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How can you make money in a small town? How to open a business in a small town and not go broke

Many people who are planning to start their own business unfairly believe that they can only develop their business and make high profits in a big city. In fact, this is not true for several reasons, the main ones we will discuss below.

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First, let’s understand what business technologists mean by “small city.” This is considered a settlement that has up to 100 thousand inhabitants. It should be noted that in Russia there are only more than 83% of such cities, that is, business ideas for a small locality open up enormous prospects; opening your own business in a small city is much easier and more profitable.

Own business for a small town

Living in a small community, there are many business opportunities. This is due to lower costs than in a metropolis and lack of competition.

Why is it needed?

By opening his own business in a small town, a businessman first of all gains independence and the opportunity to earn quite large sums.

At the same time, a considerable part of the money is saved due to the fact that starting a business in the provinces incurs much lower costs than in cities with a population of one million.

In addition, you can be the first in the city to offer certain services, in which case the absence of competitors will allow you to quickly expand and strengthen your business.

Differences from large cities

There are quite a lot of differences, and almost all of them benefit those who decide to start their own business in a small town.

Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • Residents of small towns tend to have low incomes. Therefore, it is not profitable to develop a large business in such populated areas (with the exception of opening large enterprises that require labor);
  • The demand in such cities is for ordinary, familiar goods and products that we use every day. This allows you to expand your business in several directions at the same time;
  • Not a high investment at the start (low rent for premises, low wages, low costs for advertising campaigns).

An important factor for successfully running a business in a small town is the reputation of a businessman. After all, residents often learn city news not from newspapers, but from neighbors and friends. Therefore, this aspect should be given special attention; measures to attract and retain customers are very important.

Best ideas 2014

Before deciding what business to open, let’s name a few of the most popular business ideas of this year.

Small business in the catering industry

A profitable business is opening a small cafe with affordable prices and familiar dishes. In small towns there are usually few such establishments, so they are very popular among residents.

This type of business is perhaps the most profitable. It will not require large expenses, and the self-sufficiency is quite high.

Mini cafe on wheels. Nowadays it is a fairly common type of business that is in demand. The assortment in such cafes is small; it is enough to offer several types of pancakes, hot dogs, and drinks. If the snacks are tasty and inexpensive, such a cafe will always be popular;

The canteen at the enterprise will be in demand - it does not always have its own catering station. By setting low prices and offering homemade dishes, there will always be customers in the dining room.


If one cafe seems not enough for you, try offering your clients to organize holidays, corporate events, weddings, setting a low price. In small cities there are unlikely to be many event agencies, so there is a chance of becoming a pioneer and a monopolist.

A club with a disco will be very popular among young people. To do this, you will need to rent a large room and equip it. Modest but tasteful is not your option; such an establishment most likely already exists in the city. But a real nightclub with performances by metropolitan DJs will attract the public. In such a club you can hold themed parties, games, and events. There you can also offer your clients training in various courses (music, singing, dancing, etc.)

During the daytime, you can arrange in the same club.


The service sector will never lose relevance from the point of view of a business project: investments are minimal, the main thing is to have the necessary skills.

A manicure and pedicure salon is always held in high esteem. Even in a small town, the female population will be delighted with such a service and will come there again and again. Additionally, you can offer the services of a cosmetologist and massage therapist, make-up and holiday makeup services.

A taxi service may also be a good idea. Even in a small city, there will be people who want to get to the right place by car rather than by public transport. It is enough to have several drivers on staff with their own cars, make them business cards, which they will distribute to clients, and the business will certainly begin to generate income.

Another option for providing services is a tailoring studio. To open this type of business you will need a small premises, appropriate equipment and several employees. By offering low prices, such a business will flourish;

A company that provides services for garbage removal and demolition of old buildings is a new but popular type of service. In small towns there are enough buildings that are subject to demolition and houses are built in their place. You will need to purchase the appropriate equipment and find several employees with experience in such work.

Garbage removal is a popular service even in the smallest locality.

Car repair, tire fitting. In this option, it is enough to have a garage and minimal equipment. Almost every city resident has a car that periodically requires repairs and seasonal tire replacement. It is enough to hire 1-2 employees who understand car repairs. Such a business will be in demand.

Key making has been popular among the population since Soviet times. You will need a small room, a special machine for making keys and minimal advertising. To open your own business of this type, you need to have a starting capital of about 2 thousand dollars;

Being a private driving instructor can be an idea for extra income. Even in a small town, a car is no longer a luxury; almost every family has one. You can offer such a service on the client’s car, in which case the costs are minimal;

The Good Offices Bureau or the popular name today “Husband for an Hour” is a fairly popular type of business that will always be in demand. Having a set of tools, you can offer your customers minor repairs, installation and connection of household appliances at an affordable price. The costs are minimal.


Growing fruits and vegetables will be a profitable business. If you have even a small plot of land, your own business will soon flourish.

But you will have to look for sales of plant products in other, larger cities. In the periphery, every resident has an abundance of this product due to the availability of garden plots.

A grocery store is a banal but always relevant idea. The main success factor is the correct location and reasonable prices for the goods.

Other types of business that generate income in a small town

Today, throughout Russia, young parents are faced with the problem of kindergartens. Enterprising businesses are opening private development centers and mini-kindergartens for children in small towns.

