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How we bought an American Girl doll. How we bought the American Girl doll Eva american girl in VKontakte

Hello, dear doll lovers! Today I want to dedicate the topic. As soon as one mini-baby got into my house, I was completely sucked into the world associated with these dolls. No, not peace, but PEACE!!! Many of you may have this information, but maybe someone, like me, will be interested in seeing the details of this WORLD!
Let's start with the fact that American Girl dolls can only be bought in America. They are not sold in Russia. But in America, in large cities, there are huge stores of this company. And these are not just shops, this is a dream! Two-story supermarkets dedicated only to American Girl dolls!

The pictures are all taken from the Internet, because seeing at least one such store in reality remains a dream of dreams for me)
When you enter a store, information about new products is always placed in the foreground.
IN this moment These are two new dolls that went on sale in February of this year.

This is a Tenney Grant doll and the first boy released by American Girl, Logan Everett.

I have already bought Baby Tenney, a 6-inch analogue of the large doll, and am waiting for it from America.
There will definitely be a topic about her!
In the meantime, let's delve further into the study of stores.

I have often wondered why American Girl dolls are so popular in America? And the answer turned out to be simple. As soon as I started collecting information on each doll and studying their stores, all questions disappeared at once. Such promotion of its product as the American Girl company simply does not exist anymore! And now you can see this for yourself!
You probably already know that AG has dolls from historical eras. These are girls who lived in certain years that were significant for the country. So, every doll from historical eras in the store has its own room! And in such a hall, everything that concerns only one specific doll is put up for sale!
This is the 18-inch doll itself, a 6-inch mini-doll, all the outfits that have ever been released for this doll, books about this doll, DVDs with a feature film about this doll and computer games, accessories that have been invented for this dolls based on the plot of the books, as well as real clothes for girls, repeating the doll’s outfit.

As a rule, all these thematic rooms are decorated with a showcase with this doll in different outfits and her accessories.

And right next to the display case there are branded sealed boxes with these products for purchase.
All these themed rooms for each doll are most often located on the second floor.

On the first floor you can also find all these dolls and many more.
Here the product is divided into categories.
Dolls from historical eras. Such a doll, complete with a book, costs about $110-$120.

All the dolls and accessories for them are already displayed here not behind glass, but simply on stands so that you can come up, touch everything, look, it is recommended and play. And of course, right there below are sealed boxes of the same goods for purchase.

For the doll, you can choose furniture, a pet, and transport.

Clothes for dolls also hang here. Excellent quality. And for real girls! Exactly the same as the doll! For dolls, a set of clothes costs from $30 to $80, for preschool girls from $40, for schoolgirls - from $60. You can also buy shoes and even glasses for the doll.

With each doll, large or small, there is a book in the box with a story about it. English language. Only the first volume. The continuation of the story, that is, other books about the doll, as well as the first volume, can be purchased either in the theme room of a specific character, or in a department where there are only books about all the characters.

Next to the books is a section with mini-dolls. My favorites.

A wall where dolls of the year stand in a row, each of which was sold from January 1 to December 31 of a particular year. After that, the doll is removed from sale and from January 1 of the New Year another one goes on sale. Again exactly for a year. And the previous doll of the year becomes a collectible.

All the girls of the year are depicted here, except for the girl of the year 2016 - Leah, about whom I wrote in the previous topic. And the girl of 2017 is Gabriela.

And she has not yet joined the list of exhibited girls of the year, who have gone down in history, but for now is on sale freely in the store until December 31.
That's not all! There are many options for dolls that come without a name, just under numbers with different combinations of eye, hair, and skin color. Such dolls are made so that every girl can choose a double doll for herself. That is, no matter which girl enters the store, she will definitely find a doll with her skin color, eye color, hair color and the same hairstyle as hers! 59 hair color options, 4 eye color options, 40 hairstyle options. Dark and curly, blonde with blue eyes, green-eyed brown-haired, there are many options.
Here are display cases with these dolls:

These are the light purple and blue boxes where dolls are sold to match the appearance of the little housewife. My American Girl! Cost 110-115$.

These dolls are sold in the same basic clothes. Therefore, after purchasing such a doll, you can go and choose the same outfit for yourself and the doll!

But that's not all!!! There is a special salon where professional hairdressers work, who can do any hairstyle for your doll that you want. You can cut or extend the doll's hair, do a manicure, a facial, or pierce her ears and insert earrings. Therefore, many girls go to such a store with their dolls from home to give their doll a unique hairstyle. Well, or the same as the owner of the doll herself. It costs $12 to pierce a doll's ears, and to cut her hair costs from $12 to $25, depending on the complexity of the haircut.

There is also a separate hospital-type room.

