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Dramatization in kindergarten 4-5 years old. Scenario for a children's play in the middle group

Theatrical dramatization in verse based on the poem by S. Mikhalkov and the fairy tale “The Tailor Hare” by M. Yu. Kartushina. Older - preparatory group

Voskresenskaya Valentina Pavlovna, teacher, GBOU School No. 121 d/o 28A, Moscow
Purpose: This material will be useful for educators working with children aged 5-7 years, for teachers of grades 1-3, for parents. The fairy tale can be shown by older children for kids, or can be one of the numbers in spring scenarios.
Description: A fairy tale about a kind, hardworking Bunny who knew how to sew. The animals found out about this and brought him orders, which he conscientiously fulfills, trying to please everyone. The animals are grateful to him. Friendship brings you closer. Everyone then has fun, dances, and welcomes spring.
Target: Creating conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities.
1. Improve children's ability to convey images of fairy tale characters.
2. To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a tailor.
3 .Promote the development of dialogical speech, develop the ability to pronounce words clearly and distinctly, develop intonation expressiveness and memory.
4. Develop the ability to stand freely when performing.
5 .Form friendly relationships.
6. Cultivate honesty and responsibility in relation to your promises and words.

Characters: Presenter, Hare, Dog Barbos, Hedgehog, Mouse, Vaska the Cat, 3 Little Pigs, Frog, Fox
There is a house in the clearing with a sign on it that says “Hare is a tailor.” A Hare sits at a table in front of the house, with a centimeter on his neck, like a real tailor, on the table sewing machine, fabric, scissors
-Why has everything changed?
Why did everything sparkle?
Did you laugh and sing?
Well, tell me, what's the matter?
-It's so easy to understand:
Spring has come to us again!
-Nature is waking up.
This happens year after year:
Updates his outfit.
Animals want everything too
Update your outfit.
See: “A fairy tale about a Hare who knew how to sew and wanted to please everyone.”
-In a clearing, in a forest,
Under a tall pine tree
The house is wonderful, painted.
And he lives in that house,
Everyone knows the gray hare -
Wonderful tailor.

-Yes, I am not a simple Hare,
I'm the best tailor.
Animals, what should I sew for you?
I will accept any order.
- Spring has come to the forest - it’s red,
And everyone couldn’t sleep:
I want to be beautiful -
We must hurry to the Bunny.
The news flew through the forest,
Flew to the village
And Barbos learned about her:
I brought my order first.

Barbos the dog.
-I'm shaggy and shaggy
Barbos the dog.
Very brave and courageous
Barbos the dog.
I guard the owner's yard,
Woof woof woof.
I bark angrily at strangers
Woof woof woof.
I guard the flock in the field,
I serve faithfully.
(Knocks on the Hare)

I heard that you are a tailor?
- That's right, I can sew everything.
I try to please everyone.
Barbos the dog.
-I guard the herd in the field.
At work day and night.
I need a warm hat.
Can you, Hare, help me?
-Can! Every other day - another
I'll finish my work.
You come to my house
For a hat on Saturday.
(The hare takes measurements, the dog Barbos leaves)
-The shaggy dog ​​is waiting for his hat,
The hare sews day and night.
And through the forest without paths,
The Hedgehog waddles towards him.

-Hello, Zainka, I’m the Hedgehog!
I have 2 pairs of legs.
I really need shoes
After all, the weather is cold.
-Sorry, dear Hedgehog,
I've never sewn boots.
Do you see the sign hanging?
This sign says
What lives in the wilderness of the forest
Not a shoemaker, but a tailor.
(The sad Hedgehog leaves, the Hare continues to sew)
-The fashionable mouse is running,
He also hurries to the Bunny.