This type of business will be in demand, especially among those parents who do not have the opportunity to leave their children with grandparents.

Of course, to open it you will need a qualified specialist who can be trusted with children. The costs are minimal; a mini-kindergarten can be set up even in your own apartment, if living space allows. In other cases, it is enough to rent a small room, make the appropriate repairs and obtain all the necessary permissions from the authorities (this often becomes the last stage, becoming an insurmountable obstacle for novice businessmen).

The delivery service for groceries, sushi and pizza is very popular. In small towns, such a service is rare, so you can become the first in the city to offer a service of this kind.

Opening a mini-bakery will require a small investment of money. Delicious bread is always in demand. If the products are of good quality and the price is affordable to the consumer, such a business will flourish even in the smallest town.

If you have real estate in a small town, daily or monthly rental of premises will be profitable. Not all small towns have a hotel, so this type of business, with proper advertising, can become quite successful and will not require special financial investments.

Internet: yes and no

The virtual space, which attracts an increasing number of people, both young and not so young, opens up many opportunities for earning money.

The easiest ideas to implement:

  • If a lot of young people live in the city, opening a computer salon will be profitable; such an establishment will quickly gain popularity. By setting low hourly wages, such a club will become a favorite place for young people to spend their leisure time.
  • Website content services can bring good income. Such a business does not require investment, but allows you to save significant money on renting premises and transportation costs.
  • Another type of earning money on the Internet is opening your own website. But here you will need certain skills and funds to open a business of this kind.
  • Some provide goods delivery services by opening an online store. For a small town, this could be household appliances and household items. Gone are the days when you had to go to the capital or another big city to buy large equipment; today it is possible to provide similar services in your city. This will save customers money and allow them to expand their business.

But you should remember that in a small town, not everyone has access to the Internet. In this case, one should build on the demand and capabilities of the population. A positive factor in favor of working on the Internet is little competition and little or no initial investment.

There is a fly in the ointment here too. Working from home, you will miss personal interaction. And opening clubs and an online store will require significant costs.

Where to begin?

Assessment of the situation

Before opening your own business, you need to study the market, find out what kind of services the city’s population needs. Having decided on the type of activity, it is necessary to select qualified personnel who will provide quality services and will help increase the client base.

Finding a good specialist is not easy; to do this, you can contact a recruiting agency.

The Internet will also help in searching. You can place a recruitment ad and a response will follow immediately. Considering that it is quite difficult to find work in small towns, this method is quite effective. Word of mouth will also be a good help, as it works better in small towns than any advertisement.

The second important step is to find product suppliers; this requires a lot of responsibility. Products must be of high quality and in demand among the population. First, you need to determine what type of service will be popular in a particular city.

Attracting suppliers from big cities is a thankless and unprofitable undertaking. Look for manufacturers (if you intend to trade) or sellers (if you need equipment and tools) in nearby cities.

The business must be in demand and be popular among the population, at least potentially.

Of course, you need to assess your strengths, what funds can be invested, and calculate how quickly the investment will pay off.

Finding funding

The most popular way to open your own business without investment is. You can choose which one is better by contacting several banks and comparing the conditions they offer.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to comply with some mandatory rules for a potential bank client, otherwise you will not receive a loan.

You will have to provide some documentation, you may need to present your business plans, based on the profitability of which the bank will decide to issue a loan.

Don't forget about government support for small businesses. Currently, there are special programs that are aimed at developing business in the regions, which allows you to receive certain benefits when lending, issuing subsidies and tax breaks. In order to competently use such a program, it is better to contact a qualified lawyer who will give detailed advice on this issue.

Selecting a location

For those who decide to start a business from scratch, the most profitable would be premises with a low rent. You may need to carry out minor repairs; to save money, you can do this yourself.

We must not forget that the appearance of the room is very important. It should be cozy and comfortable, the decor doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive and pretentious, but it should make you want to come back again. Residents of small towns are not tempted by rich interiors, but they should not be considered backward either. Bring everything into the proper form for a businessman. They greet you by their clothes.

The location of a business matters depending on its target audience. For example, it is better to open computer clubs in places where young people gather: near universities. Vocational schools, etc. Avoid schools, otherwise you will be tormented by listening to parents’ complaints that it is your direct fault that their child does not want to attend classes, but sits at the computer in your institution.

Catering and trade will naturally take root closer to the center. With the exception of a grocery store, which will be extremely welcome for residents of the outskirts, from where they have to travel far to buy bread.

Let's count?

Having even the smallest start-up capital, you can develop your business in a small city. Let's consider options for initial minimum investments for different types of business.

Minimum investment

As can be seen from the figures, starting your own business does not necessarily lead to large financial expenses. It’s enough to simply decide which type of business is closer, what your heart is most passionate about, and most importantly, what will be in demand in a particular city.

Expected profitability

You should not expect that a small business in a small locality will quickly pay for itself. Residents of such cities often do not have high incomes, so it will take several years before their own business begins to generate income. This also depends on the demand for services that will be offered to the consumer.

Seasonality also plays an important role.

For example, beauty salons, even in big cities, are practically empty in summer. On the contrary, the business of selling kvass in the summer will bring much more relevance than in the cold season.

