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How to start a service business with minimal investment. Interesting and profitable business ideas for providing services

Creating mobile apps using Excel, booking homemade food from locals and stadium food delivery service. Unusual services and new types of business in the service sector.

Investments from 45,000 rub.

Franchise "Own Line"

A ready-made turnkey business without fees or royalties, with minimal investment. Possibility to work from home

From Russian mothers on maternity leave to large foreign projects in women's businesses. A selection of new types of women's entrepreneurship that you can borrow or use for inspiration.

“Last mile” services, logistics systems involving drones and vacuum trains, “on-demand” delivery, to the trunk of your own car and without the presence of the owner. Let's see where the delivery industry is going.

Business idea No. 6041

Walmart is testing a new revolutionary food delivery service. The courier is allowed to enter the house and place groceries directly into the customer's refrigerator.

A service for organizing photo sessions on board a fake private jet has appeared in Moscow. The studio collects 14 thousand rubles from those who want to show off to their Instagram followers.

Investments from 800,000 rub.

Earn from 100,000 rubles. per month clean and save ~ 150,000 rubles. thanks to the Superman payment terminal, which replaces your administrator!

Chinese Mei Aitsai founded a dating service in Kharkov that helps men from the Middle Kingdom find a bride from Ukraine. Aitsai decided to create his own agency after marrying a young Ukrainian beauty...

A neon-themed hostel designed to attract millennials has opened in Singapore. In Singapore, in an area called Tiong Bahru, a hostel has opened...

The American postal company FedEX has created a music tracking service for parcels. The American postal company FedEX decided to turn the boring tracking service...

Investments from 200,000 rub.

Production of metal products under the Metal Master franchise

Off-season business in the production of cabins, fences, gates, gratings, gazebos, barbecues and furniture. Training technology from scratch even without construction experience, launch in 2 weeks, staff from 1 person.

In recent years, many couples have strived to make their wedding the most unique and unforgettable. A service called “Wedding Theater” is an opportunity to show your own...

There are bus stops in Singapore where you can check the weather, local news, download e-books and connect to Wi-Fi. The Singapore government...

An agency called Dragonfly Advisory Services has appeared in Canada, which takes care of all paper formalities after the death of a person, freeing the relatives of the deceased from them.

The German brand Sennheiser decided to introduce a new service in the headphone trade. At its flagship store in Singapore, the company organized rental of several product models...

Several entrepreneurs from the Netherlands decided to convert a food trailer into a men's hairdressing salon. At the food festival in Amsterdam among...

a new trend in funeral services “Traditional” cemeteries will not last long - such a pun. Traditional methods of burial are respectively the same...

It used to be fashionable to have an all-inclusive service in a hotel. Now everything should be “connected”. That is, the space should resemble a smart home (smart home) and be the “Internet of Things”. This is also on...

New trend in alternative aviation: private jet companies. The JetMe platform is a unique niche business. There are countries in which owners of personal...

Investments from RUB 440,000.

Earn up to 148,000 rubles monthly. Interactive vending model of the railway with the function of issuing gifts. An interesting alternative to standard vending solutions.

What can such conservative and bourgeois have in common - realtors in suits selling real estate to a wealthy clientele and... millennial hippies on bicycles who love not...

Section about small businesses in the service sector: ideas from scratch, profitability, new and current technologies in the industry, risks, analytics and tips for beginners in this field. Here we will analyze all possible business ideas in the service sector, as well as answer questions about how to start your own business, which one is better to choose and where to start.

The service sector is part of the economy, including all types of commercial and non-commercial services; a consolidated general category that includes the reproduction of various types of services provided by organizations and individuals.

The best ideas for business in the service sector

We will try to reveal all types of services on which you can make money.

About the service sector

The service sector today is developing at tremendous speed. This includes many entertainment venues, hotel and restaurant businesses and much more. But how can you figure everything out on your own with so many options? How to choose? Need a strategy and a business idea! All these questions will be answered in this section of the site.

It is believed that this particular area of ​​business is one of the most difficult to start. After all, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. These include all possible licenses and permits. The average person simply does not have the opportunity to know about all of them at the initial stage. For this purpose, business ideas in the service sector were collected with all the necessary information to open your own business. Our website presents only the most effective and practical methods that, using minimal investments, can develop entrepreneurial activity from scratch. The best recommendations for the necessary documentation are collected here, competent business plans are drawn up, and the necessary equipment is described.

Services are a sought-after and, most importantly, endlessly profitable field of activity. Undoubtedly, to start you will need a certain monetary contribution (not always), but our employees select exclusively cost-effective offers that will make your establishment in demand in the shortest possible time. Using these ideas and methods, any person will soon be able to become a financially independent owner of their favorite business.