-I am a big fashionista,
The dress rustles.
New umbrella blue,
And there is a big bow on the hat.
I’m such a mouse, it’s just laughter,
I decided to surprise everyone.
(Knocks on the Bunny)
- Hello, Zainka - oblique!
I heard you are a tailor?
Sew me a skirt, please
I'm rushing to the circus today.
(The hare begins to take measurements)
-Suddenly Vaska the Cat appeared,
It’s important to go to the house.
The mouse saw Vaska,
I got scared, trembled,
I threw my bag and gloves
And she rushed off without looking back.
(The mouse runs away)

Vaska the cat.
-Hare, my greetings to you!
Do you recognize me or not?
-How, I remember you used to
I've had a lot of guests.
-You see, I'm so fluffy,
Neat, very clean.
To keep the fur from getting dusty,
I ask you to sew a raincoat for me.
-I’ll sew you a beautiful cloak,
I'll try, I'll make it
And for you, dear friend,
I will gladly give it to you.
(The hare takes measurements, the cat leaves)
-And here are the piglets
They came running from the garden.

- Hello, Zainka - oblique!
We heard you are a tailor?
-I am ready to serve everyone.
Are you telling me what to sew for you?
1. Pants for me.
2. I have a vest.
3. And for me - a pink beret.
-I'll try for you,
I will fulfill the order quickly.
(The hare takes his measurements and sits down to sew, and the piglets start dancing)
The piglets sing and dance.
-The hare will sew us a vest,
And pants, and a beret.
There are no more friendly piglets,
Better no - yes! (Run away)
-And the frog heard
She also galloped up to the Hare.

- Hello, Zainka - oblique!
I heard you are a tailor?
Sew me some gloves, Zainka.
My paws are very cold.
-Fine! I can sew
I'll try to please!
(Takes measurements, frog jumps away)
-The hare is sewing, hurrying, busy,
The tailor wants to please everyone.
Now Saturday has arrived,
The dog came running for the hat.
- Hello, Zainka, neighbor.
Did you sew me a hat or not?
The hat is ready, get it
Yes, you better protect the herd!
Thank you, Zainka-friend,
A pie with cabbage for you.
- Hello, dear Bunny,
Isn't my raincoat ready?
Here's your raincoat, take it
Yes, remember the tailor.
-Thank you, Zainka - boy,
And here’s a stump from me.
(The cat leaves, the piglets run out with carrots)
- Hello, Bunny, this time
We've come to pick up your order.
-Here are the pants, here is the vest,
But the pink beret.
-And some sweet carrots for you?
We brought it straight from the garden.
-Thank you, piglets, friendly guys.
-And again our Hare sews.
He sees Fox coming.

- Hello, Zainka - oblique!
I know you're fashionable, tailor!
Today is a holiday for the foxes,
And I should be there.
I need a holiday outfit
Sit down and sew quickly.
-Yes, your outfit is already good.
Will you take me with you?
-I'll take it willingly. Let's go.
(All the heroes of the fairy tale pass)
-Here is the Fox and the Bunny on the forest lawn
They go on a visit, they will start a dance there.
It’s important that the cat walks, the mouse invites,
And behind them is the dog Barbos.
Brothers - piglets came running from the garden,
They will dance, have fun and scream.
And the prickly Hedgehog runs without boots.
And the green Frog, jumping quickly, jumping!
Everyone came to the clearing and started dancing.
That's the end of the fairy tale,
And our Hare is great!

Olga Zakharova
Theatrical performance based on the Russian folk tale“Zayushkina Hut” for children 4–5 years old


Cheerful children's music sounds. Magpie flies to the edge of the forest.

Soroka - I, Soroka, am white-sided, I fly high, I see everything from above. There's a hare in the clearing built a hut - bast, and the Fox is icy. Oh, I think she's teasing!

The magpie flies away.

Fox - I don’t have a hut, but a palace! Clean, bright, cozy, but your hare is dark!

Hare - No, Fox, it’s light for me too!

Fox - I have high windows, a beautiful roof, but you have a Hare, you don’t even have a porch!

Hare - Stop teasing, I’m happy here too!

The offended hare goes into the house.

A magpie is flying - What do I see, what do I see! Spring has come! The sun is so warm and hot that the Fox hut - melted.