What is the basis for a successful business in a small town?

In order for a business in a small town to be profitable and quickly pay for itself, you should remember several rules that will help bring a stable income and attract a large number of clients.

Basic aspects

  • The price for services of any kind should not be overpriced. The mentality of residents of small towns is such that people are not ready to overpay extra money. A low price and provision of discounts to regular customers will attract attention much faster than beautiful packaging or an expensive service.
  • If customers are satisfied with the service, they will definitely recommend you to their relatives, friends and neighbors. A bad reputation in a small town will kill any business much faster than in a metropolis. Even if your product is in demand and popular, you should not allow a negative opinion about yourself.
  • In a small town there is little competition, perhaps even its complete absence, so there is room for your imagination to run wild. By providing a high-quality and inexpensive service or product, your potential customers will become regular ones.

Watch also a video about business ideas in a small town:

Development methods

The key to success and prosperity of any business is constant development. Even the most profitable type involves improvement and the offering of new goods and services.

There are several ways to help expand and develop your business.

  1. First of all, this is competent advertising aimed at attracting new customers. This could be promotions, holding an event with a free presentation of products. These types of advertising are always relevant and popular with clients.
  2. It is also important to remember about marketing. Special offers with a limited validity period attract attention.
  3. The image of your business is equally important. Good reviews and new offers at low prices can increase the number of customers several times.
  4. An example of an unusual, but quite successful business is chinchilla breeding. In recent years, this animal has become very popular; it is raised not only to make expensive fur coats for women, but is also kept as a pet. A Moldovan businessman who started this type of business notes that the investments are minimal, but the income exceeded all his expectations.

    Some aspiring businessmen figure out what to do just on the fly. An original way to make money was founded by American fitness instructor Kristen Horler. She developed a training program for women who had recently become mothers, and the classes were held right in the park.

    This idea did not foretell large incomes, but quickly began to be in demand among city residents.

    The price per lesson was set significantly lower, so the client base expanded very quickly and brought in good income. Today, these are quite popular courses that are attended by a large number of young mothers. This type of earnings can also take place in small towns in Russia. Many young women will be carried away by the idea of ​​playing sports without leaving their children to relatives.

    There is a widespread belief that big money is earned in megacities, while provincial businessmen in a small town earn much more modest incomes. This is partly true, because megacities have large populations, and therefore higher demand for certain goods and services. The purchasing power of the population is also higher here. However, this does not mean that the idea of ​​opening a business in a small town in itself is something meaningless.

    Moreover, according to all economic forecasts, it is for small business future, therefore, even in a small provincial town there is every reason to expect success.

    What is typical for business in a small town, what are its features?

    Minimum competition and cheap start

    The 2 main advantages of any business idea for a small city are a minimum of competition and small investments with which you can start a business in a small city.

    On the other hand, the main disadvantage should be taken into account - the low purchasing power of the majority of the population. People in the regions do not have much money, and first of all they cover their basic needs - food, housing, cheap entertainment, clothes, and only then cafes and restaurants.

    An important provincial factor is mentality

    Well, and finally, another important provincial factor is mentality. In a small town, where half of the residents know each other, reputation sometimes plays a much more important role than in a large regional center. But it all depends on the city.

    The main direction is trade

    Be that as it may, 80% of business ideas in small towns are “tied” to trade, and there is a logical explanation for this. If you decide to “enter the same river,” perhaps it makes sense to acquire an existing business. In any case, finding an unfilled niche with good demand will not be easy at all. A little advice: be careful with a specific product. It can either make a splash or, due to weak purchasing power and conservative views of a certain part of the population, go unnoticed.

    A new direction of business in small towns in 2019 - property of bankrupts and bailiff debtors

    Recently, the number of bankruptcies has increased many times over, but few people know that debtors’ property is sold through public auction, where it can often be purchased for pennies.

    It is especially interesting to purchase property in small towns, since few people there know about the offers and know how to work with auctions. See more details in Oleg Selifanov's free course

    Rental business - rental of residential and commercial real estate

    Main plus rental of residential real estate- people always need housing, especially when you consider that you can start a rental business even with an amount of 100 - 200 rubles; this idea works well in the regions.

    To better understand how to make money on real estate and not make irreparable mistakes, go through free courses on real estate and earnings. They will help you decide in which direction you want to work and which one is right for you.

    • How to get 35-70% per annum on real estate
    • Business idea - Apartment building (video + business plan)

    4 main advantages of business ideas with real estate in small towns

    1. rental business requires minimal participation,
    2. has excellent credit and you can start even with a small personal capital - 100-200 thousand rubles
    3. scales well
    4. brings rental income every month
    5. A small number of employees is enough, sometimes even coming and working on a piece-rate basis with the simplest qualifications.

    Opening a service business in small towns

    The situation looks somewhat different. Here it is very important to correctly draw the line between essential services and benefits that are not essential. Naturally, in a small locality the first type will be in demand, and not the second.

    For example, a profitable business is more likely to be hairdresser with affordable prices and a constant flow of clients, and not a SPA salon with a wide range of expensive cosmetic procedures. Along with this, it is not enough to be like everyone else, that is, in our example, like other hairdressing salons.

