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Interesting information about the cuckoo. Interesting facts about cuckoos

Is it true that earthworms love rain?

No, that's not true. Indeed, when it rains, worms crawl out of the ground, but of course this does not happen because they love it. Rainwater displaces air from voids in the soil. As a result, due to lack of oxygen, the worms crawl out. And the harder it rains outside, the more earthworms you can see crawling on the surface of the earth.

And from here follows the answer to another popular question - can an earthworm live in water? No, he can not. Earthworms, like humans and all animals oxygen is needed for breathing, only fish and some mammals that have adapted to being under water for a long time, such as dolphins or sharks, can live in water. Amphibians - commonly known as frogs, are distinguished here as a separate form; being born in water, they then lose their gills, and with them the ability to live only in water, although they retain a partial ability to breathe under water through their skin.

Yes, this is true, but this is why it becomes clear if you carefully study the composition of the ash.

There are three main components in ash: phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The first two fertilizers are very useful, and the last one is calcium; we commonly call this element lime. And it can be up to 80% in the ash, on average 27-30%. As you probably remember from school, and many from your own practice, our body gets burned when it comes into contact with lime. We will not go into the essence of chemical reactions, just imagine the surface of the body earthworm The sensitivity of the surface of our intestines is approximately similar, imagine what will happen to the worm if it falls into the ashes - why would it love it, if only it could stay alive.