Here you can bring or send by mail a doll that is broken, drawn with a felt-tip pen, or bitten by a pet. Within two weeks, the doll will be repaired, cleaned and sent to your address in a hospital gown and with a discharge card. This service is free.
But that’s not all!
If you are tired of walking around a huge store for three hours and are hungry, then there is a cafe right there where you can eat deliciously. Why is the cafe interesting? There are FREE ACCESS American Girl dolls here, which you can take with you to the table if you come without your doll. Of course, after a delicious snack, you will have to return the doll, but it’s still a cool idea! A sort of table companion for rent. Of course this is another wonderful one marketing ploy, aimed at the fact that your child, after interacting with a doll at the table, will want the same one for himself, and you will have to go to shopping room and buy it.
These are the chairs the dolls sit on in the cafe. Come and choose any one!

These chairs attach perfectly to tables:

By the way, in the cafe you can eat not only cakes and ice cream, but also quite serious adult food:

You can eat for about $20-25 per person.
This is probably not all the delights of American Girl stores, but to find out everything, you need to visit them in person. Therefore, I envy those who live in America and can at least sometimes look into this fairy tale with white envy. Dear fairy tale. This is probably the only drawback of these stores. The prices are very high. But nevertheless, these stores are never empty.
I have never been there and probably never will. I collected all the information bit by bit from photos and video reviews of such stores from the Internet.
I continue to be amazed at the commercial concept of the company for these dolls. Indeed, in addition to the dolls themselves and accessories, furniture, houses and transport, there are many other aspects. Fiction books about doll heroines. Don't like to read? Please watch feature films based on the plot of the books. Salon for dolls. Clothes for dolls and real girls! Hospital for the treatment (repair) of dolls! It's mind boggling!!! This world is richer than Barbie's!
And how, tell me, can you leave such a store without buying something?

I only have two babies from this store so far.

I wrote in detail about them and their book history in this topic

Now two more babies are coming to see me. And it will be about them too detailed review. One is already traveling across Russia. But there won’t be a review about the second one soon, because she just left America. And America is, oh, how far away!
I hope you liked mine virtual tour shopping at American Girl.
Bring your American girls to visit. Big and small.
We are all very happy!
Best regards, Svetlana.

Various dolls lived and still live in our house: from our favorite self-sewn soulful Waldorf and grandmother’s folk patchwork dolls, to gifts from Barbie. I don’t like modern plastic dolls and I never wanted to buy them for my daughter. Yes, she didn’t play with dolls very often; we mostly use animals. I couldn’t imagine that the day would come and an important guest would settle in our house.

One day, my daughter and dad went for a walk into the city and discovered an American Girl store in the center of Chicago. This is a whole doll kingdom... If you have ever been there, then you probably understand the parental feelings that arise, but if not, then it is difficult to explain. My heart sank, I decided to buy a doll, and a new era of playing with dolls began.

It must be said that the doll is not cheap, and if you buy everything that can be attached to it, then consider that you have another child. And the doll looks like a doll. Yes, a pretty face, twinkling eyes, a soft body, beautiful hair.

How it happened that this doll became the dream of many girls, and frankly, some mothers, is a mystery... Apparently it was due to the fact that it is realistic. And her world is similar to the real one not only because of the beautiful clothes and other things, but also because each American Girl doll has a story. Of course, you can see behind all this just good marketing campaign, but that’s probably not the only thing.

Well, how can we not talk about dolls! The happy owner wanted to tell about her favorite! This is her first report, which she is very proud of.

One of the advantages of owning our doll is that the girl has a desire to think about the ideal that she would like to live up to. We wanted to read books about girls and found one in , watched the film. Thoughts appeared about the history of the country in which she lives, about the fact that children also participate in it, about how character is formed, about other internal things. It's definitely worth the money, considering the amounts that are often spent on smartphones and electronic toys for children. You may not regret buying a doll that a girl might want to keep as a souvenir of her childhood.

This is such a purchase. Most likely, bicycles, cars and “even musical instruments“We won’t buy our doll, but we will sew and knit clothes ourselves. Which is useful, I think.

Of course, this doll is for girls over 8 years old, when they can treat it responsibly and take care of their precious gift. It is difficult to get a child to treat a doll with special treatment simply because it is expensive. Therefore, it is better to give a little girl a simpler doll, so as not to scold her later for sloppiness.

If you think that your child is not yet ready to care for and protect a valuable doll properly, there are many good budget alternatives, for example:

Well, there are dolls even more expensive than American Girl, For example Kidz n cats doll. All 18″ dolls, by and large, are not very different from each other. We compared the dolls "Our generation" and "American girl".