    In order for a potential client to give preference to your salon in the future, offer him a little something, but a highlight. This could simply be high-quality service, when a person was not only given a haircut, but also met in a clean room, were friendly to him, and asked to wait his turn in a comfortable chair.

    Repair service

    Another niche that promises success in a small town is provision of repair services. There is a simple explanation for this. The income level in the province, as a rule, is average or below average, so no one here is in a hurry to throw broken household appliances, shoes or clothes into the trash.

    In this regard, opening a repair shop with a convenient location and work schedule can potentially count on financial success. In general, there are simply a huge number of business ideas for the city, you just need to search.

    Many people who have no experience think that starting their own business is very difficult. In reality this is not the case.

    Any person with start-up capital and desire can. No special knowledge is needed. The main thing is to carefully study the type of business that you want to do, take into account all the points and nuances.

    Decisive at the start will be- find a good supplier, if this is a store and location. It is very important. Many people, out of inexperience, opened stores in places with poor traffic, saving on rent and going broke. As for the quality of the product, this is also a key point, since we need regular customers. A person who has bought a product from you once must be satisfied so that he will return to you again.

    So, what kind of business to start in a small town? In our article we will look at the most profitable ones. Production requires a large start-up capital, so we will not consider this type of activity.

    So, you can either open a store or provide some services. First, let's look at which stores are the most profitable.

    Which store is better to open in a small town: 7 ideas

    1. Grocery store

    Perhaps the most profitable option for a small business in a small town. But to start you need a large amount. A minimum of 20-30 thousand dollars, and this is provided that you rent the premises and not buy them. Few people have such an amount in a small city.

    Yet again this type of business has many nuances and pitfalls. If you don’t have experience, then I wouldn’t recommend opening a grocery store to start with.

    2. Second-hand clothing store

    A thousand dollars is enough to get started. You rent a room, buy display cases and goods. Second-hand clothes are sold (purchased) by the kilogram and are inexpensive. The markup is usually 400-500 percent, which is very good. Most people in small towns are poor and willingly buy used clothes.

    3. Shop fish meat

    To start you need at least 3-4 thousand dollars. Profitability is 100-150 percent. Meat, such as pork, is purchased for 130-150 rubles per kg. and you can sell it for 300-400 rubles.

    4. Pharmacy

    To open a pharmacy in a small town you need an amount of 15-20 thousand dollars. The markup on medicines is 30-100 percent, which is not much, but due to turnover the pharmacy makes a good profit.

    5. Fresh flower shop

    To start, you don’t need such a large amount. You can make shelves for flowers yourself from boards. Flowers, for example roses, are purchased for 30 rubles and sold for 80-120. You can calculate for yourself how profitable the flower shop is.

    6. Clothing store

    To open such a business, you need 5-10 thousand dollars for the purchase of commercial equipment, the first batch of goods and rent of premises (the first month).

    7. Cosmetics and perfumery store

    To start a small store, 10 thousand dollars is enough. There is always a demand for this product. The girl may not eat, but she is unlikely to leave the house without makeup. Markup on cosmetics is 50-150 percent.

    What service business is best to open in a small town: 7 ideas

    1. Hair salon

    You can open both men's and women's. Or maybe both together. It all depends on the starting capital. To start, 1-2 thousand dollars is enough. Let's try to estimate how profitable a hairdressing salon, for example a men's one, is.

    The average price of a haircut is 250 rubles. It takes 20-30 minutes, let’s round it up, let’s say 30. Out of an 8-hour working day, let’s say the master will be busy with work for 6 hours. The total is 3000 rubles per day. You can calculate how much it will be per month.

    2. Husband for an hour

    To open such a business, you need little - the employees are handy and you need to purchase tools.

    3. Plumber services

    The main thing is to find and hire non-drinking, intelligent employees who are well versed in plumbing.

    4. Nail salon

    You can start with a very small amount. In this case, the location is not so important. The main thing is to provide high-quality services and keep prices low.

    5. Massage parlor

    You can complete massage courses yourself or hire an employee. The first option is preferable, since over time your employee will start slacking and luring away clients. Without your knowledge, he will go to their home and provide massage services.

    6. Computer repair at home

    You can work on your own (if you know how) or find a smart young man. For example, installing Windows costs 1000-1500 rubles and in my city the service is in demand. You can serve 3-4 clients per day.

    Even if we estimate that the average cost of repairs will be 1000 rubles, that works out to 3000-4000 rubles per day. A per month it turns out to be approximately 70-90 thousand rubles, if you work with one day off. This is much better than working for your uncle for 15-30 thousand rubles. per month. And in small towns, salaries are exactly the same.

    7. Funeral services

    Very profitable in a small town, but to create a full-fledged company you will need decent funds.

    Many will wonder what to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. I would advise opening an individual entrepreneur, taxation is easier, but for an LLC you will most likely have to hire an accountant as well.

    We have listed the best types of business for small towns. It’s up to you to decide which profitable one to open. But keep in mind that before opening, you need to carefully study this type of business.

    This is mandatory, since any unaccounted little detail can ruin yours at the start.