Fox - Oh, what should I do? I have the hut melted, but the Hare still has it. I'll go and ask him.

The fox goes to the hare's house.

Hare - I won’t let in Fox! Why were you teasing?

Fox - Zainka, let him go.

Hare - No, fox, I won’t let you in!

Fox (thoughtfully)- How can I live without a home? I'll still outsmart the Hare!

The fox runs behind the tree and calls from there

Fox - Hare, come out quickly and play with the burners!

Hare - I'm running, I'm running!

The hare runs into the forest, and the fox climbs into it hut.

Fox - Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, I deceived the Hare, I won’t let you in here! I'll live here alone!

The hare comes running, pushes the door, knocks on the door.

Fox (from behind the door)- Who's there?

Hare - It's me, master - Bunny, let me in, Little Fox.

Fox - Get out, I won’t let you in, now I’ll live here!

Hare - Stop joking little fox, let me want to sleep already.

Fox - Wait, scythe, just like that, I’ll jump out, and I’ll jump out, and I’ll go shake you, only shreds will fly in the wind!

The bunny leaves crying and sits on a stump.

Magpie flies, flies up to the hare

Magpie - Hey, Bunny, don’t tremble, why are you scared, tell me!

Hare - The fox kicked me out of the house and won’t let me in.

Magpie - Oh, the branches are cracking, is someone coming here?

The Bear comes out and sings a song.

Bear - I'm walking through the forest, singing my song,

I lay there all winter just sucking my paw!

Who's crying in the forest? Who's stopping me from sleeping?

Hello, Bunny, what are you crying about? What are you grieving about?

Hare - The fox kicked me out of the house and won’t let me in.

Bear - Let's go, let's kick her out!

They go to the hare hut.

Bear - Hey, Fox - Patrikeevna, get out of someone else's hut!

Fox (angrily out the window)- Wait, clubfoot, just like I’m getting off the stove, I’ll jump out, I’ll jump out, only the shreds will fly in the wind!

Bear - Oh - oh - oh - so angry! (runs away)

The dogs are running.

Dogs - Woof, woof, Bunny, what are you crying about? What are you grieving about?

Hare - The Fox kicked me out of the house!

Dogs - But wait, we’ll kick her out!

Hare - The bear drove him away, he didn’t drive him out and you won’t kick him out.

Dogs - No, we'll kick them out!

Everyone goes to the house.

1 Dog - Get out of here Fox, otherwise it will be bad!

2 Dog - Hey, Fox - Patrikeevna, get out of someone else's hut!

Fox - Wait, just as soon as I get off the stove, I’ll start tugging at you with dogs, only shreds will fly in the wind!

1 Dog - Oh, oh, so angry!

2 Dog - A painfully feisty Fox, it’s better not to hang out with her!

The dogs are running away.

Hare - Who will help me poor, who can drive away the Fox?

Magpie - Here come two friends, two cheerful cockerels!

The Cockerels come out to the music and dance.

Roosters - You don’t need to call us for a long time, we are happy to help the Hare!

Roosters, Magpie, Hare go to hut.

Roosters - Ku-ka-re-ku, come on Fox, get out of someone else's hut!

Fox (near the fence)-Who is shouting here at the door? Get out quickly!

Otherwise, I’ll jump out, catch you, and pluck all your feathers!

Roosters - We are perky friends, fighting cockerels.

We stomp our feet, we flap our wings,

Fox (scared)- Oh, save me, help me, don’t ruin my skin!

The fox runs away and the animals sing a song about friendship. Everyone comes out

Hare - And now I ask everyone to come visit me for tea

The performance, based on the fairy tale of the same name by K. Chukovsky, is staged in verse (it is easier for young children to learn words in this form). There is musical accompaniment throughout the entire performance.

Target: expanding one's horizons, nurturing a love of music.

Decor: On the stage, if it is large enough, you can design two parts and combine them:

  1. Room of the Fly-Tsokotukha: dressing table with mirror, table, bench, chairs.
  2. Bazaar: tables on which various objects are placed.
  3. The parts are united by a small space - a path. On one side of the path there is a stump, flowers and grass grow.

