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Stories of the rich and successful. Success stories of famous people who failed at the beginning of their journey

Successful people always and everywhere stand out. If you walk down the street, you can easily identify in a crowd of people those who can be classified as SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.

Success is based on awareness. Successful people know who they are, where they are going, and what they want from life. Every successful person knows his own worth, sets simple, clear goals and achieves them.

Therefore, let us decide once and for all

Who are they - these SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE?

1. Successful people look much younger than their age. Remember Sofia Loren, Madonna, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Posner, Maya Plisetskaya and many others. They all look 10 or more years younger than their actual age. And the older they are, the greater this difference.
2. They are energetic and cheerful at any age.
3. Successful people are not obsessed with their appearance and health. But they devote enough time to maintain vitality.
4. They work longer than others and achieve better results. For example, billionaire Donald Trump goes to bed at one in the morning and gets up at five in the morning.
5. Successful people are characterized by confidence and self-control, which are manifested in everything - their gaze, gait, voice, decision-making.
6. Successful people have an optimistic outlook on life. Everyone has problems, but the ability to maintain a smile is characteristic of them.
7. They do what they love and love what they do. In the morning they go to work with joy, and in the evening they return home with the same feeling.
8. They are financially successful and help other people.
9. Successful people know how to plan their lives and set high and difficult goals for themselves and make every effort to achieve them.
10. They know how to control their fear and act until they achieve results.
11. They believe in themselves and their strengths and know that those who are lucky are lucky. There is luck, but to become truly successful, you also need action.
12. Successful people do not wait for the right opportunity, but create it themselves.

The one who gets up one more times than falls wins!

I will give you several stories of successful people who achieved their success from scratch.


Leonardo Del Vecchio was an orphan and factory worker whose eyewear empire now includes Ray Bans and Oakley.

Del Vecchio was one of five children whom their widowed mother could not support. He grew up in an orphanage and went to work in a company that made molds for auto parts and eyeglass frames, where he lost part of his finger.

At the age of 23, he opened his own mold shop. This eyewear mold shop has grown to become the largest manufacturer of sunglasses. Lixottica makes brands such as Ray Bans and Oakley and owns 6,000 stores selling them. His fortune is now estimated at over $10 billion.


John Paul Dejoria lived in a car until he founded John Paul Mitchell Systems.

As the first generation of American immigrants, Dejoria had it tough from the start. His German-Italian parents divorced when he was two, and until he was 10 he sold newspapers and Christmas cards to help his family. He was subsequently sent to a foster family in Los Angeles.

For some time Dejoria was a member of one of the Los Angeles gangs, then he joined the army. Coming out of the army, he took out a $700 loan and founded John Paul Mitchell Systems. He knocked doorsteps and offered his shampoo everywhere, and while he was doing this, he lived in his car. But the quality of his product was undeniable, and his JPM Systems now has $900 million in annual sales.


While in high school, Francois Pinault dropped out of school and now owns the luxury goods company PPR.

In 1947, Pinault left school and began working in the family timber processing business. In the 1970s, he began buying up small firms. His ruthless tactics earned him the nickname "predator". He used the same tactics in the real estate business and succeeded by buying French toxic bonds and using government money to rescue businesses from bankruptcy.

The fortune he earned allowed him to open PPR, a company that sells luxury goods and trades brands like Gucci and Stella McCartney. At one point the richest man in France, Pinault is now worth an estimated $8.7 billion and owns historic properties around the world.


Li Ka-Shing left school at 15 to work in a plastics factory and is now the richest man in East Asia.

Li Ka-Shing's family moved from mainland China to Hong Kong in 1940. His father died of tuberculosis when he was 15 years old. After dropping out of school to work and support his family, Lee made plastic flowers for export to the United States.

By 1950, Lee was able to found his own company, Cheung Kong Industries. Initially a manufacturing company, it later moved into real estate. Lee expanded his interests and today has influence in banking, cell phone manufacturing, satellite television, cement manufacturing, owning shops, hotels, inland shipping, airports, ports, shipping companies, electricity and steel production, and investing in software. .


Sheldon Adelson is a Las Vegas hotel owner who has tried his hand at various industries.