    People planning to open their own business often mistakenly believe that they can earn high incomes and develop only in a big city. In fact, it is easier to run a business in a small city, and if you approach the issue wisely, you can provide yourself with constant high profits.
    First of all, you should clarify which city is considered small. From the point of view of the business community, this includes settlements whose population does not exceed 100 thousand inhabitants. Most cities in the Russian Federation fall into this category, so it is obvious that the potential of business ideas for them is huge, and it is easier and cheaper to put into practice.

    A person who lives in a small town has a lot of opportunities to create his own business. Financial costs are much lower than in a large center. Some types of business can be started with virtually no investment. Thanks to low competition, there is always something to do, even if it seems that the city already has everything.

    Why open your own business at all?

    By going into business, a person has the right moment to gain complete independence from other people, as well as the chance to earn significantly larger amounts of money than as a full-time employee.

    From the very beginning, build your business so that in the future it can operate without your constant participation. This is the only path to financial independence.

    Differences from big cities

    Considering the situation from the point of view of the differences between large and small cities, we should dwell in more detail on their characteristics.

    • Citizens in small towns earn much less. For this reason, large business is not profitable, not taking into account the construction of factories and factories, which require labor.
    • The main demand is for traditional goods and services that people use every day. This allows you to expand your business activities into several areas at once.
    • Low level of financial investments in the initial development process. This is explained by the lower rental cost of premises, low staff salaries, and low promotion and advertising costs.
    • And of course, the smaller the city, the faster rumors spread. Accordingly, the reputation of a businessman plays an important role. People will not make a profit if friends or relatives tell about deception or inadequacy, and no amount of advertising will save them. This aspect is key.

    Business ideas in the food sector

    Opening a small cafe with reasonable prices and classic dishes is a profitable business. Because there are few such places in small towns, they will definitely be popular. Profitability is high due to low investments and high level of self-sufficiency.

    Food trucks. This term refers to small mobile cafes. Presented in the form of vans with the necessary equipment for cooking directly inside. They are able to move to any place, for example, during a festival they go directly there and provide food for participants. The assortment is small, the chefs prepare each dish quickly and well, thanks to a lot of practice.

    Inexpensive canteen on the territory of a factory or educational institution. Low cost and large portions of inexpensive dishes allow us to receive a large flow of customers.

    Food delivery services (especially sushi and pizza) demonstrate popularity and good profitability. Delivery is organized at our own cafe, and a special courier service is opened that works with catering outlets in the city. Services of this type are common in large cities, but in small cities you can easily capture the market.

    Some open mini-bakeries. This is relevant in areas where people pass through. For business efficiency, you should prepare products from the freshest ingredients that customers like. The room required is small, and special equipment is also required.


    Of course, when talking about small business, it is impossible to ignore trade. Opening your own store is the most common way to start your own business.

    In this matter, the main thing is to correctly assess the demand. What is missing in your city? What products could you offer to the local population?

    Opening a grocery store is traditionally popular. The basis for success is the correct location and price level adequate for the average salary in the region.

    To start a small non-food store you will need a minimum investment if you order goods from China, for example on Aliexpress. There you can find a huge number of interesting things at a very low price (for example, accessories for mobile phones, jewelry, clothing).

    Business ideas in the entertainment sector

    In the event that a traditional cafe does not bring the necessary profit, you can provide clients with various holidays. These include corporate events of private companies and government agencies, weddings and banquets.

    Stylishly decorated nightclubs will be popular with young clients.

    To organize it you need:

    • Rent a large premises;
    • Purchase the necessary equipment. Moreover, both for the kitchen, where snacks and drinks will be prepared, and for the dance floor.
    • Popular DJs and dancers from big cities are also invited to perform there and attract the attention of young people. Such events improve the authority of the establishment.
    • It is possible to organize themed parties in honor of popular holidays. And during the day it functions as a regular cafe.

    Business ideas in the service sector

    The service sector is very popular. Minimum level of financial investments, high level of self-sufficiency.

    A salon for women and men, providing hairdressing, manicure and pedicure services with separate booths for VIP clients, will be popular. Specialists in massage and cosmetology are also involved. The level of profitability of such a project will be high, given the proper level of craftsmen.

    Organization of taxi transportation. Several professional drivers with their own cars and a dispatch service, at reasonable prices, will provide residents with comfortable transport. This type of business is promoted through advertising and word of mouth. The profitability is high, due to the fact that in small cities there are no aggregators like Yandex taxi or Gett.

    It is promising to create your own fashion tailoring studio. A small room, special equipment and professional seamstresses are required. Sewing dresses for proms and weddings, clothing repairs and other services at reasonable prices will lead to high profitability of the business.

    The business of garbage removal and destruction of old buildings and structures is gaining momentum. Instead of dilapidated abandoned houses, large residential complexes are being built. And to make room, they need to be demolished. Labor and equipment costs are negligible. At the same time, waste is removed from spontaneously formed landfills and special bins.

    Some unconventional ideas

    The problem in the Russian Federation is the lack of kindergartens. This stimulates the development of private institutions and mini-kindergartens. Financially wealthy parents who cannot leave their children with anyone are the target audience.

    To do this business, we need competent employees who have experience working with children. You also need to rent a room and obtain official permission from government authorities. The last stage is the most difficult and time-consuming.

    Business by . You can read more here. In short, this is an opportunity to open your own business using a ready-made model. For a certain amount of money or a percentage of sales, you will receive constant information and advertising support, technology and a ready-made business model.

