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Cafe 100 square meters. Cafe business plan with calculations or how to open a cafe

There are situations when you have an idea for organizing your own enterprise, the desire and ability to implement it, but for practical implementation you only need a suitable business organization scheme. In such cases, you can focus on the cafe business plan. An example with calculations will help you determine the initial data needed to open your own business and predict the final result to which it could potentially lead. Ready-made examples can provide guidance in the trends of a rapidly changing market and offer non-standard and in-demand activities. Also, a high-quality business plan for a cafe, an example with calculations of initial investments, profits and payback periods will help attract an investor for the planned project.


Coffee drinking culture changes from decade to decade. Nowadays it is not just a stimulating drink, but a companion for a pleasant pastime with friends and acquaintances, colleagues and loved ones. Why not make coffee a reason to enjoy contemplating the creations of modern art?

Among other things, creating a coffee shop is not only a successful and profitable business, but also has great potential for development. Various varieties, manner of serving and methods of accompaniment, a lot of activities with which you can diversify your usual pastime.

The original interior, friendly and creative staff, exhibitions and creative evenings will create a special atmosphere and culture that will attract visitors for a pleasant stay and spiritual development.

If successfully implemented, the project can be developed in various directions. It is possible to create highly specialized branches of the network - a literary cafe, a theater cafe, a coffee shop for artists, a coffee shop with live jazz music, etc.

By adapting a business plan and a sample with calculations to specific external and internal conditions, certain initial values, you can organize a successful business, take your competitive position in time and use all the invested potential. However, the example contains descriptions and calculations that would be common to most potential markets. In order to fully describe the specifics and certain conditions of existence, the document must be supplemented with a competition analysis, prices for raw materials and fixed assets that are relevant for the region in which the ready-made cafe business plan will be applied must be edited.

Product Description

The project is aimed at creating a literary coffee shop “Murakami”, which is intended to become a “cultural island”. The main goals included in the cafe’s ready-made business plan are to instill in young people a love of literature and interest in contemporary art, support young talents and contribute to the formation of a cultural society.

Range of coffee shop services:

  • High quality coffee and coffee-containing drinks.
  • Holding photo exhibitions.
  • Literary evenings.
  • Crossbooking.

Clients of the coffee shop will be able to enjoy high-quality coffee and coffee-containing drinks to the accompaniment of relaxing lounge music; three times a week, literary evenings, mini-performances, photo exhibitions or painting exhibitions of contemporary avant-garde artists will be held, which will allow young talents to express themselves, and clients of the coffee shop to get acquainted with modern trends in art. These activities involve neither profit nor costs.

The coffee shop also invites its customers to take part in a social movement - crossbooking, which involves exchanging books they have read. The coffee shop is equipped with original shelves on which anyone can leave a book they have read and take in return one left there by someone else. The relaxed, calm atmosphere of the coffee shop provides conditions for comfortable reading.

Types of coffee and coffee-containing drinks, recipe and price:

Drink name


price, rub.

Espresso "Reader"

A coffee drink made by passing high-temperature, pressurized water through a filter containing ground coffee.

Americano "Vanguard"

Espresso topped with hot water to prolong the enjoyment of the drink.

Moccaccino "Haruki"

A drink made from coffee with milk and cocoa.

Espresso Macchiato "South of the Border"

Espresso covered with milk foam.

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte with vanilla extract and thick creamy foam.

Latte “Norwegian Wood”

Espresso, white chocolate, milk, milk foam.

The main competitive advantage of a coffee shop is its specialization, since this kind of thematic establishments are not sufficiently developed in provincial cities. This cafe business plan can be considered original (example with calculations). Takeaway coffee can also be included in the coffee shop's range of services.

The cost of production with increasing volumes will reduce both fixed unit costs and variable costs due to wholesale purchases of raw materials. The coffee shop’s pricing concept includes a cost-based method with a trade markup taking into account the originality of the establishment. The emphasis is on the creative atmosphere and originality of events.