Every year there are more and more government programs aimed at supporting small businesses, so starting your own business is becoming easier. Now almost everyone has this opportunity, all you have to do is figure out what you want to earn money from and implement your plans.

A service business can be more profitable than sales for a number of reasons. Firstly, it will not require large investments; most likely you will not need to spend money on purchasing equipment and products. Secondly, it is always relevant, and now more fresh ideas are emerging, especially in the entertainment industry.

In order to start your entrepreneurial activity, first of all decide on the type of services that you will provide. There are quite a few of them now, but it is best to choose the direction in which you really understand.

To ensure that everything is legal and you don’t have any problems, register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur, having previously chosen the system by which taxation will be carried out and the code of the economic activity you will be engaged in.

  • a single tax on imputed income;
  • patent tax system;
  • simplified taxation system.

What kind of business you can open in the service sector - watch this video:

In any case, choose those conditions for registering individual entrepreneurs that will be beneficial specifically for your activities. When all the main issues with documentation have been resolved, proceed to purchase the necessary equipment.

When opening a business in the service sector, in addition to it, you can bring additional income to you, but will not require any investment - all the details are at the link.

Therefore, you should pay more attention to posting information about your services on social networks. So, what can the service industry offer you in terms of choosing a small business concept? Simply put, what services can provide good income?

Online store delivering books or other goods to your home

It is pleasant to note that there is now a trend of increasing interest in books. Yes, any book can be read and listened to in electronic form on a computer or gadget, but among book lovers, real editions are always a priority.

There is a crisis in the country right now, but this cannot affect the emergence of new business ideas, and you will find out which of them are popular now

The store works with clients via the Internet, where a person places an order, possibly for several books at once, which the courier delivers to their home at a convenient time, where the client picks up all or part of the goods. You will develop the details of the store yourself.

So, here is an approximate scheme for the development of an online book delivery store:

  1. Resolve all issues with the tax service by registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur;
  2. Find book suppliers and negotiate partnerships;
  3. Create an online store website and take care of advertising.

This is how you can quickly, simply and without much expense, start your own small business, which may grow into something more serious. An online store delivering clothes, cosmetics, accessories, and so on can work according to the same scheme.

What is the service industry?

Providing photographic services

Already a fairly common type of business with almost no investment.

Almost everyone now has a camera, learning how to use it is also not difficult, and if you have untapped talent, creative vision and taste, you will quickly achieve results. In this path, the main thing is your interest in your business, if you like to take photographs, and you do it from the heart, then clients will be drawn to you.

So what Needed to open a business providing photography services:

  1. Buy a good camera. The cost of a regular SLR camera ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles; the next price category includes semi-professional cameras; prices for equipment considered professional start from 100 thousand rubles.
  1. Develop in your chosen field. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to sign up for expensive courses and master classes. There is more than enough free information in this area on the Internet. But the most important thing is to constantly practice, without ceasing to analyze your work.
  1. Take care of advertising. The best advertising in this business is the so-called word of mouth. Take good photographs and grateful clients will recommend you to their friends. In addition, start creating a portfolio and actively use advertising opportunities on the Internet.

In the future, you can acquire your own photo studio, to which you can invite clients or rent it out to other photographers for a few hours.

So, what types of shooting can you do:

  • photo sessions in the studio and walking photo sessions;
  • photos for model portfolios;
  • photographing corporate events, anniversaries and weddings;
  • advertising photos for restaurants, flower shops, etc.

To open such a business, it is not even necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur.

If you have a spacious room, then you can, which is gaining more and more popularity every day, how to do this - read the link.

Advertising taxi, free for the consumer

A taxi works according to the following scheme: when purchasing goods for a certain amount from a trading company with which the taxi cooperates, the client receives the right to one or more free trips.

Read the article about what business ideas are popular in Russia.

To open such a business you need:

  1. Register your company;
  2. Buy several reliable cars, preferably of the same model and color;
  3. Find partners among retail chains, negotiate terms of cooperation and conclude an agreement;
  4. Hire a staff of drivers and start a taxi business.

This video will tell you how to start your own business in the service sector:

These are just a few of the possible service business options; you can also do:

  1. Removing snow from areas: you will need special equipment and some qualifications.
  2. Smoking meat and fish: for this you need to purchase a smokehouse.
  3. Restoration of pillows: having a special device that cleans the contents of pillows, you can make good money.
  4. Organizing holidays: a fairly profitable business, because more and more people trust the creation of a festive atmosphere to professionals. You will provide services for decorating the room where the celebration will take place, selecting presenters and writing a script for the upcoming event.
  5. Cleaning: here you will need a staff of experienced employees and some equipment.
  6. Buy a vending machine and make a profit from it: this machine is installed in crowded places, such as train stations, airports, shopping centers. It allows those who want to charge their phone, print photos, buy something to eat or drink coffee. The cost of a vending machine is from 100 thousand and above; this amount will be fully recouped in about a year and a half after purchase and installation.

