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Famous entrepreneurs. The most successful entrepreneur in Russia What allowed us to develop entrepreneurial thinking

A small rating of famous Russian and foreign entrepreneurs represents businessmen who have made a fortune from scratch. All of them are distinguished by their originality of thinking: some of them were helped to get rich by an interesting project, others by “shares-for-shares auctions.”


This is what Elon Musk is often called for his ability to predict trends in the development of new technologies. He is one of the most famous modern entrepreneurs, owns high-tech companies SpaceX and Tesla Motors, and co-founded SolarCity and PayPal. He is worth $20.9 billion and is ranked 53rd on the 2018 list of the world's richest people. And in the ranking of the most influential people on the planet - in 21st place. The main projects that Musk is currently involved in are the creation of artificial intelligence, the Hyperloop transport system (a high-speed train in a tube), the design of spaceships and the creation of a human colony on Mars.

He opened his first business while studying at the University of Pennsylvania, organizing an underground nightclub. In 1995, Elon and his brother opened the Zip2 website, similar to the yellow pages. Four years later, they sold the business for $307 million; Musk earned $22 million, because he only owned 7% of the company. Of these, 12 were invested in the PayPal electronic payment system project. In 2002, the company was sold, and Elon earned $180 million.

In 2002, Musk opened Space Exploration Technologies, known to the world as SpaceX. He himself invested $100 million, and also attracted investments from private investors and the DARPA agency of the US Department of Defense. In 2006, NASA signed a contract to send 12 cargo shipments at a cost of $1.6 billion. In 2008, the company's Falcon 1 spacecraft docked for the first time with the space station.

Chinese Ali Baba

Jack Ma is China's most famous entrepreneur; he is in 20th place on the Forbes world list with a fortune of $43.1 billion. His family was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, so Jack had difficulty obtaining a higher education. He worked for a long time as a teacher and translator from English.

In 1999, Ma founded the online portal Alibaba, which sold Chinese goods. In 2003, the auction resource Taobao was organized. Through two platforms, the group controls up to 80% of China's e-commerce. In 2014, it held an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange; the Ali Baba Internet portal raised $25 billion, becoming the most successful in the world.

Best Japanese Investor

The richest Korean in the world and the richest person in Japan in 2017, Masayoshi Son, was ranked 88th in the Forbes ranking of entrepreneurs with $15 billion in assets.

He was born on the island of Kyushu into a poor Korean family of a moonshine fisherman. As a child, when they found out that he was Korean, according to Son, sometimes they threw stones at him. Like all his relatives, he bore the surname Yasumoto, but when receiving citizenship in the 90s, he decided to return his family surname. Officials did not register him for a long time, citing the refusal by the fact that there is no such surname in Japan. Then his wife, a Japanese citizen, changed her surname to Song, and he took advantage of this.

He made his first serious money in 1979, while studying at the University of Berkeley. Son suggested that the physics professor develop an electronic voice translator, which he later sold to Sharp for $423,000. He was the world's richest man for three days and also holds the record for instant bankruptcy - about $70 billion was lost in 2000 when the dot-com collapse.

Son founded one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, Softbank. He has also invested in approximately 600 companies. The most successful and well-known of them are Alibaba, Yahoo, the Japanese cellular operator SoftBank Mobile, and the US cellular operator Sprint Nextel. Son is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the information technology sector.

One of Softbank's latest investments was in the development of the world's first emotion-sensing robot, PEPPER. These bots are now used in almost all developed countries of the world. In 2017, he bought leading developers of dynamic robots - Boston Dynamics and Schaft.

From Chukotka to Chelsea

Roman Abramovich ranks 12th on the Forbes list with a fortune of $9.1 billion. He was the governor of Chukotka for 8 years and made a good contribution to the economy of the region. He is now Russia's most famous entrepreneur thanks to the Chelsea football team, which he bought in 2003. At the end of May 2018, he received Israeli citizenship.

He lost his parents at the age of four, growing up in his uncle's family in Ukhta. In 1974, he moved to another uncle in Moscow. Since the 90s, he has been involved in intermediary and commercial activities. In 1993, Abramovich worked with Boris Berezovsky, becoming a trader at Noyabrskneftegaz. Thanks to their closeness to the Yeltsin family, in 1995 they established the Siberian Oil Company. In 2005, Roman Abramovich sold 73% of the company's shares to Gazprom for $13 billion and was the richest man in Russia for a whole year.