SWOT analysis



Special atmosphere

Original culture of the establishment

Quality coffee and drinks


Opportunity to express yourself

Opportunity for cultural exchange

Not yet formed image

Lack of regular customers

Lack of established relationships with suppliers


Expansion of the range

Building connections with new investors

Selecting the most profitable suppliers

Regular customers

Potential danger of competitors

Rejection of such a culture in society

The target audience

The company is aimed at audiences with low and medium incomes, in particular:

  • for creative youth and university students (17-25 years old);
  • for middle-aged clients interested in contemporary art (26-45 years old).

The potential client of our coffee shop is a creative person searching for himself, interested in trends in art, looking for inspiration, like-minded people or cozy solitude.

Coffee shop location

The location of the coffee shop is expected to be in a shopping center near the city center, close to educational institutions, in a crowded area. The premises will be leased under the agreement for a period of 5 years. The rental price is 180 thousand rubles. in year.

Sales promotion

Customer incentives will be carried out using the following methods:

Game stimulation

Conducting attractive events that can increase traffic to the coffee shop and inform the population about its existence.

Service incentives

The opportunity to attend an original event should encourage customers to visit the coffee shop and subsequently spread the word to friends and family.


Regular visitors are entitled to free coffee upon reaching a certain number of visits.

A cafe business plan (sample with calculations) offers basic options that can be varied in every possible way by calculating the costs and profits in the financial part.

Pricing policy

Product prices will be calculated based on the volume of potential demand, costs and profits. Pricing principles and markup percentage are set by the company itself. They differ from each other in different enterprises, be it a Unido cafe business plan (example with calculations), a fast food cafe or any other restaurant business enterprise.

Sales volume and pricing at the enterprise will be calculated as follows:

Calculation of prices for coffee drinks


Specific gravity,%

Price/portion, rub.

Level bargain. Nab., ​​%

Volume of production/year (portions)

Espresso "Reader"

Americano "Vanguard"

Moccaccino "Haruki"

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte "Norwegian Wood"

Average selling price:


One of the primary issues when opening a business is informing the public (in particular, your potential clients) about the opening and subsequently about news, events and promotions.

  • inside - 1;
  • outside - 1;
  • around the city - 3.

The cost of placing a banner is 2 thousand rubles.

1*2=2 thousand (rub. per year)

Production plan

Capital investments for the purchase of equipment for the project

Type of equipment

Price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Cost without VAT, rub.

Coffee machine


Set of dishes

Split system

Bar counter

Corner sofa

Music system


Cash machine



The annual cost of repairs and operation of equipment is 2% of the cost of the equipment.

The list of required equipment varies among different types of restaurant businesses. Therefore, for example, in order to implement a business plan for a fast food cafe, it is necessary to calculate the costs of a completely different list of fixed assets.

Calculation of the total amounts and structure of initial investments for an investment project

Types of costs

Conditional designation

Amount, thousand rubles

Cost without VAT, thousand rubles.

Total capital investment

incl. due to:

own funds

Investments in equipment

incl. due to:

own funds

Total amount of real investment

including due to:

own funds

Investment for the project has the following structure:

Capital investments - 290.72 thousand rubles.

Investments in working capital - 114.40 thousand rubles.

The total amount of necessary investments for the project is 405.12 thousand rubles.

Capital investments will be made at the expense of credit resources, investments in current assets - at the expense of own funds.

Production capacity

Using existing equipment, an enterprise can implement per day:

(in thousand rubles)


1. Material costs

2. Rent

3. Salary of key personnel + unified social tax

4. Salaries of support staff + Unified Social Tax

5. Salary of management personnel + Unified Social Tax

6. Equipment repair costs

Total operating costs


Total distribution costs

Expense items are basically similar in restaurant enterprises, regardless of the features and range of services offered. Planning expenses for similar items can be applied and a business plan for a children's cafe can be calculated.

Depreciation at the enterprise is calculated using the method of reducing residual value

Calculation of the cost of fixed assets by year, taking into account depreciation


Fixed assets at the beginning of the year, rub.


Fixed assets at the end of the year, rub.

Organizational plan

The management of the enterprise is entrusted to the director, who works part-time since the enterprise is just beginning, the turnover will be insignificant at first, there is no money and there is no need to include an accountant on the staff.