Types of business ideas with minimal investment

There is a list of business ideas that allow you to start your own business with minimal or no investment:

Recruitment agency. To open it, you need to have some knowledge and personal qualities, rent an office and get a couple of employees. It will cost you about 600,000 rubles, and the profit on average will be about 500,000 per month, so in a little more than a month this business will fully pay off.

If you have a teenager and he doesn’t have enough pocket money, you can find them yourself, all the ideas are at the link.

Real estate agency. From one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles will be required from you to open your own real estate business. How quickly such an investment will pay off depends solely on the work of realtors. Minimum period from two to six months.

Agency for the selection of nannies and caregivers. On average, two hundred thousand rubles are needed to open such an agency. And it will pay off in about a year.

Features of the business.

Tattoo parlor. Due to new trends among young people, this business will quickly pay off. As an initial investment, you need to purchase special paints, tools and a tattoo machine. Services can also be provided at home.

In this case, all the equipment will cost about forty thousand rubles, and the payback period will depend on how many people want to contact you. Therefore, pay more attention to advertising.

When starting any business, you need a business plan, but how to create one? Instructions are located

The main thing in any endeavor is to be interested in what you are doing, and then you will succeed.

Service business is a very broad concept, so everyone can choose a suitable startup to launch.

The service industry has always been one of the most common areas to start a business.

And this is reasonable, because money can only be made on what people really need.

Service business is a very broad concept, so everyone can choose a suitable startup to launch.

The main thing is to study the theoretical basis, think through the business plan to the smallest detail and find enough money for capital investments.

But it all starts with an idea (which services are the most profitable for the population to make money from), which will either lead to big earnings or to the ruin of the business.

What does it take to start a service business?

Not every person can engage in business, and even more so if it is associated with the sphere of public services.

If you do not have certain qualities, if you are not ready to work from morning to evening on developing your business in the service sector, if you do not have start-up capital, and you generally do not know how to handle money, then it is better to look for a simple job with a stable salary.

Business providing services to the public does not tolerate amateurs, lazy people and fools.

It is not advisable to engage in business in the service sector without:

  1. Education (higher or secondary specialized).
    If you have an education diploma in the field you are going to work in, then your work will be much easier.
  2. Work experience.
    If you don’t understand the business you want to open at all, how can you control the activities of your employees?
    For example, to make a restaurant successful, it is advisable to work in the restaurant business for at least several years. The last option is to thoroughly study the theory surrounding your new business in order to provide the highest quality services to the public.
  3. The presence of such qualities as: determination, efficiency, creativity, perseverance, leadership and others.
  4. Ability to work with numbers and wisely distribute earnings.
  5. Starting capital (or at least 50% of the required amount).
  6. The desire to work hard and persistently, to solve problems before they arise, to manage everything independently, despite the presence of assistants.
  7. Believe in your success.

What business in the service sector is most profitable to engage in?

It is important for every entrepreneur that his business begins to make a profit soon after opening and becomes self-sustaining in a short time.

This can only be achieved if the services you offer to the population are needed by them.

To launch a profitable and promising business in the service sector, you need:

  1. Study the market: what sells best, what areas are in demand, which companies or stores most often become successful, which ones go bankrupt, etc.
  2. Occupy a free niche, because if you fail, you can forget about profit.
  3. Study the features of your region: rental prices, labor resources, consumables, etc.
  4. Find a business in which the level of competition is not too high, so that you do not have to spend huge sums on advertising and creating competitive advantages.
  5. with specific calculations based on prices in your region.

Based on data for 2015, we can create a chart showing the level of profit in the service sector over the past year:

As we can see, the most promising business in the service sector is still the opening of beauty salons, private clinics, cafes, restaurants, bars and other establishments related to the field of beauty, health and nutrition.

But it is not necessary to open something so banal, especially since the level of competition in this sector is incredibly high, there is a more original business idea, services to the public - a broad concept.

Business providing services to the public: catering establishments

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.”
Robert Orben

Every city already has so many different cafes and restaurants that opening another one may seem like too much of a risky idea.

And yet this business can be made successful if:

  1. Come up with an original concept for a catering establishment that will interest customers even before, for example, exotic or national cuisine that is not yet represented in your city, a pancake shop with three dozen types of pancakes on the menu, a sports pub, etc.
  2. Find a room that does not require major renovations and is not too expensive.
  3. Entrust the designer with the development of an exclusive interior.
  4. Hire a team of professionals (cooks, waiters, bartenders).
  5. Think over your pricing policy so that the cost of food and drinks pleases your customers and at the same time is not unprofitable for you.
  6. Develop an interesting menu.
  7. Actively advertise your establishment.