From beer to can

Many people probably don’t remember about Tinkoff beer, but everyone knows the largest online bank of the same name. One of the most famous entrepreneurs in Russia, Oleg Tinkov, ranks 43rd in the Russian Forbes ranking with a fortune of $2.2 billion.

He earned his first money by selling scarce goods bought from foreigners. From 1993 to 1997, his company Tekhnoshok was engaged in the sale of electronics. Having sold the company for $7 million, he invested it in the production of dumplings under the brand name “Daria”. The business was sold for $14 billion in revenue. The businessman earned about 200 million from beer. Since 2005, his main project has been Tinkoff Bank. This is the first and largest online bank specializing in remote servicing. Net profit in 2017 reached 19 billion rubles, income growth was 73%.

Dear contact

The youngest successful entrepreneur in Russia, Pavel Durov, ranks 56th in the Forbes ranking in the “200 richest businessmen in Russia” section. His fortune is $1.7 billion.

During his studies, he led a forum for students. In 2006, using his own developments and taking Facebook as a model, he created the social network VKontakte. The brand is now valued at approximately $1.5 billion. In several tranches, by 2014, the network was completely sold to Mail.Ru Group. Durov’s only asset today is the Telegram messenger, whose monthly audience is 200 million people. In 2013, the businessman emigrated from Russia. Together with the development team, Pavel travels around the world, working on Telegram and never staying more than 1-2 weeks in one country.

The last oligarch of Russia

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was born in Moscow into a family of chemical engineers who worked all their lives at the Moscow Kalibr plant. This is probably why he also decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev. He graduated from the institute with honors and worked there for some time.

In 1987, he earned his first money by organizing an entrepreneurial structure at the district Komsomol committee, which was engaged in the sale of computers and alcohol. The main business was cashing out budget money. In 1989, Khodorkovsky and his partners created the Menatep Bank. He, together with another top manager of the bank, Nevzlin, becomes an adviser to Russian Prime Minister Ivan Silaev. And he meets Chernomyrdin, who became the chairman of the Russian government in 1992.

In 1996, as a result of loans-for-shares auctions, Menatep acquired 45% of the shares of YUKOS, the second largest oil company and the first in terms of oil reserves. Competitors were not allowed to participate in the auction for formal reasons; the bank paid $159 million, only 9 million higher than the starting price. Then another 33% of shares were purchased at auction, an additional issue was carried out and the state block of shares was diluted. As a result, Menatep received 90% of the shares of Yukos.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky optimized the management system of the oil company and introduced numerous methods of “tax optimization” into practice: from direct understatement of the tax base, transfer prices to the sale of oil under the guise of “well fluid”. Almost all of these methods were used by all Russian oil companies. However, only Yukos was punished for this.

Many experts believe that the reason for the criminal prosecution was Khodorkovsky’s political activities. Khodorkovsky financed the opposition parties of the State Duma - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Union of Right Forces, and Yabloko. In a 2014 interview with the Financial Times, he said he had negotiated constitutional reform with different factions. The powers of the president were to be reduced, and Khodorkovsky planned to become prime minister.

Second young

Alexander Romanenko has not yet been included in the Forbes lists - his greatest achievement is getting into first place in the ratings of young Russian famous entrepreneurs. His fortune is estimated at $185 million. Currently engaged in venture investments, founder of the ITech Capital and AddVenture II funds.

The first successful business was the sale of express payment cards for communication services. Having occupied 60-80% of the Moscow market, he earned his first few million dollars. In 2003, Alexander initiated a project - the Qiwi terminal payment service. Currently it is a company with a turnover of 10.6 billion rubles.

Pharmaceutical King

One of the richest Russians of that time, Vladimir Alekseevich Bryntsalov, who thundered throughout the country in the 90s, has long moved away from shocking. The fortune, which in its best years was estimated at $2 billion, shrank to 100-250 million by 2007 and continued to decline. The latest well-known business project is the reconstruction of the Caucasian Riviera complex for the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

In 1987, he created the Bee cooperative, which was engaged in the production of honey. Together with the Moscow Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant named after Karpov, he began producing honey-based medicines. He bought the initial stake of 12% for 500 million rubles, paying in cash. After that, he bought shares from workers, acquiring control of the country's largest pharmaceutical company. Based on the plant, the Ferein company was created, which in those years produced up to 30% of medicines. After numerous scandals, the company was liquidated in 2008.