As a director, the director is a financially responsible person, represents the interests of the enterprise in the authorities, opens a bank account, draws up contracts and other documents, issues orders, orders the hiring and dismissal of employees, the application of incentives or penalties.

As an accountant, the director is responsible for carrying out operations of receiving, accounting, issuing and storing funds. He also keeps accounting records, checks the accuracy of the information received, and monitors compliance with legal principles when spending resources. Higher education, knowledge of accounting in the restaurant business.

The number of production personnel will be determined based on functional feasibility. The payroll system is based on official salaries; allowances and bonuses depend on actual production and achievement of final results. Upon achieving results, the remuneration system may change and include a percentage of the sale of drinks in its structure. The calculation of the number of staff is made on the assumption that the coffee shop will be located on the periphery or closer to the center; if the location of the enterprise involves a large flow of customers, then the number of employees needs to be expanded. For example, if you plan to implement a business plan for a cafe (example with calculations) for an employment center on the highway.

Job title

Number of people

Salary/month, rub.

Payroll/month according to tariff, rub.

Additional salary, bonuses per month

Payroll per month, rub.

Payroll for the year, thousand rubles.

Single social contribution

amount, rub.

Management personnel


Key personnel:

event entertainer

Support staff:

Cleaning woman

Coffee shop opening hours: From 10:00 to 22:00. Daily.

Financial plan

Cafe (example with calculations) makes it possible to assess the ability of the project to ensure the flow of funds in a volume sufficient to service credit resources, taking into account profit generation and the payback period. The business plan calculation period is 5 years.

The company plans to purchase all fixed assets using credit resources. The bank offers a loan at 18% per annum. It is assumed that the entrepreneur plans to open a cafe based on the fact that there are no reserves and financial results from past activities.

Calculation of loan interest payments:


The amount of expenses for paying interest to the bank for a loan

Loan repayment amount

Number of payments per year

Bank interest rate per year

Bank interest rate per month

Inflation rate per month coefficient

The amount of overpayment for the use of credit resources is 65.27 thousand rubles.

Organizing a coffee shop is a cost-intensive business. The share of variable costs in the product price excluding VAT is 80%. Taking into account the planned revenue, we can say that the business will have a large margin of economic sustainability, since it is quite low. If the customer or investor is not satisfied with the indicators presented in this business plan, he can, based on an example and regulatory documents, do similar work on his own, adapting it to practical reality, for example, calculate a business plan for a roadside cafe. The example with calculations is for orientation only.

Planned sales revenue:

Revenue from product sales (RUB)


Espresso "Reader"

Americano "Vanguard"

Moccaccino "Haruki"

Espresso Macchiato "South of the Border"

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte "Norwegian Wood"

A cafe business plan with calculations of projected profit for an investment project demonstrates the following resulting indicators:


1. Sales revenue

3. Gross operating costs


Profit before tax

Income tax

Profit net future value

Discount coefficient

Net profit (present value)

Cash flow (future value)

Calculation of discounted cash flow and payback period

DP bud. Article

DP bud. Article Battery.

Coeff. dis-i

DP present Article

DP present Article Battery.

Calculation of the payback period suggests that, taking into account discounting, the project will pay for itself in 7 years and 7 months. The period that the cafe business plan offers (sample with calculations) exceeds the estimated period and is very long for restaurant enterprises, however, it is necessary to take into account that profit is not the main goal of creating an enterprise, the main goal is the education of culturally enlightened youth and development contemporary art.

  • Capital investments: 4,400,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 1,670,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 287,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 24 months.

Target: calculating the feasibility of investing in opening a restaurant in a shopping and entertainment center.

Brief description of the project

The restaurant will offer its visitors a wide range of European cuisine. The establishment will have a bar that will offer a wide selection of drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

  • Total area of ​​the establishment: 385 sq. m
  • Production area: 180 sq. m.
  • Area of ​​premises for visitors: 205 sq. m
  • Staff: 14 people per shift
  • Number of seats: 60

Initiator of the project

The executor of this restaurant business plan is IP Smirnov A.G., who has been an entrepreneur since 2009, the main activity is catering services (owns 2 catering points on a lease basis).