Adelson grew up in a Massachusetts apartment building, where he shared a bedroom with his parents and three siblings. His father was a taxi driver, and his mother owned a knitting supply store. When he was 12 years old, he started selling newspapers, and a few years later he installed his own vending machine on the same corner.

Adelson sold his hand to several different industries, from hotel toiletry packaging to mortgage brokerage. His greatest success came after creating the annual computer industry exhibition Comdex. He is considered the richest Jew in the world and the third richest person in the United States. As of March 2007, his fortune was $26 billion.


Howard Schultz grew up in a public housing project and now heads Starbucks.

Schultz grew up in a public housing project in Brooklyn. He always wanted to "get over the fence" and escape the lifestyle that his father, a truck driver, provided. Despite being poor, he excelled in swimming and earned a football scholarship to Northern Michigan University.

After graduating with a degree in communications, Schultz worked at Xerox before opening a small coffee shop called Starbucks. In love with coffee, he left Xerox in 1987 to become the company's chief executive. Starting with just 60 stores, Starbucks now owns 16,000 locations around the world, earning Schultz a fortune of $1.1 billion.


Kirk Kerkorian went from boxer to Royal Air Force pilot to mega-resort owner in Las Vegas.

Kerkorian, who learned English on the streets, left school in 8th grade to become a boxer. His family was one of the victims of the Great Depression, and Kerkorian was wondering what skills to acquire in order to bring home an income. He became a daredevil pilot in the Royal Air Force, delivering supplies through Atlantica on a route where one in four aircraft was shot down.

With the money he earned in this way, he became an active gambler and eventually a real estate tycoon in Las Vegas. His fortune is now estimated at $16 billion.


Ingvar Kamprad was born in a small village in Sweden and created a mail order business that became IKEA.

Kamprad grew up in the countryside, but he always had an entrepreneurial spirit - he bought matches wholesale in Stockholm and sold them to his neighbors. He then moved on to fish, Christmas tree decorations and pens.

Not content with little, Kaprad took the money he received from his father (a reward for good academic performance) and created a mail order business that eventually became IKEA (the initials of his name plus his village and family farm). Furniture became the company's best-selling product because it used local manufacturers. Once one of the world's richest men, his fortune has now shrunk but remains an impressive $6 billion.


Ursula Burns grew up on a public housing block and now owns Xerox.

The East Side of Manhattan was once a gangland area. Burns grew up here, living with her single mother. Her mother worked in a daycare and ironed shirts to send her daughter to Catholic school. Burns later entered New York University, and while studying there, she became an intern at Xerox.

She is now a board member and chairman of Xerox.


Guy Laliberte, before presenting his circus to the whole world, was a street fire-eater.

Born in Canada, Laliberte began his circus career on the streets, playing the accordion, walking on stilts and swallowing fire. In 1987, he took the risk of bringing a successful Quebec troupe to the Los Angeles Arts Festival, determined not to return. The calculation was justified, and the circus troupe was accepted into Las Vegas.

Today Laliberte is the president of Cirque du Soleil, a professional poker player and a space tourist. His total fortune is $2.5 billion.

“Anywhere you see a successful business, it means that someone once made a bold decision.”
— Peter Drucker, management theorist

All that remains for you is, without delay, to start acting right today. And this will undoubtedly help you on the path to success!

Alexander Ivanov

Hi all. To become a millionaire, you need to think like a millionaire.

In this material, I have collected for you the biographies of the most successful people, so that you have the opportunity to see how outstanding personalities think, what values ​​they are guided by, what steps they took on the path to big money and fame.

The man is a legend, the founder of Microsoft, a business leader who for more than a decade held the status of the richest person on the planet.

This year, Forbes estimates Gates' fortune at $96.5 billion.

At the age of 12, the genius first became acquainted with a computer at school, where he and his friend Paul Allen, the future co-founder of Microsoft, sat in front of the monitor all weekend.

At 13, he created the first tic-tac-toe program.

In 1975, having seen the first computer for the mass market on the cover of a magazine, he began to embody the idea of ​​​​creating the BASIC programming language.