Vladimir Alekseevich Bryntsalov was a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations, a candidate for the presidency of Russia in 1996.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Success in career and business depends on many reasons. The first and last name can be either one of the components of success and material well-being, or create a block in business and career.

Names that help you run a business and make a career, activate business and disruptive qualities in a person - organization, determination, composure, sociability, ability to establish connections, etc.

And there are names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business.. Specific name programs can block a person’s business qualities and his desire to succeed in society.

But don’t think that because special program named after a person will definitely be haunted by failures in business and career, and because of his name he will not have money. There are many convincing examples where a person with a name who does not have a business and career program still achieved success in the material world. There are exceptions to any rule.

If a person has good spiritual achievements, then the influence of the name does not have such a strong impact on him as on other people. Therefore, you should not be immediately disappointed if your name does not have business, career and material well-being programs, but at the same time you plan to do business, become a successful, financially secure person, so that your family does not need anything. Maybe you have good spiritual achievements in terms of material well-being and everything will be fine with you.

There are times when people have a good name in which there is no blocking of business and career, but they still cannot achieve success. In this case, a person’s life is influenced by his spiritual achievements, and in this case it is not a matter of the person’s surname or name.

Here are examples of a brief diagnosis of names that interfere with business and career:


A person with this name has inflated desires, he is a dreamer. However, he does not have sufficient will to realize his desires.

He may be handsome, but he will be too lazy to take any decisive steps to meet a woman. If a woman marries him, which is most likely what will happen, he will again lie on the couch, dream of other women, but at the same time he is unlikely to cheat, since he will be too lazy to move in this direction.

Therefore, by acquiring Adrion as a husband, a woman actually acquires a fluffy domestic cat, which must be fed on time, walked, listened to his dreams - and then he will be with her all his life.

This is a kind of henpecked man who needs to be controlled, but you can’t push him too hard, he might buck or get drunk.

The name sounds beautiful, but it lacks fortitude.


A man with this name is a principled person, strong-willed, hardy, one might say, tough. Life force is high, energy is dense. It is disease resistant. Sexual power is above average.

Everything seems to be fine with Akim, but his mental abilities are average or below average. It will be difficult for a man named Akim to become a middle or senior manager, and it will be almost impossible to organize his own business.

Akim is a good executor of someone else's will. But he is the owner of the family. Everyone will walk on tiptoes.

It is unlikely that he has a great love for women. There is little warmth in Akim. He is a down-to-earth, material person and views women as objects of sexual pleasure. In general, he lives by instincts. He will take care of his children and protect them. Akim will most likely have a family. There will be a woman who will marry him and have children.

Talking about spirituality will not touch his soul. This is a concrete person and lives by real material plans.

The name Akim is more suitable for a servant than for an independent person.

The name is material. A man with this name spends his spiritual achievements.


Elisha is the name of a Yin person. He is soft, pliable, touchy, sensitive, avoids noisy parties, is not a fan of male companies, deifies women, mostly loves them with a platonic, sublime love.

He has few friends, but he is a loyal friend. For the sake of a true friend I am ready to do anything. He is capable of love and loyalty, and will love and care for his children.

From childhood, Elisha needs to be looked after, protected, taken care of, invested in him with all your love and all your strength. It is desirable that he had a father, a real man.

A boy named Elisha must be taught from childhood to sports related to self-defense. He will not achieve great heights in sports, but this will give him a good defensive base.

If he is lucky and the woman he marries loves him, she will be happy all her life. Because he is, in principle, a faithful person, even if he goes rogue, he will remain in the family.

Elisha is a man of creative professions. Career and business are not for him. He can't be a leader. He has a great sense of female nature. He can be an excellent designer of women's clothing and lingerie. This name also gives a penchant for poetry, painting, and music.


This name develops high emotionality and temper in a man. As quickly as it explodes, it cools down just as quickly. His energy fuse is small.

With such a character, it is difficult for him to make a career, it is difficult to run a business, it is difficult to achieve his goals.

He will also most likely have problems in his family life. Although, with a high probability, this is a sensitive person, capable of giving moments of love to his beloved.

A man named Hakim can be a shepherd, a singer, a dancer. Monotonous work on a conveyor belt is not for him. Military professions and leadership positions are also not for him. Drill, discipline, responsibility will exhaust him.

This name does not provide purposefulness and breakthrough qualities that contribute to success in society.

Hakim is not the best name for a man.


This name is weak, its energy is formless. Narcissism gives. A woman with this name is completely fixated on herself. She wants to live in comfort, warmth and coziness. At the same time, she should not be touched, forced, or even asked to do anything.