A business providing services to the public in the catering sector can be done by opening:

  • restaurant;
  • cafe;
  • dining room;
  • fast food;
  • pancake;
  • pizzeria;
  • coffee shop;
  • snack bar;
  • confectionery;
  • children's cafe, etc.

Ideas for business in the service sector: beauty and health

The sphere of beauty and health brings the greatest profit to entrepreneurs, both in stable and crisis times, because people will never skimp on their health, and women will never skimp on beauty.

If you are looking for an interesting and promising idea for a business and have enough funds, then you can open:

  1. .
    The price list of such an establishment should include not only standard procedures, such as manicure, pedicure, facial and hair care, but also more exotic services: Thai massage, chocolate wrap, hammam, fish pedicure, stone therapy, infrared sauna, etc.
    You should focus on wealthy clients who are willing to spend money on themselves.
  2. A hairdresser with a standard list of services in a densely populated residential area.
    Young mothers, housewives, working women with low incomes do not spend too much money and time on themselves.
    They need classic procedures: haircuts, hair coloring, manicure, pedicure, cosmetologist.
    And it is desirable that all this can be found in the area in which they live.
  3. Cheap, purely men's hairdresser.
    Today, men's hairdressing salons have disappeared from the list of services related to beauty and health, gender boundaries have been erased and representatives of the stronger sex get their hair cut in the same glamorous halls as ladies.
    If you open a truly men's hairdressing salon, then you will not end up with clients.
  4. Tattoo parlor.
    People continue to decorate their bodies with intricate designs, so why not start making a business out of it, especially if there is no tattoo parlor in your city yet.
  5. Private clinic: either a general one or a narrow one, for example, a dental, gynecological, office or aesthetic medicine center.
  6. Private laboratory.
    Both the clinic and the laboratory require huge capital to open.
  7. A fitness room or other facility where you can exercise regularly.

Service Business Ideas: Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry has lost some ground over the past few years due to the economic crisis, but remains a promising service sector in which entrepreneurs with a start-up capital of at least half a million rubles can do business.

Service Businesses to Consider:

  1. Entertainment centers for children.
    This could be an indoor amusement park, playrooms for children of different ages, a hall with slot machines, a center where children can develop their creativity, play board games, etc.
  2. Sports clubs.
    Billiards, bowling, paintball, rental of bicycles and scooters, riding school and other areas for business are very popular today because they allow you to have a fun and healthy time.
  3. Agency for organizing festive events.
    This service business is most suitable for entrepreneurs from large and medium-sized cities.
    The main thing is to hire talented animators and organizers who are bursting with ideas and are able to make any holiday memorable.

Rental service business

The purchasing power of the population has fallen significantly over the past two years.

Not all people can immediately buy a washing machine or a car after they break down, or buy a set for 50 people if some kind of celebration is planned.

Americans were among the first to understand that it is not necessary to sell what people need.

You can rent this out and make a good business out of it.

The rental service business has not yet been mastered by domestic entrepreneurs, so you must hurry to occupy your niche.

You can rent out anything:

  • wedding, evening dresses and other expensive clothing;
  • decorations;
  • designer accessories;
  • household, office, medical and other equipment;
  • cars;
  • dishes;
  • construction equipment;
  • furniture - and so on.

We provide services to the public and at the same time sell our talent and knowledge

If you have some unique knowledge or rare talent, then you don’t have to work for someone else; you can quite use your advantages by providing services to the public.

Business will flourish if you do something truly promising and profitable, for example:

  1. Repair of clothing, shoes, household appliances, fur products, furniture, cars and more.
  2. Creation of exclusive clothing, shoes, jewelry, furniture, hats, souvenirs and more.
  3. or main dishes right at home.
  4. Developing interior design or landscape design.
  5. Providing consulting services to the population in the field of law, medicine, education, culture, etc.

To begin with, you can open a small business and not even hire employees (or hire a minimum number of them), and then, having made your company self-sustaining and realizing that you are on the right track, expand it.

In the video below you will find tips,

how to open a service business:

Business providing services to the public can be based on original ideas

If you don’t like any of the proposed business ideas and seem already hackneyed, then you can look for more original startups to launch.

For example, open:

  1. Mobile, which sells its delicate goods each time in a new place and delivers bouquets where the client needs them.
  2. An eco-hotel for a certain category of the population, for example, for newlyweds or for grandmothers with grandchildren.
  3. A company that designs and produces board games.
  4. A car service or car wash that goes to the client’s home.
  5. Free taxis or minibuses, which advertisers pay for placing their advertisements outside and inside the vehicle;
  6. Pet spa and hotel.
  7. A company that breeds and sells pigeons, butterflies and other beautiful animals for weddings and other special occasions.

Well, of course, we shouldn’t forget that service business impossible without sales.

Trading has been one of the favorite activities of entrepreneurs for more than a century.

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