George Soros

is an influential investor, master market speculator, financial guru and founder of charitable foundations in 25 countries. He ranks 7th on the list of American billionaires with a fortune of over $20 billion.

Having miraculously escaped genocide in the Holocaust as a child, he later faced ethnic discrimination in employment. But a person who persistently sets a goal for himself always achieves it.

He learned the intricacies of buying and selling securities at a brokerage firm on Wall Street.

In 1970, George Soros founded the famous hedge fund Quantum, which for decades provided more than 30% return on stocks, and brought a total of $32 billion to its investors.

In 1992, Soros was one of the culprits behind the devaluation of the pound, which brought him billions in profit.

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, entrepreneur, sought-after international financial advisor and best-selling author on financial literacy. His fortune currently exceeds $2 billion, and his books have been sold in more than 26 million copies.

He is also the creator of the popular investment game, which I recently talked about.

The smart guy grew up in a family of teachers, had the opportunity to study at a prestigious local school and communicate with the children of high-status parents, including the parents themselves.

One of these was the father of Robert’s friend, who gave the boy lessons in financial education and became the prototype of the “rich dad” in Kiyosaki’s book of the same name, which brought real popularity to the author.

Having earned initial capital, Robert learns how to invest wisely. In 1985, he married Kim, an entrepreneur and experienced investor, and together with her he began to realize his many ideas and goals.

Oprah Winfrey

- TV presenter, the only black woman included in the list of the richest people in America. Her “The Oprah Winfrey Show” broke all known ratings records and brought the star a fortune.

Her credo: “You only need you to succeed” is very clearly illustrated by Winfrey’s life itself. A difficult childhood, sexual abuse, a colony - her father’s education and faith brought her out of the abyss of emotional death.

At the age of 16, she wins a public speaking competition and the right to study at the University of Tennessee, where, thanks to her efforts, she becomes one of the best students.

“The meaning of life is precisely to develop into the person you should be.”

In South Africa, Oprah opened a school for girls from poor families. He is a representative of the charitable organization Angel Network.

Pavel Durov

- Russian businessman, developer and co-founder of the social network Vkontakte and . At the age of 31, he entered the Forbes ranking of “200 richest businessmen in Russia”, and today he firmly occupies a position in the TOP-100.

In the 4th grade, I became interested in programming and, together with my brother, began creating programs on my first computer, an IBM PC XT. He graduated from the Academic Gymnasium with honors, and has 9 foreign languages ​​in his knowledge base.

By 2008, the network’s audience already amounted to more than 20 million registered users.

In 2013, Durov launched Telegram, an application for smartphones and other mobile devices with an emphasis on speed and security, which 3 years later gained more than a hundred million active users.

Coco Chanel

- founder of a fashion house, famous female fashion designer. Chanel No. 5 perfume is still a top seller to this day, and Time magazine puts Mademoiselle in the TOP 100 most influential people in the fashion industry.

Having grown up in the strict discipline of a monastery, the girl was accustomed to breaking stereotypes. Her design imagination was nurtured in a small clothing repair shop.

Later, this skill will be useful to the fashion designer: her customized hats, women's trousers, little black dresses, and suits made from "men's" jersey, which were previously considered unacceptable, become standards of style and fashion.

This woman made herself. She literally became a fashion reformer and the founder of a brand associated with quality and respectability.

Walt Disney

- legendary artist, director and producer. Creator of the first full-length musical cartoons in the history of cinema.

He is the winner of 29 Oscars and 4 Emmys, and his "The Walt Disney Company" ranks 13th on the list of the most influential brands.

Disney had a difficult childhood. The family lived in poverty, the father beat the child and forced him to deliver leaflets in any weather.

There was no money even for pencils and paper: the boy who loved to draw had to embody ideas with sticks and resin, using walls and fences as a canvas.

As a young man, he was fired from his job as a newspaper cartoonist due to his "prominent inability to draw." Employers would be surprised to learn that years later Walt would become an outstanding cartoon creator!

Richard Branson

- the richest man in Great Britain, founder of the international corporation Virgin, one of the most brilliant businessmen in the world.

His name is included in the Guinness Book of Records, and his fortune is off the charts at $4 billion.