This name promotes great laziness, and in no way does not contribute to career growth, material well-being and family creation. Good for an energy vampire.


A woman with this name will often be kicked out of work. She will struggle in life - no career, no personal life. She will try her best to please her superiors and men, but they will get rid of her like an annoying puppy.

This name carries such vibrations that, on the one hand, a person tries to be decent, kind, caring, gentle, and on the other hand, they treat him as something very annoying and do not want to maintain a long, close relationship with him. People simply cannot stand the excessive affection of a woman named Dora.

It is difficult for a person with this name to live in the material world. But through suffering, through some rejection, a colossal development of the human soul occurs. Few women can go through such trials. This is practically a holy path.

Dora is a good friend and comrade, but few will marry her. Most people are not ready to accept it.

The name Dora implies heavy relationship karma.


A woman named Stefania will suffer and endure a lot in life. This will give her soul a lot of wisdom and teach her to appreciate the people who are nearby.

A woman named Stefania will have a man. But he will have to endure her lifestyle next to her, because she will try to take care not only of him and her family, but also of everyone in need of help. Not every man can handle this.

The name Stefania is sacrificial.

There are other names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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In the 19th century, the country's business world changed significantly. The reforms became the reason for the success of representatives of classes that were previously limited in the right to conduct business. This is the time of the rise of the Vtorov, Morozov, Vogau, Ryabushinsky dynasties, the formation of the business of talented engineers N.I. Putilov and N.S. Avdakov, the heyday of other famous families. When implementing their projects, they did not ignore either the interests of the state or the needs of the people.


The 19th century occupies a special place in the history of Russian entrepreneurship. The state carries out legislative activities, trying to create favorable conditions for economic development. By the end of the century, the system of guilds established in the time of Peter the Great to systematize and regulate business activities, protect the rights of merchants and create class privileges had exhausted itself.

The trade taxation reform in 1898 established the enterprise as the object of taxation, and not the individual entrepreneur, as was previously the case. Increased competition in trade has caused business people to turn to industrial production. Transformations in the field of joint stock business established a limitation of liability and provided the opportunity for representatives of different classes to participate in commercial enterprises.

The changes led to the fact that the business community was replenished with people from peasants, townspeople, nobles, foreigners and employees. Due to large-scale entrepreneurship, by the beginning of the 20th century, about 1.5 million people lived in the country.

The names of famous Russian entrepreneurs of the 19th century are still heard today: representatives of the families are famous for the introduction of progressive technologies, charity, and participation in political life.


Savva Vasilyevich Morozov (1770 - 1860) - the founder of the dynasty - comes from serf peasants in the village of Zuevo, Bogorodsky district, Moscow province. He achieved his success thanks to his personal qualities: hard work and business acumen. Having started working as a weaver in a factory, after getting married, he organized a small production with the help of his dowry, where he himself worked with his wife and sons. Savva sold silk fabrics and openwork ribbons created in the workshop in Moscow. The income allowed the entrepreneur and his family to buy out the landowner in 1820. Savva’s family had five sons: Elisha, Zakhar, Abram, Ivan and Timofey. An entrepreneurial spirit is characteristic of many of Savva’s descendants: the family is considered to consist of several branches, whose representatives became famous in textiles and other fields. In 1842, the Morozovs received hereditary honorary citizenship, which eliminated the restrictions imposed on peasants and urban inhabitants.

Over time, the Morozovs bought land, built new factories for the production of silk, wool and cotton fabrics, introducing modern technologies and mechanisms into production.

The first of Savva Vasilyevich's enterprises grew into the Partnership of the Nikolskaya Manufactory "Savva Morozov's Son and Co.", which was run by the Timofeevich branch - the descendants of his youngest son, and included factories providing paper spinning, weaving, dyeing and printing, finishing, bleaching, pleat cutting production.

The name of the manufactory is associated with the “Morozov strike” of 1885 in the village. Nikolsky. Workers protested against low wages and high fines for violations. The protest was suppressed and some of the participants were arrested by the authorities, but the event had positive consequences for the workers. Under the leadership of Savva Timofeevich, new English equipment was installed, working conditions and living conditions of workers were improved.

The Bogorodsko-Glukhovskaya manufactory company was founded in 1830 and transferred by Savva Vasilyevich to his son Zakhar, who gave birth to the Zakharovich branch. The enterprise became the first enterprise in the form of a partnership in the central region of the country. It included spinning, weaving, dyeing, bleaching, thread production and peat mining.