  • Both dolls are 18 inches tall, with approximately the same figures, allowing them to wear each other's clothes.
  • The hair of the “American girl” is thick, and the hair of “Our generation” is attached in rather sparse rows.
  • Both dolls' eyes close and open.
  • The faces of each brand are equally cute. Besides, this is a matter of taste.
  • The "American girl" has her head firmly attached to her body. And "Our generation" sways when you tilt it.
  • Different arrangement of legs - “American girl” can be placed with its legs forward, and if you sit the “Our generation” doll, then its legs will look to the sides. Both dolls can stand and sit without support.
  • Our Generation doll can't give up like American Girl, but that doesn't really affect her appearance and doesn't have of great importance when playing.
  • Our Generation dolls arms and legs are more flexible, which is convenient when dressing the doll.
  • American Girl dolls have firm arms and legs and are a little heavier in weight.

If your child is not very dedicated to brands, then he is unlikely to notice the difference. So please your girls with new dolls. It doesn't matter whether they are expensive or cheap. And let them not collect them, but play with them, because in playing with dolls, girls learn to love and care for others.

A legendary doll store in the USA and a significant event in the cultural life of the country. Produces iconic American Girl dolls, clothes and accessories for them, as well as their little owners. By purchasing one of the American Girl dolls in a standard set of meet clothes, you can simultaneously purchase similar clothes and accessories for its owner - a girl under 12 years old. However, the magic of American Girl dolls is explained not only by the ability to dress a doll and a girl in the same way, everything is much more interesting.

The Pleasant Company, which has been producing American Girl dolls since 1986, was created in defiance of Barbie, which the company's owner, Pleasant Rowland, declared to be the embodiment of bad taste. American Girl dolls have a soft vinyl body, movable plastic limbs and head, very high quality working out the details of the face and close to natural hair. In this regard, American Girl comes close in performance to realistic reborn baby dolls and, likewise, are both playable and collectible.

The fact is that Pleasant Company regularly releases a doll of the year, which is sold until December 31, and then becomes a collectible toy and its production is discontinued. In 2014, it was the blue-eyed, brown-haired Isabelle, about whom it is known that she studies at a dance school and helps talented children achieve new successes. How is this known? From magazines about the girl doll Isabelle, which can be purchased along with the doll, clothes and accessories for her owner.

American Girl dolls are not small - they stand 18-19 inches tall without clothes or shoes, depending on the model. Once you buy an American Girl doll, you can continue to buy new things and accessories for her and her owner every year. In addition, the little owner of the American Girl doll becomes a member of the club of the same name - she has access to many holiday and other events throughout America, computer games and educational programs on US history. The American Girl club program is imbued with patriotic themes and sets itself the goal of no more, no less, to instill tolerance in children, which is important for the multinational population of the country.

Along with contemporary dolls of their little mistresses, Pleasant Company produces a line of historical dolls. The production of each of them is preceded by a large and painstaking research costume historians and sociologists. As a result, a girl doll is born that reproduces the image of its historical prototype down to the smallest detail. There are currently 8 characters in the American Girl line of historical dolls - Addy, Caroline, Josefina, Julie & Ivy, Kaya, Kit & Ruthie, Marie-Grace & Cecile and Rebecca.

These are single dolls, or dolls with girlfriends - it all depends on the story they tell about themselves and the time in which they live. For example, Josefina is a Spanish-born heroine living in New Mexico around 1824 who dreams of becoming a healer. Addy, a black girl, by the will of her creator in 1864, escapes from slavery and learns the true meaning of freedom. Kaya, a Nez-Perke Indian living in 1764, tells fairy tales to his blind sister and hopes to one day become the leader of his people.

The war “for taste and morality” of the younger generation of the United States between Pleasant Rowland and the Mattel company, which produces Barbie, lasted 12 years. Then Pleasant Rowland’s little nieces, for whom this business was actually started in 1986, grew up, and Pleasant Company was successfully sold to the same Mattel. The amount of the deal was not disclosed, but given the wild popularity of American Girl dolls among children and collectors, as well as the American Girl Place chain of stores, Ms. Rowland made a good business.

Delivery of dolls, clothes and accessories within the USA is paid and costs $5.


American Girl dolls of historical and modern series for two age categories - girls 3-6 years old and girls 7-12 years old. Clothes, shoes, accessories and furniture for dolls. Clothes, shoes and accessories for girls.


The American Girl Doll of the Year, complete with clothes, shoes and accessories + a magazine in English with the story of the girl doll, costs $120. After December 31st, the price of the doll will increase every year. For example, blue-eyed Swedish girl Kirsten - the first of three American Girl dolls - is worth up to $5,000 among collectors, depending on condition and wardrobe.

Historical dolls are slightly cheaper - $110 for a doll with standard clothes and $134 for a doll with a set of accessories.

An additional set of clothes for a doll costs an average of $30.

A set of clothes of 3-4 items for a little girl - from $40, for a schoolgirl - from $60.