Project justification

In "N"(population 230 thousand people) on April 15, 2013, it is planned to open a five-story shopping and entertainment center “Babylon-5”, with a total area of ​​12,000 sq.m.

In addition to shops and boutiques, the Babylon shopping center will accommodate:

  • 3D cinema (3 halls),
  • fast food area,
  • children's play area.

There are no similar retail establishments in the city “N”; therefore, it is predicted that a significant number of buyers will visit the shopping center every day (especially on weekends and holidays).

In this regard, the project initiator believes that launching a restaurant in the food court area is a promising investment.

Product range

  • Salads and cold appetizers
  • Second hot courses and hot appetizers
  • Desserts, ice cream
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

The restaurant is located on the fifth floor of the shopping center (food court area). The warehouse is located on the ground floor of the shopping center. Food and drinks will be delivered to the kitchen using a freight elevator.
Production facilities include:

  • procurement areas (meat and fish and vegetable shops)
  • pre-preparation areas (cold and hot)
  • area for washing kitchen and tableware.
  • administrative premises

Production areas (workshops) are located according to the sequence of stages of food preparation, which completely eliminates:

  • intersection of flows of raw materials and finished dishes,
  • dirty and clean dishes,
  • routes for workers and visitors.

Restaurant opening hours: 12:00-24:00

Scheme of movement of commodity and cash flows

Cash flows

Commodity flows

Food suppliers
(flour, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, etc.)

IP Smirnov A.G.
Restaurant services
simplified tax system, income - expenses, 15%

Restaurant visitors
form of payment: cash and bank terminal.

Suppliers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and juices.

LLC "Vostok"
Founder: Smirnov A.G (100%)
Sales of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails
simplified tax system, income - expenses, 15%

Bar patrons
form of payment: cash and bank terminal

Organizational form and taxation system


The total staff of the company is 23 people, work in shifts, two after two, 11 people work in a shift.

Remuneration system: fixed and premium part. All employees will be officially employed. Social contributions will be paid from the payroll (from the fixed part).

Project Implementation Plan

Restaurant opening schedule

Stage nameJan.13Feb.13Mar.13Apr.13

Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service (IP+LLC)

Conclusion of a lease agreement

Ordering a design project, technical project of an establishment

Payment for equipment, dishes, inventory, furniture (50% advance)

Registration of a license to sell alcoholic beverages

Repair and preparation of the restaurant premises (lighting, ordering signs, decoration)


Final payment for equipment, dishes, inventory, furniture

Installation and installation of equipment


Concluding contracts with suppliers for the removal of solid waste

Furniture arrangement and trial run

Notification of RosPotrebNadzor about the start of activities

Start of activity

The business owner will control each stage of the restaurant opening. The manager is scheduled to be hired in February; his tasks will include operational control of the work. It is planned that it will take 3 months to open the establishment.

General cost estimate for project implementation

This restaurant business plan with calculations contains the estimates below, which should be taken as a guideline only, actual figures will depend on your individual situation.

Expense item

Amount of expenses, rub.

Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service, contribution of authorized capital for an LLC, obtaining an alcohol license, opening a current account

Order design and technical project of a restaurant

Repair and decoration, bringing the premises in accordance with the requirements of RosPotrebNadzor, lighting, signage

Purchase of equipment (kitchen equipment, cash register equipment, distribution line, salad bar, order terminal)

Purchase of dishes and household equipment

Purchasing furniture (tables, chairs, hangers, etc.)

Development of technical specifications and specifications for dishes

Purchase of food and drinks

other expenses

Working capital (financing activities until breakeven)


4 400 000

The total investment in opening a restaurant is 4.4 million rubles. This amount includes all necessary costs, including the cost of financing activities to achieve self-sufficiency. All investments are made from the personal savings of the project initiator.

Planned financial performance indicators for 2013 and 2014.

Planned budget of income and expenses (BDR) for 2013, thousand rubles.