Richard does not accept the word “impossible” in his vocabulary. His autobiographical and motivational book “To hell with everything, get on and do it” perfectly shows his strong nature, iron-clad tenacity and tireless enthusiasm and adventurism.

The boy’s passion for entrepreneurship manifested itself early: he was breeding and selling parrots, growing Christmas trees, and publishing a newspaper at school.

Today, the Virgin Group conglomerate includes dozens of companies in the field of mobile communications, rail and air transportation, television, beverage production, book publishing, radio stations, medical services - and this is only part of the list!

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerburg is the creator of the world's largest social network, Facebook, where about 1.5 billion accounts are registered!

A breakthrough is a breakthrough, but Mark is also the youngest billionaire in human history, having become rich by the age of 22. In 2014, the market value of the social network was estimated at $150 billion.

Ever since school, he had fun inventing and developing programs.

The self-learning music player Synapse, which he created, was offered to be bought by Microsoft, but Mark refused and soon made it publicly available.

His credo: “If a person has brains, he simply does not have the moral right to work not for himself.”

Elon Musk

- American inventor, entrepreneur, co-founder of PayPal, who took on the development of global industries: solar energy, rocket science. His fortune is estimated at $20 billion.

He is one of the thirty richest people in the United States and one of the twenty most influential people on the planet. He sees the salvation of humanity in space exploration and the colonization of Mars.

Like , he was often absent-minded and “withdrew into himself.” Elon could imagine pictures in great detail.

According to the mother, she used to be worried about the boy’s detached state, but now she knows that her son is again inventing a new rocket.

Mary Kay

- American entrepreneur, creator of a network cosmetics company. Her company began its journey as a small family business, and now has more than 2.5 million product representatives in 40 countries.

Mary was awarded the unofficial title of "Queen of Cosmetics".

Mary Kay Ash founded the company at the age of 45 and with $5,000 in her pocket. As a result, she managed to develop her cosmetics empire and amass a fortune of $98 million almost from scratch.

That's all for today.

See you soon!

In order to build your own business, you don’t have to be an IT genius like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. You can be an ordinary housewife, a nurse, or have neither a profession nor a home at all. The recipe is the same for everyone, and its main components are perseverance and ingenuity.

Story No. 1

Ten years ago, Sheri Schmeltzer was a forty-year-old housewife whose worries revolved around her home and three children. But boredom and routine overcame the woman, so she wanted to find some new entertainment for herself and her children. Her gaze fell on the orderly row of Crocks rubber slippers belonging to her large family - everyone had probably seen these funny slippers with holes on the wide beaches of Egypt and by the pools of Turkey. Schmeltzer armed herself with glue and a handful of rhinestones, which she began to fill these holes with, creating more and more intricate designs. Sheri's husband gave her the idea to create her own website - and that's how their company, Jibbitz, was born in 2005.

We sat down and had a family meeting - do we want to turn this into a real business? We had an outstanding loan at the time and needed to take a leap of faith - did we have that much faith in our product? Yes. Did we want this? Yes. If everything failed, we could reassure ourselves that we believed in our cause and did what we could.

And by August 2006, sales of accessories for Crocks reached $2.2 million. But not everything was so simple - at first Sheri had to work almost 24 hours a day, since in addition to caring for the children, orders poured in, which she completed manually. To promote their crafts, the Schmelzers didn’t even bother writing a business plan or posting advertisements. Instead, they approached stores directly, showed their products and called people.

If you provide good customer service, customers will talk about you. We didn't do any market research. The company grew “organically.”

Much like Thomas Edison and his 2,000 attempts to find the material for a light bulb, Schmelzer had to spend a lot of effort to get the design of her jewelry correct and durable. The first pancake came out lumpy - people began to complain that the rhinestones were falling out or breaking, and they returned the goods. After another nine tries, things moved at incredible speed.

Within a year and a half of its existence, the business grew incredibly - and the company that produces Crocks slippers bought Jibbitz for $10 million.

Story No. 2

The head of the medical company PJ Care (with a turnover of $18.2 million), Jen Floun, did not even finish school. When she was 30, she took a nursing course and began her medical career, which then took off to incredible heights.