Required attributes:

  • Large ruble (can be made from cardboard and wrapped in foil);
  • Samovar;
  • A pot of honey;
  • Book;
  • Earrings;
  • Boots;
  • A ball of thread;
  • Saber.


  • Leading
  • Mosquito
  • Spider
  • Bugs
  • Bee
  • Butterflies
  • Cockroaches
  • Grasshopper
  • Merchants

Progress of the event


Today neither seriously nor as a joke
Musical moment:
We will tell the story about a fly -
About the beautiful Tsokotukha.

She lived, did not grieve,
I was friends with bugs and boogers,
They paid her kindly in return,
We went to visit each other.

One day our fly
Nicknamed Tsokotukha
Got up very early in the morning -
For some reason she couldn't sleep.

I quickly cleaned the house
Got ready for a walk.

The fly performs movements according to the text. After cleaning, he stands near the mirror and sings (to the tune of “Cheburashka’s Song”).


I got up very early
Cleaned up very clean
Now let's go for a walk
I'm not ashamed to go.

Walking is good for everyone -
Both the coward and the brave!
To the one who gets up early,
You might really get lucky.


Long or short
A fly was walking along the road.
And my legs are tired.

Suddenly I saw a tree stump,
I decided to rest.

(sits down):

I'll sit for a while
Then I will continue on my way.

While she is resting, butterflies come out and dance for her to the melody of Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(excerpt).


After a short introduction
The fly quickly ran to everyone's surprise.

Suddenly she tripped and fell,
She looked around, stood up abruptly -
Look, he's lying on the ground
A whole ruble, and it shines

It sparkles in the sun.
The fly quickly grabs
This ruble is like a dragonfly
And she rushed to the market.

A fly flies to the market. There she is met by merchants who, to the song “Candy Lambs,” offer her various goods. She refuses bagels, sweets, boots, and so on. Suddenly she saw a samovar, ran up to it, examined it from all sides. Then he gives the ruble, takes the samovar, goes home and sings to the tune of “Cheburashka’s Song.”


Got up early today
And went for a walk,
Then I found some money -
That's lucky!

I'll celebrate properly
My name day,
And I will invite all my friends
To spite your enemies!

Mukha puts the samovar on the table and sits down next to him. He hears a knock on the door.

Yes Yes! Open! Sign in!
Come to the festive table!

Insects include: cockroaches, bugs, grasshopper, butterflies, bees.

Dear Mukha!

Grasshopper: Everyone's favorite Tsokotukha!

In chorus: Happy Birthday!


Here's a treat from us -
I brought you honey.

Cockroaches (in unison):

It’s our turn to congratulate -
We wish you a wonderful life,
We are giving you an interesting book.


We wish you to be bright, like a matryoshka doll,
And we give you beautiful earrings.


Oh, and we match the earrings
They brought you boots!

The animals give gifts to Mukha, she tries them on and rejoices.


The fly is happy
Dressing up
Name day Tsokotukha

(sings to the tune of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”):

Once upon a time in a clearing
I settled on the edge.
She lived and did not grieve
I'm in my house.

Imagine, imagine, she lived and did not grieve.
Imagine, imagine, I’m in my little house.

But then one morning
Woke up and washed my face
I went for a walk along the path
And I found the money!

Imagine, imagine, I went for a walk along the path.
Imagine, imagine, I found the money!

I bought a samovar
Name day guests,
For the housewarming holiday
I called you over.

Imagine, imagine, for a housewarming party.
Imagine, imagine, I called you over!

Guests and hostess dance to cheerful music. Suddenly alarming music sounds - a spider is approaching.


The guests sing, dance, rejoice,
And they don’t feel that danger is close:
The Lord of the Web is approaching,
The door opens from the blow of his fist!

Spider (menacingly):

Weren't you expecting important guests?
You didn't invite me to your place for tea.
I saved a gift for the birthday girl,
I accidentally forgot it at home.

