before.

Image is a very broad concept that includes prestigious advertising (image advertising), Public Relations (PR) events, constant care for clients, high quality of its services, etc.

When it comes to visiting a particular region or country or using any tourism service, the decision largely depends on the image that this region, country or product has. Typically, the decision-making process falls into three stages:

1) the product is known or not;

2) if so, what opinion is formed by his image;

3) if the opinion is favorable, then what behavior causes
this image is attractive or not.

The image of a country is a set of emotional and rational ideas resulting from a comparison of all the characteristics of the country, one’s own experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image. The image can be reduced to its limit, to a simple symbol: the maple leaf for Canada, the shamrock for Ireland, the Australian kangaroo, the cedar of Lebanon, etc.

The image of a travel company has a number of characteristics:

The firm must be known to the client or group of clients;

The company as an object of attention must be socially significant for a person, arousing interest and attracting attention with a range of services,

The company must be able to influence the consciousness, emotions and actions of people and groups of citizens.

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