In the early 90s, Floun cared for people with various stages of dementia. And Jen was categorically not satisfied with the conditions that a regular hospital could provide for such patients. Then she managed to work at the UK Ministry of Health, where she tried to change something in medicine at the legislative level. But bureaucratic delays slowed down the process:

I was terribly disappointed. I had the feeling that no one in government structures was capable of making decisions.

And then her husband advised her not to rely on anyone else, but to get down to business herself. After calculating everything, they decided to open a neurological center that could bring in about $166 thousand in net profit. But, besides the benefits, Jen also had another interest - a very personal one:

Since childhood, I had a desire to become a nurse, and then I had a daughter with a disability, which pushed me even more.

The banks became an obstacle - almost no one wanted to give a loan to the middle-aged sister:

To them I was just a nurse and a woman. One of the bankers didn't even look me in the eye when he talked to me. Another stated that a nurse who has never worked in business cannot understand finance.

Luck smiled at Jen only in the Unity Trust bank, which gave her $1.2 million to start her business. The first medical center opened in Milton Keynes (a city 72 km from London) in 2001. 22 patients could be treated there at the same time, and it didn’t take long for them to arrive. With the profits from the hospital, the Flowns bought their house, which they had to mortgage, and were able to open two more centers - in Peterborough and Milton Keynes. Floun plans to open a fourth center in Manchester.

Treatment at PJ Care medical centers costs a lot: for a week of maintenance the clinic charges $2825 (for comparison: in a regular hospital it would cost $1246), but here patients after brain injuries, coma, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s diseases are really helped to live, whereas in a regular hospital without special care they would be bedridden.

Jen Floun is 66 years old, but she is not going to stop there - she plans to enter the international market and consult other medical centers.

Story No. 3

This success story is different from the rest: it is not about representatives of such noble professions as a nurse or a housewife. Dani Johnson's story is Hawaii, drugs and a suicide attempt.

The daughter of drug addicts, Dani experienced all the horrors of such a family as a child: beatings, harassment and humiliation. After leaving home, she existed through dubious relationships with equally dubious men who fed her on dates. I had to sleep in the car, and to earn at least some money, I had to work as a waitress in one of the Hawaiian bars.

The past weighed heavily on the girl, and she became addicted to cocaine. This pleasure is not cheap, and she had to turn to prostitution. By the time she turned 21, Johnson's life had hit rock bottom. During one of the “retreats,” Dani became very ill and decided to drown herself. But then something “broke” in her head, and the girl heard a call: “This should not have become your life, you should not use. There are better things in life."

Dani began to think about how to get out of this situation. She needed $4,500 to rent an apartment, but you can’t earn that much as a waitress - certainly not earlier than in 4 months. I didn't want to live in a car. After rummaging around in the back seat, Dani found a weight loss course and thought it was a sign. After finding the manufacturer's number, she called and asked them what it took to sell the product in Hawaii. As it turned out - a license and money, which, naturally, did not exist. Then Johnson took a different path:

Dani hung the flyer at the post office - without much hope of a response. But among the Hawaiians, apparently eager to look even better on the beaches, there were 25 people who left orders within three hours.

In the first month, Johnson received 40 checks - and $4,000. Calling the manufacturer again, she told them about 40 orders, and they could no longer refuse. All that remains is to get the delivery address. Not having my own home, I had to negotiate with a local store selling alcohol.

In a year, Dani Johnson earned a quarter of a million dollars (an impressive amount for the 90s) simply by reselling the course. By the end of the second year, he was already a millionaire. Moving on to larger projects, the girl was able to open 18 weight loss centers across the country and become a multimillionaire - she was then 27 years old.

Some people actually believe that disabilities impose certain limitations on those who have them. But is this really so? This post will tell about those who did not give up, overcame difficulties and won!

Helen Adams Keller

She became the first deaf and blind woman to earn a college degree.

Stevie Wonder

One of the most famous singers and musicians of our time, Stevie Wonder suffered from blindness from birth.

Lenin Moreno

Vice President of Ecuador from 2007 to 2013, Lenin Moreno, moved in a wheelchair, since both legs were paralyzed after the assassination attempt.