    People who lead an active lifestyle can organize ethnotourism. Standard resorts won’t surprise anyone, so rich people prefer to travel to picturesque places and hard-to-reach places.

    For example, excursions to Lake Baikal are in great demand, where you can enjoy the nature and beauty of the region without fuss. But this is not the only interesting natural place in our huge country.

    According to travel agencies, thousands of tourists go on vacation to Kamchatka and Karelia. If a town has similar attractions, the excursion business has great potential.

    Organizing hunting and fishing trips for wealthy clients from large cities is very popular today.

    Real estate

    If there is excess real estate, you can organize. There are two options: monthly, daily.

    In the first case, an apartment or house is rented to permanent residents, who are students and young families. Income will be stable.

    It may be much more profitable to rent out daily if there are tourist flows in the city. Popular when there is a lack of hotels in resort towns. You need to publish your ads on and to attract regular travelers from all over the world.

    If you don’t have your own property, you can make money on someone else’s. Open a real estate agency. The initial investment in such a business is quite low, but the prospects are excellent, since small towns are not yet accustomed to renting out housing and commercial premises via the Internet.

    Internet business

    Until recently, you could earn a lot by opening a computer club. A room is rented, gaming computers are purchased, whose performance is sufficient for modern games, and a low price per hour is set. Young people spent days in such places. However, with the progress of progress, computers appeared in every family, and the Internet made it possible to play group games at a remote distance. As a result, this type of business simply disappeared.

    Your own Internet resources bring good profits. First of all, you need an idea and a thorough analysis of the niche. The main thing is that the topic of your site is interesting to you, otherwise your enthusiasm can evaporate quite quickly. You also need to have the necessary skills and tools to run such a business, and the ability to promote your website.

    The most popular option for organizing a business is an online store. The goods can range from various small household items to large household appliances. The development of progress has made this accessible to residents of any locality. Goods are delivered both by courier service and through Russian Post. You can read the characteristics in advance and choose the right product without wasting time getting to the store.

    If resources are available, we open our own web studio. A few professional programmers are enough for this. The cost of one Internet resource ranges from 10-20 thousand to several million. Clients are searched for remotely or through the “cold calling” method.

    Enterprising modern girls develop businesses through social networks, for example, Instagram. Fitness instructors train daily, post photos online, attract subscribers and sell advertising. Or they create individual training plans for a fee. The cost of advertising posts reaches several tens of thousands of rubles.

    If you have some expert knowledge, then you can start running your own educational channel on YouTube ( and make money from advertising. Foreign languages, cooking, car repair and maintenance, computer topics, etc. are in demand. The advantage of an educational channel over an entertainment channel will be a constant and stable level of views, and therefore income.

    You can start an online business with virtually no initial capital. This is its main advantage, but there will be corresponding competition.

    Market and competitor analysis

    To start opening your own business, you need to conduct a comprehensive market analysis, find out what specific services or goods are required for city residents. Having found out this, you need to select competent personnel who can work effectively and attract more clients. To do this, it is often necessary to contact a special recruiting agency.

    It is important to pay attention to potential competitors. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Does it make sense to open nearby or is it better to look for another place.

    Many problems can be solved without leaving home. An advertisement seeking employees is posted on the Internet through special resources. In a small town, you must definitely take advantage of word of mouth, which often spreads information faster than the Internet and newspaper advertisements.

    It is worth noting that goods from suppliers from large cities or simply large firms will cost significantly more than products from small manufacturers. You should definitely consider the possibility of supplying goods from China. Today it is not as difficult as it might seem.

    It is important that the planned business must have prospects and be in demand. Opening a fashionable gourmet restaurant in a city where the average salary does not exceed 15 thousand rubles will be unprofitable. Same with a 5 star hotel. Another thing is to invest in a street point selling shawarma near a university or vocational school. It is also promising to open an inexpensive pizzeria there.

    You should competently assess your own strengths and capabilities, and determine when the investment will pay off and begin to generate net profit. Without an effective strategy, a business will fail.

    Where to get money to start

    The most commonly used way to start a business without having the required amount of your own money is a bank loan. Explore all options from different lending institutions.

    To receive borrowed funds, you must provide the bank with all documentation related to the planned business. There are government support programs (be sure to check with your local administration about this). These include preferential taxation systems, subsidies of various levels, and reduced loan rates. To get a loan, you need help from a competent lawyer who will provide all the necessary information and advice.

    Be sure to find out about the availability of specialized business incubators in your city. There they can help you with any legal issues that may arise, as well as assist you in obtaining a loan and drawing up a business plan.

    If you have reliable friends or relatives, you can try to start your own business together, refusing borrowed funds.

    Search for a place

    When it comes to finding a suitable location for your business, it is important to highlight two aspects:

    1. Rent price.
    2. Availability of potential clients nearby. Good maneuverability.

    Sometimes, a room is rented and subsequently renovated on its own, which allows you to save money.

    Depending on the concept of the business, the appearance of the office plays a big role. If you plan to receive clients, the interior furnishings must be of high quality and stylish. As a rule, residents of small towns react strongly to this and prefer to trust what looks expensive and of high quality.