1 sq. 13 year2 sq. 13 year3 sq. 13 year4 sq. 13 year

Revenue (meals + drinks

Product cost

Sales in purchase prices (food costs)

Gross profit

General expenses


Social Deductions

Communal payments

other expenses

Profit before tax

Taxes (USN)


Net profit

Planned budget of income and expenses (BDR) for 2014, thousand rubles.


Revenue (meals + drinks

Product cost

Sales of clothing at purchase prices

Gross profit

General expenses


Social Deductions

Communal payments

Administrative expenses (communications, internet, cash register services)

other expenses

Profit before tax

Taxes (USN)


Net profit

BDR reflects the actual result of activities. All calculations were made in a conservative way: the amount of revenue was predicted based on the minimum values, while the expenditure side, on the contrary, was based on the maximum.

Expenditure part

Restaurant expenses consist of the following cost groups:

  • General expenses

Cost of sold dishes

The average markup on ready meals is 200-300%, on drinks about 70%, coffee, tea 500-700%, desserts and ice cream from 300%.

The BDR used a weighted average of 260% for calculations.

General expenses

  • Staff salaries (salary + bonus)
  • Social contributions from the payroll (only from the salary part)
  • Rent
  • Communal payments
  • Advertising
  • Administrative expenses
  • other expenses

The structure of total expenses is clearly presented in the following graph:

The distribution of funds from customers is clearly shown in the following graph:

For 1 ruble of funds received from the buyer, 37 kopecks are sent to purchase products, 49 kopecks to pay general expenses, 3 kopecks to pay taxes and dividends, 11 kopecks are the restaurateur’s net profit.

Cash Flow of the project for 2013 and 2014

An example of calculating the cash flow budget (CFB) for 2013 in thousand rubles.


Purchase of products

Investment costs

Taxes (patent)


Cash flow budget (CFB) for 2014, in thousand rubles.


Cash at the beginning of the period

Cash flow from core activities

Purchase of products

Operating expenses

Investment costs

Taxes (patent)


Balance of financial activities

Cash at the end of the period

BDDS shows the financial flow of clients' activities (actual receipt and expenditure of funds). Due to the fact that the buyer pays for the goods upon delivery, the receipt of funds coincides with the BDR. The expenditure part was predicted similarly to the BDR.

Return on Investment Calculation

  • Project start: January 2013
  • Start of activity: April 2013
  • Reaching operational break-even: May 2013
  • Return on investment date: December 2014
  • Project payback period: 24 months.
  • Return on investment: 50%.


If you need a more detailed business plan, check out the offer of BiPlan Conslating. Paid and free versions are available; the paid version contains all the necessary calculations for obtaining a loan and subsidy. .

For a long time, we can observe that more and more new catering establishments are opening, be it cafes or restaurants. According to statistics, many of them close in the first year of existence.

The reasons may vary. These include poor quality services and improper management. Therefore, it is important to draw up and approach this matter responsibly even at the planning stage. Let’s draw up a financial plan, but first we’ll look at the features inherent in this document.

Project Description

IN project description business plan indicates:

  • type of cafe, its location, address;
  • room area, number of seats;
  • a complete list of equipment and inventory that needs to be purchased is determined;
  • staff. When carrying out activities in 1 shift, you will need: an administrator, a cook, a waiter, a cleaner. With shifts, the number of personnel will be doubled.

If a business plan is drawn up to receive a grant, it is necessary to take into account the relevance and benefit to the population, socio-economic indicators, and the possibility of creating new jobs.

When drawing up a plan for investors, it is important to make accurate estimated calculations of costs, income, profitability and payback time of the project. Private investors are primarily interested in these components.

Market analysis and choice of cafe type

In preparation for the opening, you need to carry out market and competition analysis. It will help determine what type of cafe will be in demand in a particular city or area.

Wherein determine:

  • standard of living and income of the population;
  • number of residents (ratio of youth, working-age population and elderly);
  • division of cafes into categories;
  • location of such establishments;
  • demand for services of this kind.

Having carried out such an analysis, it will be possible to implement a pricing policy, determine the type of cafe, and select a menu.