The eldest son of Savva Morozov, Elisha, stood out and organized his own manufactory, which later acquired the name “Partnership of Morozov Vikula Manufactories with Sons.” Vikula Eliseevich played an important role in the formation of the enterprise and took over the reins from his retired father. This branch of the Morozov family - “Vikulovichi” - is named after him.

Under the management of the “Tver” Morozovs - descendants of Abram - there was an enterprise created by Timofey at the request of his father. The Tver manufactory produced about thirty types of cotton fabrics, which were in constant demand at Russian fairs and were also exported. The production was led by Abram and David Abramovich.

Social infrastructure grew around Morozov's enterprises: shops, baths, hospitals, schools, almshouses, stadiums. The legacy of the dynasty of factory owners can still be seen today on the streets of Orekhov-Zuev, Noginsk, Zheleznodorozhny and other settlements near the capital.

Researchers have noted various reasons for the success of dynasty enterprises, including:

  • active entrepreneurial position;
  • desire for mechanization of labor, emphasis on a high technical level of production;
  • continuous modernization of production facilities;
  • refusal of foreign specialists and support of domestic education and attraction of graduates of Russian educational institutions to work;
  • creation of laboratories to connect theoretical and experimental science with production;
  • a two-stage management model that eliminated the exclusive authoritarian influence of owners through the attraction of qualified hired management personnel;
  • gradual awareness of social responsibility to enterprise personnel.

In addition to textile production, the family participated in the activities of other institutions. Timofey Morozov was one of the founders of the Volga-Kama Bank, created in 1870 and occupying a leading position in the country until the end of the century. In the period 1868-76, he also served as chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee, which collaborated with the state in matters of legislative activity in the field of trade and industry, regulated exchange trading, and issued certificates and opinions on trade matters. David Ivanovich built a railway line away from the main line Moscow - Vladimir, ending at the Zakharovo station, named after his grandfather and still existing.

Representatives of the family did a lot of charity work and supported the culture of the country. With the financing of the Morozovs, the Alekseevskaya Psychiatric Hospital, Morozovskaya Children's Hospital, Cancer Institute and other medical institutions were built. With the participation of the Moscow Merchant Society of Mutual Credit, whose founders included T.S. Morozov, the newspapers “Moskvich” and “Shareholder”, and the magazine “Bulletin of Industry” were financed. Varvara Alekseevna, the wife of Abram Abramovich, donated funds for the establishment of a free “Turgenev Library-Reading Room” in 1895, supported the newspaper “Russian Vedomosti”, and took part in creating the technical base of many educational institutions, for example, the Imperial Technical School. Sergei Timofeevich provided assistance to the artist Levitan, Savva Timofeevich did not leave the Moscow Art Theater without support. In short, in pre-revolutionary Moscow it was difficult to find a charitable event or social institution that remained outside the attention and support of the Morozovs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the fortune of the Morozov family, according to Forbes magazine, amounted in modern equivalent to over 500 million dollars, which puts them in fourth place in the list of the richest Russian entrepreneurs of their time.

On the eve of the October Revolution, according to historians, about 60 families of Savva Vasilyevich’s descendants lived in Moscow. After October 1917, the life of the Morozovs developed differently: some immigrated (Nikolai Davidovich, Sergei Timofeevich, Pyotr Arsenievich and others), but the majority remained in their homeland, where a time of trials and losses awaited them.


The founder of the dynasty is the peasant Mikhail Yakovlev, who in 1802 arrived in Moscow from the Kaluga province, purchased a shop and became one of the merchants of the third guild. Subsequently, the family surname was changed to the name of the native settlement of the founder. The entrepreneur's interests lay in the textile industry: in 1846 he acquired the first weaving factory. The Ryabushinsky family business was brought onto the broad road by the middle son, Pavel Mikhailovich, who sold his father’s old manufactories and purchased a factory, equipping it with the latest technology.

In 1887, the family business was transformed into the P. M. Ryabushinsky Manufactory Partnership, the fixed capital of which was 2 million rubles. The company owned paper spinning, weaving, dyeing, finishing, and finishing factories in the Tver province. By the beginning of the 20th century, the enterprise’s capital had grown to 5 million rubles; in general, the family’s fortune was estimated at over 20 million rubles.