Marlee Matlin

With her role in Children of a Lesser God, Marley became the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Ralph Brown

Ralf, born with muscle wasting, became the founder of Braun Corporation, a leading manufacturer of cars equipped for people with disabilities. It was this company that, as a result of its work, created a minivan that is fully adapted for people with disabilities.

Frida Kahlo

One of the most famous Mexican artists of the 20th century, Frida was in an accident when she was still a teenager and severely injured her back. She never fully recovered. Also, as a child, she contracted polio, which left her leg deformed. Despite all this, she managed to achieve amazing success in the visual arts: some of her most famous works were self-portraits in a wheelchair.

Sudha Chandran

Famous Indian dancer and actress, Sudha lost her leg, which was amputated in 1981 as a result of a car accident.

John Hockenberry

Becoming a journalist for NBC in the 1990s, John was one of the first journalists to appear on television in a wheelchair. At the age of 19, he injured his spine in a car accident and since then has been forced to move only in a wheelchair.

Stephen William Hawking

Despite being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at age 21, Stephen Hawking is one of the world's leading physicists today.

Bethany Hamilton

Bethany lost her arm in a shark attack in Hawaii at the age of 13. But this didn’t stop her, and she was back on the board after 3 weeks. The story of Bethany Hamilton formed the basis of the film "Soul Surfer".

Marla Runyan

Marla is an American runner and the first blind athlete to officially compete in the Olympic Games.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Despite the fact that from the age of 26 Beethoven began to gradually lose his hearing, he continued to write amazingly beautiful music. And most of his most famous works were created when he was already completely deaf.

Christopher Reeve

The most famous Superman of all time, Christopher Reeve was left completely paralyzed in 1995 after being thrown from a horse. Despite this, he continued his career - he was engaged in directing. In 2002, Christopher died while working on the cartoon "Winner".

John Forbes Nash

John Nash, a famous American mathematician and Nobel Prize winner in economics, whose biography formed the basis of the film A Beautiful Mind, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.

Vincent Van Gogh

It is impossible to say with complete certainty what kind of disease Van Gogh suffered from, but it is known for certain that during his life he was admitted to psychiatric hospitals more than once.

Christy Brown

An Irish artist and writer, Christie was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - he could write, type and draw with only one leg.

Jean-Dominique Bauby

The famous French journalist Jean-Dominique suffered a heart attack in 1995 at the age of 43. After 20 days in a coma, he woke up and found that he could only blink his left eye. Doctors diagnosed him with locked-in syndrome, a disorder in which a person's body is paralyzed but mental activity is completely preserved. He died 2 years later, but during the time he was in a coma, he managed to dictate an entire book, blinking only his left eye.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is rightfully considered one of the greatest minds in human history. Despite the fact that he had serious problems with assimilation of information and did not even speak until he was 3 years old.

John Milton

The English writer and poet became completely blind at the age of 43, but this did not stop him, and he created one of his most famous works, Paradise Lost.

Horatio Nelson

A British Royal Navy officer, Lord Nelson is known as one of the most prominent military leaders of his time. Despite the fact that he lost both arms and an eye in one of the battles, he continued to achieve victories until his death in 1805.

Tanny Gray-Thompson

Born with spina bifida, Tunney achieved worldwide fame as a successful wheelchair racing competitor.

Francisco Goya

The famous Spanish artist lost his hearing at the age of 46, but continued to do his favorite thing and created works that largely defined the fine art of the 19th century.

Sarah Bernhardt

The French actress lost both legs as a result of amputation following a knee injury, but did not stop performing and working in the theater until her death. Today she is considered one of the most significant actresses in the history of French theatrical art.

Franklin Roosevelt

The President of the United States of America, who led the country during World War II, suffered from polio in early childhood and was forced to use a wheelchair as a result. In public, however, he was never seen wearing it, he always appeared supported on both sides, since he could not walk on his own.

Nick Vujicic

Born without arms or legs, Nick grew up in Australia and, despite all the obstacles, learned things like skateboarding and even surfing. Today he travels the world and speaks to large audiences with motivational sermons.