Why are you guests so pale?
Are you scared of me, a spider?
You can't escape me, poor things,
But live a little longer for now!

The main thing for me today is
Destroy the clattering noise,
So what if she's nice?
I want to drink her blood!


And he chased a fly,
Tsokotukha runs away,
But the spider is trying to grab her,
To destroy the unfortunate fly!

The Fly and the Spider perform a dance to Mozart's Symphony No. 40 (final movement). At the end, the Spider grabs the Fly and begins to entangle her with ropes - a web.


The fly begs the guests,
May they save her quickly.

Cockroaches, boogers, bugs,
Help me save myself from the old man!
He will destroy me, drink my blood,
My poor, poor little head!


We can't save you
We want to leave quickly (leave)!


You've got something on your mind, fly,
It's time for me to go home to my sisters (flies away).


I also galloped home,
My family is waiting for me at home -
They can't do it without me
Let the bugs help you (runs out the door)!


Fly, don't be offended, but we are afraid of the spider,
And before it’s too late, we’ll rush home very quickly (run away)!


Sorry, but you shouldn’t have invited us -
It wouldn't hurt for us to save ourselves either (fly away).


All the insects flew away
But the fly still doesn’t give up:
Screams with a terrible cry, strains itself,
Everyone is waiting for the savior.

The march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds, and the brave soldier Komar enters. Marches several circles, performs simple moves.


Tears and lamentations
Komar of the captain's rank heard:
He was just returning home
From the long-distance battle road.

Without knocking, the mosquito bursts into the house,
He sees the fly screaming and struggling.
Runs up to the scary Spider,
He takes out a shiny saber from its scabbard,

And the cruel spider heart
Pierced, practically without aiming!

The fly doesn't believe his luck
Mosquito kisses and hugs.
Suddenly the doors quietly open,
All my insect friends run in.

Grasshopper: Fly, fly! You are alive!

Bee: Safe and sound!

Cockroaches: We managed to call for help in time!


It's good that it's past the house
A familiar mosquito passed by!
He's coming to your name day
He came as if for a viewing party!


He decided for his birthday
Make you an offer!


Agree, Mukha!
You will, Tsokotukha,
Living with a mosquito
Like behind a strong wall!


Dear girl,
Beauty fly,
I just like you very much!

Do you agree to live with me?
Will you be my wife?

Software tasks: develop a positive attitude towards the world around you; cultivate a creative attitude towards various types musical activity.

Material and equipment: costumes of the Storyteller, Fairy Queen, baby fairies, Rain, Sunny, vegetables, fake flowers, a piece of brown fabric for the “beds,” a rainbow-colored watering can, a scroll, 4 toy spatulas, 2 yellow ribbons, vegetables in baskets, children’s musical instruments, audio recordings: a quiet melody, the sound of a fanfare, music for the dances of little fairies, Rain, Sun, vegetables, for a general dance, for a musical orchestra.

Characters: Storyteller, Fairy Queen - adults, baby fairies, Rain, Sunny, vegetables - children.

Progress of the event

The design of the hall is conventionally divided into two parts: “garden” and “vegetable garden”. There are fake flowers in the “garden”, and “beds” in the “vegetable garden”. The Storyteller enters and sings the song “I look at the flowers” ​​(lyrics and music by E. Pryakhina).

A quiet melody sounds, and the Fairy Queen waltzes into the hall with a watering can and “waters” the flowers.


The Fairy Queen lived in a little garden,

The fairy had important things to do:

She planted colorful flowers

And she immediately watered it with a rainbow watering can.

She said with love:

Fairy Queen(addressing the flowers).

Grow flowers,

My daughters will live in a magical garden!

When a flower opens its petals,

They release little fairies.

Little fairies appear from behind fake flowers.

Dance of the little fairies(at the choice of the music director)


A wonderful fairy tale comes immediately,

I'll tell you it right now.

The Queen gathered the little fairies,

She read her magical decree.

Fanfare sounds.

Fairy Queen(unfolds the scroll and reads, addressing the little fairies).