After the death of Pavel and his wife, the business was headed by their eldest son, Pavel Pavlovich, whose name is more often associated with social and political activities, however, it was under his leadership that the Ryabushinsky business continued to flourish at the turn of the century. Pavel, like his brothers, was educated at the Moscow Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences, a secondary education institution for training businessmen, administered by the Ministry of Finance. Four of the eight brothers worked together with Pavel: Sergei, Vladimir, Stepan and Mikhail. Entrepreneurs established themselves in the flax industry, invested in sawmills, and were engaged in paper production.

The family owned the Ryabushinsky Brothers Banking House, which was later transformed into the Moscow Bank with the support of entrepreneurs involved in the textile industry. The Ryabushinskys recruited graduates of the academy where Pavel studied; Village children who, in addition to school, were trained at the expense of entrepreneurs in trade evening classes, were trained for junior staff positions.

The well-known plans of the Ryabushinskys characterize the brothers as far-sighted entrepreneurs who relied on investments in promising technologies.

Thus, during the First World War, Sergei and Stepan established the Moscow Automobile Plant Partnership - an enterprise that was transformed into ZIL in Soviet times. A year after its foundation, the plant was supposed to produce the first batch of trucks under license from the Italian company FIAT. The equipment was created, albeit behind schedule, but the plant was not fully completed due to the events of 1917. Projects for oil exploration in the Ukhta fields and for the creation of machine-building enterprises in the Urals remained unrealized.

In the financial sphere, the brothers’ plan to create a bank of “world scale” is known through the merger of the Moscow Bank with other large institutions: the Volzhsko-Kama and Russian Commercial and Industrial Banks.

In addition to managing family affairs, Pavel Pavlovich was passionate about socio-political processes, took an active part in the life of the country, consistently defending his position:

  • collaborated with the “Union of October 17th”, with which he subsequently broke off due to disagreement with the policies of P. Stolypin;
  • published the newspapers “Morning”, “Narodnaya Gazeta”, “Morning of Russia”, where he outlined his vision of the prospects for the development of the state.

The entrepreneur saw the path of development of the country in combining the Old Believer traditions of pre-Petrine Rus' with the institutions of Western capitalism, and warned the intelligentsia against being carried away by socialist ideas. Ryabushinsky fully supported the events of February 1917, because he believed that they opened up the opportunity for businessmen and industrialists to influence the political life of the country.

After the revolution, the brothers emigrated; the descendants of Pavel Mikhailovich’s daughters live in Russia.


Alexander Fedorovich Vtorov came from Kostroma townspeople, lived in Irkutsk and, being a merchant, conducted a wholesale trade in manufactured goods, furs, gold, and was involved in financial transactions. Success in business allowed him to move to the 1st guild in 1876, and in 1897 to move with his family to Moscow and receive hereditary honorary citizenship. Alexander Alexandrovich remained to conduct business in Irkutsk, without stopping interaction with his father and brother. The elder Vtorov’s brother, Pyotr Mazhukov, worked in Chita. Alexander Fedorovich successfully married off his daughters, becoming related to wealthy Moscow families.

Together with his son Nikolai, Alexander Fedorovich founded an enterprise that later became known as the A.F. Partnership. Vtorov and Sons”, which:

  • traded in textiles and tea;
  • supplied the treasury with raw materials for the production of smokeless gunpowder;
  • owned commercial real estate in the cities of Siberia and the Urals;
  • carried out manufacturing production;
  • conducted foreign trade operations in Mongolia.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was distinguished by his extraordinary thinking and chose promising industries and enterprises for investments, the effectiveness of which allowed him to increase his father’s fortune.

At the end of the century, Nikolai Alexandrovich focused his interests on gold mining, but did not ignore other areas of activity: he expanded the list of textile enterprises, his factories produced military uniforms and ammunition, created the Moscow Industrial Bank, was engaged in the production of dyes, and worked in other industrial industries. The Electrostal Share Partnership founded by Vtorov became the first such plant in Russia and gave birth to the city of the same name.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was helped in the management of some enterprises by his son, Boris. The result of his fruitful work was the largest fortune in the country, which surpassed the wealth of other famous families and was estimated at over 700 million modern dollars.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was killed in 1918, his family moved to France. Alexander Vtorov left Irkutsk in 1917.


The founder of the business, Philipp-Max von Vogau, arrived in 1827 from Germany. Despite his noble origins, he was poor and was initially forced to serve “on errands.” Having no prospects in his homeland, he takes Russian citizenship and seeks a better life in Russia. The reputation earned here in 1839 gave Maxim Maksimovich the opportunity to marry the daughter of the textile manufacturer F. Rabenek. The Vogau dynasty of Russian entrepreneurs dates back to this time.