The next step will be analysis of competitors' activities. Having identified mistakes in the activities of competitors, the main thing is to prevent them from appearing at home. It is important to add some “zest”.

The costs of opening a cafe are determined type of establishment. Today the following are considered relevant and in demand:

  • children's cafes;
  • Internet cafe;
  • anti cafe;
  • sushi bars;
  • pancakes

The features of various types of cafes and examples of their opening are discussed in the following video:

The success of a cafe largely depends on its competent location. Focusing on a wide audience, you need to make sure that the establishment is located in a busy, densely populated area. Thus, today’s mega-popular Internet cafes and anti-cafes are unlikely to be particularly in demand in cities with small populations; they are most popular in megacities.

Important principles are considered:

  • convenient access roads and parking;
  • being “in plain sight”, near train stations, bus stops, and in shopping centers.

When opening, for example, a youth or children's cafe, it is advisable to make sure that it is located in the city center, park, near entertainment clubs, an institute, etc. Accordingly, the rental price will be much higher.

Providing such a service as a business lunch will be more in demand near business centers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Menu development

To work, you need to develop a cafe menu. It is advisable to prepare the usual everyday and festive (banquet) items.

The menu should match the type of cafe.

What will attract visitors to the establishment is not only the quality of the prepared dishes, but also their names. It is recommended to avoid banal names. You can make some originality both in the description and name of the dishes.

When creating a menu, it is important to determine at this stage exactly where groceries will be purchased for their preparation, select responsible suppliers.

The classic menu includes no more than 40-50 dishes and 30-40 drinks. You can update the list of dishes for the holidays (New Year, Easter, March 8).

Financial plan

So, using an example, you can determine the volume of approximate investments, profitability and calculate profitability.

Target: opening of a children's cafe.

Description of the project. It was decided to open a children's cafe with 50 seats in a busy place in Kazanso with an average bill of 500 rubles per person. In addition to the hall there will be utility rooms and a kitchen.

The target audience: children, mothers or grandmothers, couples with children.

Schedule: from 9.00 to 21.00.

Market analysis: The premises for the cafe were chosen not far from a place where people relax - a park. There are catering establishments in this area of ​​the city, but there are no children's cafes among them.

Competitive advantages compared to other establishments: the presence of a bright design, a system of discounts for regular visitors, an entertainment program for children.

Marketing policy. It is planned to conduct an advertising campaign at the initial stage. Further customer acquisition is based on advertising on social networks and distribution of leaflets.

Equipment. Conclude contracts for the supply of production equipment and furniture:

Staff. At the initial stage, it is planned to hire: an administrator, 2 cooks, 4 waiters, 2 cleaners. Accounting services will be performed by a freelance accountant.

Calculation of profits and expenses

Opening costs will be:

  1. Rent of premises - 25,000 rubles/month.
  2. Renovation of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of decorations and designer services - 150,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 20,000 rub.
  5. Purchase of furniture and equipment RUB 350,000.
  6. Salary per month - 180,000 rubles.
  7. Purchase of food: 100,000 rub.

Budget cafe: We have our own funds to open a cafe. Planned get a grant from the Ministry of Economy in the amount of 200,000 rubles under the program to support young entrepreneurs.

For a cafe to operate at break-even, the average bill should be at least 500-600 rubles. Then pay off business will be able to do so in a year.

Tips for starting such a business are outlined in this video:

Marketing plan

Events will help attract visitors advertising campaign. Here you can use both free and paid methods.

It is advisable to conduct such campaigns not only at the initial stage, but also regularly thereafter.

Let's introduce some ways to conduct an advertising campaign:

  1. posters;
  2. business cards;
  3. radio advertising;
  4. partner exchange (for example, a taxi driver can distribute business cards among his clients in exchange for advertising of his services by employees of a new cafe);
  5. create a page on social networks and advertise your services in this way.

It is also important to provide Additional services in the cafe price list. Holding fun children's parties, corporate events, and weddings will bring additional income. It would be good if a separate hall, prepared specifically for these celebrations, would be used for these purposes.