    It is also important to consider the trafficability of the target audience of a particular business. Inexpensive fast food outlets are opening near educational institutions, shopping malls, and markets. It is students and people going shopping who are the main clients of such places.

    At the same time, it is better to locate food outlets close to residential buildings. People will not go far for bread and milk if there is a good store nearby.

    Planned level of profitability

    It is worth understanding that a business in a small town does not pay off quickly, unlike a large settlement. Residents cannot afford to spend a lot of money due to low salaries. The degree of demand also influences. The time of year plays a significant role.

    For example, outlets that sell kvass or ice cream in the summer, especially in the southern regions, have huge profitability. Moreover, in winter, there are simply no such points. But beauty salons are gaining popularity; in the summer, on the contrary, they are empty.

    Most importantly, make sure that your income is always enough to pay off your loans if you decide to finance your business this way.

    The basis of a successful business in the province

    For any business in a provincial city to be successful, quickly pay for itself and generate good income, you must follow several key rules. Their practical use allows you to earn money and attract new clients.

    The cost of goods and services should not exceed a certain value. The mentality and level of income of provincial residents does not allow them to spend extra money just like that. They are looking for an opportunity to save money. Therefore, they resort to a mechanism of discounts and incentives for regular customers.

    The quality of service is above average. If a person likes it, he will recommend this place to friends, acquaintances, and relatives. At the same time, a bad reputation will have a negative impact on business activity. Negative reviews need to be prevented in the bud. There have been cases when a cafe, after a decline in the quality of service, lost customers and went bankrupt. A bad reputation for an establishment in a small town can be a curse, but a good one can become the main driver of sales.

    Promising ways of development

    It is important to note that the basis for any business is constant movement forward, development, evolution. What is profitable now, in a year, when marking time, becomes the cause of ruin. There are many options for improving your own business.

    A good method is advertising. Advertising attracts new customers. Popular moves include promotions, discounts, and presentations of new products. Marketing moves are of great importance. The special features are the duration of the promotion and the profitability of the offer.

    The image of a business plays a big role. Positive reviews and gratitude from clients allow you to increase the number of clients.

    Another step is to open branches in neighboring cities and regions. Over time, such costs will pay off. Brand awareness will increase.

    To start a small business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will allow you to save on accounting and taxes.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that a business even in a small town with a small population can generate income. A provincial city is a good place to create and develop your own business, and an enterprising person will definitely achieve success.

    What kind of business is profitable to open: 6 features of business development in a small town + 5 specific business ideas.

    Starting your own business in a small town seems to be a very difficult task.

    An entrepreneur has many questions about choosing a business direction, determining the clientele and the market for products.

    But this idea of ​​small towns is quite one-sided.

    Such an entrepreneurial environment has many advantages, especially for new businessmen.

    What kind of business is profitable to open in a small town??

    In order to answer this question, it is necessary to analyze many factors.

    Starting from the client base to the location of the city.

    In this article you will learn how to start your own business correctly, draw up a business plan for a project, and get maximum income.

    Features of the business development environment in a small town

    There are more than 90 cities in Russia with populations ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 people.

    Running a business in conditions of low consumption of enterprise products is quite difficult.

    Let's consider the main features of business in small and medium-sized cities:

      Let's start with the obvious.

      To open a business, you need to qualitatively study the population.

      Knowing the basic needs of potential clients, you can correctly determine the direction of the future enterprise.

      Taking into account competition in the market.

      Opening two large factories in a small town is stupid - isn’t it?

      Even if you have correctly analyzed your customer base, you need to take into account the competitiveness of the market.

      There are no competitive advantages that could compensate for your losses in the wrong location for your business.

      Enterprise size.

      The definition of “small city” makes it clear that the size of production must correspond to consumption.

      Only if a company exports goods does it make sense to organize large volumes of production.

      Start from the sales market.

      Relations with local authorities.

      Every subject of our society strives for development.

      The urban system is also part of the social order.

      The authorities of small cities are ready to support business projects that will expand their budgets through taxes and increase employment.

      Development of city infrastructure.

      Considering the above factor, it is necessary to understand the importance of the enterprise within the city.

      If the implementation of the business plan directly affects the improvement of infrastructure, you are guaranteed state support.

    What conclusions can we draw?

    The fundamental features of development are the need to take into account the preferences of the population, have your own sales market, and make every effort to choose the right direction of business.

    What kind of business is profitable to open in a small town: analysis of the customer base

    Any business is aimed at a single goal - to provide a product or service to the client, and to receive decent payment for it.

    A high-quality marketing plan to increase the benefits of an enterprise cannot be implemented without specifying the customer base.

    Marketing is focused on the customer.

    Essentially, it represents many ways to make your service stand out from a million others.

    The marketing concept requires a clear definition of the customer.

    In the case of a small town, everything is quite simple.

    You can identify a typical client among a small city population by taking into account a few simple rules:

      Average age of the working population.

      It is necessary to determine the age of the solvent population.

      The direction of interests depends on this.

      Information about the birth rate in the city.

      The presence of an increased birth rate reflects the needs of young parents, thereby giving entrepreneurs business ideas.

      Availability of large enterprises, analysis of employees.

      Employees working in the same field have similar needs and living conditions, which in turn affects their outlook.

      Location of the city.