The story of Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs, as retold by Walter Isaacson, is one of the most popular modern biographies, often mentioned in various collections. Steve Jobs chronicles the life and career of one of the most influential entrepreneurs of the 21st century, his great failure and how it helped him succeed and conquer the world.

The co-founder of Microsoft talks in his autobiography about the years of the company's emergence and growth, and his complex and close relationship with Gates. In this book you will find a couple of ideas on how to start your own business, interact with partners, make money and, importantly, how to spend it.

David Kirkpatrick's book is the true story of the creation of the No. 1 social network with more than half a billion users. The protagonist of the story, Mark Zuckerberg, himself provided the journalist with unlimited access to information about himself and Facebook, so the facts presented in the book can be considered as reliable as possible.

Tony Hsieh is an Internet entrepreneur and CEO of the online retailer Zappos. The autobiography tells the story of the life and development of a businessman: from opening a worm farm at the age of nine to the creation of Zappos and LinkExchange, which were later purchased by Amazon and Microsoft. This cheerful story will help young entrepreneurs make their business even more useful and profitable.

Blake Mycoskie is an American entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist, best known as the founder of Toms Shoes. She is famous not only for her espadrilles, but also for the fact that when you buy a pair of shoes, the same ones are sent to poor children with foot diseases. In his book, Mycoskie talks not only about how to make a profit, but also about how to start a business that will benefit people.

“Shoe Salesman” is another success story, this time from Nike creator Phil Knight, who as a child could not afford Adidas sneakers. This book tells the story of how an entrepreneur founded a company that became a serious competitor to the company with three stripes. In addition, “The Shoe Salesman” will reveal what happened to the waitress who drew the Nike logo for $30, and how an aeronautical engineer from NASA came up with the famous Air Max.

The business autobiography of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is not an ordinary success story, but a cautionary tale that proves that a company can make high profits without abandoning its principles. Howard Schultz says that treating employees and customers with love and respect, producing a top-quality product and providing appropriate service are the fundamentals that cannot be sacrificed even in the most difficult periods for a company.

The autobiography of multi-billionaire Richard Branson will appeal to those who want to become an entrepreneur, build a successful business, or simply learn how the Virgin empire was built. This book talks about the exciting path and grandiose results that can await someone who has an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to realize it. Branson began his career by selling defective records under the Virgin brand. At the moment, the Virgin Group includes more than 400 companies of various profiles, and the number of corporate employees exceeds 50 thousand people.

The book by the outstanding American industrialist is not a collection of abstract general recommendations on creating and running a business, but a reference book with applied information. Henry Ford teaches in simple words the wisdom of everyday life, and in the same way he explains the most complex relations of production, backing up what he has said with examples - models that are functional even after a hundred years.

The autobiography of former Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson will appeal not only to football fans. This book is the story of an unusually strong man who knows very well that without severe disappointments there are no great victories.

"A Life in Cast" is a brutally honest story of a career full of ups and downs, the autobiography of a man who has come a long way to become a movie star. Bryan Cranston talks about his past, treating every status in his life like a movie role, be it a house painter or a murder suspect. The book will appeal to all fans of fascinating non-fiction literature and fans of Cranston in particular.

If biographies of successful entrepreneurs don't inspire you, you might like Stephen King's memoirs. If you have to write for work, and are already tired of textbooks on journalism and philology, then “How to Write Books” is a great way to take a useful break from boring textbooks. If you are just starting to write, then King’s biography is also suitable: the author talks to the reader without arrogance, on an equal footing, motivating him to be creative.

Biography of Christopher McCandless - an American downshifter traveler who set off to an uninhabited part of Alaska with small supplies of food and equipment in the hope of living for some time in solitude. “Into the Wild” is an example of a person’s dedication and willingness to give up the benefits of civilization in search of peace of mind. The end of this story is sad, but McCandless’s philosophy is close to many.

Autobiography of Solomon Northup - a free-born African American who, by coincidence, fell into slavery. This book teaches that even in the most seemingly hopeless situations one should not give up and lose hope. The film adaptation of this story won an Oscar for Best Picture in 2013.