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How to quit a job you don't like and start living. How to quit your job and start your own business

Now we will tell you how to part with your hateful job as painlessly and as a gentleman as possible.

Vlad Smirnov

Do not chat!

Once the decision to free you from office slavery is finally made, try not to discuss this topic during lunches with colleagues and corporate dinners, our expert advises. Especially if you are not going to go to the pampas for the rest of your life, but are planning to continue your career in some more decent place. The fact is that rumors about your renegade may provoke your superiors to call you for a decisive conversation even before you have a spare airfield and an independent expression ready.


However, if you are finally going to the pampas and intend to finally spoil your family company, regardless of your professional reputation, spread the word about your upcoming departure as often and widely as possible. Hint with a grin that the smartest rats are the first to jump ship.

Find it, but don't give up

In order to objectively confirm the fact that your boss is a greedy toad, Oleg Borisov advises doing the following:

find resumes of specialists in your profile and see how much money they ask for;

assess the demand for your profession.


You should be extremely careful about the appearance of your resume on the websites of recruitment agencies before you are fired. At the very least, make sure that these agencies do not work with your employer. Some recruiters have an agreement with a client company that requires them to report if they receive an employee's resume.

Calm, just calm!

Before you take a decisive trip to the boss’s office, once again analyze the reasons that force you to do this. According to psychologists, the most disrespectful of them is a psychological conflict (if it is not caused by an objective underestimation of you or a refusal to promote you). An employee who threw his favorite punching bag at his boss, slammed the door and then wrote a letter of resignation may forget about “loyalty” and “stress resistance” in subsequent resumes. The person hit with a pear will try to ensure that everyone who calls his previous place of work knows about the exploits of the offender. However, cooling down after a hysteria and withdrawing your application is also not an option: from now on, you will still be viewed as expendable. In general, keep in mind: a real careerist takes out psychological stress on women, children, cats and office pencils.


American psychologists have developed a special scale on which the most important events in human life are ranked according to the severity of the trauma they cause. The highest score was given to the death of a spouse. Then comes imprisonment, the death of a child, or serious illness or injury. In fifth place is dismissal.

He promised to return

Are you definitely going to leave this job forever or are you still planning to renew the relationship if it doesn’t work out in the new place? Our expert advises you to suppress all sentimental impulses about your familiar office with your own ficus tree in the corner and seriously ask yourself three more questions on the general topic “Would you like to come back here?”

To this boss? Then you need to base your dismissal strategy on personal contact with him.

To this team? Then perhaps you should think about luring your old team to a new place of work. After all, in our clan-based country, hiring a responsible employee “with a house and a team” is a common practice.

To this company? Then try talking to senior management - maybe there will be a place for you in another department under the leadership of a human-shaped, and not a baboon-shaped boss.


Well, one last thing. Analyze all the good things the company has done for you. No, not for the sake of affection. Simply, if some internship or professional courses are on the list of good things, be prepared for the company to demand that you work for them for another five years or reimburse expenses. However, this clause is usually specified in the employment agreement, just read it carefully.


By the way, the Labor Code assures that you can decide for yourself when to leave, even if you managed to secure:

a medical certificate confirming the need for urgent relocation to another place;

a relative - a disabled person of the first group;

a change in management at your enterprise, a change in the profile of its activities;

changes in previous working conditions;

previous dismissal and hiring for the same position again (that is, the second time you can leave very quickly);

violation of the terms of the employment contract.

We need to talk

Finally, you chose day X to talk to your boss. However, we do not recommend starting it with a theatrical pause and placing a resignation letter on the table. A small preliminary personal conversation can bring you two bonuses at once. Firstly, most employers realize that you entered into a relationship with them not out of love, but for money. So the threat of a breakup automatically causes them to reflex to increase your support (if you are really worth something). Listen to this proposal. Very often, you yourself have no idea to what extent changing the numbers on the payroll can dampen career ambitions and resolve conflicts with the team. Secondly, it is much more profitable for you to leave work as friends, completing all your projects and transferring things to a new employee, even if it takes more than the allotted two weeks. In the near future, this will bring you positive recommendations; in the long term, it will bring you a company that is loyal to you and works in the area of ​​your professional interests.


Is two weeks in this poisonous place equivalent to being hanged three times followed by beheading seven times? Then immediately go on vacation, write a statement from there - and you won’t have to work off your work! It is especially recommended to leave if you sense impending dismissal for absenteeism, damage to property, or disclosure of confidential information. They have no right to kick you out of vacation for these unpleasant reasons (Article 80 of the Labor Code).

Authorized to declare

If you consistently followed all the points of this quest, your resignation letter should be amicably dictated to you in the personnel department. But if you got here directly after being sabotaged from the first step, then problems can really arise. First, make sure your application is dated and signed by your boss. By the way, keep in mind that according to the law, the date from which an employee wishes to resign is not the first free day, but the last day of work. Secondly, carefully check what you wrote in the work book (is it a cleaner of sanitary facilities?). Even a small mistake in the company name or position will invalidate the entry.


Even after writing the fateful paper, you can still take everything back. The final end is the termination of the employment contract. If termination does not occur within two weeks and you do not insist on dismissal, then the contract continues, despite any statements.


Think twice about quitting if you are a tax officer or treasurer. According to statistics, these citizens experience serious difficulties when applying for a new job. The employer suspects that all of them have maintained connections at their previous place of work and could become a source of leakage of important information outside the company.

Psycho attack

Everyone knows everything. Now, if you want to save face, get ready to hold the siege. No matter how well or poorly your employees and superiors treat you, psychologists are sure that your leaving in any case is perceived by them as treason and betrayal. Anyone who is the most chatty probably suspects that you were bribed by competitors. Finally, everyone understands perfectly well that very soon they will not have to look you in the eyes, so all sorts of after-hours duties and schizophrenic clients may fall on your head. Nevertheless, you, as a stress-resistant and loyal person, still need to set the table for the troglodytes on the last day of work and wish them further success in the field of cannibalism.


On the other hand, you have two weeks to carry out the most imaginative nasty things, outhouse jokes and stupid tricks against the hotly hated employees of your department.

Golden skydiver

Of course, if you managed to become a top manager at Gazprom or Mosenergo, early dismissal is one of the most profitable things that can happen to you. In recent years, following the example of Western companies, we have begun to introduce so-called “golden parachutes,” that is, huge compensation for the expulsion of highly paid specialists before the end of the contract. However, even middle-paid people should carefully re-read the contract. Perhaps there is also a small but pleasant amount of compensation indicated, which you should remember to receive before leaving. True, especially disgusting bosses may try to deprive you of money “for failure to complete work tasks,” having previously provided you with such impossible tasks. Our consultant assures us that this is one of the most common tricks from unscrupulous bosses. In this case, you will most likely have to spit on the premium. Let the bastards choke on it.

Lying manager

After you closed the painfully familiar door of your office for the last time, the dismissal is not over yet. Of course, if in a week you are waiting for dragging a box of your favorite junk into the walls of a new office, we are calm about you. But if you're going to "rest a little and we'll see" - be careful! The main thing now is not to lie down on the sofa. The bliss will soon be replaced by thoughts that you will never find a job, you will become moldy and die of hunger. At the same time, keep in mind, Oleg Borisov adjures, that professional downtime that lasts at least three months significantly reduces your value on the market, especially if you are not one of the rare breed of top managers. Experts assure that the best way to deal with downtime is not to change your routine: get up on the alarm clock, have breakfast and sit down at the computer to look for a bright working future. However, a couple of days spent in the company of the sofa and our first volume (in which, by the way, you will find an article on how to find a job) have no contraindications.


To be fair, it should be noted that for top managers a break in work of up to six months is acceptable. It is believed that a boss should not agree too quickly to the first job offer that comes his way: it is too exclusive and a rare commodity.

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Sometimes when we study a lot and get some opportunities in terms of salary and a secure future, we introduce ourselves into corporate life but over time we start to feel that it is not our cup of tea.

You're starting to think that you should go into business rather than a boring corporate job, and that's probably why you're reading this article. Quitting your boring corporate job is never easy; whether you are a 21-year-old young man, or a 45-year-old with two children.

A 21 year old has to look for his pocket money, has to fulfill his family needs or ask a lot of questions for his future while a 45 year old has to take care of his family, children and keep plans for his family's future.

Both are very difficult to quit, but if you follow the tips below, you'll be in a better position to successfully launch your own business.

"I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret it, but I knew that one thing I might regret is that I didn't try."

– Jeff Bezos

If you are in your 20s, you shouldn't worry about money. Your main focus is relationships. Yes! Building relationships. Every person has a few friends in their life, but they keep meeting new people, perhaps someone who is older or wiser.

Communicate with different people, meet someone who is most successful, watch him, learn from him.

This article will tell you in detail about how to quit your job and start living by your own rules.

One day, the moment comes when you realize that it is time to change your life.

What is happening now is not at all what you originally signed up for. And the first thought that comes to mind is to quit hired work and finally start living relying only on your own head.

But a lot of questions immediately arise: “What to live on?”, “What to do?”, “Will I succeed?” And the lack of answers forces us to postpone concrete actions.

So, here is a list of things I did once again to prepare the ground for leaving work and starting life on my own terms).

Step 1. Prepare a financial cushion

It’s stupid to leave yourself without a livelihood and plunge into the unknown without understanding where you will get money to survive. The lack of money for the most basic needs will very quickly force you to return to your previous hired life.

At a minimum, there should be enough money to provide yourself with everything you need for the next 3 months, but to be completely sure, it is better to increase this supply to six months.

Now the question is where to get this amount?

I did the following: while my plan to “conquer the world” was mature, I monthly put aside a portion of all the money I earned into a piggy bank. At the bank, I asked to set up my main account in such a way that % of all receipts on the card would automatically go into the piggy bank and turn off all notifications about this.

As a result, I forgot about this service and when I remembered many months later, there was already a decent amount there. The interesting thing is that I didn’t even have to limit myself in any way to accumulate this amount. I didn't even feel it.

IMPORTANT! If you want to accumulate an amount, it should be unattainable at first desire and it is better that you do not even know how much money you have in your account, so that your brain does not make plans where you can “place” this money.

The only difficulty is getting started. I first read this advice in the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” when I was 23 and immediately decided that I would do the same. But they got around to it much later. And now I can only imagine how much money would have accumulated if I had done this right away.

Call your bank right now and activate a similar service.

Step #2. Create your life quest

If you are going to change something, then there is something for which you want to do it and money does not play a primary role here. Most likely, you are attracted by the opportunities that you can get for this money. At least that's how things are for me.

At the initial stage, there is no point in writing a business plan if you have not yet formed a complete picture of what you want to create in your head. But I consider it a paramount necessity to describe what you want to receive, achieve, experience or try in your life.

Describe specifically what you want to do. If you want to run a marathon, then write what kind of marathon; if you win a competition, then in what competitions; if you jump from a parachute, how and where, etc.

IMPORTANT! I noticed a long time ago that a regular list of goals doesn’t work (at least for me). I wrote lists like this and after a couple of weeks they got lost among my other entries. After some time, I made another such list and the situation repeated with it.

Once upon a time, on a Western blog, I spotted a chic “trick” and I liked it so much that I adopted it and, with some amendments, adapted it for myself.

The point is not to set goals, but... In other words, each item on your list is a quest, an adventure, a puzzle, a puzzle that needs to be solved. And as soon as you cope with the task, it adds a certain percentage to your current level.

For example, if you visited the pyramids in Egypt (one of the items on your list), you can safely add +20% to your current level. I conquered Everest, for such work, you can and should immediately attribute a new level to yourself.

Thus, this is no longer a dry list of goals that you don’t want to open again, but your life quest, a game that is addictive. And you always know what level you are at. For example, current LEVEL 8 60% of it has already been completed, another 40% and move to a new level. You can add anything that is valuable to your life to this list. And it's a great system for measuring your progress and personal growth.

Step #3. Expand your horizons

It's amazing how many people want to change their lives, but don't even try to compensate for their lack of knowledge. After all, it’s clear that if your life doesn’t suit you, it means there’s something you don’t know or are overlooking.

For example, when I plan something that I have not done before, the first thing I start with is collecting information. I have several notebooks in EverNote divided into different topics: business, travel, self-development, etc. And when I come across information that intersects with any of my life quests, I add a link to the corresponding notebook.

So, for example, while researching the Internet, I once came across an interesting detail: it turns out that you can accumulate bonus miles for air flights simply by paying in stores with a bank card. For every dollar spent (converted in local currency), you can earn 1 bonus mile. I use the card all the time, so why not take advantage of this offer?

If one of your life quests for which you want to leave your job is closely related to travel, I recommend joining this program as soon as possible. Here is a link to the list of banks for Ukrainian airlines, and here is for Aeroflot. In addition, you can go to the website of any airline you are interested in and see which banks they cooperate with.

I also learned about the existence of the site, where you can find accommodation all over the world at fairly low prices. For example in Barcelona for $14 per day.

When I was preparing to launch my first business, I placed myself among those people who were already doing business, so once a week I began attending meetings of the local club of entrepreneurs (something like the local Business Youth).

The biggest benefit from this is like-minded people. If you have ideas, then here you can find many people who will support you, help you and not only give advice.

I practically don't read books. I think that chasing the number of books read is nonsense. Modern publications are 98% filled with “water”; I just feel sorry for my time.

But I spend a lot of time reading other people’s blogs (mostly English-language ones), but there are also very interesting authors in the Russian-speaking space, for example Sergey Dolya or Fyodor Ovchinnikov (there are more, but I’ll limit myself to these for now).

I love blogs because they make it very easy to filter information. And besides, the percentage of “interesting” people who have published books will always be noticeably lower than the percentage of equally interesting people who blog.

Step #4. Try yourself in business before you plunge into the pool

If you plan to live relying only on yourself and your head, take the time to test yourself before saying goodbye to your boss. Come up with a final test for yourself to get a feel for how to organize it and be responsible for everything with your own head.

If you pass this test, then you are ready for independent swimming, if you fail... it means it’s probably too early.

It is not necessary to invent something phenomenal or grandiose; it is better to come up with some small event for the weekend or holidays. It can be a small business that does not require large investments.

I had two such tests. The first is the sale of flowers on March 8 and the second is the wholesale delivery of potatoes to apartments (on weekends). I didn’t set out to make money from this, the main goal was to organize everything; find the necessary people who will do all the work for me (suppliers, sellers, driver); and not go into minus.

I passed both of these tests perfectly, and that’s when I finally realized that I was ready to play at that level where everything depends on you and your head.

Nothing gives you more confidence than winning. If you plan to play big, first check whether you can handle the smaller tasks.

Let's Summarize How to Quit Your Job and Start Living by Your Own Rules

So, before you quit your job (and never come back), I recommend doing a few things:

1. Have the Nth amount of money behind you, which is enough to “stay afloat” for the next 3-6 months. This will give you the opportunity to think strategically instead of worrying about what to eat for lunch.

2. Create your own life quest and include everything that makes your heart beat faster.

3. Collect enough information on life’s primary quests to begin building a new life immediately after dismissal. All you need to do is find 30-60 minutes of time every day to search and collect information.

4. When you feel like you are READY, don’t be lazy to test yourself (come up with a test for yourself) and make sure that you are really completely “ripe”.

Now it's your turn...

2. What other advice can you give to those who want to leave their job?

I (blog author Olga Sharipova) from the very beginning mastered the profession of my dreams and subsequently always did what was my calling. And yet, at some point I felt that I was burning out, and my heart in Moscow, among successful people striving for career and financial success and incredible breakthroughs to the top of the Russian Olympus, gradually closed, I stopped hearing birds singing and feeling the smell of grass.

And I escaped to the islands, where I meditated and studied the energy of our body and much of what I write about on my blog. And, of course, I never regretted my decision, but was only grateful to myself! And with all my heart I wish everyone who has not yet taken this “leap into the unknown” to do it as soon as possible! :)

And if you are on the verge of escaping the matrix of career and financial success and returning to your heart, body and finding your calling, this excerpt from the book by Katie Silcox may help you:

“For many years, my social circle consisted of eccentric IT specialists, officials, stock brokers and an endless string of colleagues who secretly suffered from insomnia. Then I decided that corporate America was sucking the soul out of me. I had an irresistible desire to look inside myself. Watching how people who have money, cars, expensive clothes and power dull their minds with alcohol, drugs and other painkillers, I realized that I could no longer stand it. I myself suffered from many factors that disturbed my inner balance. I experienced almost unbearable constant anxiety, went on crash diets to get rid of the effects of late dinners, could not wake up without caffeine and could not relax without cigarettes.

One day, my boss asked me to move to a higher position with an increase in salary. I returned home and burst into tears. It seemed to me as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff: on one side of the scale there was a rational choice (to agree to a new position), on the other - a cry from the soul that told me to flee.

The fact is that I wanted my life to be meaningful, and money, beautiful people from the business elite and my then understanding of the world did not bring me closer to this. I dreamed of living a full life - one in which my heart would be constantly open, and it did not matter whether it would be bursting with sadness or filled with delight. I wanted to live in harmony with my own God. Learn to listen to your body. Smell the grass and earth, learn more about the plant world.

And I refused the promotion. Fortunately, I had enough money and could afford to focus only on taking care of myself and my health (in my previous life I never had enough time for this). I started doing yoga and meditation every day. I plunged headlong into the study of healing systems and read, it seems, all the existing works on medicinal herbs, working with energies, Eastern philosophy and Western views on the relationship that exists between body and soul.

Inspired by my passion, I traveled the world and took lessons from many great teachers, trying to discover the secret of a harmonious life. In Ladakh, I saw doctors of Tibetan medicine who healed patients using miracles or magic. I admired the dance of whirling Sufis on the beaches of Goa. I saw with my own eyes how mathematicians with degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cried when they saw the beauty of the golden ratio in nature.

I studied the meaning of dreams from shamans in Morocco. In Chennai, India, I learned how our emotions subtly influence our breathing. I meditated with plant spirits in Northern California. She studied with the most famous mentors and healers of the East and West who practiced Ayurveda, Taoism, Tibetan and Indian tantra and yoga. And I tried everything they taught me.

Of all the disciplines devoted to the relationship between physical and mental health, I was especially attracted to yoga, or more precisely, Ayurveda, a health system that is used in yoga. Its principles formed the basis of this book. Ancient self-healing practices have proven to be effective, easy to intuitively understand, and their ability to replenish resources is simply incredible. My body and soul needed to be loved, and Ayurveda generously met these needs. The more I worked with its principles, the calmer my anxious soul became. The body became stronger and more flexible. I learned to work with my emotions, mastered healing methods that nourished my body and filled it with energy. I discovered powerful new ways to manage my sexuality. In a word, I began to feel comfortable in my body. Previously, it was an object of criticism for me and seemed alien, but now it began to be perceived as a temple worthy of veneration and care. I'm still learning: it's a lifelong journey.

But I am deeply grateful that God answered my prayers and revealed to me the wisdom of Ayurveda. Now I know it saved my life."

And finally, a little meditation technique from Katie Silcox:

“There is a good method that helps you realize your individual life purpose. It consists of asking yourself: if I had all the money and free time, what would I be doing now? If you live in accordance with your purpose, the answer will be: nothing special, the same as now. If you answered otherwise, it may be time to reevaluate your goals.

Take two sheets of paper and a pen. Think about it, and then finish the sentence: “If I had all the money and free time, I would...” (For example: “I would travel all over the world and photograph rare exotic birds.”)

Write down your answer, and then imagine yourself doing your dream job.

Now write down the answer again, only this time in the present tense. (“I travel all over the world and photograph rare exotic birds”). Continue writing this phrase for five minutes. Notice the internal resistance that arises in you as you do this, and write down the thoughts that arise on a second sheet of paper (“I’ll never have enough money to do this,” “My mother will think I’m wasting my time,” “If I quit.” current job, I won't have health insurance."

I wish good luck to everyone who strives to become free!

Beauty, Radiance and wonderful discoveries of your Destination to everyone!

Below, with slight abbreviations, is an article that is very useful for those who are thinking about their own business.

In this interview, Pamela Slim explains how to escape the mundanity of corporate office life. Pamela is a business coach and writer who helps frustrated workers make it happen. Her blog is one of the most popular career and marketing blogs. Her expertise in making changes at work and in her personal life comes from years of consulting with corporations such as Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard and Charles Schwab. Her new book is called Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur.

Question: How do you know when it's time to quit your day job?

Answer: There is no perfect formula to guarantee that you are 100% ready to quit your job and start your own business - if I figured out this secret, I would become very rich! First, you need to have a very clear, realistic picture of your financial life and understand the specific risks you are willing to take. For some it's a certain stack of bills that should be enough, for others it's a period of time that you set aside to see if your business will generate income. Secondly, you will be more confident in your decision if you are already running a business alongside your day job, selling products or services to real people for real money in the real world. This experience replaces the mountains and mountains of paper you would have spent writing detailed business plans, and is the best indicator of your readiness to say goodbye to the life of an office worker.

Question: But isn't it crazy to start your own business in this state of the economy?

Answer: When corporations are in crisis, job stability is a thing of the past, the media is in a panic, and free or cheap tools are available to everyone, then this is a great time to start your own business. Depending on your financial situation and how far along you are with your business idea, if you find a need in the market that you can properly fill, then this is a great time to get ahead. So many people are sitting on their hands, afraid to move forward, that there is generally a lot of space in new markets that you can take over. Let me rephrase. If you are unfortunately laid off, what do you think will make you happier: that you already have your own business on the side or that you threw all your energy into desperately clinging to work?

Question: How do you decide what kind of business to start?

Answer: Business ideas are a dime a dozen. From my point of view, which is firmly based on the idea that the purpose of starting a business is to allow yourself to live a life that makes you happy, healthy, wise and rich or at least well-fed - there should be four components to a good business idea .

First, it must be based on something that you care about, that energizes you. Secondly, you must have the necessary skills and competence to implement your idea - or at least a very good list of smart and enterprising friends who will help you with it. Thirdly, you need to do some planning for your business. Finally, you need a business model that you have the resources to support and that will give you the life you want to live.

Question: What step should I take first?

Answer: If you are in the very early stages of planning your business, take the time to get to know yourself.

Study very carefully everything that gives you great pleasure or makes you sad. Pay attention to what kind of environment, what kind of work, what kind of people, what topics, what industries, what kind of schedule and what kind of activities contribute to your prosperity. When you open your business with this understanding, you will have a natural energy and clarity of thought that will make all other steps of the process much easier, such as choosing a business idea, understanding where to source funds, planning your business, identifying potential clients, and creating a marketing plan. process.

Question: By the way, should a person first start his own business and then quit his job, or first quit and then start?

Answer: Knowing that your livelihood is at stake, I'm much more comfortable with people starting a business and then quitting than the other way around. The process of creating your first product or service and finding paying customers is often very different from what you imagined and may require more time, resources and support than you thought during the planning stage. I have several clients who had such a draining and stressful job that they decided to save money and then quit so that they could have enough time and energy to devote themselves to the business full-time. Whichever path you choose, make sure you know how much time or money you'll have to invest and that you have a few options in mind if your business takes longer than expected to get off the ground.

Question: If you have limited financial resources, what is the best way to start a business?

Answer: Start by testing and prototyping a very small part of your business. You don't need to build a huge infrastructure, publish glossy brochures or buy new equipment. Try your best to get as much information and advice as possible for free. People are very generous with sharing good ideas, so you can learn tons by visiting smart blogs or free TV tutorials and seminars. When resources are limited, it is better not to take on a business that has very high operating costs, but to stick with an Internet model that you can promote for very little money.

Question: Do I need to have a business plan?

Answer: You don't have to have a complex business plan with a dozen appendices and tables, but you definitely need to do business planning. Get clear on the resources you need to get your business off the ground. So move fast, test often, fail fast, and discuss and write down your assumptions.

Question: What if your wife/husband doesn't support your entrepreneurial aspirations?

Answer: Spouses often do not support each other's aspirations because they have not received reasonable explanations. You can spend all day thinking about your business, assessing the market, and developing products and services, but your spouse can't see what's going on in your head or understand the logic behind your decisions. So show in ways big and small that you can see your plans through, listen to others' concerns openly and without judgment, and make plans that you feel involve a reasonable degree of risk for both of you. If you go into business, your whole family will follow you. So be sensitive to their concerns.

Question: How do you find time for a side business when you have a mortgage to pay and you have a wife and children who need attention?

Answer: With limited time, you need to be crystal clear about your priorities, both at work and outside of it. Take an inventory of all your work activities and boil them down to the basic tasks you must complete to do your job well. Evaluate how you spend your time outside of work. Do your kids really need to participate in twelve extracurricular activities and clubs a week? When I was a child, I would spend hours playing hide and seek with the neighborhood kids or launching paper boats in a puddle. I had a wonderful childhood, and everything turned out well in my adult life. When your business has a rigid and well-organized schedule and a list of realistic weekly tasks, you will achieve success.

It's better to take small steps every day than to wait for a big block of free time to appear, because it never will.

The translation of the article is taken from the blog “How to Sell” by Anton Zhuchkov and Kirill Petukhovsky.

If you would like to start your own business, but don’t know where to start, contact me right now - [email protected]