Sequence of actions to open this business

To organize a business, it is important to resolve legal issues at this stage:

IMPORTANT. When choosing a method for carrying out the activities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to proceed from whether you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in a cafe, since only legal entities (LLC) can obtain permission to sell. Licenses are not issued to individual entrepreneurs.

At selection of premises it is important to pay attention to:

  • rent price;
  • room layout, condition;
  • number of inputs and outputs;
  • availability of public transport stops, remoteness;
  • how the room was previously used;
  • Does it comply with fire and sanitary safety standards?

It is advisable, when choosing premises for a cafe, to give preference to those located on the first floors.

Cafe design very important. It must reflect its name and match the type. In this case, it is advisable to contact professional florists and designers. You should not save your budget, because with a competent approach to the design of the establishment, all investments will easily pay off.

Equipment costs depend on what kind of dishes you plan to prepare. They must be specified in the business plan. There must be equipment for both storing food and preparing it.

So, classic set of equipment can be called:

This list should also include the necessary furniture for the hall and utility rooms, plumbing fixtures, interior items, lamps, etc.).

In a business plan, it is preferable to divide the purchased equipment into categories.

It is no less responsible to approach the selection personnel. There is no need to hope that over time they will learn everything. It's better to hire professionals. Unqualified, rude staff and tasteless food are ready to deprive the cafe of visitors once and for all.

Creating a cafe is not easy and expensive, but with the right approach, the money invested can easily be returned back.

Discuss issues of cooperation between business partners over a cup of coffee, sit and relax with friends from college, spend a pleasant day with your family, wanting to get away from routine and add a little variety to the lives of your family and friends. Clients have different goals. Therefore, they select the place for their implementation according to their preferences.

The task of the business plan is to take into account all the needs of the target audience and calculate the possible profit from this. Cafes as a business are popular and the proof of this is the increased demand. Properly organized marketing, design, service, and cuisine will make this business profitable; investments in it can pay off in just six months.

Project Description

The advantages of registering as a quality include:

Minus: you won’t be able to get a license to sell alcoholic beverages. Only legal entities can sell alcohol.

May apply a simplified taxation system.

Registration is carried out with the tax authorities.

The next step will be obtaining permits from sanitary services and fire inspection.

The premises must fully meet the requirements of these services. A detailed list of requirements can be obtained directly from these institutions. It is worth remembering that having a ready-made premises, in order to get permission to open a cafe, it may have to be radically remodeled.

What will the work schedule be? This issue should be taken seriously. The number of employees, since with a 12-hour working day you will have to hire additional waiters and a cook, since their work schedule will be 2/2.

At selection of premises or redevelopment, it should be taken into account that the cafe will be divided into several zones:

  • Shopping room.
  • Kitchen.
  • Staff room.
  • Wardrobe.
  • Bathroom.

In any cafe, you can create additional semi-closed rooms where business clients can discuss issues of interest with partners.

Features of room selection are discussed in the following video:

Equipment for a cafe, depending on the availability and amount of funds, you can purchase or lease.

Equipment you will need in the cafe:

  • Plates, grill.
  • Refrigerators.
  • Sinks.
  • Kitchen tables.
  • Dishes.
  • Bar counter.
  • Tables for clients.
  • Chairs for clients.

You need to rely on high-quality equipment and utensils.

From establishment design a lot depends. As you know, people are greeted by their clothes. The same is true for cafes. The client will receive an initial impression on his first visit.

Do not skimp, and this issue should be discussed with a professional designer. The main thing is that the theme of the cafe is one with the design. The future attendance of the establishment largely depends on this.

Staff must be friendly and friendly. It has been proven that even with the most beautiful design and good menu, attendance at catering establishments decreases due to the rudeness of the staff.

The cafe will need the following workers:

  • Administrator 1.
  • Cook 3 - 4.
  • Waiter 4.
  • Accountant 1.
  • Cleaning lady 1 - 2.

The staff is calculated based on a shift work schedule.

The experience of the cook, the quality and quantity of dishes that he can offer as a menu, and the beauty of the presentation of the prepared food are important.

The experience of opening this type of establishment is presented in the following video: