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How to achieve success in online business. How to Succeed in Network Marketing

How to succeed in online business? - an eternal question.

Nowadays, many people have begun to understand that network business (or network marketing, MLM) can bring financial freedom and material independence to every person. There are almost always some excuses and circumstances that prevent you from starting to engage in this type of activity seriously.

A standard network business does not require any special education from its owner. This is completely unnecessary, because the main factor in network marketing is the ability to communicate with people, especially strangers. Many people around the world achieve amazing results in MLM (network marketing), even without having any special education, let’s not even talk about a simple school. There are individuals who have not even finished school. Traditional and online businesses are very different from each other in the way they are run.

Most people try online business sooner or later, but in the end they refuse to continue, convincing others of their lack of experience. To achieve good results in business, in particular network marketing, you have enough desire. But not a simple desire, because you will have to study for some time, and we are talking about self-training. And this is much more difficult, because you also need to sit down for this training, and also remember everything, and then put it into practice in MLM. And experience is a matter of time and constant practice.

If you have found a good sponsor, then you most likely will not have to worry too much. Specific actions have already been drawn up and are waiting for your desire to start working. You can easily avoid mistakes at the initial stage, which will only lead you to positive results.
So, conclusion number one: be teachable, and strictly follow the ready-made system received from your mentor.

Very often, people starting a network business are faced with a lack of understanding from others. In most cases this applies to family and friends. When they are told the news about such a unique business, they do not react very flatteringly. And more often they even try to dissuade them from accepting such a “stupid” and unworthy occupation, in their opinion. It’s worse when they begin to convince you that you will definitely fail, like “Maria Ivanovna from next door.” It would be best not to react to such statements, if you definitely decided to do this business for yourself, then it’s a network business, and you don’t need anyone’s approval.

Disapproval as a defensive reaction, people try to justify themselves in the fact that they are not making any attempts to improve their own lives. And if someone decides to make such an attempt, those around them, without realizing it, try to stop this desire in others.

Instead of consulting with your family, consult with a professional who knows network marketing well and has been successfully using a scheme of certain actions for a long time.

The best solution to this problem would be not to consult and in general it is better not to temporarily start the topic with your loved ones. Do this a little later, when you earn your first money and you already have something to brag about, having proven the truth of your words.

Most new distributors in network marketing make a big mistake by starting to study hard and reading books on the topic indiscriminately. This is of course good, but not in this case. Ideally, all this should be combined with practice, or even better, learn something new and immediately try it in practice. Then study something else and again begin to acquire practical skills.

The most important thing is not to push things too far into a long box, learn to start. This is also very important, because sometimes starting to do something is the most difficult thing.

The faster you work and gain new knowledge, applying it in practice in network marketing, the faster and faster your team will grow and develop.

It is important to understand in time that a network business can help every person succeed and earn the required financial minimum.

A good mentor will give you a lot of useful advice in network marketing, because your success as a whole depends on your success. Therefore, it is unlikely that he (the MLM sponsor) will hide important nuances from you. Follow all his advice on network business mainly in practice, and not in your mind. Then you will certainly succeed, and success will not keep you waiting long. In addition, you will pleasantly surprise people who did not believe in you, and in network business (MLM) in general, with several hundred, and maybe thousands of green bills.

Good luck in your network marketing business and training!

Video of the day:

The goal is the path, not the destination. Having reached a certain level,
you still continue to move towards success

Why, while doing the same amount of work in MLM, do distributors of network companies have a huge difference in income? Why do some become recognized, respected, appreciated, quoted, invited as teachers to seminars, while others remain distributors and go to an MLM company as if it were a job?

Distributor attitude and mindset are global success factors

The success factors in the MLM business seem to be on the surface, but many distributors cannot see them and take full advantage of them to achieve their success. And the main, global factors in achieving success are a person’s attitude and attitude towards the chosen market sector to create their own successful business.

The answer, at least one, is in plain sight. This is an ATTITUDE towards working in an MLM company and a MOOD for success. This applies to any actions in cooperation with an MLM company. In order for the amount of money, distributors, sold product or goods to grow day by day, any actions must be of high quality. And this is what we're talking about.

It’s just that some distributors work a lot in MLM. They also study a lot. By the way, a very important success factor. After all, this is a new matter. Especially at the initial stage. They use constantly updated Internet technologies and are constantly studying the issue of transferring their business to the Internet.

Why do they have a conference room, which allows you to expand the scope of your business far beyond your local area, without investing money on travel, long-distance and international calls to train your teams.

This is another very significant factor. They do not let the issue of creation out of sight and do not let it take its course. In short, they do everything to build their system, their successful business and create real income within the framework of an MLM company. And over time, having secured a residual income for yourself, retire from business altogether. It won't be boring without it!

And other distributors will endlessly go to presentations, to the office, as if to work. Creating the appearance and imitation of vigorous activity. Which cannot be called success factors. And, accordingly, they have a small . But in this way, together with the mass of their own kind, they help the first in achieving their goals and colossal success.

After all, newcomers, coming to MLM, have approximately the same level of knowledge regarding network marketing. This is an important factor. Almost everyone who has entered into an agreement with a network marketing company for the first time (this is the category we will talk about) has the same picture: their eyes lit up at the presentation, it’s unclear where such energy came from that you can move mountains. Remembering your circle of acquaintances, your imagination begins to gain momentum and draw... Numbers flash before your mind's eye, how many people you can feed, butter, clean, invite to business... and become fabulously rich! Finally, you can leave this hated job and start building your business!

... But after the first calls or meetings with potential clients and partners in the person of their acquaintances who did not share their enthusiasm, the ardor begins to wane. And very little time passes before many people’s mood drops below zero: not everyone can quickly learn to correctly perceive what is happening and control the situation. An important factor influencing the further actions of the distributor.

Here we come to where we started this topic: attitude, attitude, responsibility.

Set up for success. And quality turns into quantity

In the MLM business, only quality actions turn into quantity. Quality must be present in everything: both in inviting partners to business, in choosing a mentor, in creating and training teams and structures, and in selling goods and earning money. Because the human factor plays a significant role here. And these are, first of all, emotions: respect, gratitude, recognition on the one hand. And misunderstanding, disappointment, envy, resentment - on the other.

Let's start with the fact that a new person, naturally, at first is always determined to succeed. And he has every right to choose a mentor with whom he will feel comfortable moving in this direction. After all, as a rule, a person decides to take the first step and come to listen to a presentation after several invitations from different people. And have no doubt that if a potential candidate is a leader by nature, then preference will be made in the direction of the sponsor who manifests himself from the position of a competent, purposeful, charismatic person.

But newcomers do not always understand that in any case they will have to do the work themselves. And the higher the sponsor moves up the career ladder, the less time he has. And when working, he will give his preference to those 20 percent of distributors who provide 80 percent of his income. And you will have to find answers to your questions yourself. An important factor, mind you.

If, when working for hire, a person is at the workplace from start to finish, performing some outlined range of responsibilities agreed upon during hiring, then in an MLM company everything is completely different.

Distributors plan their own daily routine, decide for themselves how much time they will devote to their new activity and how much time they will rest. (And watch in TV series how others build their lives.) They themselves determine whether they will continue to study or whether 3 higher education diplomas gathering dust will be enough for them.

And it is a serious attitude and mindset for success that helps you set your priorities correctly. As a rule, people with a certain mindset succeed in building a truly large business in MLM.

Important factors for achieving success in MLM

  1. Vision of the prospects and results of your activities many steps forward. This requires knowledge, calculations, and probably even intuition, which needs to be developed.
  2. Responsibility. The person understands that now he is the boss himself and not a single minute of his time can be lost, not a single decision should be made spontaneously and thoughtlessly. A person must be able to take responsibility not only for his own actions, but also for the development of the entire structure as a whole. At least several levels deep. After all, the main income comes from the depths.
  3. Perseverance and perseverance. After all, sometimes everything works out, and sometimes obstacles and obstacles on the path to success arise one after another. And there will be moments when you want to give up everything. And many quit the race just one step before the finish line, freeing up the field for their competitors.
  4. The mood for constant learning and self-improvement should never leave you. There is no such thing as too much knowledge. But there should be no distortions. Time to work with people must be allocated.
  5. Consistency. Do simple actions, and even in small quantities, but day after day. Make these actions a habit. In order for the actions of those personally invited to be correct, it is necessary to train people so that they can pass this on to their invited people, i.e. duplicated.
  6. Diplomacy. Control over your feelings. The MLM business is built on human relationships. People will follow you if they find it easy and comfortable to work in your environment, and therefore effectively. The ability to get along with people and be grateful will allow you to quickly create a reliable team and build a money business machine.
  7. A positive attitude is important even when no one can see you. Your team will always be in your energy field, and positive energy is always aimed at construction, while negative energy is aimed at destruction.
  8. Be an example in all of the above points.

Who is the easiest person to create a profitable MLM business?

It offers a ready-made business system and the opportunity, with virtually no initial capital, to open a profitable business for anyone and thereby provide themselves with a source of passive (residual) income.

But if you are looking for an opportunity to make money, do not rush to look for a suitable network company right now. Let's take it one by one and see what is needed to create a successful, profitable MLM business.

There are distributors who consider MLM the most attractive type of business. And although there are network companies that respond, creating a truly profitable MLM business is not easy.

To create a successful business in the network marketing system, you must have certain character traits: communication skills, the gift of persuasion, to some extent importunity, the ability to adequately perceive refusals, the desire to constantly develop leadership qualities, to some extent fanaticism and an absolutely normal perception of work irregular working hours. Often without payment, as with building any business. With faith in a bright future, creating a source of passive income for yourself.

But not many people actually manage to create this passive income for themselves. It’s not as simple as sponsors and structure leaders suggest at seminars and webinars.

We are familiar with this type of activity firsthand. Network marketing requires constant communication, and such a quality as sociability is not inherent in everyone. Euphoria from the first presentations often develops into discomfort and depression after the first refusals received, and therefore only a few achieve great success there.

A slightly larger portion of networkers simply have additional income there. And sometimes even more than at your main job. Having received a good reward for the volume from the structure made after the announced promotion, being in a state of euphoria, people sometimes even leave their main job, which they later regret.

And the majority of distributors simply provide this income to those who opened their MLM business “on the wave,” or, as they also say, “got into the flow.” And in order not to lose this income, they have to conduct numerous seminars, now webinars, announcing promotions and motivating a crowd of distributors to make large purchases, which many have stored at home.

For such network leaders, there really is nothing better than MLM business in the world. They are constantly engaged in self-development. Fans, in a word. Professionals. And provided for.

Successful business or work in MLM? Consumer network

Yes, becoming an MLM professional is a lot of work. And therefore, many, not wanting to sacrifice TV series, leave their comfort zone, engage in their development and self-improvement in order to build a successful business, prefer to just have a part-time job and a small additional income in an MLM company. At least enough to buy the company's products for free.

And this option in network marketing has a right to exist. After all, it is these distributors who, for the most part, form a network of consumers and help someone who is more tenacious, persistent, has goals and develops leadership qualities, to create their own highly profitable MLM business and be at the pinnacle of success!

Secrets of success. How to succeed in MLM? Video

Nikolai Latansky shares his secrets on how to succeed in MLM. After all, sometimes everything works out, and sometimes obstacles and obstacles on the path to success arise one after another.

And there will be moments when you want to give up everything. And many quit the race just one step before the finish line, freeing up the field for their competitors.

In any business, in any endeavor, a person wants to succeed and in many ways people come to network business seeing the success and achievements of those who have achieved success in this business. So why does it often happen that someone actually gets success, builds a large network, earns a lot of money, completes serious qualifications, while someone bounces from one network company to another, struggles like a fish against ice for years, without achieving serious results and eventually leaves, disappointed? What factors influence success in network marketing?

There are several main factors influencing success in the MLM business:
One of the most important factors is the network company itself, whose product will be sold and in which the distributor will build the network. You need to approach choosing a company very responsibly and when choosing a company you need to look at several things and you need to be able to observe and analyze, since all network companies recklessly position themselves as the best, the only viable and successful.

The first thing you need to pay attention to and analyze is the company's product. Since the entire network business is built around a product and it is the product that you will have to sell - look for markets and partners for its implementation, this point is the most important. The product must be in demand, consumed, of high quality, competitive and relevant for a long time. Ask yourself, will people buy this product at this price, not to do the activity, but to consume it?

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the age of the company, since in the first 3 years of its existence, up to 80% of all network companies close (as well as, in principle, non-network companies). There are very high risks here that the company will close, and then the entire distribution network and customer base you have created over several years will fall apart and you will need to start all over again.

The third important point is the company’s marketing plan. Before making an informed decision, you need to carefully analyze which type of marketing plan the network company uses, to what extent the proposed marketing plan will allow you to quickly build a successful, stable, dynamically developing business and receive an ever-increasing income for a long time. There are different types of marketing plans that will be discussed in other articles on our site, but we would recommend treating binary and matrix type marketing plans with caution.

The fourth important factor in choosing a company is its management - the ethical level and level of abilities and foresight of the company's managers and owners. Their attitude towards the company's distributors. The success of the distributor directly depends on their decisions, since they are the ones who decide what price to set for the product, whether to maintain the quality of the product at the required level or not, the strategy and tactics of the company’s development, the stability of the marketing plan and much more. In some not very decent and short-sighted network companies, it happens that a distributor at any level of qualification can be terminated (excluded) from the network, because he began to earn too much, or does not agree with the company’s policy, or without reason the price of a product is increased by one and a half times. an already expensive product, or simply worsen the quality of the product.

The fifth important point is how the system of training, mentoring, and launching into business is set up in the company itself as a whole and in the branch of the sponsor to which you are connecting.

As for the company, these are the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing it. Here we smoothly move from choosing a company to choosing a higher-level sponsor with whom you join the business. 50% of a distributor’s success depends on the right choice of company and sponsor.
The main characteristics of the sponsor to whom you need to connect are what qualifications he has, what successes he has achieved in this business, and, importantly, over what period of time, plus the general dynamics of development in his branch, how clearly the training system is set up in his network, internships and launch of new distributors. It is also advisable to look two or three heads above the sponsor, that is, at his sponsors; he himself may not yet have achieved high ranks and successes, but the general dynamics of the development of the branch and the hand of a strong leader are immediately visible. The main thing is that this is not a quietly dying stinking swamp, where signs of life are weak, where qualifications are closed once every 10 years and turnover during this time increases by 1%.

Here we have listed all the important external factors that could affect success in the MLM business; then we will consider more important factors for success, such as personal characteristics and understanding of the essence of the distributor’s business, which are needed to build a successful MLM business.
After you have correctly analyzed the company, the company's product, the upstream sponsor and made the decision to build a network, you must have confidence in the product, the company and the Faith that you will succeed. This is very important, because if there are doubts, if already by recruiting or selling a product you will prove to yourself that everything will really work out - things will go badly - since people will not believe you. You need to be able to choose a company, product and sponsor at an analytical level using analysis and there should be no emotions, but when the choice is made, you must be filled with confidence and determination and rush into battle with enthusiasm. After all, to make a decision, a person often lacks emotion, which sometimes is the last straw to all the arguments you give.

The next thing you need to understand when building your own network is that achieving success takes time, time of persistent action and building a business. You need to understand that, like any other business, an MLM business needs to be built and you will not always be able to receive the expected income at the end of the first months. And you need to get ready for this right away, for a year or two, investing all conceivable and inconceivable resources. And if the company, product and sponsor are chosen correctly, then these investments will bear fruit, there is no doubt about it. Everything, as they say, will be rewarded with the trinity and this will be only the beginning of prosperity and well-being, since there are simply no limits to expanding the network and there is simply no ceiling on earnings in this business!

The next thing that is important to do to achieve success in a network business is to systematize your time and daily routine, since proper time management is the key to success in any business. In a network business, you need to spend a lot of time meeting with people (at least 3 meetings a day) to attract them to the business, working with the structure and client base. A clear system of personal training and work, a system of training, internships and lower-level work is also important. It is necessary to ensure that a clearly defined and implemented business system is duplicated (transmitted down the network) without distortion.

To achieve success, a distributor must constantly practice, improve his skills and be able to soberly analyze both past and future steps in the business.

And of course, one of the main keys to success in this business is attitude towards people. A successful networker treats people with love and respect, always tries to understand, knows how to find a common language and achieve agreement with almost any person. Real success comes when the distributor’s first priority is not personal gain and career growth, but the growth and well-being of his team members.

Success in network business depends on many factors and nuances. This is the person himself, and the product, and the company, and the work system and much, much more.

Let's go through the key points first


According to statistics, networkers who are satisfied with their product are 80% more successful than those who relegate the product to the background

If we go back to history, this is where network marketing began. Namely how business recommendations. And it’s obvious that a person who is a fan of a product gets a kick out of going and telling everyone about it!

And we see another statistic that almost all financial pyramids fail in the first few years of their existence! This is obvious, since they do not have their own quality product

There is one more point that I want you to draw your attention to. Success in online business depends on how easy it is to promote your product on the market?

Typically in business we see two camps of people:

  1. Those who shape the market
  2. Those who give the market what it wants

Which camp are you in? Obviously, option 2 is tens and hundreds of times more profitable, since people are already looking for your product, all you have to do is make sure that they find you.

By the way, this is very, very easy to do on the Internet. I wrote an entire book to help newbies get up to speed quickly. Download it at the top right or immediately below this article

And by the way, this applies to both the product and the business. You either chase people and persuade them to consider your business opportunity, or you make people They find you themselves and want to join your business

Again, all this is discussed in great detail in my book.

5 components of faith

Success in a network business depends on how much a person believes in what he is doing, namely:

  1. Faith in the Network Marketing Industry
  2. Faith in the company
  3. Faith in the product
  4. Faith in sponsor, mentor, leaders
  5. Believe in yourself, in your strength

Ask yourself now. Do you believe in network marketing, do you believe in your company, do you believe in your product, do you believe in your sponsor, and do you believe in yourself?

It is ideal when you can put a plus against each item. This means that you are in the right place and will move towards your success in the right way.

But it often happens that not everything is so smooth...

If this concerns the first 3 points, then it’s better for you to either deal with it or do something else. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve great success in the network business in general, or with this company, or with this product

Your insecurity will be well felt by other people...

As for your sponsor, he may not exist at all, then it is extremely important for you to enter the circle of your superior sponsor. Unfortunately, moving alone is always more difficult

The 5th point is constant work on yourself, your beliefs, views on this world, on yourself, and so on.

By the way, this is why I really love network marketing, because here there is a very strong school of personal growth that creates strong, self-confident leaders

Work system

This is where the biggest disappointment of most newcomers to the network business lies.

After all, what do many people say? It’s enough just to provide information, and half will be included in your business.

It's sad, but this system of work dates back to the 90s, when people grabbed at network businesses like a hungry dog ​​for a bone.

Today the situation on the market is radically different. Offers are pouring in to us literally from everywhere, so simply giving information is not only impossible, but strictly prohibited!

This is the spam that most old school networkers on the Internet do today...

Because of this, many newbies don't like the system their sponsors work under. I often hear from my clients that they simply cannot spam like their superiors do, and I certainly understand them.

But do you remember the 5 components of faith, one of which is faith in a sponsor? If you choose a different work system, you should consider several important points:

  • You need to become a leader
  • And create your system almost from scratch

You will no longer be able to rely on your sponsor, since you chose someone else dearly and therefore must take a leadership position yourself in order to do more and lead people.

You understand that to achieve success in a network business, you must have a clear system that you can easily pass on to your partners. Otherwise, the structure will not grow and give you a decent check

And all this, if you choose a different path, falls entirely on your shoulders...

Therefore, the other side of the coin, whatever one may say, is the Internet, which is the future. Thanks to this powerful tool, I have established a stable flow of candidates and partners. My best result is 5 partners per week!

It's a pity that many sponsors who have a good check don't want to change anything. If you are in such a situation, then most likely you will have to become a leader and take matters into your own hands

The man himself

Now let's talk specifically about you. How do you influence success in online business?

In fact, everything depends entirely on you, and it’s time for you to take 100% responsibility for your success

Judge for yourself. Are there people in your company who make great money? This means that the question is only in you

Do you know what exactly the question is? Write down and remember the phrase:

You earn exactly as much value as you bring to this market

For example, most people can become a janitor, which is why they earn so little. But there are only a few presidents of Coca Cola, which is why the salary is so high, because such a person is very valuable

How does this apply to online business? Let's see what value we are paid for here and what directly affects success in the network business:

  • Ability to attract an audience
  • Ability to sell business and product
  • The ability to transfer these skills in depth

The first two points are just like in any other business: advertising, traffic, marketing, sales

But the third, this is the specifics of our business, for which the biggest money is actually paid, since it lies in our structure

In practice it usually looks like this:

When you start in business, the first thing you do is invite people to a presentation, or to a conversation with your sponsor. That is, you learn to attract an audience, while your sponsor or your leaders sell for you

At the next stage, you yourself begin to sell the product or business. By the way, I do not recommend that beginners engage in sales right away. You need to carefully prepare in advance. This is the moment that is easiest to fail out of ignorance.

Well, the final touch, when you have partners, you do everything with them in exactly the same way, passing on your knowledge and experience to them. And so on in a circle until the intended goals

Just 3 steps. It seems like it could be simpler. But as you well know, according to statistics, 90% of networkers get stuck on the first step

They are not ready to invest a sufficient amount of their time to develop this value, or rather, the skill of attracting an audience

Alas, very, very weak people come into this business. And when a person is also severely deceived by saying that it’s enough just to give information and everything will be fine, they get disappointed and leave...

I'll tell you the truth! To succeed in online business, you definitely need create more value, which will be expressed in the skills of attraction, sales and mentoring!

So, let’s now summarize how to guarantee success in a network business.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Love and use the product
  2. Be 100% confident in your company
  3. Understand the value of the networking industry, know the facts, data and figures
  4. Accept the sponsor’s work system or enter the environment of a higher-level sponsor, or develop your own system and take a leadership position
  5. Constantly increase your value (attraction skill, sales skill, mentoring skill)

In conclusion, I want to say that you need to love the process of constantly working on yourself, otherwise, most likely, sooner or later you will leave the business

Unfortunately, in one short article, I will not be able to convey to you all my six years of experience in building a network business, in particular via the Internet.

But if you understand that you need to understand everything more deeply, and you want to use such a powerful tool as the Internet in your business to its full potential? Then download my new book “How to get 10 partners a month and even more in the first line”

Grab it at the top right or immediately below this article

Good luck to you in your network business, go all the way!

See you

Take action

Success in network business from A to Z

Network marketing or MLM, no matter how it is viewed, is one of the legitimate types of income, and there are people who really find themselves in this field of activity. Today on the site “Beautiful and Successful” the conversation will not be about how good or bad MLM is.

We just want to give some advice to those who have decided to try themselves as a networker. We hope our recommendations will help you figure out how to succeed in network marketing.

Before you enthusiastically begin distributing the product of a particular company and recruiting people to your team, it’s a good idea to figure out what exactly you will offer and what company you will represent. Without this, it is impossible to seriously position yourself in the network services market, nor, ultimately, to be effective as a distributor.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is product, which you are going to offer to clients. After all, it is he who is the main “trump card” in your work. It is important that you yourself are confident that the product is of high quality, and most importantly, that people need it, otherwise it will be difficult for you to convince potential consumers and partners to buy and promote it. Your personal experience using the product can play a significant role here. It will be much easier to succeed and make money in network marketing if you sell a product that you really like. In addition, people are impressed when they are offered something that the seller himself is happy to use.
  2. Find out how well known and stable company, which you are going to represent, find out how many years it has been in existence. According to statistics, you should not get involved with young organizations that have existed for less than 3 years: there is a high probability that the company will cease to exist without ever “promoting itself.” As a rule, this happens in 80% of cases.
  3. Analyze marketing plan, which the organization offers, and think about whether you can quickly achieve success and earn income in network marketing within its framework. To thoroughly understand this issue, “Beautiful and Successful” recommends that you carefully study specialized literature.
  4. Finally, try to find out How do company executives feel about distributors? how ethical and forward-thinking they are; study the pricing policy and ask whether the “tops” are loyal to the agent’s rapidly growing income level. And, of course, an important factor will be the organization of a system of training for new distributors and mentoring - without this, it is difficult for a beginner to delve into all the intricacies of the business and understand how to succeed and make money in network marketing.

Personal success factors

But even if you partner with the most reliable company and distribute the most wonderful product, not everyone will succeed in network marketing. The so-called “internal factors” are extremely important for this.

  • sociability;
  • the ability to find a common language with a variety of people, understand them, feel their mood;
  • ease of establishing new contacts;
  • activity;
  • ambition;
  • positive attitude and focus on success.

It is difficult to imagine a closed person as a distributor, who does not love and does not know how to communicate, who does not believe that he can achieve success and high earnings in network marketing, and who does not appreciate the products he is trying to promote.

The next factor that will help you become a successful networker is the ability to organize your work time.

It is known that MLM representatives do not sit in the office or in front of the monitor screen “from bell to bell,” but in conditions of self-discipline is even more important. Remember that to be successful, you need to allocate time in your personal schedule for training, meetings with clients and future partners, and working with your structure and client base. The clearer and more rational your schedule is, the easier it will be for you to work.

You also need to realize that excess income will not fall on your head as soon as you take your first steps in network marketing. On the contrary, at first your material reward may be very modest.

Be patient. It may take you a year or even two to achieve the first tangible results.

Strategy for success in network marketing

Start working with the so-called “warm circle”. These are people with whom you communicate every day, whom you know personally: friends, relatives, work colleagues, your child’s teachers, just acquaintances.

  • Make a list of everyone to whom you can offer the company's products.
  • Think about which of them could become a new member of your team.
  • Arrange a meeting with them to talk about the product and your work.
  • Don't be overly persistent. If a person categorically refuses to cooperate, ask him to recommend people who might be interested in your information.

Explore different ways to promote your product and recruit new distributors. This can be not only such traditional methods as personal meetings or “live” presentations. Use phone calls, advertisements and, of course, the Internet.

You can achieve success in network marketing by working remotely in several areas:

  • through groups on social networks;
  • creating topics on forums and communities;
  • by creating landing pages and one-page websites that contain basic information about the company and product, as well as your contact information;
  • through a website or online store that presents products and also contains useful and interesting information about the product, company and tells about cooperation opportunities.

Take care of expanding your customer base. Ask customers to share positive experiences with your products in real life and online. Leave yours to potential clients so they can easily contact you.

You can also “forget” product catalogs that contain your contact information in cafes, cinemas, various institutions, recreational areas, etc.

Consider any difficulties as interesting tasks that you will definitely solve. Healthy ambition will also be a good help.

You must be confident that you can become the best salesperson, strive to achieve success and good earnings in network marketing, and your dream will definitely come true.