      Everything is quite simple: climatic conditions, peculiarities of cultural development are another significant factor that is taken into account when determining the “standard consumer”.

    • You should also take into account the specifics of the population in relation to business, i.e. Each project is designed for a specific type of client.

    Standard Client Definition Table

    FloorIndicate the gender of a typical consumer of a product or service.
    AgeAge limits.
    RegionIf the product is manufactured for use in a certain area or its popularity is higher there, this factor plays a big role.
    Type of activityThe place of work provides an opportunity to learn about the client’s horizons, to study interests and needs more closely.
    WageDeterminant of the solvency of potential buyers.
    EducationApplicable for updating the client's level of awareness when drawing up a marketing plan.
    Political and religious viewsAdvertising of any product should not offend potential customers. It is very important to understand individual beliefs, especially in our diverse country.

    Summarizing the interim results, it should be noted that opening a business in a small town forces a better analysis of the market and customers.

    5 business ideas for opening in a small town

    The experience of organizing a business is the very encyclopedia from which every aspiring entrepreneur should take information.

    1. Fast food restaurant

    “Surround yourself only with those people who will lift you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to pull you down.”
    George Clooney

    You may ask – why is it so banal?

    The fact is that you can be completely confident only in some behavioral habits of the population of any locality.

    The desire to eat is included in this list.

    Small, popular in any city.

    If you are a person with the proper imagination, raise the level of street food.

    To implement this idea, you can use the experience of foreign colleagues who sell roasted chestnuts instead of a banal street poppy menu, or even cook roasts in the open air.

    A restaurant that has gained popularity can be turned into an entire chain.

    Based on the definition of “small town”, to obtain maximum benefits it is worth locating the establishment in crowded places.

    This includes the main squares of the city, or educational institutions and office centers.

    The payback period for the restaurant business is less than a year, given that you prepare delicious food and customers appreciate it properly.

    2. Repair agency

    Considering the specifics of small cities in the Russian Federation, it is safe to say that residents often face problems with the repair of residential buildings and apartments.

    By opening a repair agency, you choose the “path of the warrior.”

    Solving problems with the repair of Khrushchev buildings and other unreliable structures is quite dangerous work.

    But this also has its own invaluable advantage - constant demand.

    Renovating old buildings is simply necessary.

    When opening such a business, you will have to compete with public utilities.

    If you have modern construction equipment, utility companies will not be your competition.

    Setting up a repair agency is quite difficult, but the potential is worth it.

    If the company can take a leading position in the local market, it is possible to develop the business to the level of a construction company.

    The prospect is excellent.

    Moreover, the authorities welcome construction companies.

    Any assistance to city infrastructure is highly appreciated.

    3. Educational center

    Every sane person has a desire to learn how to earn more, especially in a small town.

    Haven't you made the connection yet?

    A young man living in a small town strives to get a proper education in order to learn how to earn more.

    But the problem is that 90% of serious coaching centers are located in big cities.

    If you manage to organize high-quality trainings with the participation of eminent people, the chances of business success are very high.

    The benefit for clients is obvious - they try to help him, this is captivating.

    Placing a coaching center in a small locality is a know-how, but who said that innovation is bad?

    4. Medical center

    Medicine is necessary for absolutely everyone.

    In Russia, a fairly small number of cities have high-quality medical institutions.

    The state, which is unable to provide high-quality medical care in all regions of the country, comes to the aid of the entrepreneur’s commercial gain.

    The registration process is very painstaking; you will have to collect a huge amount of documentation.

    The most difficult stage will be the selection of personnel.

    Knowledgeable specialists are the basis of any business related to the provision of services to people.

    A specialized medical center can be organized taking into account the typical health problems of residents of the region where your institution will be located.

    5. Club

    Absolutely every person has a desire to relax.

    Making money on vacation is simply the “highest level” of entrepreneurship.

    Exclusivity is the main assistant of business.

    The idea of ​​​​implementing a standard cozy place for relaxation is not suitable.

    You need a large hall, a pretentious atmosphere, recognizable DJs, delicious food.

    A huge advantage of this type of business is the huge demand among young people.

    The environment of the establishment leads people to spend money carefree.

    Proper use of marketing activities will popularize it and make it special.

    On the basis of the club, concert events can be held - another source of income for the owner.

    The well-equipped hall can be rented out for performances by out-of-town artists.

    The payback period for a business can range from one to two years.

    Taking into account the correct development of the concept of the establishment, it becomes possible to reduce the payback period.

    Another business idea for a small town is described in the video:

    Conclusion about what kind of business is profitable to open?

    Opening a business in a small town is not an easy task, requiring a creative approach and the proper level of responsibility from the entrepreneur.

    The potential for development is very large.

    A properly organized business plan, and most importantly, a great idea, works wonders.

    A small town can be considered as a stable monolithic environment for business development.

    Most people have similar interests, problems, and outlook.

    This similarity is connected with the very concept of infrastructure development: there are a couple of main places of activity, for example, large factories with the same type of mechanized work.

    The same type of work provokes the development of a similar behavior model.

    What matters is not what kind of business is profitable to open in a small town, and which not, namely the implementation of two main points: an original idea + high-quality implementation.

    The whole peculiarity of business activity in a small locality lies in the high-quality and detailed analysis of customer requests.

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