With the participation of the brothers Friedrich and Karl, Maxim Maksimovich opens an office that first sells tea, household and household chemicals, and then moves on to import sugar, yarn and cotton. The company grew into the trading house "Wogau and Co", which was under the control of the family until the October coup. In addition to the brothers, their sons-in-law Erwin Schumacher and Konrad Banza, nephew Moritz Mark, and Max’s sons Otto and Hugo took part in the family business. The enterprise reached its peak of development during the period of management of Hugo Maksimovich, the son of the founder of the dynasty.

In addition to conducting large-scale foreign trade operations, the family invested in the financial sector and industry:

  • with the participation of Vogau, the Moscow Accounting Bank, the Russian Foreign Trade Bank, the Riga Commercial Bank and the Anchor Insurance Company were created;
  • the family controlled enterprises in various industries; its interests included ore mining, metal smelting, cement production, chemical and textile production;
  • together with Knop, searches were conducted for deposits of platinum and oil in the Urals and copper in the Caucasus.

The family's way of life was common for the German bourgeoisie: they professed Lutheranism, lived in the neighborhood, and preserved the traditions of their people. In 1900, five of the eight members of the company's board of directors remained German citizens, so when the war began, Wogau found itself in a difficult situation. Some enterprises suffered from pogroms, and government supervision was established over the company's activities. The family was forced to sell leading enterprises.

Hugo took part in financing the founded P.P. Ryabushinsky of the newspaper “Morning of Russia”, which criticized government policy in the economic sphere and was closed by the authorities “due to its harmful direction”.

The fortune of the Wogau family, acquired over 90 years in Russia, was comparable to the wealth of the Morozovs and, according to Forbes, amounted to about 500 million dollars in modern terms.

After 1917, most of the Wogau emigrated from Russia. Today, the descendants of Hugo’s son, Maxim, who remained here, who has been a member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1919, live in the country.

Engineer-entrepreneur N.S. Avdakov

Nikolai Stepanovich was born in 1847 into the family of a military doctor assigned to the Kura Regiment stationed in the Caucasus. The Avdakovs' ancestors lived in the Vladimir province and, for the most part, were clergy. Nikolai was educated at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, from which he graduated in 1873. The Main Mining Directorate sent Avdakov to work as a mine engineer at the Rutchenko Coal Company, located in the Yekaterinoslav province and created with Belgian capital.

The biography of each individual entrepreneur, if not unique, is quite individual. However, an analysis of their biographies reveals many things in common that are unique to entrepreneurs. Let's present their biography in a standard way: childhood and family, education, personal qualities, age and previous work experience.

Family and childhood. Research by Henning and Jardim showed that women entrepreneurs are most often the eldest children in the family. It is indeed generally accepted that the eldest or only child in the family receives more parental attention than other children, which is why he grows up to be more independent and courageous. A survey of 408 women entrepreneurs conducted by Hisrich and Brush also confirmed these findings. However, there is still no convincing evidence on the influence of this factor. Since there are works in which the influence of primogeniture was not found in either men or women.

As for the profession of parents, the picture is clearer. As a rule, the fathers of entrepreneurs were also entrepreneurs. This pattern is also observed for women entrepreneurs. The example of a father-entrepreneur is contagious. The spirit of independence and freedom inherent in the father is passed on to the children, and this feeling, instilled in childhood, remains with them for the rest of their lives. This sense of independence is often strengthened by the example of a mother-entrepreneur.

And further, regardless of what profession the entrepreneur’s parents had, the attitude in the family is the main factor that helps the child develop the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs grow up in families where they are always ready to support their son or daughter, where independence, hard work and a responsible attitude to business are encouraged. Moral support from parents (especially from the father) is especially important for women entrepreneurs.

Education . Education plays an important role in the process of becoming an entrepreneur. Moreover, we are not talking about a diploma, about higher economic education, but education as a process that lasts a lifetime. An entrepreneur must constantly improve his professional level in order to effectively solve emerging problems. Speaking of education, 70% of women entrepreneurs in the US and other countries have higher education. In most cases, their specialty is: philologist, psychologist, teacher or sociologist. Among the men there are many engineers, mathematicians and physicists. At the same time, they all have economic education or express an interest in deepening their knowledge in the field of financing, strategic planning, marketing (especially distribution channels) and management. The education of entrepreneurs can be conventionally described as mid-specialized to higher education.

Personal qualities . An entrepreneur is characterized by such quality traits as the ability to lead, help others, be firm, friendly, be able to make concessions, find new solutions, be conscientious and always achieve what you want. The combination of the above traits creates the image of a “winner” - a person who succeeds in everything, who can create his own business and achieve success. The term "winner" is usually applied to a successful entrepreneur.

Age . As for the age at which most entrepreneurs start their own business, it is usually from 22 to 55 years. Of course, you can become an entrepreneur at any age, but to do this you need to have experience, financial support and enormous energy in this direction, and this all comes with age. If all this already exists, then the sooner the better. There are also “critical starting points”, following at intervals of approximately 5 years (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50), when a person begins to seriously think about starting his own business.

Previous work experience . Previous work experience plays a big role in the life of an entrepreneur. It is especially important to have experience in the field of financial transactions, in particular obtaining bank loans and investments, developing competitive goods and services, organizing production, sales and marketing.

As the enterprise grows more and more and becomes larger in number of employees, the skills and experience of the manager begin to become of great importance. In addition to management experience, it is useful to have entrepreneurial experience. Starting a second, third or fourth business is easier than starting the first. The more complex the business, the more important it is to have past entrepreneurial experience. Most entrepreneurs claim that the most important thing in their life was not their first.

The social portrait of the current Russian entrepreneur is as follows. His average age is 36 years, 70% of them have higher education, 7.5% have an academic degree, and 72% are married. 86% of the richest entrepreneurs have parents who belong to the intelligentsia. Among the young businessmen who did not receive a profession, most of them were black marketers while still in school, reselling electronics or fashionable clothes. On average, millionaires invest 85% of their income in business development, and 15% goes towards consumption. There are those who spend no more than 1-3% of their income on their own needs. The vast majority of the new rich are workaholics, working 13 hours a day, seven days a week, with virtually no vacations.

“When there is weak competition, those people who should dance in ballet, play football, consider themselves entrepreneurs”

Sergey Galitsky. ABOUT founder and co-owner of Russia's largest retail chain " Magnet"

I constantly come across information about Sergei and his company in the media. The other day I decided to get to know him better and find out why he is so good. I was stunned after watching just one video...

In his youth, Sergei worked in a bank, then worked in distribution cosmetics and perfumes Avon, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble.

Who is Sergei Galitsky?

In 1998, he opened a Cash&Carry store in Krasnodar.

In 2000, changing the format of stores to discounters, he renamed the chain to “Magnit Chain of Stores.”

In 2001, Magnit, with 250 stores, became the largest retail chain in Russia.

Sergei has loved football since childhood, created FC Krasnodar and now fully sponsors his team, which in 2011 made it to the Premier League. This was just the beginning; now Mr. Galitsky is building an entire stadium for his players, and also runs a school for juniors.

We don’t know him personally yet, but I understand that he is one of those people from whom I would like to learn business. Here is a video that made a strong impression on me about this man. Oleg Tinkov’s program “Business Secrets”. Guest - Sergey Galitsky. Below I write the most striking phrases of the speaker.

What is the most important thing in business?

1) Think logically

2) Fantastically love what you do

3) Be purposeful

What allowed you to develop entrepreneurial thinking?

Game of chess

About Russian oligarchs

“People who specifically received their wealth have the right to dispose of it specifically” - about Potanin and his foundation.

We don’t have a bunch of oligarchs, but a bunch of people who have piled on themselves a pile of assets that they understand nothing about

The most failed business

Do what everyone around you is doing. All visible markets are fantastically highly competitive

Response to a request for a couple of business ideas

An entrepreneur doesn't need ideas. The one to whom you give the idea will not succeed, he did not give birth to it himself

Can everyone become an entrepreneur?

There is no need for everyone to try to make money through business. Everyone should do what they are passionate about

What does buying a football school mean to Sergei?

There is no social significance in the fact that I support a children's football school. The state should neither hinder nor help

Should the state help entrepreneurs?

The state should not help or hinder. Real entrepreneurs will grow. The state simply does not need to lay asphalt and slow down their growth

Which country is the best to do business in?

There is no ideal country for business. Where there are ideal conditions there are no opportunities, where there are opportunities there are problems with the conditions

The secret to success for beginners

The main thing for small entrepreneurs is not to do what everyone else is doing. Do what you have an inclination towards. If you don't do it, you will lose. And finding this business is a lot of work or rare luck

Semyon Kibalo

Saint Petersburg