In my Kingdom there are many garden beds,

You all need to put them in order.

We'll invite our friends to the autumn ball,

When we harvest vegetables!

1st little fairy.

We will dig and loosen the land quickly -

Let's prepare a bed for our seeds!

2nd baby fairy.

When the earth covers them with a blanket,

Then all the seeds germinate from the heat!

The fairy queen hands out toy shovels to the little fairies; they come up to the “beds” and “loosen the ground” and “sow seeds.”


The little fairies took the spatulas,

They spread their wings and dug up the earth.

And they saw worm friends in her -

They helped loosen without lumps.

Then they put all the seeds in the land,

Magic speeches were spoken for them:

3rd little fairy.

Grow carrots, tomatoes, celery!

We'll invite our friends to the festive ball!

4th little fairy.

We will plant potatoes, onions,

And pumpkin, and beets, and zucchini!


What beautiful beds they have become!

But the little fairies were a little tired.

They call Rain to help themselves -

Let the droplets bring them their dance!

Rain comes out to the music.


And the fairies magically said to Rain:

Little fairies (together).

We love you, we've been waiting for you!


The raindrops dance and sing with the wind,

And soon the seeds will sprout in the ground!

Rain Dance)


Our Rain has already stopped his dance,

A ray of sun shone playfully from the heavens!

To the music, Sunny comes out with ribbons-“rays” in his hands.


And the fairies began to ask for Sunny,

So that it begins to shine brighter for them:

1st baby fairy(addressing Sunny).

We love you, our sun, shine,

Then we will reap a big harvest!

2nd baby fairy.

From the warm rays the fruits will ripen,

Our efforts will not be in vain!


The Sun listened and got down to business,

It warmed the beds with its warmth.

Dance of the Sun(at the choice of the music director)


And again it’s our fairies’ turn, -

The fruits grow more cheerfully from songs.

And the fairies sang, whirling and fluttering,

Without stopping for a minute!

Soulful songs of little fairies

We warmed all the beds with our love!

Children sing a song about kindness (chosen by the music director).

3rd little fairy.

So the vegetables grew and grew together,

And they became ripe! How delicious they are!

4th little fairy.

Beneficial vitamins live in them -

The vegetables dance and sing for joy.

1st baby fairy.

Music helps everyone grow

And goodness will bloom in every heart.

Vegetables come out while music plays.

Dance of vegetables(at the choice of the music director)


And now the Queen of all fairies has arrived

And she looked at her daughters’ work.

She immediately exclaimed these words:

Fairy Queen.

Wonderful things you do, little ones!

You fairies deserve a festive ball:

The beds are in order, the harvest has arrived!

Storyteller. She issued a royal decree:

Fairy Queen.

We're starting the ball now, little ones!

We invite all forest elves to visit us,

Let's start our autumn holiday with the orchestra!


The grasshoppers take out their violins,

And all the musicians begin to play.

Insects, beetles and dragonflies sing,

All the guests are dancing. How fun it is here!

Musical orchestra(at the choice of the music director)


All together, friends, come out into our circle,

Take a look at our vegetables!

(Points to the exhibition of vegetables prepared in advance in the music room.)

And remember these important words:

“Love always helps us in our work!”

Music is playing. Spectators come to the center of the hall and perform a common dance together with the participants.

I'm looking at flowers

Sl. and music E. Pryakhina

1. I look at flowers

Magic world, where are you?

I will inhale the aroma -

The garden will smile at me!


Where are you, Magic Land?

I'm sad here alone without you!

Where do my gnomes live?

Let them invite you into a fairy tale, let them invite you.

2. On a flower, I see,

The fairy is teasing me!

She sings a song

Invites you to fly.


I want to fly to Fairyland!

With them our world will become kinder!

Colorful, bright and funny -

Happiness, joy is always there with you, always with you.

3. And I’ll tell you, friends,

Nearby is my fairy tale.

She lives in the heart

And sings with love:


Make friends, children, with beauty!

A mischievous gnome will visit you!

Water your flowers more often

And trees, grass and bushes!

To repeat a verse:

The Fairy of Happiness will fly to the children

And will give you magic pollen!

So shine, children, with kindness,

Beauty will save our earthly world! Earthly peace!

A dramatization of a musical fairy tale for children aged 5-6 years was prepared by E. Pryakhina

The script of the play is based on the fairy tale “Polite Squirrels” by T.A. Shorygina for intermediate preschool age(4-5 years)

The script was compiled by teacher Natalya Valentinovna Galkina, Moscow, “Gymnasium No. 1583 named after K.A. Kerimov” preschool department.

Characters : adults: presenter, narrator. Children: mother squirrel, baby squirrels, hedgehog, birds, spring, deer, bee, flowers, fireflies.

Scenery: a tree with a hollow, a table and three chairs, a hedgehog's house (tent) with a forest in the background.

Leading :

Hello, dear guys!

Today we will talk about polite words that people use to greet each other when they meet in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Let's remember these words together. Imagine that you woke up, opened your eyes, and your mother gently leaned over and kissed you on the cheek.

    What will you tell your mom?

Right! "WITH Good morning, Dear mommy!"

During the day, when we meet acquaintances or friends on the street, we politely say to them: “Good afternoon!” This means that we wish them a good, good day.

In the evening, mom and dad come home from work, we greet them with the words: “Good evening!” And when night comes, we go to bed and wish our family " Good night" or "Good night", sometimes adding: "Have a nicedreams!

Listen to a fairy tale about polite little squirrels who never forgot to greet the forest inhabitants with kind, polite words.

1 action : morning there are squirrels in front of the house.(Music sounds - birds chirping (morning)).Against the background of music, the narrator begins to speak:

At the early dawn of June, the squirrel Mila woke up and looked out of the hollow. (The mother squirrel looks out of the hollow and looks around)

It rained at night, and the washed forest shone and shimmered in the sun's rays

The squirrel woman began to wake up her little squirrels:(the female squirrel comes out from behind the tree and looks at the hollow)

"Baby squirrels, wake up,

Get up quickly!

Get out of the hollow

The night has passed short -

The golden sun has risen,

The sky is bright blue

The forest smells of grass and pine needles

And sparkles like mother of pearl.

Good morning! Good morning!"

Narrator. The little squirrels woke up, opened their eyes and said in unison to their mother:(baby squirrels look out of the hollow)

Squirrels: "Good Morning Mom"

Narrator. The kids climbed out of the hollow one after another and suddenly on a forest path they saw a hedgehog returning after a night hunt to its hole under the roots of a pine tree.(Baby squirrels come out from behind a tree)

Music sounds when the hedgehog comes out: (the hedgehog walks like a snake to the music, reaches his house, and stops).

Squirrels: “Good morning, uncle hedgehog!”

Narrator. The squirrels greeted politely, and the hedgehog said to them in response:

Hedgehog: “Good morning kids!

Jump on the branches

Just don't make too much noise

And don't wake me up -

I'm about to go to bed,

And get some sleep!”

Narrator . The baby squirrels knew that hedgehogs do not sleep at night, wander through the forest, catch mice, feast on worms and snails, and sleep during the day. The kids calmed down the hedgehog.

Squirrels: “Hedgehog, we won’t make any noise.

And we won’t wake you up!”

Narrator. The baby squirrels wanted to jump and play, but they promised the hedgehog not to make noise, and everyone knows that promises must be kept.

Act 2. forest edge . (perky, cheerful music sounds, dancing squirrels run out to the “edge of the forest”, performing simple movements “jumping”, “jumping in place”, “twirling in pairs”, etc.)

Narrator. And suddenly birds flew to the edge of the forest.

The musical composition “Birdsong” sounds (music and sounds of nature), 4 birds fly out (2 boys and 2 girls), fly around the baby squirrels, “clean their feathers” and fly again. At the end of the music, they stop on both sides of the baby squirrels (the baby squirrels in the center).

Birds: 1 bird:

Good morning, green forest!

Good morning, lindens, maples,

2 birdie:

Good morning clouds

And the wide river

3rd bird:

And rustling oak groves,

Butterflies, bumblebees and grass.

4 birdie:

Good morning - golden,

Clear, sunny, dewy!

(Birds fly away to the music).

Act 3. Noon .

Narrator. The sun was rising higher. The fresh, dewy morning was replaced by a sunny day.

The little squirrels got a little tired and went home. The squirrel petted the babies and fed them lunch.
(The baby squirrels and their mother sit at the table in front of the tree, “eat” apples, nuts, and mushrooms. They say “thank you” to their mother)

Narrator. And at this time, in the clearing in front of the treewhere the baby squirrels lived, a golden bee flew in.

Gentle music sounds. (First, the flower children come out to the music and sit scattered around the hall, making beautiful, smooth movements with their hands to the music. Then the bee “flies out”, moves between the “flowers”, “collects nectar”).

Narrator. The baby squirrels looked out of the hollow and turned to the bee.

Squirrels : “Hello, Auntie Bee!

Have you collected a lot of honey?

Bee: “Good afternoon, baby squirrels!

The forest is rich in honey,

I fly to the flower.

Medka gives me a flower

Sweet, fragrant,

Thick, golden.

I'll circle over the flower,

I'll tell him thank you!

Narrator. Having poured from flower to flower, the bee began to collect honey, and the squirrels became thirsty.(The bee and flowers sit on the chairs).The kids went to the spring.

4 action. Meeting at the spring .

Narrator. At the bottom of the ravine, a spring with clean, icy water gurgled.The musical composition “music and sounds of nature”, “murmur of water” sounds.(A “spring” comes out, the baby squirrels run to it.)At noon a deer came to the spring.(A “deer” comes out, walks around the “spring”, “drinks”)

The polite squirrels greeted the deer.

Squirrels: "Good afternoon! Good afternoon

Good afternoon The king is a deer!

Narrator. They said together. The deer affectionately greeted the kids.

Deer. "Good afternoon, guys,

Cute little squirrels!

4 action. Evening in the forest .("Deer" and "spring" leave)

Narrator. But then the sun sank lower, and it became dark in the forest. The baby squirrels began to play and did not notice how they found themselves far from their native hollow. They began to look for the way home(the baby squirrels look into the distance) and suddenly saw bright green lights. These were bugs - fireflies.

Rhythmic music sounds . (“Fireflies” come out with flashlights, walk around the baby squirrels and line up in a semicircle facing the audience).

1 firefly: Fireflies settled on tree stumps

2 firefly: We flicker like candles

3 firefly: And we whisper: “Good evening!”

Narrator . The baby squirrels politely addressed the fireflies.

1 baby squirrel: Good evening, fireflies!

Bright as lights.

2 baby squirrels: We have lost our way,

In the thicket of the forest we got lost.

1 baby squirrel: Give us some light,

2 baby squirrels : So that we can find our way.

Narrator. Fireflies, like small lanterns, illuminated the path for the baby squirrels and helped them find their native hollow..(The fireflies move like a “snake” to the music to the hedgehog’s house, the baby squirrels jump after the fireflies).

The alarmed mother squirrel was already waiting for her children.(The squirrel runs up and hugs her children)

Narrator. The squirrel thanked the kind bugs for their help.

Squirrel: "Thank you, fireflies,

You are good bugs!

Narrator . The kids were very tired, they climbed into a warm, cozy hollow and lay down next to their mother. The squirrel covered the babies with her fluffy tail. And all the forest inhabitants came to sing a lullaby to the squirrels.

(All characters exit and the final song plays.)

Night has come, there is not a sound around.

Sleepy river slumbers

A pike sleeps in the dark swell

Clouds are dormant in the sky.

The flowers are sleeping, the bees are asleep

And dragonflies and bumblebees,

Christmas trees sleep in the dark thicket

Hanging his paws to the ground.

Close your eyes, children,

The forest fell asleep. Good night!